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Mapping Your Future

This Map Belongs To:

Eric E. Kidwell
Mapping Your Future

Name 5 things that you equate to people who have “success” or what success looks like to you.
To me, success is:

Success is when I ________ ___________ ___ ___________.

Significance is when I _______ ___________ ___ _____________.
- John C. Maxwell

Why does significance matter? Because there are No Do-Overs.

There was a man named Anthony Campolo who once spoke about a sociological study in which fifty people
in their late nineties were asked one question: If you could live your life over again, what would you do
differently? It was an open-ended question allowing any kind of response, yet three answers kept
surfacing from
the people:

1. If I had to do it over again, I would REFLECT MORE.

Socrates says: The unexamined life is not worth living.
2. If I had to do it over again, I would RISK MORE.

3. If I had to do it over again, I would DO MORE THINGS THAT’D LIVE ON AFTER I AM DEAD

What a perfect description of the preparation for significance! Those near centenarians didn’t miss any of
the traditional trappings of success. They didn’t wish for more money, power, or fame. They wanted to
get beyond themselves and do something that mattered, boldly and purposefully. They recognized the
value of a life given to significance.

The person I will be and the next Five Years in My Life will be determined by:

The most important steps in my journey to success are the _________ and _________ steps.

The next five years of my life will be determined by the _________ _____ ________,
And the ___________ _______ ___________ _____________ _______.

What books have I read that have impacted me Who are the people that I have around me that
the most?: will impact me the most?:
1.______________________________________ 1.______________________________________
2.______________________________________ 2.______________________________________
3.______________________________________ 3.______________________________________
4.______________________________________ 4.______________________________________
5.______________________________________ 5.______________________________________

The mere desire to grow and reach your potential isn’t enough to empower you to make a significant
contribution in the world.


1. ____________ – Knowing how to Feel

I once read that 94% of all Forbes 500 executives attributed their success more to attitude than
any other ingredient. If you believe you can grow to your potential, that opens the door to
continual self improvement.

2. _____________ – Knowing how to choose

You cannot develop to your highest potential in every area of life; a jack of all trades is a master of
none. You need to make choices about where you will grow. Focus on your strengths. The
greatest leaders do only a few things exceptionally well.

3. __________ – Knowing How to See

Vision is seeing things as God wants them to be. If your vision is born out of God’s desires, you
will always be on track.

4. ______________ – Knowing How to Begin

Vince Abner observed, “Vision isn’t enough – it must be combined with venture. It is not enough
to stare up the steps; we must step up the stairs.” To move from desire to action, plan your first
steps. Then get going!

5. _______________ – Knowing How to Think

Growth is a journey, and on any journey you will encounter unforeseen obstacles. Your ability to
overcome these barriers will determine whether you succeed.

6. ______________________ – Knowing How to Finish

Growth does not come easily It takes complete dedication, a whatever-it-takes mindset, and the
determination to give your very best effort. Give it your all, and you will get all that you can out of

We cannot achieve our wildest dreams by

remaining who we are. – John C. Maxwell

Everything in our external world started in

our internal one. – Anthony Robbins

Be Uber-Specific and Laser-Focused:

Long-Term Goals (7-10 years)

1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________

Medium-Term Goals (3-5 years)

1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________

Short-Term Goals (6 months – 1 year)

1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and
we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. – Michelangelo

Goals are powerful only when you know what it will truly mean to your future when you
have accomplished them and what it would truly mean if you didn’t. – Eric E. Kidwell

Long-Term Goals (7-10 years)

1. _________________________________________________________________________



2. _________________________________________________________________________



Medium-Term Goals (3-5 years)

1. _________________________________________________________________________



2. _________________________________________________________________________



Short-Term Goals (6 months to 1 year)

1. _________________________________________________________________________



2. _________________________________________________________________________



When you have a big enough why, the question is then not how but
when will your dreams will become tangible. – Eric E. Kidwell

Decide. Point yourself in a direction. Go. – Eric E. Kidwell

Long-Term Goals (7-10 years)

1. _________________________________________________________________________



2. _________________________________________________________________________



Medium-Term Goals (3-5 years)

1. _________________________________________________________________________



2. _________________________________________________________________________



Short-Term Goals (6 months to 1 year)

1. _________________________________________________________________________



2. _________________________________________________________________________



It's in your moments of decision that your destiny

is shaped...choose wisely. – Anthony Robbins
The Guide: Mapping Your Future
Foreword: This is an exciting document that is your personal map to the future that you want. The first couple pages
dive into what it means to be successful, while the last couple go into what you truly want you life to look like because
you have the power to make it happen! This is a map that you are going to want to print out and keep around to
regularly check on to remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing. I try to look at mine on a weekly basis,
daily if I really feel the need to.

First page: To me success is: There are no wrong answers here. Some answers are things like faith, power, money,
fame, nice house, perfect spouse and children, personal fulfillment, etc. Everyone has a different idea of what “success”
means to them.

Success is when…: Success is when I add value to myself.

Significance is when I add value to others.

The next five years of my life will be determined by: Again there are no wrong answers. Put down some influences
that will/may/can dictate the person you are five years from now.

My next five years will be determined by the books I read

And the people I place around me.

Books and People: write down some books and some people that have had an influence on your life. Think in terms of
what ways these people or books taught you.

Second page: This page talks about Key Factors to growing as a person and should be read.
1. Attitude 2. Priorities 3. Vision 4. Direction 5. Creativity 6. Responsibility

Third page: Did you know the word “desire” is found in Latin meaning "of the Father"? I believe that every desire or
passion we have in us is something that God planted in us because he made us for a purpose and a plan. It serves us as it
serves Him and his overall plan.

I also believe that our long term goals should dictate our medium and short term goals. That is why I placed the
Long Term Goals at the top of the list because they should be thought out in detail. A lot of times, knowing what you
want in the long run makes it a whole lot easier to know the next steps in life.

So take this time now and think of the desires and passions for your overall life. I truly feel that God has made
us each unique with a certain set of skills and natural abilities. Maybe a good place to start? So go for it! Dream big,
and write how you want yourself to be 7-10 years from now. Think of what you want to accomplish! Don’t think along
the lines of what’s it’s going to take to get there. This exercise is more for plotting a purpose, for mapping a future.

Fourth page: This page is probably the most important. Take the top 2 goals of each section and write out in simple,
concrete terms why you must achieve this goal. In one sentence, talk about all the good things that would happen, or
the good feelings you would feel. Then in another sentence, write down how you would feel if it didn’t happen and
about how you would feel if you arrived at that point in time and didn’t make it. Going through this exercise will help
you link why these goals are important to you.

Fifth page: This page is pretty important as well. Now you will must begin to plot out, in very precise numbers, and
actions on how you will achieve these goals.

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