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“A Key to Developing Employees”

360-DEGREE FEEDBACK – A Key to Developing Employees


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 4

1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 1
2. OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................ 3
3. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................. 4
Brief description of sample ...................................................................................................... 5
Method (brief description of questionnaire used) ................................................................ 6
Holistic Performance recognition: .......................................................................................... 6
Consciousness Catalyst: ......................................................................................................... 7
Organizational and team dynamics: ...................................................................................... 7
Administration: .......................................................................................................................... 8
4. RESULTS............................................................................................................................... 9
The four dimensions................................................................................................................. 9
i) Holistic Performance recognition ........................................................................... 9
ii) Consciousness Catalyst.......................................................................................... 12
iii) Organizational and team dynamics .................................................................. 14
iv) Administration ........................................................................................................ 17
Nutshell .................................................................................................................................... 19
5. RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................................... 20
6. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 22
APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................. 23
360-DEGREE FEEDBACK – A Key to Developing Employees


We are thankful to everyone who devoted their valuable time in filling the online survey

created by our group and thereby enabling us to judge a process.

We are equally grateful to our professor Dr. Bindu Gupta (HR Department, IMT-

Ghaziabad). She guided us in different aspects related to the project. She has been

very kind and patient while suggesting the outline of this project and correcting the

group’s doubts. The group would like to thank her for the overall support and guidance.
360-DEGREE FEEDBACK – A Key to Developing Employees


A buzzword these days in many organizations is 360 degrees feedback. A concept

started by German military to evaluate performance during World war II, it has become

a flavor in many Multi National Organizations, not only for the purpose of performance

appraisal but also for continual learning.

Implemented with care and training to enable people to better serve customers and

develop their own careers, 360 degrees feedback is a positive addition to an

organization’s performance management system. But on the contrary, there have been

evidences when this same process has gone haphazardly wrong, as some employees

don’t find it comfortable to be evaluated by their fierce challengers i.e. their peers with

whom they are competing to get the coveted designations in their careers.

Through this project, the group aims at analyzing the various dimensions attached to

this process. The focus areas would be the structure of 360 degrees feedback, the

participants in this process, its accuracy and advantages as well as disadvantages. A

noteworthy analysis would be of the modalities to use this process in Indian

organizations, where it is a relatively new entrant.

360-DEGREE FEEDBACK – A Key to developing employees


In today’s competitive market, companies must recruit and retain the very best people.

In order to maximize an employee’s potential, organizations need a cost effective timely

and efficient way to measure employee performance and identify the developmental

needs of employees.

Using a 360-degree feedback process provides a more comprehensive and realistic

assessment of an individual’s performance than the traditional process of receiving

feedback only from one’s manager or supervisor. Gathering information from many

sources enables individuals to develop a more balanced view of their performance.

360-degree feedback, also known as multi-level, multi-source feedback, is a very

powerful and sensitive process. It can increase the individual's awareness of how their

colleagues view their performance and indeed how it compares with their own view of

their performance. It can serve as a strong spur for development and behavior change.

What is 360 Degree Feedback?

360-degree feedback is a process whereby an individual (the recipient), is rated on his

or her performance by people who know something about his or her work (the raters).

This can include direct reports, peers and managers and in some cases customers or

clients, in fact anybody who is credible to the individual and is familiar with his or her

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360-DEGREE FEEDBACK – A Key to Developing Employees

work can be included in the feedback process. This is usually in addition to completing a

self-assessment on performance.

The resulting information is presented to the individual with the aim of helping them to

gain a better understanding of his or her skills and development areas. Each source can

provide a different perspective on the individual's skills, attributes and other job relevant

characteristics and thus help to build up a richer, and more complete and accurate

picture than could be obtained from any one source. 360-degree feedback builds on the

principles of: -

• Structured and rigorous assessment against competencies

• Regular feedback from a wide range of people

• Increasing self-awareness

Introducing a 360 Degree Feedback Process in


The culture of an organization needs to be considered prior to the introduction of a

360-degree feedback process. It will be more easily introduced where openness,

mutual trust and honesty are part of the organizational or departmental culture and

there is a genuine interest in and desire for performance improvement.

360-degree processes with a clear purpose and objective are likely to be more

effective, particularly when they are aligned with organizational strategies and goals

and can be linked to existing processes within the organization.

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360-DEGREE FEEDBACK – A Key to Developing Employees


Objectives of the 360 degree feedback process

The objective of our study is to analyze the impact of 360 degrees process in identifying

the areas for both organizational and individual improvement .This would be done by

assessing individual responses based on different parameters which would be

instrumental in judging their perception of 360 degree process and hence assisting in

reaching a conclusion on the overall implementation of the process in evaluating the

performance of an employee given the environment at work and his interaction with the

external factors.

 Why use 360 degree feedback process?

 How accurate is the 360 degree feedback process?

 Is the 360 degree feedback process really effective as a parameter for judging


 How effective is the process in promoting open communication related to

performance of an individual?

 How effective is the process in reinforcing organizational values?

 Does the 360 degree feedback process actually help in individual development?

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360-DEGREE FEEDBACK – A Key to Developing Employees


3.1 Brief profile of the Organization(s)

I. KPIT Cummins, the leading global IT Consulting organization. Employee

Strength around 5000.

II. Ericsson, the world leader in telecommunications. Employee Strength in India


III. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is one of the world’s leading information

technology companies. TCS is one of the largest private sector employers in

India with core strength in excess of 165,000 individuals.

IV. International Business Machines (IBM) is a multinational computer, technology

and IT consulting corporation with employee strength around 4000000

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360-DEGREE FEEDBACK – A Key to Developing Employees

Brief description of sample

Size: 92

Demographic characteristics:

Sl. No. Demographic Characters Percentage

Qualification Professionally Qualified 92 100

Service length Less than 5 years 43 47

Between 5 and 8 years 45 49

Between 8 and 12 years 2 2

12 years and above 2 2

Table 1: demographic characteristics of sample

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360-DEGREE FEEDBACK – A Key to Developing Employees

Method (brief description of questionnaire used)

The sample was selected from various organizations (brief profile given in section 3.1).

The sample was selected using non-random judgmental as well as random sampling.

For collection of data structured, on-line questionnaire was administered to the sample.

The questionnaire was in five scale Agree/Disagree model with rank 1 assigned to

‘Highly Disagree’ and rank 5 assigned to ‘Highly Agree’ response.

Following are the questions asked in the survey to measure effectiveness of 360 degree

feedback process on various factors:

(Note: Responses were in the form of ranking from ‘Highly Disagree’ to ‘Highly Agree’)

Holistic Performance recognition:

The following question has been identified as the measure of this dimension

a. “360 degrees feedback process takes in account all aspects of your


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360-DEGREE FEEDBACK – A Key to Developing Employees

Consciousness Catalyst:

The 360 degrees process’ effect on an individual’s consciousness is a notable

measure. The study observed the role of the process as a consciousness

catalyst by asking the following questions

a. 360 degrees feedback process increases an employee’s self awareness

b. 360 degrees feedback process has a strong impact on employee behavior

and performance

c. 360 degrees feedback process acts as an effective behavior modification


Organizational and team dynamics:

An important aspect of the 360 degrees process is its impact on the

organizational and team dynamics. The study measured this aspect by asking

the following questions

a. 360 degrees feedback process increases employee involvement and


b. 360 degrees feedback process results in better working relations with the


c. Organizational politics have reduced as a result of the 360 degrees

feedback process

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A process is as good as its governance. Considering this fact in account, the

administration of the 360 degrees process has been adjudged. Following

questions have been asked for this purpose.

d. Expectations are communicated more clearly in the 360 degrees feedback


e. 360 degrees feedback process should be moderated by a third party

f. As a point of fact, 360 degrees feedback process sniffs out the excellent

and the poor performers

For analysis and interpretation of data graphs and pie charts were used.

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As a result of the survey on the impact of the 360 degrees performance review process,

four dimensions of the process have been identified. The results have been collected

and cumulated as per these dimensions. The overall response for every dimension

has been graphically demonstrated in the trailing sections. It has been noticed that with

the career progression, a professional becomes further sensitive of organizational

processes. He is able to soundly judge the effect of a process. An adage says, “You

see a lot over years and you try to be professional and responsible. A lot of the

processes you go through can be very haunting as well as torch bearers”. Hence, the

results for each dimension have been supplemented by the responsiveness of the

professionals across different experience bands. The three experience bands have

been identified as below

 Entry level/ Junior Executives (Less than 5 years of experience)

 Middle Managers (between 5 and 8 years of experience)

 Senior Managers (8 years and above of experience)

The four dimensions

i) Holistic Performance recognition

The categorization of responses for measuring the effectiveness of this

dimension has been done as given below:

Agree (Responses with rating of 4 and 5)

Neutral (Responses with rating of 3)

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Disagree (Responses with rating of 1 and 2)

Below is the pictorial depiction of the results that came out as a

measurement of this attribute.

Holistic Performance Recognition

17% 8%


Cumulative response

As is shown by the graph three-fourth of the employees surveyed are of

the opinion that 360 degree feedback process actually enables as well as

promotes the recognition of an individual’s effort in an organization. This

goes on to show the general popularity and inclination towards this

process on the whole, of individuals spread across different industries and


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360-DEGREE FEEDBACK – A Key to Developing Employees

Holistic Performance Recognition

(Across experience bands)
Number of respondents

5 to 8 <5 8 and above
Agree 31 22 2
Disagree 2 2 2
Neutral 6 6 0
Work experience (number of years)

Response across experience bands

This chart pertains to holistic view spread across different sections of

employees segmented on the basis of their experience. As is visible,

majority of people from every band are optimistic and have faith in 360

degree process’ potential to recognize the effort and zeal in their

performance, which is missed out by other famous feedback methods.

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ii) Consciousness Catalyst

The categorization of responses for measuring the effectiveness of this

dimension has been done as given below

Agree (Responses with rating of 4 and 5)

Neutral (Responses with rating of 3)

Disagree (Responses with rating of 1 and 2)

Below is the pictorial depiction of the results that came out as a

measurement of this attribute.

Consciousness Catalyst



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Cumulative response

The data collected for this degree of measurement reflects that 7 out of 10

persons agree and accept the effectiveness of 360 degree process in

encouraging employee consciousness towards their self-set goals and

thereby modifying their behavior accordingly. The individuals feel that

such a feedback process makes employees feel more responsible and

enriches them with a feeling of self awareness and belongingness towards

their own as well as the organizational goals.

Consciousness Catalyst
(Across experience bands)

Number of respondents





<5 5 to 8 8 and above
Agree 23 30 3
Disagree 1 4 1
Neutral 6 5 0
Work experience (in number of years)

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360-DEGREE FEEDBACK – A Key to Developing Employees

Response across experience bands

Similar to the conclusion derived earlier by general responses received,

the band results also convey the same i.e. the number of people; favoring

the prospect of 360 degree affecting employee behavior for organizational

goals, form the majority. Though there are professionals in the middle

band who think the other way, the reason for their thought could be the

self-actualization achieved as a result of their substantial industrial


iii) Organizational and team dynamics

The categorization of responses for measuring the effectiveness of this

dimension has been done as given below

Improved (Responses with rating of 4 and 5)

Neutral (Responses with rating of 3)

Not improved (Responses with rating of 1 and 2)

Below is the pictorial depiction of the results that came out as a

measurement of this attribute.

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Organizational and team dynamics


60% Neutral
Not improved

Cumulative response

This time around the result are more diversified and though majority is still

in the favor, yet almost one-fifth of the sample set is of the view that the

360 degrees process does not improve the working relations in a team

and does not reduce the political biases. Also, equal number of

respondents have opted the neutral grounds on this matter thereby laying

stress on the fact that they do not view this process as a betterment

solution for team dynamics and group relations.

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360-DEGREE FEEDBACK – A Key to Developing Employees

Organizational and team dynamics

(Across experience bands)

Number of respondents





<5 5 to 8 8 and above
Improved 27 22 2
Not improved 1 12 2
Neutral 2 5 0
Work experince (number of years)

Response across experience bands

The disagreement or the negative response in terms of team spirit comes

from the middle band which has spent a considerable time working and

they suggest that this process can’t be used as a tool for solving the

problem of team politics. Maximum number of professionals who remained

neutral also belongs to the same band thereby referring that employees

having worked for around 6-7 years look for a specific and proven method

to improve the team bonding and removal of biases as such.

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iv) Administration

The categorization of responses for measuring the effectiveness of this

dimension has been done as given below

Trustworthy (Responses with rating of 4 and 5)

Neutral (Responses with rating of 3)

Not satisfied (Responses with rating of 1 and 2)

Below is the pictorial depiction of the results that came out as a

measurement of this attribute.

Trust in administration


Not satisfied

Cumulative response

Despite the fact that almost one-seventh of the employees believe that

360 degree does not generate their trust in administration and nearly one-

fifth have remained silent on this feature yet it can be concluded that 360

degrees process actually creates and generates employees trust in

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organization. This represents better communication and transparency on

the part of the employer.

Trust in administration
(Across experience bands)
Number of Respondents





<5 5 to 8 8 and above
Trustworthy 24 21 2
Neutral 5 8 0
Not satisfied 1 10 2
Work experience (Number of years)

Response across experience bands

Across bands, majority has displayed its faith in the 360 degree process

as a step towards trust building and transparent system of working

between the management and work force.

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The overall effectiveness of the 360 degree process has been derived by asking the

following question

Given a chance to go again through this process, what would be your take?

The results have been obtained by giving the following 3 options as part of the expected


Love it (Satisfied)

Romance with it (Not yet decided – neutral)

Leave it (Not satisfied)

In a nutshell

Love it
Romance with it
78% Leave it

All in all, majority has given thumbs up to this process or should be said, is

game for it. They feel satisfied that the process caters to their needs and

wants from the organizational systems. A small proportion thinks that this

process is not meant for them and wants to stay off.

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In totality, the survey on the impact of the 360 degrees performance review process has

given phenomenal insights to the group. Whereas, the process has an overall

constructive effect in the organizations/ project teams where it has been carried out,

there are certain add-ons that may just add glitters to it.

The group would like to recommend certain valuable points as facilitators to religiously

incorporate the 360 degrees process in the organizational review activities.

1. The administrators (managers) should convert the qualitative work into

measurable quantitative factors so that clear standards can be set for

performance measurement.

2. MBO techniques should be applied to check performance of those employees

who are having work assignments which can be quantified accurately.

3. 360 degree appraisal system should be applied in a way so that appraisal

biasness can be reduced to the minimum level and thus the measurement

accuracy can be maximized.

4. For the application of 360 degree appraisal system, it requires cultural change in

whole organization. 360 degree appraisal system should be used where

investigation is required.

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5. 360 degree approach can measure the performance of an employee more

effectively because this approach involves getting feedback about an employee

from a wide variety of sources in addition to his or her manger.

6. For evaluation accuracy, skilled personnel should be appointed, for the

evaluation of measured performance, who have greater knowledge of

descriptions of those jobs.

7. Post appraisal interviews should be conducted to give opportunity to employees

for their justification and to create motivation in them.

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Organizational Behavior by Robbins, Judge and Sanghi

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