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ROLL NO - PAPER CODE - 2014 . (1 CLASS - 12012) NGLISH , GROUP FIRST ‘TIME: 30 MINUTES. NOTE: You have four choices for cach sbjcctive type question as A, B,C and D . The choice which 1a) (b) © MARKS: 20 OBsE CTIVE ' you think is correct , fill that cirale in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles, Cutting or filling tw» or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. Attempt as many questions as given in c bjective type question paper and leave others blank. Write the letter A,B, C or D in the column (Write correct option) against each question. If there is a contradiction in the bubble and hand written snswer , bubble option will be considered corn Following statements are folloy ed hy Four options. Only one choice ing, to the underlined words in the statement. Read eat statement clr sand choose the right option (ook: Short stor es Bool 10 C1) Feat lay with them a thiré ual are (A)univited (By eee (1D) délusion 0 Tete al Serr Ecornenest ONIN cons ori nro (A) safety Sv cradene Ytarget (D) aim (4) What then was ruin (A) work (B) cut (C) desolation (D) population ©) Thwas bulky looking volume (A) good (B) beautiful —(C) heavy (D) Light (6) The girl was scared (A) frightened (B) calm: (C) pacified (D) satisfied (7) Spelding nods wearily (A) happily CB) heartily (C) tiredly —_(D) delightedly (8) Lrealize the importance 0° it | (A)learn (B)teach_ (C) preach (D) perceive (9) Birds turn their head as the train approaches (A) goes (B) drives (C) arrives (D) strives (10) ust to have his head cur «ff (A)stop (B) keepup (C) hold out _(D) sacrifice his life Each question has four options. Only one choice is correct 5 (11) After how much time the rescue rocket éame on the Mars (A) 4 years (B) 5 years (C)6 years (D) 7 years (12) What did the woman heat to serve the boy ? (A) mution (B) lima bezns and beef (C) roast (D) bread (13) What would be effect of court acrobat ? It would . (A) please the king (B) annoy the king (C) earn money (D) strengthen the soldiers (14) Whatis the colour of the >ver hanging light in the bus station ? (A) dull blue (B) dull ysllow (C) dull red (D) dull green (15) How many moons does the earth have according to Kreton ? (4 (3 ©2 M1 Following statements are folloved by four possible options , only one choi: (18) God helps those who themselves (Ayhelp (Byhelps (wll help {oy helped an cssuues for You “OF an hour i wait iia waiting (C) will wait (D) bave been waiting (18) She seovssssoows Eng ish at present (A) learnt (B) leaning” (C) will leam (Dy have learnt (19) This is the girl who me (A}beip: (B) helped (GC) have helped (DY aihetpet (20) The snow. in the sun | (A)have melied — (B) melting (C) melts (D) will be melt S(Obj)-1::012-50000 SEQUENCE -1 ENGLISH , GROUP FIRST 2. Ta) () © i GT CLASS - 12012) BIECTIVI TIME: 2. 30 HOURS SECTION MARKS: 80 Write short answers in (3-5 lines) of any six questions in words of your own. Book-I (Short stories) 2 What kind of a woman was Norma ? Gi) Why did Harry try to build the rocket ? Gili) What advice did the woman give to Rogger ? Gv) What cure was suggested for the king by the physicians ? () What is the moral lesson of the story , “The Reward " ? (vi) What is the theme of the story,“ A mild Atack of Locusts ” ? (vii). What kind of life did Maulvi Abul lead before his marriage ? (iil) What was the wisdom in selling the most valuable things ? ( The Gift of the Magi) Gx) What was the wisli of Martin Luther king ? Write short answers in (3-5 lines) of any five questions in words of your own Book-IIL (One Act plays) 10 (Why could not the girl deseribe the killer ? (i) What were the circumstances that forced the girl to leave her ear? (Gi) How does Kreton prove his extra-ordinary powers ? Gv) What is the purpose of the visit of Kreton ? () How much more advanced is the civilization of Kreton than that of the earth ? (i. Why does clay need money ? (vii) Whar does Harry advise Miss. Me Chutcheon to do? (viii) Why does clark give money to Harry ? ‘Write short answers in (3-5 lines) of any four questions in words of your own, Book-III (Poems) 8 (What does the Night Mail bring ? Gi) What type of person is the Rider ? (O Where are You Going ) Gii) Why is‘ Time * important for every work ? (iv) Why does the poet say the life * Poar * in the poem Leisure” ? (©) Without whose love Bullab is in loss ? and why ? (vi) What is the dream of the poet in the poem “ The Delight Song” ? SECTION. Write letter to your mother , telling her why you dislike hostel life, ~ 10 OR 3 Write an application to the Principal of your college for sick leave Write a story on the moral lesson “ Pride hath a fall” 10 ‘OR A Friend in need is a friend indeed” Explain the following lines with reference to the context 5 ‘And since to look at things in bloom Fifty springs are little room About the woodland I will go ‘To see the cherry hung with snow Punetuate the following extract from (Book-I Short Stories) 5 that i d like for us to go to europe like for us to have a cottage on the island like for us 10 have a nicer apartment nicer furniture nicer clothes a car Use any Five of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own s @ Accept, Except (i) Cattle , Kettle (iii) Heal , Heel. (iv) Naughty , Knouy (@) Mail, Male (vi) Sensible , Sensitive (vii) Waste , Waist ‘Translate the following passage into Urdu 18 A few days later , the pre-marriage celebrations began. Mehrunnisa , was put in seclusion in a Separate room till the auspicious day. The gay songs that usually accompany wedding ceremonies were not sung for , after all , this was Maulvi Abul Barkat's residence, Music of any kind could not be allowed in his house. So the village girls simply sat in a circle round the shy bride and for several nights sang songs of love and friendship , flowers and their fragrance , and the romantic rainy season which has a special significance for young men and women in rural Punjab. They also sang sweet sei liom OPT Candidates whose medium of instruction is TH, Ki COU! an essay on “ Democracy ” is ia VV¥" (1 CLASS - 12012) ENGLISH , GROUP SECOND ‘TIME: 30 MINUTES! MARKS: 20 OBJECTIVE NOTE: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B , Cand D.. The choice which Lea) &) «© you think is correct , fill that citcle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or filling tw» or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. Attempt aS many questions as given in cbjective type question paper and leave others blank. Write the letter A,B, Cor D in the column (Write correct option) against each question. If there is a contradiction in the bubble and hand written nswer , bubble option will be considered correct Following statements are follov-ed by Four options. Only one choice is closest in meaning to the underlined words in the statement. Read each statement carefully and choose the right option (Book-I Short stor es , Book-III Plays and Poetry) 10 (1) Norma thought that the matter of the button was ridiculous {A) logical (B) illogical (C) possible (D) practical 2) Bittering had some blue rrints of the rocket (A) sketches (B)instrursents (C) parts (D) buttons (3) Gentle applause broke ou: from every hand for Gorgios (A)curse (B) dislike (C) clapping (D) abuse (4) The sick girl shricked hysterically (A) delightfully (B) wildly (C) calmly (Dy happily () Let freedom ring from evry hamlet (A) class room (BY smsil village (C) city (D) country (6) One bench in the room fazes the audience {Aj actors (B) spectatcrs (C) killers (D) soldiers (7) The Aying object has given rise to so much irresponsible conjectures (A) solution (B)problens (C) guessing (D) abuse (8) Harry had mumbo jumbo ideas | (A) meaningless (B)wse (C) good (D) sensible (9) That valley is fatal when “urnaces burn (A) beautiful (B) dead y (C) charming (D) shining (10) These names show God’s attributes (A) qualities (B) miseries (C) kindness (D) strength Each question has four options. Only one choice is correct 5 CY Cl a sscccicoiare (A) Clark’s son (B) MeCuteheon’s nephew (C) Harry's servant (D) Writer's driver (12) The Girl is about ..... years old (A)22_ (By23 (C)2%—@D)25 (13) Martin Luther's dream was (A) negation of the white (B) equality of high and low (C) rule of the black (D) self government (14) The Good Book allows 4 man to live on earth «........sesss eee Years (A)sixty (B) sixty five (C) seventy (D) seventy five (15) The name of the sick girl was ‘ (A)Zabda_— (B) Mathilkia_— (C) Shenaz_(D) Laura Following statements are follow ed by four possible options , only one choice is correct 5 (16) The train twenty minutes ago (A) had arrived (B) ha been arrived (C) arrived (D) will be arrived (17) The brave ......,.. +e) until they die (A) fights (B) fight (C) are fighting (D) had fought (28) JEL wrcssoen «+++, Money , | would have bought a car (A) had have (B)have (C)had (D) possess GY. Ws reece as s00n as his work is finished (A) should come (B) may have come (C) have come (D) came (20) Charity ‘at home (A) began (B) begins (C) begun (D) will begin Y (ui CLass - 12012) ENGLISH , GROUP SECOND SUBJECTIVE ‘TIME: 2. 30 HOURS ECTIO MARKS: 80 2. Write short answers in (3-5 lines) of any six questions in words of your own, Book-l (Short stories) 2 (Why did Harry want to go back to Earth ? G3) What was the time when Roger tried to snatch the purse of the woman ? Gi) What was the public announcement (The Piece of String) Gv) What was the condition of the tonsils of the sick gir] ? (%) Why did the king weep ? (vi), Why are locusts compared with bad weather ? (vil) What was Luther's hope about black and white children ? (iit) Why did Maulvi Abul make mistakes in the prayers ? (ix) What was the appearance of the young man wearing over coat ? 3. Write short answers in (3-5 lines) of any five questions in words of your own Book-IIl (One Act plays) 10 @) How much advanced is the civilization of Kreton than that of the earth ? Gi)| Can the people of the earth compete with the people of Kreton ? Git) What were the circumstances thet forced the Gitl to leave her car? (iv) What was the Girl doing in the siormy weather ? (%) How much Harry charges for hair cut and why does he not charge clark ? (vi) Where is clay going and why ? (vii) What has happened to Clay’s father ? (viii) What is the opinion of General powers about Kreton 2 4. Write short answers in (3-5 lines) of any four questions in words of your own Book-[Il Poems) 8 (How is cherry depicted by the poct ? Gi) What were the feelings of the poet standing in the dark street ? Gi) How many young ones are to be fed and how does mother sparrow feed them ? Gy) What does the phrase the ~ stuffed man" mean ? (©) Why did the people of the two cities look powerless and helpless ? (vi) What is the effect of love with reference to * Love ~ and Essence of All Religions”? =I 5. Write a letter to your friend about your first day at college 10 oR Write an application to the Principal of your college for the change of a subject 6 Write a story bearing the moral A Frieod io Need is a Friend Indeed 10 4 OR « Necessity is the Mother of Invention 7.(a) Explain the following lines with reference ta the context 5 Those who have crossed co yim With direct eyes , to death’s other TU Remember a6 iarall- notes id ya-¢ ; Violent souls , but a ‘As the hallow (b) Punctuate the folloy ng kI¢ ler Ul ny 5 norma no ie ine all right take it easy she said why are you getting ©. ive of the biden pairs of words in sentences of your own s @Hew,Hue Gi) Ice , Snow Gii) Lessen , Lesson (iv) Miner , Minor ()Pain, Pane (vi) Rain, Reign (vii) Sail , Sale 8. "Translate the following passage inte Urdu 15 On the other hand , nobody could restrain Shamim Ahmad from celebrating his marriage he desired. So he eame to marry Mehrum amidst fireworks with musicians playing gay at night , after a lot of whispering in one corner of the house , many trunks were dragged but and opened. The next morning when the dowry was exhibited in the courtyard , the entire village was stunned by what it saw. People were not impressed much with the colourful clothes , for this was not unusual, But the jewellery ? It was incredible, Some secretly believed thet the Maulvi had a Special amulet whose chasm blessed him with seeret power to get as much money as he desired from the angels any way ROLLNO wn... PAPER CODE - 2011 (11" CLASS - 12013) : ENGLISH , GROUP FIRST TIME: 30 MINUTES MARKS: 20 OBJECTIVE NOTE: You have four choices for eaci: objective type question as A,B, Cand D . The choice which you think is correct , fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker fill the circles. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that z 1a) Following statements are follewed by Four options. a fou, re choice e Hr slaseet in theaning to the underlinad yorg tpt sd each statement carefully and choose the right op + Book-ITT Plays and Poetry) 10 () Arthar see (A) conten! hesitated | (D) confounded. 2 e dering about Europe walling (Chromming (0) discussing @) ips I should have d:sisted (A) persisted (B) abstained (C) insisted (D) claimed @) Ie surely had been made for jim (A)elearly (B)infiniely (C) certainly (D) actively (3) Mehrunisa was put in s (A) confusion — (B) isclation (C) jubilation (1D) profusion (©) Wozzeck is be (A) Confused (7) Will, its elliptical (A)round (B) square (C) lengthy (D) oval (8) Kretoa says that he pick iup things : (A)refutes (B) derives (C) denies (D) eats up (C)happy (D) mad (9) He got enmeshed in love (A) entangled (B)selzcted (C) rejected (D) dejected (10) Sheeps dogs slumber on with paws across (A) bak (B) sleep (2)smell (D) cut (b) Fach question has four optioas. Only one choice is correet 5 (1D) What was Mr. Manana ¢ (A)acamel man (B):.coachman (C)ahorse rider (D) a harness man (12) Locusts attack in the area of (A) one kilometer (B) ten kilometer (C) fifty kilometer (D) sixty kilometer (13) The author had been to «........... charity dinners (A)three (B) four ‘C)five (D) six (14) What is the firs name of Applegarth ? (A) judge (B) John (C) Powers (D) Louie (15) The tree of cherry is the loveliest in seve (A) winter (B) spring (C) summer (D) autumn (©) Following statements are followed by four possible options , only one.choice is correct. (16) Nazia said that she «0. ........, Ejaz (A)loved (B) donot love — (C) didnot loved (D) love (17) Sohail bade her the room (A)toenter — (Byenter (C)entered — (D) entering (18) Time once gone cannot te : (A)recall (B) recalls (C) recalled (D) recalling (19) Charity ...seseeeseoves at ROME (A) begin (B) begins (C) began (D) has begun (20) His father ..........10... @ book these days (A)is writing (B) wes writing (C) write (D) writes S(Obj)-12013-50000 SEQUENCE - 1 qi™oLass- =) ENGLISH , GROUP FIRST SUBJECTIVE TIME: 2. 30 HOURS, SECTION-T MARKS: 80 zi Write short answers in (3-5 lines/sentences) of any six questions in words of your own. Book-I (Short stories) @ Why did Arthur disagree with bis wife? 74a) @) © Gi) What has the doctors told the old man 7 Gi) Why did Cora want to go back to the earth 7 Gv) What was the subject discussed at the club ? (¥) Why did the sick girl not promptly respond to the instructions of the doctor 7 (vi). What did the Quack pretend to cure ? What was the result of his cure ? (vii), What was the cause of the Negroes discontentment ? (iil) Why did Della feel pride in the beauty of her hair ? Gx) Describe Molvi Abul’s appearance Write short answers in (3-5 lines/sentences) of any five questions in words of your own Book-III (One Act plays) G) What was the condition of the weather (Heat Lightning) 7 fc) ‘hy does the girl ask for the help from the first man in the bus station ? Gai) ‘hy does the girl prefer to stay with the first man instead of accompanying the second m: Gy) Who is kreton and how is he in a dominating position ? (Why does Mr. Spelding dislike John ? (vi). What is Kreton’s hobby and why does he come to earth ? (vi), What is Harry’s philosophy ? Can it be a good answer to the problems of modern man ? (vii) Who buys the oyster and why does he not open it to see the pearl inside ? Write short answers in (3-S lines/sentences) of any four questions in words of your own Book-Iff Gocms) G) What does the poet reflect when he saw the Sindhi woman ? Gi) What does the sparrow hold in her beak ? Gi Why did Mansur mount the gallows 7 Gy) Which attributes of God are mentioned in the poem ? (God's Attributes) () Why does a person feel helpless on the death ofa friend ? (2D How do the children enjoy eating fruit ? 'SECTION-11 Write a letter to your mother about the college’s extra curricular activities OR Write an application to the Principal of your college for remissi Write a story bearing the moral “ All that glitters is not gold” ‘OR ~ Union is strength * the following lines with reference to the context Loveliest of trees , the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bough And stands about the wood land ride ‘Wearing white for Baster tide Punctuate the following extract from (Book-I Short Stories) life is like a race jorkens went on in which they tire after a while and sit down or get interested in something else instead the man who keeps on wins the race Use any Five of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own G) Advice , Advise Gi) Check, Cheque (ili) Hair, Hare (iv) Hoard , Horde @) Lay, Lie (vi) Marry, Merry | (vil) Moral , Morale ‘Translate the following passage into Urdu ‘The main swarm is n’t settling. They are heavy with eggs. They are looking for a place to Settle and lay. If we can stop the main body setting on our farm get a chance to lay th » of fine Expl » That's everything. If they eggs , We are going to have everything eaten flat with hoppers later on." He picked a stray locust off his shirt and split down with his Thumbnail — it was clotted inside with eggs. “ Imagin that multiplied by millions. You ever seen a hopper syarm on the march ? Well, you're lucky Saute, gett of ran Bay weQst sacanayon "iaornae™ ANT be W, TUT! ais cuass- 12013) ExeLisn {Gh SECOND TIME; 30 MINUTES MARKS: 20 OB. OBJECTIVE NOTE: You have four choices for each objective type question as A,B, Cand D . The choice which you think is correct , fill that cicle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles, Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question La) (>) © Following statements are follo'ved by Four options. Out of these four , only one choice is closest in meaning to the underlined words in the statement. Read each statement carefully and choose the right option (Book-I Short stories , Book-ITI Plays and Poetry) 10 (1) While she was stacking ¢ishes , she tuned abruptly (A) piling up in frame fo crying (B) washing (C) breaking (D) cleaning (2) The strap broke with a sudden single mg (A)hit (B) thrust (C) pull (D) push (3) The readers are sure to enjoy these parables (A) moral stories (B) idventures (C) dreams —_(D) false tales (4) Love and large — hearted giving , when added together , can Jeave deep marks (A)caretess(B) miserly (C) generous (D) foolishly (8) The young man seemed to be immune to them (A) protected from some'hing unpleasant (B) affected (C) unsafe (D) lieable (©) The girl is stunned (A) shocked (B) pleas:d_ (C) surprised (D) praised (7) But this visit was all rath +r impromtue (A) rapid (B) planned (C) without preparation (D) undecided (8) Let by gones by by gone: I (A) forget the difference: (B) remember the past events (C) gloomy days are gone (D) good days are gone (©) Your diligent looking discover the lacking (A) discourage (B) hardworking (C)lazy (D) activeness (10) What should I do O God ! Aghast ! (A) terrified (B) fear (©) wonder (D) elevated Each question has four optior s. Only one choice is correct 5 (11) Who is Norma’s opinion , was the researcher ? (A) Psychiatrist (B}adoctor (C) aneccentric millionaire (D) a killer (12) Gorios wanted to prove (A) his parents wrong (E) his nation wrong (C) his brother wrong (D) his philosophy wrong (13) The glory of whom shall be revealed (A)America (B)Lord —_(C) nation _(D) black people (14) Why did she circle round and round into the wood ? (A) to escape from the ki ler (B) to reach her town (C) to reach her parents (D) to reach her house (15) The house Spelding comes under the (A) civil law (B) criminal law (©) company law (D) martial law Following statements are followed by four possible options , only one choice is correct & (16) They . ++ here a month ago (A)have come (B) wil have come (C)came —_(D) had come (17) The train .. cevovee Yt at the station (A) has not arrived (E) has arrived (C) would arrive (D) should arrive (18) We... see Murree next month (A) shall visit’ (B) visied — (C) would visit (D) have visited (19) [fhe had worked hard ,hy ......cessee {A) would have passed (B) would pass (C) had passed (D) has passed 20) She i.e in the sun for two hours ‘ (A) has been sleeping {B) is sleeping (C) was sleeping (D) will be sleeping SEQUENCE - 1 (Qa CLASS - 2013) ENGLISH , GROUP SECOND SUBJECTIVE TIME: 2. 30 FIOURS SECTIO! MARKS: 80 2. Write short answers in (3-5 lines/sentences) of any six questions in words of your own, Book-I (Short stories) 2 wo ‘What were the reasons Norma gave to her husband to accept the offer ? gy Gi) What had the doctors told the old man 7 4 (iii) What was the advice Harry gave to the people ? (iy) What were the feelings of Gorgios on the occasion ? (v) What should be he role of a Qazi ? (vi) Did Margaret know what to do to keep the Locusts away ? (vii) | What does Martin dream about the red hills of Georgia ? (vii) Why did she feel sad on losing her hair ? (ix) Why did the young man follow the couple closely ? 3. ‘Write short answers in (3-5 lines/sentences) of any five questions in words of your own Book-III (One Act plays) 10 @ ‘What were the circumstances that forced the girl to leave her car ? Gi) ‘What is the impression of the Girl about Second Man ? Gii) | How did the Girl recognize the first man to be the killer ? Gv) | What is the purpose of Kreton’s visit ? (y) | What is the role of General power in the play ? (vi) How does Harry describe the inhabitants of OK — by — the Sea ? (vii) What kind of judge is judge Applegarth 7 (viii), What does Clark give Harry ? For what purpose ? 4. Write short answers in (3-5 lines/sentences) of any four questions in words of your own Book-Ill (Poems) 8 @ What does Night Mail bring ? (ii) How does the Reader frighten the Rider ? Gil) What did the traveler see in the desert ? (iv) What , according the Allama Iqbal , is worse than slavery ? (v) Mention three attributes of God as described in the poem , “ God's Attributes.” (vi) What happens when life is spent with the help of words and not of deeds ? ne 5. a letter to your aunt thanking her for the nice hospitality she showed during ay with her 10 OR an application to the Principal requesting him to grant you leave for full one week as you have to attend the marriage ceremony of your elder brother Write a story bearing the mora) “ A Friend in need is a friend indeed ” 10 oR . © All that glitters is not gold ” 7.(a) Explain the following lines with reference to the context 5 A poor life this if,, full of care O m (b) Punctuate the following extract from Book- . 5 why dn gous pa cig arp Ee Heb. Mo or pan ace @ cemete try erth birth Gili) ascent , assent (v) dairy diary (vi) medal, meddle (vii) pour , pore 8. late the following passage into Urdu She was a large woman with a large purse that had everything in it but a hammer and nails. Ithad a long strap , and she carried it slung across her shoulder. It was about eleven 0" Clock at night , daric, and she was walking alone , when a boy ran up behind her and tried to snatch her purse. The strap broke with a sudden single tug the boy gave it from behind oR Candidates whose medium of instruction is English/Foreign candidates will write an essay on “ Load Shedding and its Impact on Economic progress ” 15 15 ROLL NO PAPER CODE - 6011 sae (11® CLASS - 12014) ENGLISH, GROUP FIRST ‘TIME: spit ya adit. which NOTE: You have four choices for each ifaw eae pepe you think is correct , fill arn fe cle ing fi rates (ber. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or nt -esult iff zero mark in that question, 1(a) Choose the right 0 lords and fill up the bubbles 10 Bose LSI eee Al phays and Poetry) ef in the histness of his fear ppy (B)soaked (C)sad (D) clear @ Mie hrned atthe foot af the barren stoop (A) mud (B) clear (C) deserted (D) high (3) She was a feeble old worran (A) beautiful (B) weak (C) brave (D) cheerful (@) No king had anything so »aluable (A) cheap (B) good (12) costly (D) beautiful (5) He had a weary look (A) tired (B) pleasant (C) sad (D) fearful (6) The door rattles viciously (A) unexpectedly (B) strangely (C) violently (D) gently (7) Well, it’s elliptical (A) lengthy (B) round ‘C) square (D) oval (8) It’s imitation stuff mainly (A)costly —(B) copy (C) beautiful (D) good ~ (9) Your diligent looking disc over the lacking (A) careful (B) simple (C) complete. (D) slow (10) There was no one to lesse their groans (A) heighten (B) increa‘e (C) decrease (D) enhance (b) Choose the right option for th: following blanks and fill up the bubbles 8 (11) The boy washed his face on the direction of (A) police officer (B) his father (C) the woman (D) his unele (12) The boat started tossing tr eans that the boat {A) remained peaceful (B) started flying (C) started shaking (D) sank (13) Tim bought a gift of (A)awatch (B) shoes (C)clips (D) the combs (14) If people were smart they wouldn't be out (A) on aday like this (18) onaholiday (C)onatour (D) ona night like this (15) How many years are requ red to tell the story of travel ? (A) one hundred = (B) tvo hundred (C) five hundred (D) seven hundred (©) Choose the correct form of verl: and fill up the bubbles - 5 (16) "My friends .................. the prime minister yesterday (A)see (B)sees (C)iaw — (D) had seen (17) We generally Urdu Anak Bae © spoken (D) had spoken 18) s+-+e for Karachi tomorrow. a hhas been leaving (13) leave. (C) left (D) shall leave (19) If Thad worked hard , 1 (A) would have pass (B) would have passed (C) should have pass (D) would pass. (26) Would that I... rich ! (A)was (B)am = (C) were (D) have been ENGLISH , GROUP FIRST SUBJECTIVE ‘TIME: 2. 30 HOURS, -CTIO! MARKS: 80 2. Write short answers in (3-5 lines/sentences) of any six questions in words of your own, Book-I (Short stories) 12 (What were the reasons Norma gave to her husband to accept the offer ? Gi) Where did the old man take his son ? Gil) What did Harry want to grow on the Mars ? (Gv) What were the arrangements made for the function of inauguration ? () Did the girl change her expression when the doctor said , “ Does your throat burt you ?” (vi) What should be the role of @ Qazi ? (vil) Why did Tim sell his gold watch ? (vill) How would Maulvi Abol live before his marriage ? (ix). Why did the people come out on the Mall ? 3. Write short answers in (3-5 lines/sentences) of any five questions in words of your own Book-IIt (One Act plays) 10 (i) What were the Circumstances that forced her to leave her car ? (i) What did clay find near Black Rock ? (iii) Can Harty give a poodle haircut ? (iv) Can the people of the Earth compete with those of Kreton ? (¥) What is the role of General Powers of the play ? (vi) What is her impression about the Second Man ? (vii) What are the morals of Kreton ? (viii) Why did she ask for help from First Man ? 4, Write short answers in (3-5 lines/sentences) of any four questions in words of your own Book-LIf (Poems) 5 8 (@) What is main idea of the poem Loveliest of Trees , the Cherry Now"? (i) What was written on the pedestal of the statue ? Gii) Why does the poet call the modem men * hollow * ? (iv) What is the theme of Igbal’s “ Ruba’iyat "? + (¥) What does the poet mean by the phrase * decamping talk”? (My Neighbour Friend Breathing bis Last) (vi) Why did Mansur mount the gallows ? Write a letter to your friend thanking him for birthday gift OR Write an application to your Principal giving an explanation for your misbehaviour and offering a satisfactory apology 6 Write a story bearing the moral “ Tit for tat” 10 OR © Union is strength ” 7a) Explain the following lines with reference to the context 5 “Whose frown , And wrinkled lip , and sneer of cold command , - Tell that its sculptor well those passions read , Which yet survive . stamped on these lifeless things. (>) Punetuate the following extract from Book-I (Short Stories) 5 is that so harry sam said casually and you re taller and thinner you might be right harry (c) Use any Five of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own 5 (i) Barren, Barron (ji) Roll, Role _(iii) Mare, Mere (iv) Expansive , Expensive (v) Assay Essay (vi) Horde , Hoard (vii) Urban , Urbane ‘Translate the following passage into Urdu Once he raised a hand to couch the lowest of the swings that were hung from the ceiling, But again the applause broke out , assuring him that no actual activity was expected of him. And so ; having made his bows , he was led to a seat . his life's ambition achieved. It mi have taken him more than sixty years to do it, since first he came by that stran his. But he did it. GC ALTERNATE OUESTION FOR FORFIGN/ENGLISH Manip chown ENGLISH, G * OBJECTIV! > JY ug mM TMELXSs - 12014) ROUP, vo TIME: 30 MINUTES ner MARKS: 20 NOTE: You have four choices for eacl objective type question as A,B, C and D. The choice which T.(a) (b) ©) ‘You think is correct , fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or filling tv/o or more circles will result in zero mark in that question, Choose the right option of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles 10 (Book I, Short Stories Book II Plays and Poetry) (1) She was golden and slender as his daughter (A) beautiful (B) ang'y (C) attractive (D) slim (2) She shook him until his eeth rattled (A) bled (B)clattered (C) pained (D) ached (3) His bewildered victim inquired (A) sad (B) miserable (C) astounded (D) happy (4) She began to think more reasonably (A) slowly (B)sensiby (C) wrongly (D) rightly () There was nothing to gr mble at (A) watch (B) enjoy (C) hate (D) complain (6) The girl lets out a muffled cry (A) loud —(B) faint C) tragic (D) mischievous (7) Kreton asked powers not to wreck his ship (A) build up (B) deecrate (C) furnish (D) ruin ! (8) might damage it {A) buy (B)harm (2) spoil (D) lose (9) Radiant as lanterns , they forget (A) shining (B)colowed (C) beautiful (D) red (10) You whom this age’s way so captivate (A) ugly (B) bad (C) fascinate (D) repulsive Choose the right option for «1 e following blanks and fill up the bubbles 5 (11) What were the feelings of Hubert when he was informed of the recovery of the lost object ? He felt (A) disgusted (B) triurphed (C) indifferent _(D) concemed (12) The great throne-room hed been turned into a kind of (A) swimming pool ‘B) gymnasium —(C) stadium (D) race track (13) After the accident what vias the first thing removed from the body of the young man ? (A) overcoat (B) shoes and socks (C) white silk scarf (D) an old cotton sweater (14) The girl was coming from: (A) the pany (B) tour (C) ahill station (D) a station (13) The house of spelding co nes under the (A) civil law (B) crirainal law (C) company law (D) martial law Choose the correct form of vero and fill up the bubbles 5 (16) Charity sey athome - (A) begins (B) began (C) would begin ~ (D) begin 17) They vee esessseecseeeee tO Murree tomorrow (A) shall go (BY shall have gone (C) will go (D) be going (18) [remember 1 .......... you last year (A)hadmet (B) met (C) has met (D) was meeting a9) 1 sovesesss, the exatnination yet (A) has not taken (B) tok (C) have not taken (D) is not taken (20) She made tea while I sees (A)sleep —(B) slept. (C) was sleeping (D) can sleep (11™ CLASS - 12014) ENGLISH , GROUP SECOND SUBJECTIVE ‘TIME: 2.30 HOURS SECTION-I_ MARKS: 80 2. Write short answers in (3-5 lines/sentences) of any six questions in words of your own. Book-I (Short stories) BD (What was the message Norma received on pushing the button ? What were the feelings of the old man at the age of seventy ? (ii) What made Hubert feel shameful ? Gv) Why did the parents rebuke their daughter 7 (v) How did the king recover ? (vi) What was the punishment inflicted upon the quack by the villagers ? (vii) What should be the faith of Negroes ? (vill) Why did Della and Jim want to exchange the gifts ? (ix) How much did Maulvi Abul distribute among the needy and the poor on every Eid ? Write short answers in (3-5 lines/sentences) of any five questions in words of your own Book-I11 (One Act plays) 10 Gi) Describe the setting of the play ‘ Heat Lightning Gi) Why didn’t the girl accompany the Second Man 7 (iil) Why does the Man let the Second Man come in? (iv) How does Kreton impress General Powers ? () Can the Earth people compete with the Kreton’s people ? (vi) | Whatis the purpose of Kreton’s visit to the earth ? (vii) Why does clay need money ? (viii) Why does Clark Larrabee return at the end of the play ? Write short answers in (3-5 lines) of any four questions in words of your own Book-ILI (Poems) (i) How does the scenery look after rain? (i) When does a person cemember God ? (ii) What is the bare Truth ? (He came To Know Himself) (iv) Why has the poct used * cannon ball’s to describe the fruits ? (¥) How many young ones are to be fed ? What does the sparrow hold in her beak ? (vi) What is the effect of love ? ECTION-II Write a letter to your father describing him the cause of your failure in English paper 10 OR Write an application to the Principal of your college for fee concession ‘Write a story on the moral lesson * Pride hath a Fall" 10 OR * Do not build eastles in the air” Explain the following lines with reference to the context 5 L,, with my stoop reflect . ‘They stand most straight , Who learn to walk beneath a weight () Punctuate the following extract from Book-I (Short Stories) 5 (e) are not making sense arther said Thad kaee creat ciilvatng palrearieirar eyeaiown a GO Gi) Dear ; Deer (ii) Steel ; Steal (iii) Blew 5 F ¥ A ‘ - ra is this a practical joke asked arther not at all the offer is completely genuifie you m () Vane; Vain (vi) Soar | Sou “a ‘Translate the following passa; After the ceremonies w CF fbi to sit 38 ¢ felanguid,; Beantifidlly decoranedl it was covert Jal k€n Cloth so that the bride could go to the bride groom's house in omstlurdy villagers carried it away , Maulivi Abul walked a few steps with it stig i Ve cried silently for his eyes and nose were red and be looked pale. At the same time pWidoked at peace A UESTION, 18 ENG: DIUM CAND Write an essay on “ Unemployment” ia ROLL NO PAPER CODE - 6011 (11 CLASS - 12015) ENGLISH, GROUP FIRST TIME: 30 MINUTES. MARKS: 20 OBJECTIVE NOTE: You have four choices for eac 1 objective type question as A, B , C and D . The choice which you think is correct , fill that circle in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the circles. Cutting or filling tvo or more circles will result in zero mark in that question 1a) Choose the right option of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles (Book I , Short Stories Book III Plays and Poetry) (1) My curiosity was aroused (A) Slept (B) wert (C) laughed (D) stirred (2) Mr. Hubert was a peasait (A)Master (B) farmer —(C) barber () driver m QB) Now truly she was furious a.Cc (A) Angry (B) shocked afre (4) Let us not wallow in the valle vad uf (A) Delight ¢ (D) stumble (8) Without hesit: © Eee fay ye charm (D) interest inva terrible state ‘A) good (B) dreadful (C) charming (D) fascinating (7) The horror of it has alwiys eluded me (A) Affected (B)evaced — (C) appealed —_(D) fascinated (8) Twon’t forget this ruder ess (A) Insolence (B) treat nent (C) manner —_(D) dealing (9) Itwill be a lovely sight (A) matter (B) speciacle _(C) issue (©) situation (10) Empty of concord is the soul of Europe (A) faith (B) realit (C)harmony — (D) width (b) Choose the right option for t1e following and fill up the bubbles 5 (11) Mr. Steward was aman (A) bulky (B) Smal (©) tall ) fat (12) Who returned the pocke book to James? (A) Hubert (B) Manana (C) George (D) Mayor (13) How did the angel look? (A) fresh (B) pleasent (C) vexed (D) weary (14) The bus was late due to (A) rush (B) storm (C)accident (D) change in schedule’ (18) John isa (A) Doctor (B) pilot (C} teacher (D) farm owner- (©): Choose the correct form of ve-b and fill up the bubbles (16) He... + @ letter (A)is write (B)bas written (C) writing (D) was written (17) When T last met him, he .............in Japan (adtiving (B)lives (C)was live (D) was living «sy -.. this work ini ten minutes ts shall finished (B) will finished (C) shall have finished (D) finishes (19) He asked me if she .......,.. (A) might go (B) may fo” (C) may goes _(D) might goes 20) Ali. in Multa: now (A) have been (B) was (©) should be (D) should have ENGLISH , GROUP FURST SUBJECTIVE a, 74a) ) 1@ 8. 1" CLASS - 12015) TIME: 2.30 HOURS. 5 MARKS: 80 Write short answers in (3-5 lines/sentences) of any six questions in words of your own. Book-I (Short stories) 2 (Why did Norma consider the tone and attitude of Mr. Steward offensive? Why did Jess's father lee the stecp pithy? ‘What vas the reaction of the woman Wien the boy fell down? (Thank you M'arm) ‘What were the arrangements made for the function of inauguration? (The reward) How did the child look by appearance in, "The use of Force"? ‘What waa tho remedy suggeried by ine physicians for tie disease of the King? ‘What is the dream of Martin Luther king? ‘What sorvof yecplaveane oa the Mall? id) Why did the farmers throw wet leaves on fire in," A Mild Attack of Locusta"? Write'short answers In (2S ines/aentences) of any five quéstiona in words of your own Booleill, (One Act plays) } 10 Go What was the man dragging out ofthe ear? | Gi) Why did the gir refuse'to go with te second mac? | Git) "Die uae git Ueconne'auspletor OF te cat ran as the play progrbuned? Gy) How does Kreton prove his extraordinary powers? | () What is the theme of the study of Kreton? | (vi) What is the role of General Powers in the play? | (vii) What does clay want to put in the local newspaper | (vii) Whot has happened to Clay's father? | Write short unswers in (3-5 lines/sentences) of any four questions lu words of your own Bookgftt (Poems) 8 @. Why should the Mighty get disappointed to look at thy works of Ozymandias? Gib) Whats the cenual theme of the poem, “The Feed"? iit) Why docs the poet call the madera men the hollow (iv). Why is the soul of Europe empty of concord? (2) How did the Jupanese bear the pains of the block day? (@) Without whose love ia Bulla ik Lose? SECTION Write @ letter to your friend inviting bm to the marriage ceremony of your brother 10 ‘or ‘Welter ama gpuar se 1a cea Petacipa urpaus cane ge wtraprove misdlca eeemitan in your esidoga Write a story on the moral lesssa All that glitters bu nor gold ™ 10 on NO pains, no gains " ie fect ubUETHna basa, ‘An WU Ue extra uals ae ‘Aatha cldth blown back Bom hes fick ie glides wee signe jas High on her bead ‘And not a cipple in her tread Panctuate the fellewiag extract from Booll (Short Stories) 5 ‘This is the way feos sald my father Dblaling wifes his onc acroea fra Gate Yalledibelgar aa I want to show you something . nyu ueticteees ier ueeyvotes Use iy Five of the following pairs ef words in sentences of your own 5 (Adopt, adapt Gi) Bone, Boon Gui) Carle, Kettle Gv) Male Mail (¥) Soetai, Sociable (vi) Wine, Vine (vil) Sensible, Sensitive ‘Translate the following passege into Urdu 18 ‘There was a young fellow, said Jorken, to whom his parents probably used to say the very things that we bave been saying now; and very likely he as many young fellow do, may have wanted to prove them wrong , 1 don’t know: it was a long time ago. But, what ever his moti , he hit on vv (1" CLASS - 12015) ENGLISH, GROUP SECOND OB. TIVE TIME: 30 MINUTES MARKS: 20 NOTE: You have four choices for each sbjective type question as A,B, C and D . The choice which you think is correct , Bill that cir:le in front # that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the cizcles, Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. La) Choose the right option of the t nderlined words and fill up the bubbles, (Book [, Short Stories Book 1} Plays and Poetry) (2) Norma remembered Arthur's life-insurance with double indemnity (A) Compensation (B) ine (C) reward (D) installment (2) | Mr, Hubert only met with incredulity (A) disbelief (B) insecxrity (C) inefficiency (D) greed (3) Her hands clawed instinctively for my eyes (A) naturally (B)slowly —(C) brilliantly (D) completely (4) To whom shall I complait, against your brutality (A) morality (B) cruelty (C) mentality (D) vitality (5) Qblivious of his surround ngs , Abul's mind was racing elsewhere (A)aware — (B) unawae —(C) comfortable (D) happy with (6) She shudders at her own troughts (A) shivers (B) smiles (C) relaxes (D) laughs (7) The flying object has given rise to so much , irresponsible conjecture (A) response —(B) action (C) conflict’ (D) guess (8). Not even one who is well off (A)honest (B) bold . (C) poor (D) wealthy (9) Stare from bushes at her blank-faced coaches (A) brown (B) passiorless (C)empty (D) ugly (10) To pour a cascade of love (A)heaven (B)treasur: (C) fountain (D) valley (b)_ Choose the correct option for ‘he following blanks and fill up the bubbles (11) What was the third unbidc en partner that lay with Mr. and Mrs. Bittering at every midnight talk (A) Bear (B) fear (Lora (D) Harry (12) Who uttered a quiet sigh rioumning over some lost ambition ? (A) Hubert (B)Gorgios (C) Terbur’ — (D) Jorkens (13) * What was Shamim Ahmai!'s relation with Maulvi Abul Barket ? (A)son — (B) son-in-lay —(C) brother in-law —(D) cousin (14) Spelding was against Elle:’s marriage with John because he had no (A) get-up-and-go (B) nterest in business (C) land (D) money (15) Who was the editor and publisher of the weekly paper The OK-by-the-Sea Gull”? (A) Fenton Lockhart (i: Harry Van Dusen (C) Clay Larrabee (D) Wozzeck (©) Choose the correct forin of vert and fill up the bubbles (16) The tain . . befor we reached the station (A)left — (B)has left (C)had left (D) was left (l7y He serteresseeees Out five minutes ago (A) goes (B) went (has gone (D) had gone (18) . My father ill for a week (Ais (B)will — ©)aas_ Dy has been (19) lf Thad worked hard ,I...... passed (Ayhad (B)have (C} would have (D) had had @0) iT... in 8 competition next month (A) participates (B) paticipaied (C)hhave participated —_(D) shall participate ENGLISH , GROUP SECOND & 7a) '@) «e) 8. TIME: 2.30 HOURS MARKS: 80 ‘Write short answers (3-5 lines/sentences) of any six questions in words of your own. Book-I (Short stories) 2 @ ‘Where did the old man take his son ? ay ‘What did happen to the boy when he tied to snatch the purse of the woman 7 Cit) What did make Hubert shameful? Gi) Describe the scene of inauguration wy) ‘What was the condition of the tonsils of the sick girl ? GP). | What dla the quack pretond to cue ? (vii) Why did the farmers throw wet leaves on fire ? (vill) What was the cause of discontentment of Negroes ? {) How much did the Mauivi collet on every Bld? And what did he say to his fellowes on tua occasion ? Write short anzwers in (3-5 lines/sentences) of any five questions in words of your own Boolcilt (one act plays) » Gy" What te the alpnificance:of storm in the play ? i. What type of play Heat Lighning "is? Gi) What restrictions were imposed on spelding’s house ? Gis) What docs Kreton Know about the each? (9) How many ebaracters are therein the play , "The Oyster and the Peas”? (i) What type of caps Harry wear ? (vil) Why does the judge think that Miss McCutcheon will not last as a teacher ? (Sil). Wht kine of gadget docs the wrist describe Cre Oyster and the Pear) Write short anavrers in (3-5 lines) of any four questions in, words of your own Book-III (Poems) 8 Gy Mow does Cherry ad to the glory of Bestee? Gb. How does the sun shine after ain ? Gill) Whetis he importance of ime in ox ite? (iv) What does the poet emphasize in “ Leisure.” ? GA. Way wermsatoes becoos davaged ontbo pve aon (ob Why lstove an essence of al? section. Write a letter to your sister congratulating her on her success ln the Competitive Examination 1 oR Write an application to the Principal of your college for College Leaving Certifieate Write down a story on the given moral ltsson "Haste Makes Wasie ” w OR “A friend in need is a friend ‘3 » m Explain the following lines with reference to the context O 5 Splitting the grain , You have leamt to ‘set life on foot 4 u n Could you split ei avikl d One grain 10 ey efighhk ch extract me Book (Short Stories) 5 eee ht uo hoa ono said ir tao pongo sl enc thee acl atauling and margaret asked why do you go on with i then ‘Use any Five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences s (Angel ; Angle (i) Council ; Counsel iii) Fair ; Fare Gv) Waste ; Waist ©) Ring ; Wring i) Metal ; Mattie (ii) Cemetery ; Symmetry ‘Translate the following passage into Urdu (Book-I Short Stories) 1s If they fail , they are expected to bring the case before the Qazi to seek justice, But in the present case , the parents have agreed to get my bloodshed for the trash of this world. The Qazi has issued a decree to kill me. The king things he will recover his health only through my slaying and I see no other refuge besides God Almighty. To whom shall | complain against your brutality , if 1 am to seek justice from your hand 7” Candi S wonders of Science” ates whose medius of Exas ‘T(Sub}-12015-60060 D.G.KHAN BOARD English (Compulsory) (Session: 2017) (Group-I / A-2017) (New Course) Class — XI Paper-II Time: 30 Minutes (OBJECTIVE) Marks: 20 Write answers to the questions on objective answer sheet provided. Four possible answers A, B, C & D to each question are given. Which answer you consider correct, fill the corresponding circle A, B, C or D given in front of each question with Marker or pen ink on the answer sheet provided. Choose the right option of the underlined words in meaning and fill up the bubble: (Book |, Short Stories, Book II!, Plays and Poetry) 10 The fingers of trees were fondling the substance of clouds. (8) showing (B) hiding (C) caressing (D) tearing The boy stooped to pick up the pocket book. (A) Stood (B) thought — (C) mused {D) bent down Gulstan is a kebab of a versatile genius. {C) Allround (B) fixed (C) limited (D) short The farm was singing with the clamour of the gong. (A) song (B) music (C) noise (D) silence The young man looked to be enjoying his promenade. (A) excitement (8) stroll (C) meal (D) symphony The girl let out a muffled cry. (A) wilful (8) delightful (C) suppressed (D) loud Kreton says that his visit is impromptu. (A) decided (B) essential (C) pre-designe (0 epared Harry had numbo-jumbo ideas. as (A) wise (B) aK ras (D) © sensible Life is full of care, (A) worry \yoe 4 (C) happiness (0) fun In Si ahh , there is no ripple. © 10. «tala (B) baker (C) stagger (D) beggar 1.(b) se the right option for the following and fill up the bubble: : u1- 12- 13- 14- 415- 1c) 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- What was the news Laura told her parents? (8) The war on earth (8) The death of the people (C) The arrival of rocket (D) The fall of a rocket The slave began to cry and tremble. (B) In joy of getting a reward (B) in fear of being drowned (Cc) by seeing others crying {D) by the punishment inflicted by king How did the eye of Abul look? {A) shining (8) bulging (C) little (D) narrow She saw the man dragging out of his car. (B) The corpse of a woman(B) a sack (C) a statue (0) adog The visitor was dressed in the fashion of. {A) 1960 (B) 1860 (C) 1900 (p) 1850 Choose the correct form of the verb and fill up the bubble. They. the president yesterday. (a) hadmet {B)-met—(C) has met {D) will meet They Karachi by now. (A)havereached —(B) reached _—_(C) will reach (D)will have reached The Sun, .__ inthe east daily. s (A) rise (8) rises (C) rose (D) will rise All that is not gold. (A) glitter (B) glitters _ (C) glittered {D) will glitter The patient. before the doctor came. (A) has died 18) died (C) had died (D) will die D.G.KHAN BOARD English GROUP FIRST (Session: 2017) (Group A2017) Inter (Part-I) Class-X1 jew Scheme Time: 2:30Hours (SUBJECTIVE) Marks: 80 Note: Section I is compulsory. Attempt any Three questions from Scetion Il and any Two parts from Section III. SECTION-I 2. Write short answers to any six (in 3-5 lines) questions in words of your own from Book-I (Short-Stories) 12 6: Why did Norma consider the tone and attitude of Mr. Steward Offensive? On what ground did Manana accuse Hubert of picking the lost pocket-book, Why did Harry want to go back to the earth? (Dark they were, and Golden-Eyed What did Terbut think of jorken s arguments? (The Reward) How did the girl look by appearance ? (The Use of Force Why did the foolish quack come back to the camel men? What was the cause-of Negroes’ discontentment? Who were the Magi? (The Gift of the Magi) What were the factors that induced people of different professions to converge ‘on the Mall? (Over Coat) (SECTION 1 3. Write short answers to any ndetin S3)4 in 3-5) questions in words of your own from Book-Ill (One Act Plays) . . 5x2=10 |. What was the condition of the weather in the play Heat lightning? How did Second Man accuse First Man of Laying? Does the Girl become suspicious of First Man as the Play progress? How impressive were the morals of Kreton? What type of life do you foresee in the year 5000? How damaging is violence in life? ~~ Why does Clay need money? ~{ 1 What has happened to Clay’s Father? C)\ Write short answers to any four (in 3-5 lines) questions i of your own from Book- Poems) 4x2=8 at happens when the train pass (tne i Why has the poet used" cribe the fruit? What did the Stat ng (Gzymandias}? Why have we b med af hollow men (The Hollow Men)? 3 Why can Bulla ‘dwell here or across? ‘ woatd Joes the'line “I stand in good relation to the earth” man? (The delight Song) Section-II 5. \ Write a letter to your father requesting him to increase your monthly allowance. 10 Or Write an application to the principal of your college requesting him for full fee concession 6. Write a story on the moral lesson: "Honesty is the Best policy" 10 OR “Pride hath a fall” 7(a) Explain the following lines with reference to the context: 5 “O where are you going?” said reader to rider, “That valley is fatal when furnaces burn, Yonder's the midden whose odours will madeen, Jpat gap is the grave were the tall return. {h) Punctuate the following extract from Book-I (Short stories} 5 4 piece of string a piece of string by my word of honour | donot lie and he died. (c) Use any five of the following pair of words in sentences of your own: 5 i) Further; Farther (i Elicit ; Illicit i) Idle ; Idol iv) Healthy ; Healthfullv) Practice ; Practise (vi) Older ; Elder vil) Persecute ; Prosecute 8. ranslate the following passage into Urdu. (Short Stories Book-| 15 The water was dripging form his face, the boy looked at her. There was a long pause. A very long puses. After he has dried his fae and not knowing what else to do Oried it again. The boy turned around, wondering what next. The door was poen. He could make a dash for it down the hall, He could run, run, run! The woman was sitti on the daybed. After a while she said, “I were young’ oncé and | wanted things 1 coul not ge.” There was another long pause. The boy’s mouth opened. Then he frowned _ Alternate question for candidates whose medium of examination is. Engl /Foreign candidates only. Write an essay (300 words) on “Terrorism in Pakistan”.

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