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High School Developmental Observation

School__​Southern Nash Hig​h__________________________ Date ____​2/9/18_____

Class___​Agriscience Applications​___________________ Grade_______​9 & 10_______

Most students are post adolescence at this stage and are in full blown puberty so
there is a variance in heights. Many are starting to develop a more muscular
Physical Development

Though many can be argumentative and take pleasure in debating authority or

one another, the students in this class were engaged in a respectful discussion
Cognitive with the teacher and asked pertinent questions. One of the tasks in the lesson
Development required collaboration and use of critical thinking. All seemed engaged but a
few seemed more confident in their opinions and answers.

Students spoke fluently and offered detailed answers. Many were able to
elaborate on ideas and thoughts shared by their peers. Looking over a few
journal entries, their writing samples were average to above and demonstrated a
Language and Literacy
strong grasp of language mechanics though grammar was lacking in a few.

It was clear that there are numerous groups by which the students in this school
identify but all seem to be respectful of their diversity. There were a few
students who appeared to be somewhat shy and more reserved.
Self-concept, identity,
and motivation

Students sat in groups and collaborated for a portions of the lesson. It was
difficult to tell who were friends and who had been teamed up for the sake of the
Peer Relations and
moral development

Observation Completed by​ ________​Amy Parker______________________________

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