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Notes for Lecture-3

MCA 206: Advanced Computer Networks

1.TCP/IP Reference Model

TCP/IP is a short form of transmission control protocol and internet protocol. Some of the design
goals for the TCP/IP reference model were as follows:

(i) An ability to connect multiple networks together in a seamless way.

(ii) The network should be able to survive loss of subnet hardware with existing
conversation not being broken.
(iii) A flexible architecture to deal with the divergent requirements of various

2.Introduction to TCP/IP

In the recent years, TCP/IP has become the language of the internet. The two protocols:
Transmission control protocol and Internet protocol, is a set of rules which will govern every
possible communication over the internet. These two protocols describe the movement of data
between the host computers or internet. In the TCP/IP protocol suite, there are various layers,
with each layer being responsible for different facets of communication. The TCP/IP offers a
simple naming and addressing schemes whereby different resources on Internet can be easily
located. The IP protocol is used to put a message into a packet with its own unique sender and
recipient address known as IP addresses.

3.TCP/IP Architecture

TCP/IP model has four layers: Host- to - Network layer, Internet layer, Transport layer and
Application layer.

Host-to-Network layer is the lowest layer in the reference model. It is responsible to connect host
to the network using some protocol, so that it can send the IP packets over it. This layer has
replaced to the combination of physical and data link layers of OSI model.

Internet layer defines (specifies) a packet format and a protocol called internet protocol (IP).
This layer is responsible to deliver IP packets to their destinations. Routing of packets and
congestion control are key issues to be dealt by this layer. It is similar to network later of OSI

Transport layer allows per entities of the source and destination machines to converse with each
other. The end to end protocols used here are TCP and UDP. The TCP is a reliable connection

oriented protocol which offers flow control and error control mechanism. UDP (User Datagram
Protocol) is an unreliable, connectionless protocol.

Application layer allows implementation of all high-level protocols such as virtual terminal
(TELNET), file transfer (FTP), and e-mail (SMTP).

Unlike OSI reference model, TCP/IP model has no session layer and presentation layer. The
functions of these layers are to be performed by transport layer and application layer
respectively. The figure shown below depicts the relationship between the layers of OSI and
TCP/IP reference model.

4.Similarities Between OSI and TCP/IP models

i) Concept of layered architecture is used n both the models.

ii) The layers roughly have the same functionalities.

iii) The provided transport services are independent of networks.

iv) The layers above the transport layer are all application – oriented.

5. Comparison of OSI and TCP/IP Models


1 Has seven layers. Has four layers.

2 Separate session layer. No session layer.

3 Separate presentation layer. No presentation layer.

4 Network layer provides both Network layer provides

connectionless and connection oriented connectionless services
5 Defines service, interfaces and protocols Doesn’t distinguish between
and makes clear distinction between service, interfaces and protocols.

6 Protocols are hidden and can be easily Not easy to replace the protocols.

7 OSI is truly a general model TCP/IP cannot be used for any

other application.

8 It has a problem of protocol fitting into a The model does not fit any other
model. protocol stack.

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