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Iwr itet hi sl e tte ri nr e spons et ot hev icious The rei s,ofc our s e,anot he re xtre me lyus eful Bot h Pe ter Cohe n’ s gr oup Humani tyf or visite d hi m t he res ev e ralt ime s dur i
ng t he
attac k sbyDav i
dCol li
e ront heF ac e bookgr oup mot ivef orCol li
e rt ode pic tBl ume nt hal asar abi d Pal est i
neand El le anne ’sgr oup Pal e st i
neL ive cour se. I didt hel e as ttha tI wasabl et odoi nt he
Pale stineL i
v eandi tsme mbe rs;a ttac k swhi ch ant i-se mi te- whe nJ ere myCor by nmak esar e ply sav e d me f rom an e mot i
onalbr eak down.I circums tanc es and s et up a f und- rais i
hav ebe e npubl ishe dunc ritic allyi nmanyoft he ononeoft hepos tsc onc erni ngaBl ume nt hal real i
z edt ha tIwasnotal onei noppos ingt his campai gn f orNoorand hi sor phane df ami l
mai ns t re amme di aout le tsi nt heUKaswe ll asi n lec tur ei nL ondonwhi c hhewasunabl et oa tt end, na tional ist i
cf re nz yandmadne sst ha twass lowl y Elleannewasmagni fic enti ns uppl yingmewi th
theHuffi ngt onPos tandI srae l’sHaar e tz . he aut oma tical ly( thr ough Col lie r’
sr he tor i
c) de cima tinganot he rpe opl ei nt henameofa cont ac tswhodona te dg ene rous l
y ,andmanyof
L etmebe ginbys ay ingt ha tIam adualU. K. be come s an ant i-se mi te t oo t hr ough supr e mac is tide ologyt ha tI hadc omet ooppos e theme mbe rsofPal e stineL i
v ec ont ribut edt oo. I
andI srae licitiz en. Igr ewupandwase duc ate di n as soc ia tion, ra the rt hant hec onc e rne dhumani st wi thal l thef ibr esof mybe ing. ami nde bte dt oal lof the m.
theUKandhav ebe enl ivingf ort hepas t2 1y e ars tha thei s! Iwasal sos ur pr is edbyhowmanyJ ews ,and InJ anuar y oft hi sy e ar ,Il e I s rae l.My
nI s rae l.I am al soapr oudme mbe rofPal es ti
ne The re ar e al s ot he ac ade mi c s and ot he r pas tandpr e se ntI srae lis, we r epar tofEl l
e anne ’
s cons cie nc e woul d notal l
ow me t oc ont inue
Live .Pal e stineL iv ehasas olidme mbe rs hipof pot e nt iallyi nf lue nt ialf i
gur e si nPal e stineL ive FBgr oupaswe ll.The rewe repe opl el ikemy s el
f li
v i
ng i nac ount ry whi c h qui te bl a tant ly
ove r3 0 0 0,a tl eas tat hi rdofwhom ar eJ ewi sh whoar eout spok e nag ains tI s rae l’sc rime sand whof eltas hame dt ha tI srae lwasbe hav i
ngwi th propag a tesas upr e mac istandf as c istide ol ogya t
(andpos sibl ymanymor e )andwhi chi nc l
ude s whom Col li
e rbe liev e smi ghtpr ov eanui sanc e, suc hunc ons c i
onabl ei mmor al itywhi lstc l
ai mi ng thee x pe ns eoft her ight sandwe lf
ar eofanot he r
manyI s rae lisl ik emy se lf
.Ac c ordi ngt oCol li
e , ands
r ot heyne e dt obe“ de al twi th”aswe ll
. tha titwasr e pr es ent ingal lJ ewst hr oughoutt he pe opl e .Theanal ogi e st ha tar ebe ingmadet oday
Pale stineL ivei smadeupofav ipe r’sne stof F igur esl i
k e Dr . Al an Maddi son, a de ar wor l
d. Iwasl ivingi nI s rae l,butmos tof theJ ews bymanyc onc e rne dJ ewsandnon- Jewsal i
k e
ant i-
s e mi tes. Col l
ier ’
s mani pul a tive and 7 0 -ye ar -old r etire d bi oc he mi st wi th t hr ee i
nt hegr oupwe renot .Weal lne ede d,howev er
, aboutt hef as c i
s mi nhe rentwi thi nI srae lis oc iety
pol i
tic al l
y di visiv e dos s i
e rac cus e s al lt hos e de gr ee s( whom Col lie rtak espr i
dei nr e fer ringt o thisbas et o di s as soc i
a te our se lve sf rom t he shoul dnotbet ak enl ight ly. De s pitet hea t tempt
withi nt hegr oupasant i
-s emi tese ithe rdi re ct y asa“
l fauxac ade mi c ”)andnotas ingl eounc eof mons trousbe hav iourt ha twast ak ingpl ac e , and ofZi oni sts and t he I srae lL obby t oc laim
orbyas s oc iat i
on. Hisi nt e nt ioni sc lear–hi si sa inhumani tyi nhi m. Al anMaddi s oni sat r uly weal lne e de dt oc ryoutf r om t her oo ops othe rwi s e,s pe ak ingoft hef as cis m wi thi nI srae l
pol i
tic al l
y mot i
v a ted a tte mpt t o di sc redit be aut i
ful human be ing, a c ultur ed, throughourde e pdi st res sandpai n,“ Noti nmy soc ietyi s not bas e d on any ant i-se mi tic
Jere myCor by nandhi ss uppor ter sandt os ilenc e compas s iona temanwhoc ar e si nt ens e lyabout Name !” Butwe we r en’ ts impl yt he ref ora pla tfor m;i ti sbas e donade epc onc er nf ort he
andi nt imi da teal lthos ewhos pe akoutag ai nstt he s uffe ring ofhumani ty and i sv oc ali n ne ga tione ithe r.Be ingt he rewasf orus( andt his we lfar eandr ight sofhumani t
yandi nt hisc as e
ae l
’sapar the i
d pol i
c iesand t he c rime si t de fe ndi ng t he r ight soft he Pal estini ansand woul dg of orev ery onewi thi nt hegr oupt ha tI ther i
ght soft het ragi c allyoppr e ss edPal es tinian
commi tswi thi mpuni tyag ai ns tt hePal es tinians .c ritiqui ngt hec rime sofZi oni sm.I twoul ds e em, hadc ont ac twi th, Jews ,Chr istians , Mus limsand na tionbot hwi thi nt he‘ 6 7bor de rsofI srae land
Manyoft hos ec rimi nalac t ivitiesdo notg et howev er,t ha tCol li
e robj ec tsmos tofal lt ot he othe rs)anaffi rma tion.I twasanaffi rma ti
onof i
nt he t erritor i
e soc cupi e ds i
nc e.I twasno
publ is he di nMSMandhe nc et hei mpor tanc eof pai n- stak ingwor kt ha tDr . Maddi sonhasc ar r i
e d ourhumani ty, andof ouri ndi gna t i
ona tt hegr eat ant i-se mi te buta de e plyr eligious or thodox
e sl ik ePal es tineL i
v ewhe r ei tsme mbe rsc an outt or ev eal theMc Car thy i
stwi tchhunt st ak i
ng i
nj us ticet ha twast ak ingpl ac ei nPal e stinea tt he Jewi sh phi los ophe r,t he mos te ste eme d and
bei nf or me d. plac e unde rL abourde signe dt os ile nc e and handsofana tiont ha thads e emi ngl yl os tal l prol ifi
cphi los ophe rI srae l hasev e rhad, whof i
The c onf la tion of ant i
-z ioni sm wi th ex pe l thos ewhoc r i
tiqueI srae lbyac cus ingt he m mor alc ompas s .I twasouri ndi gna tiona tt he coine dt het erm“ J ew- Naz i”i nr e lationt ot he
ant i-
s e mi ti
s mi snot hi ngnew i nBr i
t i
s hpol itics ofant i-se mi t i
s m.Maddi s on’ sc laimst ha tt he se apar the i
dpol icie sandi nhumanet re a tme ntof i
nhuman be hav iour of t he I s rae l
ioc c upi er
butt odayi thast ak e n on a dang e rousand wi tch hunt sar el ar g ely pol itical l
y mot iva te d thePal e stini anst ha twer e f
us edt obes ilent followi ngt he’ 67t er rit
or iale x pans ionandt he
eve r-gr owi ngmome nt um f ue lledbyt heI s rael obv ious l
yi rk sCol liergr e a tly,asi tunde rmi ne s about . Fors ilenc ei sc ompl i
city , andweal lk now brut al s ubj ug a ti
onoft hePal e stinians .Itwasnot
Lobbyandi tspr ot ector s .Itsai mi st oputane nd t hev e rywor khei si nv ol ve di n, ands oMaddi son from t he hor r or s ofour pas t whe res uc h us edl ight lyt he n by Pr ofe s sor Y es hay ahu
tojus t i
f i
e dc riticis mag ai ns tIs rae landbot hmut e toomus tf al lunde rt hehamme roft hes ac re d compl i
c i
t yl eads . Le i
bowi tzandt hes imi larc ompar isonst ha tar e
and puni s ht hos et ha t do s o.I t mus t be ac cus a tion.Col lie r’s mani pul at i
v et ac ti
c st o The rewas ,andi s,s ome thi ngv e rypos itive i
nc reas ingl ybe ingus edt odaywi thr e spe c tt o
proc lai me dl oudl y and c le ar l
y–t he s e ar e “ne ut ral ize ”DrMaddi son ( ov e r2 0 pag e sof aboutPal es ti
ne L ive .F irstand f or e mos ti t Israe l’
sbe hav i
ourar enotus edl ight l
ye ithe r.Itis
Mc Car thy i
s tt ac tic sand t hey hav e no pl ac e the m) ar es imi lart ot hos eheus esf ormanyof his facilitate st hes har ingofi nfor ma tionofwha tis i
nde e dat rag e dyofut mos tpr opor tionsbot hf or
wha tsoev eri n a mode rn,de moc ra tics oc iety othe rv ic tims .Maddi s on,l iket he seot he rs,i san happe ningont hegr oundi nI srae landPal es tine Israe lisandPal es tiniansandwear eal lmos t
whe ret heyar ebe ingus edag ai nstt hos ewhoar e ant i-se mi te t hr ough as s oc ia ti
on! Col lie r
’s tha tMSM, bot hi nEur opeandI s rae l, simpl ydoe s prof oundl yawar eof it.
spe ak ing out br ave ly and unas hame dlyi n “pr oof ” ofMaddi s on’ s ant i-s emi ti
s m c ome s notr epor tupon.I amawar eof thef ac tt ha tv ery Be for eIl e I srae l
,Iv is i
te dL ondoni nt he
de fens eofhumani tyandag ains tt hev iola tions t hr oughhi sc lai mt ha t4 3 % ofMaddi s on’ spos ts rare lys omeoft hepos tsori nf or ma tions har ed summe rof 2 01 7andt he reI me tupwi t hEl le anne
ofhumanr ight s. we rec omme nt s“ ons har e sal readyhi ghl i
ght e d the re we rei nappr opr i
a te. The re was t he i
npe rs ona e ry ear sofc onv er singt hr oughour
Col lier us e sc he ap,r he tor i
c aldev ic est o wi thi nt hi s[Col lie r’
s ]r epor t.
”Thebas er he tor ical oc cas ionalc ons pi rac yt he or yt ha twasbandi ed virtualc hanne ls bot hi n Pal e stine L i
v e and
atte mptt ot ryt oas sas sina tehi soppone nt s;hi s ployi nv olv ed he re mus tnotg o unr epor t ed. aroundt ha ti nmyopi nionde t rac te df rom t he priv ate lyt hr ough me ss eng er.Iwas al re ady
oppone nt s be ing t hos e publ i
cf igur e sl ike Maddi son and ot he rs ar e c har g ed wi th group’ spur pos e ,andIc riticise dt he sewhe nI awar e of El leanne ’s de e p humani ty and
Jere myCor by nwhoar ec lear lys y mpa the tict o ant i-se mi ti
s m f or c omme nt ing upon pos ts sawt he m. Nev er the le ss ,Ipe r sonal lynev e rc ame compas s i
onf ort hes uffe ringsof mank ind, buti n
the pl ightoft he Pal e s t
ini ansand c r iti
c alof be longi ngt ot hos ewhom Col lie rhast ak ent he ac ros san ant i-se mi ticpos torIwoul d hav e pe rson he rs e ns iti
v ityt owar dst he pl ightof
ae l
’sapar the idpol icie sandc ri
me s, andt hos e pai nst ode finef orusasant i-se mi te s.Andwe de crie di tands owoul dhav eEl le anne .Idon’ t othe rswasev e nmor epr onounc edandI be c ame
keMaxBl ume nt hal whoar ei nflue nt i
al ac tivis s al
t re adyk now t ha tde e plyhumani stJ ewsl ike doubt ,howev e r
, tha tt he remi ghthav ebe e nt he mor eawar et oooft hegr e ats ac rifi
ce ss hehad
outpubl i
c l
y ag ai ns tt he m. L etme t ak e a MaxBl ume nt halwho de dic a tet he ms e lve st o oc cas ionaluns av our yone .El leannewasv et ting madei nhe rlifet os ingl e hande dl ymai nt ai nt he
mome ntt odwe ll onMaxBl ume nt hal ,forCol l
iere x pos i
ngI s rae liwarc rime sand ot he rc rime s thepos tsmos toft het imeal one , andwi thmor e runni ng ofPal es tineL iv e –t ha tt re me ndous
dev ot e sa c ons ide r
abl e amountofpag e st o ag ains thumani tyt ha tt he I srae lis ta te has than3 00 0me mbe rs, tha ti ni tse lf i
saf or mi dabl e sour c e of c omf or t , hope ,i nfor ma t i
on and
be smi r chi nghi snameandany bodywhohasany c ommi tte d,ar edef ac tor abi dant i-Se mi te sf or task.Pal e stinianL ivei snodi ffe re ntf rom any ac ti
v ism ag ains tt he oc cupa tion and f or
ass oc iat i
onwi thhi m. Col li
e rmak e si tc le arf rom doi ngj us tt ha t!Why ?Be c aus eCol liert e ll
suss o! othe rF Bgr oupi nt ha ts ens e .Some time s, andi t Pal est i
ni anr ight s ,t ha ts pok et os omanyofus
theout se tt ha tMaxBl ume nt hali sape r fi
di ous Thusac cor di ngt oCol li
e r’sl ogi c,any onewho i
sunf ortuna t e, uns av our yma te rial g etst hr ough. ov ers uc hal ongpe riodoft ime .El le annec ar es
ant i-
s e mi tewhos enamei ss oac ridt ohi mt ha tc omme nt suponapos tofMaxBl ume nt hali s Ihav enodoubtt ha tmor es tring e ntme answi l
l aboutt ry ingt or i
ghtt hewr ongsi nt hiswor ldand
allthos ewhoev e nr es pondt ohi spos tsmus t, by ne ce ss ar il
yanant i-s emi t et oo.Nowhe redoe s now beputi npl ac et ot ryt oav oi dt hi si nt he li
k eal l of usi nPal e stineL iv es hei snotc ont e ntt o
ass oc iat i
on,bepe rf
idi ousant i-
s emi te si nt he r Col
i lierac tual lypr oduc eanyoft hec omme nts futur e .Nev e rthe le ss ,Col li
e r’
sa tte mptt opor tray bes i
le ntandwa tc hf rom t hes i
de l
ine swhi lst
ownr ightt oo.Andy e t,aswi tht hemaj or ityof t ha tDr . Maddi s onwr ot eont he sepos tsaspr oof the gr oup as a ne stofv ipe rsc rawl ing i n suc hi nj us tice sar et ak i
ngpl ac e. Asar e s ultof he r
thos ewhom Col lie ra ttempt st ol iqui da te ,no of hi sant i-se mi tism. Andt her eas oni sc le ar. J ust ant ise mt icr he t or i
cc oul dnotbef ur the rf romt he stanc eEl l
e annei sr espe cte dandadmi redf orhe r
validpr oof sar epr es ent e dt or ev e alwhye xac t y as c
l le aras Ic an pe rsonal lyv ouc hf orDr . truth. Ne ithe rI ,norany onee lseI k now( many ,of wor k, not j ust by me but by s o many
Blume nt hali sanant i-s emi te.Sov e he me nti s Maddi son’ sc har ac tert hr oughmyac quai nt anc e whom, asI hav eal readypoi nt e dout ,ar eJ ewi sh) human- right sac tivist sar oundt hewor ld,and
Col li
e r’s di s l
ik ef or hi m,howev er,t ha tt he wi thhi m.Al anMaddi sondoe snotc ont ai nan woul dhav er e mai ne di nt hegr oupi ft ha twe re thisi nc lude sJ ewi shandI srae l
i ac tivistsl ikeAr iel
undi s ce rni ng r eade rt ak e sf or gr ant e dt ha t ounc eofr ac ism wi thi nhi m andwoul dnev er thec as e.Aswe llasf ac il
ita tingt heac ce sst o Gol d,Mi k o Pe l
e d,Me de a Be nj ami n,Mos he
Blume nt halmus tbet hemons te rt ha tCol l
ier utt erac omme ntt ha tc oul dbede eme dasan i
nf or ma ti
on on wha twashappe ni ng on t he Mac hov e randMaxBl ume nthal ; aswe ll asI srae l
de pic tshi m as ,andt hust ooal lt hos ewhom offe ns et oJ ewsoranyot he rr ac ef ort ha tma tte r
. ground, thegr oupal sos e rve st of ac il
ita teai df or j
our nal istGi de onL ev y,wi thwhom s hehasme t
Col li
e rpai ns tak ingl ypi c ksoutf oras s oc ia tng Hi
i ss e ar chi sf orj us ticeasi smi neandasi st he Pal est i
niansandal s oasapl a tfor mt oadv e rtise onmor et hanoneoc cas ionandwhoal soi snot
withhi m.Thi si st her he tor ict ha tCol lierus es se arc h f or t he ov erwhe lmi ng maj ority of prot e stsandt alk sag ai ns tt heoc c upa tion. Ihav e afrai dt os pe akoutag ai ns tt hebr ut alc rime s
throughouthi spoi sonousdos sie randf ort he me mbe rsof Pal e stineL ive. alsopubl ishe dar tic l
e si nt hegr oupt ha tIhav e pe rpe tra te dbyhi sc ount ry .
undi s ce rni ng ey e si t pr ov e s mos te ffe ctiv . Iwoul
e dl ik et of ini sht hi sl ette rwi thaf ew wr ittenag ains tt heapar the idr e alityi nI s rae l and Knowi nghows ens itiveEl leannei s, Icani magi ne
Inde e d, t he MSM hav e c e rtainl ye njoy e d wor dsr e gar di ngmyde ar,c ompas siona tef r iend manyme mbe rsf rom t hegr oupdona te dt omy how di s tre ssingt he s ev ilebul lyingt ac tic sby
publ is hingt hes tor yandonc emor ehav i
ngt his Elle anneGr e enandhow i mpor tantt hegr oup fundr aisingc ampai gnt ha tI s etupf oroneofmy Col liermus tbe f orhe r.The sea tte mpt st o
oppor t uni t yt ol as houtag ai ns tCor by nandhi s she r uns i sf or my se lf and f or s o many Be doui ns t ude nt sc al ledNoor . disc re dithe rasape rson,andt hegr oupasan
suppor te rs. li
k e- mi nde dot he rs ,ofal lde nomi na tions ,and Noor was a Be doui n s tude nt a tt he ent ity,ar eunc ons cionabl e.I nde e dt het ac tics
Ands oaf ew wor dsar ene c ess ar yr eg ar ding f rom s omanydi ffe r entc ount r
ie sar ound t he Engi ne ering Col leg ei n Be e r Shev a, Sami tha tCol li
e ri sus ingi sdi stre ss i
ngt oal lofus ,
MaxBl ume nt hal .Wha tCol lierc onv e nie nt lyf ai s wor
l ld. Ijoi ne dt hegr oupi n2 0 1 4,s hor tlya e rt he Shamoon, whe r eI wast eac hi ng. Heappr oac he d sinc eac t i
ngasbot hj udg eandj ur y ,hec onv icts
topoi ntouti nhi sdos sie rist ha tMaxBl ume nt hal Israe lioffe ns iv ei nto Gaz a whi chk illed and mea tt hebe gi nni ngofoneofmyc our s est o allme mbe r sasonewi t hinPal e stineL iv eand
sawe ll-k nownJ ewi s haut horandj our nal istand mai me ds omanyi nnoc entPal e stinians .Iwas i
nf or m me t ha the had no c our s e ma te rials de pic tsusal lasl oa ths omec re atur esc r awl i
thes onoft hei nf lue nt ialj our nal is tandf orme rinv itedbyav alue dJ ewi shf rie ndofmi nePe ter be caus ehi shous e ,andt ha tofmanyot he rsi n wi thin a hi de ous ne st of ha tre d and
pol i
tic al ai de of t he Cl int ons , Sy dney Cohe n,who al s o has wor k e dt i
re les slyf or hisv i
llag e, hadbe enr e ce ntlyde mol ishe dbyt he supr e mac ism. Not hi ngc oul dbef ur the rf romt he
Blume nt hal .Col lie rc annotabi det hef ac tt ha t Pal e stinianr ight sf ormanyy e ars ,andwhowas Israe liaut hor itie s.Or de rshadbe engi v ent or az e truth.A t rut ht ha t Col li
e ri si nt ent upon
Blume nt hali sa v e ryv oc aland i nf l
ue nt i , awar
al e ofmy de e p di stre ss .F orIl iv edt he theBe doui nv ill
ag ei nt heNe gev ,Um e l-Hi ran, in eradi c at i
ng. The t rut h t ha t we ar e
high- pr of ileac tivis tf orhumanr ight ss pe ak ng be
i llicos ehor rorf rom wi thi nI srae l, wi tne ss inga t orde rt obui ldaJ ewi sh- onl ys e ttle me ntont he de epl y -be dde d humani s ts who i ns is t on
outag ains tI srae l’
sc rime sandv iola tions ;nor f i
rs thandana tionhe ll-be ntonc aus ingde a th ruins . Noort oldmet ha thi sfa the rhadbe ens hot standi ngupf ort her ight soft heoppr es se dand
canheabi det hef ac tt ha tBl ume nt hal sa tont he and de s truc tion ofan al re ady de ple te d and i
ns idehi sj ee pwhe nl e av ingt hehous et ot r yt o cry i
ng outag ains tt he ev ilsoff as c ism and
Rus se llT ribunali nBr us se lswhe rehepr ov ide d oppr e ss edpe opl et ry i
ngt os ur viv eunde rt he salv ag et hef ami l
ybe longi ngsont hedayoft he supr e mac ism.Thet rut ht ha twewi llnotr e mai n
powe rfuland s hoc kingev i
de nc ef ort hewar y ok eof subj ug a tion, andr e gar de dass ub- human de mol iti
ons ,andt ha thehadbe enl et obl e ed sil
e nti nt hel ightoft hebr ut alinj us tice st ha tar e
crime st ha tI srae lc ommi ttedi nGaz adur ingt he byt he iroppr e ss or s.Thede moni z ationoft he tode athwi thal lme di calhe l
pde ni edhi m.Hi s tak i
ngpl ac eag ains tt hePal est i
ni ans .F orany
201 4 offe ns iv e whe n ov e r2 0 00 Pal es tinians , Pal e stinians and t he wi shf or t he i
rt otal hous e was s ubs eque nt l
y de s troy e d and al l uns av our yc omme nt son Pal e stinian L iv ewe
nc ludi ng ov er5 00 c hildr e n, we re k illed. de st ruc tionwaspe rv as i
v e. Hug ebi llboar dswe nt Noor ’sbe longi ngs ,i nc ludi nghi sma te rialsf or humbl yapol ogi se ,butt heywe r eal way srar eand
Blume nt hali sc e rtainl ynoant ise mi t e!Hei sa upac ros st hec i
tie ss pons or e dbyt hebank sand study ,we rel e bur iedunde rt her ui ns , whi l
s tt he whol lyunr epr e sent a tiveof thegr oupasawhol e.
conc e rne dJ ew, lik emy s elf,andl ik ehundr edsof ot he ri ns titut ionss uppor tingt heoffe ns iveand fami ly ’
ss av i
ngshadbe e ns tol enf romt hej e epby Le titbeabundant lyc leart hough! Wewi l
l notbe
othe rJ ewswhoar eme mbe r sofPal e stineL iv , anypubl
e icf igur eswhos pok eoutag ains tt he thear mypol i
c e. Itwasahe ar tbr e ak ingt al et hat sil
e nc e dnori nt imi da tedi nt os ubmi ss ionbyt he
whoar es hoc ke dandangui she dov ert hec r i
me s de st ruc tionandt hec ar nag ewe ree xpe lledf rom wast ooc cupymef ormanymont hs .I hadhe ar d li
k esof Col li
e rwi thhi smani pul a tiver he tor icand
tha tI srae lhasc ommi tte dandi sc ont inui ngt o the irj obsandv i
lifiedi nt heme di a.Ov e r9 8% of aboutt her ut hl es se thni cc leans ingof thev illag e uns ubs tant iate dc laimsbe hi ndwhi chl iehi sonl y
commi tag ai ns tt he Pal e stini ans .Bl ume nt hal thec ount rys uppor tedt heoffe ns iv eandev e n ont henewsandhow t heyhadmur de re dhi s tooobv iouspol iti
c al e nds .
feelst ha ti tishi sobl ig ation, asdoI , tos pe akout t hought he rewe rebar e l
yanypr ote sts,manyof fathe randt he nf al se lyt rie dtoi ns inua tehewasa
agai ns tt he m!Col lier,howev e r,c annotadmi tt hos e t ha t di d pr ot e st we re ar re st ed. terror ist( unt ilae rialf oot ag e and f i
rs t-hand Y
tha tt he r ear eJ ewswhooppos et hei de ologyof Pal e stinianswi thi nI s rae lwe res na tc he doutof wi tne ss esde stroy e dal l thef abr ic at i
onst ha tt he
Zioni smands ot hes impl e sts ol ut ionf orhi mi st o the irc ar sandl ync he di nt hes tree ti nbr oad armyandpol icehadt riedt oas s er tinde fe ns eof Howar
ne utral iz et he m,t os ul lyt he irnameandt he r day
i li
ght ,bar elye s capi ngde at h. Itwasgr ue some the irac t
ions ).Myhe ar twe ntoutt oNoor ,ev en
char ac te r,byr efe rringt ot he m asant i-s e mi te . andIwasc
s los et oabr eak down.If eltl os tand thought he rewass ol ittleIc oul ddot ohe lp.He
he r
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he Engl ish abandone
na tional ist
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hec our
le epi
sf athe r

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