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Homework #3

Q1. Determine the domain of analyticity for fz  Log4  z 2 . Compute f ′ z
Q2. Find the branch points and draw a set of possible branch cuts for the following
functions a log z − 1 b 1  z − 1 − z
Q3. If Rz is a rational funcion of order n, how large and how small can the order of
R ′ z be?
Q4. Let F n z  nz  3 
n , n  1, 2, 3, 4, . . . . Prove that the sequence F n z 1
converges uniformly to Fz  z on every closed disk |z|≤ R.

Q5. If ∑ a n z n has radius of convergence R, what is the radius of convergence of
 
∑ anz 3n
?of ∑ a 2n z n
n1 n1
 
∑ ii) ∑
Q6. Fow what values of z are i) z zn
1  2z 1  zn
n0 n0
Q7. Find the radius of convergence of the following power series:
 
i) ∑ n p z n ii) ∑ qn zn 2
|q| 1
n1 n1

Q8. Show that ∑ z is uniformly convergent on each disk D0, R , 0  R  .

Q9. Given the series ∑ z 2 . Find all values of h such that the series converges

uniformly on D  z : |z|≤ h
Q10. Consider the sequence of holomorphic functions f n x, y  1
n  z. Is the
sequence f n  converging uniformly on ℂ?Is the sequence of squares f 2n  converging
uniformly on ℂ?Justisfy your answer.

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