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Vedic Astrology utilizes various strategies and recipes for assessing the qualities, qualities
and shortcomings of planets in the conception chart. One of these systems is the utilization
of "Vargas" or Divisional Charts, at times alluded to as Sub charts, or Harmonic Charts.
These charts are each made by applying a particular numerical method to the first
information gave by the Birth Chart. Each divisional chart is then used to help interpret a
particular piece of life.
The most essential of these Harmonic Charts is the Navamsha Chart. It is figured by
separating the 360 degree zodiac into 108 equivalent sections. Consequently the measure
of every fragment winds up being 3 degrees and 20 minutes of circular segment. There are
9 fragments in every 30 degree zodiacal sign, consequently the name Navamsha, taking
into account the sanskrit word "Nav" significance Nine. Each amsha or division is credited to
a specific sign, after one another in the normal request of the zodiac. Consequently the first
division goes from 0 degrees Aries until 3 deg, 20' and is called "Aries navamsha", the 2nd
division from 3 deg, 20' to 6 deg, 40' gets to be Taurus navamsha, the following one is
Gemini, et cetera. When you get to Pisces the 12th division, the following one is Aries once
more. The succession of 12 zodiacal signs rehashes itself 9 times to finish the greater part
of the 108 fragments in the zodiac
Every planet and imperative point, (for example, the Rising Degree) winds up in a specific
place in the Navamsha Chart, which is typically not quite the same as the sign and house it
involved in the Birth Chart. The new chat built by this procedure is then deciphered by
principles and rules portrayed in the antiquated writings. The navamsha graph is utilized as
a part of various ways. What takes after is a portrayal of a portion of the normal
It is typically utilized amid expectations about marriage of the native, mate, wedded life and
so forth but at the same time is valuable to know qualities of the native furthermore his/her
companion in much detail.
For a planet set in a Movable sign (Chara Rashi) numbering begins from the sign itself, in
altered sign including begins from ninth and double sign checking begins from fifth from
where the planet is set. Planets in the first Navamsa division. Chara Rashi, fifth division in
the settled sign (Sthir Rashi) and ninth division in Dual Rashi are Vargottoma.
In Vedic Astrology the Navamsa or ninth Harmonic chart (D9 graph) is said to be a minute
perspective of the ninth House and accordingly the concealed undercurrent of our destiny. It
is fundamentally to foresee marriage life of the local, mate and life in later stage (following
32 years). The rasi graph (D1 chart) is your physical presence, the circumstances you live
in, the things you do. The D9 chart is the shrouded power, imperceptible hand of
predetermination that chooses the after-effects of your deeds.
D9 chart essentially gives data about your internal identity. The D1 chart gives data about
your surface identity. The inward identity continues changing until late twenties and remains
just about the same after that. In this way, it’s fitting to counsel D9 chart in the later phase of
D9-chart is also used for marriage predictions.
Generally the navamsha chart is utilized to break down a man's marriage prospects. The
conception outline's 7th house is what is regularly analyzed for relationship karma.
Checking how well the planetary leader of the 7th house admissions in the navamsha graph
evaluates the inward quality of the master of the marriage house. Presently another
measurement can be included by dissecting the 7th place of the navamsha chart and its
ruler. It has been found that in an expansive extent of fruitful relational unions the 7th house
ruler in the navamsha graph of every accomplice is a conspicuous planet in alternate
accomplices’ natal chart.
See the position of D9-ascendant ruler in D9 chart.
This will indicate how the native innately acts with his/her mate.
In the event that it is set in
Sixth house: native will have a tendency to battle with his/her life partner.
Eighth house: native will conceal the things from his companion and won't be
Twelfth house: The native would be aloof for his or her life partner.
See the arrangement, quality, conjunctions of the D9 ascendant ruler in D1 chart.
This will issue you the data about, how the native acts with his life partner before the entire
Spouse ought to be seen from seventh place of D9 chart. By what method will he/she acts
with the native.
Apply the past 2 steps moreover.
D9-ascendant aspected by a benefic can give an upbeat wedded life.
D9-ascendant ruler aspecting D9 is a decent blend for a tranquil wedded life.
If D9-ascendant happens to be ninth or twelfth to the D1-ascendant, physical needs may be
If D9-ascendant is connected with numerous malefic, there could be additional conjugal
there will more extra marital affairs
If the master of 3 or 6 or 7 or 10 is set in the seventh to D9-ascendant your life partner may
have a profession in law.
Venus in the seventh to D9-ascendant shows disharmony in marriage.
If the ruler of seventh in D1-chart is in 6 or 8 or 12 to D9-ascendant, wedded life may not be
Conjunction of Moon and Venus and if one of them is weakened, there will be no joy from
If the fifth from the D9-ascendant is possessed by Jupiter and Venus, you could get
bewitching magnificence as your wife.
If the seventh happens to be the place of Saturn and if malefic are in it, the life partner could
look old or it could be a second marriage.
If Venus is in the amsa of Mars or in the place of Saturn with no benefic viewpoint, there
could be sexual depravities.
If the seventh ruler conjuct with the sixth master furthermore Venus, there will be division or
These are some general standards. If it’s not too much trouble consider the viewpoint and
conjunction of different planets before arriving any conclusion

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