Why Gay Pride 2010

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Why Gay Pride?

By Scott Foster

June, 2010

Come mothers and fathers throughout the land,

and don’t criticize if you can’t understand,
your sons and your daughters are beyond your command,
your old road is rapidly aging,
please get out of the new one if you can’t understand,
for the times they are a changin’…
Bob Dylan, 1964

June 28, 2010, commemorates the 41st anniversary of The Stonewall Riots in New York City, where for three
days and nights, over 400 Gay people stood together to defy the local authorities and to tell the world that we
would no longer passively endure being persecuted for being who we are. One eye witness was Larry Boxx,
owner of The Stonewall Inn. His Stonewall Remembered can be read at:

While recognized by our community worldwide as the birth of the modern Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, and
Transgender (LGBT) rights movement, curiously, one rarely see this significant political event mentioned in the
history books. Nor can one read much about the well-documented fact that, along with an estimated six million
Jews, tens of thousands of Gay men in the German concentration camps were literally worked to death
constructing the autobahns; stone quarry work by hand. “What car driver today, hurtling along the German
motorways, knows that each block of granite has the blood of innocent men on it? Men who did nothing wrong,
but who were hounded to death in concentration camps solely for reason of their religion, their origin, their
political views or their feeling for their own sex. Each of the granite pillars that hold up the motorway bridges
cost the lives of untold victims -- a sea of blood and a mountain of human corpses. Today people are only too
willing to throw a cloak of silence and forgetfulness over all of these things” - Heniz Heger, The Men With The
Pink Triangle. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_triangle> Only a few years ago there was great opposition to
an attempt to erect a memorial at Dachau to the Gays who were murdered there. Some, it would seem, choose to
keep the holocaust “pure” -- perhaps having very ironically forgotten where this mindset can lead.

To us, the interesting, relevant and very significant roles of LGBTs in history has been maliciously concealed
between the lines of a predominately white heterosexual male version of history. Until only very recently, there
were very few visible contemporary or historic positive role models and young LGBTs could not easily learn
that people can be Gay and still find success and happiness. The resulting numbers speak for themselves:
“According to the Massachusetts 2006 Youth Risk Survey, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning
youth are up to four times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers. In addition, the San
Francisco State University Chavez Center Institute has found that LGBTQ youth who come from a rejecting
family are up to nine times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers.” The statistics for
young Gays on drugs and alcohol dependency and premature death are similarly grim. One out of every three
Gay persons is on the chemical dependency list -- an estimated seven million people in the United States!

Although of of this is indeed beginning to change, unfortunately to most, we Gays remain an enigma and how
we are actually perceived by the general public one might only imagine -- given the long stereotypical depiction
in the American film and video industries. While there is not the space here to attempt explanation to the non-
Gay world of “what we are about,” I can offer this clue: In his book Lesbians & Gays who Enriched the world,
writer Thomas Cowan observed, “Because Gay people stand between two worlds as it were -- the worlds of
men and women, the worlds of the traditional and non-traditional -- they have served historically as bridgers
and mediators. Living between two worlds requires imagination and a sense of make-believe which has always
been the survival strategy for Gay people. Having learned how to use make-believe in childhood and
adolescence, either pretending an interest in the opposite sex or pretending not to be interested in ones own, Gay
people often retain a strong sense of make-believe in their adult lives. They also often retain the youthful spirit
in which that sense of make believe can flourish.”

Social and political changes evolve slowly, and so to fully appreciate where the LGBT community is now, one
must have some understanding of where it has been. Our circumstances have most definitely been worse. Had
AIDS struck twenty years earlier, many of us would have been tattooed with a number and locked up, and our
ability to sustain the enormous and costly battle in those early years against AIDS is proof of our having
become more politically sophisticated.

During one of his early tirades against federal funding for AIDS research, the infamous right-wing Republican
zealot, the late Senator Jesse Helms noted that “the well oiled political AIDS machine has changed the way the
Federal Drug Administration conducts their business.” Yes, we certainly did that -- and by calling attention to
our disgraceful National Health Care System, and the Federal Drug Administration’s archaic drug approval
procedures, our efforts probably saved the lives of millions - Gay and non-Gay alike. The informed know that
the AIDS epidemic is the furthest advanced in heterosexual Africa, and because of the conservative agenda of
the Reagan and Bush administrations, the disease was allowed to infect millions of America’s citizens before
much at all was done. After all, AIDS was “only killing faggots.”

This writer is here to remind this conservative mindset that “we told you so.” To their great consternation, the
LGBT community has indeed learned how to access and motivate the system. We have learned to organize,
communicate, and to move quickly in league. We learned to work together and we raised more money for AIDS
than we might have even imagined -- and we learned to understand and care more about each other in the
process. We had to learn all of this quickly because our friends and our brothers & sisters were dying, we
continue to be violently attacked in the streets, and there are those who would still indeed see us behind fences
or in their version of Hell. Despite AIDS, we have continued to fight for social equality and for recognition
about the many positive contributions that LGBTs have made throughout history to the defense of our country,
and indeed continue to make. This, of particular importance to those of us who live in Hawai‘i.

LGBTs continue to contribute to local political change on other relevant issues. We too are concerned about
inefficient unresponsive bureaucracies, homelessness and poverty, and in Hawai‘i we too are appalled by the
continuing destruction of the natural beauty of the Islands with ill conceived and uncontrolled development --
architecturally out of harmony with the environment and often offensive to the eye. The LGBT community
knows that the missionary position is very much alive and well in Hawai‘i and elsewhere.

Yes, we actually grew stronger and wiser during the tragic experience of AIDS. Patiently, while we continue to
educate ourselves about ourselves, we have also worked to educate the world about the positive contributions --
the magic -- which Gay people have contributed throughout history. And so for several days in June, now
around the world, Pride Week is celebrated -- not to “flaunt” our sexuality in public, but in order for those who
cry alone wondering “am I the only person in the world who feels this way?” to know that they are indeed not

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