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Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2015;26(4):773-777

© 2015 Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation Saudi Journal
of Kidney Diseases
and Transplantation

Case Report

Nephrogenic Ascites – Still an Intractable Problem?

Shobhana Nayak-Rao

Department of Nephrology, St. Martha’s Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT. Nephrogenic ascites or ascites associated with renal failure is seen in end-stage
renal disease in-patients on hemodialysis but has been described occasionally in earlier stages of
renal failure. The cause can be multifactorial and a combination of inadequate dialysis and
ultrafiltration, poor nutrition and increased peritoneal membrane permeability in uremia.
Generally, the onset of nephrogenic ascites is insidious and portends a grim long-term prognosis.
We describe herein three patients who presented with refractory ascites of nephrogenic origin and
review this entity.

Introduction Case Reports

Nephrogenic ascites or ascites associated Case 1

with renal failure was first reported in the early A 47-year-old lady, ESRD secondary to chro-
1970s in patients with end-stage renal disease nic interstitial nephritis on twice-weekly main-
(ESRD).1 It is most often seen in patients on tenance hemodialysis (HD) since three years,
hemodialysis, but has been described earlier in presented with progressively worsening abdo-
the course of renal failure occasionally. The minal distension of six months duration. On
putative causes for the occurrence of nephro- examination, she was a thin-built lady weighing
genic acites include inadequate dialysis and 50 kg with pallor; no icterus or lymphade-
ultrafiltration, poor nutrition and increased nopathy was noted. Abdominal examination
peritoneal membrane permeability in combina- revealed massive ascites, peripheral edema 3+
tion with impaired peritoneal lymphatic re- till mid calf with small reducible umbilical
absorption.2-8 We describe herein three pa- hernia and no palpable organomegaly. Her
tients who presented with refractory ascites of cardiac and respiratory systems were normal.
nephrogenic origin and review this entity. Her laboratory investigations revealed hemo-
Correspondence to: globin (Hb) of 9.2 g/dL, blood urea of 97 mg/
dL, serum creatinine of 9.7 mg/dL with normal
Dr. Shobhana Nayak-Rao, serum electrolytes, serum calcium of 9.7 mg/
Department of Nephrology, dL and serum phosphorus of 4.9 mg/dL.
St. Martha’s Hospital, Ascitic fluid analysis revealed protein of 4.2
Bengaluru - 560 001, Karnataka, India mg/dL, albumin of 2.1 g/dL, sugar of 94 mg/
E-mail: dL and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) of 77
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774 Nayak-Rao S

U/L and serum-ascites albumin gradient or gap Abdominal tuberculosis was initially suspec-
(SAAG) was 1.4, with serum albumin being ted; however, ascitic fluid adenosine deami-
3.5 g/dL. The ascitic fluid white cell count was nase was low and mycobacterial polymerase
150 cells/mm3, with 60% cells being lympho- chain reaction of the fluid was also negative.
cytes. Cultures of fluid were negative for bac- She received thrice-weekly 5 h dialysis ses-
terial and fungal elements and the acid fast sions with fluid removal of 3–4 L per session;
bacilli (AFB) smear as well as smear for however, this was poorly tolerated by the pa-
malignant cells were negative. Work-up for tient due to frequent hypotensive episodes
liver disease by ultrasound Doppler of the occurring during dialysis. She also underwent
hepatic and portal veins was normal and car- therapeutic large volume paracentensis to
diac function by 2D-ECHO revealed ejection relieve her abdominal discomfort. Nutritional
fraction of 55%. Markers for hepatitis B and C supplementation was given with a high-protein
virus were negative. Her urea reduction rate diet. Despite adequacy of HD improving to
(URR) on dialysis was low at 52%. She was URR of 71% and target dry weight reducing to
diagnosed to have nephrogenic ascites and 44 kg from her previous weight of 49 kg, there
underwent aggressive 5 h sessions of thrice- had been only minimal improvement in her
weekly dialysis with gradual reduction in general condition in the last five months.
target dry weight from 50 kg to 47 kg over
four weeks. This was accompanied by dietary Case 3
salt restriction and oral nutritional protein sup- A 53-year-old male, ESRD secondary to type-
plementation. Therapeutic large volume para- 2 Diabetes mellitus on maintenance HD for
centesis was also performed twice in a month two years, presented with ascites of six months
with intravenous albumin infusions to relieve duration. He was on twice-weekly HD with
her of abdominal discomfort. A gradual reduc- target weight of 68–70 kg, which had been
tion in ascites was noted in three months and progressively reduced since the last two
her abdominal girth had reduced by about 50% months. On examination, his blood pressure
with management. was 130/80 mm Hg, he had moderate to mas-
sive ascites and no palpable abdominal orga-
Case 2 nomegaly was noted. His investigations re-
A 50-year-old lady, ESRD secondary to dia- vealed Hb of 8.6 g/dL, blood urea of 84 mg/
betic nephropathy on maintenance HD twice- dL, serum creatinine of 7.4 mg/dL, serum
weekly since one year, presented with pro- calcium of 8.7 mg/dL and serum phosphorus
gressively increasing ascites of four months of 3.9 mg/dL. His URR on dialysis was 56%.
duration. She had recently attained menopause Ascitic fluid analysis revealed an exudate with
and the patient attributed her abdominal dis- protein of 5.4 g/dL, albumin of 2.3 g/dL, LDH
tension to this. Examination revealed a cachexic of 145 U/L and cell count of 250, 95% of
lady with severe ascites. Her dry weight was which were lymphocytes. Serum albumin was
between 45 and 49 kg. Her investigations re- low at 2.7 g/dL, with SAAG of <1.0. Culture
vealed Hb of 8.9 g/dL, blood urea of 102 of fluid was negative and AFB and malignant
mg/dL, serum creatinine of 7.9 mg/dL, normal cells were negative. A complete evaluation to
serum electrolytes, serum calcium of 8.9 mg/ look for cardiac and hepatic causes was
dL and serum phosphorus of 5.2 mg/dL. Se- negative. He was diagnosed to have dialysis-
rum albumin was low at 2.9 and ascitic fluid related ascites. His dialysis treatments were
albumin was 2.1 with a SAAG of 0.8 g/dL. intensified and his dry weight was gradually
Ascitic fluid analysis revealed an exudate with reduced by 1.0 kg/week till 66 kg. At the last
lymphocytic predominance. A complete work- follow-up of four months, there has been a
up for hepatic, cardiac and malignant causes minimal reduction in ascites.
was negative. Her URR on dialysis was 54%.
Hepatitis B and C markers were negative.
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Nephrogenic ascites: an intractable problem 775

Table 1. Recommended evaluation for nephrogenic ascites.

1. History and physical examination: History of massive ascites with minimal peripheral edema in
dialysis patient, cachexia, dialysis-related hypotension, anorexia
2. General blood chemistries including BUN, serum creatinine, liver function tests
3. Paracentesis and ascitic fluid analysis for low SAAG (<1.0 g/dL), WBC count 25–150 cells/mm3),
negative culture and cytology
4. Thyroid function tests, estimation of iron studies, hepatitis viral markers, parathyroid hormone level,
ultrasound abdomen with portal venous Doppler, echocardiogram with right and left atrial pressure
estimation, abdominal CT, peritoneoscopy with peritoneal biopsy (when relevant) - to rule out liver
disease with portal hypertension, peritoneal infection/malignancy, pancreatic causes, cardiac causes such
as cardiomyopathy and pericardial effusions

Discussion covered by the state or insurance policies

necessitates patients to fund their own treat-
These three cases bring to light the condition ments, and this leads to poor compliance with
termed as dialysis-related ascites, a problem the dialysis schedule. Marked center to center
that has been most often described in ESRD variability in incidence of nephrogenic ascites
patients on HD. The entity of nephrogenic of 0.7–20%, wide age of onset of 11–71 years
ascites or ascites associated with renal failure (mean 42 years) and male preponderance
was initially reported by Mahoney et al in (male:female = 2:1) has been reported.9 The
1970.1 Since then, this issue has been ad- largest case series of nephrogenic ascites in
dressed in few reviews and some case re- 138 patients was reported by Gluck et al.5 The
ports.2-8 Nephrogenic ascites has been known diagnosis of nephrogenic ascites is one of ex-
by several names such as nephrogenous ascites, clusion and needs a thorough work–up to rule
dialysis ascites, HD-associated ascites and out hepatic, cardiac, infective and malignant
idiopathic ascites. The term nephrogenic ascites causes of ascites. In about 15% of cases, an
is preferred as the onset of ascites may occur extensive evaluation may reveal secondary
earlier in the course of renal failure and well causes for ascites (Table 1).
before the initiation of dialysis. The exact The pathogenesis of ascites remains incon-
incidence of nephrogenic ascites is not known; clusive. Several pathogenetic factors including
however, the incidence may be slightly higher hepatic vein hydrostatic pressure, fluid reten-
in developing countries like India. To the best tion, increased peritoneal membrane permea-
of our knowledge, no data exist on the preva- bility and impaired peritoneal lymphatic drai-
lence of this diagnosis at presentation or at nage have been considered (Table 2). Fluid
patient follow-up. retention has been observed in ⅔ of the re-
Nephrogenic ascites could be possibly due to ported patients in some reviews.2,5 However,
a combination of factors such as poor nutri- the role of fluid retention and ascites formation
tion, late presentation leading to delay in ini- is not clearly defined because dialysis patients
tiation of appropriate renal replacement the- display signs of fluid overload frequently with-
rapy and inadequate dialysis. Dialysis not being out demonstrable ascites. Changes in peritoneal
Table 2. Possible pathogenetic mechanisms for nephrogenic ascites.
1. Elevated hepatic venous hydrostatic pressure
2. Volume overload
3. Increased peritoneal membrane permeability
a. Secondary to uremic toxins
b. Prior exposure to dialysis solutions
c. Circulating immune complexes
d. Renin–angiotensin activation
e. Hemosiderosis
4. Impaired peritoneal lymphatic drainage
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776 Nayak-Rao S

Table 3. Therapeutic options for nephrogenic ascites.

Modality Benefit Drawback
1. Fluid and salt restriction with Decreases ascites Limited by hypotension
intensified hemodialysis and
2. Hyperalimentation therapy Improves nutrition Not proven
3. Repeated paracentesis Reduces symptoms Excess protein losses
4. CAPD Reduces ascites/improves nutrition Self-limited early protein
5. Peritoneovenous shunt Reduces ascites, dialysis Shunt infection/blockage
6. Kidney transplant Definitive therapy Ascites may recur after
graft failure

membrane permeability due to uremic toxins,2,5 from seven to 10.7 months, with 44% of pa-
exposure to dialysis solutions,5 renin–angiotensin tients dying within 15 months of diagnosis.5
activation, circulating immune complexes10 and Management of nephrogenic ascites is complex
iron deposition11 have all been implicated in (Table 3) and includes a combination of inten-
ascites formation. Histologically, the perito- sive dialysis with good ultrafiltration, intra-
neum is grossly normal; microscopy can been dialytic albumin infusions along with a high-
normal,12 but more often shows chronic inflam- protein diet. Strict volume control has been
mation and mesothelial cell proliferation with emphasized in the treatment of nephrogenic
variable degree of submesothelial fibrosis.13 acites by Gunal et al.14 Intensive dialysis is
The rate of ascites removal in nephrogenic effective in ⅓ to ¼ of patients as early as with-
ascites has been seen to be much slower than in three weeks. Continuous ambulatory perit-
in patients with ascites and normal renal func- oneal dialysis (CAPD) and peritoneovenous
tion.2 This was demonstrated by Morgan et al,6 shunts (PVS) are the other treatment options.
wherein radiolabeled albumin was used to esti- The efficacy of PVS to treat massive refrac-
mate the rate of reasorption and transfer across tory ascites has been reported by Holm et al.15
the peritoneal membrane. Impaired peritoneal In their study of 14 patients on chronic main-
fluid drainage was demonstrated in patients tenance hemodialysis (average of 20.4 ± 2.9
with nephrogenic ascites. Rate of clearance of months) with refractory ascites of nephrogenic
albumin was lower at a median value of 14 origin, 12 patients obtained significant relief
mL/h (range 10–21 mL/ h) compared with a after placement of a PVS. Of these patient,
median value of 45 (range 10–75 mL/h) in nine patients (75%) survived for one year and
those with ascites of other etiology. This is six patients (50%) had survived for three or
however normalized after successful kidney more years, thereby improving the previous
transplant, suggesting an effect of uremia. dismal prognosis of patients with nephrogenic
Secondary hyperparathyroidism as a possible ascites.16 Hemodynamic improvement has been
cause and subsequent cure of ascites after noted after PVS in patients who did not tole-
parathyroidectomy has been described in one rate excessive ultrafiltration before.16 Objec-
patient.7 tive improvements were also noted in nutri-
In nephrogenic ascites, ascitic fluid analysis tional status, with weight gain and subjective
reveals exudate (high protein), low ascitic improvement in appetite and physical acti-
albumin gradient (SAAG <1.0) and low neu- vities. Complications of shunt placement are
trophil count. Patients frequently present with seen in about half of the cases, and include
moderate to massive ascites, hypertension, catheter tip migration, infection and occlusion.
minimal lower extremity edema, cachexia and These complications necessitate either minor/
a history of dialysis-associated hypotension.5 major revisions or removal of the shunt.
Nephrogenic ascites is usually associated with CAPD is also effective in the treatment of
a grave prognosis. The average survival ranges ascites by controlling ascites formation.17 This
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Nephrogenic ascites: an intractable problem 777

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