Citizen AI Engineer Program 2018

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Citizen AI Engineer Program 2018 - Free, Open, Adaptive and Innovative program to

promote AI education, enablement and excellence across the planet

Learning Module Dates Certification Option

CAI 500 Fast Track to Artificial Intelligence Jan 15 - Feb 9 Green Belt 1

CAI 600 Building Breakthrough AI Products Feb 12 - Mar 9 Green Belt 2

CAI 700 Deep Learning and Applications Mar 12 - Apr 6 Brown Belt 1

CAI 800 Knowledge-Based Systems Apr 9 - May 4 Brown Belt 2

CAI 900 Advanced AI and Creative Engineering May 7 - June 1 Black Belt 1

CAI 1000 Final Project/Thesis June 4 - June 29 Black Belt 2

Citizen AI Engineer program​ is a Free, Open, Online, Adaptive, Social Innovation program
aimed at creating, enabling and nurturing millions of AI Engineer Citizens across the planet.

You can start this program anytime. It is open and adaptive to your needs. It is recommended
that you start with CAI 500 Week 1 and progress sequentially through the rest of roadmaps and
modules. Here are the Roadmaps that have been published so far.

CAI 500 Week 1 Roadmap can accessed at​ ​

CAI 500 Week 2 Roadmap can accessed at ​
CAI 500 Week 3 Roadmap can accessed at ​
CAI 500 Week 4 Roadmap can accessed at ​

CAI 600 Week 1 Roadmap​ ​can accessed a ​

CAI 600 Week 2 Roadmap​ ​can accessed a ​
CAI 600 Week 3 Roadmap​ ​can accessed a ​
CAI 600 Week 4 Roadmap ​can accessed a ​

Join our CAI ​forum​ on Facebook and participate in the discussions

What is this program about?​ It is AI Education, Enablement and Excellence program. It is

interactive, Free, Open. It is customizable.

What really is AI? ​AI is a cool way of building pretty smart things that are good for society.
More formally, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the Art, Science, and Engineering of building ​smarter
systems ​that are responsive, adaptive and dynamic, which create ​advantage and efficiency​ in
every area of our daily lives. These systems become smarter and smarter because they learn
from their environment and experience.

What is the Core Purpose of this program? ​CAI 2018 program is aimed at promoting
education, enablement, and excellence in Artificial Intelligence especially with the emphasis on
creating applications to promote the well-being of all citizens as well as the planet, by employing
open education, open source technology, public datasets and current state research in AI.

How can I use it?​ Use this program to advance your knowledge, build solutions for the welfare
of our beautiful planet, all our fellow citizens, and living creatures. While it can be used to
advance your career, use it at work and for commercial benefits, keep in mind it is mainly
designed to enhance the welfare of global citizens using Social Innovation principles. We use
public datasets, open source tools, and open education. So we emphasize the primacy of global
welfare and well being over anything else.

What is Mission of this program ​Mission of our program is to provide free, open and
world-class enablement of Citizen AI Engineers and help advance the profession of Artificial
Intelligence as well as allied disciplines.We aim to prepare the participants with creative,
analytical and practical skills emphasizing breadth and depth in a range of relevant disciplines
and capabilities in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Knowledge-based Systems,
Software Architecture and Systems Engineering.

What is the time commitment? ​It varies from person to person. Generally speaking, ​5-8 hours
a week​ should be sufficient to keep up with the program. Of course, if you want to be challenged
more, we have plenty of projects, assignments and additional research we can engage you in

Can I get Certification in AI?​ Yes, you can get certified as a Citizen AI Engineer. It is free to
get certified but you have to demonstrate some expertise and capability. So we created levels of
mastery from Green Belt 1 to Black Belt 2 (Highest level). All our certifications are totally free
and open to all citizens on Earth (International Space Station and outer space etc. :)) Please
write to Dr. Rachel Fleming <​​> if you are interested in Citizen AI

Can I just learn the skills and not get certified?​ Absolutely! We want to bring out millions of
Citizen AI Engineers who can build advanced solutions for the betterment of the planet. While
certification can help you professionally it is not always required to build creative and intelligent
solutions, architecture or develop new approaches.

Are there any prerequisites?​ There are no prerequisite courses or for this program or age
restrictions. Keen desire to learn, experiment and innovate is expected, which is abundant in
everyone, will help you learn, enjoy the program and apply AI for your success as well as
building a better planet.
How is it delivered?​ Weekly Roadmaps are made available on Google Drive. I will announce
these weekly broadcasts on major social networks including LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and
Twitter etc.

I am only 10 years old but I want to become a Citizen AI Engineer, can I still participate?
Yes. There are no age limits in this program. You will learn the skills required in this program
starting with Fast Track to AI. However, if you are young, you require help from your
parents/guardians or teachers in navigating through this program and using tools we
recommend. So we have dedicated mentors in this program that can help those who need help.

Is this program Customizable?​ Yes. You can customize it for your needs or the needs of your
team/organization. Write to me if you want a custom roadmap<>

How is it Customizable?​ You can use this as a template and build a similar program for your
organization or group. We can help you customize and deliver it if needed.

What are the Certification requirements?

1. Github account is required. Your projects files and documents need to be hosted on your
Github page. Obtain a Github account, if you already do not have one.
2. Actively participate in weekly discussions and all relevant posts on the ​CAI forum
3. Work on a project that has social impact at a pace your are comfortable with.
4. When you are done with your project, apply for certification. If we feel you have done
satisfactory job then you will receive an invite to present/defend your project.
5. Demo or present and defend your project in live 1:1 session with CAI Board.
6. Throughout this program and after its completion you are expected to promote AI
education help others in this program and employ AI for Social Good.

Can I Volunteer to help?​ Yes, it would be great! We need great volunteers with missionary
zeal to organize our Thought Leadership talks, Brown Bag presentations and Show N' Tell
sessions. We also need AI/Machine Learning, Knowledge-based Systems, Vision, Speech, Big
Data and Advanced Analytics professionals to advice on further evolution of this program. We
also need we people who can assist us to translate this program into various world languages
such as Mandarin, Spanish, German, Bengali, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada and Telugu etc. While
these are the initial target languages, this is by no means the exhaustive list. If you think you
can help translate this program into your native language please feel free to reach out to me
( or Dr. Rachel Fleming at

What it is not: ​No live lectures. We use the best lectures/research papers and instructional
resources from Public Domain. Yet, there may be webinars and live demonstrations by
participants (including me). It is built on MIT OCW but it is not equivalent to MIT OCW or any
other MIT programs or EdX or any other educational medium/initiative (public domain or not)
How can I use it?​ Use this to advance your knowledge, build solutions for the welfare of our
beautiful planet, all our fellow citizens and living creatures. While it can be used to advance your
career, use it work and for commercial benefits, keep in mind it is mainly designed to enhance
the welfare of global citizens using Social Innovation principles. We use public datasets, open
source tools and open education. So we emphasize the primacy of global welfare and well
being over anything else.

No prerequisites​ There are no prerequisite courses or for this program. Keen desire to learn,
experiment and innovate is expected which is abundant in everyone.

Delivery ​The program is delivered through Weekly Roadmaps and discussions that take place
on ​Citizen AI Engineer Program Forum​ on Facebook. Also stay tuned to Advanced Center of
Excellence group on LinkedIn at for periodic announcements.

How do I enroll?​ No need to enroll or register. Just stay tuned to this page or follow my
announcements on ​LinkedIn​, ​Google+​ , T ​ witter​, or ​Facebook​. We want to make this program
available as freely as possible while making openly accessible to promote open AI education for
all. So enrollment or registration is not required.

Language of Instruction ​At this time it is delivered only in English. We encourage social
activists, free education champions and fellow AI professionals to translate part or the entire
curriculum into various non-English world Languages.

How can I help?​ You can help us in several ways. 1) By rebroadcasting/sharing the links to the
CAI 2018 announcement and weekly broadcasts etc., in your sphere of influence i.e. your
workplace, institution, local communities, groups and social networks etc. 2) By Volunteering for
us in delivering the content in our forums/groups. 3) By helping us plan Thought Leaderships
talks/lectures by renowned experts in the field. 4) By helping us translate this roadmaps in this
program into various world languages. 5) By simply helping spread the application of AI for the
purpose of social innovation and welfare of all citizens as well as our beautiful planet as a

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