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Topics : Anemia in Pregnant Women

Day / Date : Wednesday, February 28th 2018
Hours : 10.00-10.35 a.m
Venue : Nursing Science of Sam Ratulangi University’s college building
Subject :

1. Definition of anemia in pregnant women

2. Causes of anemia in pregnant women
3. Signs and symptoms of anemia in pregnant women
4. The consequences of anemia in pregnancy
5. The management of pregnant woman with anemia

Target : Students sixth semester

1. General Purpose
After the counseling is expected students understand about Anemia in Pregnant
women in general.
2. Special Purpose
After 35 minutes of counseling, students are expected to be able to:
1. Knowing the definition of anemia in pregnant women
2. Knowing the cause of anemia in pregnant women
3. Knowing signs and symptoms of anemia in pregnant women
4. Knowing the consequences of anemia in pregnancy
5. Knowing the management of anemia in pregnant women

The extension material is attached:
1. Definition of anemia in pregnant women
2. The causes of anemia in pregnant women
3. Signs and symptoms of anemia in pregnant women
4. The Consequences of anemia in pregnancy
5. The Management of pregnant woman with anemia




Stage Time Teaching Participants activiteis Method

Preliminary Five Opening : Answering greetings
minutes Regards Listen
Introduction Listening
Relevance Pay attention
Purpose Understand
Presentation Twenty Implementation:
Explain the Understanding and
definition of considering the
anemia in definition of anemia in
pregnant women pregnant women

Explain the cause

Understanding causes
of anemia in
of anemia in pregnant
pregnant women.

Understand and listen

Explain signs and to signs and symptoms
symptoms of of Anemia in Pregnant
anemia in Women
pregnant women.
Explain the Understanding the
consequences of consequences of anemia
anemia in in pregnancy

Understanding the
Explain the
management of Anemia
management of
in Pregnant Women
Anemia in
Pregnant Women.
Cover Ten Evaluation;
minutes Provide
opportunities for
participants to ask Asking question
about extension Answer the question
Asking back to
the participants
about the
extension material
provided and
reviewing the
participants about
anemia in
pregnant women

Thank you for the
role of Listen
participants who Answering greetings Lectures

can attend the

Say good bye to

1. Structure
a. Student readiness provides extension materials
b. The presenters have made a time contract with the participants
c. Media and tools are adequate
2. Process
a. Extension activities are carried out according to the planned schedule
b. Students cooperate and actively participate during the extension process
3. Results
a. Students can explain the material delivered properly.

A. Definition of Anemia in Pregnant Women

Anemia in pregnant women is a condition of the mother with hemoglobin
levels under 11gr % in trimesters 1 and 3 or levels < 10.5 gr% in the trimester 2, the
value of the limit and the difference with the condition of non-pregnant women,
occurs due to hemodilution, especially in the 2nd trimester. (Cunningham, F, 2005)

B. Causes of Anemia in Pregnant Women

1. Iron entering through food is not sufficient.
2. Increasing the body's need for iron, especially pregnant women, the growth
period in adolescents, chronic diseases, such as tuberculosis and other infections.
3. Bleeding caused by hookworm infection, malaria, excessive menstruation and

C. Signs and Symptoms of Anemia in Pregnant Women

 tired easily
 pale
 out of breath
 normal tension thumping
 Malnutrition
 frequent dizziness
 tongue injuries
 decreased appetite
 concentration is lost
 nausea vomiting is more severe in young pregnancies

D. The Consequences of Anemia in Pregnant Women

 Abortion
 Intra uterine death
 High preterm delivery
 Low birth weight
 Birth with anemia
 Default defects
 Infant infections easily until perinatal death
 Low intelligence
(Manuaba, 2010)

E. The Management Of Pregnant Woman With Anemia

1. Anemia Mild
 Striving to improve the diet, for example by increasing consumption of foods
that contain lots of iron such as eggs, milk, liver, fish, meat, nuts, dark green
vegetables and fruits
 Consider also the nutrition of food in the breakfast and regular eating
frequency, especially for those who diet
2. Anemia Medium
 Increase consumption of iron tablets regularly
 Consume nutritious food and contain lots of iron
3. Anemia Weight
 Increase consumption of iron tablets regularly,
 Improving environmental health,
 Eat nutritious foods, many contain iron
 Perform blood transfusions
(Arief, 2008). (Manuaba, 2001).

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