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Global Map Data Model (Similar to VMAP Level 0)

Global Map is the primary specification for Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) Programs, with a target scale of 1 : 1 000 000. Coded value domain
Fieldtype String
Split policy DefaultValue

Transportation Boundaries
Merge policy Duplicate
ALB Albania
Coded value domain Coded value domain DZA Algeria
GlobalMap_AP030 GlobalMap_Roadl_rst ASM AmericanSamoa
Description Description AND Andorra
Fieldtype String Fieldtype Integer
Split policy DefaultValue Split policy DefaultValue Simple featureclass GeometryPolyline The line where a land mass is in AGO Angola
Contains Mvalues No
Merge policy Duplicate Merge policy Duplicate CoastL Contains Z values No contact with a body of water. AIA Anguilla
Code Description Code Description ATA Antarctica
Allow Default Prec-
AP030 AP030 0 Unknown Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length ATG Antigua and Barbuda
1 Paved
Coded value domain ARG Argentina
GeometryPoint A defined area of land or water used Simple featureclass GeometryPolyline An open way maintained GlobalMap_BA010
Simple featureclass Contains Mvalues No Contains Mvalues No 2 Not paved Shape Geometry Yes
ARM Armenia
AirportP Contains Z values No for landing, take-off and movement of RoadL Contains Z values No for vehicular use. Coded value domain FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype Fieldtype String
ABW Aruba
AUS Australia
Allow Default Prec- aircraft including associated buildings Allow Default Prec- GlobalMap_Acc
Coded value domain
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code Split policy DefaultValue
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length Description acc Integer No 0 AccuracyCategory Merge policy Duplicate AUT Austria
and facilities. OBJECTID OID Fieldtype Integer GlobalMap_Roadl_rsu Code Description AZE Azerbaijan
OBJECTID OID exs Integer No 0 ExistenceCategory
Shape Geometry Yes Split policy DefaultValue Description BA010 BA010 BHS Bahamas
Shape Geometry Yes Shape_Length Double Yes 0 0
Merge policy Duplicate Fieldtype Integer
FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 FeatureClass subtype FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype BHR Bahrain
Split policy DefaultValue
Coded value domain f_code String No 5 FACC feature code Code Description Coded value domain BGD Bangladesh
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code Merge policy Duplicate
GlobalMap_GB005 acc Integer No 0 AccuracyCategory
1 Accurate
Code Description Subtypes ofCoastL GlobalMap_Acc1 BRB Barbados
iko String No 255 ICAODesignator
Description exs Integer No 0 ExistenceCategory
2 Approximate
0 Unknown Subtype field FCsubtype
Description Simple featureclass Geometry Polyline A line of demarcation between BLR Belarus
nam String No 255 Name Fieldtype String Contains Mvalues No
Fieldtype Integer PoliticalBoundaryL controlled areas.
uss Integer No 0 Usage Split policy DefaultValue med Integer No 0 MedianCategory 1 All year Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class Contains Z values No BEL Belgium
Split policy DefaultValue
zv3 Integer No 0 Airfield/AerodromeElevation Merge policy Duplicate rst Integer No 0 Surface Coded value domain 2 Seasonal Subtype Subtype Default Merge policy Duplicate Allow Default Prec- BLZ Belize
Code Description rsu Integer No 0 Seasonalavailability GlobalMap_Roadl_exs Code Description Field name value Domain Code Description
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length BEN Benin
GB005 GB005 rtt Integer No 0 RouteIndended Use Description f_code BA010 GlobalMap_BA010 0 Unknown OBJECTID OID BMU Bermuda
Subtypes ofAirportP Shape_Length Double Yes 0 0 Fieldtype Integer Coded value domain Shape Geometry Yes BTN Bhutan
0 CoastlineShoreline acc 0 GlobalMap_Acc1 1 Accurate
Split policy DefaultValue
Subtype field FCsubtype Coded value domain Merge policy Duplicate
GlobalMap_Roadl_rtt exs 0 GlobalMap_Coastl_exs 2 Approximate FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype Coded value domain BOL Bolivia
Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class GlobalMap_Aerofacp_use Description f_code String No 5 FACC feature code GlobalMap_FA000 BIH BosniaandHerzegowina
Code Description
Description Subtypes ofRoadL 2 Doubtful
Fieldtype Integer
Coded value domain acc Integer Yes 0 AccuracyCategory Description BWA Botswana
Subtype Subtype Default Fieldtype Integer Split policy DefaultValue Fieldtype String
Code Description Field name value Domain Split policy DefaultValue
Subtype field FCsubtype 5 Under Construction Merge policy Duplicate GlobalMap_Coastl_exs uss Integer Yes 0 Usage
Split policy DefaultValue
BVT Bouvet Island
Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class Description Shape_Length Double Yes 0 0 Merge policy Duplicate BRA Brazil
f_code GB005 GlobalMap_GB005 Merge policy Duplicate 28 Operational Code Description
0 AirportAirfield Point
uss 0 GlobalMap_Aerofacp_use Code Description Subtype Subtype Default 55 Unexamined/Unsurveyed 0 Unknown Simple featureclass GeometryPolygon An area of water which normally has Fieldtype Integer
Code Description IOT BritishIndianOceanTerritory
Contains Mvalues No Split policy DefaultValue
0 Military/Defence Code Description Field name value Domain 14 PrimaryRoute OceanSeaA Contains Z values No tidal fluctuations. Merge policy Duplicate FA000 FA000 BRN Brunei Darussalam
8 Joint f_code AP030 GlobalMap_AP030 Subtypes ofPoliticalBoundaryL BGR Bulgaria
15 SecondaryRoute Allow Default Prec- Code Description
22 Military/Defence/Civilian acc 1 GlobalMap_Acc Coded value domain Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length Subtype field FCsubtype BFA Burkinafaso
16 LimitedAccessRoute (freeway) 0 Unknown Coded value domain
exs 28 GlobalMap_Roadl_exs GlobalMap_Roadl_med Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class BDI Burundi
49 Civilian/Public 999 Other OBJECTID OID 1 Definite GlobalMap_PoliticalBoundaryl_use
0 RoadLine med 0 GlobalMap_Roadl_med Description Subtype Subtype KHM Cambodia
999 Other Shape Geometry Yes 44 Approximate/About Default Description
Fieldtype Integer Code Description Field name value Domain
rst 0 GlobalMap_Roadl_rst FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype Fieldtype Integer CMR Cameroon
Split policy DefaultValue 46 Man-made
rsu 0 GlobalMap_Roadl_rsu Merge policy Duplicate FACC feature code f_code FA000 GlobalMap_FA000 Split policy DefaultValue CAN Canada
f_code String No 5 55 Unexamined/Unsurveyed AdministrativeBoundaryLin
Simple featureclass GeometryPolyline A path worn by the passage of people rtt 0 GlobalMap_Roadl_rtt Code Description Shape_Length Double Yes 0 0 60 Indefinite(Shoreline)
acc 1 GlobalMap_Acc Merge policy Duplicate CPV Cape Verde
Contains Mvalues No Code Description
TrailsandTracksL Contains Z values No or animals. 0 Unknown Shape_Area Double Yes 0 0 uss 23 GlobalMap_PoliticalBoundaryl_use
23 International
CYM Cayman Islands
1 WithMedian CAF Central AfricanRepublic
Allow Default Prec- 26 Primary
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length 2 Without Median TCD Chad
Coded value domain Coded value domain 30 Seconary
OBJECTID OID Subtypes ofOceanSeaA CHL Chile
GlobalMap_AP050 GeometryPoint A system of tracks within defined GlobalMap_BA040 CHN China
Shape Geometry Yes Simple featureclass Contains Mvalues No
Subtype field FCsubtype
Description Description
FCsubtype Integer Yes 2 0 Featureclass subtype Fieldtype String RailyardP Contains Z values No limits, and associated features, Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class Fieldtype String Simple featureclass Geometry Point An area controlled by administrative CXR ChristmasIsland
Contains Mvalues No CCK Cocos(Keeling)Islands
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code Split policy DefaultValue
Allow Default Prec- provided for loading/unloading and Subtype Subtype Default Split policy DefaultValue PoliticalBoundaryP Contains Z values No authority.
exs Integer No 0 ExistenceCategory Merge policy Duplicate Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length Code Description Field name value Domain Merge policy Duplicate COL Colombia
Code Description
assembling trains. (Includes railway Code Description
Allow Default Prec- COM Comoros
Shape_Length Double Yes 0 0 OBJECTID OID 0 Water(except inland)Area f_code BA040 GlobalMap_BA040 Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length
AP050 AP050 stations) BA040 BA040 COG Congo
Shape Geometry Yes OBJECTID OID
COD Congo,the DemocraticRepublicofthe
FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype Shape Geometry Yes
Subtypes ofTrailsandTracksL f_code String No 5 FACC feature code
COK CookIslands
Coded value domain FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype
Subtype field FCsubtype CRI CostaRica
GlobalMap_Traill_exs Coded value domain
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code
CIV Cote d'Ivoire
Default subtype 2 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class coc String No 255 Countrycode
Fieldtype Integer Subtypes ofRailyardP GlobalMap_AN060 HRV Croatia (local name: Hrvatska)
Subtype Subtype Default laa String No 255 Local administrative area name
Code Description Field name value Domain Split policy DefaultValue Description CUB Cuba
Merge policy Duplicate
Subtype field FCsubtype Fieldtype String Simple featureclass Geometry Polygon An area controlled by administrative nam String No 255 Name
f_code AP050 GlobalMap_AP050 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class Contains Mvalues No CYP Cyprus
2 TrailLine Code Description
Default subtype 0 Split policy DefaultValue PoliticalBoundaryA Contains Z values No authority. CZE CzechRepublic
exs 28 GlobalMap_Traill_exs Subtype Subtype Default Merge policy Duplicate
2 Doubtful Allow Default Prec- Coded value domain DNK Denmark
Code Description Field name value Domain Code Description
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length Subtypes ofPoliticalBoundaryP GlobalMap_FA001
5 Under Construction DJI Djibouti
0 f_code AN060 GlobalMap_AN060 AN060 AN060 Subtype field FCsubtype
28 Operational RailroadYardMarshallingYardPoint OBJECTID OID Description
DMA Dominica
Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class Fieldtype String
Shape Geometry Yes DOM DominicanRepublic
Split policy DefaultValue
FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype Subtype Subtype Default
Code Description Merge policy Duplicate TMP East Timor
Field name value Domain
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code Code Description ECU Ecuador
f_code FA001 GlobalMap_FA001
Simple featureclass Geometry Polyline Line Structures. coc String Yes 255 Countrycode 0 AdministrativeAreaPoint FA001 FA001 EGY Egypt
Contains Mvalues No coc UNK GlobalMap_Coc
Simple featureclass GeometryPolyline A rail or set of parallel rails on which StructuresL Contains Z values No Coded value domain Coded value domain laa String Yes 255 Local administrative area name SLV El salvador
Contains Mvalues No nam String Yes 255 Name
RailroadL Contains Z values No a train or tram runs. GlobalMap_AQ070 GlobalMap_AQ130 GNQ Equatorial Guinea
Allow Default Prec- Shape_Length Double Yes 0 0
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length Description Description ERI Eritrea
Allow Default Prec- Fieldtype String Fieldtype String Shape_Area Double Yes 0 0
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length OBJECTID OID EST Estonia
Split policy DefaultValue Split policy DefaultValue
OBJECTID OID Shape Geometry Yes Merge policy Duplicate Merge policy Duplicate ETH Ethiopia
Shape Geometry Yes Coded value domain FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype FLK Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
Code Description Code Description Subtypes ofPoliticalBoundaryA Coded value domain
FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype GlobalMap_AN010 f_code String No 5 FACC feature code AQ070 AQ070 AQ130 AQ130 FRO Faroe Islands
Subtype field FCsubtype GlobalMap_FA001 FJI Fiji
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code Description tuc Integer No 0 TransportationuseCategory
Fieldtype String Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class Description FIN Finland
exs Integer No 0 ExistenceCategory Shape_Length Double Yes 0 0 Coded value domain Coded value domain
Split policy DefaultValue Subtype Subtype Default Fieldtype String FRA France
fco Integer No 0 FeatureConfiguration Merge policy Duplicate GlobalMap_Ferryl_tuc GlobalMap_Tunnell_tuc Code Description Field name value Domain Split policy DefaultValue
Shape_Length Double Yes 0 0 Description Description Merge policy Duplicate FXX France,metropolitan
Code Description f_code FA001 GlobalMap_FA001
AN010 AN010
Subtypes ofStructuresL Fieldtype Integer Fieldtype Integer 0 AdministrativeArea Code Description
GUF FrenchGuiana
Split policy DefaultValue Split policy DefaultValue coc UNK GlobalMap_Coc PYF FrenchPolynesia
Subtype field FCsubtype FA001 FA001
Merge policy Duplicate Merge policy Duplicate
Subtypes ofRailroadL Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class ATF FrenchSouthernTerritories
Coded value domain Code Description Code Description GAB Gabon
Subtype field FCsubtype Subtype Subtype Default
GlobalMap_Railroadl_exs 3 Railroad 3 Railroad
Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class Code Description Field name value Domain GMB Gambia
Description 4 Road 4 Road
f_code AQ070 GlobalMap_AQ070 GEO Georgia
Subtype Subtype Default Fieldtype Integer 2 FerryRouteLine DEU Germany
Code Description Field name value Domain Split policy DefaultValue tuc 4 GlobalMap_Ferryl_tuc
f_code AN010 GlobalMap_AN010 Merge policy Duplicate f_code AQ040 GlobalMap_AQ040 GHA Ghana
0 BridgeLine GIB Gibraltar
0 RailroadLine exs 28 GlobalMap_Railroadl_exs Code Description tuc 4 GlobalMap_Bridgel_tuc
2 Doubtful
Coded value domain GRC Greece
fco 3 GlobalMap_Railroadl_fco f_code AQ130 GlobalMap_AQ130
1 TunnelLine GlobalMap_AQ040 GRL Greenland
5 Under Construction tuc 4 GlobalMap_Tunnell_tuc
28 Operational GRD Grenada
Fieldtype String
55 Unexamined/Unsurveyed Split policy DefaultValue GLP Guadeloupe
59 Not Useable Merge policy Duplicate GUM Guam
Code Description GTM Guatemala
AQ040 AQ040 GIN Guinea
Coded value domain
Valid Value Tables (descriptive feature model)
GNB Guinea-Bissau
GlobalMap_Railroadl_fco GUY Guyana
Description Coded value domain
GlobalMap_Bridgel_tuc HTI Haiti
Fieldtype Integer
Split policy DefaultValue Description HMD Heard and Mc Donald Islands
Merge policy Duplicate Fieldtype Integer VAT HolySee (VaticanCityState)
Split policy DefaultValue HND Honduras
Code Description
Merge policy Duplicate Table Valid value tables for Airport/Airfield Table Valid value tables for Paste Errors.
0 Unknown HKG Hong Kong
2 Mulitple Code Description AirportP_VVT Point Features. Paste Errors HUN Hungary
3 Railroad
3 Single Allow Default Prec- Allow Default Prec- ISL Iceland
4 Road Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length IND India
FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset IDN Indonesia
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code IRN Iran(IslamicRepublicof)
uss Integer No 0 Usage IRQ Iraq
Description String Yes 250 Description IRL Ireland
JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset Valid value tables for Political ISR Israel
JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue
PoliticalBoundaryA_VVT Boundary Area Features. ITA Italy
JAM Jamaica
Allow Default Prec-
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length JPN Japan
Featureclass subtype JOR Jordan
FCsubtype Integer Yes 0

Population Drainage (Hydrography)

KAZ Kazakhstan
Table Valid value tables for Aqueduct/ f_code String No 5 FACC feature code
KEN Kenya
AqueductCanalFlumePenstockL_VVT coc String Yes 255 Countrycode
Canal/Flume/Penstock Line Features. KIR Kiribati
Coded value domain Description String Yes 250 Description
GlobalMap_BH000 Allow Default Prec- Symbol styleset PRK Korea,DemocraticPeople'sRepublicof
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length JOGA_style String Yes 255
Description Coded value domain KOR Korea,Republicof
JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue
Simple featureclass Geometry Point An area containing a concentration of Fieldtype String GlobalMap_BI020 FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype KWT Kuwait
Contains Mvalues No
BuiltUpAreaP Contains Z values No buildings and other structures. Split policy DefaultValue Description f_code String No 5 FACC feature code KGZ Kyrgyzstan
Merge policy Duplicate Fieldtype String exs Integer No 0 ExistenceCategory LAO LaoPeople'sDemocraticRepublic
Allow Default Prec- Split policy DefaultValue
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length Code Description loc Integer No 0 Location Category
Merge policy Duplicate LVA Latvia
BH000 BH000 Description String Yes 250 Description Table Valid value tables for Political LBN Lebanon
Code Description
Shape Geometry Yes JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset PoliticalBoundaryL_VVT Boundary Line Features. LSO Lesotho
BI020 BI020
FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue LBR Liberia
Allow Default Prec-
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code Simple featureclass Geometry Polyline Aqueduct/Canal/Flume/Penstock LBY Libyan ArabJamahiriya
nam String No 255 Name Contains Mvalues No FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype LIE Liechtenstein
AqueductCanalFlumePenstockL Contains Z values No Simple featureclass Geometry Point Miscellaneous Point Features
Contains Mvalues No f_code String No 5 FACC feature code LTU Lithuania
Allow Default Prec- MiscellaneousP Contains Z values No acc Integer Yes 0 AccuracyCategory
Coded value domain LUX Luxembourg
Subtypes ofBuiltUpAreaP GlobalMap_AL020
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length Coded value domain
Allow Default Prec- Table Valid value tables for Built-Up Area uss Integer Yes 0 Usage MAC Macau
OBJECTID OID GlobalMap_Aqueductl_exs Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length BuiltupA_VVT Features.
Subtype field FCsubtype Description Coded value domain Description String Yes 250 Description MKD Macedonia,the former YugoslavRepublicof
Shape Geometry Yes Description
Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class Fieldtype String OBJECTID OID GlobalMap_BA030 JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset MDG Madagascar
Fieldtype Integer Allow Default Prec-
Split policy DefaultValue FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype Shape Geometry Yes Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length
Subtype Subtype Default Split policy DefaultValue Description JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue MWI Malawi
Merge policy Duplicate f_code String No 5 FACC feature code
Code Description Field name value Domain Merge policy Duplicate FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype Fieldtype String FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype MYS Malaysia
Code Description exs Integer No 0 ExistenceCategory Split policy DefaultValue
Code Description f_code String No 5 FACC feature code f_code String No 5 FACC feature code
0 BuiltUpAreaPoint f_code AL020 GlobalMap_AL020 AL020 AL020 Merge policy Duplicate MDV Maldives
loc Integer No 0 Location Category 0 Unknown Description
Description String Yes 250 MLI Mali
Shape_Length Double Yes 0 0 1 Definite Code Description
JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset Valid value tables for Political MLT Malta
5 Under Construction Subtypes ofMiscellaneousP BA030 BA030 Table
JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue MHL Marshall Islands
6 Abandoned/Disused Subtype field FCsubtype
PoliticalBoundaryP_VVT Boundary Point Features.
Subtypes ofAqueductCanalFlumePenstockL Coded value domain MTQ Martinique
Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class Allow Default Prec- MRT Mauritania
Subtype field FCsubtype
GlobalMap_BH170 Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length
Coded value domain Subtype Subtype Default Description MUS Mauritius
Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class Code Description Field name value Domain FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype
GlobalMap_Aqueductl_loc Fieldtype String MYT Mayotte
Simple featureclass Geometry Point A concentration of small dwellings. Subtype Subtype Default Description 2 IslandPoint f_code BA030 GlobalMap_BA030 Split policy DefaultValue Table Valid value tables for Built-Up Area f_code String No 5 FACC feature code
Contains Mvalues No Code Description MEX Mexico
MiscellaneousPopulationP Field name value Domain Merge policy Duplicate BuiltUpAreaP_VVT coc String No 255 Countrycode
Contains Z values No Fieldtype Integer 0 DamWeirPoint f_code BI020 GlobalMap_BI020 Point Features. FSM Micronesia,FederatedStatesof
f_code BH000 GlobalMap_BH000 Split policy DefaultValue 1 SpringWaterHolePoint f_code BH170 GlobalMap_BH170 Code Description Description String Yes 250 Description
Allow Default Prec- Merge policy Duplicate Allow Default Prec- MDA Moldova,Republicof
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length 0 InlandWaterLine exs 0 GlobalMap_Aqueductl_exs BH170 BH170 Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset
Code Description MCO Monaco
OBJECTID OID loc 0 GlobalMap_Aqueductl_loc JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue
FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype MNG Mongolia
0 Unknown
Shape Geometry Yes f_code String No 5 FACC feature code MSR Montserrat
4 BelowSurface/Submerged/Underground
FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype Description String Yes 250 Description MAR Morocco
8 On GroundSurface
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset MOZ Mozambique
25 Suspendedor ElevatedAbove Ground orWaterSurface
nam String No 255 Name JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue Table Valid value tables for Railroad Line MNR Myanmar
Simple featureclass Geometry Polyline
Contains Mvalues No
A natural flowing watercourse. RailroadL_VVT Features. NAM Namibia
WatercourseL Contains Z values No NRU Nauru
Subtypes ofMiscellaneousPopulationP Coded value domain Allow Default Prec-
GlobalMap_AL105 Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length NPL Nepal
Subtype field FCsubtype Simple featureclass Geometry Polygon Any known inland waterway body, Field name Datatype
Allow Default
nulls value Domain
ision Scale Length
Description Contains Mvalues No FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype NLD Netherlands
Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class Fieldtype String
InlandWaterA Contains Z values No requiring separation into individual OBJECTID OID Table Valid value tables for Coast Line f_code String No 5 FACC feature code ANT NetherlandsAntilles
Subtype Subtype Default Split policy DefaultValue Allow Default Prec- features due to status/type grouping Shape Geometry Yes CoastL_VVT Features. exs Integer No 0 ExistenceCategory NCL NewCaledonia
Code Description Field name value Domain Merge policy Duplicate Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length
that is currently indeterminable. FCsubtype Integer Yes 2 0 Featureclass subtype Allow Default Prec- fco Integer No 0 FeatureConfiguration NZL NewZealand
0 SettlementPoint f_code AL105 GlobalMap_AL105 Code Description OBJECTID OID Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code Description String Yes 250 Description NIC Nicaragua
AL105 AL105 Shape Geometry Yes hyc Integer No 0 HydrologicalCategory FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset NER Niger
FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype Coded value domain
nam String No 255 Name f_code String No 5 FACC feature code JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue NGA Nigeria
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code GlobalMap_BH000
Shape_Length Double Yes 0 0 Coded value domain acc Integer No 0 AccuracyCategory NIU Niue
hyc Integer Yes 0 HydrologicalCategory GlobalMap_BH140 exs Integer No 0 ExistenceCategory NFK NorfoldIsland
Fieldtype String
nam String Yes 255 Name Split policy DefaultValue Description Description String Yes 250 Description MNP NorthernMarianaIslands
Simple featureclass Geometry Polygon An area containing a concentration of Shape_Length Double Yes 0 0 Merge policy Duplicate Subtypes ofWatercourseL Fieldtype String JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset NOR Norway
Contains Mvalues No Split policy DefaultValue Table Valid value tables for Railyard Point
BuiltupA Contains Z values No buildings and other structures. Shape_Area Double Yes 0 0 Code Description Subtype field FCsubtype JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue OMN Oman
BH000 BH000 Default subtype 2 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class
Merge policy Duplicate RailyardP_VVT Features. PAK Pakistan
Allow Default Prec- Code Description
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length Subtype Subtype Default BH140 BH140 Allow Default Prec- PLW Palau
Subtypes ofInlandWaterA Code Description Field name value Domain Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length
OBJECTID OID Coded value domain PAN Panama
Shape Geometry Yes Subtype field FCsubtype f_code BH140 GlobalMap_BH140 FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype PNG Papua New Guinea
GlobalMap_InlandWatera_hyc Coded value domain
FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class 2 RiverStreamLine
hyc 0 Table Valid value tables for Inland Water f_code String No 5 FACC feature code
PRY Paraguay
Description GlobalMap_Watercoursel_hyc GlobalMap_Watercoursel_hyc
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code Subtype Subtype Default Fieldtype Integer Description InlandWaterA_VVT Area Features. Description String Yes 250 Description PER Peru
Code Description Field name value Domain Split policy DefaultValue Fieldtype Integer JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset
nam String Yes 255 Name Allow Default Prec- PHL Philippines
f_code BH000 GlobalMap_BH000 Merge policy Duplicate Split policy DefaultValue JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue
Shape_Length Double Yes 0 0 0 InlandWaterArea Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length PCN Pitcarin
hyc 0 GlobalMap_InlandWatera_hyc Code Description Merge policy Duplicate
Shape_Area Double Yes 0 0 FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype POL Poland
0 Unknown Code Description
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code PRT Portugal
6 Non-Perennial/Intermittent/Fluctuating 0 Unknown
Coded value domain hyc Integer Yes 0 HydrologicalCategory PRI PuertoRico
Subtypes ofBuiltupA 8 Perennial/Permanent 6 Non-Perennial/Intermittent/Fluctuating
GlobalMap_AL015 Description String Yes 250 Description Table Valid value tables for Road Line QAT Qatar
8 Perennial/Permanent
Subtype field FCsubtype Description JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset RoadL_VVT Features. REU Reunion
Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class Fieldtype String JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue ROM Romania
Subtype Subtype Default
Split policy DefaultValue Simple featureclass Geometry Polyline Miscellaneous Line Features Field name Datatype
Allow Default
nulls value Domain
ision Scale Length RUS RussianFederation
Merge policy Duplicate Contains Mvalues No
Code Description Field name value Domain MiscellaneousL Contains Z values No FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype RWA Rwanda
Code Description
0 BuiltUpArea f_code AL020 GlobalMap_AL020 AL015 AL015 Allow Default Prec- f_code String No 5 FACC feature code KNA Saint Kittsand Nevis
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length AccuracyCategory LCA Saint Lucia
acc Integer No 0
OBJECTID OID Table Valid value tables for Miscellaneous exs Integer No 0 ExistenceCategory VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Shape Geometry Yes MiscellaneousL_VVT Line Features. med Integer No 0 MedianCategory WSM Samoa
FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 0 Featureclass subtype Allow Default Prec- rst Integer No 0 Surface SMR SanMarino
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length rsu Integer No 0 Seasonalavailability STP Saotome andPrincipe
Shape_Length Double Yes 0 0 FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype rtt Integer No 0 RouteIndended Use SAU Saudi Arabia
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code Description String Yes 250 Description SEN Senegal
Coded value domain Description String Yes 250 Description Enroute_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset SYC Seychelles
Subtypes ofMiscellaneousL GlobalMap_BI020
Global Map
JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset Enroute Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue SLE SierraLeone
Subtype field FCsubtype Description JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue SGP Singapore
Default subtype 0 List of defined default values and domains for subtypes in this class Fieldtype String SVK Slovakia(SlovakRepublic)

Thematic Groups
Split policy DefaultValue
Subtype Subtype Default Merge policy Duplicate SVN Slovenia
Code Description Field name value Domain SLB SolomonIslands
0 DamWeirLine f_code BI020 GlobalMap_BI020
Code Description Table Valid value tables for Structures Line SOM Somalia
BI020 BI020
Table Valid value tables for Miscellaneous StructuresL_VVT Features. ZAF SouthAfrica
MiscellaneousP_VVT Point Features. Allow Default Prec- SGS SouthGeorgiaandthe SouthSandwichIslands
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length ESP Spain
Allow Default Prec-
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype LKA Sri Lanka
FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype f_code String No 5 FACC feature code SHN St.Helena
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code tuc Integer No 0 TransportationuseCategory SPM St.Pierre andMiquelon
Description String Yes 250 Description Description String Yes 250 Description SDN Sudan
JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset SUR Suriname

Transportation JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue SJM Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
SWZ Swaziland
SWE Sweden
CHE Switzerland
Table Valid value tables for Tracks and SYR SyrianArabRepublic
Boundaries Table
Valid value tables for Miscellaneous
Population Point Features.
TrailsandTracksL_VVT Trails Line Features. TWN
Taiwan, provence of China
Allow Default Prec- TZA Tanzania,UnitedRepublicof
Allow Default Prec- Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length
Field name Datatype nulls value Domain ision Scale Length THA Thailand

Drainage (Hydrography)
FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype
FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype TGO Togo
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code
f_code String No 5 FACC feature code TKL Tokelau
exs Integer No 0 ExistenceCategory
Description String Yes 250 Description TON Tonga
Description String Yes 250 Description
JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset TTO Trinidad and Tobago
JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset

Population Centres JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue TUN Tunisia

JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue
TUR Turkey
TKM Turkmenistan
TCA Turks and Caicos Islands
TUV Tuvalu
Elevation Table
Valid value tables for Ocean/Sea Area
Valid value tables for Watercourse
Line Features.

These are Raster Datasets Field name Datatype

Allow Default
nulls value Domain
ision Scale Length Field name Datatype
Allow Default
nulls value Domain
ision Scale Length

Vegetation that are not fully described in FCsubtype Integer Yes 0 Featureclass subtype FCsubtype
Featureclass subtype
FACC feature code
UnitedStatesminor outlyingislands
this vector-oriented data f_code
FACC feature code
Description hyc Integer No 0 HydrologicalCategory UNK Unknown

model diagram JOGA_style String Yes 255 Symbol styleset Description String Yes 250 Description URY Uruguay

Land Cover JOG Integer Yes 0 Symbol codevalue JOGA_style

Yes 0
255 Symbol styleset
Symbol codevalue
VEN Venezuela
VNM Viet Nam

Land Use VGB

Virgin Islands(U.S.)
WLF Wallis and Futuna Islands
ESH WesternSahara
YEM Yemen
YUG Yugoslavia
ZMB Zambia
ZWE Zimbabwe

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