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November 27, 2003
G.R. 136592-93
Under Art. 6, in relation to Art. 335, of the Revised Penal
FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES Code, rape is attempted when the offender commences
the commission of rape directly by overt acts, but does
MALA IN SE AND MALA PROHIBITA not perform all the acts of execution which should
produce the crime of rape by reason of some cause or
PADILLA v. DIZON accident other than his own spontaneous desistance.
(158 SCRA 127) There is no attempted rape in this case because the
accused just dragged the victim and held her feet, which
The respondent-judge has shown gross ignorance of are not indicative of an intent or attempt to rape the
the law in holding that to convict the accused for victim.
violation of Central Bank Circular No. 960 i.e.,
smuggling of foreign currency out of the country, the PEOPLE v ORANDE
prosecution must establish that the accused had the (415 SCRA 699)
criminal intent to violate the law. The respondent ought November 12, 2003
to know that proof of malice or deliberate intent (mens G.R. No. 141724
rea) is not essential in offenses punished by special
laws, which are mala prohibita. The trial court convicted the accused of frustrated rape
due to the fact that the latter did not succeed in inserting
IMPOSSIBLE CRIMES his penis in the victim’s vagina. There is no such crime as
frustrated rape. Instead, the accused is guilty of
INTOD ET. AL. v CA consummated rape since perfect penetration is not
(215 SCRA 52) essential for the consummation of rape.
G.R. No. 103119
Intod fired at Palangpangan's room, although in reality, (525 SCRA 306)
the latter was not present in his room; thus, Intod failed
to kill him. The factual situation in the case at bar The accused argued that he should only be convicted of
presents an inherent impossibility of accomplishing the frustrated theft for taking cartons of detergent from the
crime. Under Article 4, paragraph 2 of the Revised supermarket since he was immediately apprehended by
Penal Code, such is sufficient to make the act an the security guard. Thus, was not able to freely dispose
impossible crime. of the said stolen articles. Theft cannot have a frustrated
stage and the accused is guilty of consummated theft
Legal impossibility occurs where the intended acts since he has obtained possession over the stolen item
even if completed, would not amount to a crime. and the presumed inability of the offender to freely
dispose of the stolen property does not negate the fact
PEOPLE v DOMASIAN that the owners have already been deprived of their right
(219 SCRA 245) to possession upon the completion of the taking. Unlawful
taking is deemed complete from the moment the offender
The accused illegally detained a child and sent a ransom gains possession of the thing. The ability of the offender
note to the latter's parents, but the child was rescued even to freely dispose of the property stolen is not a
before the ransom note was received. The act cannot be constitutive element of the crime of theft.
considered an impossible crime because there was no
inherent impossibility of its accomplishment or the CONSPIRACY AND PROPOSAL
employment of inadequate or ineffective means, and the
delivery of the ransom note after the rescue of the victim PEOPLE v RECONES, ET. AL.
did not extinguish the offense, which had already been (310 SCRA 809)
consummated when the accused deprived the child of his July 20, 1999
liberty. G. R. No. 129535

STAGES OF EXECUTION Three (3) accused were charged with murder. The first
one hit the victim repeatedly with a stone marker, the
second one pummeled the victim with his fists while the
(91 Phil 703)
third only watched and acted as lookout in case others
The accused was caught in the act of making an opening will try to intervene. All of them, including the lookout, are
with an iron bar on the wall of a store, and succeeded in guilty of murder and are accountable for the death of the
breaking one board and in unfastening another from the victim on the principle that the act of one is the act of all.
wall. The crime committed was not attempted robbery but
only attempted trespass to dwelling, since based on the Proof of a previous agreement to commit a felony is not
facts established, his intention was to enter by means of necessary to establish conspiracy, it being sufficient that
force into the said store against the will of its owner. the acts of the accused, before, during, and after the
commission of the felony, demonstrate its existence.

(183 SCRA 289) (239 SCRA 575)
G. R. No. 79811 G.R. No. 110617

The accused was correctly convicted as a co-conspirator. The series of acts committed against the seven (7) lot
His knowledge of the plot to assassinate the victim, the buyers were not the product of a single criminal intent.
fact that he had been ordered to scout for a man who The misrepresentation or deceit was employed against
could do the job and his knowledge of the place, date and each lot buyer on different dates and in separate places,
time of the assault are sufficient to show unity of purpose. hence, they originated from separate criminal intents and
At the very least, therefore, he had to know the plot and consequently resulted in separate felonies.
decided to join the execution. From the legal viewpoint,
conspiracy exists if, at the time of the commission of the COMPOUND CRIMES
offense, the accused had the same purpose and were
united in its execution. PEOPLE v CASTROMERO
(280 SCRA 421)
The degree of actual participation in the commission of G.R. No. 118992
the crime is immaterial in conspiracy.
The rape victim jumped from a window of her house to
CONTINUING CRIMES escape from the accused; as a result, she suffered
serious physical injuries specifically a broken vertebra
PEOPLE v TUMLOS which required medical attention and surgery for more
(67 PHIL 320) than ninety days. Here, the rape was complexed with the
April 13, 1939 crime of serious physical injuries, in accordance with the
G.R. No. 46248 settled principle that a person who creates in another’s
mind an immediate sense of danger that causes the latter
The theft of the thirteen (13) cows committed by the to try to escape is responsible for whatever injuries the
defendant took place at the same time and in the same other person may consequently suffer.
place. Consequently, he performed but one act. The fact
that eight (8) of the said cows belong to one owner and PEOPLE v COMADRE
five (5) to another does not make him criminally liable for (431 SCRA 366)
two (2) distinct offenses for the reason that to be liable for June 8, 2004
two (2) distinct offenses, the act must be divided into two G.R. No. 153559
(2). In this case, the act is not susceptible of division. The
intention was likewise one, namely, to take for the The accused dropped a hand grenade inside a house,
purpose of appropriating or selling the thirteen (13) cows killing one and causing 4 others to suffer shrapnel
which he found grazing in the same place. wounds on their bodies. The accused was found guilty of
the complex crime of murder with multiple attempted
PEOPLE v JARANILLA murder under Article 48, and the penalty for the most
(55 SCRA 563) serious crime (murder) shall be imposed.
February 22, 1974
(382 SCRA 581)
The taking of the six fighting cocks from their coop should May 29, 2002
be characterized as a single offense of theft as the G.R. No. 138453
assumption is that the accused were animated by a
single criminal impulse. The taking of the fighting cocks in The accused stabbed his pregnant wife with a knife,
the same place and on the same occasion cannot give causing the instantaneous death of the latter and the
rise to separate crimes of theft. fetus inside her womb. He was convicted of the complex
crime of parricide with unintentional abortion, and the
SANTIAGO v GARCHITORENA penalty to be imposed on him should be that for the
(228 SCRA 214) graver offense which is parricide.
G.R. No. 109266
When a single act constitutes two or more grave or less
Public prosecutors filed thirty-two (32) Amended grave felonies, the penalty for the most serious crime
Informations against Santiago for violation of Section 3 shall be imposed.
(e) of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, allegedly
committed by giving "unqualified" aliens with the benefits PEOPLE v BALOTOL
of the Alien Legalization Program. The thirty-two (32) (84 Phil 289)
Amended Informations charged the accused with what is
known as delito continuado or "continued crime" and The accused stabbed the victim at the back with the use
hence, there should only be one information to be filed of a bolo. The bolo pierced through the victim's
against Santiago. The concept of delito continuado is abdominal region which also wounded another person,
applicable to crime penalized under special laws. resulting to the death of both victims. The crime
committed was double murder, defined and penalized in
Article 248, in relation to Article 48, of the Revised Penal

(261 SCRA 37)
PEOPLE v TALO G.R. No. 102058
October 25, 2000
G.R. No. 125542 The accused admitted to having killed the victim but
claims to have done so in self-defense. The victim
The accused forcibly took the victim from her parents' appeared to draw something from his waist during their
house and, in a ricefield about 800 meters away, forced confrontation. The victim's alleged act of drawing
her to have sexual intercourse with him. The accused "something" from his waist certainly is not the "unlawful
was found guilty of the complex crime of forcible aggression" meant in the law that would justify a fatal
abduction with rape, as the crime of forcible abduction strike at him and no veritable physical force on the part of
was a necessary means for committing the crime of rape. the latter has been shown that could have really
endangered the life of the accused. Hence, self-defense
PEOPLE v SABREDO cannot exist in this case.
(331 SCRA 663)
May 11, 2000 Without unlawful aggression, self-defense cannot exist
G.R. 126114 nor be an extenuating circumstance.

The accused, using a blade, forcibly took away the victim PEOPLE VS. GENEBLAZO
from Cebu to Masbate, and eventually raped her. The (361 SCRA 572)
crime committed is simple rape only since the information July 20, 2001
failed to allege that the forcible taking of the victim was G.R. No. 133580
done with lewd designs (an element of forcible
abduction). Hence, the crime of rape may absorb forcible Assuming that the version of the accused of the incidents
abduction. is true, that unlawful aggression emanated from the
victim and his companion by throwing stones at him, the
PEOPLE v BARBAS aggression ceased to exist when the victim and his
(60 PHIL 241) companion ran away. There was no longer any real
danger to the life or personal safety of the accused.
The defendant, a public officer, altered the duplicates of When the perpetrator does not persist in his purpose or
the cedulas by erasing the names originally written on when he discontinues his attitude to the extent that the
them and replacing the same with new names for the object of his attack is no longer in peril, an act of
purpose of selling them to other people and aggression is not unlawful aggression warranting self-
misappropriating the money. The falsification of public defense.
documents was, therefore, the means which the
defendant availed himself of in committing the crime of PEOPLE V. BAUTISTA
malversation. (424 SCRA 63)
February 27, 2004
There is no self-defense in this case because even if the
PEOPLE v ABRAZALDO accused believed that the victim did try to kill him when
(397 SCRA 137) he saw him raise his bolo, such aggression ceased when
accused succeeded in grabbing the bolo and he was not
While the accused admitted the commission of the crime hit by the stone hurled at him by the victim; hence, the
in order to preserve his own life, he maintained that the accused no longer faced any danger to his life and limb.
victim accidentally stabbed himself while they were When an unlawful aggression no longer exists, the one
grappling for the knife. The justifying circumstance of self- making a defense has no right to kill or even injure the
defense cannot be appreciated considering the accused- former aggressor.
appellant’s flight from the crime scene, his failure to
inform the authorities of the incident and his failure to PEOPLE v ESCARLOS
surrender the knife to the authorities. The aforesaid (410 SCRA 463)
circumstances are inconsistent with having a clean September 10, 2003
conscience and, instead, indicate his culpability to the G.R. No. 148912
crime charged.
Even assuming arguendo that there was an altercation
PEOPLE v TAC-AN before the stabbing incident and that some danger did in
(182 SCRA 601) fact exist, the imminence of that danger had already
G.R. Nos. 76338-39
ceased the moment the accused disarmed the victim by
The accused killed the victim but claimed self-defense. seizing the knife from the latter. After the accused had
The victim previously uttered some threatening words successfully seized it, there was no longer any unlawful
against him. Assuming that the victim uttered those aggression to speak of that would have necessitated the
words, such utterances cannot be regarded as the need to kill the victim. Hence, the accused became the
unlawful aggression which is the first and most unlawful aggressor when he stabbed the victim.
fundamental requirement of self-defense, and such
statements could not reasonably inspire the "well
grounded and reasonable belief" claimed by Renato that
"he was in imminent danger of death or bodily harm."

PEOPLE v APOLINAR included the gruesome nature of the crime and the
C.A., 38 O.G. 2870 minor’s cunning and shrewdness.

The accused, while looking over his land and believing U.S. V. TANEDO
that the victim had stolen his palay, shouted for the latter (15 PHIL 196)
to stop, fired his gun in the air and then at the victim,
causing the latter’s death. Defense of property is not of The accused, while hunting fired a shot at wild chickens;
such importance as the right to life and it can be invoked however, the slug recoiled and fatally hit another man. A
only as a justifying circumstance when it is coupled with person who, while performing a legal act with due care,
an attack on the person of the one entrusted with the said causes some injury by mere accident without fault or
property. intention of causing it, is not criminally liable.


(428 SCRA ___)
PEOPLE v GENOSA May 4, 2004
September 8, 2010 G.R. No. 137347
G.R. No. 135981
The accused claims that the victim's death was caused
Marivic Genosa, charged with parricide for the killing of by his gun accidentally going off. The Court convicted
her husband, anchored her defense on the theory of him for the victim's death due to his failure to prove with
battered woman syndrome (BWS), which constituted a clear and convincing evidence his defense of accident.
form of cumulative provocation that broke down her The following proved otherwise that the accused
psychological resistance and self-control. The Court accidentally shot the victim: (1) his refusal to answer
convicted Genosa as the defense failed to establish all clarificatory questions of the prosecutor, which casted
the elements of self-defense arising from BWS: (1) each doubt on his defense; (2) his refusal to surrender himself
of the phases of the cycle of violence must be proven to and his firearm after the shooting; and (3) other pieces of
have characterized at least two battering episodes evidence which belie his claim that the death of the victim
between the appellant and her intimate partner; (2) the was accidental and that he was not negligent.
final acute battering episode preceding the killing of the
batterer must have produced in the battered person's PEOPLE v AYAYA
mind an actual fear of an imminent harm from her (52 PHIL 354)
batterer and an honest belief that she needed to use
force in order to save her life; (3) at the time of the killing, The accused, in order to prevent the door from crushing
the batterer must have posed probable -- not necessarily her son's head, jabbed her husband with her umbrella
immediate and actual -- grave harm to the accused, which later led to her husband's death. The Court
based on the history of violence perpetrated by the concluded that in thrusting her umbrella in the opening of
former against the latter. the door in question, the accused did so to free her son
from the imminent danger of having his head crushed or
EXEMPTING CIRCUMSTANCES being strangled and if she consequently caused her
husband's injury, it was by a mere accident, without any
PEOPLE v DOMINGO fault or intention to cause it.
(580 SCRA 436)
The accused asserted that he was insane or completely (425 SCRA 343)
deprived of intelligence during the commission of the March 11, 2004
crimes and presented the results of a medical G.R. No. 126171
examination showing that he was suffering from
Schizophrenia. The medical examination was taken four The appellant's claim that he "accidentally shot" the two
years after the crimes were committed. The alleged victims is incredible. In this case, it is clear that the
insanity of an accused should relate to the period requisites of accident as an exempting circumstance
immediately before or at the very moment the felony is were not proven: (1) appellant's manner of carrying his
committed, not at any time thereafter. Medical findings of rifle negates his claim of due care in the performance of
mental disorder referring to a period after the time the an act since he should have seen to it that its safety lock
crime was committed will not exempt him from criminal was intact; (2) the fact that both victims sustained more
liability. than one wound shows that the shooting was not merely
accidental; (3) appellant manifested an unmistakable
LLAVE v PEOPLE intent to kill the victims when he reloaded his rifle after his
(488 SCRA 376) first unsuccessful attempt to kill them.
April 26, 2006
(526 SCRA 215)
The accused (a minor), with methodical fashion, dragged June 29, 2007
the resisting victim behind a pile of hollow blocks to G.R. No. 172695
ensure that passersby would not discover his acts. When
he was discovered, he hastily fled from the scene to Appellant contends that assuming he was the one who
escape arrest. The Court ruled that he acted with killed his wife, the same was accidental and not
discernment when he had carnal knowledge with the intentional. However, the Court does not agree. By no
victim. Based on the circumstances, the minor knew what stretch of imagination could playing with or using a
he was doing and that it was wrong. Such circumstances

deadly sling and arrow be considered as performing a MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES
lawful act. Thus, on this ground alone, appellant’s
defense of accident must be struck down because he PEOPLE v JAURIGUE
was performing an unlawful act during the incident. (C.A. NO. 384)

PEOPLE v BANDIAN The deceased placed his hand on the upper portion of
(63 PHL 530) the woman's thigh without her consent, which led to the
September 30, 1936 woman stabbing the neck of the deceased to defend her
G.R. No. 45186 honor. The means employed in the defense of her honor
was excessive and she cannot be declared completely
The mother who went to the thicket to respond to the call exempt from criminal liability. However, the fact that she
of nature but, instead, gave birth therein is not criminally had acted in the immediate vindication of a grave offense
liable for infanticide for leaving the child behind. She committed against her a few moments before, and upon
should not be blamed for the act of abandonment such provocation as to produce passion and obfuscation,
because it all happened by mere accident, she was or temporary loss of reason and self-control, should be
overcome by strong dizziness and extreme debility (also considered as mitigating circumstance in her favor.
considered as an insuperable cause). Any person who
acts and behaves under such circumstances is exempted U.S. v AMPAR
from liability. (37 Phil 201)

PEOPLE v MORENO The accused, a 70-year old man, killed the deceased for
(77 PHIL 548) telling him, "Come here and I will make roast pig of you."
The offense which the defendant was trying to vindicate
The accused admitted to having killed the victim but would be considered a mere trifle to the average person
claimed that he should be exempted from liability but it was evidently a serious matter to be made the butt
because he did so in obedience to an order given him by
of a joke for the old man. Hence, he was given the benefit
Japanese officers of the navy. The latter informed him
that the victim was one of those who were encountered of a mitigating circumstance.
by the Japanese in a mountain and wounded a Japanese
soldier. The accused was held guilty because the law PEOPLE v IGNAS
provides that to be exempted from criminal liability, it is (412 SCRA 311)
not enough to prove that the act was committed in September 30, 2003
obedience to an order, it must also be established that G.R. No. 140514
the order being followed is lawful.
The accused killed his wife's lover 2 weeks after he
JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE ACT OF 2006 discovered his wife's extramarital dalliance, but the court
(R.A. NO. 9344); ALSO REFER TO CHILD AND YOUTH did not consider the mitigating circumstance of passion
WELFARE CODE (P.D. 603, AS AMENDED) and obfuscation because for the same to be well
founded, the following requisites must concur: (1) there
VALCESAR ESTIOCA v PEOPLE should be an act both unlawful and sufficient to produce
(556 SCRA 300) such condition of mind; and (2) the act which produced
June 27, 2008 the obfuscation was not far removed from the
G.R. No. 173876 commission of the crime by a considerable length of time,
during which the perpetrator might recover his moral
The accused was 14 years old at the time he committed equanimity. The period of two weeks between the
the robbery which occurred in 2001. Although R.A. 9344 discovery of his wife’s extramarital dalliance and the
or the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006 took killing of her lover was sufficient time for appellant to
effect only on May 20, 2006, the said law should be given reflect and cool off.
retroactive effect in favor of the accused who was not
shown to be a habitual criminal (penal laws shall have a PEOPLE v BENITO
retroactive effect insofar as they favor the person guilty of (74 SCRA 271)
a felony who is not a habitual criminal).Hence, the December 17, 1976
accused was exempt from criminal liability. G.R. No. L-38091

JOEMAR ORTEGA v PEOPLE The accused (who had a pending case with the Civil
(562 SCRA 450) Service) contended that the victim insulted him when he
August 20, 2008 (the victim) remarked that a thief was loitering in the
G.R. No. 151085 premises of the Civil Service Commission and further
argued that that remark "was tantamount to kicking a
The accused was only 13 years old at the time of the man already down and to rubbing salt into a raw wound"
commission of the rape and under R.A. No. 9344 (which and that, as it was made publicly and in a loud voice, he
was applied retroactively), he is exempted from criminal was exposed to ridicule in the presence of his
liability. Section 64 of the law further provides that cases officemates. Assuming that the remark was directed at
of children 15 years old and below, at the time of the the accused, the Court did not apply the mitigating
commission of the crime, shall immediately be dismissed circumstance of vindication for a grave offense for the
and the child shall be referred to the appropriate Local killing of the victim because the accused had more than
Social Welfare and Development Officer (LSWDO). sufficient time to suppress his emotion over said remark if
he ever did resent it.

U.S. V. HICKS must be spontaneous, accompanied by an
(14 PHIL 217) acknowledgment of guilt, or an intention to save the
authorities the trouble and the expense that search and
The accused and the victim illicitly lived together for 5 capture would require.
years. After they separated, the accused killed the victim
for living with another man. No mitigating circumstance PEOPLE v ABOLIDOR
was considered in his favor, not even the loss of reason (423 SCRA 260)
and self-control produced by jealousy as alleged by the February 18, 2004
defense, inasmuch as the only causes which mitigate the G.R. No. 147231
criminal responsibility for the loss of self-control are those
which originate from legitimate feelings and not those The accused surrendered to the authorities more than
which arise from vicious, unworthy, and immoral one year after the incident in order to disclaim
passions. responsibility for the killing of the victim. The Court did
not consider the mitigating circumstance of voluntary
March 29, 1912 surrender because: (1) the facts of the case do not show
G.R. No. L-7094 repentance or acknowledgment of the crime nor intention
to save the government the trouble and expense
The accused, in the heat of passion, killed his former necessarily incurred in his search and capture; and (2) at
lover upon discovering her in flagrante in carnal the time of his surrender, there was a pending warrant of
communication with a mutual acquaintance. The accused arrest against him.
was entitled to the mitigating circumstance because in
this case, the impulse upon which defendant acted and AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES
which naturally "produced passion and obfuscation" was
not that the woman declined to have illicit relations with PEOPLE v CALISO
him but the sudden revelation that she was untrue to him, (58 PHIL 283)
and his discovery of her in flagrante in the arms of July 1, 1933
another. G.R. No. L-37271
PEOPLE v RABAO In the commission of the crime, the aggravating
(67 PHIL 255) circumstance of grave abuse of confidence was present
April 10, 1939 since the appellant was the domestic servant of the
G.R. No. L-46530 family and was sometimes the deceased child's "amah".
The circumstance that the crime had been committed in
The accused and his wife had a heated argument the dwelling of the offended party which was considered
because the wife wanted to give their sick child a bath by the lower court as another aggravating circumstance
which was against the wishes of the accused. The Court should be disregarded as both the victim and the
considered mitigating circumstance in his favor since, appellant were living in the same house.
although he transgressed the law by an unjust attack on
his wife, the accused did not really have the intention of PEOPLE v LORA
committing so grave a crime as parricide, and the quarrel (113 SCRA 366)
that led to the aggression had its origin from the natural March 30, 1982
and justifiable desire of the accused, as a father, to G.R. No. L-49430
prevent his child, which was then ill, from being given a
bath. The accused was charged for the crime of serious illegal
detention with murder for illegally detaining a 3-year old
PEOPLE v DAWATON child, and attacking the same, which resulted to the
(389 SCRA 277) child's death. There are three aggravating circumstances
September 17, 2002 in this case, namely: (1) lack of respect due to the tender
G.R. No. 146247 age of the victim; (2) cruelty, for gagging the victim's
mouth with stockings thereby causing slow suffocation;
In trying to avail of the mitigating circumstance of and (3) abuse of confidence since the main duty of the
voluntary surrender, the accused argues that he was not accused in the household was to take care of the minor
arrested but "fetched" as he voluntarily went with the child.
policemen when they came for him. That he did not try to
escape or resist arrest after he was taken into custody by PEOPLE v LAGUARDIA
the authorities did not amount to voluntary surrender and (148 SCRA 133)
it is also settled that voluntary surrender cannot be February 27, 1987
appreciated where the evidence adduced shows that it G.R. No. L-63243
was the authorities who came looking for the accused.
The following aggravating circumstances were present in
PEOPLE v VIERNES this case of robbery with homicide: (1) despoblado or
(372 SCRA 231) uninhabited place since evidence shows that the accused
December 13, 2001 lay in wait for the truck being driven by the victim at an
G.R. No. 136733 isolated portion of the highway, choosing that particular
spot where they could commit the crime without
Going to the police station “to clear his name” does not disturbance or discovery and with easy opportunity for
show any intent of the accused to surrender escape; and (2) use of motor vehicles because the
unconditionally to the authorities. The act of surrender

conspirators took the vehicle of the victim to facilitate Conrado held her hands placing them behind her body.
their escape and to prevent the other passengers from Thereafter, they raped the victim one after the other.
reporting the offense to the authorities. The following Hence ,the Court was correct in imposing on each of the
aggravating circumstances were rejected: (1) nighttime accused of the penalty corresponding to two crimes of
because it was not especially sought, as the victim's trip rape because each of them (accused) cooperated in the
schedule and not the discretion of the culprits determined commission of the rape perpetrated by the others, by acts
the time of its commission; (2) evident premeditation without which it would not have been accomplished.
because it is inherent in the crime of robbery and was not
proved in the commission of the killing; and (3) treachery, PEOPLE v CASTILLO
as there is no evidence of its employment since none of (17 SCRA 721)
the witnesses actually saw the shooting. July 26, 1966
G.R. No. L-19238
(549 SCRA 541) After his son had fatally hacked the victim with a bolo and
March 27, 2008 was about to strike the victim a second time, the accused
G.R. No. 178541 shouted: "You kill him." The accused is not guilty as
principal by inducement because in determining whether
The span of thirty minutes or half an hour from the time the utterances of an accused are sufficient to make him
the accused showed their determination to kill the victim guilty as co-principal by inducement, it must appear that
(2:00 in the morning of 28 October 1995) up to the time the inducement was of such nature and was made in
the accused shot to death the victim (2:15-2:30 in the such a way as to become the determining cause of the
morning of 28 October 1995) could not have afforded crime and that such inducement was uttered with the
them full opportunity for meditation and reflection on the intention of producing the result.
consequences of the crime they committed. The Court
held that the lapse of thirty minutes between the PEOPLE v DUMANCAS
determination to commit a crime and the execution (320 SCRA 584)
thereof is insufficient for a full meditation on the December 13, 1999
consequences of the act. Hence, the aggravating G.R. No. 133527–28
circumstance of evident premeditation cannot be
appreciated in this case. The accused cannot be held guilty as principal by
inducement when she told the policemen to "take care of
ACCESSORIES the two" victims, who were later killed by the said
policemen. There are 2 ways of directly inducing another
PEOPLE v ORTIZ AND ZAUSA to commit a crime, namely: (i) by giving a price, or
(55 PHIL 993) offering reward or promise, and (ii) by using words of
August 27, 1986 command and in this case, there is no evidence that the
G.R. No. L-3507 accused offered any price or reward should they kill the
victims, nor can the remark of the accused be deemed as
Ortiz and Zausa were charged with conspiracy to kill the a command required by law to justify a finding that she is
victim but Ortiz contends that he should be acquitted guilty as a principal by inducement.
because he did not take part in the attack. The Court
ruled that Ortiz cannot be convicted either as principal or CARINO v PEOPLE
as accessory, for it has been shown that there was (7 SCRA 900)
neither plan nor agreement between him and Zausa to April 30, 1963
commit the crime, and that he took no part in the latter's G.R. No. L-14752
attack with the spear.
The accused cannot be held guilty as an accomplice in
VINO v PEOPLE the crime of rebellion through his acts of sending or
(178 SCRA 626) furnishing cigarettes and food supplies to a famous Huk,
October 19, 1989 as well as changing $6,000 to Philippine money or in
G.R. No. 84163 helping Huks to open accounts (which were said to be
part of his functions as an employee of a bank). These
The information was correct. An accused can be validly acts by themselves do not and cannot carry or prove any
convicted as an accomplice or accessory under an criminal intent of helping the Huks in committing the
information charging him as a principal. Also, the trial of crime of insurrection or rebellion and they cannot be said
an accessory can proceed without awaiting the result of to constitute acts of cooperation in the execution of the
the separate charge against the principal for the act of overthrowing the government.
corresponding responsibilities of the principal, accomplice
and accessory are distinct from each other. PEOPLE v DELA CERNA
(21 SCRA 569)
PEOPLE v FERNANDEZ October 30, 1967
(183 SCRA 511) G.R. No. L-20911
March 22, 1990
G.R. No. L-62116 The accused furnished the gun that was used to kill the
victim Casiano, however, he cannot be held liable as an
The accused entered the bathroom together with accomplice because he merely conspired with the
accused Fernandez. In the bathroom, the latter tied a principal to kill another victim, Rafael. The accused here
piece of cloth around the victim’s neck while accused was not aware that the principal would use the gun to kill
Casiano. Hence, for other acts done outside the

contemplation of the co-conspirators or which are not the mayor and not more than 4 years 2 months and 1 day of
necessary and logical consequences of the intended prision correccional, plus the corresponding accessory
crime, only the actual perpetrators are liable. penalties provided for by law.


(151 SCRA 399)
PEOPLE v ALVARADO June 30, 1987
(275 SCRA 727) G.R. Nos. L-51065-72
July 21, 1997
G.R. No. 117402 The Sandiganbayan imposed eight penalties for the eight
informations (for violating Section 3E of Republic Act No.
The Supreme Court reiterated the ruling in People v. 3019, otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
Lucas, January 9, 1995, where it was clarified that Practices Act) filed against the accused. The penalties
“Although Section 17 of R.A. No. 7659 has fixed the totaled to fifty-six years and eight days of imprisonment
duration of reclusion perpetua from twenty (20) years and which the accused impugns as contrary to the three-fold
one (1) day to forty (40) years, there was no clear rule and insists that the duration of the aggregate
legislative intent to alter its original classification as an penalties should not exceed forty (40) years. The
indivisible penalty. Reclusion perpetua, therefore, retains accused is mistaken in his application of the three-fold
its nature as having no minimum, medium and maximum rule as set forth in Article 70 of the Revised Penal Code
periods and is imposed in its entirety regardless of any since this article is to be taken into account not in the
mitigating or aggravating circumstances that may have imposition of the penalty but in connection with the
attended the commission of the crime. service of the sentence imposed. It merely provides that
the prisoner cannot be made to serve more than three
PEOPLE v MANTALABA times the most severe of these penalties the maximum of
(654 SCRA 188) which is forty years.
July 20, 2011
(506 SCRA 168)
The privileged mitigating circumstance of minority was October 30, 2006
appreciated in fixing the penalty necessarily reducing the G.R. No. 166401
penalty from reclusion perpetua to reclusion temporal,
which is one degree lower. The ISLAW is also applicable In view of the statutory disallowance of the death penalty
in the present case because the penalty which has been through Rep. Act No. 9346, "death," as provided in Article
originally an indivisible penalty (reclusion perpetua to 71 of the Revised Penal Code shall no longer form part of
death), where ISLAW is inapplicable, became a divisible the equation in the graduation of penalties. In the case of
penalty (reclusion temporal) by virtue of the presence of the accused, the determination of his penalty for
the privileged mitigating circumstance of minority. Hence, attempted rape shall be reckoned not from two degrees
the minimum penalty should be taken from the penalty lower than death, but two degrees lower than reclusion
next lower in degree which is prision mayor and the perpetua. Therefore, the maximum term of his penalty
maximum penalty shall be taken from the medium period shall no longer be reclusion temporal but prision mayor.
of reclusion temporal.
December 23, 1957 (243 SCRA 384)
G.R. Nos. L-11128-33 April 6, 1995
G.R. No. 108747
It should be noted that the imposable penalty in each of
the six cases where appellant pleaded guilty in The accused who was found guilty by the MeTC of grave
accordance with paragraph 5, Article 294, of the Revised oral defamation in 4 of the 5 cases filed against him and
Penal Code, is prision correccional in its maximum period sentenced to a prison term of 1 year and 1 day to 1 year
to prision mayor in its medium period, which should be and 8 months of prision correccional in each crime
applied in its minimum period in view of the mitigating committed appealed his case before the RTC but
circumstance of plea of guilty, not offset by any eventually applied for probation. The Court, in ruling that
aggravating circumstance, or from 4 years 2 months and the accused is no longer eligible for probation, listed the
1 day to 6 years one month and 10 days. In applying the following reasons: (1) Sec. 4 of the Probation Law clearly
Indeterminate Sentence Law, the appellant should be mandates that "no application for probation shall be
sentenced for each crime to an indeterminate penalty the entertained or granted if the defendant has perfected the
minimum of which shall not be less than 4 months and 1 appeal from the judgment of conviction;" (2) the penalties
day of arresto mayor nor more than 4 years and 2 imposed by the MeTC were already probationable,
months of prision correccional, and the maximum shall hence, there was no need to appeal if only to reduce the
not be less than 4 years 2 months and 1 day of prision penalties to within the probationable period (multiple
correccional nor more than 6 years 1 month and 10 days prison terms should not be added up); (3) the accused
of prision mayor. The trial court; however, committed an appealed to the RTC not to reduce or even correct the
error in applying the proper penalty by using the three- penalties imposed by the MeTC, but to assert his
fold rule. Hence, the penalty imposed upon appellant by innocence; (4) the application for probation was filed way
the trial court should be modified in the sense that he beyond the period allowed by law, in this case was filed
should suffer in each of the six cases an indeterminate "only after a warrant for the arrest of petitioner had been
penalty of not less than 4 months and 1 day of arresto

issued . . . (and) almost two months after (his) receipt of BALA v JUDGE MARTINEZ
the Decision" of the RTC. (181 SCRA 459)
January 29, 1990
SORIANO v CA G.R. No. L-67301
(304 SCRA 231)
March 4, 1999 Petitioner violated the terms and conditions of his
G.R. No. 123936 probation but contends that there was no valid reason for
its revocation since his probation period had already
Petitioner, whose probation was revoked since he was terminated on August 10, 1983 (although no order of final
not able to comply with one of the conditions of probation discharge was issued as the probation officer had not yet
which is to indemnify the heirs of the victim in the amount submitted his final report). The Supreme Court, in holding
of P98,560.00, asserts that his non-compliance was due that the probation is revocable before the final discharge
to his poor financial condition and that his enjoyment of of the probationer by the court, held that: (1) the
probation should not be made to depend on the expiration of the probation period alone does not
satisfaction of his civil liability. The Supreme Court, in automatically terminate probation; (2) nowhere in the
ruling that the revocation of probation was lawful and provisions of the probation law can be found the ipso
proper, held that his continued refusal to submit a facto termination of probation; (3) probation is not
program of payment creates the impression that he wants coterminous with its period; (4) there must first be issued
to completely avoid paying his civil liability and that the by the court of an order of final discharge based on the
conditions of probation must be satisfied in order that the report and recommendation of the probation officer and
purposes of probation be fulfilled, which include only from such issuance can the case of the probationer
promoting the correction and rehabilitation of an offender be deemed terminated.
by providing him with individualized treatment, and
providing an opportunity for the reformation of a penitent JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE ACT OF 2006
offender which might be less probable if he were to serve (REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9344)
a prison sentence.
(121 SCRA 92) September 10, 2009
G.R. No. 169641
Petitioner Tolentino, who pleaded not guilty to the charge
of violation of Section 4 of the Dangerous Drugs Act, If a mature minor, maybe 16 years old to below 18 years
changed his plea of not guilty to the lesser offense of old is charged, accused with, or may have committed a
illegal possession of marijuana, which Judge Alconcel serious offense, and may have acted with discernment,
allowed, sentencing petitioner to imprisonment of 6 then the child could be recommended by the Department
months and 1 day to 2 years and 4 months plus fines. of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), by the
The Supreme Court, in upholding the decision of Judge Local Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC), or by
Alconcel to deny Tolentino's subsequent application for Office of Juvenile Welfare and Restoration to go through
probation on the ground that "probation will depreciate a judicial proceeding; but the welfare, best interests, and
the seriousness of the offense committed", held that the restoration of the child should still be a primordial or
potentiality of the offender to reform is not the sole or primary consideration. In this case, since the accused-
primordial factor that should be considered and that the appellant is about 31 years of age, the suspension of
demands of justice and public interest must be observed sentence has become moot and academic but he is still
in the grant or denial of an application for probation. entitled to confinement in agricultural camps and other
training facilities under Sec. 51 of R.A. No. 9344.
January 22, 1981 (645 SCRA 590)
G.R. No. L-55333 March 16, 2011
G.R. No. 182239
Sandiganbayan, in denying the application for probation
by the petitioner, merely relied on a report of the The benefits of a suspended sentence can no longer
probation officer which in itself, was mostly hearsay, and apply to appellant who is now 25 years old since the
did not give the petitioner a chance to be heard before it suspension of sentence lasts only until the child in conflict
issued its resolution denying the application for probation. with the law reaches the maximum age of twenty-one
The Supreme Court held that respondent court appears (21) years. However, the offender shall be entitled to the
to have wholly relied on the probation report and did not right of restoration, rehabilitation and reintegration in
make its own determination as to whether or not accordance with Republic Act No. 9344 in order that
probation would serve the ends of justice and the best he/she will have the chance to live a normal life and
interest of the public and the applicant. It was not enough become a productive member of the community. Thus,
for the respondent court to deny petitioner's application appellant may be confined in an agricultural camp or any
solely on the report that she was involved in "maisiao" other training facility in accordance with Sec. 51 of
and that she was facing another preliminary investigation Republic Act No. 9344.
for the "additional shortage" of the funds of which she
had already pleaded guilty.

(559 SCRA 519) (122 SCRA 713)
July 23, 2008 June 24, 1983
G.R. No. 168546 G.R. No. L-28841

The suspension of sentence under Section 38 of R.A. No. On February 1, 1965, the fiscal filed an information for
9344 could no longer be retroactively applied for slight physical injuries (with a prescriptive period of 60
petitioner’s benefit as Section 38 provides that once a days) allegedly committed by the petitioner on December
child under 18 years of age is found guilty of the offense 2, 1964. Thereafter, petitioner moved to quash the
charged, instead of pronouncing the judgment of criminal prosecution on the ground that the information
conviction, the court shall place the child in conflict with having been filed on the sixty first day following the
the law under suspended sentence. Section 40 of Rep. commission of the offense, the sixty days prescriptive
Act No. 9344 provides that once the child reaches 18 period had lapsed. The Supreme Court (in disagreeing
years of age, the court shall determine whether to with the lower court's denial of the motion to quash due to
discharge the child, order execution of sentence, or the fact that the 60th day fell on a Sunday and
extend the suspended sentence for a certain specified considering the rule that when the last day for the filing of
period or until the child reaches the maximum age of 21 a pleading falls on a Sunday, the same may be filed on
years. However, since petitioner has already reached 21 the next succeeding business day) held that "where the
years of age or over, he could no longer be considered a sixtieth and last day to file an information falls on a
child for purposes of applying Rep. Act No. 9344. Sunday or legal holiday, the sixty-day period cannot be
extended up to the next working day for prescription has
REMIENDO v PEOPLE automatically set in”.
(603 SCRA 274)
October 9, 2009 PEOPLE v BAYOTAS
G.R. No. 184874 (236 SCRA 239)
September 2, 1994
The accused, being above 15 and under 18 years of age G.R. No. 102007
at the time of the rape, and having acted with
discernment, claimed for the benefits of R.A. No. 9344 in The Supreme Court held that the death of the accused
view of Section 40, which provides that "if the child in Bayotas extinguished his criminal liability and civil liability
conflict with the law has reached eighteen (18) years of based solely on the act complained of, i.e., rape. The
age while under suspended sentence, the court shall Court ruled that: (1) death of the accused pending appeal
determine whether to discharge the child in accordance of his conviction extinguishes his criminal liability as well
with this Act, to order execution of sentence, or to extend as the civil liability based solely thereon; (2) the claim for
the suspended sentence for a certain period or until the civil liability survives notwithstanding the death of
child reaches the maximum age of twenty-one (21) accused, if the same may also be predicated on a source
years." However, the application of Section 40 is of obligation other than delict, such as law, contracts,
rendered moot and academic since the accused was quasi-contracts or quasi-delicts; (3) where the civil liability
already 22 years old and could no longer be considered a survives, as explained in Number 2 above, an action for
child for the purposes of applying R.A. No. 9344. recovery therefor may be pursued but only by way of
filing a separate civil action and subject to Section 1, Rule
MODIFICATION AND EXTINCTION OF CRIMINAL 111 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure; and (4) the
LIABILITY private offended party need not fear a forfeiture of his
right to file this separate civil action by prescription, in
DAMASCO v LAQUI cases where during the prosecution of the criminal action
(166 SCRA 214) and prior to its extinction, the private-offended party
September 30, 1988 instituted together therewith the civil action for in such
G.R. No. 81381 case, the statute of limitations on the civil liability is
deemed interrupted during the pendency of the criminal
The petitioner was charged with the crime of grave case.
threats (the crime was committed on 8 July 1987 and the
information was filed only on 17 September 1987 or after SERMONIA v CA
the lapse of 71 days), but was only found guilty by the (233 SCRA 155)
court of light threats (with a prescriptive period of 2 June 14, 1994
months or 60 days). The Supreme Court, in agreeing with G.R. NO. 109454
petitioner's contention that he cannot be convicted of light
threats since it had already prescribed, held that where Petitioner, in contending that his criminal liability for
an accused has been found to have committed a lesser bigamy has been obliterated by prescription, insists that
offense includible with the graver offense charged, he since the second marriage contract was duly registered
cannot be convicted of the lesser offense if it has already with the Office of the Civil Registrar in 1975, such fact of
prescribed. To hold otherwise would be to sanction a registration makes it a matter of public record and
circumvention of the law on prescription by the simple constitutes notice to the whole world. Hence, the
expedient of accusing the defendant of the graver offended party is considered to have had constructive
offense. notice of the subsequent marriage as of 1975 and that
prescription commenced to run on the day the marriage
contract was registered. The Supreme Court held that
unlike in the case of real property, the principle of
constructive notice should not be applied in regard to the
crime of bigamy as judicial notice may be taken of the

fact that a bigamous marriage is generally entered into by PRESCRIPTION OF PENALTIES
the offender in secrecy from the spouse of the previous
subsisting marriage and that a bigamous marriage is DEL CASTILLO v TORRECAMPO
generally entered into in a place where the offender is not (394 SCRA 221)
known to be still a married person in order to conceal his December 18, 2002
legal impediment to contract another marriage. G.R. No. 139033

CABRAL V. PUNO 10 years after the petitioner was found guilty for violating
(70 SCRA 606) the Election Code (whereby he was never apprehended
April 30, 1976 and remained at large), he filed before the trial court a
G.R. No. L-41692 motion to quash the warrant issued for his arrest on the
ground of prescription of the penalty imposed upon him.
Petitioner was charged with the crime of falsification (with He based his claims on Article 93 of the Revised Penal
a prescriptive period of 10 years) for allegedly forging a Code which provides that the period of prescription shall
document that was registered in the Register of Deeds on commence to run from the date when the culprit should
August 26, 1948. The complaint of respondent, filed on evade the service of his sentence. The petition must be
September 24, 1974, was dismissed on the ground of denied since under Article 93, prescription shall
prescription since the respondent had actual if not commence to run from the date the felon evades the
constructive notice of the alleged forgery upon its service of his sentence, which is inapplicable in the case
registration in the Register of Deeds. at bar since the petitioner was never brought to prison
and cannot be said to have escaped therefrom.
Act No. 3326, As Amended
(211 SCRA 277) January 21, 2005
July 3, 1992 G.R. No. 141718
G.R. No. 102342
Petitioner, who failed to appear during the promulgation
The prescriptive period for the crime imputed to the of the decision in the MTC on August 9, 1991, questioned
petitioner (quarrying for commercial purposes without a his arrest on January 24, 2000 on the ground that the
mayor's permit in violation of Ordinance No. 2, Series of same was illegal since the straight penalty of two months
1988, of the Municipality of Rodriguez, in the Province of and one day of arresto mayor prescribes in five years
Rizal) commenced from its alleged commission on May under No. 3, Article 93 [of the] Revised Penal Code. In
11, 1990, and ended two months thereafter, on July 11, ruling against the petitioner, the Court held that the
1990, in accordance with Section 1 of Act No. 3326 and it prescription of penalties found in Article 93 of the Revised
was not interrupted by the filing of the complaint with the Penal Code applies only to those who are convicted by
Office of the Provincial Prosecutor on May 30, 1990, as final judgment and are serving sentence which consists
this was not a judicial proceeding. The judicial proceeding of deprivation of liberty. Hence, the period for prescription
that could have interrupted the period was the filing of the of penalties begins only when the convict evades service
information with the Municipal Trial Court of Rodriguez, of sentence by escaping during the term of his sentence.
but this was done only on October 2, 1990, after the
crime had already prescribed. PARDON BY OFFENDED PARTY


(527 SCRA 61) (271 SCRA 233)
July 9, 2007 April 15, 1997
G.R. No. 140231 G.R. No. 117407

The respondents were charged with violation of R.A. No. The supposed pardon of the accused was allegedly
3019 (amending said law, Section 4, Batas Pambansa granted only by the mother (BBB) without the
Blg. 195 increased the prescriptive period from 10 to 15 concurrence of the offended minor, AAA. Hence, even if it
years), and the applicable law in the computation of the be assumed for the sake of argument that the initial
prescriptive period is Section 2 of Act No. 3326, which desistance of the said mother from taking any action
provides that "prescription shall begin to run from the day against the accused constitutes pardon, it is clear that
of the commission of the violation of the law, and if the upon the authorities cited above, such pardon is
same not be known at the time, from the discovery ineffective without the express concurrence of the
thereof and the institution of judicial proceedings for its offended minor herself.
investigation and punishment". Records show that the act
complained of was discovered in 1992 and the complaint PEOPLE v LIM
was filed with the Office of the Ombudsman on April 5, (206 SCRA 176)
1995, or within three (3) years from the time of discovery. February 13, 1992
Thus, the filing of the complaint was well within the G.R. No. 95753
prescriptive period of 15 years.
The accused, who was charged with the crime of rape,
insists that he was pardoned by the offended party when
she executed an Affidavit of Desistance, stating that the
rape case arose out of a mere misunderstanding. The
Supreme Court did not agree and held that to warrant the
dismissal of the complaint, the victim's retraction or

pardon should be made prior to the institution of the transferred to the occupant it must necessarily remain
criminal action. Hence, the alleged pardon could not be vested in the legitimate government.
considered in his favor since the Affidavit was executed
after the present case was filed. PEOPLE v PEREZ
(83 PHIL 314)
7 counts of treason were filed against Perez for
PEOPLE v SALLE recruiting, apprehending and commandeering numerous
(250 SCRA 581) girls and women against their will for the purpose of using
December 4, 1995 them to satisfy the immoral purposes of Japanese
G.R. No. 103567 officers. The Supreme Court held that his
"commandeering" of women to satisfy the lust of
The accused was granted conditional pardon, but for the Japanese officers or men or to enliven the entertainment
said pardon to take effect, he must first withdraw his held in their honor was not treason even though the
appeal. The conditional pardon granted the said appellant women and the entertainment helped to make life more
shall be deemed to take effect only upon the grant of pleasant for the enemies and boost their spirit; he was
such withdrawal and in case of non-compliance with this not guilty any more than the women themselves would
Resolution, the Director of the Bureau of Corrections have been if they voluntarily and willingly had
must exert every possible effort to take back into his surrendered their bodies or organized the entertainment.
custody the said accused, for which purpose he may
seek the assistance of the Philippine National Police or PEOPLE v ADRIANO
the National Bureau of Investigation. (78 PHIL 561)

PEOPLE v BACANG Adriano was convicted for the crime of treason for being
(260 SCRA 44) a member of the Makapili, a military organization
July 30, 1996 established and designed to assist and aid militarily the
G.R. NO. 116512 Japanese Imperial forces in the Philippines in the said
enemy's war efforts and operations against the United
The conditional pardons were granted to accused- States and the Philippines. The Supreme Court in
appellants during the pendency of their appeal. The Court upholding the conviction held that the mere fact of having
held that such conditional pardons are void since the joined a Makapili organization is evidence of both
adherence to the enemy and giving him aid and comfort
“conviction by final judgment” limitation under Section 19,
and that being a Makapili is in itself constitutive of an
Article VII of the present Constitution prohibits the grant overt act. Hence, it is not necessary, except for the
of pardon, whether full or conditional, to an accused purpose of increasing the punishment, that the defendant
during the pendency of his appeal from his conviction by actually went to battle or committed nefarious acts
the trial court and any application therefor, if one is made, against his country or countrymen.
should not be acted upon or the process toward its grant
should not be begun unless the appeal is withdrawn. PEOPLE v MANAYAO
(78 PHIL 721)
SPECIFICALLY INCLUDED SPECIAL LAWS Manayao argues that he cannot be charged with treason
because he had already lost his Filipino citizenship when
he joined the Makapili, having considered himself a
CRIMES AGAINST NATIONAL SECURITY member of the Japanese armed forces. Manayao cannot
(ARTS. 114- 123) divest himself of his Philippine citizenship, otherwise, his
very crime would be the shield that would protect him
TREASON from punishment and would essentially place himself
beyond the arm of our treason law.
Petitioner filed a petition for habeas corpus claiming that
a Filipino citizen who adhered to the enemy, giving the ARBITRARY DETENTION
latter aid and comfort during the Japanese occupation,
cannot be prosecuted for the crime of treason for the UMIL v RAMOS
reasons that: (1) the sovereignty of the legitimate (187 SCRA 311)
government in the Philippines and, consequently, the
correlative allegiance of Filipino citizens thereto was then Subversion is a continuing crime. As such, authorities,
suspended; and (2) that there was a change of upon determination of probable cause may execute a
sovereignty over these Islands upon the proclamation of valid arrest pursuant to Rule 113 of the Revised Rules on
the Philippine Republic. The Supreme Court dismissed Criminal Procedure.
the petition and ruled that the absolute and permanent
allegiance of the inhabitants of a territory occupied by the PEOPLE v BURGOS
enemy of their legitimate government or sovereign is not (144 SCRA 1)
abrogated or severed by the enemy occupation because
the sovereignty of the government or sovereign de jure is When the accused is arrested on the sole basis of a
not transferred thereby to the occupier, and if it is not verbal report, the arrest without a warrant under Section
6(a) of Rule 113 is not lawful and legal since the offense

must also be committed in his presence or within his UMIL v RAMOS
view. It is not enough that there is reasonable ground to (187 SCRA 85)
believe that the person to be arrested has committed a July 9, 1990
crime for an essential precondition under the rule is that G.R. 81567
the crime must in fact or actually have been committed
first. Being a member of the New People’s Army, an outlawed
organization, is punishable. Subversion like rebellion or
DELAY IN THE DELIVERY OF DETAINED PERSONS insurrection is perceived as a continuing offense and
unlike other so called “common” offenses i.e. adultery,
EXPULSION murder, arson, etc. which generally end upon their
commission, subversion and rebellion are anchored on
VILLAVICENCIO v LUKBAN an ideological base which compels the repetition of the
(39 Phil 778) same acts of lawlessness and violence until the
overriding objective of overthrowing organized
The forcible taking of the women from Manila by officials government is attained.
of that city, who handed them over to other parties and
deposited them in a distant region, deprived these PEOPLE v LOVERDIORO
women of freedom of locomotion just as effectively as if (250 SCRA 389)
they had been imprisoned. There is no law expressly November 29, 1995
authorizing the deportation of prostitutes to a new G.R. 112235
domicile against their will and in fact Article 127 punishes
public officials, not expressly authorized by law or In deciding if the crime committed is rebellion, not
regulation, who compel any person to change his murder, it becomes imperative for the courts to ascertain
residence. whether or not the act was done in furtherance of a
political end. The political motive of the act should be
SEARCH WARRANTS MALICIOUSLY OBTAINED conclusively demonstrated as it is not enough that the
overt acts of rebellion are duly proven otherwise if no
STONEHILL v DIOKNO political motive is established and proved, the accused
(20 SCRA 383) should be convicted of the common crime and not of
Search warrant authorizing the seizure of books and
records “showing all the business transactions” of certain PEOPLE v GERONIMO
persons regardless of whether the transactions were (100 PHIL 90)
legal or illegal is a general warrant which contravenes the October 23, 1956
Constitution and the Rules of Court which require that the G.R. L-8936
things to be seized should be particularly described.
Not every act of violence is deemed absorbed in the
BURGOS v CHIEF OF STAFF crime of rebellion solely because it was committed
(133 SCRA 800) simultaneously with or in the course of the rebellion. If the
killing, robbing, etc. were done for private purposes or
When the search warrant applied for is directed against a profit, without any political motivation, the crime would be
newspaper publisher or editor in connection with the separately punishable and would not be absorbed by the
publication of subversive materials, the application and/ rebellion and the individual misdeed could not be taken
or its supporting affidavits must contain a specification, with the rebellion to constitute a complex crime, for the
stating with particularity the alleged subversive material constitutive acts and intent would be unrelated to each
he has published or intending to publish since mere other. The individual crime would not be a means
generalization will not suffice. Also, ownership is of no necessary for committing the rebellion, as it would not be
consequence and it is sufficient that the person against done in preparation or in furtherance of the latter.
whom the warrant is directed has control or possession of
the property sought to be seized. SEDITION


(96 PHIL 185)
PEOPLE v BAES November 29, 1954
68 Phil 203 G.R. L-5803

Whether or not the act complained of is offensive to the Where the purpose of the raid and acts of the raiders in
religious feelings of the Catholics, is a question of fact rising publicly and taking up arms, were not exactly
which must be judged only according to the feelings of against the Government and for the purpose of doing the
the Catholic and not those of other faithful ones. It is things defined in Article 134 of the Revised Penal Code
possible that certain acts may offend the feelings of those under rebellion, but rather, by means of force and
who profess a certain religion, while not otherwise intimidation, to inflict an act of hate or revenge upon the
offensive to the feelings of those professing another faith. person or property of a public official, the crime
committed is sedition. The raiders did not even attack the
CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC ORDER seat of the local government rather, the object was to
attain by means of force, intimidation, etc. one object, to
REBELLION, INSURRECTION, COUP D’ ETAT inflict an act of hate or revenge upon the person or
property of a public official.

PEOPLE v CABRERA the disposition to remain loyal to the government, is a
(43 PHIL 64) scurrilous libel against the Government. The violent and
March 6, 1922 provocative statements made by the accused against the
G.R. 17748 state was neither constructive nor with reason. It, instead,
went beyond the ambit of criticism legally permitted since
Seventy-seven members of the Philippine Constabulary it had the dangerous tendency of appealing to the
who rose publicly and tumultuously in order to attain by common mind and suggesting or inciting rebellious
force and outside of legal methods the object of inflicting conspiracies and riots against the duly constituted
an act of hate or revenge upon the police of the City of government.
Manila were found guilty of the crime of sedition as
defined and punished by Act No. 292 of the Philippine MENDOZA v PEOPLE
Commission. (90 PHIL 524)
December 17 1951
The Philippine Law on sedition (Act No. 292), makes all G.R. L-2990
persons who rise publicly and tumultuously in order to
obtain by force or outside of legal methods any one of A published writing which calls our government one of
five objects, including that of inflicting any act of hate or crooks and dishonest persons ("dirty") infested with Nazis
revenge upon the person or property of any official or and Fascists i.e. dictators, and which reveals a tendency
agent of the Insular Government or of a provincial or to produce dissatisfaction or a feeling incompatible with
municipal government, guilty of sedition. In order to be a the disposition to remain loyal to the government, is a
violation of paragraph 3 of section 5 of Act No. 292, it is scurrilous libel against the Government. Any citizen may
not necessary that the offender be a private citizen and criticize his government and government officials and
the offended party a public functionary since the law submit his criticism to the "free trade of ideas" but such
makes no distinction between the persons to which it criticism should be specific and constructive, specifying
applies. particular objectionable actuations of the government. It
must be reasoned or tempered and not a contemptuous
PEOPLE v HADJI condemnation of the entire government set-up.
(9 SCRA 252)
G.R. L-12686
The rule in this jurisdiction allows the treatment of the (44 SCRA 22)
common offenses of murder etc. as distinct and March 24, ___
independent acts separable from sedition. Where the G.R. L-34022
acts of violence were deemed absorbed in the crime of
rebellion, the same does not apply in the crime of The members of the legislature are privileged from arrest
sedition. on civil process during the session of that body, and for a
reasonable time before and after, to enable them to go to
INCITING TO SEDITION and return from the same. Prosecution for a criminal
offense is excluded from this grant of immunity. It would
US v TOLENTINO amount to the creation of a privileged class, without
(5 PHIL 682) justification in reason, if notwithstanding their liability for a
March 6, 1906 criminal offense, they would be considered immune
G.R. L-1451 during their attendance in Congress and in going to and
returning from the same.
The manifest, unmistakable tendency of the play, in view
of the time, place, and manner of its presentation, was to ILLEGAL ASSOCIATION
inculcate a spirit of hatred and enmity against the
American people and the Government of the United PEOPLE v EVANGELISTA
States. The principal object and intent of its author was to (57 PHIL 372)
incite the people of the Philippines to open armed October 26, 1932
resistance to the constituted authorities, and to induce G.R. L-36277
them to conspire together for the secret organization of
armed forces, to be used when the opportunity present The principal defense that the Communist Party of the
itself, for the purpose of overthrowing the present Philippines is not an illegal association in that it preaches
Government and the setting up another in its stead. The only a social but not an armed revolution is obviously
manner and form in which the drama was presented at useless, since a mere reading of the constitution of the
such a time and under such conditions renders absurd Communist Party will show that the purpose of such
the pretense that it was merely or even principally a association is to incite class struggle and to overthrow the
literary or artistic production. present government by peaceful means or by armed
revolution. Therefore, the purpose of such association is
ESPUELAS v PEOPLE to alter the social order and to commit the crimes of
December 17, 1951 rebellion and sedition. An association having such an
G.R. L-2990 object must necessarily be illegal.

A published writing which calls our government one of

crooks and dishonest persons ("dirty") infested with Nazis
and Fascists i.e. dictators, and which reveals a tendency
to produce dissatisfaction or a feeling incompatible with

PEOPLE v RODIL the other offense involved is not one of those enumerated
(109 SCRA 306) under RA 8294, then the separate case for illegal
November 20 1981 possession of firearm should continue to be prosecuted.
G.R. L-35156 The constitutional bar against double jeopardy will not
apply since these offenses are quite different from one
While the evidence definitely demonstrated that the another, with the first punished under the Revised Penal
appellant knew because the victim, who was in civilian Code and the second under a special law.
clothing, told him that he was an agent of a person in
authority, he cannot be convicted of the complex crime of DIRECT ASSAULT
homicide with assault upon an agent of a person in
authority for the simple reason that the information does PEOPLE v BELTRAN
not allege the fact that the accused then knew that, (138 SCRA 521)
before or at the time of the assault, the victim was an September 13, 1985
agent of a person in authority. Such knowledge must be G.R. L-37168-69
expressly and specifically averred in the information,
otherwise, in the absence of such allegation, the required Shooting the mayor and a policeman on duty is
knowledge, like a qualifying circumstance, although attempted murder with assault. Considering that Mayor
proven, would only be appreciated as a generic Quirolgico is a person in authority and Pat. Rolando
aggravating circumstance. Tolentino is a policeman who at the time was in his
uniform, and both were performing their official duties to
PEOPLE v TAC-AN maintain peace and order in the community, appellants
(182 SCRA 601) are guilty of attempted murder with direct assault.
February 26, 1990
(151 SCRA 592)
The last paragraph of Article 152 shows that while a June 30, 1987
teacher or professor of a public or recognized private G.R. 70639
school is deemed to be a "person in authority," such
teacher or professor is so deemed only for purposes of When a barangay Captain is in the act of trying to pacify
application of Articles 148 (direct assault upon a person a person who was making trouble in the dance hall, he is
in authority), and 151 (resistance and disobedience to a therefore killed while in the performance of his duties. As
person in authority or the agents of such person) of the the barangay captain, it was his duty to enforce the laws
Revised Penal Code. A teacher or professor of a public and ordinances within the barangay and if in the
or recognized private school cannot be regarded as a enforcement thereof, he incurs, the enmity of his people
"public authority" within the meaning of paragraph 2 of who thereafter treacherously slew him, the crime
Article 14 of the Revised Penal Code. committed is murder with assault upon a person in
(99 PHIL 453)
PEOPLE v QUIJADA June 28, 1956
(259 SCRA 191) G.R. L-8611
July 24, 1996
G.R. 115008-09 The character of person in authority is not assumed or
laid off at will, but attaches to a public official until he
The killing of a person with the use of an unlicensed ceases to be in office. Assuming that the complainant is
firearm cannot serve to increase the penalty for homicide not actually performing the duties of his office when
or murder but rather, by express provision of P.D. No. assaulted, this fact does not bar the existence of the
1866, shall increase the penalty for illegal possession of crime of assault upon a person in authority, so long as
firearm. When an accused is prosecuted for homicide or the impelling motive of the attack is the performance of
murder and for aggravated illegal possession of firearm, official duty.||| Also, where there is a mutual agreement to
the constitutional bar against double jeopardy will not fight, an aggression ahead of the stipulated time and
apply since these offenses are quite different from one place would be unlawful since to hold otherwise would be
another, with the first punished under the Revised Penal to sanction unexpected assaults contrary to all sense of
Code and the second under a special law. loyalty and fair play.


(526 SCRA 195) (367 SCRA ___)
June 29, 2007 October 17, 2001
G.R. 170562 G.R. 129069

When the other offense is one of those enumerated The victim is considered a mere bystander even if he is a
under RA 8294, any information for illegal possession of Barangay Chief Tanod, an agent of a person in authority,
firearms should be quashed because the illegal if he is not acting and had no occasion to act in the
possession of firearm would have to be tried together performance of his official duties. As such, the attacks on
with such other offense, either considered as an him do not amount to direct assault.
aggravating circumstance in murder or homicide, or
absorbed as an element of rebellion, insurrection,
sedition or attempted coup d’ etat and conversely, when

VYTIACO v CA (152 SCRA 272)
(19 SCRA 744)
April 24, 1967 A convict granted conditional pardon with an undertaking
G.R. L-20246-48 that he would “not again violate any of the penal laws of
the Philippines” who is recommitted should be convicted
The accused cannot be held liable when the evidence by final judgment of a court of the subsequent crime or
shows that the Constabulary Soldier was in civilian crimes with which he was charged before the criminal
clothes, did not exhibit any badge and simply identified penalty for such subsequent offense(s) can be imposed
himself verbally after the petitioner had wrested his gun upon him. Article 159 of the Revised Penal Code defines
from him since before a person can be held guilty of the a distinct and substantive felony, the parolee or convict
crime of resistance or disobedience to a person in who is regarded as having violated the provisions thereof
authority or the agent of such person it must be shown must be charged, prosecuted and convicted by final
beyond reasonable doubt that the accused knew that the judgment before he can be made to suffer the prescribed
person he disobeyed or resisted is a person in authority penalty.
or the agent of such person who is actually engaged in
the performance of his official duties. Moreover, the QUASI-RECIDIVISM
refusal of petitioner to return the Constabulary Soldier's
gun was but a continuation of his efforts to defend himself PEOPLE v DIOSO
from whatever harm that could come from. October 23, 1964
G.R. L-38346-47
When the accused is a quasi-recidivist, having committed
ALBERTO v DELA CRUZ the crime charged while serving sentence for a prior
(98 SCRA 406) offense, the maximum penalty prescribed by law for
June 30, 1980 murder is death, regardless of the presence or absence
G.R. L-31839 of mitigating or aggravating circumstance such as
voluntary surrender and plea of guilty or the complete
The crime delivering prisoners from jail under Article 156 absence thereof.
is usually committed by an outsider who removes from
jail any person confined therein or helps him escape and CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC INTEREST
not by a jailer of the province and by an assistant
provincial warden since if the offender is a public officer COUNTERFEITING
who has custody or charge of the prisoner, he is liable for
infidelity in the custody of prisoner. However in Article PEOPLE v KONG LEON
223, it is necessary that the public officer had consented (48 O.G. 664)
to, or connived in, the escape of the prisoner under his
custody or charge. The making of false coins of a foreign country is
punishable under Article 163, paragraph 3 of the Revised
EVASION OF SERVICE OF SENTENCE Penal Code even if said country has withdrawn the coins
from circulation therein.
February 28, 1967
(3 SCRA 650)
Prescription shall only begin to run when he escapes
confinement. When the accused is never placed in Possession of genuine treasury notes of the Philippines
confinement, prescription of penalty will not run in his any of "the figures, letters, words or signs contained" in
favor. which had been erased and/or altered, with knowledge of
such erasure and alteration, and with the intent to use
PEOPLE v ABILONG such notes of the Philippines, is punishable under Art.
(82 PHIL ___) 168 in relation to Art. 166, subdivision (1) of the Revised
November 26, 1948 Penal Code. Thus, possession of genuine treasury notes
G.R. L-1960 of the Philippine Government where one of the digits of
the penultimate had been altered and changed from 9 so
Although destierro does not constitute imprisonment, it is as to read 0 is punishable.
a deprivation of liberty, though partial, in the sense that
as in the present case, the appellant by his sentence of FALSIFICATION
destierro was deprived of the liberty to enter the City of
Manila. Thus, if a person sentenced to destierro by virtue SIQUIAN v PEOPLE
of final judgment and prohibited from entering the City of (171 SCRA 223)
Manila enters said city within the period of his sentence,
he is guilty of evasion of sentence under Article 157 of Falsification of public document is committed when the
the Revised Penal Code. accused issues a certification which states that funds are
available for the position to which a person is appointed

and the accused knows that, in reality, the position itself LUAGUE v CA
does not even exist and no funds had been appropriated (112 SCRA 97)
therefor. The existence of a wrongful intent to injure a
third person is not necessary when the falsified document If the accused acted in good faith when she signed her
is a public document. In falsification of public documents, spouse's name to the checks and encashed them to pay
the controlling consideration is the public character of a for the expenses of the spouse’s last illness and burial
document and the existence of any prejudice caused to upon the belief that the accused is entitled to them and
third persons or, at least, the intent to cause such considering that the government sustained no damage
damage becomes immaterial. due to such encashment, criminal intent may not be
ascribed, and the accused should be acquitted to such
(192 SCRA 521)
The charge of estafa thru falsification of a public (81 SCRA 120)
document has sufficient basis to exist in fact and in law
since falsification of a public document may be a means If the falsification is resorted to for the purpose of hiding
of committing estafa because before the falsified the malversation, the falsification and malversation are
document is actually utilized to defraud another, the separate offenses. Thus, where the provincial treasurer,
crime of falsification has already been consummated, as the custodian of the money forming part of the road
damage or intent to cause damage not being an element and bridge fund, effected payments to his co-accused for
of the crime of falsification of public, official or commercial construction materials supposedly delivered to the
documents. The damage to another is caused by the province for various projects when in fact no such
commission of estafa and not by the falsification of the materials were delivered, and to camouflage or conceal
document, hence, the falsification of the public, official or the defraudation, the accused used six vouchers which
commercial document is only a necessary means to had genuine features and which appear to be extrinsically
commit the estafa. authentic but which were intrinsically fake, the crimes
committed are not complex but separate crimes of
US v CAPULE falsification and malversation and the falsifications cannot
(24 PHIL 12) be regarded as constituting one continuing offense
January 2, 1913 impelled by a single criminal impulse.
G.R. L-7447
A person who, taking advantage of the occasion when a
power of attorney is presumably being drawn up, US v CASTILLO
prepares instead thereof, contrary to the wishes of the (6 PHIL 453)
interested parties and with malice aforethought, an September 19, 1906
instrument of sale in his own favor, using deceit as to the G.R. 2829
parties and the witnesses, and afterwards induces a
notary to certify falsely that the supposed vendors The Court held that the unexplained fact that the accused
actually appeared and ratified such instrument, is guilty of altered a forged check which is strong evidence tending
the falsification of a notarial or public document. to prove that the accused either forged the check himself
or caused it to be forged when accompanied by proof of
PEOPLE v MANANSALA other facts, which render it difficult to understand how the
(58 PHIL 796) check could have been forged without the intervention of
November 18, 1933 the accused, is sufficient to sustain a conviction for
G.R. L-38948 forgery.

When a person has in his possession a falsified DAVA v PEOPLE

document and makes use of the same, the presumption (202 SCRA 62)
or inference is justified that such person is the forger. G.R. 73

BERADIO VS CA A blank form of the driver's license which is filled up with

(103 SCRA 567) personal data and the signature of the registrar of the
San Fernando LTC agency was affixed therein, even if
The crime of falsification of public document cannot be the same was simulated, becomes a public document
imputed to the accused when it is found that no criminal within the purview of Articles 171 and 172.The driver's
intent to commit falsification can be imputed on the license being a public document, proof of the fourth
accused who in submitting daily time records not as a element of damage caused to another person or at least
legal obligation but as a matter of practice, made entries intent to cause such damage has become immaterial
therein that were not absolutely false but had a color of since the principal thing being punished is the violation of
truth and who had caused no damage to the government, the public faith and the destruction of the truth proclaimed
or to third parties but on the contrary rendered service in therein.
the interest of the public with proper permission from the

NOTES (131 SCRA 478)

MARTINEZ v PEOPLE A woman who has been living with a married man for
(652 SCRA ___) almost 20 years, where the latter introduced the woman
June 15, 2011 to the public as his wife, assumed the role of being a wife
G.R. 194367 and the family name of the man without any sinister
purpose or personal material gain in mind cannot be held
Possession of false treasury or bank notes alone, without liable of the crime Using Fictitious Name. The absence of
anything more, is not a criminal offense since the sinister purpose or personal material gain has removed
possession must be with intent to use said false treasury the act from being a crime herein mentioned.
or bank notes. Hence, the pieces of counterfeit bills
allegedly seized are not sufficient to show the element of PERJURY
intent to use any of such forged or falsified instruments,
for there must be an overt act to manifest such intent. DIAZ v PEOPLE
(191 SCRA 86)
A person who stated under oath in his application to take
GIGANTONI v PEOPLE a police examination that he had never been convicted of
(162 SCRA 158) any crime, when as a matter of fact he has previous
convictions, committed perjury. The elements of the
It is incumbent upon the prosecution to establish by crime of the crime of perjury are: 1) the accused made a
positive evidence the allegation that an accused falsely statement under oath or executed an affidavit upon a
represents himself. It is essential to present proof that material matter 2) that the statement or affidavit was
one actually knows at the time of the alleged commission made before a competent officer authorized to receive
of the offense that he is already dismissed from the and administer oath 3) accused made a willful and
service. deliberate assertion of falsehood 4) that a sworn
statement or affidavit containing the falsity is required by
An argument that it makes no difference whether the law or made for a legal purpose.
accused was suspended or dismissed from the service,
“for both imply the absence of power to represent oneself MACHINATION IN PUBLIC AUCTIONS
as vested with authority to perform acts pertaining to an
office to which he knowingly was deprived of” is correct OUANO v CA
only when an accused is charged with Usurpation of (188 SCRA 799)
Official Function but not if one is charged with Usurpation
of Authority. Once two persons have promised to share in a property
subject to an issue as a consideration for one to refrain
ESTRADA v DESIERTO from taking part in the public auction, and have attempted
(445 SCRA 655) to cause and succeeded in causing another bidder to
December 9, 2004 stay away from an auction in order to cause reduction of
GR 156160 the price of the property auctioned, machination in public
auctions under Art 185 of the RPC has been committed.
When a person who issued a notice has obtained an Causing another bidder to stay away from the auction in
authority to issue the same, for instance being an officer- order to cause reduction of the price of the property
in-charge of a Philippine Government or agency, a auctioned is an act constituting the crime of machination
charge for Usurpation of Official Function does not apply. in public auctions.
In order for one to be held liable for Usurpation of Official
Function, there must be a clear showing that the person CRIMES RELATIVE TO OPIUM AND OTHER
being charged had performed an act pertaining to any PROHIBITED DRUGS
person in authority or public officer of the Philippine
Government or any agency thereof, under pretense of PEOPLE v LAGATA
official position, and without being lawfully entitled to do (396 SCRA ___)
so. June 25, 2003
G.R. 135323
Appellant's lack of knowledge of the contents of the
CA 142 AS AMENDED BY RA 6085 (ACT plastic bag becomes all the more credible considering
REGULATING THE USE OF ALIASES) that when the NBI agents conducted a test buy to
validate the tip given to them by their confidential
HOCK LIAN v REPUBLIC informant, they relied entirely on the information that a
(17 SCRA 188) certain "Baby" and "Chinggay" were selling "shabu."
Moreover, the testimony of the poseur-buyer becomes
Aside from using one name, a person using another material and indispensable when the appellant denies
name wherein no evidence is shown that he was having committed the prohibited act and without the
baptized with the latter name or that he has been known testimony of the poseur-buyer especially if there are no
by it since childhood or that the court has authorized the other eyewitness to the illicit transaction, the non-
use thereof may be liable for Using a Fictitious Name. presentation of the poseur buyer can be fatal to the
case of the prosecution, thus a hearsay.

PEOPLE v BONGCARAWAN of obscenity is whether the tendency of the matter
(384 SCRA 525) charged as obscene is to deprave or corrupt those whose
minds are open to such immoral influences and into
The possession of dangerous drugs must be with whose hands a publication or other article charged as
knowledge of the accused, or that animus possidendi being obscene may fall.
existed together with the possession or control of such
articles but the possession of dangerous drugs PEOPLE v APARICI
constitutes prima facie evidence of knowledge or animus (52 OG 249)
possidendi sufficient to convict an accused in the
absence of a satisfactory explanation of such possession. In a dark theater with stage dimly lit where a person is
Another is that the things in possession of a person are swaying to and fro with the middle part of her body, and
presumed by law to be owned by him and that to dancing with her hips swaying and sometimes raising her
overcome this presumption, it is necessary to present feet, the Court provided that the test whether a particular
clear and convincing evidence to the contrary. act is obscene is its tendency to deprave or corrupt those
whose minds are open to such immoral influences, be
PEOPLE v SUZUKI they cultured or not.
(414 SCRA 43)
October 23, 2003 PEOPLE v PADAN
G.R. 120670 (101 PHIL 749)

It bears stressing that mere possession of the prohibited In an actual exhibition of a sexual act, preceded by acts
substance is a crime per se and the burden of proof is of lasciviousness, there can be no redeeming features; in
upon appellant to show that he has a license or permit it there is no room for art. It is clear and an unmitigated
under the law to possess the prohibited drug. Here, obscenity, indecency and an offense to public morals and
appellant failed to prove that he has a license to possess causing as it does, nothing but lust and lewdness, and
the marijuana and so the Court held that such possession exerting a corrupting influence especially on the youth of
constitutes prima facie evidence of animus possidendi the land.
sufficient to convict an accused in the absence of any
satisfactory explanation. FERNANDO v CA
(510 SCRA 351)
PEOPLE v CHUA December 6, 2006
(396 SCRA 657) G.R. No. 159751

The crime under consideration is malum prohibitum, To be held liable for obscenity, the prosecution must
hence, lack of criminal intent or good faith does not prove that (a) the materials, publication, picture or
exempt appellants from criminal liability. Mere possession literature are obscene; and (b) the offender sold,
of a regulated drug without legal authority is punishable exhibited, published or gave away such materials; that
under the Dangerous Drugs Act. which shocks the ordinary and common sense of men as
an indecency. A picture being obscene or indecent must
PEOPLE v CASIMIRO depend upon the circumstances of the case, and that
(383 SCRA 390) ultimately, the question is to be decided by the judgment
of the aggregate sense of the community reached by it. It
Failure to prove that the specimen of marijuana examined is an issue proper for judicial determination and should
by the forensic chemist was that seized from the accused be treated on a case to case basis and on the judge’s
was fatal to the prosecution's case. The prosecution sound discretion.
failed to prove the crucial first link in the chain of custody
when the prosecution witnesses admitted that they did CRIMES COMMITED BY PUBLIC OFFICERS
not write their initials on the brick of marijuana
immediately after allegedly seizing it from accused- RA 3019 AS AMENDED (ANTI GRAFT AND CORRUPT
appellant outside the grocery store but only did so in their PRACTICES ACT)
headquarters and the narcotics field test, which initially
identified the seized item as marijuana, was likewise not TRIESTE v SANDIGANBAYAN
conducted at the scene of the crime, but only at the (146 SCRA 508)
narcotics office; leading to a reasonable doubt as to
whether the item allegedly seized from accused-appellant An official involved need not dispose of his shares in a
is the same brick of marijuana marked by the policemen corporation as long as he does not do anything for the
in their headquarters and given by them to the crime firm in its contract with another. The matter contemplated
laboratory for examination. in Section 3(h) of the Anti-Graft Law is the actual
intervention in the transaction in which one has financial
CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC MORALS or pecuniary interest in order that liability may attach.



PEOPLE v KOTTINGER Section 3 of Republic Act No. 3019 refers to “any public
(45 PHIL 352) officer”. It makes no distinction or qualification and
specifies the acts declared unlawful. A violation may
Obscenity is something which is offensive to chastity, occur when an officer takes advantage of his position and
decency or delicacy. The test to determine the existence

divests private parties of compensation they must PEOPLE v DELA CRUZ
receive. (612 SCRA 364)
February 11, 2010

LABATAGOS v SANDIGANBAYAN In the case of a Parricide of a spouse, the best proof of

(183 SCRA 415) the relationship between the accused and the deceased
would be the marriage certificate. In this case, the
When a collecting officer of a government institution testimony of the accused that he was married to the
assigns his or her work to another without the former victim, in itself, is ample proof of such relationship as the
being the one to misappropriate a government fund or testimony can be taken as an admission against penal
property malversation may still be at hand. Malversation interest.
consists not only in misappropriation or converting public
funds or property to one’s personal use but also by PEOPLE V JUMAWAN
knowingly allowing others to make use of them. (116 SCRA 739)
September 23, 1982
(218 SCRA 766)
Presentacion should have been accused of parricide but
An official custodian who fails to show possession of a since her relationship to the deceased, as wife, is not
public fund or property may be held liable for alleged in the information, she can be convicted of
malversation. In malversation, all that is necessary for murder only qualified by abuse of superior strength.
conviction is proof that the accountable officer had
received public funds and that he did not have them in PEOPLE v TOMOTORGO
possession when demand therefore was made; no need (136 SCRA 238)
of direct evidence of personal misappropriation as long April 30, 1985
as there is shortage in his account and that it must be G.R. No. L-47941
said that the return of the thing malversed is not a
defense. The fact that the appellant intended to maltreat the victim
only or inflict physical injuries does not exempt him from
INFIDELITY IN THE CUSTODY OF PRISONERS liability for the resulting and more serious crime of
parricide. Appellant is only entitled to the mitigating
RODILLAS v SANDIGANBAYAN circumstance of lack of intent to commit so grave a wrong
(161 SCRA 347) (Article 13 (3 Id).)

Failure to undertake necessary precautions take for PEOPLE V GENOSA

instance, allowing a prisoner to have lunch with family (419 SCRA 537)
when the former should be brought to jail, failing to follow January 15, 2004
the prisoner in the restroom or assigning someone to G.R. No. 135981
watch over the former leading to the prisoner’s escape,
will make the officer’s act as a laxity or negligence To appreciate battered woman syndrome (BWS) as self-
amounting to deliberate non-performance of duty. A claim defense, appellant must prove the following: (1) each of
that there was no connivance with the prisoner must fail the phases of the cycle of violence must be proven to
considering that connivance or giving one’s consent to have characterized at least two battering episodes
evasion is a distinct crime from infidelity in the custody of between the appellant and her intimate partner; (2) the
prisoner through negligence. final acute battering episode preceding the killing of the
batterer must have produced in the battered person's
CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS mind an actual fear of an imminent harm from her
(ARTICLES 246-266) batterer and an honest belief that she needed to use
force in order to save her life; and (3) at the time of the
PARRICIDE killing, the batterer must have posed probable -- not
necessarily immediate and actual -- grave harm to the
PEOPLE v DALAG accused, based on the history of violence perpetrated by
(402 SCRA 254) the former against the latter. Under the existing facts of
April 30, 2003 the present case, however, not all of these elements
G.R. No. 129895 were duly established.

In the crime of parricide, the prosecution is mandated to DEATH OR PHYSICAL INJURIES INFLICTED UNDER
prove the following essential elements: (1) a person is EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES
killed; (2) the deceased is killed by the accused; and (3)
the deceased is the father, mother or child, whether PEOPLE v ABARCA
legitimate or illegitimate, or any of his ascendants, or (153 SCRA 735)
descendants, or his spouse. In the case of parricide of a September 14, 1987
spouse, the best proof of the relationship between the G.R. No. 74433
accused and the deceased would be the marriage
certificate which in this case, the prosecution was able to The provision in Article 247 of the Revised Penal Code
present and prove together with all the essential that the accused shall kill any or both of them
elements of parricide. immediately after surprising his spouse and her paramour
in the act of intercourse does not say that he should

commit the killing instantly thereafter. Although about one MUTILATION
hour had passed between the time the husband
discovered his wife having sexual intercourse with the AGUIRRE v SECRETARY OF JUSTICE
victim and the time the latter was actually shot, the (547 SCRA 431)
shooting falls within the provision as the death caused March 3, 2008
was the proximate result of the outrage overwhelming the G.R. No. 170723
accused after chancing upon his spouse in the basest act
of infidelity. Mutilation under the first paragraph of Article 262 of the
Revised Penal Code requires (1) that there be a
PEOPLE v OYANIB castration, that is, mutilation of organs necessary for
(354 SCRA 196) generation and (2) that the mutilation is caused purposely
March 12, 2001 and deliberately to deprive the offended party of some
G.R. Nos. 130634-35 essential organ for reproduction. In this present petition,
the bilateral vasectomy done on Larry could not have
To be relieved of any criminal liability, the accused having amounted to the crime of mutilation because though
admitted the killing must prove that the death caused is undeniably, vasectomy denies a man his power of
the proximate result of the outrage overwhelming him reproduction, such procedure does not deprive him,
after chancing upon his spouse in the act of infidelity. "either totally or partially, of some essential organ for
Further, he must have not promoted or facilitated the reproduction."
prostitution of his wife nor consented to her infidelity.
(612 SCRA 738) March 3, 2008
February 16, 2010 G.R. No. 170723
G.R. No. 188353
For the consummation of rape, perfect penetration is not
For the charge of murder to prosper, the prosecution essential. Entry of the labia or lips of the female organ
must prove that: (1) the offender killed the victim, (2) without rupture of the hymen or laceration of the vagina is
through treachery, or by any of the other five qualifying sufficient to warrant conviction. Necessarily, rape is
circumstances, duly alleged in the Information. Generally, attempted if there is no penetration of the female organ
the elements of murder are: 1. That a person was killed. because although the offender has commenced the
2. That the accused killed him. 3. That the killing was commission of a felony directly by overt acts, not all acts
attended by any of the qualifying circumstances of execution was performed.
mentioned in Art. 248. 4. The killing is not parricide or
infanticide. PEOPLE v CASTRO
(196 SCRA 679)
HOMICIDE May 6, 1991
G.R. No. 91490
(167 SCRA 439) Perfect penetration, rupture of the hymen and laceration
November 17, 1988 of the vagina are not essential for the offense of
G.R. No. 74324 consummated rape as entry, to the least extent, of the
labia or lips of the female organ is sufficient. Thus, the
Having taken the can with the stinging smell of flammable victim's remaining a virgin does not negate rape.
liquid from the engine of the Ferris wheel and holding it
before pouring its contents on the body of the deceased, PEOPLE v ACHAS
the accused knew that the can contained gasoline. (595 SCRA 341)
Clearly, he failed to exercise all the diligence necessary August 4, 2009
to avoid every undesirable consequence arising from any G.R. No. 185712
act that may be committed by his companions who at the
time were making fun of the deceased. The absence of external signs or physical injuries on the
complainant’s body does not necessarily negate the
UNINTENTIONAL ABORTION commission of rape. This is because hymenal laceration
is not an element of the crime of rape, albeit a healed or
PEOPLE v SALUFRANIA fresh laceration is a compelling proof of defloration.
(159 SCRA 401)
March 30, 1988 PEOPLE v CRUZ
G.R. No. L-50884 (595 SCRA 411)
August 4, 2009
That the accused boxed his pregnant wife on the G.R. No. 186129
stomach which caused her to fall and then strangled her
is not sufficient proof to show intent to cause an abortion. Most important in a prosecution for statutory rape is to
Thus, the accused should not be held guilty of the prove the following elements: 1. that the accused had
complex crime of Parricide with Intentional Abortion but carnal knowledge with a woman; and (2) that the woman
the complex crime of Parricide with Unintentional was below 12 years of age. These elements were
Abortion. sufficiently established during trial and were not rebutted
by the defense with any solid evidence to the contrary.

PEOPLE v MANGALINO the offender to consummate his purpose. In this case, the
(182 SCRA 329) appellant employed that amount of force sufficient to
February 15, 1990 consummate rape.
G.R. No. 79011
In statutory rape, proof of intimidation or force used on (654 SCRA 761)
the 12 year old victim, or lack of it is immaterial. Further, July 27, 2011
the absence of penetration due to the one-centimeter G.R. No. 186417
diameter of the victim’s hymen is also inconsequential for
proof of entrance of the male organ within the labia or The sweetheart theory as a defense however,
pudendum of the female organ is sufficient to warrant necessarily admits carnal knowledge, the first element of
conviction. rape. Effectively, it leaves the prosecution the burden to
prove only force or intimidation, the coupling element of
(50 PHIL 998)
January 20, 1927 PEOPLE v MADSALI
G.R. No. L-26298 (611 SCRA 596)
February 4, 2010
The crime of rape may be committed upon child of the G.R. No. 179570
age of 3 years and 11 months.
Delay in reporting an incident of rape due to death threats
PEOPLE V ATENTO does not affect the credibility of the complainant, nor can
(196 SCRA 357) it be taken against her such as in this case when BBB
April 26, 1991 explained that she did not immediately report the
G.R. No. 84728 abduction, rape, and detention of her daughter to the
authorities because Egap threatened to kill AAA, who
The accused was held guilty under paragraph 3 of Article was then in his custody. The charge of rape is rendered
335 of the Revised Penal Code even if the circumstances doubtful only if the delay was unreasonable and
of force and intimidation or of the victim being deprived of unexplained.
reason or otherwise unconscious are absent. If sexual
intercourse with a victim under twelve years of age is CRIMES AGAINST PERSONAL LIBERTY AND
rape, then it should follow that carnal knowledge with a SECURITY (ARTICLES 267-292)
seventeen-year old girl whose mental capacity is that of a
seven year old child would constitute rape. KIDNAPPING AND ILLEGAL DETENTION


(612 SCRA 624) (568 SCRA 251)
February 16, 2010 October 8, 2008
G.R. No. 177747 G.R. No. 181043

Even assuming, for the sake of argument, that the The elements of the crime of kidnapping and serious
appellant succeeded in inserting his fingers in AAA’s illegal detention are the following: (a) the accused is a
vagina, this act still would not suffice to convict the private individual; (b) the accused kidnaps or detains
appellant of rape because in 1994, the insertion of one or another, or in any manner deprives the latter of his
more fingers into a woman’s vagina without her consent liberty; (c) the act of detention or kidnapping is illegal; and
did not constitute rape. It was only in 1997 that the law on (d) the commission of the offense, any of the four
rape expanded to include this act. circumstances mentioned in Article 267 is present. The
totality of the prosecution’s evidence in this case
DE CASTRO v FERNANDEZ established the commission of kidnapping for ransom
(515 SCRA 682) with homicide.
February 14, 2007
(658 SCRA ___ )
Petitioner insists that a “finger” does not constitute an October 3, 2011
object or instrument in contemplation of RA 8353. The G.R. No. 168552
insertion of one’s finger into the genital of another
constitutes “rape through sexual assault”. Hence, the The essence of the crime of kidnapping is the actual
prosecutor did not err in charging petitioner with the crime deprivation of the victim’s liberty, coupled with the intent
of rape under Article 266-A, paragraph 2 of the Revised of the accused to effect it. It includes not only the
Penal Code. imprisonment of a person but also the deprivation of his
liberty in whatever form and for whatever length of time. It
PEOPLE v FUNESTO involves a situation where the victim cannot go out of the
(655 SCRA 357) place of confinement or detention, or is restricted or
August 3, 2011 impeded in his liberty to move.
G.R. No. 182237

Jurisprudence firmly holds that the force or violence

required in rape cases is relative; it does not need to be
overpowering or irresistible; it is present when it allows

(202 SCRA 77)
September 30, 1991 REYES v PEOPLE
G.R. No. 74630 (27 SCRA 686)
March 28, 1969
Even granting for the sake of argument that, in effect, G.R. Nos. L-21528 and L-21529
there was created a simple loan contract between
appellants and Mr. Nagao, as asserted by appellant The demonstration led by petitioner against the
Tomio Maeda, the deprivation of the former's liberty until complainant in front of the main gate of the naval station;
the amount shall have been fully "paid" to them, is still the fact that placards with threatening statements were
kidnapping or illegal detention for ransom. carried by the demonstrators; their persistence in trailing
Hallare in a motorcade up to his residence; and the
PEOPLE V LIM demonstration conducted in front thereof, culminating in
(190 SCRA 706) repeated threats flung by petitioner in a loud voice show
that the threats were made with deliberate purpose of
The fact of detention which is an essential element in the creating in the mind of Hallare the belief that the threat
kidnapping was not clearly established as there was no would be carried into effect. Indeed, Hallare became so
showing that there was actual confinement or restriction apprehensive of his safety that he sought the protection
on the person of the offended party. The two minors of Col. Monzon therefore, the appellate court was correct
voluntarily entered the appellant's residence and there is in upholding petitioner's conviction for the offense of
no indication that one of the minors was locked up, grave threats.
physically restrained of her liberty or unable to
communicate with anyone. CALUAG v PEOPLE
(580 SCRA 575)
PEOPLE V PADICA March 4, 2009
(221 SCRA 362) G.R. No. 171511

Where the taking of the victim was incidental to the basic In grave threats, the wrong threatened amounts to a
purpose of killing, the crime is only murder and this is true crime which may or may not be accompanied by a
even if before the killing, the victim was taken from one condition. Considering the mauling incident which
place to another. From the acts of the accused, it cannot transpired earlier between petitioner and Julia’s husband,
be inferred that the latter's purpose was actually to detain petitioner’s act of pointing a gun at Julia’s forehead
or deprive the victims of their liberty and the fact alone clearly enounces a threat to kill or to inflict serious
that ransom money was demanded did not per se qualify physical injury on her person which constituted grave
the crime to kidnapping in the absence of other elements. threat.


(297 SCRA ___ )
October 12, 1998 TIMONER v PEOPLE
G.R. No. 118570 (125 SCRA 830)
November 25, 1983
Actual restraint of the victim's liberty was evident from the G.R. No. L-62050
moment she was forcibly prevented by accused-appellant
from going to work at MERALCO and taken instead Grave coercion is committed when "a person who,
against her will to Bulacan. Further, no other logical without authority of law, shall by means of violence,
meaning can be ascribed to the victim's statement to that prevent another from doing something not prohibited by
"she needed P200, 000.00 immediately otherwise she law or compel to do something against his will, either it be
might not be able to go home anymore," other than that right or wrong." In the case at bar, the Mayor is not guilty
the money was intended as ransom, i.e., as consideration of grave coercion as the element that the restraint made
for her release from captivity. by the Mayor upon complainant, the owner of the
barbershop considered as a public nuisance, was not
KIDNAPPING AND FAILURE made under authority of law or in the exercise of a lawful
TO RETURN A MINOR right, is absent.

(263 SCRA 754) (201 SCRA 405)
May 12, 1978 September 6, 1991
G.R. No. L-32529 G.R. No. 90423

What is actually punishable is not the kidnapping of the There is nothing unlawful when petitioner demanded that
minor but rather the deliberate failure or refusal of the the private respondent return the proceeds of the check
custodian of the minor to restore the latter to his parents accompanied by a threat to file criminal charges. Her
or guardians. Said failure or refusal, however, must not lengthy stay in the bank and return of money was not due
only be deliberate but must also be persistent as to oblige to petitioner’s threat but to show good faith. The most
the parents or the guardians of the child to seek the aid of telling proof of the absence of intimidation was the fact
the courts in order to obtain custody. that the complainant refused to sign the promissory note
in spite of the alleged threats of the petitioner.

(123 SCRA 369)
(60 PHIL 369) The appellants committed robbery in band with homicide
despite the fact that Cuevas was one of them and not a
The disturbance or interruption of any ceremony of a robbery victim, an innocent bystander or a stranger
religious character under the old Penal Code was because Article 294 (1) of the Revised Penal Code says
denounced by article 571 and was punished by arrest so.
from one to ten days and a fine ranging from 15 to 125
pesetas. But this article was omitted from the Revised PEOPLE v QUINONES
Penal Code and the offense, if any was committed by the (183 SCRA 747)
appellants, is denounced in Article 287 as an "unjust March 28, 1990
vexation" and punished by arresto menor or a fine G.R. No. 80042
ranging from 5 to 200 pesos or both.
There is no crime of robbery with multiple homicide under
CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY the Revised Penal Code thus the charge should have
(ARTICLES 293-332) been for robbery with homicide only regardless of the fact
that three persons were killed in the commission of the
ROBBERY robbery. In this special complex crime, the number of
persons killed is immaterial and does not increase the
NAPOLIS v COURT OF APPEALS penalty prescribed in Article 294 of the said Code.
(43 SCRA 301)
February 28, 1972 ROBBERY WITH RAPE
G.R. No. L-28865
It is more plausible to believe that Article 294 applies only (183 SCRA 747)
where robbery with violence against or intimidation of March 22, 1990
person takes place without entering an inhabited house, G.R. No. L-54567
under the conditions set forth in Article 299 of the
Revised Penal Code. When the elements of both If the intention of the accused was to commit robbery but
provisions are present, the crime is a complex one, rape was also committed even before the robbery, the
calling for the imposition – as provided in Article 48 of the crime of robbery with rape is committed however, if the
Code – of the penalty for the most serious offense, in its original design was to commit rape but the accused after
maximum period, which, in the case at bar, is reclusion committing rape also committed robbery because the
temporal in its maximum period. opportunity presented itself, the criminal acts should be
viewed as two distinct offenses. In the case at bar, after
PEOPLE v BIRUAR the complainant was raped by the accused, the latter
(130 SCRA 513) threatened to kill her if she did not give watch on her wrist
July 25, 1984 to him and forcibly took it from her. Hence, the accused
G.R. Nos. L-32202-04 was convicted for two crimes of rape and robbery.

In this case, the accused, after committing the crime of PEOPLE v MORENO
robbery in band in the house of Gorgonio Mosende, went (220 SCRA 292)
to the neighboring house of George Kalitas where they January 25, 2002
committed the crimes of Arson and Robbery with G.R. No. 140033
Homicide and Physical Injuries. Obviously, the rule
enunciated in People v De Leon cannot be made Accused Juan Moreno, who took no part in the rape, is
applicable since the herein accused performed different guilty of robbery only under Article 294, No. 5 of the
acts with distinct purposes which resulted in juridically Revised Penal Code but as to appellant Reynaldo
independent crimes. Maniquez, who had raped Mary Ann Galedo, he should
be guilty of the special complex crime of robbery with
ROBBERY WITH HOMICIDE rape, under Article 294, No. 2 of the Revised Penal Code.


(99 PHIL 992)
September 28, 1956 PEOPLE v SALVILLA
G.R. No. L-8919 (184 SCRA 671)
April 26, 1990
In order to determine the existence of the crime of G.R. No. 86163
robbery with homicide, it is enough that a homicide would
result by reason or on the occasion of the robbery and it It is not a defense that appellant and his co-accused had
is immaterial that the death would supervene by mere no opportunity to dispose of the personalities taken. From
accident provided that the homicide produced by reason the moment the offender gained possession of the thing,
or on occasion of the robbery inasmuch as it is only the even if the culprit had no opportunity to dispose of the
result obtained, without reference or distinction as to the same, the unlawful taking is complete.
circumstances, causes, modes or persons intervening in
the commission of the crime, that has to be taken into

ROBBERY IN BAND require the accused to have participated in the criminal
design to commit, or to have been in any wise involved in
PEOPLE v APDUHAN the commission of, the crime of robbery or theft.
(24 SCRA 798)
August 30, 1968 ANTI-CARNAPPING ACT OF 1972
G.R. No. L-19491 (R.A. NO. 6539), AS AMENDED BY R.A. NO. 7659

The circumstance of band is a qualifying circumstance PEOPLE v DELA CRUZ

only in robbery punished by subdivisions 3, 4, and 5 of (183 SCRA ___ )
Article 294 and a generic aggravating circumstance in March 29, 1990
robbery with homicide, rape, intentional mutilation, and G.R. No. 83798
lesiones graves resulting in insanity, imbecility, impotency
or blindness. Hence, if robbery with homicide is The crime committed is Carnapping with Homicide.
committed by a band, the indictable offense would still be Carnapping is defined under RA No. 6539 as "the taking,
"robbery with homicide" under Article 294(1) and not with intent to gain, of a motor vehicle belonging to
“robbery with homicide in band." another without the latter's consent, or by means of
violence against or intimidation of persons, or by using
ROBBERY WITH USE OF FORCE UPON THINGS force upon things." The same law prescribes the penalty
of life imprisonment to death when the owner, driver or
PEOPLE V JARANILLA occupant of the carnapped motor vehicle is killed in the
(55 SCRA 563) commission of the carnapping.
February 22, 1974
G.R. No. L-28547 IZON v PEOPLE
(107 SCRA ___)
One essential requisite of robbery with force upon things August 31, 1981
under Articles 299 and 302 is that the malefactor should G.R. No. L-51370
enter the building or dependency where the object to be
taken is found. In the instant case, the chicken coop Under the Anti-Carnapping law, any vehicle which is
where the six roosters were taken cannot be considered motorized using the streets which are public, not
a building within the meaning of Article 302, thus, it exclusively for private use, comes within the concept of
cannot be said that the accused entered the same in motor vehicle. Thus, stealing a motorized tricycle running
order to commit the robbery by means of any of the five in droves along public highways going to the north like
circumstances enumerated in Article 302. Baguio City is a crime falling under the Anti-Carnapping
law and not a crime of simple robbery punishable under
ANTI-FENCING LAW (P.D. 1612) AND ITS the Revised Penal Code.
July 11, 1994 (525 SCRA __ )
G.R. No. 111426 June 21, 2007
G.R. No. 160188
The elements of the crime of fencing are: 1. A crime of
robbery or theft has been committed; 2. The accused, The elements of theft as provided for in Art. 308 of the
who is not a principal or accomplice in the commission of Revised Penal Code are (1) that there be taking of
the crime of robbery or theft, buys, receives, possesses, personal property; (2) that said property belongs to
keeps, acquires, conceals, sells or disposes, or buys and another; (3) that the taking be done with intent to gain; (4)
sells, or in any manner deals in any article, item, object or that the taking be done without the consent of the owner;
anything of value, which has been derived from the and, (5) that the taking be accomplished without the use
proceeds of the said crime; 3. The accused knows or of violence against or intimidation of persons or force
should have known that the said article, item, object or upon things.
anything of value has been derived from the proceeds of
the crime of robbery or theft; and 4. There is, on the part PEOPLE v GULINAO
of the accused, intent to gain for himself or for another. (180 SCRA ___)
December 4, 1989
RAMON TAN v PEOPLE G.R. No. 82264-66
(313 SCRA 220)
August 26, 1999 Gulinao should have been convicted of the crime of theft
G.R. No. 134298 under Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code and not
robbery with the use of violence against or intimidation of
The crimes of robbery and theft, on the one hand, and a person under par. 5, Article 294 since the taking of the
fencing on the other, are separate and distinct offenses ring of Dr. Chua was merely an afterthought. The force
thus, the State may choose to prosecute the accused employed in the killing of Dr. Chua has no bearing on the
either under the Revised Penal Code or Presidential taking of his ring.
Decree No. 1612, although the preference would seem
inevitable considering that fencing is malum prohibitum,
and Presidential Decree No. 1612 creates a presumption
of fencing and prescribes a higher penalty based on the
value of property. Further, the law on fencing does not

(181 SCRA ___ ) (204 SCRA ___)
January 29, 1990 December 20, 1991
G.R. No. 77429 G.R. No. 93849

The principal distinction between the theft and estafa is In the crime of estafa by postdating or issuing a bad
that in theft, the thing is taken while in estafa, the check, deceit and damage are essential elements of the
accused receives the property and converts it to his own offense and have to be established with satisfactory proof
use or benefit. However, there may be theft even if the to warrant conviction. In the present case, the
accused has possession of the property such as when he prosecution failed to prove that the accused-appellant
was entrusted only with the material or physical (natural) had such knowledge with respect to the subject checks
or de facto possession of the thing, his misappropriation that he indorsed.
of the same constitutes theft, but if he has the juridical
possession of the thing, his conversion of the same BOUNCING CHECKS LAW (B.P. BLG. 22), PLUS
constitutes embezzlement or estafa." ADMINISTRATIVE CIRCULAR NO. 12-2000 RE:
September 28, 1984
G.R. No. L-66136 DOMAGSANG v CA
(347 SCRA 75)
The stealing of coconuts when they are still in the tree or December 5, 2000
deposited on the ground within the premises is qualified G.R. No. 139292
theft but when the coconuts are stolen in any other place,
it is simple theft. In the case at bar, petitioners committed B.P. Blg. 22 or "Bouncing Checks Law," enumerates the
only frustrated qualified theft because although they were elements of the crime, to wit: (1) the making, drawing and
seen carrying away fifty coconuts while they were still in issuance of any check to apply for account or for value;
the premises of the plantation, they were not able to carry (2) the knowledge of the maker, drawer, or issuer that at
the coconuts away from the plantation due to the timely the time of issue he does not have sufficient funds in or
arrival of the owner. credit with the drawee bank for the payment of the check
in full upon its presentment; and (3) the subsequent
ESTAFA THROUGH UNFAITHFULNESS OR ABUSE dishonor of the check by the drawee bank for
OF CONFIDENCE insufficiency of funds or credit or would have been
dishonored for the same reason had not the drawer,
SADDUL v CA without any valid cause, ordered the bank to stop
(192 SCRA ___) payment.
December 10, 1990
(181 SCRA 1)
The accused was acquitted of the crime of estafa with January 11, 1990
abuse of confidence for the following reasons: (1) Saddul G.R. Nos. 59568-76
received the spare parts from AFP in trust for Land Rover
which authorized him to sell; (2) Saddul sold them in Deceit and damage are essential elements in Article 315
accordance with the authority given to him; (3) AMPI or (2-d) of the Revised Penal Code, but are not required in
Cuevas not being the owner of the property incurred no Batas Pambansa Bilang 22. Under the latter law, mere
loss and suffered injury on account of Sadul’s retention of issuance of a check that is dishonored gives rise to the
proceeds and; (4) no demand for return was made by presumption of knowledge on the part of the drawer that
AMPI or Cuevas who knew that the spare parts are to be he issued the same without sufficient funds and hence
sold for the account of Land Rover. punishable which is not so under the Penal Code.


November 16, 1998
(656 SCRA ___ )
August 31, 2011 While it may be true that it was the company's accountant
G.R. No. 184053 who actually prepared the rubber check, petitioners in
this case cannot pretend ignorance of the insufficiency of
The elements of estafa under paragraph 2(d), Article 315 funds since they are the owners and officers of the
of the Revised Penal Code are: (1) the post-dating or company. The testimony of petitioner Nieto that after the
issuance of a check in payment of an obligation check in question was dishonored, he instructed their
contracted at the time the check was issued; (2) lack of company accountant to prepare a replacement check
sufficiency of funds to cover the check; and (3) damage belies petitioners' claim that they had no hand in the
to the payee. preparation of checks and shows that petitioners were in
control of the finances of the company.

PEOPLE v NITAFAN car was actually owned by him for purposes of and at the
(207 SCRA ___) time he obtained the loan from the latter. Indubitably, the
April 6, 1992 accused was in bad faith when he obtained the said loan
G.R. Nos. 81559-60 under such deliberate pretenses.

Acts involving the violation of trust receipt agreements MALICIOUS MISCHIEF

occurring after 29 January 1973 (date of enactment of
P.D. 115) would make the accused criminally liable for TAGUINOD v PEOPLE
estafa under paragraph 1 (b), Article 315 of the Revised (659 SCRA ___)
Penal Code (RPC) pursuant to the explicit provision in October 12, 2011
Section 13 of P.D. 115. The failure, therefore, to account G.R. 185833
for the P114,884.22 balance in 1980 or during the
effectivity of P.D. 115. makes the accused-respondent The elements of the crime of malicious mischief under
criminally liable for estafa. Article 327 of the Revised Penal Code are: (1) That the
offender deliberately caused damage to the property of
LIM LAO v CA another; (2) That such act does not constitute arson or
(274 SCRA 472) other crimes involving destruction; (3) That the act of
June 20, 1997 damaging another’s property be committed merely for the
G.R. No. 119178 sake of damaging it.

The fact that petitioner was a signatory to the checks that CABALLES V DAR
were subsequently dishonored merely engenders the (168 SCRA 247)
prima facie presumption that she knew of the December 5, 1988
insufficiency of funds, but it does not render her G.R. No. 78214
automatically guilty under B.P. 22. The trial court itself
found that no personal notice of dishonor to petitioner The private respondent cannot be held criminally liable
Lina Lim Lao was made by the drawee bank hence, the for malicious mischief in cutting the banana trees
prima facie presumption that she knew about the because, as an authorized occupant or possessor of the
insufficiency of funds cannot apply. land, and as planter of the banana trees, he owns said
crops including the fruits thereof. Thus, an essential
IDOS v CA element of the crime of malicious mischief, which is
(296 SCRA ___) "damage deliberately caused to the property of another,"
September 25, 1998 is absent because the private respondent merely cut
G.R. No. 110782 down his own plantings.

When there was no consideration whatsoever for the CRIMES AGAINST CHASTITY
issuance of the check such as when the subject check (ARTICLES 333-334, 336-346)
was issued merely to evidence complainant's interest in
the partnership and was not intended to apply on account QUALIFIED SEDUCTION
or for value and when the check was issued without
actual knowledge of the insufficiency of funds, there is no PEOPLE v FONTANILLA
violation of BP 22. Further, the failure of the complainant (23 SCRA 127)
or by the drawee bank to send a notice of dishonor to the June 28, 1968
petitioner precludes any finding of prima facie evidence of G.R. No. L-25354
knowledge of insufficiency of funds.
While deceit is an essential element of ordinary or simple
WONG v CA seduction, it does not have to be proved or established in
(351 SCRA 100) a charge of qualified seduction. It is replaced by abuse of
February 2, 2001 confidence. Under Art. 337 of the Revised Penal Code,
G.R. No. 117857 the seduction of a virgin over twelve and under eighteen
years of age, committed by any person in public
When private respondent deposited the checks 157 days authority, priest, house servant, domestic guardian,
after the date of the checks, the presumption of teacher, or any person who, in any capacity, shall be
knowledge of insufficiency of funds was lost. But such entrusted with the education or custody of the woman
knowledge could still be proven by direct or circumstantial seduced is "constitutive" of the crime of qualified
evidence such as in this case, the trial court found that seduction even though no deceit intervenes or even
petitioner made reassurance that he would issue new when such carnal knowledge was voluntary on the part of
checks but failed to do so, was duly notified of the the virgin.
dishonour of the checks and failed to make arrangements
for full payment within five (5) banking days thereof. BABANTO v ZOSA
(120 SCRA 834)
OTHER DECEITS February 28, 1983
G.R. No. L-32895
(192 SCRA 680) The complaint alleged that the accused abused his
position as a policeman; that Leonida Dagohoy was of
Appellant was guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation the tender age of 13; and that the accused had carnal
when, knowing that the car was then owned by the knowledge of the complainant. However, there is no
Northern Motors, Inc., still told the complainant that the allegation that the complainant was a "virgin". Although it

may be true that virginity is presumed if the girl is over 12 no legal standing to commence the adultery case under
and under 18 years of age, is unmarried and of good the imposture that he was the offended spouse at the
reputation, the accused charged with rape cannot be time he filed suit.
convicted of qualified seduction for failure to allege
virginity in the complaint which is an essential element of CRIMES AGAINST CIVIL STATUS
the same. (ARTICLES 347-352)

(168 SCRA 236)
November 29, 1988 TEVES v PEOPLE
G.R. No. L-80838 (656 SCRA 307)
August 24, 2011
There are similar elements between Consented G.R. No. 188775
Abduction and Qualified Seduction, namely: (1) that the
offended party is a virgin, and, (2) that she must be over The elements of bigamy are as follows: 1. That the
twelve (12) and under eighteen (18) years of age. offender has been legally married; 2. That the marriage
However, Consented Abduction, in addition to the two has not been legally dissolved, or in case his/her spouse
common elements, requires that: (1) the taking away of is absent, the absent spouse could not yet be presumed
the offended party must be with her consent, after dead according to the Civil Code; 3. That he contracts a
solicitation or cajolery from the offender, and, (2) the second or subsequent marriage which has all the
taking away of the offended party must be with lewd essential requisites for validity.
designs while Qualified Seduction requires that: (1) the
crime be committed by abuse of authority, confidence or NOLLORA v PEOPLE
relationship, and, (2) the offender has sexual intercourse (657 SCRA 330)
with the woman. September 17, 2011
G.R. No. 191425
WITH RAPE The circumstances in the present case satisy all the
elements of bigamy. (1) Nollora is legally married to
PEOPLE v ALBURO Pinat; (2) Nollora and Pinat’s marriage has not been
(184 SCRA 655) legally dissolved prioir to the date of the second
April 26, 1990 marriage; (3) Nollora admitted the existence of the
G.R. No. 85822 second marriage to Geraldino; and (4) Nollora and
Geraldino’s marriage has all the essential requisites for
The Court is not persuaded by the theory that appellant validity except for lack of capacity of Nollora due to his
and Evelyn were sweethearts because if they were, prior marriage.
surely, Evelyn would not have jeopardized their
relationship by accusing him of having deflowered her PEOPLE v ARAGON
and, on top of it all, filing a criminal charge against him. (100 PHIL 103)
Moreover, appellant was not able to present any February 28, 1957
convincing evidence to substantiate his claim like love G.R. No. L-10016
letters, notes and other symbols of affection.
A subsequent marriage contracted by any person during
PEOPLE v GODINES the lifetime of his first spouse is illegal and void from its
(196 SCRA 765) performance, and no judicial decree is necessary to
May 7, 1991 establish its invalidity, as distinguished from mere
G.R. No. 93410 annullable marriages.

A medical examination is not an indispensable element in MERCADO V TAN

a prosecution of rape. Further, the defense of alibi cannot (337 SCRA ___ )
prosper because the distance between the alleged August 1, 2000
whereabouts of the appellants at the time of the G.R. No. 137110
commission of the crime and the scene of the crime itself
may be easily negotiated by ordinary means and in light The fact that petitioner subsequently obtained a judicial
of the positive identification of the accused as the authors declaration of the nullity of the first marriage after having
of the crime. contracted the second marriage was already immaterial
since the crime had already been consummated. By
PROSECUTION OF PRIVATE OFFENSES contracting a second marriage while the first was still
subsisting, he committed that acts punishable under
PILAPIL v IBAY-SOMERA Article 349 of the Revised Penal Code.
(174 SCRA 653)
June 30, 1989 MORIGO v PEOPLE
G.R. No. 80116 (422 SCRA 376)
February 6, 2004
Under Article 344 of the Revised Penal Code, the crime G.R. No. 145226
of adultery cannot be prosecuted except upon a sworn
written complaint filed by the offended spouse. Private Under the principle of retroactivity of a marriage being
respondent, being no longer the husband of petitioner for declared void ab initio, the petitioner and Lucia Barrete
having obtained a valid divorce decree in Germany, had were never married "from the beginning." Thus, when

petitioner contracted marriage with Maria Jececha, no GONZALES v ARCILLA
bigamy was committed since the first element of (203 SCRA 609)
existence and the validity of the first marriage is lacking. November 18, 1991
G.R. No. L-27923
(422 SCRA ___ ) "Mang-aagaw ng asawa ng may asawa," even if
February 18, 2004 translated as "one who grabs another's husband," does
G.R. No. 150758 not necessarily mean an adulteress but at most, it may
imply that the person to whom it is addressed is a "flirt, a
As a second or subsequent marriage contracted during temptress, or one who indulges in enticing other
the subsistence of petitioner's valid marriage to husbands." Hence, it is more of an imputation of a vice,
Villareyes, petitioner's marriage to Ancajas would be null condition or act not constituting a crime. Further, the
and void ab initio completely regardless of petitioner's phrases "tibihon," "putang ina," "walang hiya," and "patay
psychological capacity or incapacity. Since a marriage gutom" do not impute the commission of a crime but were
contracted during the subsistence of a valid marriage is uttered to impute a condition, defect, status or vice
automatically void, the nullity of this second marriage is intended to cause dishonor, discredit or contempt on the
not per se an argument for the avoidance of criminal offended party.
liability for bigamy.
G.R. No. 120715
(237 SCRA 249) The test to determine the defamatory character of words
September 30, 1994 was satisfied in the case at bench because the words
A.M. No. MTJ-92-721 and phrases "mandurugas," "mag-ingat sa panlilinlang,"
"matagal na tayong niloloko," "may kasamang
The Revised Penal Code provides that "(p)riests or pagyayabang," "ang ating pobreng super kulit." "patuloy
ministers of any religious denomination or sect, or civil na kabulastugan," "mastermind sa paninirang puri," etc
authorities who shall perform or authorize any illegal are indisputably defamatory for they impute upon the
marriage ceremony shall be punished in accordance with private complainant a condition that is dishonorable and
the provisions of the Marriage Law." This is within the shameful, since they tend to describe him as a swindler
province of the prosecutorial agencies of the and/or a deceiver.
(ARTICLES 353-364) September 15, 1999
G.R. No. 118971
Petitioner was able to prove the truth of his charges
ALCANTARA v PONCE against the barangay official while the prosecution failed
(517 SCRA 74) to prove not only that the charges made by petitioner
February 28, 2007 were false but also that petitioner made them with
G.R. No. 156183 knowledge of their falsity or with reckless disregard of
whether they were false or not. If the defamatory matter
The crime of libel, as defined in Article 353 of the Revised either constitutes a crime or concerns the performance of
Penal Code, has the following elements: (1) imputation of official duties, and the accused proves the truth of his
a crime, vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, charge, he should be acquitted.
omission, condition, status or circumstance; (2) publicity
or publication; (3) malice; (4) direction of such imputation BRILLANTE v CA
at a natural or juridical person, or even a dead person (440 SCRA 541)
and (5) tendency to cause the dishonor, discredit, or October 19, 2004
contempt of the person defamed. G.R. Nos. 118757 & 121571

DIAZ v PEOPLE In the cases at bar, it was proven that Brillante uttered
(523 SCRA 194) defamatory statements during the press conference
May 25, 2007 attended by some fifty journalists and caused the open
G.R. No. 159787 letter which explicitly referred to reprehensible acts
allegedly committed by Binay, Prudente and their
For an imputation to be libelous, the following requisites associates, such as the use of goons to threaten Binay's
must be present: (a) it must be defamatory; (b) it must be opponents in the election and the plotting of Syjuco's
malicious; (c) it must be given publicity; and (d) the assassination, to be published in several newspapers.
victims must be identifiable. Absent one of these
elements, a case for libel will not prosper.

(241 SCRA 51) (203 SCRA 110)
February 1, 1995 October 21, 1991
G.R. No. 110088 G.R. No. L-45031

There was no publication when Atty. Balasabas, a third Publication of a complaint, being a true and fair report of
person to whom the private respondents entrusted the a judicial proceeding, made in good faith and without
documents with the request that he give them to their comments or remarks, is privileged and comes under
counsel, read the complaint against Dr. Velasco and the Item 2 of Article 354.
report of the petitioner attached thereto. Where the
plaintiff himself communicated or by his acts caused the BORJAL v CA
communication of the libelous matter to a third person, January 14, 1999
there was no actionable publication. G.R. No. 126466

BUATIS v PEOPLE The doctrine of fair comment means that while in

March 24, 2006 general every discreditable imputation publicly made is
G.R. No. 142509 deemed false because every man is presumed innocent
until his guilt is judicially proved, and every false
The element of publication in libel is present in this case imputation is deemed, malicious, nevertheless, when the
when petitioner's subject letter-reply itself addressed to discreditable imputation is directed against a public
respondent states that the same was copy furnished to all person in his public capacity, it is not necessarily
concerned, its contents were dictated to his secretary and actionable. In order that such discreditable imputation to
was found in the mailbox, open, not contained in an a public official may be actionable, it must either be a
envelope thus, open to public. Such publication had false allegation of fact or a comment based on a false
already created upon the minds of the readers a supposition.
circumstance which brought discredit and shame to
respondent's reputation. FLOR v PEOPLE
(454 S 440)
NEWSWEEK v IAC March 31, 2005
(142 SCRA 171) G.R. No. 139987
May 30, 1986
G.R. No. L-63559 Where the issue of cash advances against the coffers of
the provincial government was a major political topic in
The disputed portion of the news article which refers to that locality at that time, it was clearly a legitimate topic to
plaintiff Sola and which was claimed to be libelous never be discussed not only by the members of the media but
singled out plaintiff Sola as a sugar planter as it merely by public as what was involved was the dispensation of
stated that the victim had been arrested by members of a taxpayers’ money. The inference that the accused media
special police unit brought into the area by Pablo Sola, men drew from the note given by their source that the
the mayor of Kabankalan. Hence, the report, referring as governor prodded some of the provincial government
it does to an official act performed by an elective public officials to take out cash advances may have been false
official, is within the realm of privilege and protected by but the same does not warrant a conviction for libel nor
the constitutional guarantees of free speech and press. support a claim for damages.


August 25, 1982 (467 SCRA 601)
G.R. No. L-38753 August 22, 2005
G.R. No. 164938
A libel prosecution must survive the test of whether or not
the offending publication is within the guarantees of free Under the old rule, the offended party could harass the
speech and free press. accused in a libel case by laying the venue of the criminal
action in a remote or distant places. To obviate
BULLETIN PUBLISHING v NOEL controversies as to the venue of the criminal action from
(167 SCRA 255) written defamation, the complaint or Information should
November 9, 1988 contain allegations as to whether the offended party was
G.R. No. 76565 a public officer or a private individual at the time the
offense was committed, and where he was actually
No libel has been committed because the published work residing at that time. Whenever possible, the place where
alleged to contain libelous statements is not founded on the written defamation was printed and first published
the late Amir Mindalano or his family and appears simply should likewise be alleged.
expository in character, matter-of-fact, and unemotional
in tone and tenor, without any evidence of malevolent FERMIN v PEOPLE
intent, either on the part of the author or the publisher of March 28, 2008
the article. Further, personal hurt or embarrassment, G.R. No. 157643
even if real, is not automatically equivalent to defamation;
community standards not personal or family standards Proof adduced during the trial showed that accused was
are the basis for evaluating a publication claimed to be the manager of the publication without the corresponding
defamatory. evidence that, as such, he was directly responsible for
the writing, editing, or publishing of the matter contained
in the said libelous article. Article 360 of the Revised

Penal Code, however, includes not only the author but INTRIGUING AGAINST HONOR
also the person who prints or published it. Thus, proof of
knowledge or participation in the publication of the BETGUEN v MASANGCAY
offending article is not required. (238 SCRA 475)
Article 364 of the Revised Penal Code defines "intriguing
SLANDER against honor" as any intrigue which has for its principal
purpose to blemish the honor and reputation of a person.
GONZALES v ARCILLA This felony undoubtedly falls under the coverage of
(203 SCRA 609) crimes involving moral turpitude, the latter term having
November 18, 1991 been defined as "an act of baseness, vileness, depravity
G.R. No. L-27923 in the private and social duties which a man owes his
fellow man, or to society in general, contrary to the
Slander is oral defamation while libel is defamation in accepted and customary rule of right and duty between
writing. In both, there is a public and malicious imputation man and man, or conduct contrary to justice, honesty,
of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any modesty and good morals."
act, omission, condition, status, or circumstance tending
to cause the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a natural CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE (ARTICLE 365)
or juridical person, or to blacken the memory of one who
(229 S 386)
(18 SCRA 280) Petitioner anesthesiologist when summoned could not be
September 30, 1966 readily found and when he finally appeared at 10:30 in
G.R. No. L-21475 the evening, he was evidently in a bad temper,
commenting critically on the dextrose bottles before
Defamatory words constitute either grave or light slander ordering their removal, a circumstance indicative that he
depending not only upon their sense and grammatical was not disposed to attend to this unexpected call, in
meaning, judging them separately, but also upon the violation of the canons of his profession that as a
special circumstances of the case, antecedents or physician, he should serve the interest of his patient "with
relationship between the offended party and the offender, the greatest of solicitude, giving them always his best
which might tend to prove the intention of the offender at talent and skill." In the crime of simple negligence, the
the time. In the case at bar, the statements of the gravamen of the offense is the failure to exercise the
accused, alluding to the offended party that he “has sold diligence necessitated or called for the situation which
the union”, he “has swindled the money of the members’, was not immediately life-destructive but which
he “received P6,000.00’; he is “engaged in racketeering culminated, in the present case, in the death of a human
and enriching himself with capitalist”; he “has spent funds being three (3) days later.
of the union for his own personal use” are serious and
insulting, and no amount of sophistry will take them out of QUIZON v JUSTICE OF THE PEACE
the compass of grave oral defamation. (97 PHIL. 342)

REYES v PEOPLE Damage to property through reckless negligence is not a

(27 SCRA 686) variant of malicious mischief. “Malicious mischief”, as
March 28, 1969 used in sec. 87, par. 6, of the Judiciary Act, has exclusive
G.R. Nos. L-21528 and L-21529 reference to the willful and deliberate crimes described in
Arts. 327 to 331 of the Revised Penal Code and to no
The words, "Agustin, putang ina mo" is a common other.
enough expression in the dialect that is often employed,
not really to slander but rather to express anger or PEOPLE v FALLER
displeasure. In the instant case, it should be viewed as (67 Phil. 529)
part of the threats voiced by appellant against Agustin
Hallare, evidently to make the same more emphatic. Under an information for malicious damage to another’s
property, the accused may be convicted of the crime of
VICTORIO V CA damage through reckless imprudence.
(173 SCRA 645)
G.R. Nos. L-32836-37 (165 SCRA 378)

Appellant-petitioner admitted having called Atty. Vivencio Under the emergency rule, one who suddenly finds
Ruiz, “kayabang,” “tunaw na utak,” “swapang,” and himself in a place of danger, and is required to act
"estapador", which attributes to the latter the crime of without time to consider the best means that may be
estafa, a serious and insulting imputation. Defamatory adopted to avoid the impending danger, is not guilty of
words uttered specifically against a lawyer when touching negligence, if he fails to adopt what subsequently and
on his profession are libellous per se. upon reflection may appear to have been a better
method, unless the emergency in which he finds himself
is brought about by his own negligence. Applying the
above test to the case at bar, we find the petitioner not
guilty of the crime of Simple Imprudence resulting in
Homicide because there was no evidence presented that
would tend to prove that petitioner did have sufficient time

to reflect on the consequences of her instant decision to
swerve her car to the light without stepping on her

(22 SCRA 1383)

The exoneration of Jose Buan, by the Justice of the

Peace (now Municipal Court) of Guiguinto, Bulacan, of
the charge of slight physical injuries through reckless
imprudence, prevents his being prosecuted for serious
physical injuries through reckless imprudence in the
Court of First Instance of the province, where both
charges are derived from the consequences of one and
the same vehicular accident, because the second
accusation places the appellant in second jeopardy for
the same offense.


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