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Software Requirements




Prepared by: Baraiya Rajendra (08BCE004)

Raiyani Viraj (08BCE202)

Table of contents

1. Introduction 3
1.1. Purpose 3
1.2. Scope 3
1.3. Defi nitions, acronyms and abbreviations 4

2. General Description 4
2.1. Product perspective 4
2.2. Product Functions 5
2.3. User Classes and Characteristics 5
2.4. Assumptions and dependencies 6

3. Functional Requirements 6
3.1. HR specific Requirement 6
3.2. Employee specific Requirements 6
3.3. Trainee specific Requirements 7

4. Non-Functional Requirements 8
4.1. Usability 8
4.2. Learning Requirements 8
4.3. Performance Requirements 8

5. System Requirements 9
5.1. Hardware Requirements 9

5.2. Software Requirements 9

1. Introduction

1.1 Project Details

HRMS refers to the systems and processes at the intersection between human resource
management (HRM) and information technology. It merges HRM as a discipline and in
particular its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field,
whereas the programming of data processing systems evolved into standardized
routines and packages of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. On the whole,
these ERP systems have their origin on software that integrates information from
different applications into one universal database. The linkage of its financial and
human resource modules through one database is the most important distinction to the
individually and proprietary developed predecessors, which makes this software
application both rigid and flexible.

HRMS System is introduced for doing Online Recruitment for new Trainee recruitment
and this document unveils its all features. It provides Web-based user interface for
Entry Form, Search, Providing Training, taking Examination and many more.

1.2 Purpose

To eliminate the use of Tedious way of keeping records of the Employee and Trainees in
Microsoft word application as user can access required Information on finger tips in a
single screen on his desk It Provides all features that standard HRMS System Provides.

1.3 Scope
To enable the HR Head/Supporting Staff or the Training Department staff to
carry out the recruitment process without the need to make tedious records in a
word document, available on a few clicks only.
To facilitate the training for approved trainee and assist the Training staff in
approving a trainee as an employee.
To facilitate in conducting examinations for new candidates/trainee and
generating reports.
To facilitate the employee (GL’s from other departments) in raising/tracking a
resource request

1.4 Definition, acronyms and abbreviations

 Candidate: A registered person who have applied for the available jobs.
 Trainee: A candidate who have been selected for training in the company.
 Request for Resource: Any member from the recruiting committee can
send/trace a request to fill up the vacant positions in the company to the admin.
 Examination: A test conducted to select the trainees from the candidates who
have registered themselves.
 Search: A candidate can be searched based on the number of criteria.
 Performance tracking: An employee or organization can track the performances
of their own/employees.
 Leave Management: Employees/Organization can know the number of days
he/she was absent or send request for the new leave.
 Task Management: To assign different tasks to different users.
 HRMS : Human Resource Management System
 ERP : Enterprise Resource Planning

2. General Description

2.1. Product Perspective

This product is an HRM based application that will be very helpful to the
organizations as it an interaction between the Human Resource Management
(HRM) and the information technology. It can also be a part of ERP application.
This system can be used by wide range of organizations in their recruitment
process. This system also takes cares of various other aspects of organizations
such as progress tracking for their promotion/warning/resignation, task
management and leave management. So all in a word this system is very useful
in the business world.

2.2. Product Functions

 Maintain the records of user of this system along with their department and
 Register Candidates and store this information into the database
 Request for Resource
 Search Candidate from the database.
 Block candidate and remove records from database if required
 Prepare Entrance batch, Training program, Training class and Training
 Conduct Exam for new candidates/Trainee
 Prepare Objective/Descriptive/Coding question bank
 Check Answers for Objective/Descriptive/Coding questions
 Prepare report for all the candidates after the exam
 Tracking progress of employees
 Based on performances warn/terminate/promote employees
 Assigning various tasks to the employees
 Leave Management for the employees

2.3. User Characteristics

 HR Head/HR Staff/Training Staff: He is the most important type of user and

has the access to all the details of the employee/new candidates/trainee and
have rights to make change in database.

 Employee of any other Department: He is the type of user who has access to
raise resource requests

 New Candidate/Trainee: He is the type of user who has the access only to
entrance exam page and trainee test pages. He can’t make any changes into
the database at his own will. Once examination/training is over, his access is

2.4. Assumptions and dependencies

 We assume that the every user/employee is given a unique username and

password as per his department.
 We assume that Internet Explorer is the installed and this system is always
run on it.
 If the system is run on any other browser other than Internet Explorer than
the design of the system changes
 The application can only be worked upon using Microsoft .NET frame work
2.0. So if the software is to be worked on, then Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or
later has to be installed for this software.

3. Functional Requirements

3.1 HR specific Requirement:

 Sign up and Sign in

 Register Candidate

 Search for Candidate
 Block Candidate
 Approve Trainee
 Show Resource Requests
 Cancel Resource Requests
 Accept Resource Requests
 Prepare Entrance Batch
 Select Question Bank
 Generate Reports
 Create Training Program
 Modify Training program
 Exit from the Training program
 Add Modules for the approved trainee
 Create Training class
 Create Training Session
 Add Objective/Descriptive/Coding questions
 Specify Weight age for the paper
 Prepare Test Paper
 Make Trainee User-Id and Password
 Check Descriptive Answers
 View Test Results
 Save Trainee Answer Paper
 Approve Employee
 Log-Out

3.2 Employee specific Requirements:

 Sign-Up and Sign-In

 Create Resource Request
 View Created Resource Request
 Log-Out

3.3 Trainee specific Requirements:

 Sign in with the Credentials provided by the Admin
 View Instructions for test
 Select a module for giving test
 Log-Out

4. Non Functional Requirements

4.1. Usability

 This function deals with percentage of achievement on a test panel of

users. The users should not be a master of computer science. System
interface allows easy understanding of the system .

 Quick to Set-up: Within 5 minutes, the user should be able to set-up

the application.

4.2. Learning

Any user without computer skills should be able to login/register and

then perform various functions of the system within first 10 minutes of
usage without referring to the user manual.

4.3. Performance Requirements

 Robustness or Fault-Tolerance Requirements: The application does not
demand much reliability. We only need to take care that the Internet
information system (IIS) running perfectly on system.

 Scalability or Extensibility: The system will be highly scalable, i.e. as

the number of clients connected will start to arise the hardware
infrastructure can be expanded according to the needs.

5. System Requirements

5.1. Hardware Requirements

Processor : Intel P-IV based system or advanced.

RAM : 256MB

Hard Disk : At least 50MB free space of hard-disk

5.2. Software Requirements

 Database : Microsoft SQL Server 2008

 Operating System : XP/VISTA/7/WINDOWS SERVER 2003/2008

 Software : Internet Information System (IIS) version 6

Or above
.net Framework 3.5 or higher


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