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Physical Education Department

I.E.S. Marqués de Santillana

Student study guide

School year 3rd E.S.O. – 2nd Term

NAME: …….………………………………………………………………………………..
SURNAME: ……..…………………………………………………………………………..
CLASS: ………………….
TEACHER: ……………………….………………………………………………………...


What is table tennis?
Table tennis, also known as ping-pong, is a sport in which players hit a
lightweight-hollow ball using a racquet or paddle.
The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. Except for the
initial serve, players must allow a ball only one bounce on their side of the
table and must return it so that it bounces on the opposite side. Points are
scored when a player fails to return the ball.
Play is fast and demands quick reactions. A skilled player can impart several varieties of
spin to the ball, altering its trajectory and limiting an opponent's options to great advantage.
Table tennis got its nickname `ping pong´ because of the sound generated while playing.
Since1988 table tennis has been an Olympic sport, with several event categories. In particular,
from 1988 to 2004, these were: men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles and women's
doubles. Since 2008 the doubles have been replaced by the team events.

Main information.
- Racquet/Racket/Paddle: laminated wooden racket covered with rubber. Paddle
can be of any size, shape and weight.
- Ball: it can be white or orange. The ball should have a diameter of 40 mm., weigh
2.7 gm. and be made of plastic material.
- Table and net: the table surface must be in a green or blue color. It has a white
line along each edge. There is also a white line down the center of the table for
use in doubles games.


- In a ping pong match players aim to win the best of any odd number of games
(3, 5 or 7), each of which is played to 11 points.
Match - Like sets in badminton, games must be won with a two-point lead. If a game is
score tied at 10-10, the game continues until one side achieves a two-point lead.
- A rally continues until the ball is out send out of bounds.
- A lost of point will happen when any part of your body touches the table.
- Players alternate serves every 2 times. (Only if a game is tied at 10-10 the service is
made 1 by 1 until the end).
- The server in singles can serve the ball anywhere in the
court. In doubles the serve is diagonally from the right side
Service to the opponent right side.
rules - The ball has to bounce once in your own side of the
table and then once in the other side.
- If the service is not good, there will be a point for the
opponent. There aren´t second services. (Only if the ball
touches the net, it is called `let´ and the service could be done again).
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Technique: basic skills of table tennis.

The grip (la empuñadura).
Standard or European grip Penholder or Asian grip
(presa clásica o europea) (presa lapicero o asiática)

Specific shots list (clasificación de los golpeos específicos).

Depending on the position of your body relative to the ball.
Forehand Backhand

Depending on the spin given to the ball.

Backspin: the ball goes forward spinning backward.
The aim is to bounce the ball high in the opposite direction.
(Se trata del efecto de retroceso o de corte.
Logra que la pelota gire hacia atrás mientras avanza en su trayectoria.
Este efecto se logra “cortando” la pelota al golpearla por detrás y debajo de su centro.
Su fin es imprimirle la tendencia a rebotar hacia atrás, en dirección contraria a la natural.)
Backspin forehand Backspin backhand

Topspin: the ball goes forward spinning forward too.

The aim is to bounce the ball fast and low in the same direction.
(Se trata del efecto adelante.
Es el opuesto al anterior y se emplea precisamente para contrarrestarlo.
La pelota gira hacia delante en el mismo sentido que su trayectoria.
Se logra al rozar hacia arriba y hacia delante sobre el centro de la pelota.
Su finalidad es que la pelota pase velozmente sobre la red y rebote sin coger apenas altura.)
Topspin forehand Topspin backhand

Depending on the aim of your shot

Block shot (forehand and backhand) Smash (forehand and backhand)
Defensive shot with a high and wide trajectory Offensive shot with a downward trajectory

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The spin (el efecto).

Service technique (técnica del saque).

- You must serve while holding the ball in the palm
of your hand, allowing your opponent to see the
ball clearly.
- The server must throw the ball up at least 16 cm.
- Ball must be hit while dropping from behind the
end line of the table.

Topspin service (forehand and backhand) Backspin service (forehand and backhand)

Ready position (posición básica).

- To react quickly you must have a good waiting position.
- Feet apart, more or less at the width of your shoulders.
- Bend your knees slightly.
- Hold the paddle in front of your body.
- Weight on your toes.
- The aim is to be able to move fast in all directions.
- It helps you to be ready return serves and other shots with great efficiency.
- The sequence would be: keep your ready
position, move your feet to go to the ball (on
balance), return the ball, and come back to the
ready position in order to repeat the sequence
until the end of the point.

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Double play: rules.

- Service order (orden del saque):
- The serve must be taken specifically on the right side of whichever pair is serving.
- At the start of the game, player number 1 serve to player number 2 from the right side
twice. Note that your serves must reach diagonally across the table.
After 2 points played, it is player number 2 turn to serve to player number 3 twice.
After 4 points played, it is player number 3 turn to serve to player number 4 twice.
After 6 points played, it is player number 4 turn to serve to player number 1 twice.
- At this point, all the serve rotation would be finished so you only have to continue the
same order until the end of the game to 11 points.
*** Therefore in doubles, each time there is a change of service, the last receptor will be the
new server, and the mate of the last server will be the new receptor.

- Hit order (orden de los golpeos):

Perhaps the thing that takes the most practice
in double play is working out who hits the ball
and when.
- Assume that player number 1 serves.
- After number 1 serves, number 2 hits the
ball back.
- However, number 1 can not receive this
hit. It must be number 3.
- After number 3 receives the ball, he hits to
number 4, the only person out of the four
in the game who has not yet touched the
- Afterwards, this “last person”, number 4,
hits it back to the original server, number 1,
to restart the whole process.
- Tactical movements (movimientos tácticos):
There is a huge difference between playing alone and playing with a partner. Sometimes,
you feel somewhat limited in movement and could not perform to your best potential.
However, there are two ways of fixing this:
- “Slide out” technique: once you have hit the
ball back to the opponent, quickly slide to
the side of the table to give the whole table
to your partner in order to return it. After your
partner has done so, have him do the same
- “Slide back” technique: some players prefer
sliding back rather than to the side. The aim is
the same, to allow your partner hit the ball
around the whole table.
*** The next step is to return the ball to your
opponent. The best way to achieve the point is
sending the ball to the side of the player who has just hit the ball to you.
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What is acrosport?
Acrosport is an acrobatic and cooperative sport performed in groups where a combination
of jumps, human pyramids and music are mixed to create choreographies. It involves 3 basic
- Making shapes/figures or human pyramids.
- Strength, flexibility and balance.
- Parts of dance and gymnastics.

Roles in acrosport.
Participants can play two main roles: lifter or agile. But there
is also a complementary role: the helper.
- Lifter/Base: they are the strongest partners because they form the base of the figures.
They must be careful with the position of their back and joints, especially elbows (straight
back and locked joints).
- Agile: they are smaller and lighter than the lifter. They must be flexible, with great sense of
balance and with a big control of their body. They must be careful not to step on lifter´s
bones and muscles, it is better to do it near their joints (hips, shoulders, knees…).
- Helper: their function is to assist in the phases that require them, and adopt an aesthetic
position in the final position. They are essential in the learning of the figures, and helping
to balance the figure in the construction, stabilization and deconstruction of the figures.
They must correct bad postures of both, the lifter and the agile.

Main safety rules.

1. It is essential a padded surface as mats, sand or grass, but never on hard surfaces.
2. Acrosport must always be practiced with bare feet.
3. Respect-concentration-communication: mutual respect, listening to partners, high level of
concentration. At the time the lifter notice any discomfort, he should warn the agile to
correct the situation.
4. All movements must be performed at smooth and highly controlled speeds.
5. Continuous help: it is really important to know how to perform correctly.
6. Supports must be safe, only on places that will not cause physical damage
to the lifter. They must always be on the line of the shoulders or hips, on the
extended center line of the bones, so that the weight does not fall in the
middle of it, also back must always be straight. Supports are never in the
middle of the spinal column.
7. There are three phases in the development of a figure: construction, stabilization and
 Construction: should be done in coordination assisted by helpers, starting at the center
of the base to the ends. Agile should climb always from back to forward.
 Stabilization: that is to maintain a balance for 3 seconds with proper posture.
 Deconstruction: should be coordinated in reverse order: first the agile falling forward
assisted by helpers and always from the top.
8. Check that the lifter has locked joints before getting on him. Get down if the lifter has a
9. In case of falling, never grip the others, it would cause a larger fall. Try to avoid to step on
the catcher landing on your feet cushioning the fall. Rely on the help of your mates.
10. The hand grips facilitate the construction of the pyramids and give them security. Some of
the most common are:

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Formations (regarding to the number of people).

- Basic formation: in pairs or threes.
- Group formation: from 4 on out.
- Big group formation: more than 9 people.

Body figures.
They are aesthetic formations made between participants without being on top of each
other. So the weight of the agile is not completely over the lifter. They could be:
- Balance: they are positions of balance on a single support. The simplest are on one foot.

- Counterbalance: they are balanced positions in which the center of gravity of the person
falls outside the support base, so he needs the counterweight of a mate.

- Supports: the agile is in contact with the ground and with the lifter.

They involve a structure of at least two heights. The base is usually wider than the top so
the lifter/s holds the whole weight of the agile.

Individual skills.
- Forward somersault (voltereta adelante) / Backward somersault (voltereta atrás).
- Straddle somersault (voltereta con piernas abiertas).
- Head stand (pino de cabeza) / Hand stand (pino de manos).
- Cartwheel (rueda lateral) / Rondada (round-off).
- Front flip (mortal adelante) / Back flip (mortal atrás).

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What is a healthy/balanced diet?
A balanced diet means eating the right foods, in the right amounts. This will enable us to
work and exercise properly.
If we don´t eat a variety of foods in the correct proportions, we will not get all the
macronutrients and micronutrients we need to make up a healthy diet. Apart from breastmilk
as a food for babies, no single food contains all the essential nutrients the body needs to stay
healthy and work properly. For this reason, our diets should contain a variety of different foods,
to help us get the wide range of nutrients that our bodies need. This is illustrated by the healthy
eating model – the Eatwell Guide.

Requirements to achieve a healthy/balanced diet.

- Variety as well as balance: you need a balance of food from the different groups and a
variety from within each group. For example, the `Eatwell Guide´ shows we should have a
high proportion of fruit and vegetables. The recommendation is to eat `5 a day´, but variety
within the group is important to make sure we get the necessary range of nutrients. This is why
eating 5 apples will only count as one of your `5 a day´.
- Energy balance: energy balance is where the calories taken in from the diet are equal to the
calories used by the body. A healthy diet should provide us with the right amount of energy
(calories), from foods and drinks to maintain energy balance. We need these calories to
carry out everyday tasks such as walking, but also for all the functions of the body
(breathing, pumping blood around the body, thinking,…). Health problems can occur if we
consume more calories than we need over a period of time (can become overweight). This
is because, any extra calories we consume but we don’t use, will just be stored as fat. On the
contrary, if we consume fewer calories than we need, it can become underweight.
How much energy you need from foods and drinks depends on a range of factors including,
your age, sex, height and how active you are. But, on average: women should have around
2,000 calories a day and men should have around 2,500 calories a day.
- Daily caloric intake: breakfast 20%, morning snack 10%, lunch 35%, afternoon snack 10%,
dinner 25%.
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Exploring nutrients. (A nutrient is something that gives nourishment to the body).

- Macronutrients and Micronutrients: food provides us with a range of different nutrients that
have roles like providing energy and/or being needed for growth and upkeep of our body.
Carbohydrate, protein and fat are macronutrients (macro means large), so these are the
nutrients that we need to eat in relatively large amounts in the diet as they provide our
bodies with energy and also the building blocks for growth and maintenance of the body (to
repair). There are three main types of macronutrients:
 Carbohydrates: contained in bread, pasta, potatoes, rice,… Carbohydrate is the most
important source of energy for the body because it is the main fuel for both your muscles
and brain. It should be eaten in greater quantities than the other macronutrients.
(***Carbohydrate contains 4 kcal per gram of energy).
 Fats: contained in butter, oil, fatty meats and fried food. Should form the smallest
percentage of macronutrients in diet. Provide us with energy but should be eaten in
moderation. Easily stored in the body and can lead to weight gain. (***Fat contains 9
kcal per gram of energy).
 Proteins: contained in cheese, milk, eggs, lean meat, fish,… Used for growth and repair of
the muscles. Can produce energy but this is not their main function. May be used by
performers such as sprinters, to aid muscle growth – `hypertrophy´. (***Protein contains 4
kcal per gram of energy).
(*** Energy is measured in units of kilocalories (kcal). The amount of energy a food contains
per gram is known as its `energy density´ so we can describe fat as more energy dense than
protein or carbohydrate.)
Vitamins (founded in fresh fruit and vegetables) and minerals (founded in lots of different
foods, including meat and vegetables) are micronutrients, which are essential nutrients your
body needs in small amounts to work properly. Our body can store some for future use but
some cannot be stored and so we need to eat a fresh supply every day.
There are many different vitamins and minerals and each vitamin or mineral is good for
different things. For example, you will often hear people talking about Vitamin C helping to
keep your healthy and free from colds. So vitamins and minerals can help with your immune
system, as well as with general health and growth.
- Water and fibre are not nutrients, but they are still essential components of a balanced diet.
Water prevents dehydration and is in most liquids and many foods. Human body is about two
thirds water and it is vital to everybody function (digestion, excretory, circulatory).
Fibre aids the digestive system and is found in foods such as cereals, vegetables and nuts.

Eight tips for eating well.

1. Base your meals on starchy carbohydrates: where possible choose wholegrain or higher fibre
versions with less added fat, salt and sugar, or leave the skins on potatoes.
2. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables: eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables
every day as they contain different combinations of vitamins and minerals.
3. Eat more fish, including a portion of oily fish: aim for at least two portions of sustainably
sourced fish per week, including a portion of oily fish.
4. Cut down on saturated fat and sugars: swapping saturated fat (butter, chocolate, cheese
and fatty cuts of meat) with unsaturated fat (vegetable oils, nuts, oily fish) can help lower the
level of cholesterol in your blood. Too much sugar, especially between meals, can increase risk
of tooth decay and will add extra calories so cut down on sugary foods.
5. Eat less salt: adults should eat no more than 6g (1 teaspoon) per day, and less for children.
6. Get active and be a healthy weight: the government recommends 60 minutes of moderate
or vigorous intensity physical activity for children every day.
7. Don’t get thirsty: aim for 6-8 glasses of fluid per day. Water is the best choice as it hydrates
you without adding any extra calories to your daily intake.
8. Don’t skip breakfast: a healthy breakfast can provide fibre, calories, vitamins and minerals
important for health. Choose wholegrain cereals or wholemeal toast and swap sugary
breakfast cereals for plain cereals.
Apuntes de referencia: y www.ef-bilingü 9


Emergency aid or treatment given to someone injured, suddenly ill, etc… before regular
medical services arrive or be reached. (Medidas que se adoptan inicialmente con un accidentado
o enfermo repentino, en el mismo lugar de los hechos, hasta que se pueda obtener una asistencia
Estas medidas están destinadas a:
1. Mantener con vida a un enfermo o lesionado hasta que pueda recibir atención médica.
2. Evitar el empeoramiento de las lesiones existentes.
3. Obtener ayuda médica.
4. Asegurar el traslado de la víctima a un centro sanitario en las mejores condiciones.
* 1ª Regla de Oro: evitar agravar o empeorar las lesiones del accidentado. Por lo tanto, si no estamos
seguros es mejor no hacer nada. El simple hecho de transmitir seguridad al accidentado ya es mucho e
* 2ª Regla de Oro: mantener la calma pero actuar rápidamente.

Protocolo de actuación.
1. Proteger el lugar de los hechos: debemos hacer seguro el lugar del accidente, actitudes
improcedentes pueden desencadenar un nuevo accidente o agravar el ya existente.
2. Alertar a los servicios de socorro: debemos hacerlo correctamente: primero identificándose, segundo
señalando el lugar exacto del accidente, tercero el tipo de accidente y por último el número y estado
de los accidentados.
3. Socorrer: prestando los primeros auxilios.

Reanimación cardio-pulmonar (RCP) y maniobra de Heimlich.

- La RCP la realizaremos siempre que el accidentado esté inconsciente, no respire y no tenga pulso.
* Acciones:
1º. Realizar las 2 insuflaciones.
2º. Localizar la línea central del pecho (en el esternón).
3º. Colocar el talón de la mano sobre la línea central y con la otra entrelazada, bloquear los codos
para colocar nuestros hombros perpendiculares al accidentado y presionar sobre el tórax hasta
hundir el pecho 4 – 5 centímetros.
* El masaje cardiaco siempre irá acompañado de la respiración boca a boca, y la relación será: 30 x 2.
- La maniobra de Heimlich la realizaremos ante cualquier signo claro de atragantamiento.

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Apuntes de referencia: y www.ef-bilingü 11

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