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Good Evening! (sad face)

We begin our program with heartbreaking news in a valentine and catastrophic day, Sadly
for some families in florida and million more in whole country.

This morning in the Parkland’s county, florida there was another shooting episode in the
Stoneman Douglas High School. The authorities said that at least 17 people are dead after a
19 year old man opened fire at the high school campus in Parkland.

According to the Marshall (Police) James Dean, The suspect was Peter Trump (Killer) a.k.a
“little gunfighter”, a former student of the school, who had been expelled. He escaped with
fleeing students but is now in police custody.

The county’s sheriff Alan brook told to reporters the death toll. Mr trump killed three people
outside the school, before entering the building and then inside kill another 12. Two people
later died after being taken to the nearest hospital.

Health officials said that 3 people remain in a critical condition and 3 other are in stable

Our Journalist Daniel, could contact to a police officer, other students and exclusively to Mr
Trump, the “little gunfighter”. Let’s watch the story.

Good evening everyone and Alejandro. This is a sad and regrettable story. as you said
before, Peter Trump is the name of the killer, a 19 years old young man and right now he is
in police custody.

Here we have the Marshall, James Dean. Hello Mr Dean. Could you tell us how did the
events happen?


The high school's principal said that everything began at 9:30 am, close of the departure
time. Many students, teachers and staff heard some shots. The killer turned on some alarms
while he was wearing an antigas mask and he threw some smoke granades. He had an
semiautomatic weapon AR-15 and few of chargers.

Police and swat members evacuate the campus and began to clear the area moving
students from the school. There is no property damages in the neighborhood and the
classes are canceled until next announcement. The emergency alarm has been activated in
all florida’s state.
A teacher who was a witness scene said that the accused had been expelled for disciplinary
reasons, neighbours and friends sair Mr Trump was known to shoot chickens, and talk about
shooting lizards, squirrels and frogs.


Tell us, what happened and what did you do?

Well, we were in the classroom when we heard some shots. We was scared. Immediately,
we run to the exit and I heard some unbelievables screams
Peter was a young orphan, a few months ago his mother had died. A few days ago he had
uploaded photos to Instagram with weapons. He is usually a fan of arms and usually had
anger problems and lived continuously stressed. He had told us that he had been previously
expelled from two private schools and had planned to join the army.


Why did you do that?


I am joined to a white nationalist group some time ago and we believe in the white
supremacy and I needed to show them that we will be able to do each thing that we want to
do and nobody can stop us.


Why you didn’t do it that before?


I was planning my attack a lot of time before and after my mom death I had the feeling that
the time had had come. I thought each detail to cause the major quantity of casualties that
was possible, right now I know that the number of death toll is around 17 people and also
there are some people injured. I am sure that this Valentine’s Day is going to be
unforgettable date to everybody.


What will happen with Peter Trump?


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