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REVISED BULLETIN 297 SEPTEMBER 1987 0) ailieenen LOCAL STRESSES IN CYLINDRICAL SHELLS DUE TO EXTERNAL LOADINGS ON NOZZLES— SUPPLEMENT TO WRC BULLETIN NO. 107— (Revision 1) by J. L. Mershon, K. Mokhtarian, G. V. Ranjan and B, C. Rodabaugh ISSN 0043-2926 WRC Bulletin Series i etait ig row hy Sa we Toupeae rk Sonn 8 fh nh Gh Compton te cng an aa ph Local Stresses in Cylindrical Shells Due to External Loadings on Nozzles—Supplement to WRC Bulletin No. 107 (Revision !) By J. L. Mershon, K. Mokhtarian, G. V. Ranjan, and E. C. Rodabeugh CONTENTS Foreword Foreword to Revlaion T 10. Nomenclature 20 Introduction ----cssss soos 40 Caloulations of Strerees MU PMoM Norland Sree 33 Mo VeVi None a z ‘onde 440 valuation of Loads 5 References =. igs. 3 through 60... Appondiz A~Bsample Calouiaiions Appendix B— Comparison of This "Bullets Reaults with FEM WRC Bulletin 107 Curves ....... rn Acknowledgements... : ign C-l through C-i2 Foreword ‘WRC Bulletin 107, “Loca Stresses in Spherical nd Cylindrical Shalls Dus to External Loading,” by KR. Wichman, A. G. Hopper, and JL. Mershon, has been widely ued by design analyst ince its initial publica. tion in August 1965, This continued use despite a ‘vances in analysis methods and capabilities and in- Sean ee roused experimental data made avallale during ho ‘ensuing years underscores the noed fora “cook book” tf the Bulletin 107 type. The persistence af this seed (eas a mejor motivating factor for preparation of thie “Supplement” provided here In Bulletin 297 thet broudens the overage of Balen 107 Tn this document methods and date are given fr treating two normally intescetingeylndeies! abel, that i eyindeeal norle radially attashed to sli vical asl (abel). Streue in Both tho nose ans ‘esol canbe determined, and the range of ose! smeler-tothicknen ratio covered is increased => that of Balletn 107. The analytical method used yas derived and developed by CR Stele on tho asl of ‘hin shel tery ‘As with any undertaking ofthis type, several por sons made nsportant contributions tothe prod sf tls document. The work wes done ender the Tet Group on Development of Design Procedes for Cy Tindrical Shells of the Subcommitas om Reece Openings and Haternal Losdings chaired by W. ‘Kroenke. Hagstrom, Teak Group Chala, so ‘ied and coordinated he overall project. Mo) ‘he Tas Group were: R.E, Gleason, HLT. Husng, ‘Mershon, EC. Redabaugh, R. W. Schneider, ©. V Ranjan, and GO, Widers W.L. Green Chairman, PYRE Desig Divison Foreword to Revision T Studies of Figs 50 and 60 of tha Bulletin bave resulted In the conclusion that the curves in those figures cover avery narrow range of goons pr fers and in fact, some of the labels ox ho uve Fig 60 of the August 198 printing of Bulletin ‘ware in ertor. Figs 89 and 60 were iaerted inthe 1964, ‘arson of hia Bulletin to prove rome ine cerning Aesbity. Homever, they eat only om ‘pprosimatevahos of laibitie fr the esse shells having simply supported boundary condition ‘with the ends remaining round but free fo rotste. A ‘Somprehensveset af data ls curcetly being peepered q ‘Stresses in Cylindrical Shee {ornozzle Mexillity- This revised Bulletin corrects the labels on Fig. 60 and provides statements concerning ‘the limitations ofthese figures. The specific changes tt lieted below 1, Page 4—Minor editora change, 2. Pags Ad reference 11 and add s paragraph Bil 6m) 0 Nonale-alal surface stresses at the nosze-vom! junction are calculated by equations (5) ne (0) "The term containing yas been introduced to cor ‘et the moment applied tothe nozae by subse [N-T/2 fom the redial moment onthe shell sige o the junetion. Est om-a]- o MUS sn-m)- Ing, (8) the noralecrose sectional ates calls eae wat, and in Ea. (6) the nozzo section moduli is fslountad sa ed°U4. These are approximate expr fons approprat for nozalee with rae dati omzlee with smaller d/ ratio, the Zllowing exact, expressions should be used. Fer the crows sectional As tat—ap, For the section modulus, wet a2 wa where y= d— 26 © moze inside diameter In this Bulletin, the nozle eeumferential mex brane stresses are et equal othe vetel shell eam ferential (8 direction) membrane streses atthe nox sle-eatl junction This assumption i juste’ by te fact thatthe masdanum nozzle stress occur at she shell junction, and at this location both the nose ene the shell have the same radial sean. Nozze iran {erential bending stresses are assumed tobe nelle ‘compared with the membrane stresees. This, benz ‘le creumferential stresses ae Pe ena ¢ Eta) ‘Stresees in Clindrical Selle Mi eM @ = Mt. ° In Bas. (9), (4, (8), and (), My = Mor My. The poaitve part ofthe sigs is for the outer srfae ofthe ‘earl or nosle, and the negutive partis forthe inner sntce. ige3-58 give my my and yas fonctions of dt, sod Tj. Table 1 is am index of Figs. 3-58 In using these figures, interpolation ie required between the'T/ {lines ona given igure and between the gure for dt ‘The interpolations and other aspects of caleulting stress for P, M, oF Mi loads are lustzatd by the ‘xample calculations in Appendix A ‘The sign of theatres rsulanis obtained from ‘igs 2-88 ae based on the asurption thatthe exter ‘al load P, Ma, and Mi are postive. Paatve direc. toot of the extemal leds are indicned in Fig. 1 ‘Table 2 shows the sign ofthe membrane and bending stresses at aaimuth angs of 0°, 80", 180" and 270" ‘ume by positive external loads and eesoming posi- ‘ve vals for the str etultant ead from Pigs. 58 ither negative sree resltant values or negative ‘exieral loads wil revere the sigs howa in Table 2. [A pl sgn mene ¢tenile strom aad ¢zlnus sige tneana a compresive sree The listed signe apply to both the veatl sell and the nozzle withthe exception ofthe circumferential bending stresses inthe aozle thet are not covered inthis Bulltin because oftheir {insignificance ‘The notation (0) behind an animuth ‘ans the inner surface and the notation (o) babind (Srasimuth meane the outer earore {32 FMM Novae Londs, imitations ‘Steoes theory is applicable to the intereation of « sonal moe aise normal to the eurface of «veal find where both noe and vesl are trestod es thin rllod elindsicl abells According to Stele for {hin-shll theory tobe val dt = 20, /T = 20, nd IT 2 5, Homever, Use nozee thine is are, it cts a a nearly rigid inert, so reasonable sets for the veselstres are obtained for any at, Alshough the shallow-shllslutions used by Stool! may be valid wp to. @/D ratio of 05, the exact limit of cpplcston {depends on the D/T ratio, Thisieindiostad by Pig. 2 19; where curves for diferent Tit and dt values a tend up todifferent values of. It inot recomended that eurves be extspolated beyond the values for whlch sree resultants are ploted. In addition to the limitations givon by Stoel! de. ‘noted above, the limit D/T 2600 is resommended "The reason i that the theory is near elastic end oss not necessary account for nonlines effets or bus ling Test deta are nelle for D/T up to 250 ata give reasonable assurance thatthe thoory i = plicable up to D/T = 2300. Figures 8 erelimited to dt < 100 boceusoit sented thatthe would over esantilly all pls. tons of nozle in vessels o piping. The figure lade dt» 10, which, for atzeaze inthe wana 5 Feasontble approximation for any salle dite recognized tht, with D/T 3 2500, there are sgniticsnt portions of Figs 2-58 thet are “outof bounds." The lineslabeled t= Ocorrespond toD/T finfinity and sre sed to represent rigid plugs and es an cid to Interpolation, ven noales with large dt ratios oe be onaered rigid pgs inthis instance. "Thetheory la sppliableto “isolated nozalon where iaolated means thatthe none most be suifcienty remote from any other stress discontinuity co tet tho tffect of the other decontinuity is negligible inthe ‘etney of nozae-sell junction. Thesreticls, cs Aitance maybe very large tif thedstanss the Junction ls greater than about 2,DT on to vee or 2d on the nome, th theory is deemed to provide reasonable design guidance "The theory isnot applicable toncals that pros Inside the vessel The nozle, of diferent thins than the attached branch pipe, should have ax length of not ls than 2(2E The noses mst tached tothe veatl by a Usouh penetra ‘Stree nthe vault the nonale may be eats ty = 2nd, 1 2Vladt. 10 Stress in the nose atthe vessl may be esis ra aMylieetD, ap 7 WVyted aa) In Bgp. (10) and (13), ¥ = Voor Vi, Bauations (0)-(2 ae nominal shear stress equations. For D/D up to shout O., the equations are deemed tobe reasonably courte: For eter cD (eg diD = 05), the caus ‘ons may be siglcentlyincourate. 1 Streses Due to Combined Nestle Lone 4 -evlved WRC Bulletin 267 Stree a a funetion of? are Lond Longitudinal Tranaverse lane plane (@=0" 180%) (@= 508,270) e ‘=Maximom Maximum M Negligible Maxime Mm, Maximum Negligible Fora few combinations of dt, end Ty, the masi- ‘um stresses oocur off the indicated plans: Figs. 3-58, epresnt the off plane streees for thow combina ‘ons of parameters ‘Streses due to Mi, Va Inde produce shee stress and, for comparisn with sllowablestreae in rescue vesel and piping code, {ts sppropriate to calculate stra intensity by the following equation. largest ebeolute magnitude of Wert ert ler- apr 4rtPA, (se) Werte — a)? +4eP%, Cab) Ue — eg 440% (ae) For the longitudinal plane, = f2) +f ao forthe transverse plans, PY 64, 09) 0 (B) = trea dus toatl load P, and acy for) and aM). For both planes, 75 2M) #00) + HV. 08) ‘Equation (12)-16) apply direct to stresses inthe esol: For the noule, Bg (6)(8) provide a method {orcaleulating the axal and dzcumferentil stresses thenozale Accordingly, Bag. (15)-(16) may be aplied {othe nol by aubatlting o fore and v for op. ‘Bquation (16) is conservative approsimation that can buted when shea tress ae not egnicent com pared with the direct stresses. However, if cheat Stresses due to V. and Vz become significant, it should be recognized that thelr maximum values and 2er0 ‘values otcur 90° epartfrom each other. Ths, Ha. (18) ould be separated into the following two expres: lone ry) + AV) forV, (6a) n= rOi)+2ViforVi. 188) ‘The larger shear stress from Bqs (16) oF (186) should ‘be used In Bas (18), (136, o 38). 440 Bvaluation of Loads eternal losdngs on norle usualy ar impowad by “piping evstem attached tothe nome, Magntades of the leds ae cleulated by an analysis ofthe piping fjstem. Ifthe piping epetama aussie isnot accurate, then the calulated stones du tothe calculated oad share that inaccuracy. This aspect is prticularly ig niflant forthe large D/T vessts covered by this Bul- Tein, beause nozzles in such vessels are vory exible, the noztle Nexbity isnot included inthe piping system analjsls,P, M, and Mi may be overestimated ‘ny aeveral order of magnitude, ‘Reference 3 does not provide data on flexblity of, ores in vessels However, Re. 4 and tho Sheltch Progress Report dated May 15, 1988, provide some eta on Mletbly. hove data aze Included hese 0s igs 50 and 60. Tis tobenoted thatthe curvesin thos figures ova row range of parameters a are approprsta o> Within this range of parameters. They provide pox mate vles of flxibiliis forthe eas of thin sls hhevng simply supported boundary conditions wits ‘nda remaining round but feet rotate, Furthermore, {or Fig. 50,1 >'P and ths the noztlcan be conse 1 be eaventaly rigid. Nozles witha large dt ratio may be significantly more feb then indicat by some ofthe dta ere. Further, it was chown in Ref. ‘that the exible are very sensitive to esaased boundary conditions for chore ejindees! cells a ‘that thissenalivity amore pronounced fr large pee ‘uations The use of Figs 80 and 60 for geometeos we DDoundery conditions other than thone ured ers, could therefore, rel in significant innearsci "More information on this subjoet can bo found in [Refs6, 7 and 11. A general discussion of tlxiiity ‘eters a ll a snmpraonaon paconation fo sign deta i planned fra future WRC bulla “Appendix A includes an example ofthe conversion of data from igs, 58 and 60 toa "esibiliy fact” ‘whereby the effet of nozzle Nexibilty on 8 piping ‘yotem sintultively apparent topping system desi 5. References cei rt Sct ‘pp aS mS ree ee ee : CER Ree teracuces Se ie erat ‘Stresses in Cylindrizal Shee -evised WRC Bulletin 297 ‘Stresses in Cylindrical Shelle Fe, 5naal morant rencontre Pond = 99.0) evsed WRC Bulletin 297 ‘Stresses in Cylindrial Selle Revised WRC Bulletin 297 00 > ERREEEEEE Torey ma, o Se ee eee ee aa ‘Tes | Hise se! : eS t to = =| Stress in Cylindrical Shells 2 ee eee Revised WRC Bulletin 297 Stresoes in Cylindrical Shells “ Fig 1a ce esas as Patt = 500) Revised WRC Bulletin 207 a or Fe, 12th = 100) Stresses in Cyindrial Shells 6 mo 18 Revised WRC Bulletin 267 18rd aan ese ans ao Plot» $00) Straten in Cylindrical Shell Revised WRC Bulletin 297 mo << i 12—etaral naan rns fo Peed = 290) Revised WRC Bulletin 207 Stresses in Cylindrical 8 oo 4 Revised WRC, or 00, Fi, 2a ca acon Pond = 180) 6 Fo. 25-nel momen tre restarts m eo Nees = 12.0 Revised WRC Bul 00 0.0 2+ nn ne artsy 0 oad t0n = 900) Stresseain Oyindrial Shells ou om IRC Bulletin 297 0 ‘Revised WRC Bulletin 297 ee a, 22—ttera re en doo Me = 200) Streees in Cylindi Revised WRC Bulletin 100 Revised WRC Bul Fig inl moment reser my do Meese = 1.0) Seretss in Cylindrical Shella vo Revised WRC Bulletin 297 28 95a! marr nn do Mend = 100) Revised WRC Bulletin ransers 0 Moss = 190) ates in Cylindrical Shells Revised WRC Bulletin oo 42 euised WRC Bulletin 297 Revised WRC Bulletin 297 nates in Colindricel Shelle evited WRC Bulletin 297 Fig. reel meen ses rnd i Moa = 10001 Stresser in Cylindrical Selle rs 45 ina cases Mo = 109) ised WRC Bulletin 297, Streses in Cylindrical oo om ts Mts f= $00) Bulletin Abra rcs ean io ln Streres in Cylindricel Shlle Revised WRC Bulletin 207 00 ndvicl Selle Fig, hr ma rat rns mo 08H = 309 Revised WRC Bulletin 297 Fg 5t—tnnl rr res retin mio Mt © 50.0) Strestes in Cylindrical Shell Revised WRC Bulletin 297 sa Revised WRC Bul ‘Stresses in Cin 0 0.0 al IoMelxdar= 1090) esses in Oplindr Shetts “(GV108 O1 33¥4 3 sna cxnau nina sone) Tae “WONT, Pu ORLHOdS aS 20 HUENEN ~ eras erect ide * cee How) oh 3 (ov vinecae staf Appendix A—Etxample Calculations [Acl Bxample No, Susie for Each Load “Assume thet an isolated nozsle in a vessel has the distension: = 1200in,T = 1.00in, d= abn and t= 0375. ‘Ta antured nal oad ae P #353001, 1M, = 907610, Me 880140 incIb, = 26,5101b, Mrs 265070inJb, Vu 2121018. ‘The paramoters for use with Figs, 9-58 are: = (ID)VDIT = (30/1200) TROT ah= s0posts = 20, Tie Loo/osTs = 267. ‘Table Al shows the valus of my my and nob tained frm Figs. 3-68 Interpolation ont between figures with d/t= 80 and dft= 100 end on 7 between ‘and § was uted to cain the dat given in Table A, ‘The date from Table A-1 are und in Bap. (1)-(8) to obtain tho stosses shown in Table A-2. Type eae Tatons are show below. (Q) ‘Total on vessel dus to P= 26,2401, Ba, (1 = (8,340/.008)(0088 6% 0.18) ‘= 200 1,800 pat = 24,900 pl outer surface, 72,400 pal inner surface (2) Total ey in veuel due to M, = 690,140 in-Ib, Ba, os 24 (590,40/4L008 x s0}(012 = 6x 026) 12) = 18.960 = 16,080 pal outer surface, 14,840, al inner surface, ) Total yin nozse due to Mi, = 286,070 n-tb, Bs. 388, ): = [285 070/078" x 20] /80n 4 (6 017-8 x Dorey] += 1000 4,760 = 80,70 pei outer surface, 48,160, pel nner surface. Calculations of eteaee due to Mr, Vo and Vi, wag ge. (9)-(12), are qulte simple. For example, by Ea, % + = 2x SOT8LO/6x % BOF x 1.00) = 281 pst ives the sear strss inthe eal dv to Mand, by Ba a += 2x S070 x 50° X 0.78) = 150 ph vas the shear stress inthe nose de to Mr. ‘2 Stress Tntanlis Dos to Combined Lands “uations (13)-(18) were used to obtain the stress Inuenities show in Table AS The flowing indicates 6 euised WRC Bulletin 2 In detail how the sre Intensities in the fist line of ‘Table A3 (vost longitudinal plane and outer surface) wer calelated, ‘rom Table A, the membrane stress du to P and 2M are 2400 + 670 = S070 pain the direction, end 9100 + 2300 = 1,680 pal inthe ¢-dlretion. The sheer ‘rea due to Mr, Va and Vz is 81 + 882-4360 ~ 1285 pl: Bquaions (i) and (135) then give: 5 = 8070 + 11,580 4 (3,070 ~ 11,580 Fax AY ‘The + part of the sgn gives the larger value ofS, S= 15770 pai ‘rom Table A.2, the bending tees dus to P and Mi 15 81,900 + 9010 = 40810 palin the rection ond 2,300 + 6880» 30,10 pein th Preston. The sour stress dogs not influence the bending, hanes Eo (1°) aves S= 4op10 psi ‘From Table A2, he total trees due to and Mio» ‘the outer surface ie 34200 + 9,680 = 43,850 palin tne ‘iretion and 32490 + 9,280 = 41,770 ps in th? rection. The shear stress is 1288 pl and is include ‘noe it influences the total S, Accordingly, a. (12) = fagan + 41,770 + [45,880 ~ 41,770)2 = 4.400 pet "Theatre Invnstin n the toon through the lines of ‘Table A‘S were calelated in. a sin or nose streaesin Table A-2 ¢, = and #5 = As an exatple, total teen fntenity forthe no longitudinal plane, and outer surface is clealated = follows: Th total stress due to P and Mon the 115800 + 50,720 = 295680 psi 9490-4 2390 = 14880 pa and + de ‘Ve end Vi equal to $480 pl, a. (15) si = 205,660 + 11,580 + [228,680 ~ 11,580) “$4 8.450 = 228,720 pel [As Sigalficance of Caeuleted Stresses ‘To continue the example, we eaeume thet the mate tall carbon sta auch as ASTM AOS Grad, seca bas n specified minimum yield stents 000 pi. Por A106 Grade B iin, the al~=bie stress range at tempersturee up to B80" Fin piping Codes such a2 ANSTE SLs between 7250 a0 Dri depending onthe magnitode of wsttine! on ‘Theclelated ses nthe nozle,consiered seeps of stright pipe using ANSI'B 31.1 proposed metho, Spm Ma + oe + M2 / (Ea) «2 = « 2 » = uhm sana oi = [390,409 + 2ss,0707 ros [PEO ap Despite the fact tht the noslepipe i treated to shout 1/10 ofthe levls slowed by ANSI 31.1, we ste fn Tele A hat the manu & 207,600 pal This ‘stypiel of nonals in vesele with age D/T end large Th ‘Perhaps the first thing thet should be done, in an eel ease, ito make suze thatthe lads have Deen ‘sppropriately ealclated es dlacussed in Section & As ung that hiss been done and the lads asin fact, Sppropriate, we note that © = 997,000 pais bout 9 {ines the material yield strength, Nevertheless, othe Aisconsinulty-type bending stresses involved Is P, Me, Sid Mz loading, hewn of3 = 907,69 paises TEs stow, Pd) - fom i HOH, Moe = apa, = ADI Me is ike ‘n that it indaata a tain, due tothe longo about 10% A106 Grade B material gute duct caleulatd sees donot india thet he voml/nozle {ntersetion cannot maintain the loace ina oe tim sppllestion. For eyle loads fatigue ena should be performed to guard againat fatigue flue, ‘More general, if membrane normal and shear stress are below tho material yield een. aif tho ‘materials Gacuding weld) are ressonsb duct, then jor sgifinnoe! of the total seein with spect to fatigue ‘An appropeat “peak tens” factor mnt bo included fn aftigae eveaston Fo the parpone of tis saz SS aS Streses in Cylindrical Shells 8 we saaume a peck stress factor of 1.00 An evaluation of ‘the fatigue scan be made using the procedure given in Subsection NB of Ret. ‘We consider the cycle of applying all sx loads si- multaneosly and removing them simultencously. The ‘masimim primary-plus secondary stress intonsity ange, Pi +Pa +Q.isthen equeltoS (max) = 907690 ‘al Since this above the 35 imi (= 60,00 pl for ‘A105B at 108), the simplified elastic plastic analysis ‘of NB-9228.5 cat be used, This Code paragraph allows ticeeding the 35 allowable provided that Intensity ange, excloding thermal bendl doesnot exceed 8 and that e factor Kyi spplied the peak stres intensity used for fatigue anal Te Aata?® show thatthe K, factor provides ample con fervatism when Ue displacement-contrlled loads, uch fe thoes die to retain of thermal expansion of the Piping system, contribute to the range of stres inten Sty Inthe following fatigue evaluation, i assumed Ua the stress intensity ranges are due to displace tment-contlled lads. Accordingly, anestimate ofthe Favigue ie can be obtained by calculating the stress amplitude S,= Ky (mas)/2 = 5x 907,600 = 780k UUing = 769 sth Code Figure 1-8. indicates cht the vearl/noe is acceptable for about seven eyes of the loadings “Although the preceding may allay the question of some designe who happens to ave 8 vesce/nozle ‘llr to thi example which hasbeen in satisfactory nancy) sro for mary year, snot designers would robelly prefer ts lave lowr alulated sieses. An ‘bvious“ir"nthia example sto increase tb, forex: lle using a Ln-thick nol witha length 2/4 2V50% 10 = 1.0 in. nthe lowing, we bey ras ‘through the recalculation of Sin the transverse plane. ‘The value of remains 0.866 but now d/t = 80/1.0= 0 and Tit = 1.0. For Une parameter, the following tree ronltante are obtained froma Figs, 1,15, 20,24, 28,38, and 28 Lod mem Poze 008s 007 M029 0088 = ont or the noel, the maximum stressntenity occur on the inside ofthe neck. At this location, the folowing steeaes are calcalated fom Bas. (6) thru (8) Losd ules) dpsi) P 51188 880 Me 25390 1200 ‘Total 02385 800 ‘The total shear stress + = 1295 pls celelated in Section A, "The maximum noralestres intensity as ealulated from Bq. (16): = [62486 ~ 7.50) + 4x 1289822 » 70,190 pat For the ves, the maximum sre intensity aocurs on the outside ofthe shell. At this location, te following rests ae ealulated fram Eqs. (1). Losd eps dos) Pe 49,700 223900 M, 32300 wzs00 Total 32.000 353800 "The total shea stressisaguin r= 1.293 ps "The maxicnim sll eres intensity celoulatad from Ba, (3a) $5 = 189,000 + 85,800 + (8,000 ~ 35,6003" a289%) = 82.040 ps. tis seen thet fort = Lin, the asimum sees ints ‘ha shifted tothe vese, transverse plane, and outer surtce ‘Continuing withthe assumption that he peak tose factor 0 sd using the fatigue evaluation procedure of Ret I x =10+(f loa Sp = 1.78 x 82040/2 = 71,00 pai N= 2.00 eytes. A desgn cyl life of 2000 elas is more han adequate for most vssel/piping installations Further increeso inthe nol wal wll ot rue the marinas S19 his trample, making T/t = L0 about an optim. I, Some reason, te dsigncr wishes to have lower clce lated stteancs by the procedures given herein, be sight 1 change te piniag apart io ede te leads, 2, aaa insert plate in the ves to increase and tleo further incresre the nol thickness, ¢ ‘Act Example No.2~-Medel and Low ‘Asus an inlated nz ina tank or vsel with he (ollowing dimensions: D = 1800. T 210m Ty = 20m. (thiknes of insert plate) a! = nosle outside dlameter = 251, f= nol thickens» 0.3 i W = width of insert plate» Bin, Fig, Al is sketch of this example mods “Assume the following lowds ar applid by tho nolo tothe ahaa the noal-shell inaneeton P= 10000%, 1M = 500,00 n-th, ‘Mi, = 400,00 inh, As Nowe Reaforos Moat codes include rule fr replacement of sel aro cutout by a penetration, within certain Limits from the penetration to shell junction. Such ares replaciaent ules are meant to restore the intemal preature caps 68 eaised WRC Bulletin 207 Yr f edt! pomeey—Alrate 8 bility ofall with eutaut, and do not acoount for any local fonds applied tothe abel by the noel, Such local teinforeemaent x naemall inthe form of an insert plato fr a pad plate; (sometimes in combination with {hiekened nome neck) "The rules ofthis bulletin do not directly cover the trontment of lea enforcement; however, with some {iment in the use of han rule, a reasonable analysis ‘i retuoread peutration juntions can be made [he width ef the shell roinforcement (pad plate o insert plate) ie les than 1.65 RD, then conservatism ‘would require Ut no credit be taken forthe reinforcing Iaterial when calculating stress resltants tthe Jnetion. "The recommended value of tobe used in sue cases isthe thickness of the sell. However, bending stresses, both nthe shell and nozsle neck. maybe higher as & result of local reinforcement. This possibility eould be investigated by using te vale of insert plate thickness ‘ra combination of shell and pa plate thicknesses for “Spin eaeulting Me and Me 1g the width af the shell reinforcement (ped plate or insert plat) Ss equal too greatr than L88y RT (T being the insert pate thickness or bel pls ped plate ‘hicknes, depending on whether reinforcing iin the ‘orm af nse plat or pa plate, itcan be assumed that the thickness ofthe reinforced potion ofthe sell Wald determine the state of stress at the nowale-to-shell, Junction. The value of T to be ued with the usaf 2 Billtin could be the inert pate thickness ora com Dination of shell and pa plat thicknesses, Fr such ‘case, the stresses in the sell at the outer end of the Teinforcing plate shoul lao be checked, to assure tht ‘the strats de o local nds do ot cau a overares ‘ofthe unreinforeed portion ofthe shall. Far thivexample, W = 8D ins greater than 165 VRE = 185 000% ~ Tin. and, therefore, the vue of T {tbe und inthe alalatina Wil be the inset hile of2in ‘As Calealating Stree Resltants ‘The parameters used for the aaljsis ere 0.3 ‘The values of dimensionless tess rsultants ar tb usted in Table At ‘The following surface stresses are calculated from Eas. OW Due toP 10,000 er 00, (010 6 x 012) = 250 + 1,800 psi v= #8009002 = 002 800 Duet, = 20000 oso 0 %.010 = 6044900 y= B08 ¢ 070.29 250930098 Ductoas = M0002 oso 8 xass y= 20,14 xaas “The axial nose surface street the sll junction are calculated from Bas (5) and (8 Due toP itd Ones see [pag # x 012-3 x010 = 955 £16.80 pt Due to M 500.000_ axxo (asy x25 [rx 25. = 2087 + 43,200 pe DuetoM, 400.000 (sr x28 = 1,930 + 94.560 pl. oe 2 (6x 016-3 010)| x05 4 (6X 014-5020) Strenes in Cylindrical Shells " ‘ob Ad--Vahne of Dimenias Sane Rauatat for = 9.42, 4/1 80,11 = 6 "The circumferential nozale membrane stresses atthe shall janeton are calculated from Eqs (7) end (@) duetoP 10900 oF dvetoM, oon nt aK dust, = 400.00. axes = HOM 0.56) = 900 pi, (007) = 380 pai, % (0.18) = 520 pi. ‘The calelatedetess components ore summarirad in Table 5. |Ao7 Stree Tntansoe due Combined Loads "Thats reno sear zeus clculetad forthe imposed loads, therfore, Eqs. (18a)-(iSe)reduoe to the fol 3 ‘The values ofS for the outer and inner surfaces, on longinadinel ond trnaverso panes, have been aeusted td tabulated in Table A. Ieshoold be noted that fr the longiadinal plane, the stresses fram P and Mi, loadings have been combined, whereas for the fansveree plane, the strates fom P and Me oadings [have bean combined. The stess components in Table ‘bane forthe outer aurTae- For tha inner surface the ‘gn ofthe banding eresee wl be the opposite of those ‘Shown in Table 5 get shacute magnitude of 6.04020 ‘At Significance of Calstated Stretes "The general tasnbrane stents, due to internal “ain A6—Srneee to, Me an Me iotce eas Tee ome pressure, llowed by various codes and standards rein the range of G65 to 0.1 tes yield stzengt. For ASE Tratera uch allowable treat wl bein the range of 218 to 952 lal. The allowables for loa! membrane stress a discontinuities such a nozzles are normally 4111018 time ashigh as thoes fr general merbrance ‘resea, dapending on the design code andthe noszle (Geta cand Tha lini on oa bending stress depends fon the nature ofthe losde. Fer noneyelic (very inte ‘Quant leds that do not severe direction, the local Surface stress intanstles could bellowed io goes high ts thre times tha general membrane allowable. How ‘ver, for reveal cle oes, amplitude ofthe eurince ‘roa ie url lialted to 18 times the general men ‘rane allowable (or example, ae Ret. 1, For this ex tmple problem, the masimuta ealculetod mombrane [nnd surface stress intone in Ue vasa are, respec ‘ively, 1420 ond 1,60 psi, both of which ars las than the allowable for general sembrane stresses. If ither ‘thes als exesd the nareac lovod over veers Imembrane stress then either the intarnl pressure ress would ave tbe redooed) the tere plate thickness noreased, othe loads reduce "The tenes inthe oes wall ae considerably higher than thoes i the vesel shell Ths ls to be expocted Ibeome of the relatively thin nol neck. In this ex- ‘ple the maxima elculated surfaostres intensity 4 62.09 pat which ie ant ender tres timos the alow. ‘tle general primary membrane ten Intensity for Ab Ineteral. Therefor, the eslcted nore cafiuration ‘in etinfctry forthe spaced earal loads they are ‘noneele and nonreverable and the vasl spot sect. to internal pressure Ifthe loede were cyclic and re ‘perebl, an susie plstc fatigue analysis ae demon ‘Seated in Bzample No.1 in Appendix A, woald have to bopperformed. a evised WRC Bulletin 297 “Table Aas inne fr Combed Lond fet Pe Sufce vet ein ‘ue Neale Longialinal Bice ‘ag sate ‘o ake ee a3 te 20 i a0 et oa, Fortney = ond Beample No.8 News Fiostisy aference 1, NB-S688.5, defines a nozsefexblty factor by the equation: an where ie the rotation ofthe none ana withreapect to he vessel surface, In radians 'B = moduls of elastity, andy the moment of inertia ofthe noma; I m rdS/8. Ts informative to derive ek from the MART) given in Fig 60: = ETO) whore £0) isthe parameter (M/BT) obtsined from Fig 60, Bquation(A2) canbe writen es Ma_[e/aye(ey 4 '-sawla(s) (rm) 4® sd ki the quant fn} ‘onder an lead noe n simpy oppor "Ton diners re nrued a thowe ea DleNo.1:h = 0906 for he O76 wll non, t= © ani TA = 207 By interpolating betveen the TP curvesofPig 60 for. fA) = Lo end Be (A) eves k= 0s021(60)40375)/19 = 0. From Fg. 60for Mo, (0) ie function of Ass wall es T/ ‘and the vlusofK anges betwen approsizstely 204 td 178 for A between Land 10, "To bring the nel k's into perepctve for piping systems designer, the aiblity factor for along radi tr elbow in the 30 fm. 30.978 im pipe e 2.8. The Doule Ws, ranging from 70 to 180, indicate tha the ‘nozale flexibility inequivalent to the flexibility of to tlhows concenteated asa point spring at the juncture of the pipe withthe vasa. OF course the effect ofthe ‘noule Msi will depend on the deta the pip- ing system and te supports, but it i parent hatin ran piplag eystams ignoring the nozzle Nexblty Could lad to an order af magaitude overestimate of the moment loeds om the orale ao Appendix B—Comperison of This Bulletin's ‘osults with FEM Analyses Results Intrdetion "The purpose of this Appendix Isto compare stress reultants, nozzle zeae, and aifinens feciars ob- {sined frm thi Bellatn to zen reliant, nozzle Steeees, and stiffnes factors enlulated fram the bulls finer slate 8-D finite elomentaunyees per Tomed for the samo geomatris, The fait clamont ‘aaljaca were dane by the Chicago Bridge ana leon Comopany (CBI) ung thelr version ofthe "SAPS ‘Structaral Analysis Program for Stale nd Dynamic ‘Response of Linear Systeme, Membrane aod bending Uehavior is incaded in the plat element Description of Analysis Models "The grotnetrag of te four configurations analyzed onset fa small nol in larger cylindrical shell ‘thown in Fig, Bel. The geometry of tho nae in cach Df the four configurations fiesta! sad Hush ox ‘the inside ofthe shall and projects outward from the ‘hall The thickness, mean diameter, ond length of th ‘onze are 02 in, 10 ny and 100 in (10 dsm), ro {Uvaly. The acai ave arsumed to ba waliod to “he ‘indrel shells with ull penetration was; hovove sy affect of corer Met welds are disregard in Snalyas. The thickness of the shells arise Inversely ‘vith the mean dimeterof th corrxponding shale Such that the valuse (@ADT = 0.51) remain constant {oral four configurations. Table B-1 summarizes the geometry ofthe Tour configuretions anclyzed. Note that th third and fourth models ited in Table 3-1 {rosed the D/T limit of 2500 reoommended in Seton ‘32ot thie Bulletin Yor each conigustin, # model consisting of one ‘quarter (00°) tthe nazi and ane quart (90) of he ‘hell coimference aa generated ith cvo-dimen ‘onal plate shell elements having wx nodal ogress 0! ‘sdom, To ensute thatthe results st the no=ie/sh0 Junction ae not inftuaneed by the Boundary conditions fet atthe tp ofthe abel, 188 tn about 100/RT) 0 the shel versal from the hodlaotalSentzline of he Strescs in Cylindrical Shells « Fg 81th atl eerguatin rnozae was included inthe model. At the top edge of the ‘hel Ue tranlaional displacements in the radial i ection as wall the rotations about all nes were re Srsined through the se of boundary elements, Along the edge of the shell, which les onthe vertical plane te flows the neal anetion aug hey we) ‘Symmetry boundary condition was imposed. Sy tnetrclantzgmmetie boundary conditions, as eppi Gable were imped long the model edges, whieh ion the sertleal and rizonel planes. These planes pass through the centerline ofthe nozzle. See Fig. B-2for plot of the finite elemeat mesh for the R= 500n, ‘configuration "Ar shown in Fig. B-2, the ie of te clements inthe sihity of the novale/sell Junction wat made slt- ‘ent small les than 0.25y/B) to ensure that accu fate reels ae obtained in this area Away from the Smetion, the element eine waa gradually Increased tow Truc lerger size snes these regions were modeled o ‘eeount for thet tiffs only. Model Loadings end Results Thee acpareto unit ad cases were considered Inthe finite lement analyses. They wore 1. unit adil norale load P = 10001, 2 unit ontudinal moment Mi, = 1000 in lb, and 5 unit eirumferenial moment M, » 1000in-tb Allstees resultants were ealulated from component ‘Rceases output by the finite element program. The ‘rer components were factored bythe lng terms, ts applicable, to obtain the reported nondimensinal ‘eeu resultant: 0) Te inverse ofthe uni oad 2 the Corresponding shel thicknes, and (3) the nol outer diameter (d = 1022in). 7. 82—Finin omen maen Stfines factors wer calculated ung deflstons sd rotations at neal to shell junctions obtained from Une finite lament anagis and sted in Table B-2. For he Tada lon cats, the following formule shown in ie 50) was used PhP von where « ifinen factor, Pp = radial nozle ood, ” 1 radial deflection due to, (Piviersoan= 495BTYDA9, E = modulus of elasticity, TD, an defined in See. 20 this Bulletin ne moment loa cases, the felling formulls ws ‘sed (eo Fig 80) aoe a where IM = moment loed on nol (ether My or rotation at centerline of ozaoin raisns ue fovither My oF Me AsLVDT. Prom Table B-1, we obtain for all four analy ‘models L=2810in, pr =400in a Revived WRC Bulletin 297 ‘atl B-1—Dimeslne sd Shall Parmeter of the Fut Anayeed Mode wok ke oo Aven example of astitnss factor calcultion fora dial load, we consider enalyss Model No 2 from Table BA: B= 2.00085, 95 x 23.000 > (04/1,000145.57" = 1.84, 1p, = 0525 in rom Table B2), a (V.528)/.84 = 104 ‘As an example ofa stiffs factor eaculation for # ‘moment load (Me consider analysis Model No.3 from Table B-1 M=tin-kip, Ta03in, (0 = 0.0085 radians (rom Table 3-2), « sim. ~ pepo x 2P om Comparion of Results "Te stress revultants and nozle aia streses from the finite element analsres are compared to caleulated ‘aus from this bulletin in Tables 83, B-4,B5, and Bs. Table B-3 compares the nondimensional stress Festltants fr the radial lod cese. Tables Bt and B-S Compare the steesevltant forthe longitudinal and ‘Greunfeental moment oad cases, respectively. Table 'B.8 compares maximum axial seses inthe nozzle ‘abe 8-2—Daliatns ond Rolain t Norio Shll dengan Grune dation “toons, “Yoon seas Nicclaole” eis grunt gon aone” “"Ganosis” omzees re ee Tm AeeVOR ae Lm) tn neck Stiffness factors aeulated rom he fine eement fesults listed in Table B-2 are compared to corr onding sifess actor value read from Pigs 58nd {bof this Bulletin in Table B-7 Te aloes oto ta in Pige 59 and 60 were obtained from Re. 4 snd the ‘Shalltch Progress Report ated May 15,108. Teast be pointed os that some minor variation of aeometeic parameters among the models compere rot The dit atioand the A vale of theft lement ‘model are 5 and 0.51 respectively, wheres the d/t Fatio and \ vale fortis Bulletin’ eaeulated vluss, ted inthe comparison, ae 0 and 0.50 respectively. Tn Table B-2 wil be noted thet for this Bullatn's ondimensionalstoseresultants fr the radi los Ease, only ene ale given, whereas for tbe CBI finite lementanalyai test resltants valuse in both the longitudinal and transverse planes are provided. This is beause this Bulletin provides sess resultant forthe facial loading inthe traverse plane ony. The stress Fesultants calculated inthe tneaverse plane ee, con tervatvey,asumed tobe equal to those inthe long ‘alnalplene Iti eeen in Tables B.3, B-4, and B.6 that the no0- imensional stress resultant calculated by tho finite ‘ement method and by this Bulletin aren resoneby {gud agreement, Theses resltants clcalated by his Blletin tend in general, to be more conservative. The maximum notae nck stents ealuletod by this Bl Tet were always found tobe higher than those eas lated bythe inte alament mothod as dernonstrst ‘Table B-6, However, the diferencein te sreses a ‘uted by the two methods snot unroesonebly lass nd, therefore, the use of the somewhat conservative Imethod of this Bulletin for evaluating nozele neck ‘tress ie considered reasonble "The radial load ile factors calculate for Models and {show exelent agreement with he stitfnss ‘tor values red ftom Fig. £9 as canbe seen in Table 1B. The Model 1 calculated radial loud stiffness factor shows a more pronounced difference trom the Fig ‘value The same str forthe ealealated moment oad ‘ffs facir as compared with thse read of Fig. 9. Because the deta presented in thesis factor curves thi Bulletin ze ite std (particulary in Fg 80) thesdlflerences between the alulated values and those ‘ead ofthe curves ean be considered sccepsble Strenen in Cylindrical Shells L enema 207 ovised WRC Bulletin Screen Cylindrical Shells “eble :7—Campaion Stas Fators Dae sande Appendix C—Comparison of This Bulletin’s Results With WRC Balletin 107 Corves Introduction Currently the generally accepted proces for el culating shell stresses due to applied nozzle Toads ie based on Welding Research Counel Bulletin No, 107 ‘The WRC Bulletin 10; curves are based on theoretical results derived by Professor Bijlaard for the case ofa ‘uniform, unpenetcatedeslindecal shell subjected to@ Gistrbuted load applied over a rectanguls:stea. The et force vector forthe distributed load used by Bilasrd ‘was equivalent tothe applied moment or thras. Some ‘djuscment tothe theoretical Bard reels es mace bythe authors of WRC Bulletin 107 based on exper mental data: these adjustments are dacusted In Ap endl of that Bulletin, 'A comparison of the curves given in WRC Bulletin 407 with this Bulletin’s revulte (bared on Professor Steele's theory) for two intersecting cinders therefore, of considerable interest to designers. In plotting the comparisons presented in this appendix, the curves from WHC Bulletin 107 have been redrawn ‘ing A= //DT as the abscissa. Its possible in his ‘manner to present the WRC Bulletin 107 data ce since ‘curves fr al walues of R/T and to make diteo: con parison with this Bulletins results ‘Profesor Biaurs stres reultans a given in WRC ‘Bulletin 107 arecither inthe circumferential direction ith eopect othe Vessel shel (ating the subecript¢) (rin thelxitudinal diretion with respect to the vase Shel (sing the subseripeX). Profesor Steele's sess ‘eultants presented inthis Bulletin are given in the ‘dial and ezeumerentia directions wih expect to he hozale using the subscripts + and 8, respectively. To ‘btain a direct comparison ofthe tres in Us ‘Bulletin and WRC Bulletin 107, twas ecesary n Fi CCl through C-12 ofthis appendix to use stress re fants on the two main planes of symmetry on 322 O°- 180° and 80°-270° es shown in Fg 1). Isolde recognized that in some cases maximum eee res tants do occur off these two mein planes of es Ploting of Figures C1 Through C12 WRC Bullein 107 stress resltants are plot terms ofthe parameter: 086 ee 5s, yoke, where 19 = outside radius of nozzle y= mean radi of esl, "P= thickness of vessel shell ‘This Bulletin’ sees resultant are potted in terms of the parameter: Revised WRC Bulletin 297 = outside diameter of nozle, 1D = mean diameter of vessel, "To thickness of vessel shell, 1 = thickness of nozzle neck In the stress resultant plot of WRC Bulletin 107 the sacle eB whereas in this Bulletin the abscisns ‘WRC Bulletin 107 sults in terms of and y ean be reriten as follows 15. then er as gbvm "The above expression for consolidates the multiple carves in WRG Bulletin 1 for different yvalusinto Single curves, This was frst demonstrated by J. L- ‘Mershon. "The ordinates eres revaltant) read trom the WRC ‘Bulletin 107 pots ls need adjustments to correspond Aothestrcn rout definitions in hi let. or nondimensional bending tres reultants due to extemal momen, the expressions are ‘WRC Bulletin 107: MyM /ReB, ‘hin Bulletin Mia, soho 1M. = external longitinal (Mt) ot Sitcumferential(M,) moment, MM, = longitudinal (M,) ov transverse (Mo) ‘motnent per unit length of shel wal Mi = radial (M,) or eieurnferentil with respect onecle (Mi) moment per unit length of ‘hall wall Sep above for definitions of other terms. "The WRC Bulletin 107 stess resultant, M/M/R a can be writen a M(OST5xa)Mi ‘To convett to tie Bulletin'sexpreasion for stress re “ultant whch comains the nol outside dareter itis necessary to multiply the WRC Bulletin 107 sires fesultant by 2 and divide it by 0875."Thus, the required justine factor in this casei 18/7 or nondimensonal membrane tes ealtents due toexternal moments, the expressions are WRC Bulletin 107 NOUR, ‘thi Balti Nira, where 1N, = longitudinal (Nor transverse (Ns) ths ‘per unit length of shell wll [Ng = radial (Np or ezcunfereatil with respec tenon (N,) thst per unit length of sell ‘wall See bows for definitions of other terms, "The required adjustment factor in this casei 16/7 or nondimensinal bending stress rsultants cto ‘external ail Tod, no adjustments necessary 8 heir fxpresins are identical in WRC Bulletin 107 and tis Bulletin. For nondimensional membrane stress res! tants doe to external radial load, the expresions WRC Bulletin 100 NyAPRa this Bulletin Nor, vehore P= extarnal radia lon See above fr definition of other terms “The required adjustment factor in this caves "The curves in WRC Bulletin 107 are valid only up 107 value of 20; therefore, this Bulletins curv Dy ratio above 60) sould not be compared i ies ‘Thislinitation doesnot apply to curves In Figs CHa witha Tit ratio af aro because these carves resent rigid plugs as explained in Section 82 of tis bulletin. For nozale configurations with discrete 7/e value the minimimn 9 below which this bullet's ‘curves should not be compared to WRC Bulletin 107 ‘cures can be determined as follows: aD = TINA. -Reatranging the above expression gives ec Wem where Drr=n, ‘Asan example, consider Fig. forthe curve with Tt Zand alt= 10, ‘Stresses in Cylindrical Shell For the cure with Tit = 10 and dt = 100, 0 Wao x6 [Below these value, the curves ftom ehie Bulletin should not be compared to the WRC Bulletin 107 a = 04108 \Compariaon for Applied Moments Figures C-1-C-8 show portions of this Bulletins re- salts and the comparable curves derived fram WRC Bulletin 107 for moment loadings on nozl in ey ‘inde ell Foran applied lngitudine! or crcunferental mo sent, the maximise abel eal (relative to nozzle) ‘bending moments calculated by tis Bulletin generally ecu for aiid nel Fig C-1 an C-4show MMs, (FM) vals fr the rigd moze (T/= 0) togeter with the corresponding WHC Bulletin 107 results. For this very important loadings ase, this Bulletins results ad the WRC Balesin 107 esl are easnably clos with this Bulltn's results being somewhat more conserva tive. Por discrete nowl thisknes, this Bolle’ results do nat deviate significantly from the rigid nozae case up to'T/valesof2. For The = 2, chis Blltin’ results tre very cle tothe WAC Bulltin 107 vluce, and far ‘Tht greater chan 2, the WRC Bulletin 107 recut fr Medi, or M) are generally conservative sx demon- seated by ie PA 10, df= 200 arses pled in Fig Lend C4, Values of cieumforetil (relative to moze) sell beni moment (MG) Zor lange, thin nada exculated from this Bustin ean be geste than the WRC Bulletin. 107 values for applied moments inthe radial or er ‘umferential direction, Figures C-2 end C-! show thie Boletos vaults for T/t = 1 and dt = 100 and the aula forthe rid mal along wth che WRC Bulletin 107 vale, For thicker noale nec, Tt = $ and las, the MM, values ace generally less than the WRC Bulletin 107 vals The ticker neck uses the radi) shell bending moment, My, to increase with «core sponding decrease in Ma ‘Menbrane stress resutens for applied moments sre shown Figa,C-5-C-8. For } vals less than ap provimalely (7, the shell membrane ste revultants {nlelatd by thi Bulan are generally grater than the ‘WRC Bulletin 107 vale fordscote ales of Tie Por large nozzles with thin necks, the creumferentsl membrane fore (Ny) elclated sig this Bulletin are seneraly larger than the WRC Bulletin 107 values e Ete are shown fr T/t = 10 For the larger nozles, the ‘WRC Bulletin 107 membrane sae estan vale ze conservative fe Tt equal te approximately 2 ess. "The merbeene sie raulant are more important es design parameters for larger nozzles, and mits on nozzle neck thicknes are especilly important for of elinder intersections for nis ‘more important forthe smaller nczles, (= ‘Comparisons or Applied Rada Low ‘Comparison for shell bending stress resultant ae shown in Fig. C-9 and C-10, and for membrave sizes Feaultants In Figs C-11 and C-12. t shouldbe noted here that sre revaltants dt radial oa were om culated by Professor Stole on the circumfsratial pene bf eymmetry only, but are conservatively used inthis Bulletin onthe longitudinal pane of same) also. "The WRC Bulletin 107 zeslis and this Bullstin's results fllow a consistent trend, with this Bulletin’ results being somewhat grestar for tho shell radial (relative to nozzle) bending moments fr this noz2e necks and for ell circumferential elev to neal) bending moment for nozales with tin necks. A similar ‘Wend hod ue forthe membrane ares reaultanta, “Agu, it a deieale vo avold Un nozae neck on figuration for norales with large dt catia in oder to get an efficient desig. Forth heavier nozenacks, the Tad ean be arid tthe intersection by a combination of radial and eircumferentiel bending and the WRC Bulletin 107 values are approximately equivalent tothe average ofthe two moments given by this Bulletin's ‘sult Summary of Cmpariaens ‘Becaune the eloultad strony rpitants ats nossa ‘oeylnde anetion ae largely determined by force end ‘moment egitim considerations, WRC Batis 11 Tesults ond this Bulletin’ results compar ressooably Wallin ost areas However, in some ares, there rs Sgnifeant diferencss besnune of diferent analsie sumptions Designs based on ether set of caoulated sosults should eecount forthe reinforcing deals sed, Th WRC Bulletin 107 values were eat for an Penetted shell wheres this Bulletin’ celts sm fubject tothe linitations outlined in Sect. 32 of this Bulletin, ‘lo, precautions thou be taken i sin Bulletio 107 results for larger aozls with thin necks Ne tend TH 2 Acknowledgements Mang individuals and organizations have contibutad to the preparation ofthis document In pares. che financial support ofthe American Izn endl Stel In stitute, hich mede this work pole, i zest ap precited: similarly, the input and technical guidence Drovided by th Subcommittes on Reinforced Opens Sad Esternl Londings of the Prssre Vessel Rese“ Commitee sen 18 Revised WAC Bulletin 207 r 5 =o Vises Fo Fe. -+—oampntn feu rm WR Blain 07 wl ute Stresses in Cylindrical Shells ~ 2 Revised WRC Bulletin Streoce in Cylindrical 201 Revised WRC Bulletin 297 10.0 2 eatsed WRC Bulletin 207 o vy 10 gutmala tees Secewsae 2 7 =) esses in Cylindrical Shells oi] 1 0 6 0.0 20) Streesr in Cylindrical Selle Revised WRC Bulletin 207 ro Stree in Cylin Revised WAC Bul WRC Bulletin Series. ‘tn Consens Ban Tonge Ppaar ot 00 Sere re Waanets Fe Ears 8. May (Pw onoroarn fot trict Ps Maly non toe Sim or a Sac 46 an EPS ALC nak an ste 0 i Comments n ys onsen 267 oat ret yam Ses tr oP Sage Ere 2 Spina iin rent arta. ara i a {Sr Suopfniartocnecntn pe nay nnn an Cpa 80% y SY ais 5 {2 SStircmanaranu terse ate nage ono te sae non Pe Truancy ere fev ty hones Metlag of Fg Gx Gow Rt er aie Stns n Uh Woe ear Inept mena tay artes eo ‘selon fea rn Sa Ta Fagan Fann La A Gen tan 128 Antcuinat ay ofCaer and par lemsioget iridtebunemagomna yb Lrdn Pye Pea ea kana 18 ce Cink oun eho toes aone ane Rane Chri ym Sey Ns ‘acs Tne 2-8 Steph tu sis Cp) ond rake We Fa Wn spec ae {Stearns ane pe ashe te hy Sse cone wat Ascent

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