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Biomaterials 30 (2009) 780–788

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Biodegradable poly(3-caprolactone) nanowires for bone tissue engineering

Joshua R. Porter, Andrew Henson, Ketul C. Popat*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Biomedical Engineering, Colorado State University, 1374 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Critical-sized defects in bone, whether caused by cancer tumor resection, trauma, or selective surgery
Received 6 August 2008 have in many cases presented insurmountable challenges to the current gold-standard treatment for
Accepted 16 October 2008 bone repair. The primary purpose of a tissue-engineered scaffold is to incite and promote the natural
Available online 14 November 2008
healing process of bone, which does not occur in critical-sized defects. In this work, a solvent-free
template synthesis technique was utilized to fabricate uniform arrays of substrate-bound poly(3-cap-
rolactone) (PCL) nanowires. Biodegradation of PCL nanowire surfaces was characterized using scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF)
Bone repair
Bone tissue engineering mass spectrometry. Rat bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were employed to assess
Osseointegration short-term biocompatibility and long-term bioactivity of nanowire surfaces. Short-term cell studies
Mesenchymal stem cell indicated that PCL nanowire surfaces supported enhanced cell adhesion and viability compared with
Polycaprolactone control surfaces. MSCs seeded on nanowire surfaces also displayed increased levels of alkaline phos-
phatase (ALP) after 1, 2, and 3 weeks in culture. Calcium-phosphate mineralization was substantially
accelerated on nanowire surfaces compared to control surfaces as indicated through calcium staining,
von Kossa staining, SEM, and electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Increased levels of inter- and
extracellular levels of osteocalcin and osteopontin were observed on nanowire surfaces using immu-
nofluorescence techniques after 3 weeks of culture. Considering the simplicity of the presented fabri-
cation technique, capacity for solvent-free encapsulation of bioactive molecules or particles, and
enhanced MSC performance on nanowire surfaces, this work presents an excellent foundation for the
development of 3-D scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction constituents, depend intimately on its micro- and nanoscale

structure [5–8]. In attempts to mimic key chemical cues in bone
Autogenous cancellous bone is currently the most widely used physiology, bioactive molecules such as growth, transcription, and
bone graft material [1]. However, there are several problems adhesion factors have been incorporated into synthetic bone scaf-
associated with this procedure such as donor site morbidity, pain, folds and demonstrated enhanced osteoconduction and osteoin-
prolonged rehabilitation, increased risk of deep infection, inflam- duction [9–12]. In addition to mimicking the physiochemical
mation, restricted availability, and additional scar tissue formation physiologic environment of bone, tissue engineers are faced with
[2–4]. These problems have motivated the design of synthetic bone several practical design considerations such as controlled biodeg-
scaffolds as a replacement for autogenous cancellous bone grafts. radation rate to promote native tissue ingrowth, viability preser-
Synthetic bone scaffolds aim to mimic the physiochemical envi- vation for bioactive molecules, removal of potentially cytotoxic
ronment in native bone through micro- and nanoscale physical processing solutions, and sterilization [13,14].
manipulations and encapsulation with signaling molecules such as In this work, we present a solvent-free template synthesis
growth factors. Bone progenitor cell and osteoblast functionality is technique for fabricating controlled arrays of high aspect ratio,
heavily regulated by surface micro- and nanoscale architectures in substrate-bound nanowires from poly(3-caprolactone), a biocom-
vitro and in vivo which is not surprising considering the properties patible and biodegradable polymer. Template synthesis is a simple
and function of bone, a complex composite of organic and inorganic procedure which provides a controlled approach for developing
nanoscale polymer constructs for tissue engineering applications.
Capitalizing on its low biodegradation rate and low melting
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 970 491 1468. temperature, PCL scaffolds can be fabricated and impregnated with
E-mail address: (K.C. Popat). bioactive molecules in solvent-free conditions avoiding toxicity

0142-9612/$ – see front matter Published by Elsevier Ltd.

J.R. Porter et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 780–788 781

associated with organic solvents typically utilized in polymer drug Tissue culture polystyrene (PS) and smooth PCL (PCL) surfaces were both used as
delivery systems [15–17]. Biodegradation and bioactive molecule or control surfaces. All test and control surfaces were cultured and assayed in triplicate
at each time point specified. Short-term studies were conducted in triplicate and
drug release profiles may be optimized through simple parametric long-term studies were conducted in duplicate using different animals as the MSC
changes in the nanowires. Further, template synthesis of nanowire source for each study.
surfaces can be readily combined with existing microscale fabri-
cation technologies making it an ideal candidate for fabrication of 2.4. Short-term MSC response to nanowire surfaces
3-D scaffolds. In this work, nanowire fabrication and biodegrada-
After 1, 4, and 6 days of culture, cell responses to the surfaces were investigated
tion, short- and long-term MSC response, and bioactive molecule through cell adhesion, viability (mitochondrial activity), and morphology. A stan-
encapsulation are reported. dard Live/Dead assay (Invitrogen) was used to image cell survival, adhesion, and
spatial organization. Samples were removed from culture media, rinsed in PBS and
2. Materials and methods incubated in calcein-AM (2 mM in PBS) and ethidium homodimer-1 (4 mM in PBS) for
45 min. Cells with compromised membranes exhibit red-fluorescence from the live-
2.1. PCL nanowire fabrication cell impermeant nucleic acid stain ethidium homodimer-1. Cells with intact cell
membranes are able to use nonspecific cytosolic esterases to convert nonfluorescent
Nanowires were fabricated via template synthesis from Poly(3-caprolactone) calcein-AM into bright green-fluorescent calcein. Surfaces were rinsed in PBS and
(PCL) (MW: 37 kDa, Sigma), using 13 mm WhatmanÒ AnoporeÔ inorganic then viewed using appropriate filters with a Zeiss Axioplan 2 fluorescence micro-
aluminum oxide membranes (Fig. 1). In brief, PCL was placed flat on the surface of scope (Carl Zeiss).
the membrane at 115  C for 3 min while it extruded into the porous membrane. The Cell viability was measured after 1 and 4 days of culture (log phase growth)
alumina membranes were then dissolved in 1 N NaOH for 75 min. Nanowire using a commercially available MTT assay kit (Sigma). Adhered cells were incubated
templates were then soaked twice and rinsed profusely with DI water, dried under at 37  C for 3 h in a (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide
vacuum, and stored in a desiccator until further analysis. Scanning electron (MTT) solution. Mitochondrial dehydrogenases of viable cells cleave the tetrazolium
microscopy (SEM) and electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) were utilized to ring, yielding purple formazan crystals. Formazan crystals were then dissolved in
confirm the absence of alumina or NaOH residues on nanowire surfaces. the MTT solvent. The optical density (OD) of the solvent is proportional to the
mitochondrial activity of the cells on the surface. OD was measured at 570 nm using
a spectrophotometer (FLUOstar Omega; BMG Labtech, Durham, NC). Background
2.2. PCL nanowire degradation absorbance at 690 nm was subtracted from the measured absorbance.
To view the morphology of adhered MSCs on control and nanowire surfaces, the
Biodegradation of control and nanowire surfaces was studied in PBS alone and cells were fixed, dehydrated, and viewed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
PBS with lipase (from Pseudomonas cepacia (50 Units/mg), Sigma). Due to the very after 1, 4, and 6 days of culture to determine short-term morphological changes; and
low nanowire to bulk mass ratio, standard degradation techniques such as gas after 1, 2, and 3 weeks of differentiation to determine long-term cell morphology
permeation chromatography (GPC) or gravimetric analysis could not be used to and extracellular matrix production. Briefly, the cells were fixed in a solution of 3%
quantify degradation. The two techniques employed in this study to characterize PCL glutaraldehyde (Sigma), 0.1 M sodium cacodylate (Polysciences, Warrington, PA), and
nanowire degradation were: SEM visual analysis and matrix-assisted laser desorp- 0.1 M sucrose (Sigma) for 45 min. The surfaces were then soaked in buffer containing
tion/ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. Briefly, control and 0.1 M sodium cacodylate and 0.1 M sucrose. The cells were dehydrated by soaking the
nanowire surfaces were soaked in 1 ml PBS with and without lipase. The concen- surfaces in increasing concentrations of ethanol (35%, 50%, 70%, 95%, 100%) for
tration of lipase was 10k Units/l. Samples were incubated at physiological conditions 10 min each. Cells were dehydrated further by soaking the surface in hexame-
(37  C, 5% CO2) for 1 week. They were extracted from the degradation media at days thyldisilazane (HMDS, Sigma) for 10 min. The surfaces were then dried under
1, 4, and 7 and rinsed with DI water, dried, and stored in a desiccator until exami- vacuum and stored in a desiccator until examined with SEM. They were sputter
nation with SEM. The media in which the samples were soaked was collected for coated with 10 nm of gold and imaged using a JEOL JSM 6500F at voltages ranging
MALDI-TOF analysis. Due to the extremely low concentration (nmol to mmol range) from 10 to 15 kV.
and high molecular weight of the degradation products, MALDI-TOF mass spec-
trometry was selected to obtain a mass spectrum of the degradation products in the
2.5. MSC long-term response to nanowire surfaces
soaking media.
MSC responses to the nanowire and control surfaces were investigated 1, 2, and
2.3. Mesenchymal stem cell isolation and culture 3 weeks after providing the cells with osteogenic differentiation media. Alkaline
phosphatase (ALP) activity, calcium and phosphate deposition, and extracellular
MSCs were isolated from Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) supplied by Harlan matrix protein production were used to assess the osteoinductivity and osseointe-
Sprague Dawley, Inc. Limbs were aseptically removed from recently euthanized grativity of the nanowire surfaces. Nanowire and control surfaces were removed
animals. Soft tissue was removed and bones were briefly stored in cold PBS. Meta- from the culture media and rinsed twice in PBS prior to analysis.
physeal ends were removed to expose the bone marrow cavity. In a 50-ml conical Cytoplasmic ALP was measured at prescribed time points. Adhered cells were
tube, marrow was repeatedly flushed with culture media (a-MEM with 10% fetal incubated and shaken in a standard mammalian cell lysis reagent (CelLyticÔ M,
bovine serum (FBS, Sigma) and 1% penicillin/streptomycin (pen/strep, Sigma)) using Sigma) for 15 min at room temperature. A commercially available ALP colorimetric
10 ml syringes with 18 and 25 gauge needles. Media containing cells and debris assay kit (QuanticromeÔ, BioAssay Systems) was used to quantify ALP concentration
was filtered with a 70-mm nylon filter into a clean tube. Cells were counted using in the cell lysate. Briefly, ALP catalyzes the reaction of p-Nitrophenolphosphate
a hemocytometer before seeding. Control (smooth) and nanowire PCL test surfaces (p-NPP) to p-Nitrophenol and phosphate. p-Nitrophenol is measured using a plate
were sterilized by exposing them to UV light for 15 min followed by soaking in 70% reader (yellow, 405 nm) at 1 min and 5 min in order to determine the concentration
ethanol for 30 min. The surfaces were then washed twice with warm PBS followed of ALP in the lysate.
by warm culture media prior to MSC seeding. Cells were seeded on control and The intra- and extracellular calcium was detected using a standard alizarin red
nanowire surfaces (surface area: 0.7 cm2) in a 24-well plate at a density of 2 million/ staining procedure. Test and control surfaces were rinsed twice in PBS followed by
well (w1E6/cm2). Cells were cultured in the same media described above. Cultures a rinse in cold (4  C) ringer solution (Sigma). Adhered cells were fixed in 3.7%
were incubated at 37.0  C and 5% CO2 for the duration of the study. Half of the media paraformaldehyde in cold PBS for 10 min, and then rinsed in cold DI water. To stain
was changed at day 4. On day 7, all the media was replaced with an osteogenic calcium on the surfaces, a solution of 2% alizarin red (Sigma) in 10% ammonium
differentiation media consisting of a-MEM supplemented with 10% FBS, 1% Penn/ hydroxide was used. Calcium forms an alizarin red S-calcium complex in a chelation
Strep, Dexamethasone (108 M), ascorbic cid (50 mg/ml), and b-glycerolphosphate process, and the end product is birefringent. Digital images of stained surfaces were
(8 mmol). Media was changed every 2 days up to 3 weeks. MSC response was captured using a Canon PowerShot SD1000.
investigated in two phases: a) Cell adhesion, proliferation, and viability up to 7 days Intra- and extracellular calcium phosphate (PO 4 ) was detected using a standard
after initial culture, and b) cell osteogenic differentiation and matrix production for von Kossa staining procedure. This is a standard procedure typically utilized for the
up to 3 weeks after differentiation media was supplied. detection of calcium-phosphate mineralization on different biomaterials. Samples

Fig. 1. Schematic of PCL nanowire fabrication. Sintered PCL puck is placed on nanoporous alumina membrane (A). At moderately elevated temperatures PCL nanowires are
gravimetrically extruded. (B, C). The alumina membrane is dissolved in NaOH (D) leaving a nanowire surface (E).
782 J.R. Porter et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 780–788

Fig. 2. PCL nanowire surfaces imaged using SEM at 750 (A), 1700 (B), 19,000 (C) and 120,000 (D).

were rinsed with a cacodylic buffer (1 M cacodylic acid and 1 M NaOH in DI water) 3. Results and discussion
and then fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde in cacodylic buffer for 10 min at room
temperature. Samples were then rinsed twice with DI water followed by exposure to
a silver nitrate solution. The silver cation binds with anions such as phosphates or
3.1. PCL nanowire fabrication
carbonates and turns a dark brown or black color. Digital images were taken using
a Canon PowerShot SD1000. Research on polymer-based tissue engineering scaffolds has
Samples prepared for SEM were also examined for surface elemental compo- revealed that the use of organic solvents during fabrication or
sition using an attached EDS probe (Thermo Electron, Noran system) to the JEOL JSM
bioactive molecule encapsulation may have cytotoxic effects.
6500F. EDS was used to detect mineralization (calcium and phosphorus) on the
samples. Surfaces were analyzed for 5 min at 5–15 kV and a magnification of 100– Therefore, in this work, we have developed a solvent-free nano-
5000 to provide a complete profile of different elements present. Calcium to templating technique to fabricate PCL scaffolds for tissue engi-
phosphorus ratios were computed to speculate on the type of calcium phosphate neering applications. The melt-extrusion process described in this
present. study was simple and consistently produced uniform nanowire
After 3 weeks of culture, MSCs on different surfaces were immuno-labeled for
osteocalcin and osteopontin. Cells were fixed and permeabilized as described earlier.
surfaces. Prior to cell culture, 24 surfaces were fabricated and
Samples were incubated with 10% donkey serum (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) in PBS examined under SEM to determine repeatability and uniformity.
for 20 min at room temperature to prevent nonspecific binding. After rinsing in PBS, Fig. 2 displays representative SEM images of PCL nanowires
the samples were incubated with either anti-osteocalcin primary antibody (1:100 in fabricated using nanotemplating technique. SEM images revealed
PBS, V-19 purified goat polyclonal antibody of human origin, Santa Cruz Biotech-
presence of regular microchannels on the surface, which is likely
nology) or anti-osteopontin primary antibody (P-18 purified goat polyclonal
antibody of mouse origin, Santa Cruz Biotechnology) for 1 h at room temperature. due to the surface tension interaction during membrane disso-
Following primary antibody incubation, samples were washed three times with PBS lution. Further, EDS revealed that no residual alumina membrane
at an interval of 5 min each. Samples were then incubated in FITC-labeled secondary or NaOH was present on the nanowire surfaces (data not shown).
antibodies for osteocalcin and osteopontin (1:100 donkey antigoat IgG, Santa Cruz
Biotechnology) for 45 min in the dark. Finally, the samples were rinsed in PBS and
imaged using appropriate filters with a Zeiss Axioplan 2 fluorescence microscope 3.2. Nanowire biodegradation characterization
(Carl Zeiss).
Understanding and characterizing the biodegradation of
2.6. Hydroxyapatite (HAp) nanosphere encapsulation a polymer tissue engineering scaffold is critical in determining its
clinical utility. A scaffold should biodegrade (or bioerrode) at a rate
PCL nanowires were encapsulated with HAp nanospheres using a solvent-free comparable to tissue generation incited by the scaffold. Addition-
technique. Briefly, 1.0 wt% HAp powder (Ø < 200 nm, Sigma) was mechanically
mixed with molten PCL on a hot plate above the melting temperature of PCL. After
ally, if a scaffold is designed to encapsulate and release drugs or
samples were cooled, PCL-HAp composite nanowires were extruded as described bioactive molecules, the degradation must also be well character-
earlier. ized. Due to the inherent slow degradation rate, biocompatibility,

x 104
Nanowires w/Lipase
4 Control w/Lipase
3.5 Nanowires in PBS
Control in PBS
Intensity (a.u.)




500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Fig. 3. MALDI-TOF mass spectra. PCL nanowire surfaces incubated for 7 days in PBS alone (A), and PBS with lipase (B).
J.R. Porter et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 780–788 783

Fig. 4. Fluorescence microscopy images of live cells on smooth PCL (A) and nanowire PCL (B) surfaces after 6 days of culture. Cell aggregation on the nanowire surface indicates
a higher level of intercellular communication.

and simplicity of polymerization with polylactides and poly- assay (Fig. 5). The viability of cells on the PCL nanowire surfaces is
glycolides, PCL has been investigated as a drug or bioactive mole- significantly (p < 0.01) higher than that on polystyrene after 4 days
cule delivery system in a variety of applications [18–21]. However, of culture, indicating that the MSCs seeded on the nanowire surface
the influence of nanotopography on degradation rate has not been are healthy and there are no cytotoxic effects. Further, fluorescence
demonstrated in the literature to date. Higher PCL degradation microscopy images of live cells seeded on nanowire surfaces show
rates in vivo are attributed to the optimum concentration of higher degree of spreading compared to that on smooth surfaces
pancreatic enzymes in the human body [22–24]. Bacterial enzymes (Fig. 4). It is likely that the cell may have reached confluency by day
such as P. cepacia lipase are typically used at higher than physio- 4 on nanowire surfaces resulting in decreased MTT absorbance
logical concentrations to study in vitro degradation characteristics compared to smooth surface.
[22,25]. Due to very low concentrations of relatively high molecular To visualize morphological changes in MSCs, SEM images were
weight polymer degradation products, two techniques were taken after 1, 4, and 6 days of culture. SEM analysis supported
utilized: SEM to visualize bioerosion and MALDI-TOF to determine fluorescence microscopy results that the MSCs preferentially
the mass spectra of the degradation products collected from the adhere, spread, and aggregate on PCL nanowire surfaces compared
soaking media. SEM images revealed that polymer nanowires to smooth surfaces (Fig. 6) (Data not shown for polystyrene surfaces
soaked in PBS alone showed no visible bioerosion for the duration due to the similarity seen between them and the smooth PCL
of the study (Fig. 3A). However, nanowires soaked in PBS with P. surfaces.) SEM images indicate that the cells seeded on nanowire
cepacia lipase visibly bioeroded somewhat after 4 days and signif- surfaces had a rapid morphological response compared to smooth
icantly after 7 days (Fig. 3B). The MALDI-TOF analysis validated the PCL and polystyrene surfaces. After only 24 h of culture, MSCs on
SEM observations. Control PCL samples incubated in PBS with nanowire surfaces (Fig. 6B) were significantly more spread than
enzymes produced less but still significant amounts of degradation cells seeded on smooth surfaces (Fig. 6A). A high magnification
products compared to both the control and nanowire samples image of the cells seeded on the nanowire surface after 24 h
incubated in PBS alone. The regularity of the peaks in the spectra (Fig. 6C, magnified from the dotted box in Fig. 6B) revealed that
indicates classical polymer degradation signatures. This data indi- there is an extensive network of cell lamellopodia and filopodia
cates that degradation is approximately 35% (average) higher for woven into and surrounding the nanowire substrate. These actin-
nanowire surfaces compared with smooth PCL, but is predomi- rich cell extensions are involved in cell adhesion, spreading,
nantly driven by the presence of lipase. Therefore, PCL degradation migration, and intracellular communication [28–30]. After 4 days in
rate may be controlled, to some extent, through parametric changes culture, cells seeded on nanowire surfaces (Fig. 6E) have spread
made in the nanowires.

3.3. Short-term MSC response to nanowire surfaces 0.1

TC Polystyrene
Optical Density (450nm-690nm)

Bone tissue injury initiates a cascade of events leading to the

Smooth PCL
migration of MSCs to the site of injury. Cytokines, transcriptional 0.08
factors, growth factors and ECM proteins produced by local cells Nanowire PCL
regulate the differentiation of MSC along the osteogenic line. In
order to mimic the in vivo environment more closely, MSCs isolated 0.06
from Wistar rats were utilized instead of a secondary-derived,
immortalized cell line. Short-term MSC survivability, adhesion, and
viability on these polymer nanowire surfaces were investigated.
MSC survival and adhesion was assessed through Live/Dead fluo-
rescence staining. Images taken on a fluorescence microscope
indicate that the nanowire surface was a favorable template for cell
adhesion. Further, MSCs seeded on nanowire surfaces display
increased communication as indicated by a high degree of cell
aggregation, a signature of natural in vivo behavior (Fig. 4 – data
only shown for live cells). This desirable short-term cell response to 0
Day 1 Day 4
nanotopographical surfaces is strongly supported in the literature
[26,27]. MSCs seeded on smooth and nanowire PCL surfaces dis- Fig. 5. MSC viability after 1 and 4 days of culture. Data indicates comparable short-
played a high level of viability as assessed using a standard MTT term MSC viability on polystyrene, smooth, and nanowire PCL surfaces.
784 J.R. Porter et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 780–788

Fig. 6. MSCs seeded on smooth and nanowire PCL surfaces after 1 day (A, B, C), 4 days (D, E, F), and 6 days (G, H, I) in culture. The left column displays images of cells seeded on
smooth PCL, the center and right columns display images of cells seeded on nanowire surfaces.

significantly (the right half of the image is a single spread cell), role in the induction of hydroxyapatite deposition on extracellular
while cells seeded on smooth surfaces have begun to spread but are matrix proteins [31,32]. ALP aids in mineralization by hydrolyzing
still mostly spherical and non-interacting. A high magnification organic phosphate esters, thus producing an excess of free inor-
image of the leading edge of a cell seeded on the nanowire surface ganic phosphate which initiates the biomineralization process.
(Fig. 6F, magnified from the dotted box in Fig. 6E) displays larger Intracellular ALP concentrations were measured after 1, 2, and 3
cell extensions woven into the nanowire substrate. After 7 days in
culture, cells seeded on the smooth surface have begun to spread
more (Fig. 6G). MSCs seeded on nanowire surfaces are nearly
indistinguishable and have become completely integrated with the
nanowire substrate (Fig. 6H and I, magnified from the dotted box in
Fig. 6H). These images suggest that MSCs seeded on nanowire
surfaces spread, migrate, adhere, and communicate much faster
compared with the same cell population seeded on smooth

3.4. Long-term MSC response to nanowire surfaces

The performance and clinical relevance of a tissue engineering

scaffold designed for bone regeneration relies heavily on its ability
to accelerate the cellular production of organic and inorganic
extracellular matrix. Cellular production of alkaline phosphatase,
calcium phosphate and ECM proteins required for osseointegration
and tissue regeneration were examined on PCL nanowire surfaces.
After 7 days of culture, cells were provided with media supple-
mented with dexamethasone, b-glycerolphosphate, and ascorbic
acid as described earlier. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was
Fig. 7. Intercellular concentration of ALP on polystyrene, smooth PCL, and nanowire
measured for up to 3 weeks of culture. The presence of ALP in PCL surfaces after 1, 2, and 3 weeks of culture. Peak values for all surfaces occur after 2
matrix vesicles, the site of new bone formation, suggests the role of week of culture. ALP concentrations are statistically significant (p < 0.05) on nanowire
ALP in mineralization. Research has shown that ALP plays a direct surfaces compared with polystyrene after 2 and 3 weeks in culture.
J.R. Porter et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 780–788 785

Fig. 8. SEM images of smooth (A, C, E) and nanowire surfaces (B, D, F); 1 week (A, B), 2 weeks (C, D), and 3 weeks (E, F) in culture. Calcium (upper) and von Kossa (lower) stains
correspond to the SEM image to their left. Nanowire surfaces accelerated ECM production and mineralization. Scale bar: 1 mm.

Fig. 9. SEM (A), EDS color map (B, C) and EDS spectrum (D) of a nanowire surface after 1 week of culture. The center of the image contains an aggregation of calcium-phosphate
spherulites. EDS computed a Ca:P ratio of 1.59. The presence of carbon and oxygen in the spectrum is due to the underlying PCL substrate.
786 J.R. Porter et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 780–788

weeks of culture in the differentiation media. Measured intracel- weeks in culture, the nanowire surfaces were completely covered
lular activity displayed a typical rise-fall pattern (Fig. 7) which has in calcium-phosphate minerals (Fig. 8D), while there is still only
been reported elsewhere for rat MSCs cultured on bioactive minimal calcium or phosphate detected on smooth PCL surfaces.
surfaces [33,34]. ALP is an early transient biomarkers for osteo- After 3 weeks of culture, the nanowire surfaces are indistinguish-
differentiation which is reflected in the increase in its activity able and completely calcified (Fig. 8F). Notable amount of calcium
between weeks 1 and 2 for all nanowire and control surfaces. The and phosphate were stained on smooth surfaces after 3 weeks in
decrease in ALP activity by week 3 is typically due to its down- culture even though the SEM images reveal a lower amount of
regulation in more mature osteoblast phenotypes. Our results mineralization (Fig. 8E). EDS was utilized to determine the
indicate intracellular ALP concentration is significantly (p > 0.05) composition, stoichiometry, and spatial organization of the
higher on nanowire surfaces compared to control surfaces after 2 calcium-phosphate minerals. Fig. 9 displays an elemental compo-
and 3 weeks of culture resulting accelerated mineralization on sitional map of a nanowire surface after 1 week of MSC culture. Ca:P
nanowire surfaces. ratio was determined from the EDS scan to be approximately 1.59.
SEM, EDS, calcium staining, and von Kossa staining were used to This closely corresponds to the theoretical stoichiometric Ca:P ratio
determine the ability of PCL nanowire surfaces to induce mineral- of 1.67 found in hydroxyapatite. However, further studies are
ization. Fig. 8 shows digital images of the stained surfaces (calcium required definitive characterization of the type of calcium phos-
(red) on top, phosphate (brown) stain on bottom) along with SEM phate present on the surface.
images after 1, 2 and 3 weeks of culture on both PCL nanowire and Intra- and extracellular osteocalcin and osteopontin were
smooth surfaces. SEM images and staining results clearly indicate detected on nanowire and control surfaces using immunofluores-
that cells seeded on nanowire surfaces display accelerated miner- cence as described earlier. Osteocalcin (OC) and osteopontin (OPN)
alization compared to control surfaces. Calcium-phosphate are hydroxyapatite-binding noncollagenous ECM proteins secreted
minerals in the early form of spherulites or globules were observed by osteoblast. Osteocalcin was selected as a biomarker as its
after 1 week of differentiation on nanowire surfaces (Fig. 8B), production indicates the presence of mature osteoblast phenotypes
whereas very little calcium or phosphate was detected on smooth [38]. OPN is a multifunctional extracellular glycoprotein involved
surfaces (Fig. 8A). This mineral morphology is supported in the primarily in cell migration, and regulation of mineral deposition
literature as an early phase of biomineralization [35–37]. After 2 [39]. Among the noncollagenous matrix proteins found in

Fig. 10. Polystyrene (A, B) and smooth PCL (C, D) surfaces showed fewer bright spots indicating focal adhesion development, but very little substrate-bound or intercellular OC or
OPN. MSCs seeded on PCL nanowire surfaces produced significantly higher amounts of both OC and OPN (E, F).
J.R. Porter et al. / Biomaterials 30 (2009) 780–788 787

Fig. 11. EDS detection of calcium overlaid on the corresponding SEM image of a PCL nanowire surface encapsulated with HAp nanoparticles (A). A magnified image of the dotted box
in (A) clearly shows spherical HAp particles (white arrows, B).

mineralized tissue, OPN is unique since it preferentially accumu- Acknowledgments

lates at mineralized tissue interfaces (i.e. cement lines and laminae
limitantes) and at mineralized tissue/implant interfaces suggesting Partial funding support for this work was provided by National
a role as an interfacial adhesion molecule, thereby maintaining Science Foundation (CBET- 0827827).
overall structural integrity of bone and bone/implant systems [40].
Immunolabeling for OC and OPN after 3 weeks of culture indicates
that nanowires surfaces induced substantially higher cellular Appendix
production of both proteins (Fig. 10). In addition to observing bright
spots, nanowire surfaces also displayed increased substrate signal, Figures with essential color discrimination. Certain figures,
which is likely related to OC and OPN binding to higher levels of especially parts of Figs. 3, 4, and 8–10, in this article are difficult to
calcium phosphate on nanowire surfaces. interpret in black and white. The full color images can be found in
the on-line version, at doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2008.10.022.

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