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“Introverts: are energized by being quiet, reflective, and calm. They maintain
a distance from the outside world and prefer to conserve their energy.
Introverts enjoy:
 Contemplating ideas and experiences
 Being in calm surroundings
 Exploring a subject in depth
 Reflecting on thoughts or feelings
 Maintaining distance and privacy
 Quiet and solitude
Sensors: process information in a concrete, realistic way. They focus on
observing and recalling facts and details.
Sensors focus on:
 Observing sights, sounds, sensations
 Noticing details
 Experiencing the present moment
 Concrete, provable facts
 Realism and practicality
 Knowledge from experience
Thinkers: value logic, competence, and objectivity. They believe that every
person has a responsibility to take care of him or herself.
Thinkers are concerned with:
 Using logical reasoning
 Being unbiased and impartial
 Considering costs and benefits
 Seeking consistency and justice
 Keeping a competitive edge
 Making objective decisions
Judgers: like structure and order. They keep organized and plan ahead,
resist distractions, and stay focused on their goals.
Judgers prefer to:
 Create a plan and stick to it
 See a task through to completion
 Adhere to a schedule
 Set goals and maintain focus
 Follow rules and regulations
 Set clear expectations’’ (Truity)1

According to “ISTJs are responsible organizers, driven to create

and enforce order within systems and institutions. They are neat and
orderly, inside and out, and tend to have a procedure for everything they
do. Reliable and dutiful, ISTJs want to uphold tradition and follow

ISTJs are steady, productive contributors. Although they are Introverted,

ISTJs are rarely isolated; typical ISTJs know just where they belong in life
and want to understand how they can participate in established
organizations and systems. (Truity)2

ISTJ value punctuality and are easily frustrated by the inconsistencies of

others. They have an acute sense of right and wrong. ISTJs are often
referred to as the Inspector personality because of their attention to detail.


“At work, ISTJs are dependable and meticulous. ISTJs take deadlines and
specifications very seriously and work independently and systematically to
complete the tasks they are given. ISTJs value a stable work environment
with clear expectations and few surprises. They are at their best when they
can create detailed plans of action and follow them with little deviation.
Although ISTJs may like to do quite a bit of their work independently, they
often appreciate the value of participating on a team as well, especially if

their colleagues are reasonable and businesslike and there is a clear
hierarchy so that they know who is in charge.
An ideal job for an ISTJ allows them to solve logical problems in an orderly
way. An ideal work environment for an ISTJ is quiet, organized, and
structured, with rules and regulations that are well established and clearly
adhered to by all.” (Truity)


 Auditor  Civil Engineer
 Actuary  Nuclear Engineer
 Budget Analyst  Health & Safety Engineer
 Accountant  Power Plant Operator
 Chief Information Officer  Compliance Inspector
 Office Manager  Geologist
 Efficiency Analyst  Technical Instructor
 Estate Planner  School Administrator
 Property Manager  Criminalist
 Real Estate Appraiser  Pharmacist
 Bank Teller  Coroner
 Economist  Medical Technologist
 Cost Estimator  Physician Assistant
 Computer Programmer  Health Care Administrator
 Database Administrator  Judge
 Environmental Engineer  Paralegal
 Mechanic  Librarian (Truity)3
 Flight Engineer

 On personality trait measures, score as Calm, Stable, Steady,
Cautious, and Conventional
 More likely than other types to experience chronic pain
 Among four highest types in college GPA
 Personal values include Financial Security
 Most likely of all types to enjoy a work environment where
“everything is done by the book”
 Often found in careers in management, administration, law
enforcement, and accounting” (Truity)4



I found the Myer-Briggs Personality type test to be very informative. My

results gave me great insight as to how my personality type interacts with
others and different environments or situations. I also gained some new
knowledge on careers that I was unaware of, that would fit my personality
I did notice that many of my type indicators have changed over the last few
years. For example, I have previously scored as a Feeler when it came to
decision making. Today I am now a Thinker when making decisions. I do
use some of the Feeler traits such as the impact on others and making
authentic decisions, but my decisions are mostly based on logical and
objective reasoning.
I did the Myer-Briggs Personality type test more than once because I kept
scoring mid zone for Introvert and Extrovert. I have many Extrovert traits
and often assume a leadership role in any setting. My extrovert side enjoys
intermingling with people, expressing thoughts and feelings as well as
interacting with the outside world. I do very well as a host or leader in any
group setting. I can derive my energy from stimulation and busy activities I
oversee. Sometimes it seems that I have endless energy in these settings.
But after deep reflection, I concluded that although I am can be very
extroverted, I need my calm and quiet surroundings to re-energize.

As much as I enjoy the interactions and excitement of busy activities and
environments being when I get to a quiet space I notice that I am
exhausted and need to come back into myself in calm, quiet surroundings
to reflect and rejuvenate, to be at my best peak performance.
I am looking forward to exploring the career choices I have selected from
the results of my Myer-Biggs Personality Type test.

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