Punjab Emergency Service (Green Book) : Foreword

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Thursday, 24 March 2011

1. Foreword 1
2. Oath of the Service 2
3. The Punjab Emergency Service Act 2006 3
4. The Punjab Emergency Service Financial Rules 2007 13
5. Leave Rules 22

6. Code of Conduct 23
7. Patient Shifting Protocol 31


Punjab Emergency Service started from Lahore in October, 2004 with only 200
personnel to provide timely rescue and quality emergency care to the helpless victims of
accidents, emergencies and disasters. Within a limited period of two and half years, it has
rescued over 50,000 victims with anaverage response time of less than 7 minutes with
only 14 ambulances and 6 stations in a city of over 8 million population, which is an
international achievement.

The Service has also been evaluated to be an exemplary project in terms of training,
quality care, response and professionalism which has provided a sense of safety to citizens
of Lahore. Based on success of the Service in the Provincial Capital, it was also given a task
of starting the first ever modern Fire Service in Pakistan. Moreover, it is under going
expansion to all the major cities of Punjab. Therefore, it is essential for every rescuer to
know his responsibilities and code of conduct in order to ensure the standard of the Service
in other districts as well.

If you wish to gain respect of the public and achieve heaven in this world and here
after, you must abide by the customs and maintain a courteous professional
approach. Nevertheless, the rules are useless, unless there is a sincere will to follow them. It
is my strong recommendation to all Rescuers to follow the principles of Quaid i.e. “Unity,
Faith and Discipline” to make their Service a great success. May Allah help us all in serving
this noble cause of humanity.


a. I solemnly affirm to serve Punjab Emergency Service with complete devotion and honesty. I
will honestly abide by and honor the laws ofnature and judicial laws of God, Service and
man. I will treat all victims without any discrimination of caste, region, color or religion.

b. I will not participate in any mischievous or political activity nor will I instigate anyone for it
and I will obey all the orders given to me by my superiors.

c. Whenever, I will enter someone’s home or place, my aim will purely be to rescue, save
human life or to treat or to prevent a fire or emergency or fire fighting as the need may be
and I will never disclose any personal information of the victim to anyone until and unless
the court requires such information.

d. I will go through land, air or sea, wherever I am ordered to do so to rescue or save human
lives even if it endangers my life.

e. I will gracefully submit to any decision or judgment given by the Competent Authority in
case of backing out of my Oath.

f. May God give me the strength to abide by this Oath. Ameen!


ACT 2006 ACT IV OF 2006
[First published, after having received the assent of the Governor of the Punjab, in the Gazette of
the Punjab (Extraordinary) dated 19 June 2006.]
for the establishment of the
Punjab Emergency Service to deal with emergencies.
Preamble.__ Whereas it is expedient to establish an emergency service for the purpose of
maintaining a state of preparedness to deal with emergencies, to provide timely response, rescue and
emergency medical treatment to the persons affected by emergencies and recommending measures to
be taken by related organizations to avoid emergencies;
It is hereby enacted as follows:-
1. Short title, extent and commencement.__ (1) This Act may be called the Punjab
Emergency Service Act 2006.
(2) It extends to the whole of the Province of the Punjab.
(3) It shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions.__ In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant to the subject or context.__
(a) "Board" means the District Emergency Board constituted under section 8;
(b) "Council" means the Punjab Emergency Council established under section 6;
(c) "Director" means the person appointed undersection 10;
(d) "Director General" means the person appointed under section 9;
(e) "district" means a district as defined in the Punjab Local Government Ordinance 2001 (XIII of 2001);
(f) "district emergency officer" means the emergency officer incharge of the Service in a district;
(g) "emergency" means a serious and potentially dangerous situation requiring immediate action such as
an accident, hazardous material incident, fire, explosion,natural or manmade disaster;
(h) "emergency area" means the area affected by an emergency;
(i) "emergency officer" means an officer appointed under section 12;
(j) "Government" means the Government of the Punjab;
(k) "non-governmental organization" includes any private agency or body working voluntarily for the
welfare of the persons affected by an emergency;
(I) "premises" includes land, place, building, vehicle, vessel or aircraft or any part of premises;
(m) "rescuer" means a member of the service appointed under section 13;
(n) "rescue station" means a place where an office of the Service is established;
(o) "Service" means the Punjab Emergency Service or the Rescue established under section 4; and
(p) "volunteer" means a person who is registered as such by the Service or engaged by a rescuer in
emergency area to assist the Service in the exercise of its functions under this Act.
3. Act not in derogation of other laws.__ This Act is not in derogation of any other law
applicable in the Province and does not absolve any other person from his responsibility to take
necessary measures to protect and save the lives and properties of a person in an emergency.
4. Establishment of the Service.__ (1) There shall be established a Service to be called the
Punjab Emergency Service or the Rescue to perform such functions as are assigned to it under this
(2) The Service shall be a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal
with power to enter into contract, acquire, hold and dispose of property, and may by its name sue or
be sued.
5. Powers and functions of the Service.__ (1) The powers and functions of the Service shall be
(a) maintain a state of preparedness to deal with emergencies;
(b) provide timely response, rescue and emergency medical treatment to the victims of an emergency
including medical and surgical emergencies;
(c) establish a system for rapid communication, exchange of information and quick response to combat or
deal with an emergency;

(d) arrange for a universal toll free emergency dial-in-number as may be allocated by the Pakistan
Telecommunication Authority to be used throughout Punjab;
(e) play a lead role and coordinate the working of other organizations or agencies which have lawful
authority to respond to an emergency;
(f) arrange transport where necessary for carrying persons requiring emergency medical
treatment from the emergency area to the nearest hospital or health care unit having
arrangements for emergency medical care and treatment;
(g) establish community emergency response teams through enlistment, training, coordination and
supervision of volunteers to assist the Service in safety promotion and management of emergencies;
(h) impart training and grant certificates to rescuers, volunteers and other private persons for due
performance of emergency management duties;
(i) establish direct contact with local and international organizations and training institutions to maintain
the Service according to international standards;
(j) collect, compile, maintain and analyse emergency response data and statistics relating to
emergencies and to use it for research and prevention of such emergencies;
(k) implement the regulations framed by the Council for dealing with emergencies in accordance with the
provisions of this Act;
(I) suggest measures for the prevention or mitigation of hazards endangering public safety on roads,
public parks and other public places particularly exhibitions, trade shows, amusement parks, and fairs
with regard to public safety provisions;
(m) encourage, facilitate, and train staff of non-governmental organizations and educational institutions
for emergency management;
(n) register and ensure minimum standards and code of conduct to be followed by rescue vehicles,
ambulances and patient transportation services;
(o) coordinate and maintain an effective liaison with all other organizations managing emergencies;
(p) perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the Council to achieve the purposes of this
Act; and
(q) perform functions that are ancillary or incidental to any of the above functions.
(2) The Service shall have the authority to accept donations in the shape of land,
vehicles,equipment and other such items which may facilitate the functioning of the Service and all
such donations shall be used, maintained and disposed of by the Service in the manner prescribed in
the rules or regulations.

(3) The Service may, with the approval of the Council, establish such local or district offices
as may be considered necessary for effective and efficient working of the Service.
6. Punjab Emergency Council.__ (1) There shall be constituted a Council to be known as the
Punjab Emergency Council comprising of the following:

(a) Chief Minister of the Punjab; (Chairman)

(b) Chief Secretary, Punjab; (Member)
(c) four Members of the Provincial Assembly
which shall include one female and one
opposition member to be nominated bythe
Speaker ; (Members)
(d) Secretary, Health Department; (Member)
(e) Secretary, Home Department; (Member)
(f) Secretary, Local Government Department; (Member)
(g) Secretary, Transport Department; (Member)
(h) Provincial Police Officer; (Member)
(i) Director General, Provincial Environmental
Protection Agency; (Member)
(j) Provincial Commissioner Relief, Punjab; (Member)
(k) Director General of the Service; and (Member)
(I) two representatives, one each from the
Government teaching hospitals and non-(Members)
governmental organizations, to be nominated
by the Government, for a period of three
(2) The quorum for the meetings of the Council shall be seven.
(3) The Director General shall be the ex-officio secretary of the Council.
(4) The Council shall meet at least once in three months.
(5) The Council may co-opt or invite any person depending on the requirement of its meeting.
7. Functions of the Council.__ (1) The functions of the Council shall be to__
(a) lay down the policy and issue directions for efficient, effective and expeditious actions in dealing with
(b) oversee the working of the Service and the training institutions established or controlled by the
(c) issue regulations to prescribe the minimum standards for the officers and staff to maintain efficiency
and effectiveness of the Service;
(d) review and analyze statistics relating to all emergency incidents, accidents and disasters and the
actions which have been taken by the Service;
(e) approve the annual budget of the Service;
(f) make recommendations to the Government for the prevention and mitigation of hazards endangering
public safety; and
(g) determine the number of rescue stations in different areas and the staff andequipment to be
provided to the Service for achieving the objectives of adequate standards of emergency care.
(2) The Council may delegate any of its functions to any body or authority of the Service.
8. District Emergency Board.__ (1) The Council may constitute a District Emergency Board for
a district for the prevention and effective management of emergency in the district.
(2) The Board shall have such powers and shall perform such functions as may be assigned to
it by the Council.
9. Director General.__ (1) The Government shall appoint a Director General who shall be the
chief executive officer of the Service and shall exercise such powers and perform such functions as
may be specified by the Council.
(2) The Director General shall be a person who__
(a) is a postgraduate in emergency management or an emergency subject or has specialization in
management of trauma or emergency patients or is a medical postgraduate;
(b) has adequate knowledge, formal training and expertise in the field of emergency management; and
(c) is not more than sixty years of age.
(3) The Director General shall be appointed initially for a period of three years but the Council
may extend his tenure keeping in view his performance and may remove him before the expiry of his
tenure if he is not physically or mentally fit or is incapable of performing his duties.
(4) The Director General shall be paid such salary, allowances and other benefits and shall be
subject to such terms and conditions as are laid down in his service contract.
(5) The Director General shall be responsible for the day to day administration of the affairs of
the Service and he may, subject to the regulations, appoint, post and transfer any of the employees
working under him in the Service.
(6) The Director General shall follow and comply with such directions of the Council as may
be given to him in writing in the public interest.

(7) Subject to .the directions of the Council, the Director General may delegate any of his
powers or functions to a Director or to an officer of the Service.
10. Director.__ (1) There shall be not more than six Directors of the Service as may be appointed
by the Government.
(2) A person to be appointed as a Director shall at least hold a masters or postgraduate degree
in the subject related to thenature of his duties in the Service and is a person who has adequate
expertise and experience in any relevant field including emergency management, law and finance.
(3) The Directors shall be paid such salary, allowances and other benefits and shall be subject
to such terms and conditions of Service as are laid down by the Council.
11. Appointment of officers, servants, etc.__ (1) The Service may, from time to time, employ
such officers or servants or appoint such experts or consultants, as it may consider necessary for the
performance of its functions.
(2) All members of the Service shall be liable to be assigned any emergency duty in
accordance with the need of the time.
(3) The number andnature of the posts in the Service, necessary criteria and the manner of
appointment thereto shall be determined by the Council and the employees appointed to these posts
shall receive such remuneration, allowances and privileges and shall be subject to such terms and
conditions of service as are laid down by the Council.
(4) In the performance of their duties and functions, the employees of the service and the
volunteers shall abide by the directions and instructions of the Director General.
12. Emergency officer.__ (1) There shall be emergency officers appointed by the Service to
perform the field operations of the Service.

(2) No person shall be appointed as an emergency officer unless he is__

(a) a medical graduate or post-graduate in a related science subject or has a professional degree in a
related subject; and
(b) physically and mentally fit to perform field operations.
(3) One of the emergency officers in the district shall be selected for appointment as district
emergency officer on the basis of his performance and seniority as emergency officer.
(4) The district emergency officer shall be the head of the Service in the district and shall be
assisted by all emergency officers and rescuers in the district.
13. Rescuer.__ (1) There shall be rescuers appointed by the Service to perform the field operations
of the Service.
(2) No person shall be appointed as a rescuer who__
(i) is more than thirty years of age; and
(ii) has not cleared the educational and fitness criteria specified by the Service.
(3) A rescuer shall perform such field duties and functions as are assigned to him by the
(4) A rescuer shall be liable to be retired on attaining the age of forty five years if he cannot
be adjusted on any other post in the Service.
(5) Where a rescuer is retired under sub-section (4), he shall be entitled to such benefits as
may be prescribed by the Council.
14. Emergency Service Academy.__ (1) The Service shall establish
anEmergency Service Academy for the purposes of runningshort or long courses with local or
international collaboration and award certificates to successful person.
(2) The Academy may also arrange for the training of the members of the Service, volunteers
and other individuals or workers of organization, public or private, to beequipped with the
knowledge of dealing with all possible situations relating to prevention and management of
15. Emergency Service Fund.__ (1) The Service shall have a Fund comprising of__
(a) the grant provided by the Federal and Provincial Governments for the establishment, maintenance
and performance of the Service; and
(b) the donations or contributions received orgenerated from private persons or public, local, foreign or
international organizations.
(2) The Fund shall be maintained in a scheduled bank and shall be operated in accordance
with the rules or directions of the Council.
(3) The Fund shall be regularly monitored by the Council and audited in the same manner as
is done in the case of the funds of other Government Departments.
(4) The annual audit report of the Fund shall be made available to the general public and
submitted to the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab.
(5) No person from the Service shall organize, conduct or take part in any proceedings for
collecting or soliciting money or property from the public except the person authorized by the
Council and in accordance with such conditions as may be laid down by the Council.
16. Act in aid of the Service.__ (1) Every member of the police force in thePunjab and all
members of other organizations shall act in aid of the Service.
(2) The police acting in aid of the Service shall control and divert the traffic in or around an
emergency area to facilitate and ensure free movement of emergency rescue vehicles and the persons
dealing with an emergency and to prevent within the emergency area any theft, dacoity or loss of the
property of the persons involved in the emergency.

(3) It shall be obligatory upon all telecommunication operators, companies, corporations or

other authorities concerned to provide free of cost access to its subscribers to avail the universal
emergency dial-in-number as notified by the Service, without any prefix or suffix for the whole of
the Punjab.
17. Powers to manage emergencies.__ (1) An emergency officer or a rescuer, in providing
emergency services, may take any reasonable measures to__
(a) protect persons from any danger or potential danger associated with an emergency situation;
(b) protect persons trapped in a vehicle, receptacle, vessel or otherwise endangered; and
(c) protect themselves or other persons or vehicles from danger, potential danger, assault or battery from
other person.
(2) Without limiting the measures that may be taken for a purpose specified in clause (a) or
(b) of subsection (1), an emergency officer or a rescuer may, for that purpose__
(a) enter any premises, vehicle or vessel;
(b) open any receptacle, using such force as is reasonably necessary;
(c) bring any apparatus orequipment onto a premises;
(d) remove from or otherwise deal with, any article or material in the area;
(e) remove (wholly or partially) or damage any premises, vehicle, vessel or receptacle;
(f) cause the gas or electricity supply or motor or any other source of energy to any premises, vehicle,
vessel or receptacle to be shut off or disconnected;
(g) request any person or organization to take all reasonable measures to assist the Service; and
(h) administer such life safety procedures as are consistent with the training and competency of the
emergency officer or rescuer.
(3) Without limiting the measures that may be taken for a purpose specified in clause (c) of
subsection (1), a rescuer or an officer authorized by the Service may, for that purpose, require any
person not to enter into or remain within the emergency area and may use any appropriate public
place for emergency warning and refuge centre or for purposes of community awareness.
(4) No person shall refuse to comply with the directions of the rescuer or the person specified
in subsection (2) and if a person or organization does not comply with such directions, the rescuer or
the aforesaid officer may use such force as is reasonably necessary to ensure compliance.
18. Obstruction or hindrance.__ No person shall willfully obstruct or hinder the Director
General, Director, emergency officer, the rescuer, or any other person acting with his authority, in the
exercise of a function under this Act.
19. Immunity against certain liabilities.__ (1) An act or omission committed by an employee of
the Service, or a volunteer, shall not, if committed in good faith for the purpose of exercising the
functions of or assisting the Service, subject such employee or volunteer personally to any legal
action, liability, claim or demand.
(2) All actions, proceedings and claims against any such employee or a volunteer in relation
to any act done or omitted to be done in good faith, shall be defended and indemnified by the
(3) Subject to the rules, any information received by the Service shall be deemed to be the
privileged communication between the informer and the Service:
Provided that the Director General may, in a special case and by order in writing, waive such
20. Life insurance.__ All members of the Service shall contribute to the salary saving life
insurance scheme and compensation in case of injury or death in the line of duty shall be provided by
the Service to such extent as may be prescribed by the Council.
21. Public servants.__ All members of the Service shall be deemed to be public servants within
the meaning ofsection 21 of the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 (Act No. XLV of 1860).
22. Emergency ambulance and rescue vehicles.__ (1) No person shall use any vehicle as an
emergency ambulance or rescue vehicle unless it satisfies such requirements as are laid down by the
(2) Where a vehicle does not fulfill the requirements laid down by the Service, but is used as
a patient transport vehicle, it shall not use any siren or a warninglight other than a round yellow
warning light.
(3) No person, other than that belonging to a law enforcing agency, shall use red, blue or
orange light or any siren on his vehicle except where the vehicle satisfies the requirements prescribed
for an emergency ambulance or vehicle.
(4) No person shall__
(a) use the words "rescue" or "rescue service" or any other similar name, title or description without the
written authority of the Director General;
(b) falsely represent that he is associated with the Service unless such an association exists;
(c) impersonate as an officer of the Service; or
(d) use any insignia of the Service in any manner contrary to that
approved by the Director General.
23. Right of way to emergency rescue vehicles and ambulances.__ (1) A driver of a vehicle or
a member of the public or traffic police, to the extent practicable, shall make all possible efforts to
give clear and uninterrupted passage to__
(a) an emergency rescue vehicle or an ambulance with activated warning devices, siren or warninglights
and duly registered with the Service; and
(b) an emergency officer or a rescuer or any person acting under their direction, who appears to be doing
any act for the purposes of this Act.
24. False or obnoxious calls.__ No person shall make a false or an obnoxious call on the
emergency dial-in-number or in any other manner try to represent that emergency circumstance
exists requiring utilization of any resources of the Service.
25. Offences and punishments.__ (1) Any person who wilfully or without any reasonable
excuse, disobeys or violates any provision of this Act, shall be deemed to have committed a bailable
offence punishable with simple imprisonment for six months or with fine not exceeding rupees fifty
thousand or with both.
(2) No prosecution under this Act shall be lodged without the previous sanction of the
Director General which shall not be given except after serving a notice on the person concerned and
giving him reasonable opportunity of hearing.
(3) No court inferior to that of a Magistrate of the first class shall try an offence under this
26. Rules.__ The Government may frame rules to carry out the purposes of this Act.
27. Regulations.__ The Council may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act or the rules
for or with respect to any matter that by this Act is required or permitted to be prescribed, specified
or determined by the Council for carrying out the purposes or giving effect to the provisions of this

No. S.0. E-II (P&D)1-15 /07. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him undersection 26 of the
Punjab Emergency Service Act, 2006 (IV of 2006), the Governor of the Punjab is pleased to make
the following rules:

1. Short title and commencement.__ (1) These rules may be cited as the
Punjab Emergency Service Financial Rules, 2007.
(2) These shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions.__ (1) In these rules:
(a) "Act" means the Punjab Emergency Service Act 2006 (IV of 2006);
(b) "Council" means the Punjab Emergency Council constituted undersection 6 of the Act;
(c) "Director General" means the Director General of the Service;
(d) "district Emergency Officer" means an emergency officer responsible for the management of the
Service in a district;
(e) "emergency operations officer" means an emergency officer responsible for responding to
(f) "emergency vehicle" means a specialized vehicle acquired for the management of emergencies.
(g) "Government" means the Government of the Punjab;
(h) "head of wing" means an officer responsible for supervision and control of a specific wing of the
Service at the provincial level;
"Service" means the Punjab Emergency Service; and
"wing" means a section or wing of the Service.
(2) An expression used in these rules but not defined shall have the same meaning as
assigned to it under the Act.
3. Funding of the Service.__ (1) The Accountant General, Punjab or the district accounts officer
shall pre-audit expenditures channelled through the normal budgetary mode.
(2) The Service shall maintain an Emergency Service Fund in terms of
section 15 of the Act.
(3) The Fund shall be operated in accordance with these rules and the
directions of the Council.
(4) The Fund shall be used for any of the following purposes:
(a) for the establishment, maintenance and performance of the
Service including timely replacement of emergency vehicles andequipment , when separate budget
for the purpose has not been appropriated by the Government; and
(b) for making available essential food supplies, shelters, equipment and other pre-requisites to facilitate
the rescuers in wake of major emergencies or disasters.
(5) The money credited to the fund shall be kept in the National Bank of Pakistan.
(6) The bank account pertaining to the Fund shall be jointly operated by the Director
General and head of finance wing of the Service.
(7) The expenditure incurred on an emergency or disaster shall be scrutinized and
approved by the emergency development committee within six weeks of the end of an emergency or
(8) The moneygenerated through donations, grants-in-aid and/ or through fairs,
exhibitions, auction, camps and publications etc, shall be credited to the Fund.
(9) The Fund shall be subject to annual audit undersection 15 of the Act
4. Delegation of financial powers.__ (1) The Director General shall exercise financial powers as
that of an officer in category 1 in accordance with the provisions of the Punjab Delegation of
Financial Powers Rules, and shall administer the affairs of the Service in terms of section 9 (5) of the
Act. The Director General shall be the principal accounting officer of the Service.
(2) The Director General may designate respective categories to the officers of the Service
under the Punjab Delegation of Financial Power Rules to manage the affairs of a district, academy or
wing of the Service.
(3) The Director General of the Service may abolish or re-designate a post in the Service.
(4) The Director General shall constitute a local purchase committee at the headquarters,
academy and a district for processing purchases of items through limited tender enquiry up to the
purchase limits.
(5) The Director General shall undertake re-appropriation of funds in accordance with the
provisions of the Punjab Delegation of Financial Powers Rules.
(6) The Director General may sanction residential telephones for smooth management of
emergencies and disasters to the operations officers of the Service with limits prescribed by the
Government or as approved by the emergency development committee.
(7) A district emergency officer may sanction and incur expenditure on repair and
maintenance of emergencyequipment and vehicles up to approved limit for that category of officer
under the Punjab Delegation of Financial Power Rules.
5. Emergency development projects.__ (1) The following emergency development committee is
constituted to approve projects for timely availability and replacement of emergency equipment and
vehicles essential for the management of emergencies:

a. Director General Chairman

b. Representatives of the Government from the Finance and Members
Planning & Development Departments
c. Heads of Finance & P&D Wings of the Service. Members
d. District Emergency Officer submitting the project proposal Member
e. Any other person co-opted by the Director General to Member
seek technical advice from within or outside the Service
(2) Projects beyond the financial powers of departmental developmental standing
committee shall be sent to the Provincial Development Working Party, Planning and Development
Board Punjab for approval.

(3) A project proposal of a district emergency officer or head of a wing

shall be submitted to and considered by the emergency development committee.

(4) While approving a development project, provision shall be made for

spare stock of essential emergency vehicles andequipment to cater for timely replacement or repair
of emergency vehicles and equipment.

(5) Project proposals should also keep appropriate provision for human
resource training and development for ensuring the quality of emergency care provided by the
personnel of the Service.
(6) The planning and finance wings of the Service shall issue administrative approval of a
project funded from the Emergency Service Fund.
(7) The Planning and Development Department shall grant administrative approval for
development projects funded through governmental budget and the Finance Department shall issue
audit copy thereof.
6. Insurance of employees.__ (1) The Service shall insure the employees with the State Life
Insurance Corporation of Pakistan.
(2) The employees shall contribute monthly to the salary saving life insurance scheme in
terms of section 20 of the Act. The contributions shall be equivalent to the amount of monthly
General Provident Fund payable by a civil servant in the same basicscale . The monthly
contributions shall be deducted at source by the Accountant General, Punjab and released on monthly
basis through cheque to the State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan.
(3) The employees shall be entitled to receive the proceeds of insurance policy on retirement.
An employee terminated on disciplinary grounds shall not be entitled to any insurance claim and the
amount shall be deposited in the emergency service fund.
7. Compensation.__ (1) The Service shall provide financial assistance to the family of an
employee who dies while in service, regardless whether he holds a contract or a regular appointment.
This financial assistance shall be equivalent to the amount of assistance admissible to a civil servant
in the same basicscale .

(2) If an employee dies in the line of duty or becomes invalid for Service due to any
disability while performing rescue operation, the Service shall pay double the compensation, as
admissible under the normal circumstances.

(3) The Service shall provide transportation to the hometown of the deceased employee and
also arrange for his burial if the employee dies in the line of the duty or at the station of duty.
(4) The Service shall provide transfer grant equivalent to one month's pay with allowances
in case of a married employee and half thereof, if unmarried, to cover all expenses related to the
employee's transfer. The grant shall not be admissible to an employee transferred at his own request.
(5) The Service shall provide an additional instructional allowance equivalent to fifty
percent of the basic pay to the instructional staff of the Academy in order to encourage the best
available officers and staff to assist in the training process.
(6) The Director General may write off losses in accordance with the Delegation of
Financial Power rules, in case of loss of vehicles,equipment or stores during an emergency or
disaster based on the enquiry findings regarding that incident.
8. Medical facility.__ An employee of the Service and his family shall be entitled to medical
facilities in a Government hospital or health institution as may be admissible to a civil servant of the
Government in the corresponding basic scale.

9. Official transport.__ (1) The Service may provide a vehicle to an emergency operation
officer for responding to an emergency from place of duty or residence with fuel limit of two
hundred and fifty liters or one hundred and fifty Kg of CNG per month, excluding out of station
emergency or approved visit.
(2) The Service may provide a vehicle to an administrative officer of the Service in BS-
18 and above for official use and to respond to a major emergency with fuel limit of two hundred
liters or one hundred and twenty Kg of CNG per month, excluding out of station approved visits.
(3) The Service may provide a motorbike to an employee on special duty or at a rescue
station with fuel limit of fifty liters per month for performing official assignments, attending daily
review meetings, and for responding to emergencies.
(4) The Service may provide official transport to an officer or an instructor posted in the
Academy for responding to an emergency, when so required.
(5) The officer or the employee who has been provided with an official vehicle may use the
official vehicle for private purpose within the municipal limits of the city where he is posted to
ensure timely availability of the officer or employee for an emergency.
(6) The Service shall not pay conveyance allowance to the officer or the employee who
has been provided with an official vehicle.
(7) The Director General may relax the fuel limit for a special project, protocol or an
emergency assignment.
10. Reward and punishment.__ (1) The Service may annually give monetary reward not
exceeding two basic salaries with admissible allowances to the best rescuer of the year for each
category at the provincial level and up to one basic salary with allowances for each category at the
district level.
(2) The Director General may constitute committee to select the best rescuer in each
category for the purpose of award.
(3) A rescuer, an officer or an employee shall be liable to fine and penalties if found
committing negligence, fraud or lacking presentation, fitness and violation of discipline of the
11. Standardization ofequipment .__ (1) There shall be the following Standardization
Committee of the Service:

a. Director General Chairman

b. Head of Operations Wing of the Service Member
c. Head of Repair & Maintenance Wing of the Service Member
d. Head of Rescue Wing of the Wing Academy/Service Member
e. Head of Medical Wing of the Academy/Service Member
f. Head of Fire Wing of the Academy/Service Member
g. Two representatives of related Equipment Manufactures/
(2) If equipment or vehicle in use of the Service has not been standardized by the Inter-
Departmental Standardization Committee (lDSC) of Services & General Administration Department,
it shall be standardized by the standardization committee of the Service.
(3) The Director General being the chief technical officer shall appoint an officer of the
Service as senior technical officer and constitute a committee comprising of officers, employees or
technical experts for technical scrutiny of anequipment , vehicle or stores.
12. Procurement of equipment.__ (1) A district emergency officer or wing requiring an
equipment, vehicle or stores shall submit the indent form along with the estimated cost based on
market survey .
(2) The procurement wing shall examine and process the proposal and ensure
transparency by advertising in at least one leading English and Urdu national daily newspapers for
items beyond limited tender enquiry, opening of bids and negotiation in the presence of qualifying
(3) In case where indent value of an item requires scrutiny by the standing purchase
committee under the Purchase Manual of the Government, the following committee is constituted:

a. Director General Chairman

b. Representative of the Finance Department of Member
the Government.
c. Representative of the Planning & Development Member
Department of the Government.
d. Head of Procurement Wing of the Service. Member
e. Head of Finance Wing of the Service. Member
f. District Emergency Officer or Head of Wing Indenter
submitting the Indent form
g. The Committee may co-opt or invite any other
technical expert. Member
(4) The Director General shall be the ex-officio chief purchase officer of the Service. The
head of the procurement wing of the service shall be the senior purchase officer and an emergency
officer nominated by the Director General shall be the purchase officer.
(5) The representations of the Finance and Planning & Development Departments is not
necessary where the value of an indent does not fall within the purview of the standing purchase
committee under the Purchase Manual of the Government.
(6) The purchase committee shall have special emergency powers for making urgent
purchases or replacements of equipment, vehicles and stores vital for management of emergencies,
through repeat purchase orders, equivalent to less than half of the last purchase order for similar
emergency equipment, vehicles and stores made within one year of such purchase, and not exceeding
fifteen percent value for next year.
(7) The Director General shall constitute a local purchase committee comprising of not less
than three members for a district, academy and headquarters for petty purchases up to the limits
prescribed by the Government for a limited tender enquiry.
(8) The decisions of an appropriate committee constituted under sub- rules (3) & (7) shall
be final and the Service shall place purchase orders based on the recommendations of the committee.
13. Replacement of emergency vehicle.__ (1) The Service may replace an emergency vehicle on
completion of one hundred thousand km or usage over a period of three years, whichever is earlier.
(2) In case of a major accident, if the cost of repair of the vehicle may exceed fifty percent
of the original cost of the vehicle, the emergency vehicle may be replaced.

(3) The Service may hand over a vehicle which is being replaced to a Government hospital
for less robust use or may dispose it of in accordance with the instructions of the Government.

(4) The Service shall deposit the sale proceeds of a vehicle in the Emergency Service Fund.

(5) Before handing over a vehicle for use elsewhere or disposal, the Service shall remove
the identification marks like colour, insignias andequipment etc. to avoid misuse of the name of the

(6) One spare vehicle shall be provided for every five emergency vehicles of each category
as a replacement for any accident or repair etc. to ensure smooth functioning of the Service.

14. Inspection of stores.__ (1) A committee consisting of the head of repair and maintenance
wing, officer in-charge of the stores, emergency officer of related wing or district and, if required, a
technical expert, appointed by the Director General, shall inspect the stores.
(2) The committee shall be responsible for the inspection of the equipments, vehicles and
stores (except petty stores) purchased by the Service.

(3) In case the committee fails to reach consensus on an issue, the matter may be referred
to the standardization committee for final decision.

(4) The officer in-charge of the stores shall carry out a quarterly inspection to verify the
quantity and conditions of vehicles, equipments and stores maintained by at each district or wing of
the Service. The officer shall submit the report of inspection to the Director General.

15. Condemnation ofequipment , vehicles and stores.__ (1) The Service shall have the
following condemnation committee.

a. Representative from Services & General Administration Member

Department of the Government.
b. Head of Finance Wing of the Service Member
c. Head of Operations Wing of the Service Member
d. Head of Repair & Maintenance Wing of the Service Convener
(2) The condemnation committee shall recommend the condemnation of an equipment,
vehicle or stores in use of the Service, on periodic bases for timely replacement and disposal of
discarded stores through auction or gift to a Government hospital with the approval of the
16. Emergency imprest money.__ (1) The Service shall keep at all times an imprest money
equivalent to one hundred thousand rupees at the headquarters, and fifty thousand rupees at the
academy and a district to meet an emergency or contingency.

(2) The emergency development committee may suitably enhance the imprest money to
meet the future needs.

(3) The Service shall recoup the amount spent from the imprest money within two weeks of
incurrence of the expenditure.
17. Repair and maintenance of equipment and vehicle.__ (1) The Service shall advertise, pre-
qualify and shortlist a workshop for emergency repair of a category of equipment or vehicle in a
district for ensuring timely repair and availability of an emergency vehicle and equipment for quick
management of an emergency.
(2) The repair and maintenance committee, comprising the head of repair and
maintenance wing, district emergency officer, emergency officer and transport maintenance inspector
shall select the workshop.
(3) A short-listed workshop shall enter into a rate contract with the Service for a period of
two years extendable for another year provided the quality of work is satisfactory. In case of
unsatisfactory service or quality of work, the Service may terminate the contract at anytime and a
new workshop or firm may be selected after due process.
(4) Preference shall be given to an authorizeddealers with 3S (sales, services and spare
part) facilities according to the make of equipment or vehicle, to ensure the validity of warranty and
genuineness of spare parts.
(5) The district emergency officer shall verify the repair needs and the cost of the repair
and get the repair done from the selected workshop as per the approved service rate contract.
(6) The district emergency officer may make advance payment up to sixty percent of the
estimated cost of repair of emergency vehicle after approval by the head of the finance wing.
(7) The district emergency officer shall get the repairs done from the approved workshop
up to the prescribed limit of that category of officer under the Punjab Delegation of Financial Powers
18. Responsibilities of Director finance & internal auditor.__ (1) The Director finance or
budget & accounts officer shall be the head of the finance wing of the Service and shall be
responsible for the operation and regulation of all financial and accounting matters according to these
rules and the instructions of the Government.
(2) The internal auditor shall exercise all budgetary and financial controls under these
rules and the best practices prescribed by the Government. The internal auditor shall prepare an
annual internal audit report regarding the financial performance of the Service.
19. Audit of accounts of the Service.__ (1) The Auditor General of Pakistanshall audit the
accounts of the Service.
(2) The Service shall make the audit report public and it shall be submitted before the
Provincial Assembly of the Punjab undersection 15 of the Act.
20. Relaxation of rules.__ The Government may, for reasons and limits to be recorded in
writing, relax a rule in case of a hardship.




iv) Annexure B:
7. Leave

a) Casual leave not exceeding 24 days per year shall be admissible. More than 30 days leave
at one time shall not be allowed.
b) 90 days maternity leave with pay (in case of female employees only), once in the tenure of
five years, shall be admissible.
c) Leave on medical grounds without pay shall be admissible on production of medical
certificate by the competent authority as per Punjab Medical Attendance Rules, 1959.
However, if medical leave continues beyond 3 months, his contract shall be liable to be
The person appointed against non-vocational post shall earn 10 days leave per year to be availed
by him during the tenure.
1. Responding to Emergencies.
It isimportant for all Rescuers to follow the protocols for responding to an emergency and
use the personal protective equipment or clothing as prescribed by the Service. If any
Rescuer does not follow the personal protective measures, the Service shall be under no
obligation to provide assistance in case of any injury or disease.

a. Medical Rescuers shall wear medical gloves to protect against possible

infection from communicable diseases, safety helmet to protect from any head
injury when entering an incident site or emergency area and reflective vest for
identification and minimizing the risk of accidental run over especially when
managing road side emergencies. Rescuers shall assist emergency victims and use
proper protocols for shifting and management of such victims. Spine-board shall
be used for all immobile or apprehensive to walk and unconscious victims.

b. Fire Rescuers shall also wear full Fire Turnout Gear properly zipped or
strapped and sealed along with helmet, long shoes and gloves provided to them by
the Service. They shall also properly maintain thisequipment since it may
ultimately save their life one day.

c. Rescuers of disaster emergency response team or those involved in search and

rescue operation shall at all times cover all body parts, wear safety helmet and
safety gloves.

d. Rescuers shall refrain from changing the protocols for management of

emergencies without the prior approval of the Director General. However,
suggestions from rescuers are always appreciated and if approved they shall be
made a part of the protocol.

2. Conduct of a Rescuer.

a. A rescuer shall be a role model for the community. He shall gain respect
through his behavior and helpful attitude towards the public especially during
emergencies. Since the Rescuer is in uniform, his actions, words, behavior and
attitude are subject to minute scrutiny and discussions by the public under normal
circumstances and especially during emergencies. Therefore, a Rescuer shall
always be smartly turned-out and weigh carefully before he says or does something
to avoid embarrassment to himself or to the Service.

b. Rescuer can be an angel as a result of his helpful and gentle attitude especially
when rescuing or helping the victims of emergencies. The Rescuer shall remember
that a victim and his relatives are emotionally disturbed therefore under no
circumstances rude behavior towards emergency victims shall be tolerated even if
the victim or caller is abusive, rowdy, violent or non-cooperative.

c. A very high standard of conduct and professionalism is expected of a Rescuer

at all times and especially when dealing with emergencies. The Rescuer shall
exhibit swiftness, efficiency and professional expertise when responding to and
managing emergencies. A Rescuer shall not act irresponsibly or casually (stand
idle with hands in pockets) when managing an emergency, since it can result in
serious damage.

d. Emergency officials shall maintain discipline of the Service at all times which
includes loyalty to the job and Service, good appearance,dress , punctuality,
obedience, respecting and saluting the seniors, adherence to all the laws, rules and
customs of the Service irrespective of rank and seniority.

e. Emergency officials shall respect their seniors withnatural courtesy due to

rank, age, experience and responsibility whether off or on duty and never stand
with hands in pockets. They shall not indulge in hot arguments with juniors or low
rank staff. Manhandling of any lower rank staff or other officials is a highly
undignified act and can result in severe disciplinary action. An emergency official
shall exercise restraint, tolerance and control over him or her-self.

f. Emergency officials shall take orders in correct spirit and issue orders after
due deliberations and always carry out an order first to the best of their ability,
even if he/she disagrees or thinks it is wrong. An official can always give
suggestions to the senior issuing the order afterwards. If ticked off for a fault, do
not beslacked or depressed and never allow yourself to be annoyed or lose
temper or be resentful but try to improve and progress, it shall help you in the long

g. Officials shall refrain from any direct correspondence with any external
organization without permission of Director General.

h. Be truthful and honest at all times and in all your dealings, both official and
private and never make statements without proper verification of facts especially
to the media without prior permission of competent authority. You shall refrain
from loose talk or “Ghibat” since it is also prohibited by Islam. Remember that the
respect and confidence which you will be able to inspire will depend largely on
your integrity and honesty.
i. If you have any problems or concerns you shall discuss it with your seniors
and try to resolve all issues within the Service and refrain from discussing any
Service issues with persons from outside the Service. If any of your colleague
within the Service is behaving irresponsibly or doing something which will bring a
bad name for the Service it is your duty to stop him from doing so and if required
report it to your seniors.

j. Always try to gain professional knowledge especially by reading books,

magazines and attending courses especially in the fields of Rescue, Fire,
Emergency Medical Services, Emergency & Disaster Management, Safe
Community Development and Community Training etc. Listen to the news
regularly to keep yourself up to date with the latest events especially related to
emergencies and disasters occurring in different parts of the world andwatch
rescue programs which add to your professional knowledge. When in doubt
always seek advice of those who are more knowledgeable and experienced.

k. The medical and physical fitness is essential for all rescuers therefore all
rescuers shall regularly exercise, maintain hygiene and shall not have foul odor
from mouth, body or clothes. Always remember prevention is better than cure,
therefore always take precautions against diseases, particularly contagious and
infectious when responding to emergencies or handling of infected patients. All
officials shall also watch against obesity since it tarnishes the image of the Service.

l. The responsibilities of senior rescuers involved in management of the Service

are multifarious and onerous. It is by leadership that you will achieve greater
results and get the best from subordinates rather than by merely giving orders
indicating a policy. Set your target, plan your work, give orders, oversee execution,
monitor progress and ensure results.

3. Conduct at a Station.

The rescuers are encouraged to stay at the stations to ensure availability of rescuers in case
of any major emergency or disaster. However it is mandatory for all rescuers, working or
staying at the station, to observe the following conduct at the stations at all times:

a. All officials shall be in proper uniform when on duty at the station. The only
off duty permissible dress when residing at the station shall be a navy blue track
suit lower with T-shirt of the Service and green sweater in winters. In order to
maintain the professional image of the station, no fancydresses or shalwar kamiz
shall be allowed at the station.
b. The stations shall be considered as ‘sacred’ and always keep your stations
neat, tidy and clean and avoid any screaming, music, noisy behavior, vulgar or
loose talk. Television shall be allowed in the reception but it shall not be too loud
and obscene or music channels shall not be displayed. Discussion or involvement
in politico-religious activities shall not be allowed in any premises of the Service.
Involvement in such activities may result in termination from the Service.
c. Never invite a guest to dine or live with you, without first seeking the
permission of the station In-charge. Ladies are also not allowed at the station,
however, if close relative does visit, such visit should be in the knowledge of station
In-charge and their visit should be restricted to the reception and they shall never
enter the living area.
d. Any rescuer who enters the station improperlydressed shall be required to
pay for light refreshments for all rescuers who are present in the station besides
changing into proper dress.
e. The rescuers on duty are not allowed to visit the living quarters/ dormitory
during duty hours unless on sick leave. Firearms, pets, gambling or drugs etc. are
strictly prohibited at the station.
f. There shall be three shifts at each station. The shifts shall rotate monthly in
such a manner that the Rescuers of the previous morning shift shall do the night
shift, those of previous evening shift shall do the morning shift and those of
previous night shift shall do the evening shift. The timings of the shifts shall be
fixed as under:

(i) Morning Shift 8 am to 4 pm

(ii) Evening Shift 4 pm to 12 am
(iii) Night Shift 12 am to 8 am
g. The Rescuers shall report half hour before start of their respective shift. There
shall be proper handing over and taking over of all the equipments & logistics at
the start of every shift. If any equipment is found out of order, missing or less
than its appropriate parameters the rescuer handling that instrument at that time
shall be held responsible.
h. The patient shifting protocol and fire drills shall be practiced at each station
for half an hour at the start of every shift.

4. Responsibilities of Emergency Officials.

a. The office of the Director General or Headquarters shall be mainly

responsible for planning; development; monitoring; reviewing performance of
districts; training of staff; providing trained human resource for districts;
assistance to districts in managing major emergencies and disasters and all such
functions necessary for ensuring emergency preparedness, response and
prevention and implementation of the Act.

b. The emergency officer In-charge of the district shall be responsible for

ensuring swift and effective professional management of emergencies; responding
to all major emergencies; ensuring attendance, proper appearance and behavior of
staff; ensuring smooth working, maintenance and speedy repair of vehicles; weekly
debriefing of staff; community training for emergency assistance and prevention;
quarterly performance evaluation, physical and written tests and refresher training
of staff; sending weekly performance and data regarding emergencies to
Headquarters and organizing District Emergency Board meetings; and all such
functions assigned by the Director General.

c. The emergency officer (operations) posted in the district shall be responsible

for responding to all major emergencies to monitor & ensure smooth management
of the emergency or disaster and submitting its report within two days to Officer-
in-charge of the district; daily visits and inspection of stations; ensuring
attendance, fitness, physical appearance and behavior of staff; organizing weekly
debriefing of staff; assist in community training; and all such functions assigned by
the Service.

d. The emergency officer (operational safety) posted in the district shall be

responsible for responding to all major emergencies to monitor & ensure that all
staff is following the safety standards while responding to emergencies; investigate
the cause of the incident and submit a report of the incident to the Director
General and Officer-in-charge within two days of incident; inspection of buildings
where required; and all such functions assigned by the Service.

e. The emergency officer (community training) where available shall act as

public relations officer; enroll and train volunteers; organize community trainings;
prepare and test disaster preparedness plans in the district; prepare press and
publication material for awareness and perform all such functions assigned by the
Service. In case of non-availability of such an officer all these functions shall be
performed by the emergency officer (operational safety).

f. The rescuer In-charge of the station shall be responsible for ensuring

attendance of staff; maintaining proper attendance record at the station;
documentation of all emergencies; ensuring physical appearance and behavior of
staff; ensuring cleanliness, tidiness and maintenance of emergency vehicles and
stations; respond to all major emergencies; monitor changing of at least two shifts;
ensuring daily patient shifting, fire and ladderdrills etc. preferably at the start of
each shift; arranging necessary stores for the station and vehicles at the station;
ensure availability of assistant station In-charge or station coordinator or shift In-
charge in the evening and night; and perform all such functions assigned by the

g. The control room In-charge shall ensure timely and courteous answering of
calls; ensure smooth working of call recording software and recording of all data;
ensuring attendance, fitness, physical appearance and behavior of staff; track and
monitor emergency vehicles to confirm timing and route for each emergency
through vehicle tracking system; reporting of any irregularities to the emergency
officer In-charge of the district;generating daily emergency reports; preparation
of weekly and monthly performance reports and all such functions assigned by the

h. All Rescuers including medical, fire, computer-wireless operators, disaster

emergency rescue team or drivers shall ensure proper personal appearance; timely
fall in prior to start of shift and proper handing over and taking over; regular
mapping of designated areas and the district; smooth, proper and swift working
ofequipment assigned to them and proper management of emergencies;
community training; and perform all such functions assigned by the Service.

6. Monitoring and Performance Evaluation.

a. The performance or working of all employees shall be closely monitored on regular basis to
ensure that inefficient and undesirable elements are not allowed to continue in Service.
Therefore the extension in contract or right to apply for a higher post shall strictly depend
on the Performance Evaluation Report of the official or rescuer.

b. The station In-charge or reporting officer as the case may be depending on the posting of an
official shall sign the monthly attendance and performance slip which shall be submitted to
the accounts branch prior to issuance of the pay.

c. The performance of all employees shall be assessed at least on annual basis, by the
immediate superior authorities as per simplified performa developed by the Service.
d. No employee of the Service shall be allowed to apply against a higher post before two years
in Service during which period the official shall exhibit above satisfactory performance to
qualify for a higher post.

e. In case of unsatisfactory Performance Evaluation Report consecutively for two years the
contract of the employee shall be liable to be terminated without any enquiry on one
month’s notice or one month’s pay, in lieu thereof, without assigning any reason.

7. Appearance,Dress & Customs of the Service.

a. All emergency officials shall give a professional look with proper haircut, facial appearance,
clean, well-pressed uniform with polished boots. All service officials shall maintain hygiene
and should not have foul odor from mouth, body or clothes. All officials shall also avoid any
fancy make-up, rings, chains,bracelets , bangles or dandy goggles. Although against the
health and safety standards for Rescuers, a well kept beard being ‘Sunnah’ is respected by
the Service. However dying of hair, styling long ear burns or moustaches, trendy or long,
shabby beards or unshaven look will not be acceptable. It has been observed that a number
of persons grow beard for convenience and after a few days shave it therefore any person
who wishes to keep a beard shall submit in writing stating also the reasons for keeping the
beard. Any person not shaving due to medical reasons shall submit the medical certificate
from appropriate authority.

b. Uniform is the mark of distinction and a source of pride for a rescuer, therefore always wear
well kept uniform, never be slouch when in uniform and maintain a dignified posture. All
rescuers and officers irrespective of rank shall wear uniform on duty as directed by the
Director General. Any item of personal protectiveequipment as appropriate to the
situation/ emergency will form part of uniform and shall be compulsory to be worn on
operations or as directed by the management.

c. All Rescuers shall wear the olive green uniform of style approved by the Service with T-shirt
underneath and with clear black cotton socks without any design and ankle high safety
shoes approved by the Service in winters and at all formal functions. Beret cap shall be worn
when walking out and helmet shall be worn when driving a motor-bike. Wearing of uniform
is essential when traveling on duty in any official transport. Only during summers rescuers
may be allowed to wear approved T-shirt with P-cap, however this shall not be the uniform
for any formal function.

d. It is a custom to respect seniors, address them as ‘Sir’ and greet them with salam and salute.
The salute shall be with right hand, palm facing downwards, wrist straight, arm almost
horizontal to the shoulders, and the fingers almost touching the side of the right eye. The
reason for making the palm face downwards is that it is often dirty or blood stained during
rescue operations.

e. The decorum of offices shall be respected therefore always come to attention and salute
when you enter and leave the office of a senior. If the Rescuer visiting you is senior, you
should get up first as a mark of respect at the first meeting.

f. Shaking hand as part of greeting is a matter of choice for the senior, therefore the junior
shall only extend his hand when offered a hand shake by the senior. Do not try to embrace a
senior. It is again his privilege to shake hand or embrace and if he wants, he will himself
make a move for it.

g. Remember to pay proper compliments to the officials of the sister emergency, civil or
military organizations who are senior or equal to you in rank. Acquaint yourself well with
their badges of rank or seniority/ grades.

h. It is essential todress appropriately for formal and informal occasions; emergency officers
or rescuers shall wear uniform on all official functions unless advised otherwise; wearing of
uniform or service jacket on private functions, parties or outings is strictly prohibited.

i. When attending any dinner, function or meeting where senior officials are present, the
juniors shall wait for the seniors to proceed to the dining/ function area. Do not sit down
until the seniors are seated. If you are late for dinner, apologize to the senior most person
and host before sitting, but such occurrence should be very rare. The senior dining member
or the chief guest if present is the first to leave after dinner. The host shall be the last one to
leave. In case you wish to leave to the occasion, for any special reason, always seek
permission from the senior most person. When guests are present, do not leave the dining
area until after they have left.

j. The sanctity of the classroom, auditorium, library and training areas shall be respected and
no smoking, eating or drinking is permitted (except in designated areas). All Rescuers shall
stand on arrival ofthe speaker or trainer, the class representative shall salute when the
speaker or trainer reaches the stage (except in the library) and the Rescuers shall take seats
when asked to do so by the speaker.

k. The Rescuers are expected to live economically within their means, avoid taking loans or
lending from colleagues; pay all bills regularly and avoid indulging in luxuries or
overspending; your small savings, if invested well, shall see you through in difficult times.

l. The officers should take keen interest in the welfare of their staff and do whatever they can
to assist in solving their domestic problems and take personal interest in family welfare, like
medical care and education of children. This shall raise their morale and develop their
confidence and trust in you as their leader. Facilitate the sick to get appropriate treatment
but keep a close eye on malingerers.
m. The officer In-charge of the District shall on every Friday hold an open meeting and patiently
listen to the problems of the staff and try to resolve them to the best of his ability.


a. As soon as an ambulance is dispatched for an operation, both EMTs shall wear disposable
gloves. One of the EMTs shall sit on front seat with the driver to communicate on wireless,
whereas the other EMT shall check the spine board and emergency kit and place them on
the stretcher.
b. On seeing the victim upon reaching the incident site:
The EMT sitting in the rear cabin shall open the reardoor of the ambulance and jump out.
He shall unlock the stretcher to get it out and make sure that the stand of the stretcher is
locked. The other EMT shall support the stretcher and both the EMTs shall run towards the
patient along with the stretcher carrying the spine board and emergency kit on it. While
approaching the patient, the EMTs shall assess the scene and its surroundings for any
dangers and check the response of the victim. They shall reassure the victim, check his vital
signs. In case the victim is not breathing and pulse less immediately start cardiopulmonary
resuscitation at site (on hard surface) for two minutes. If there is still no response then
immediately log roll the victim without twisting his neck or back and place the spine board
behind the victim. After securing the victim with belts lift the spine board after coordinated
counting and place it over stretcher and continue with CPR while rushing the stretcher back
to the ambulance.
c. For carrying the stretcher back into the ambulance one of the EMTs shall enter the
ambulance, and hold the head-end to maintain the balance of the stretcher while the other
EMT shall push the stretcher inside and lock it.
d. The EMTs shall check the vital signs again and apply pulse oxymeter and oxygen. AED and
pulse oxymeter are to be used inside the ambulance only.
e. The driver shall guard the ambulance, wireless & other equipment, control the traffic and
help the EMTs if required. He shall switch onemergency lights and hooter on a low tone
and shall use megaphone if required.
f. If no victim is seen upon reaching the incident site:
Both EMTs shall jump out of the ambulance along with their already checked emergency kit
and rush towards the incident site. If they find the victim, one of the EMTs shall start
managing the victim whereas the other EMT shall bring the stretcher out.
Note: If there is any wound, wash it with saline on the incident site or a cleaner place
before shifting the victim into the ambulance.


1. Shift Timings.
There shall be three shifts at each station. The shifts shall rotate monthly in such a manner
that the Rescuers of the previous morning shift shall do the night shift, those of previous
evening shift shall do the morning shift and those of previous night shift shall do the
evening shift. The Rescuers shall report half hour before start of their respective shift. The
timings of the shifts shall be fixed as under:
(i) Morning Shift 8 am to 4 pm
(ii) Evening Shift 4 pm to 11 pm
(iii) Night Shift 11 pm to 8 am
2. Inspection at the Start of Each Shift.
There shall be proper handing over and taking over of all the equipments & logistics at the
start of every shift. If any equipment is found out of order, missing or less than its
appropriate parameters the rescuer handling that instrument at that time shall be held
responsible. If found guilty for the first time one third of the emergency incentive
allowance shall be deducted, if committed second time half of the allowance shall be
deducted and if committed third time the whole allowance shall be deducted for that month;
moreover, the Rescuer shall be liable to be terminated.
The written record of each handing and taking over shall be strictly maintained and signed
by any Rescuer only after thorough inspection and performance evaluation of the respective
logistics under his/her custody as specified below.
a. Check list for drivers:
1) Documents (Log Book &Vehicle Maintenance Book)
2) Driver Cabin
i. Ignition Key
ii. Fuel Gage, Meter reading & Warning Panel
iii. PA/Communication systems
iv. Camera
v. Tool Kit & Spare Wheel
3) Engine
i. Oils (Engine, Pump, PTO, Power & Brake)
ii. Battery, Water & Radiator
4) Exterior
i. Lights
ii. Antenna

b. Check list for EMTs:

1) Documents (Expense Book & Call Forms)
2) Fixtures
i. Oxygen Cylinder
ii. Pulse Oxymeter
iii. AED with pads
iv. Suction unit with clean Nelaton’s Catheter
v. BP apparatus & Stethoscope
vi. Fire Extinguisher
3) Portables
i. Stretcher & Spine Board
ii. Emergency Kit Bag
iii. Airway management apparatus
4) Cabinet Items (including Glucometer, Nebulizer, IV set & cervical collars)
c. Check list for Rescue Technicians:
1) Documents (Expense Book & Call Forms)
2) Personal Protective Equipment (Goggles, Masks, Helmet, Gloves, Safety Suits &Boots )
4) Electric Instruments (including Combi Tools, Saw Cutter, Generator, Extension Leads,
Search Lights, Search Camera, Sound Detector, Drill Machine & Winch)
5) Fire Extinguishers
6) Manual tools (including Safety Belts, Ropes, Ladder, Crow Bars, Hammers & Axes)
d. Check list for Fire Rescuers:
1) Documents (Expense Book & Call Forms)
2) Personal Protective Equipment (Goggles, Masks, Helmet, Gloves, Safety Suits & Boots)
4) Pump System
5) Water Tank
6) Foam Tank
7) Fire Vehicle Equipment (including Hoses, Branch Pipes, Breaches, Ropes & SearchLights )
8) Manualtools (including Safety Belts, Ropes, Ladder, Crow Bars, Hammers & Axes)
3. Drill Practice.
The patient shifting protocol and fire drills shall be practiced at each station for half an hour
at the start of every shift.

4. Uniform.
Uniform shall be full sleeved green shirt and trouser for both summer and winter with black
shoes and socks. If the appearance of the Rescuer or his/her uniform is found in appropriate
he shall be find with deduction of one third of his uniform allowance for that month,
deduction of half of the allowance for committing it second time and deduction of full
allowance in case of committing it third time; moreover, the Rescuer shall be liable to be
5. Security of the Stations & Logistics.
The Rescuers shall be responsible for the security of their respective stations and all the
logistics there in. They shall keep the gates and shutters closed and shall have a closer look
at any strangers around.
6. Emergency Bags.
Each Rescue stations shall maintain to emergency bags for managing any patients reporting
to the stations. A similar bag shall be maintained at each fire vehicle.

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