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Thorax 1992;47:363-368 363

Dyspnoea assessed by visual analogue scale in

patients with chronic obstructive lung disease
during progressive and high intensity exercise
Andre Noseda, Jean-Pierre Carpiaux, Jacqueline Schmerber, Jean-Claude Yemault

Abstract many patients with chronic obstructive lung

Background A study was carried out to disease. Breathlessness can be assessed during
determine whether rating of dyspnoea by exercise in the laboratory in normal subjects2
means of a visual analogue scale during a and in patients with chronic obstructive lung
progressive exercise test is affected by the disease34 by serial measurements with a visual
subject's awareness of the progressive analogue scale. Measurements of dyspnoea are
nature of the protocol. usually analysed in relation to minute ventila-
Methods Nineteen patients with chronic tion. Experimental evidence suggests that ven-
obstructive lung disease (FEVy mean (SE) tilation plays a part in the perception of breath-
1-06 (0-07) 1) were studied. A preliminary lessness.5 The level ofbreathlessness associated
incremental test was carried out with a with reflexly driven ventilation, however, has
work rate increasing by 10 watts every been shown to be substantially higher than that
minute until the subject could no longer associated with voluntary overbreathing both
exercise, to determine the maximum in normal subjects6 and in patients with chronic
work load (Wmax) and to anchor the obstructive lung disease.7 In normal subjects
upper end of the visual analogue scale. the relation between dyspnoea and ventilation
This was followed by two exercise tests may also be disturbed by a recent experience of
performed one day apart in randomised loaded breathing,8 or even without external
sequence, with two different protocols. intervention, during steady state exercise.9
One was a 12 minute protocol that These findings show that perceived dyspnoea is
included two sudden bursts of three min- a sensation different from the simple awareness
ute high intensity exercise, up to the of an increase in ventilation. When a visual
subject's Wmax, each preceded by three analogue scale has been used to assess dyspnoea
minutes of low level exercise. The other during exercise in patients with respiratory
test was a conventional three minute disease a progressive incremental test has
incremental test lasting 12 minutes. On usually been chosen.34" '" Possibly, however,
both study days the only information the rating of dyspnoea during such a test is
given to the subject about the temporal biased by the progressive nature of the applied
profile of load was that a change would be work load. The reproducibility of visual
made every three minutes. The relation analogue scale scores in relation to exercise in
between dyspnoea, as assessed by the patients with chronic obstructive lung disease
visual analogue scale, and ventilation, has been examined only over short intervals.'3
measured during high intensity or The principal aim of the present study was to
progressive exercise, was studied. investigate whether the assessment of dyspnoea
Results The mean (SE) rates of increase in patients with chronic obstructive lung dis-
of dyspnoea with increasing ventilation ease is affected by the subject's awareness ofthe
(% of line length 1' min) obtained by progressive nature of the incremental protocol.
linear regression analysis were similar As the use of purely randomised work loads is
for the two tests (2-86 (0 20) for progres- not practicable, we have designed an exercise
sive exercise and 2-87 (0-25) for high in- protocol consisting of two sudden bursts of
tensity exercise); it was 2 59 (0-25) for high intensity exercise, each preceded by a
the initial burst of high intensity exercise period of low level exercise. We have studied
when the data on this were analysed the relation between dyspnoea and ventilation
separately. In six subjects with stable during this high intensity exercise and during a
Pulmonary Division, disease studied again two months later conventional progressive exercise test in 19
Department of
Internal Medicine, the reproducibility of the rating of dys- outpatients with severe chronic obstructive
H6pital Brugmann pnoea was reasonably good for both lung disease, to assess whether the temporal
A-Noseda protocols. profile of load influenced the relation between
J-P Carpiaux
J Schmerber Conclusion The results suggest that in dyspnoea and ventilation. In addition, we have
Chest Department, most patients with chronic obstructive evaluated the reproducibility of the rating of
H6pital Erasme lung disease the assessment of exercise exercise induced dyspnoea by these patients
J-C Yemault induced dyspnoea by means of a visual after a two month interval.
Universite Libre de analogue scale during a progressive exer-
Bruxelles, Brussels, cise test is not affected by the subject's
Reprint requests to: awareness of the progressive increase in Methods
Dr A Noseda, work intensity. PATIENTS
H6pital Brugmann, Twenty one male outpatients with physician
Place A Van Gehuchten 4,
B-1020 Brussels. Exercise induced dyspnoea is a major clinical diagnosed chronic obstructive lung disease
Accepted 19 December 1992 problem, as it decreases the quality of life of (history of cigarette smoking, chronic cough,
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364 Noseda, Carpiaux, Schmerber, Yernault

and exertional dyspnoea) agreed to participate Progressive exercise High intensity exercise
in a study on breathlessness. Their anth- Initial Repeat
ropometric characteristics were (mean (SE)): 100
age 65 (1) years, height 172 (1) cm, weight 71-1
(2 7) kg. All had an FEV, below 55% predicted
and FEV,/FVC below 55%. All but one Co
received regular oral or inhaled bron- 'D50-
chodilators (or both); six of the 21 also inhaled 0
corticosteroids. We excluded patients with -j

appreciable reversibility of airflow limitation,

defined as a AFEV, above 10% predicted after 0-
an inhaled bronchodilator." Subjects with
0 24 6 810121416 02 4 6 8 10121416
known hypertension or heart disease, or unable
for any reason to exercise maximally, were also
excluded. 100
n ,*st ;' 't~~~~

f \ 1'11~~~~~~~~~~I
The study protocol was approved by the local 50
ethics committee and all patients gave informed 0
/ I fs~A' fI6 '\~~~~~
consent. The patients attended the hospital in r
the afternoon on three consecutive days and
were studied in a stable period. No change in 0
drug treatment was allowed. The subjects were 0 24 6 810121416 0 24 6 8 10121416
asked to abstain if possible from inhaled bron- Time (min)
chodilators four hours before attending the
hospital. Each session included spirometry and Figure I Work load and dyspnoea (% of visual
a cycle exercise test. On the first day a progres- analogue scale length) during progressive and high
sive test was performed without ventilatory intensity (initial and repeat) cycle exercise in a 58 year
measurements to determine the subject's old patient with severe chronic obstructive lung disease
(FEV, 1.241,42% predicted).
maximum work load and to anchor the upper
end of the visual analogue scale used to assess
breathlessness. On the second and third day
two exercise protocols, including measurement PRELIMINARY CYCLE TEST
of ventilation and assessment of dyspnoea, The subjects were tested in the exercise
were performed in random order. One was a laboratory at least two hours after their last
conventional progressive test and the other meal. Patients were instructed before the test to
consisted of two high intensity exercise periods make a manual sign when they thought that
each preceded by a period of low level exercise. they had nearly reached their maximum exer-
Six subjects were studied again two months cise tolerance.16 An Elema (Siemens, Erlangen,
later. They were carefully questioned to make Germany) cycle ergometer was used. After
sure that no change had occurred in exertional unloaded pedalling during the first minute, the
tolerance or in drug treatment. They attended load was subsequently increased by 10 watts
in the afternoon on two consecutive days and every minute. An electrocardiogram was used
the study design was the same except that no to measure heart rate and to monitor heart
preliminary test was carried out. rhythm. At the time the manual sign was made
verbal encouragement was given to urge the
subject to maintain his effort for another 30
seconds or even one minute. The maximum
work load (Wmax) was defined as the highest
FEV, was measured with a Microspiro HI-298 work level reached and maintained for a full
(Chest Corporation, Tokyo) spirometer. The minute. This value was used in the subsequent
reported FEV, was the highest from three
technically satisfactory manoeuvres, the two experiments to determine the protocols. At the
highest values varying by not more than 5%. moment the load was returned to zero watts the
Predicted values were calculated on the basis of subject was shown the visual analogue scale and
age and height.'5 told that the intensity of his breathlessness at
that moment was represented by the upper end
of the scale (100%). Subjects were questioned
afterwards about the reason for stopping exer-
VISUAL ANALOGUE SCALE cise; all confirmed that breathlessness was the
The visual analogue scale was a 20 cm horizon- limiting factor.
tal line' with bipolar opposite descriptors-
"not at all breathless" (lower end 0%) and EXERCISE PROTOCOLS
"extremely breathless" (upper end 100%). The progressive exercise test included
Each subject was instructed to mark the line at unloaded pedalling (one minute) and four three
any point he wished to rate the severity of his minute periods (fig 1). During the first three
breathlessness. Subjects were not reminded of periods the work load was set respectively at 10
their previous ratings. None ofthe subjects had watts, Wmax/3, and 2 x Wmax/3 and then
experience of dyspnoea evaluation and all were increased to Wmax - 20 w (first minute), to
unaware of the purpose of the experiment. Wmax - 10 w (second minute) and up to
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Dyspnoea assessed by visual analogue scale in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease during progressive and high intensity exercise 365

preliminary cycle test day, with the addition of

S r 30 second recordings of minute ventilation
Progressive 5-07 8-5 0-952 (VE), oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide
production, and respiratory exchange ratio
Initial (Ergopneumotest Jaeger, Wurzburg, Germany).
high intensity 4-011 7-9 10-914
Before each test the pneumotachograph was
Whole calibrated with a calibrated syringe and gas
100 -
high intensity 4-96 18.010 921 analysers with known gases (Oxhydrique,
Machelen, Belgium). Recordings were dis-
Iz played on a computer. Maximum heart rate
.- (HRmax), maximum oxygen uptake (Vo2max),
and maximum ventilation (VEmax) were the
tI highest values reached during progressive,
Q I initial, or repeat high intensity exercise. Dysp-
>. 50- ik noea was assessed on the visual analogue scale
during the last 10 seconds of every one minute
period, the first rating being obtained at rest,
just before the start of cycling. Serial dyspnoea
levels in one patient during both exercise
protocols are shown in figure 1. Maximum
dyspnoea (Dmax) was defined as the highest
0- rating obtained during either progressive,
l X
initial, or repeat high intensity exercise.
0 10 20 30 35 30 20 10 0

Dyspnoea-ventilation plots were drawn for
Figure 2 Dyspnoea/ventilation plot in a 71 year old patient with very severe chronic each subject (see fig 2) and the relation of
obstructive lung disease (FEV, 0-64 1, 23% predicted). Exercise of increasing intensity dyspnoea to ventilation during exercise of
is on the left, recovery on the right. L]-L Progressive exercise; O-- - -O initial increasing intensity was assessed by linear
high intensity exercise; 0-- - - repeat high intensity exercise. Slope (S), intercept regression analysis. In each subject the linear
with the ventilation axis (I), and correlation coefficient (r) obtained by linear regression
are given for progressive and initial high intensity exercise and throughout high intensity regression was made on 14 values for progres-
exercise. This subject has the highest values for slope in the whole group. sive exercise, on eight values for initial high
intensity exercise, and on 11 values for the total
Wmax (third minute) during the fourth period. high intensity exercise. A separate analysis of
Recovery included unloaded pedalling (one the repeat high intensity exercise was not
minute) followed by a three minute rest on the performed because the number of values was
cycle. High intensity exercise included un- too small. The dyspnoea-ventilation slope (D/
loaded pedalling (one minute) and four three VE slope), the intercept with the ventilation
minute periods (fig 1). During the first and axis, and the correlation coefficient were deter-
third periods the work load was set at 10 watts mined in each subject for progressive, initial
while the second and the fourth periods were high intensity, and total high intensity exercise.
high intensity phases at Wmax -20 watts for The variability of the measurements made
the first minute, Wmax - 10 watts for the after two months was assessed from the mean
second minute, and Wmax for the third min- group values and from within subject
ute. These two periods are referred to as coefficients of variation.
"initial high intensity" and "repeat high inten-
sity" exercise. The recovery phase was the
same as in the progressive exercise. Before each Results
exercise test the subject was told that the work USE OF THE VISUAL ANALOGUE SCALE
load would be changed every three minutes Two subjects from the initial sample of21 were
after the initial minute of unloaded pedalling. judged not to understand the correct use of the
No additional information was given about visual analogue scale and were excluded. One
how the load would be changed during the test. was unable to rate decreasing breathlessness
during recovery. The other was unable to
CYCLE TESTS WITH ASSESSMENT OF DYSPNOEA anchor the upper end of the visual analogue
The equipment used was the same as for the scale on the preliminary day: on the next day he
used only the lower end of the scale (Dmax
35%) when extremely breathless. The results
Table I Conventional indices and dyspnoea ratings: progressive versus high intensity are for the 19 subjects who used the visual
exercise (mean (SE) values) analogue scale correctly.
Progressive Initial high intensity Repeat high intensity SPIROMETRY AND MAXIMUM WORK LOAD
HRmax (beats/min) 135-6 (2 0)** 127-9 (2 0)**t Mean (SE) FEV1 on the preliminary test day
136-5 (2-7)t
VEmax (1/min) 44-3 (2 0) 40-4 (1-8) was
42-3 (1-9)106(0-07) 1 (range 0-49-1-56 1) or 35 3%
Vo2max (ml/min) 1256 (46)t 1129 (35)t (2-4%)
1194 (38) predicted (range 17-7-51-4%). Values
Dmax (%) 89-3 (2-9) 84-6 (3-4)* on the
91-3 (2 0)* progressive exercise day (1-01 (0.07) 1)
and on the high intensity exercise day (1-02
Significance of differences between protocols: *p < 0-05; **p < 0-01; tP < 0-001. (0-06) 1) were very similar. Wmax values in the
HRmax-maximum heart rate; VEmax-maximum minute ventilation; Vo2max- preliminary incremental test varied, being 90
maximum oxygen consumption; Dmax-maximum dyspnoea (as percentage of visual
analogue scale). (n = 4), 100 (n = 6), 110 (n = 1), 120 (n = 1),
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366 Noseda, Carpiaux, Schmerber, Yernault

5- 130 (n = 5), and 140 w (n = 2). Wmax and

FEV, on the preliminary test day were
. moderately well correlated (Wmax = 38-6 x
FEV1 + 70 7; r = 0-64; p < 0-01).
_E 3 Maximum values of heart rate, ventilation,
-0 0 oxygen consumption, and dyspnoea associated
a) with progressive, initial high intensity, and
2 0* * . repeat high intensity exercise are shown in
U-1 table 1. HRmax during initial high intensity
*2 exercise was significantly (p < 0001) lower
than during progressive and repeat high inten-
sity exercise, and Vo2max during initial high
r = -0-583 (p < 0-01) intensity exercise was lower (p < 0-001) than
during progressive exercise. Dmax was slightly
o I
I I I I lower during initial than during repeat high
02 0.4 06 08 1.0 1 2 14 16 18 intensity exercise (p < 0 05).
FEV1 (I)
Figure 3 Dyspnoea/ventilation slope during high
intensity exercise plotted against FEV, in 19 subjects with Ten patients said that they were not breathless
chronic obstructive lung disease. at all at rest on either study day; for the
remainder the visual analogue scale rating at
rest was (mean of both study days) 2 5%
(n = 1), 5% (n = 2), 7 5% (n - 3), 10%
(n = 2), and 20% (n = 1). The results of linear
regression analysis of the relation between
Table 2 Relation of dyspnoea to ventilation during exercise of inceasing intensity: visual analogue scale and VE are shown in table
linear regression analysis (mean (SE) values) 2 and figure 3. For progressive exercise r values
Initial high Whole high
exceeded 0-9 in 15 subjects (range 0-936-0 989)
Progressive intensity intensity and were 0-888 0-865 0-840 and 0-747 in the
remainder. An exponential model improved
Slope of dyspnoea/VE plot (% 1-' min) 2-86 (0 20) 2-59 (0-25) 2-87 (0 25)
the correlation (r > 0 9) in the latter three
Intercept with VE axis (1/min) 10-0 (1-4) 8-9 (1-1) 9-5 (1-3)
Correlation coefficient 0-934 (0-014) 0-964 (0-005) 0-954 (0-005) subjects. For high intensity exercise linear r
values exceeded 09 in all subjects (0-919-0-989
for total high intensity exercise, 0-915-0-994
for the initial burst). The slope of increase of
dyspnoea with ventilation was nearly identical
(table 2) when progressive and high intensity
exercise were compared; it was somewhat
smaller, though not significantly (p = 0-09)
VEmax (I/min) Dmax (%) D/VE slope (% I-' min) when initial high intensity exercise was com-
pared with progressive exercise. The intercept
60 - 100--M with the ventilation axis was very similar,
around 9-10 1/min, for all exercise protocols. A
moderate but significant negative relationship
50 - 90 - 4- were found between the D/VE slope and FEV,
a) (fig 3): D/VE slope = 5-26 - 2-34 x FEV1 (r -
0) 3- -0-583; p < 0-01; high intensity exercise).
20 40 - 80 -
30 - 70-- DAY
Nine subjects performed progressive exercise
on the first day and 10 subjects started with
60 - 100 - . high intensity exercise. When the order effect
4- of the test was examined, there was no sig-
Cl) nificant difference between the first and the
01) 50- 90- 3 second study day for Dmax (92-1% (2-6%) v
.C0) 9017% (2-4%)) or for D/VE slope (2-90%
(0-20%) v 2-83% (0-25%) 1-' min).
40- 80 -

C l^ 1 *1
Differences in HRmax, VEmax, Vo2max, Dmax
30 . 70
and D/VE slope between the baseline and the
two month sessions were small and non-sig-
Figure 4 Reproducibility of maximum ventilation (VEmax), maximum dyspnoea nificant for both progressive and high intensity
(Dmax), and dyspnoea/ventilation slope (DI VE slope) in six patients with severe exercise. Individual data for VEmax, Dmax and
chronic obstructive lung disease studied twice at an interval of two months, during
progressive and initial high intensity exercise. For each variable mean (SE) values of D/VE slope are shown for progressive and
the baseline and of the two month session are joined by a thick line. initial high intensity exercise in figure 4.
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Dyspnoea assessed by visual analogue scale in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease during progressive and high intensity exercise 367

Table 3 Reproducibility after two month interval: within subject coefficients of variation (median (range) values)
HRmax VEmax 02 mx Dmax DI VE slope
Progressive 1-8 (0-7-1) 7-2 (5-1-9-4) 6-2 (3 6-7-2) 4-7 (0-15-7) 8-9 (1-2-28-4)
Initial high intensity 3-2 (0-80) 5-8 (19-6-3) 4-7 (2-4-13-3) 4-6 (0-83) 4 9 (1 1-20 9)
Repeat high intensity 4-4 (0-7 7) 4-8 (18-10-6) 5-6 (2-2-82) 8-1 (0-16-6)
Whole high intensity - 6-0 (19-29-1)
Abbreviations as in table 1.

Median within subject coefficients of variation scale, another widely used scale for assessing
are shown in table 3. Comparison of the dyspnoea, which includes a descriptive
variability of the same index between exercise framework of adjectives that is thought to allow
protocols yielded insignificant differences. subjects a point of reference.' In a small group
When the variability between the different of six patients with chronic obstructive lung
indices was compared within each protocol, the disease the visual analogue scale was used over
only significant difference was that VEmax was a wider range than the Borg scale and was
less reproducible than HRmax (p < 001) almost twice as sensitive.'3 As some patients
during progressive exercise. Similarly, the anchored solely with reference to everyday
reproducibility of the D/VE slope tended experience restrict the use of the visual
(p = 0-06) to be not so good as that of HRmax analogue scale to its lower part,4 we anchored
during progressive exercise. This tendency, the upper end of the scale on a preliminary
however, was due exclusively to the presence maximum exercise test in an attempt to per-
in the group of one individual who exhibited suade the subjects to use the whole range of the
a coefficient of variation of 28-4% (range scale. Stark et al did not anchor the upper end
1-2-12-0% in the other subjects). of the scale in patients with respiratory disor-
ders because the fatigue resulting from the
anchoring test might impair exercise perfor-
Discussion mance during the subsequent tests.42' We have
Magnitude rating on a visual analogue scale has circumvented this problem by allowing 24
been used in many studies of exercise induced hours to elapse between anchoring and the first
dyspnoea in normal subjects' 2817 and patients session of dyspnoea rating. With this procedure
with chronic obstructive lung disease.34 "''s In only one subject from an initial sample of 21
all these studies exercise testing was performed was unable to use the point of reference given in
conventionally as an incremental progressive the preliminary test and restricted the use of the
test. This conflicts with the usual recommen- visual analogue scale to its lower part.
dation that in any psychophysical experiment In the present study we found, as have other
sensory stimuli should be applied in random investigators using the visual analogue scale or
order to avoid artefacts.'8 During a progressive the Borg scale,'3" that the relation between
exercise test subjects may be aware of the dyspnoea and ventilation is linear during
increasing work intensity and of the progressive exercise in most patients with
immediately preceding dyspnoea score, and chronic obstructive lung disease. Two subjects
hence may be cued to attach a higher sensation showed a plateauing of perceived dyspnoea
number to the next load increment. After despite a further increase in ventilation. This
considerable preliminary trials we devised a could be an artefact induced by the anchoring
testing procedure consisting of two periods of procedure, the same 100% level of breathless-
low level exercise interspersed with two ness being experienced on the study day at a
periods of high intensity exercise; the total slightly lower load level than on the anchoring
exercise time, the maximum work load, and the day, possibly because a mouthpiece was used.23
cumulative work during the test were the same Alternatively, it could be an artefact due to the
as in the progressive protocol used for fact that the visual analogue scale is a closed
comparison. Using this procedure we did not scale.2' This is supported by the fact that other
observe any arrhythmias or ischaemic changes investigators have experienced this problem
on the electrocardiogram during high intensity with the Borg scale,'32224 and have allowed
exercise, which we ascribe to the beneficial patients to select a number above the maximum
effect of the preceding 10 watt warm up on the Borg scale when breathlessness
period.'9 In this group of 19 subjects with increased beyond what they had rated as
chronic obstructive lung disease the dyspnoea- maximal during progressive exercise. Interes-
ventilation slopes were very similar, whatever tingly, the plateauing of dyspnoea at high levels
the temporal profile of the load. The mean of ventilation was not observed in the two
rating of dyspnoea increased by about 29% of subjects when they were evaluated with the
the length of the visual analogue scale every high intensity protocol.
time the ventilation increased by 10 1 minl' We found a large intersubject variation in the
during both progressive and high intensity rate of increase of dyspnoea with ventilation
exercise. (see fig 3), which confirms that comparisons
The presence or absence of a point of and therapeutic evaluations with this method
reference is likely to have a strong influence on should always be made on a within subject
the sensitivity and the reproducibility of the basis.2' The variability in FEV1 accounted for
assessment of dyspnoea. The visual analogue 34% of the variability of the D/VE slope. The
scale has been compared recently with the Borg slope of the initial high intensity phase, though
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368 Noseda, Carpiaux, Schmerber, Yernault

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