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Robert Martin R.

Puerta BN4A DRUG STUDY 3/1/18

Drug Dosage, Indication Action Drug Interaction Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing
Frequency, Route Consideration
Generic Name: Dosage: 10 mg Alleviation of signs Baclofen is an Opioid pain or cough Contraindicated in Sedation, Assessment
Baclofen and symptoms of antispastic. It relievers (such as patients with: drowsiness, ataxia, •History:
Brand Name: Frequency: BID spasticity resulting inhibits both codeine, dizziness, Hypersensitivity to
Lioresal from MS, particularly monosynaptic hydrocodone),  Hypersensitivity headache, baclofen, skeletal
Route: PO for the relief of flexor and polysynaptic alcohol, marijuana,  Active Peptic confusion, muscle spasm
spasms and reflexes at spinal drugs for sleep or Ulcer Disease hallucinations, resulting from
Drug concomitant pain, level. anxiety (such as skin reactions, GI rheumatic
Classification: clonus, muscular alprazolam, symptoms, disorders, stroke,
• Centrally acting rigidity (for patients lorazepam, enuresis. cerebral palsy,
skeletal muscle with reversible zolpidem), other Parkinson’s
relaxant spasticity to aid in muscle relaxants Potentially Fatal: disease, seizure
restoring residual (such as Respiratory or CV disorders,
function); treatment carisoprodol, depression, lactation,
of central cyclobenzaprine), or seizures. pregnancy
spasticity(via Synchro antihistamines (such
Medpump) as cetirizine, Interventions
Spinal cord •Give with caution
injuriesand other to patients whose
spinalcord diseases— spasticity
may be of somevalue contributes to
upright posture or
Unlabeled balance in
uses:Trigeminalneural locomotion or
gia (ticdouloureux); whenever
maybe beneficial spasticity is used
inreducing to increase
spasticityin cerebral function
palsy inchildren
Robert Martin R. Puerta BN4A DRUG STUDY 3/1/18

Drug Dosage, Indication Action Drug Interaction Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing
Frequency, Route Consideration
Brand Name: Dosage: 50 mg -Effective agent for Centrally acting Interacts with MAO  Hypersensitivity CNS: Drowsiness, Assess for level of
ConZip, Ultram control of moderate opiate receptor inhibitors; patients to tramadol or dizziness, vertigo, pain relief and
Frequency: BID to moderately severe agonist that acutely intoxicated other opioid fatigue, headache, administer prn
Generic Name: pain. inhibits the with alcohol, analgesics somnolence, dose as needed
Tramadol Route: PO uptake of hypnotics, centrally  alcohol restlessness, but not to exceed
- Tramadol inhibits norepinephrine acting analgesics, intoxication euphoria, the recommended
Classification: reuptake of and serotonin, opioids, or  pregnancy confusion, anxiety, total daily dose.
•Central nervous norepinephrine, suggesting both psychotropic drugs; (category C); coordination - Monitor vital
system agent; serotonin and opioid and substance abuse; lactation disturbance, sleep signs and assess
•Analgesic; enhances serotonin nonopioid patients on obstetric disturbances, for orthostatic
•Narcotic release. It alters mechanisms of preoperative seizures. hypotension or
(opiate) agonist perception and pain relief. May medication. signs of CNS
•Pregnancy response to pain by produce opioid- CV: Palpitations, depression.
Category: C binding to mu-opiate like effects, but vasodilation. - Discontinue drug
receptors in the CNS. causes less and notify
respiratory GI: Nausea, physician if S&S of
depression than constipation, hypersensitivity
morphine. vomiting, occur.
xerostomia, - Assess bowel and
dyspepsia, bladder function;
diarrhea, report urinary
abdominal pain, frequency or
anorexia, retention.
flatulence. - Use seizure
precautions for
Body as a Whole: patients who have
Sweating, a history of
anaphylactic seizures or who
reaction, are concurrently
Robert Martin R. Puerta BN4A DRUG STUDY 3/1/18

withdrawal using drugs that

syndrome anxiety, lower the seizure
sweating, nausea, threshold.
tremors, diarrhea, - Monitor
piloerection, panic ambulation and
attacks, take appropriate
paresthesia, safety
hallucinations precautions.
Skin: Rashes environment
Special Senses: lighting) if
Visual sweating or CNS
disturbances. effects occur.

cy, menopausal

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