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Dzikrulloh ABDI- 201610401011051


No. Judul Dapus resume BAB Halaman Yang dimasukkan
1 Health care workers’ Ibahim LM et al, The result of our study show that health 1 4 Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa petugas
knowledge and attitude 2014. Health care care workers participating in TB kesehatan berpartisipasi pada pelayanan
towards TB patients workers’ control services in the state had poor pasien TB karena kurangnya pelatihan dan
under Direct knowledge and knowledge on management of TB sikap negative dari petugas kesehatan
Observation of attitude patients due to lack of training and terhadap perawatan pasien yang berotensi
Treatment in Plateau towards TB patients negative attitude of the health care bagi kepatuhan pasien. Program kontrol Tb
state Nigeria, 2011 under Direct workers towards the patients is a harus melakukan pelatihan kembali untuk
Observation of potential barrier to patients adherence semua fokus pasien TB, pelaihan harus
Treatment in TB control program should conduct mencakup komunikasi interpersonal dan
Plateau state refreshers training for all TB focal konseling terhadap semua pasien TB.
Nigeria, 2011, The persons, the training should include
Pan African Journal interpersonal communication and
adherence counseling to all TB patients.

2 Community care worker Okeyo I, Dowse R, CCWs were motivated and proud of 1 248 Petugas kesehatan termotivasi dan senang
perceptions of their 2016. Community their contribution to TB patient terhadap kontribusi mereka pada
roles care worker management and the education they penatalaksanaan dan edukasi yang
in tuberculosis care and perceptions of their provided to patients and to lay berhubungan tentang TB. Tiga topic yang
their information needs roles community members. Ongoing training penting dari analisis ini yaitu factor motivasi,
in tuberculosis care was identified as a need, along with persepsi petugas kesehatan, dan identifikasi
and their access to quality information materials yang dibutuhkan untuk pelatihan dan
information needs, to improve their knowledge and keterampilan.
University of facilitate patient counselling. Three
Johannesburg major themes emerged from analysis of
the data: altruism as a motivational
factor, the perception of the CCW role
as a fulfilling one, and identification of
needs to improve training and skills.
3 Are patients with Abdurrahman ST, the populations screened for PTB in the 1 39 populasi yang diskrining untuk PTB di
pulmonary tuberculosis Lawson L, 2016. community and at stationary health masyarakat dan di fasilitas kesehatan
who are identified Are patients with facilities had different clinical memiliki karakteristik klinis yang berbeda.
through pulmonary characteristics. This suggests urban Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penduduk yang
active case finding in tuberculosis who slum residents are a population where kumuh merupakan populasi yang ditargetkan
the community different are identified targeted community based screening pada kegiatan pada masyarakat yang dapat
than those identified in through activitie could have considerable memiliki manfaaat yang cukup besar untuk
healthcare facilities? active case finding efficacy for TB case detection. deteksi kasus TB.
in the community
different than those
identified in
Liverpool school of
tropical medicine,
4 Household-Contact Greg J et al, 2018. Household-contact investigation plus 2 221 Adanya kontak satu rumah ditambah temuan
Investigation for Household-Contact standard passive case finding was more kasus secara pasif lebih efektif dari pada
Detection Investigation for effective than standard passive case penemuan kasus seca pasif tanpa adanya
of Tuberculosis in Detection finding alone for the detection of konta serumah untuk mendeteksi dari TB
Vietnam of Tuberculosis in tuberculosis in a high-prevalence setting pada prevalensi tinggi dalam 2 tahun.
Vietnam, the new at 2 years.
England journal of
5. Assessment of Jiang Q, Liping L, .World Health Organization (WHO) has 2 10 WHO telah merekomendasikan kontak
tuberculosis contact 2017. Assessment recommended contact investigation as investigasi sebagai bagian penting dari TB.
investigation in of tuberculosis an important part of tuberculosis (TB) Kontak dengan pasien yang paling sering
Shanghai, China: An 8- contact control programme, considering its yatu anggota keluarga yang mengabaikan
year cohort study investigation in contribution inearly identification dan sulit untuk diinvestigasi karena privasi
Shanghai, China: ofactive TB. Most of the contacts in our atau karena dekat dari diskriminasi
An 8- study were family members, while non-
year cohort study, familial contacts were neglected and
Elsevier could hardly be investigated due to
patients' privacy or due to fear of dis-
crimination. Nevertheless, among pairs
of index and contact cases with
6. Drug-Induced Munlvenkatapapa S Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR- 2 2 MDR adalah resisten terhadap pengobatan
Hypothyroidism during et al, 2016. Drug- TB) is defined as tuberculosis (TB) that TB seperti isoniazid, dan rifampicin, 2 dari
Anti-Tuberculosis Induced is resistant to isoniazid and rifampicin, obat TB yang paling sering terjadi efek
Treatment of Multidrug- Hypothyroidism the two most efficacious anti-TB drugs. samping. Semua pasien dengan hasil yang
Resistant Tuberculosis: during Anti- All patients with laboratory-confirmed mengalami resistensi obat TB, maka akan
Notes from the Tuberculosis drug-resistant. TB are treated with a dioabati dengan standard regimen
Field Treatment of standard regimen; this includes an termasukfase intensif selama 6-9 bulan
Multidrug-Resistant intensive phase consisting of diikuti oleh fase lanjutan pada 18 bln.
Tuberculosis: Notes kanamycin, cycloserine, levofloxacin,
from the ethionamide, ethambutol, and
Field, HHS public pyrazinamide for 6 – 9 months
acces followed by a continuation phase of 18
months with cycloserine, levofloxacin,
ethionamide, and ethambutol

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