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University Santo Tomas.

Faculty of Theology.
Five Semester of Theology
Teacher: Consuelo Vargas Puente.
Student: Juan Gabriel Arrieta Zambrano, O.Carm.
English IV
I used to walk for the walls of Cartagena during the Fridays of every time month,
when I was doing the studies of philosophy. I used to see the conceal of sun,
that was very beautiful. I didn't use to going to alone, generally I was going to
with my brother or with someone of the community of the Order of Carmen.
Besides, I used to in my holiday, travel of Cartagena to Aguachica. I didn't use
to remain in the parish of Aguachica; I used to remain with my family in house.
Additionally, we used to going to the farm of my uncles. However, alone I
shared a week with my family because the time were short. So, I decided return
to Cartagena for continue with the studies. I used to live intensely the holiday
because were little time. When I arrive to convent, the father and the brother of
the community me received with most taste.

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