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Oral Gerontology

Periodontal disease, tooth loss, and Brian A. Burt, Amid I. Ismaii and
Stephen A. Ekiund
Program in Dental Public Health. Sehool of

oral hygiene among older Americans Public Health, The LIniversity of Michigan, Ann
Arbor. Michigan, USA

Burt BA, Ismail AI, Eklund SA: Periodontal disease, tooth loss, and oral hygiene
among older Ametieans. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1985; 13: 93-6.

Abstract - Recent researeh has suggested that susceptibility to destruetive periodontal

disease may not be as universal as was previously thought. This report analyzes
data from a representative national sample of 11 338 Ameriean adults aged 25-74,
exatnined in a national survey in 1971-74. Results showed that 46.1% of those
aged 65-74 were edentulous, but half of the dentate persons in that age group were
diagnosed as free of destruetive periodontal disease. Periodontal (PI) and oral
hygiene (OHI-S) index seores in this gtoup were signifieantly better in those persons
who had lost fewest teeth. When persons aged 65-74 who retained 25 or mote teeth
Key words: older persons: oral hygiene: peri-
were compared with younger adults who also had 25 or tnore teeth, OHI-S atid CI odontal disease; periodontal indexes: tooth
scores were sitiiilar. U is hypothesized that tiiaintenanee of oral hygiene levels loss
corresponding to OHI-S seores of 0.3-0.6, and ealeulus levels eorresponding to CI Brian A. Burt, Program in Dental Public Health.
scores of 0.1-0.2, is suffieient to maintain a dentition free of periodontal disease School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109,
throughout life. Slightly higher OHI-S levels (0.7-1.3) and CI levels (0.3-0.6) might USA
be compatible with aeeeptably low levels of periodontal disease. Accepted for publication 9 April 1984

Susceptibility to destruetive periodontal ease distribution in a national sample of dex, or PI (11), and oral hygiene status
disease may not be as universal as onee 11 338 adults aged 25-74 in the United by the Sitnplified Oral Hygiene Index, or
thought. Studies on the natural history States. The data were eolleeted as part of OHI-S (12). The OHI-S is a composite
of the eondition (1-3), inereasing re- the first National Health and Nutrition of the Debris Index and Caleuius Index
search into the immunologie response Examination Survey (NHANES I) in (CI). Two senior dentists trained the jun-
(4), and the likelihood that what is ealled 1971-74. The purpose of this analysis is ior examiners and eondueted replieate
"periodontal disease" may really be a fo define levels of oral hygiene status examinations with thetn throughout the
number of dilTerent diseases with similar eompatiblc with a high degree of tooth survey. Deseriptive data from the NHA-
clinical signs (5), have all helped to pre- retention and an acceptable level of peri- NES I survey, ineluding details of the
sent the eondition in this new light. There odontal disea.se. dental examinations and eriteria used,
is now evidence to suggest that periodon- have been published (13, 14), as have
tal lesions do not progress at a uniform more detailed analyses (15, 16).
rate but rather have periods of activity, Material and Methods Statistical analysis - In the NHANES
quiescence and even attaehment gain The NHANES I survey - The National I survey, there was deliberate oversam-
(6-8). HUGOSON & .IORDAN (9) in a study Health and Nutrition Examination Sur- pling of low-ineome people, presehool-
in the Swedish eity of .lonkoping, re- vey (NHANES) is the name given to an ehildren, wotnen of ehild-bearing age,
ported that severity of periodontal dis- intended series of eross-seetional surveys and those older than 65 yr of age in order
ease among dentate subjeets aged 20-70 of the Ameriean publie. They have been to allow speeial study of those groups. In
hardly varied with inereasing age, al- developed from the earlier Health Exam- this report all statisties were eotnputed
though mean tooth loss and the pro- ination Surveys and Health Interview using sampling weights, and henee the
portion of edentulous persons both in- Sut veys, and like them are eondueted by estimates presetited ean be generalized to
creased with age. These findings suggest the National Center for Health Statisties, the United States population of 1971-74.
that some persons are able to maintain a an ageney of the US government. The Signifieanee tests were not ineluded in
functioning dentition for life, despite the first of these surveys (NHANES I) was the tables beeause for groups of this size
presence of gingivitis. The findings might eondueted from 1971-74 on a nationally even trivial differenees are usually stat-
also mean that some forms of periodon- representative sample of 20 749 persons istically significant.
tal disease progress to bone loss and sub-
aged 1-74, a response rate of 74%. De-
sequent toolh loss while other, appar-
tailed descriptions of the design and eon-
ently similar, forms do not. As a third Resuits
duet of the NHANES I survey have been
possibility, perhaps it is oral hygiene The broad itidieatot s of periodontal dis-
published (10).
alone which largely eonlrols the develop- ease follow expeeted patterns in Table I.
Dental data in NHANES I - Caries
ment of periodontal disease. It ean be seen, however, that only just
status was recorded by the DMFT index,
This paper examines periodontal dis- periodontal status by the Periodontal In- over half of dentate persons aged 65-74

Table I. Tooth loss, Periodontal Index scores, atid level of periodontal disease in national sample of I I 338 adults aged 25-74. United Stales

Age Edentulous Mean no. Mean Percent with no Pereenl with Pereenl with
group n percent of leeth PI periodontal disease gingivitis pockets
25-34 2693 3.2 25.9 0.7 57.8 28.2 14.0
35-^4 2327 9.2 23.0 I.I 50.1 23.5 26.4
45-54 1598 16.1 21.7 1.4 44.3 22.0 33.7
55-64 1261 33.2 19.9 1.8 42.1 16.9 41.0
65-74 3459 46.1 17.2 2.4 36.3 13.1 50.6

Tahle 2. Mean PI scores and level of periodontal disease in denlate 65-74-yr-olds, according to degree of lootli relenlion and soeioeeonomie
status. United States, 1971-74

No. of teeth Mean family Percent with Mean Percent with no Percent widi Percent with
pre.sent income group* college education PI periodontal disease gingivitis poekets

1-8 377 15.7 15.6 3.8 27.6 10.7 61.7

9-16 403 15.8 17.9 2.6 33.9 16.1 50.0
17-24 647 16.4 29.1 2.2 33.2 IL6 55.2
25-32 393 16.9 35.1 LI 50.2 14.7 35.1
* Total family income was divided into 12 groups in NHANES I starting with group 11 ($1000 per year or less) to group 22 ($25 500 per year
or more).

were classified as having pockets. Table Tahle 3. Mean OHl-S scores hy degree of loolh retention among deiUale 65-74-yr-olds United
2 shows the extent of periodontal disease States, 1971-74
among the 1820 dentate persons in this Mean OHI-S by level of periodontal
oldest age group (65-74) by four catego- disease
ries of tooth retention. Not unexpectedly, No. of No
both mean PI scores and extent of disease teeth Mean periodontal
were better with greater tooth retention. present n* OMI-S disease Gingivitis Pockets
What may be unexpected is that 21.6%
1-8 57 2.0 0.7 2.0 2.4
of the dentate 65-74-yr-olds still had 25 9-16 319 1.8 0.8 L6 2.6
or more teeth (23.0% of women and 17-24 645 1.5 0.7 1.1 2.1
20.2% of men). 25-32 393 1.0 0.4 1.3 1.6
Also, Table 2 shows these persons with * Numbers smaller than in Table 2 because of absence of OHI-S index teelh in .some subjects
greater tooth retention to be generally of
higher soeioeeonomie status, and so their
superior oral hygiene (Table 3) would be
expected. OHI-S seores are consistently Table 4. For adults aged 25-74 yr with 25-32 leelh: Mean PI, OHI-S, and CI seores. Also OHI-
better for women than men at all levels S and CI seores for persons without periodonlal disease. United States 1971-74
of tooth retention (data not tabulated),
but the overall pattern for men and with and without Persons wilhoiil
women separately is the same as shown periodontal disease peiiodonlal disease
in the combined group.
The mean PI .seores, OHI-S seores, CI Age Mean Mean Mean of total Mean Mean
seores, and the OHI-S and CI seores of group PI OHI-S CI dentate OHI-S CI
those with 25-32 teeth and those diag- Men
nosed a.s being without periodontal dis- 25-34 0.7 LO 0.4 55.9 0.6 0.2
ease in all adult age groups are shown in 35-44 0.9 l.l 0.5 52.9 0.5 0.2
Table 4. Because there are disproportion- 45-54 l.l 1.2 0.6 46.0 0.5 0.2
ately more females in the 65-74 age 55-64 1.4 I.I 0.5 41.9 0.5 0.1
65-74 1.4 1.3 1.3 39.7 0.6 0.2
group compared to the other age groups,
data are shown separately for tnales and
25-34 0.4 0.8 0.3 66.6 0.4 0.1
females. Table 4 shows that the OHI-S
35^4 0.6 0.7 0.3 62.5 0.3 O.I
and CI scores for persons classified as 45-54 0.8 0.8 0.3 54.8 0.4 0.2
having no periodontal disease remain re- 55-64 0.8 0.8 0.4 58.4 0.3 0.1
markably similar across all age groups. 65-74 0.9 0.8 0.4 57.1 0.4 0.1
Periodontal disease atnong older Americans 95

now r-eady to join those other indices tion of any change, however, remains un-
whieh have served well, but which are certain until the next national survey is
T h e traditior-ral view about periodontal no longer suitable for addressing present cot-npleted.
disease is that it increases with age in a day questions. We stated at the beginning of this pa-
more-or-less linear fashion and that all The data presented in this analysis per that its purpose was to define levels
persons are more-or--less susceptible. This show that 21.6% of dentate Americans of or-al hygiene corrrpatible with tooth
belief has come frorn both epidemiologic aged 65-74 still had 25 or mor-e teeth. r-etention and an acceptable level of peri-
studies and clinical observations (17) That could be dtie to gr-eater inherent odontal disease. While the preceding dis-
over the last 25 yr or so. Incr-easing eden- r-esistance to destructive disease, but it cussion tells us that the nature of the
tulousness with age is usually assumed to pr-obably is r-nore likely to be the result disease still needs a great deal of defin-
reflect the uUin-rate r-avages of destructive of excellent or-al hygiene. The past expla- ition, the r-ole of oral hygiene in its devel-
periodontal disease, and greater mean nation is enhanced by the information in opment is not in question. Within the
t o o t h loss and mean PI scores in older Table 4, whieh shows that for persons limitations in-rposed by our imperfect
age gr-oups are usually taken to indicate with 25-32 teeth, oral hygiene levels, and knowledge of the natur-al history of peri-
advancing disease ar-nong those who have CI scores in particular-, are r-emarkably odontal disease, we can hypothesize that
managed to retain some of their teeth. similar among adults of all ages. oral hygiene status relating to OHI-S va-
While there is some truth in these The data do show clearly that loss of lues of 0.3-0.6, or perhaps more import-
broad gener-alizations, they can also teeth from destructive periodontal dis- antly to CI levels of 0.1-0.2, might be
mask some useful information on disease ease in old age is not inevitable, r'egard- cor-r-ipatible with virtual absence of de-
distribution. The 46.1% edentulousness less of the r-eason why. They also show str-uctive periodontal disease thr-oughout
in the 65-74 yr-olds, for example (Table (Table 4) that even if PI scor-es increase life for most people. Slightly higher levels
]), reflects many things that happened in with age, this inereased gingivitis and of calculus (CI scores 0.3-0.6) and OHI-
years gone by: the pr-evalence and inten- pocketing does not necessarily equate S scor-es of 0.7-1.3 ar-e associated with
sity of oral disease sufler-ed many years with tooth loss so long as oral hygiene is low-to-moderate levels of per-iodontal
ago, the availability of care at the time, maintained. Wher-e excellent oral hygiene disease, but these levels still seen-i
past economic and social conditions is maintained, age does not seem to be patible with retention of teeth.
(such as the economic depr-ession of the an important independent vat-iable in
1930s and World War II), and the natur-e periodontal disease status.
and philosophy of dental care pr-ovided Given that these data are now r-nore Aeknowledgments - The original data for rhis
paper were supplied by the National Center
in other days. It can be pr-edicted that than 10 yr old, it is possible that the for Health Slatistics. Results of analysis and
the 25-34-yi--old cohort in Table I will pr-oportion of older Americans with good conclusions reached are solely those of the
be less than 46.1% edentulous when it is periodonlal health has alter-ed. The direc- authors.
the 65-74-yr-old cohort, if only because
many of the current 65-74-yr--olds wer-e
render-ed edentulous during the time
when the "focal infection" theor-y domi- References
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