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Int. J. Value Chain Management, Vol. 2, No.

1, 2008 119

Key success factors of mobile technology

implementation within firms

Aurélie Leclercq
Center of Research in Management & Organization (CREPA)
University Paris Dauphine
75775 Paris Cedex 16, France

Abstract: The specificity of mobile technologies lies in an ‘anywhere-anytime

connectivity’. Organisations have only recently realised what opportunities are
offered by equipping their employees with this technology that is supposed to
bring lots of benefits to organisations. However, the impact of a technology
depends on the degree of user acceptance of the technology. Also, the increase
in performance expected from the use of mobile technology is largely
dependent on the employees’ adoption behaviours. It is now time to confront
such supposed benefits in reality in order to know the real advantages brought
by mobile tools within firms. The purpose of this paper is to identify some
guidelines necessary to obtain such benefits. An exploratory empirical study,
involving 80 managers in ten companies, has been carried out. This research
highlights different kinds of factors that favour mobile technologies
appropriation by individuals. In this way, organisations will be able to take
advantage of mobile technology.

Keywords: mobile technology; organisational benefits; acceptance;


Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Leclercq, A. (2008) ‘Key

success factors of mobile technology implementation within firms’, Int. J.
Value Chain Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.119–129.

Biographical notes: Aurélie Leclercq is a Researcher at the Center of Research

in Management and Organization, University of Paris–Dauphine, France.
Her research interests focus on mobile technology adoption and appropriation
in organisational contexts and on the role of power and politics in the
adoption process.

1 Introduction

Technological innovations in the field of Information and Communication Technologies

(ICT) have led to the development of ‘mobile’ technologies, which include several
types of terminals such as mobile phones, laptops, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)
and also tablet PCs. The specificity of these tools lies in an ‘anywhere-anytime
connectivity’ (Lyytinen et al., 2004). Organisations have only recently realised the

Copyright © 2008 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

120 A. Leclercq

opportunities offered by the implementation of this technology (Varshney, 2003).

Mobile technologies appear to bring an innovative response to the challenges posited
by a competitive environment, in which enterprises are confronted with cost-related
constraints and to a stronger reactivity imperative towards their clients. Disrupting the
spatial and global borders of the enterprise, mobile technologies are indeed supposed
to bring lots of benefits to organisations. However, the impact of a technology depends
on the degree of user acceptance of the technology. The increase in performance expected
from the use of mobile technology is also largely dependent on the employees’ adoption
behaviours. That is why it is now time to identify the final benefits brought by
mobile technologies for firms and understand how such benefits are obtained. Our
purpose in this research paper is thus to identify the different benefits brought by mobile
technology within firms and also to find out, through successful cases, the different
factors necessary to get such advantages. What are the final benefits brought by mobile
tools within firms? How can enterprises favour mobile technologies’ acceptance by
individuals? What are the key factors of a successful mobile technology implementation
within firms? These are the questions that arise about the value of mobile technologies
in organisations. In the present article, we first present the consequences of mobile
technologies in organisations. We then analyse the question of technology acceptance
and appropriation, thanks to an IS literature review. An exploratory empirical
study, involving 80 managers in ten companies, is presented to understand the benefits
brought by mobile devices within firms and the way such benefits are obtained.
This research highlights the different factors that favour the appropriation of mobile
technologies by individuals, so that mobile technologies could bring lots of benefits
for organisations.

2 Mobile technologies’ impacts in organisations

2.1 Organisational benefits linked to mobile technologies’ specificities
Thanks to an IS literature review, we have identified several benefits of mobile
technologies, which explain their rapid diffusion in organisations. Mobile technologies
introduce in organisations a new form of ‘flexibility, in terms of space and time’
(Varshney, 2003) and are thus very promising for businesses. Mobile technologies, which
constitute a “set of technological, social and organizational interconnected elements
allowing physical and social mobility” (Lyytinen and Yoo, 2002), can be used in
various contexts. This connectivity enables the increase in individual productivity,
thanks to the removal of space and time constraints. Organisations are thus supposed
to be more flexible, allowing an increase in reactivity towards customers. The reduction
of coordination costs, the improvement of communication, an immediate access to
information, and an increased performance in decision making are other advantages
generally identified by IS research (Gribbins et al., 2003; Davis, 2002). These potential
advantages thus appear as the reasons that lead firms to adopt mobile tools. Nevertheless,
IS research also points out the fact that the introduction of mobile tools may have
possible paradoxical effects.
Key success factors of mobile technology implementation within firms 121

2.2 Mobile technologies’ paradoxical effects and potential drawbacks

Many authors see the mobile phone as a technology that is likely to have ambivalent
and even contradictory effects (Arnold, 2003). As individuals have to remain reachable
and available, mobile technologies raise concerns related to the blurring of boundaries
between professional and private life and may put a certain pressure on employees
(Cousins and Robey, 2005). The use of mobile technology may also cause problems of
fragmentation and disruption of work. Managers may also feel oppressed by this culture
of instantaneity, which forces them to take decisions in urgency situations or in contexts
totally inappropriate to decision making. Moreover, teams and organisations may be
affected by nomadic computing. The question of the space-time common to employees
and face-to-face exchanges may deeply affect cooperation, trust, collective decision
making and interpersonal relationships. Cousins and Robey (2005) thus emphasise the
opposition between expected advantages and unexpected social consequences of nomadic
IS environments. The existence of these indeterminate effects eventually shows that
mobile tools are an ambivalent technology, whose effects are highly equivocal.
Moreover, potentially pernicious effects of mobile technologies on employees are factors
that may influence behaviours by inhibiting use and acceptance of mobile tools. That
is why, faced with this paradox, a question about the adoption of mobile tools by
organisations and individuals within firms arises.

3 ICT acceptance and appropriation, an essential question

3.1 Analysis of the principal technology acceptance models in IS
The expected benefits of IT are often obstructed because of the limited use of the
implemented technology, considered as one of the main causes of the ‘paradox of
productivity’ (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000). It is indeed necessary that IT is accepted,
adopted, and then used by the organisational actors. Various models have studied
IT adoption, such as TAM (Davis, 1989), TAM2 (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000), and
UTAUT (Venkatesh et al., 2003). Thanks to the identification of determiners and
adoption-moderating variables – expected performance, expected efforts and social
influence – these models account for 70% of variance in intentions to use. Nevertheless,
these models have some limits. These models seem to consider IT as univocal tools and
thus seem unable to take into consideration the unanticipated effects of mobile
technologies. Yet the effects resulting from the implementation of a technology may
differ greatly from an organisation to another or from an individual to another.
Furthermore, they only focus on the individual level of analysis, without taking into
account the influence of organisation in the adoption logics, the logics of adoption by
groups, and the fact that mobile technologies are used in various contexts (private and
professional areas). Yet, understanding adoption logics requires micro- and macro levels
of analysis to be combined so as to put forward the social dynamics of adoption. TAM
models eventually seem to forget that IT implementation is, above all, a process of
human and social change, which requires an appropriation of the technology by the
individual. A better understanding of mobile technology adoption thus clearly requires
going beyond classical acceptance models.
122 A. Leclercq

3.2 Beyond TAM models: structurationism and appropriation

As Weick (1990) underlines, ICTs are fundamentally equivocal insofar as they can be
conceived and used in many ways. The effects resulting from the implementation
of a technology may then differ greatly from an organisation to another or from an
individual to another. Similarly, Orlikowski (1992) introduced the concepts of ‘duality of
technology’ and ‘interpretative flexibility’, which put forward the equivocal nature of
technology and unpredictability of the effects related to the introduction of ICT. The
consequences of the introduction of a technology in an organisation above all depend on
the individuals’ appropriation (DeSanctis and Poole, 1994), and on the meaning it is
given by the actors. That is why structurationist models, which put forward the
equivocity of the technology and the necessary appropriation of ICT by individuals seem
particularly appropriate to the understanding of mobile technology adoption. The
structurationist model also offers new perspectives on the understanding of adoption
logics as they put forward the recursive interaction between man, technology and
organisation. Based on a structurationist framework, DeSanctis and Poole (1994) have
developed the adaptative structuration theory, which shows that ‘social structure in
technology’ and ‘social structures in action’ shape one another, and that organisational
innovations and technological innovations hang together unpredictably. Moreover, these
models may enable us to take into consideration the fact that ICT can have an effect on
work practices and have then to be ‘socially’ appropriated. If individuals finally accept
mobile tools, they also have to appropriate the new work conditions that accompany such
mobile tools. That is why, beyond the appropriation of mobile tools, the issue of the
appropriation of new work practices coupled with a new form of control, arises. Mobile
technologies indeed have to be socially accepted and appropriated by individuals to bring
benefits to organisations. Our purpose in this research is thus to understand what actions
can be carried out in order to favour mobile technology appropriation by individuals
within firms, so that enterprises will fully benefit from such technology.

4 Research methodology

In order to analyse the final outcome brought by mobile tools within firms and identify
key success factors of mobile tools acceptance, we adopted an exploratory approach and
carried out an interpretativist qualitative research. The interpretativist approach considers
that “access to reality is only possible through social constructions such as language,
consciousness or shared meanings” (Avison and Myers, 2002, p.59). That is the reason
why we chose such an approach. This research was constituted of 80 semistructured
interviews in ten firms, representing various economic sectors: manufacturing, service,
industry, (both B2C and B2B). Different kinds of individuals were interviewed: CEO,
CIO, and other top managers, human resources managers, operational managers,
middle-managers, area managers and field workers. This qualitative analysis was
elaborated both from a deductive and an inductive perspective. Every interview began
with general questions about the respondent himself and the mobile technology used
within firms. More precise questions where then asked to respondents in order to
understand the effects, both positive and negative ones, of mobile tools on the individual
himself and on the organisation. These interviews included questions about the
implementation, advantages, drawbacks and impacts of these technologies on
Key success factors of mobile technology implementation within firms 123

management, process, structures, way of working, individual and organisational

performance. The interviews were tape recorded and then transcribed. The interviews
were then subject to a qualitative analysis through a coding procedure realised using
Nvivo software.

5 Results and discussion

5.1 Factors of mobile technology appropriation within enterprises
Thanks to a comparison of several case studies, this research is an opportunity to
understand the conditions and contexts that favour an efficient implementation of mobile
tools within firms. This study clearly shows that the appropriation process of mobile
technologies in firms largely depends on the action of management.

5.1.1 Communication and role of management

First, it appears that enterprises which have successfully managed to implement mobile
technologies are aware of the fact that the introduction of this technology is a process of
organisational change and that it is necessary to give a strong support to employees
equipped with mobile devices. Thanks to a great communication campaign, enterprises
have put forward the advantages brought by mobile tools, especially at the individual
level. For instance, many enterprises stress on the possibility for employees to rearrange
their private and professional times. It indeed appears that individuals really appreciate
the new form of flexibility that is offered to them, the possibility to better manage
their time, an increase in personal autonomy, a time optimisation and a possibility of
micro coordination.
“It messed up the notion of timework and of availability. An individual who
has access to such devices can go home, take his dinner, look at a film and go
on working.” (Marketing Manager, IT and service provider company)
“I work at home but I don’t work at 8 in the morning, to 5 at night. I don’t do
that. I take my kids to school, I work in the morning and the early afternoon.
My kids come on to school and I am home. We do their homework on the
afternoon. But I always eat with the family. And I used to work many days
9 PM to midnight. But I have very flexible schedules.” (Marketing Research
Manager, IT and service provider company)
“The autonomy of people is recognized. I really appreciate that.” (Area
Manager, cosmetics company)
Another way to keep the acceptance process easier lies in the fact that mobile
technologies can reassure employees. The managers we interviewed stressed on the
necessity to tell employees that mobile technologies, instead of putting on them a
certain pressure and stressing them out, can release them and reassure them. For
people who are on call, mobile tools enable them to be immediately warned in case of a
problem, so they can attend to their affairs without wondering if something serious
is happening.
“It is a security to be linked to the office, it is reassuring.” (Human Resource
Manager, distribution company)
“The most terrible would be a situation where we can imagine that something is
happening and we do not know that and can not act.” (General Affairs Director,
cosmetics company)
124 A. Leclercq

Moreover, it seems indispensable to gradually implement such technologies and not to go

too quickly. For example, some managers told us that such an implementation has to be
spread over a long period of time, so as not to disrupt organisational routines.
“We can not show immediately what are our ambitions with mobile
technologies, otherwise it would be obvious that we can get an extraordinary
increase in productivity with these tools. We need a patience of deployment.”
(IS Director, energy 1 company)
“The introduction of these tools has to be progressive because it can be
a schock on the tracking of activities. We have to find an equilibrium
to introduce these tools harmoniously, for them to be accepted, in order to
get productivity without any social reject on this question.” (IS Director,
cosmetics company)

5.1.2 Employees empowerment

This research also reveals the necessity to show employees that mobile technologies are a
way to empower them. It is indeed essential to encourage employees to assume more
responsibilities through the use of mobile technologies. Lots of field workers accept
mobile technologies because they feel more responsible and get the impression that
mobile tools contribute to the development of their job. For example, in the case on a
large firm, tablet PCs have been given to workers on building sites essentially for
productivity and piloting reasons. These field workers have largely accepted these
technologies because they feel more integrated into their firm and think that it increases
the prestige of their profession. The use of mobile tools indeed sometimes lead the
individual to achieve new tasks and to assume more responsibilities, in terms of
reporting, costs improvement, or team management.
“These tools have a real advantage: it enhances the image of their job.”
(IS Director, cosmetics company)
“These mobile tools contribute to motivate the person on the building site,
this function is more and more recognized, and the team itself is developed.”
(Human Resource Manager, distribution company)
“These tools are really motivating, they give a sense of responsibility.”
(IS Manager, utilities 2 company)
In the same spirit, it is essential to show individuals that mobile technologies enable them
to be more efficient in the achievement of their tasks and can help them in their job.
Employees thus feel empowered as their firm give them the means to be more productive.
“These tools were given to be more efficient. It is an inestimable progress.”
(Area Manager, utilities 1 company)
“Mobile tools enable me to better organize my work. So for me, it is really
important.” (Area Manager, IT and service provider company)

5.1.3 Development of a sense of self-worth

Field workers indeed accept mobile technologies because these tools are perceived not
only as professional, but also as symbolic and statutory devices, which give field workers
a sense of self-worth, a certain amount of prestige.
“It enhances the field worker’s image, it is an instrument of valorization.”
(IS Director, cosmetics company)
Key success factors of mobile technology implementation within firms 125

“It is a social element. Some of our colleagues, when we gave them laptops,
were very proud towards their family. Children admire their father who
bring back a laptop at home. It gives them a social status which still exists.”
(Customer Relationship Manager, IT and service provider company)

5.1.4 Personal advantages for employees

Moreover, it ought to be stressed that individuals accept such technology when they can
get personal benefits from the use of mobile technologies, for example, when they
have the opportunity to use them for private goals or when advantageous conditions are
offered to them.
“You have a tool paid by the company, without any control of your use of it. It
is admitted that you can use it for personal goals.” (IS Development Manager,
IT and service provider company)
“They have an economical personal interest to be equipped with these tools for
their communications.” (Sales Director, utilities 1 company)

5.1.5 A logic of counterparts

The data analysis shows that organisational and individual benefits are tightly embedded
and that a close interaction exists between these two levels. It thus appears that
organisational benefits can be grasped because individuals can also take advantage of
mobile technologies. For example, individuals accept the control exerted over them, the
increase in work time, the increase in productivity and in the number of interventions
because they manage themselves to take advantage of mobile technologies through a
better autonomy, more personal flexibility and an empowerment in their job.
“People accept the time optimisation in the evening and also accept to
do two or three additional interventions during the day.” (IS Director,
distribution company)
“We have a good social acceptance of these tools, and then a better
productivity, thanks to the fact that the individual doesn’t have to come back in
the evening if he has an appointment at the far end of the area.” (Human
Resource Director, cosmetics company)
As the sociologist Mauss (1924/1990) as shown in his famous work, The Gift, a gift,
which is issued with a basic social rule – reciprocity – implies a countergift. In the same
manner, there seems to be a logic of counterparts at the heart of the benefits brought by
mobile technologies.
“When your firm gives you a mobile phone, paid by the enterprise, the
least we could do is to let it switched on.” (Human Resource Manager,
utilities 1 company)

5.1.6 A mimetic phenomenon

Furthermore, this research reveals that mobile technologies are also accepted because
individuals are led by a mimetic phenomenon, which drive them to adopt a technology
that has been adopted before by other individuals. The individual is thus subject to a
phenomenon of mimicry (bandwagon effect), which comes from the pressure of mass
media and from the social group he belongs to.
126 A. Leclercq

“We get led astray into this fashion… often people tell me: “what, you don’t
have the latest device!” It’s mimetism, yes, mimetism.” (Managing Director,
utilities 3 company)
We can even notice that this imitation phenomenon is often linked to the image the
individual, willing to show he is modern, wants to give.
“The effect of imitation lies in the will not to be viewed as an old-fashioned
person.” (Middle Manager, energy 2 company)
That is why many managers told us that it is necessary, at the beginning of the
implementation process, to equip only small groups of individuals with mobile tools.
Thanks to these ‘pilot phases’, enterprises manage to favour the demand for mobile
technologies, to enable the diffusion of these tools in the whole organisation and to make
them easily appropriated by individuals.
“We began with pilot phases in order to create demand. People became envious
and finally asked for mobile technologies.” (IS Director, distribution company)

5.2 Organisational benefits finally brought by mobile technology

This research is an opportunity to present different success stories of firms that have
managed to use mobile technology in a both effective and efficient way and achieved to
take profit from them.

5.2.1 Time optimisation and productivity

Among the real benefits brought by mobile technologies, respondents put forward
the increase in work time, both on travel and at home, coupled with an optimisation
of time.
“Days are more elastic than before. It is a real gain and a benefit for firms.”
(Sales Manager, cosmetics company)
“The most important advantage when we talk about productivity is that people
really work more.” (Marketing Manager, utilities 3 company)
Moreover, one of the main benefits to firms lies in the capability to control field
workers’ activities. It indeed appears that mobile tools are a means for firms to
standardise operational process, to optimise field interventions and eventually to
improve field workers’ productivity, thanks to an increase in the number of operations
per day. For example, we have seen in our empirical study different kinds of firms
that implement mobile technology to improve field activities, such as waste
collection, telecommunication network maintenance, consulting activities, or distribution
and supply chain.
“What we want with these tools is the possibility to control field workers, that
is to say the possibility to increase productivity.” (Human Resource Manager,
cosmetics company)
“With these tools I immediately see and compare the productivity of each field
worker, I can make comparisons of turnover per individual, per country, per
company.” (Sales Manager, utilities 2 company)
Key success factors of mobile technology implementation within firms 127

5.2.2 Cost reductions

Another benefit for firms identified by respondents is cost reduction. This cost reduction
is due to a decrease in the number of travels and the shrinkage of facilities and amenities
cost and in certain cases, to staff reduction. For example, in our study, a large insurance
company equips its employees with mobile devices to reduce the number of travels and
also to encourage home working.
“Working at home avoids office occupation.” (Operational Manager,
insurance company)
“Thanks to mobility, we began to travel less than before.” (IS Manager, IT and
service provider company)
“It has led to a staff destruction, with these technologies, we need less
assistants.” (Marketing Manager, utilities 3 company)

5.2.3 Data availability and reactivity

Better access to data and information are still among the organisational benefits of mobile
technologies. Specific databases, applied to customers or products for example, are thus
constituted and regularly updated, enabling operational workers to be more reactive and
conclude more contracts than before.
“I will give you one example of the benefits we get with these tools. During a
complex negotiation, a customer asked a commercial a question about the price
and availability of a product. The commercial immediately sent an e-mail with
his blackberry to his office. And before the end of the negotiation, he got the
information. As a result, he achieved his contract in an hour and half, and not in
two days as before.” (CEO, utilities 2 company)
This result shows that mobile technologies eventually introduce in firms an obligation of
reactivity, which appears as a new value, and will reduce time responses, from which
firms get lots of advantages. For example, a firm specialised in buildings construction
equipped building site managers with tablet PCs to have information in real time about
the project costs and global functioning.
“These tools really enable us to be more efficient and more reactive.”
(Operational Field Worker, utilities 1 company)

5.2.4 Customer satisfaction and organisational identity

Eventually, the use of mobile tools has a direct impact on customer relationship. First,
thanks to the reduction of time response and the increase in reactivity, it appears that
the client satisfaction is largely improved. Moreover, mobile tools give an image of
professionalism and of modernity to customers, which may have a positive effect
on firms.
“The image given to clients is higher, the perception that the client has of
these tools is a perception of professionalism.” (Human Resource Manager,
insurance company)
128 A. Leclercq

6 Conclusion

In conclusion, this research has some limits, which have to be pointed out. This
paper presents the results of an exploratory research, which has to be tested in a
quantitative way, in order to identify mechanisms from antecedents of appropriation
to consequences.
Moreover, this research focuses on French firms. The next step is thus an extension
to other European firms. Furthermore, we focus on the benefits of mobile technologies
and we wonder if their pernicious effects have an influence on adoption-appropriation
logics. The findings of the research may also not be generalisable to ICT as a whole.
Nevertheless, this analysis enables us to show that the benefits organisations can get from
mobile technologies depend on the appropriation behaviours of employees. Thanks to an
exploratory research carried out in ten large firms, we have identified different
conditions, contexts and managerial actions that favour an efficient implementation
of mobile tools within firms. We have shown that organisations, by respecting these
guidelines and principles, can really take profit from mobile technology and get different
kinds of benefits. The interest of this research is twofold: from a theoretical point of
view, this question highlights a major trend in IS research ICT acceptance and
appropriation. From a practical point of view, organisations do not always seem to be
fully aware of the consequences entailed by mobile technologies, so that few measures
are taken to adjust to the effects of this new form of work organisation. And yet, the
understanding of what is at stake with the integration of mobile technology in businesses
enables organisations to identify the various means necessary to its acceptance.

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