Comic Strip Brief

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The Indian Arch 2017-18


Theme: “Enlivening the identity of existing”

From a single room to metropolis, each space has its own distinctiveness, its own way to
accomplish its functioning. Formerly, cities resembles to a thin blanket, whereas when
urban agendas ascended and brought change to its rising periphery, leaving cracks,
separations, loopholes , a puncher in the urban fabric and in our lives . It is essential to
investigate ways in which these urban "left-overs”, deteriorated urban design can be re-
imagined, revived, rejuvenate within the contemporary context. This complex urban
condition is investigated with the focus on the conservation of abandoned buildings of
hereditary importance , minimalistic approach in design , using dollars with senses ,
progressing those who are in need thus enlivening of what we are (humans , homo-
sapiens ) what we created ( culture , art , architecture , science , technology ) and our
influence on this entire world . Urban identity can be defined as an interaction with
places, where people describe themselves in terms of belonging to a specific place.
Reviving of the identity, image and spaces of a city could be done by enhancing its local
physical characters which emphasize on the function of open spaces, systematic street
linkages and conservation of historic features.
The identity of urban areas is influenced by human perception, meaning and experience
in relation to the physical environment and space function itself. The weakness of urban
character will affect the overall physical setting and the context of the city is also an
experience to be gained. In the contemporary cities, the weakening of identity is
facilitated by the uniform concepts of planning and development together with the co-
modification of that have led to the loss of local identity. Sustaining the meanings and
identity of the urban elements is important because they contribute to self-identity, sense
of community and sense of place.

 To identify an abandoned public place in your city which was left neglected over
time or still without maintenance and to graphically document how that
alternative space can be transformed and activated again in a comic way.
 It is essential to mention why the specific public space was chosen specifying :
✓ Its original condition.
✓ Historical background of the site.
 Create a COMIC STORY LINE for the chosen area depicting :
✓ Why or how was it left neglected at the first place?
✓ Its reason for deterioration or negligence with time.
✓ Public reaction towards the site.
✓ Why there is a need to transform it?
✓ Proposals of transformation through comic satires.
The Indian Arch 2017-18

 You are free to choose the city and specific areas within it.
 It can be an urban street, public space, polluted chunk, left out/unused land/a
historical patch which was not being maintained from ages, anything which needs
to be ponder on by us.


 You are free to choose any medium for designing the comic strips.
 Title of the story should be apt, relative and justifying to the theme.
 High quality photographs has to be added to your comic line wherever desired.
 English language has to be the core medium of conversation in comic strip.

 Narration of your theme in 2000 words (A4 size - PDF format).
 Title of the story.
 5 strips of [6x 28] cm (portrait or landscape or both) shall be opted.
 Minimum no. of strips - 3.
 Each strip shall be further divided into 5 more sections for depicting different
scenarios of [5.5 x 5.3] cm.


 Soft copy of the sheets in PDF format not exceeding 20 MB to be sent to the
 Editable format of the sheets has to be submitted through mail only.

“The winning entry would be published in the upcoming issue of Indian Arch 2017-18”


Mr. Arjun Viswanath
Comic Strip Design Competition Coordinator
Contact - +91 - 9587292464
Email ID -

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