Thesis Manajemen Sampah RMH Tangga

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Management of Household Waste in Samarinda Municipality,

East Kalimantan, Indonesia

-Can we learn from Sweden?

Melviana Hedén

Stockholm 2001

Master of Science Degree Thesis Thesis Report Series: 2001:16

Div. of Land and Water Resources
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology
Management of Household Waste in Samarinda Municipality,
East Kalimantan, Indonesia

-Can we learn from Sweden?

Melviana Hedén

Associate Professor Gunno Renman
Royal Institute of Technology

Stockholm 2001

Master of Science Degree Thesis Thesis Report Series: 2001:16

Div. of Land and Water Resources
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology

This thesis report is performed as a completion education to fulfill the requirement of the Master of
Science degree in Environmental Engineering Program at the Royal Institute of Technology in
Stockholm, Sweden. My supervisor Associate Professor Gunno Renman, Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, Division of Land and Water Resources, initiated the subject of this
thesis. A part of this thesis work was funded by the Deutsche Geselschaft Technische
Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), the German Development Agency which is responsible for environmental
projects in the Province of East Kalimantan Indonesia.

With my pleasure I would like to thank:

My supervisor Associate Professor Gunno Renman for trusting me, and for all his support and
advises to improve this thesis.

Head of Sanitary Department, Falun Municipality, Mrs. Gunilla Mååg who gave me many
opportunities for study visits, consultation as well as important information regarding solid waste
management. Mr. Thord Jansson, for showing me transportation and collection systems in Falun,
Mr. Mikael Andersson for the opportunity to visit the waste treatment plant, and also Mr. Bo
Wallström (Borlänge Energy) for all the explanations and visiting the heating system.

Ir. Islansyah, the head of DKPP, who accepted me as a member of his office’s personnel, who
gave me the possibility to use the facilities, and gave me many important information. Ir. Nuryanto
Iswara, who helped me to meet the scavengers and show me the dumpsite locations. Ir.
Suryanata, a friend who also worked in DKPP, and my best friend Ir. Salawaty, who always ready
to go to dirty dumping sites together with me.

With the great knowledge and inspiring personalities helped me with all my questions: Mr. Hartmut
Abberger, MSc, who has introduced me to Mr. Matthias Merkle (GTZ’s Senior Technical Advisor in
the Environmental Project ProLH). Mr. Merkle finally funded and supported this thesis as well. Dr.
Michael Klingler voluntarily acts as my local supervisor, and showed a great attention in my work
and helped me with many difficulties I came across. Prof. Subroto, in Mulawarman University, who
was helping me in discussions and information about soil conditions in SM also for the possibility to
use his library.

Mr.Syahidin and his colleague in Yayasan Bina Sumber Daya Indonesia were always enthusiastic
about composting. They also gave me the opportunity to joint in the presentation for the Major of

My lovely son Hugo Awang Xylon Hedén and husband Jonas Hedén for their spirit and patient
support over the whole time both during in Sweden and Indonesia. Also my mother, Emly Djamhur
and my entire sibling for all supports and pray. Especially for the youngest brother Mulyadi SE,
who always has given facilities within his office, computer, motorbike, car and telephone. And all of
them who work in CV Integra: Deden thanks for GPS tour, Bobby, Ucok, Lena, Yuli and Wina. Also
thanks to my parents in law, Elis and Sonja Hedén for all their attention and help.

To everybody who helped me and made my thesis work ready and my time in Samarinda and
Falun enjoyable.

Falun, April 2001

Melviana Hedén


Hedén, M. 2001. Management of Household Waste in Samarinda Municipality, East

Kalimantan, Indonesia -Can we learn from Sweden? Master of Science Thesis. Thesis Report
Series 2001:16. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. pp.63.

Characteristic of the household waste is very complex influenced of many factors such as social
economical, cultural, degree of urbanisation, climatic, natural condition, etc. Since household
waste contains volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nutrients (notably nitrogen), heavy metals,
trace element and many other toxic substances, controlled of waste management processes and
methods are necessarily improved due to waste contribution to environmental pollution. Hydrology
and hydro-geological conditions, range of technology, economy and financial, waste production
and composition, infrastructure, cultural conditions should be considered before choosing the
waste management method in order to achieve the sustainable solutions. Waste management
process, as separation, collection, storage and transportation should be implemented in a better
way to make subsequent treatment better and easier. Samarinda Municipality (SM), located on the
eastern part of Kalimantan island in Indonesia, has a tropical climate. Hot climates with a high
frequency of rain and humidity throughout the year contribute to a high risk of many environmental
and health problems from the waste. Today, SM has already set up its solid waste management
system, which as suggested, can be improved. To minimise the risk contribution of the waste, it is
important to introduce an efficient waste collection and management system. A better and more
effective sorting system and waste scavenging activities are needed according to achieve optimal
recycling activity to minimal risk for the scavengers them self. The high risk of eutrophication of
leachate water from open dumping systems can lead to contamination of both surface and
groundwater. Using of sanitary landfills is strongly recommended to replace unacceptable open
dumping systems and ecotechnology treatment methods can be used according to leachate water
management. Implementation of composting on a large scale will reduce the amount of dumping
waste since organic compounds are high, the local climate is suitable and the demand of compost
tends to be high.

Keywords: compost, ecotechnology, emission control, Indonesia, recycling, Samarinda, sanitary

landfill, scavenging.


Samarinda Municipality (SM) is the capital of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. This province is rich on
natural resources e.g. minerals and tropical forest. Uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources,
rise of industries and rapid population growth contstitute environmental problems. Several
international issues of the environmental problems focus on this province and several international
projects also work on nature conservation and development of sustainable practices. In order to
preserve the valuable nature and minimise the environmental problems in SM, it is essential to
protect the area by prevents it with a sustainable development and environmental oriented

Generally in Indonesia, uncontrolled waste handling occurs in many areas constitutes potential risk
for ground water contamination. The risk is mainly due to enrichment of nutrients from leachate
emission from the waste dumps. Located in a tropical area make these waste dumps also related
to the risk of disease transmission and many other global environmental problems such as carbon
dioxide and methane gas emissions from land disposal sites that strongly contributed to the green
house effect.

The objectives of this Master of Science thesis project are:

• To make a cross study on household waste management systems in two different countries:
Sweden (as developed country) and Indonesia (as developing country)
• To describe present household waste management situation in Sweden and Indonesia,
especially in two different municipalities: Falun and Samarinda with their different climate,
natural environment, social-economy and cultures;
• To give a general review of important alternatives of waste treatment methods which are using
both in Sweden and Indonesia;
• To analize household waste management problems in Samarinda Municipalities. Try to find
alternative solutions of the problems base on different natural environmental and social-
economy conditions. And also if possible to make a transfer of knowledge from a developed
system to the less developed one.

Treatment and management of waste depends on the waste characteristic, which is influenced by
social-economy and culture condition in a society. The amount and composition of municipal
refuse and disposal also parallels vary with economical situation and size of population, which is
affect to life-style. In developing countries, as Indonesia, mostly have unstable economy situation
and low priority of environmental control. This is not only due to public ignorance and apathy, lack
of awareness of professionals about the range of technology available also as another factor. It
should be realised that the approaches suggested for environmental control should be of low cost,
simple to operate and maintain. The advantages of natural environmental condition which, in hot
climates, provide unique and advantageous mechanism to protect the environment and conserve

Nowadays the established waste management method in SM is open dumping which can also
extent be called control dump. Use of simple undeveloped open dumping system for the final
disposal constitutes problems. The wild dumps still widely exist since awareness of the people is
very low.

Suggested method will be used according to waste management strategy in SM should based on
local condition and situation. Social and economical situation, control and awareness of
environmental problems by local government and people should consider before the decision is
made. Simple and low cost of operation and maintenance, sustainability to the local climate
situation are should be put as main alternative for waste management in SM. Meanwhile the next
development should also develop within international standard.

The suggested strategy include are:
• Improvement of control over present waste management forms
• Development of waste minimisation programs
• Development of sorting, reuse and recycling activities
• Development of ecotechnology treatment methods for leachate water
• Establishment of sanitary landfill replace dumping systems
• Energy and cost recovery oriented due to optimisation utility of waste

Recycling and sorting processes should be encouraged in order to minimise waste production. It
also creates new job opportunities for unemployed people and improves scavenging activities.
Controlled waste management practices are important to optimise waste management. Efficient
ways can be apply to meet local needs, e.g. composting as traditional biological method can be
developed. The energy and cost recovery should be considered according to anticipate
maintenance and operational cost for the whole sustainability of integrated waste management.
Emission control should be introduced all disposal regarding gas emission and leachate.
Ecotechnology to handle leachate can be applied with low cost and suitable for the local climate
and economical condition.

Considering lack of human resource and financial by using of high operational and maintenance
cost of waste management method such as sanitary landfill as main suggestion for management of
waste in SM should be evaluated before decided by local authority. Even though this method
definitively should implemented as soon as possible. The development of present activities of
waste management should the main target. Composting can be considered as a new big activity
since the composition of local waste characteristics in this area still can be used as the source.

Attitude and awareness on environmental problems from the waste is low even almost ignorance
by the public. The local authority should aware on this situation seriously by emphasised the
development which can support better quality of mentality of the people, i.e. by better education,
clear information, strong regulation, etc. Improvement recycling and reuse activities should arise
since these activities are quite economical reasonable, and it is considered as potential informal
sector accepted as new income sources.


Kota Samarinda adalah ibukota propinsi Kalimantan Timur, di Indonesia. Propinsi ini merupakan
propinsi terkaya di Indonesia dengan sumber daya alamnya. Ekspoitasi sumber daya alam tanpa
kontrol, perkembangan industri yang pesat dan pertumbuhan penduduk yang yang pesat
menyebabkan masalah lingkungan. Berbagai proyek internasional yang berkaitan dengan isu-isu
lingkungan di tempatkan di propinsi ini untuk dilindungi dari berbagai bencana. Berkaitan dengan
perbaikan lingkungan dan untuk mengurangi masalah lingkungan di Kota Samarinda maka penting
sekali adanya kegiatan pembangunan yang berwawasan pada manejemen pembangunan yang

Di Indonesia pada umumnya, penumpukan sampah tanpa pengawasan terjadi di berbagai tempat
yang beresiko sangat tinggi terhadap kontaminasi air bawah tanah, yang disebabkan oleh
pengkayaan nutrisi yang berasal dari air limbah sampah (lindi). Berlokasi di daerah tropis
membuat penumpukan sampah penyebab besarnya resiko berbagai penyakit menular dan
berbagai masalah lingkungan lainnya seperti emisi karbondioksida (CO2) dan gas metan (CH4)
dari penumpukan sampah yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan efek rumah kaca.

Tujuan dari penulisan skiripsi ini adalah untuk:

• Mengadakan studi silang mengenai masalah menejemen sampah rumah tangga di dua
negara: Swedia (sebagai negara maju) dan Indonesia (sebagai negara berkembang);
• Menjabarkan situasi penangan sampah rumah tangga di Swedia dan Indonesia, khususnya di
dua kota yaitu Falun dan Samarinda, yang di dasari oleh perbedaan iklim, keadaan lingkungan
setempat, sosial-ekonomi, dan budaya;
• Memberikan gambaran alternatif penting dalam penanganan sampah rumah tangga yang
digunakan di dua negara tersebut;
• Untuk menganalisa masalah menejemen sampah rumah tangga di Samarinda. Mencoba
memberikan jalan keluar masalah tersebut berdasarkan kondisi lingkungan alam dan sosial
ekonomi setempat. Dan jika mungkin mengadakan alih teknologi dari negara yang sudah
berkembangan ke yang belum berkembang.

Penanganan dan manajemen sampah tergantung dari karakteristik sampah tersebut, yang di
pengaruhi oleh keadaan sosial dan ekonomi di dalam satu lingkup sosial. Jumlah dan komposisi
sampah kota juga beragam berkaitan dengan jumlah penduduk, situasi ekonomi yang mana
mempengaruhi gaya hidup. Di negara sedang berkembang yang pada umumnya memiliki
perekonomian kurang/tidak stabil, juga memiliki pengawasan yang masih rendah terhadap
masalah lingkungan hidup. Hal ini tidak hanya disebabkan oleh ketidakperdulian masyarakat dan
kurangnya rasa memiliki, faktor lain yang mempengaruhi adalah kurangnya kesadaran para ahli
melihat rentang berbagai alternatif teknologi yang ada. Keadaan ini harus segera disadari.
Pendekatan terhadap menejemen lingkungan hidup di negara semacam ini adalah pengawasan
lingkungan hidup yang murah dan mudah, baik dalam pengoperasian dan perawatan sebagai
pilihan utama. Keuntungan daripada kondisi alam dengan iklim yang panas memberikan
keuntungan secara mekanis yang unik pada perlindungan lingkungan dan sumber alam.

Sekarang ini perkembangan menejemen sampah kota di Kota Samarinda hanya menggunakan
sistem penumpukan terbuka yang bisa juga di katagorikan sebagai control dumping. Sampah yang
sebagian besar di produksi oleh masyarakat di tempatkan pada penumpukan terbuka akan
menimbulkan masalah. Penumpukan sampah liar masih terjadi dimana-mana sedangkan
ketidakperdulian masyarakat sangat rendah.

Metode yang disarankan untuk digunakan sebagai satu strategi penanganan masalah sampah
Kota Samarinda harus didasari oleh situasi dan kondisi setempat. Kondisi sosial dan ekonomi,
kesadaran dan pengawasan akan masalah lingkungan oleh pemerintah lokal dan masyarakat
harus diperhitungkan sebelum pengambilan keputusan. Pengoperasian dan perawatan yang
mudah dan murah, sesuai dengan situasi iklim setempat merupakan pilihan utama untuk

managemen sampah di Kota Samarinda. Setelah itu pada perkembangan berikutnya disesuaikan
dengan standar berskala internasional.

Strategi-strategi tersebut antara lain:

• Peningkatan pengawasan pola menejemen sampah yang ada
• Pengembangan program untuk meminimalkan jumlah produksi sampah
• Pengembangan kegiatan pemilahan, daur ulang dan pemanfaatan ulang sampah
• Pengadaan sanitary landfill untuk mengganti sistem penumpukan terbuka tanpa pengawasan
• Pemanfataan sampah secara optimal yang berorientasi pada pengembalian energi dan biaya
dari sampah.

Proses daur ulang dan pemilahan dianjurkan dalam rangka menurunkan jumlah produksi sampah
disamping juga membuka kesempatan kerja bagi masyarakat, khususnya meningkatkan kegiatan
pemulung. Pengawasan pola manajemen adalah penting untuk mengoptimalkan manajemen
sampah secara efisien yang bisa diterapkan untuk keperluan lokal, sebagai contoh pengomposan
sebagai metode biologi tradisional yang bisa dikembangan. Pemanfataan sampah secara optimal
yang berorientasi pada pengembalian energi dan biaya sampah perlu dipertimbangan untuk
menutupi biaya operasional dan perawatan dalam rangka kegiatan menejemen sampah terpadu.
Pengawasan emisi gas dan lindi harus di laksanakan. Metode Ecotechnology dapat diaplikasikan
dengan biaya dan rendah dan sesuai dengan iklim dan keadaan ekonomi setempat.

Mempertimbangankan kurangnya sumberdaya manusia dan keuangan untuk memakai metode

dengan biaya dan teknologi tinggi semacam sanitary landfill pun harus di evaluasi sebelum
pengambilan keputusan dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah setempat. Namun demikian metode ini
bagaimanapun harus di terapkan secepat mungkin. Pengembangan kegiatan menejemen sampah
yang ada seharusnya di jadikan sasaran utama. Kegiatan pengomposan dapat di pertimbangkan
sebagai kegiatan utama karena komposisi sampah dan karakteristik sampah di daerah ini bisa
dijadikan sebagai sumber.

Sikap dan kesadaran masyarakat akan masalah lingkungan yang di sebabkan oleh sampah masih
rendah dan hampir terabaikan. Pemerintah setempat harus menyadari situasi ini secara serius dan
menekankan pada pengembangan yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas mental masyarakat, yaitu
dengan menyediakan pendidikan yang lebih baik, informasi yang lebi jelas, regulasi yang lebih
tegas, dll. Peningkatan kegiatan daur ulang harus pula ditingkatkan karena kegiatan ini cukup
memberikan alasan ekonomi dan dipertimbangkan sebagai sumber pemasukan di sektor informal.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS _________________________________________________ III

ABSTRACT ___________________________________________________________ IV

SUMMARY_____________________________________________________________ V

RINGKASAN (SUMMARY IN INDONESIAN) _________________________________ VII

1 INTRODUCTION ____________________________________________________ 11
1.1 Background __________________________________________________________ 11
1.2 Objectives ___________________________________________________________ 12

2 METHODOLOGY AND MATERIALS ____________________________________ 12

3 STUDY AREAS_____________________________________________________ 13
3.1 Falun Municipality _____________________________________________________ 13
3.2 Samarinda Municipality _________________________________________________ 14


4.1 Waste Production and Composition________________________________________ 16
4.2 Waste management Process _____________________________________________ 16
4.2.1 Separation, Sorting and Storage ____________________________________ 16
4.2.2 Collection and Transport __________________________________________ 16
4.2.3 Waste Handling Plant_____________________________________________ 17
4.3 Waste Management Methods ____________________________________________ 19
4.3.1 Fågelmyra compost and biogas plant (Composting) _____________________ 19
4.3.2 Borlänge District Heating Plant (Incineration) __________________________ 19
4.3.3 Falun Sanitary Landfill ____________________________________________ 19
4.3.4 Papers, Bulky Waste and Hazardous Waste (Reuse and Recycling) ________ 19


MUNICIPALITY_____________________________________________________ 20
5.1 Waste Production and Composition________________________________________ 21
5.2 Waste Management Process _____________________________________________ 22
5.2.1 Separation, Sorting and Storage ____________________________________ 22
5.2.2 Collection and Transportation ______________________________________ 22
5.3 Waste Management Methods ____________________________________________ 24
5.3.1 Composting ____________________________________________________ 24
5.3.2 Dumping _______________________________________________________ 24
5.3.3 Sanitary Landfill _________________________________________________ 27
5.3.4 Burning ________________________________________________________ 28
5.4 Legal Aspects ________________________________________________________ 28
5.4.1 Administration and Role of Municipality _______________________________ 28
5.4.2 Planning _______________________________________________________ 28
5.4.3 International Involvement on Environmental Management ________________ 28


OVERVIEW ________________________________________________________ 30
6.1 Sanitary Landfill _______________________________________________________ 30
6.1.1 Site Identification and Assessment __________________________________ 30
6.1.2 Sanitary Landfill Concept __________________________________________ 30
6.1.3 Leachate_______________________________________________________ 31
6.1.4 Leachate Treatment ______________________________________________ 32

6.1.5 Landfill Gases___________________________________________________ 34
6.1.6 Climatic Effects__________________________________________________ 34
6.1.7 Monitoring______________________________________________________ 35
6.2 Recycling ____________________________________________________________ 35
6.2.1 Before dumping _________________________________________________ 36
6.2.2 Meanwhile dumping ______________________________________________ 36
6.3 Biological Solid Waste Treatment (Organic Waste Recycling) ___________________ 36
6.3.1 Aerobic or Composting____________________________________________ 36
6.3.2 Process Requirements ____________________________________________ 37
6.3.3 Composting Technologies _________________________________________ 38
6.3.4 Types and Quality of Compost Product _______________________________ 39
6.3.5 Utilisation of Compost ____________________________________________ 39
6.3.6 Anaerobic Digestion ______________________________________________ 40
6.4 Incineration (Energetic Recycling) _________________________________________ 40


7.1 Social Economical and Cultural Aspects ____________________________________ 44
7.2 Natural Aspects: Climate, soils, water and air ________________________________ 45


8.1 Concept _____________________________________________________________ 46
8.2 Strategy _____________________________________________________________ 46
8.3 Approach ____________________________________________________________ 46
8.3.1 Social and cultural approach _______________________________________ 46
8.3.2 Institutional Approach_____________________________________________ 47
8.3.3 Economical Approach ____________________________________________ 47
8.4 Improvement _________________________________________________________ 48
8.4.1 Waste Management Process _______________________________________ 48
8.4.2 Waste Reduction ________________________________________________ 49
8.4.3 Waste Treatment ________________________________________________ 49

9 DISCUSSION _______________________________________________________ 53

10 CONCLUSION ______________________________________________________ 54

REFFERENCES _______________________________________________________ 56

SUPPLEMENT_________________________________________________________ 59




1.1 Background

Waste became increasingly complex when trading in merchandise and growth of population
increased in the cities (Welander, 1998). Enormous volume of waste and their impact to human
lives and environment are made developed and developing world concerned about ecologically
and healthy ways to manage the waste. There are different kinds of waste based on their origin,
compositions and characteristics: physical, chemical and biological. It will be identified to the
treatment process industry, reduction, recycling, reuse, digestion, incineration, landfill, etc. Based
on their origin, characteristics and compositions, the household wastes should be also sorted and
handle in different ways to achieve the development of ecologically and healthy management of
waste (Falu Kommun, 1999). Household wastes are defined as the wastes from human activities.
This does not include the vast waste products from agriculture, industry, mining and commerce
(Kiely, 1997). And the domestic household wastes can be solid (paper, plastics, food wastes, ash,
glass, metal, etc), liquid (old medicines, spent oils, paints, etc) and also hazardous wastes
(batteries, chemicals compounds, spent oil, etc).

Waste has recognized as a problem not only because of the hygienic problem (Sundqvist, 1999),
but also because of environment, human health and aesthetic problems come up with. Storage of
waste, such as animal and humans pathogens, provides breeding ground for vermin, flies,
cockroaches and birds may act as passive vectors in disease transmission. The pathogens that
can cause related diseases are virus, bacteria, protozoa and helminthes. Beside those disease
problems, waste also makes some additional problems to the environment such as odorous, litter,
fires, scavengers, rat and snakes infestation (Kiely, 1997). The other major environmental
problems associated with landfill and dump of waste that the emission of methane (CH4) and
carbon dioxide (CO2) and highly polluted leachates to the soil and ground water (Welander, 1998).
Both methane and carbon dioxide gases are recognized as major greenhouse gases, which can
contribute to global climate change. Landfill in moist climate produces large quantities of leachate,
since in the dry climate produces localised air pollution problems (Kiely, 1997). The emission of
leachate is a problem due to their high content of ammonium ions and organic compounds, which
are acutely toxic compounds (Welander, 1998).

In Sweden (especially in Falun Municipality) have a good process, management method and
system to handle the household waste. Sorting processes started in every household. By sorting,
the utility of the household waste content can be increase and the waste can more easily return to
the natural resource cycle.

In Indonesia, waste and its management have still been given a low priority at the government
policy. With about 210 millions inhabitants shows that Indonesia has such a big problems with their
waste. Beside the public is not well informed on the health hazards of poor waste-disposal
practices, the opportunities for contributing of waste treatment and reclamation have not been
widely informed and implemented.

The amount and composition of municipal refuse and disposal is parallels vary with economical
situation and size of population, which is affect to life-style. In developing countries, which are
mostly have unstable economy situation, generally have also low priority of environmental control.
This is not only due to public ignorance and apathy, also lack of awareness of professionals about
the range of technology available. This situation should make those countries realised that the
approaches suggested for environmental control with low cost, simple operation and maintenance
as the main alternatives. The advantages of natural environmental condition which, in hot climates,
provide unique and advantageous mechanism to protect the environment and conserve resources.

Methodology and Materials

Choice of technology and scale activities related to waste management might vary depending on
type and amount of waste, as well as on local environmental, economic, technological, institutional
and social-cultural conditions. Experience shows that conditions in most developing countries
require other kinds of solutions than being practised in industrialised countries.

1.2 Objectives

The aims of this study are:

• To make a cross study on household waste management systems in two different countries:
Sweden (as developed country) and Indonesia (as developing country)
• To describe present household waste management situation in Sweden and Indonesia,
especially in two different municipalities: Falun and Samarinda with their different climate,
natural environment, social-economy and cultures;
• To give a general review of important alternatives of waste treatment methods which are using
both in Sweden and Indonesia;
• To analize household waste management problems in Samarinda Municipalities. Try to find
alternative solutions of the problems base on different natural environmental and social-
economy conditions. And also if possible to make a transfer of knowledge from a developed
system to the less developed one.


Field studies were done in Falun Municipality from the end of August to the end of September
2000. Several places were visited and interviews with the personals in Falun Municipality, Borlänge
Energy and other personals who responsible directly and connected to municipality waste
management activities were also done during this period. Site studies began with observations in
every household use three different colours of plastic bags for their waste: red for combustible,
black for leftover food and compostable and one in any other colour for non-combustible and non-
compostable wastes. Ingarvet waste handling plant in Falun was visited. It consists eighteen
different sorting, optically sorting of waste plastic bags, hazardous waste handling station, sanitary
landfill, bring your-self centre where the people can deliver their own garbage, recycling station,
etc. Borlänge Energy, which connected with the combustible waste from Falun Municipality, was
also visited and the person from this company was interviewed regarding the energy production
processes and use. Site studies and interviews were continued at Falun’s and Borlänge’s common
biogas and composting plant in Fågelmyra. In this place the black plastic bag from Falun that
consist of leftover food and compost waste are turned into biogas and compost. Environmental
stations at three petrol stations and several recycling collection points were also visited. Refuse
collector truck was studied during the operation and how the truck is equipped.

To get some overview and deeper knowledge about municipality waste management, literature
study and review was also done during the autumn. These activities i.e. study visits in Falun
Municipality and review of literature studies are presented to support the proposal as alternative
methods for management of household in Samarinda Municipalities. Meanwhile the review also
can give some comprehensive picture of present waste situation both in a developed and
developing country and future trend.

From the end of October 2000 until January 2001, field studies were done in Samarinda
Municipality. The local authority who was responsible for the household waste management i.e.
DKPP1, BAPPEDA2 region I and II, GTZ (German Technical Corporation), Local Statistic Bureau,

State Sanitary and Landscape Board (Dinas Kebersihan, Pertamanan dan Pemakaman)
Provincial and Regional Development and Planning Board (Badan Perencanaan dan Pembangunan

Study Areas

the other local authorities which are connect with management of local waste, BAPEDALDA3, local
NGO4, Bina Sumber Daya Indonesia Foundation, Mulawarman University, etc.

Final waste disposal site (TPA)5 and temporary waste collection points (TPS)6 that are managed by
DKPP were visited several times. Discussion with personal that responsible for TPA and operation
in the field was done at during the field studies. Several NGOs connected with environmental
activities and also Mulawarman University to find references and information about management of
household waste.

February until May 2001 the final report should be finished. And the final presentation was done on
23rd of May at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), in Stockholm, Sweden. And all report from
Falun and Samarinda Municipalities, discussion and available literatures are using as materials in
this study.


3.1 Falun Municipality

Falun region covers about 2.054 km2. In the end of 1999, the populations registered are about
55.000 inhabitants and about 37.000 referring to the town, which means that the region is sparsely
populated with about 27 inhabitants/square kilometres (Falu Kommun, 1999). In Falun there are
about 50% of the people living in the small houses and 50% living in the apartment, and total
house are 26.000. In daily live there are 24.761 persons have active job with average income
about 173.200 SEK7 per family/year before tax (Falu Kommun, 1998). About 81% of Falun area is
covered by homogeneous forests containing between deciduous and coniferous trees, but only 3%
covered by agriculture purposes.

Statistical figures of 1999 shows the coldest day in January

was –27.8°C, warmest day was in July about +29.9°C.
Rainiest month was June about 67 mm (normally 76 mm);
driest month was May with 14 mm (normally 32 mm), and
precipitation in total 574 mm (normally 617).

The business sector in Falun is varied. There are worldwide

enterprises like Stora-Enso (the fourth biggest Forest and
Consultant Company in the world); Ericsson Cable
(telecommunication); Scania (Vehicle and Automobile
Company) and Cederroth International (health care and first
aid industry) as well as several small and medium size
companies. Media and hi-tech companies are part of
business profile. Skilled consultants in advertising,
economy, information technology and so on make the
existence as businessman easier in Falun (Falu Kommun,

Figure 1. Swedish Map and Falun Municipality Location

Environmental Impact management Agency (Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan)
Non Government Organisation
Tempat Pembuangan Akhir
Tempat Pembuangan Sementara
1 USD = 9 SEK

Study Areas

3.2 Samarinda Municipality

Samarinda Municipality (SM) is located on the eastern part of Kalimantan Island in Indonesia,
which is the third biggest island in the world after Greenland and New Guinea. This island is very
rich on natural resources such as mineral (oil, gas, coal, gold, etc) and tropical forest. Located
about 50 km south of equator give rise to minimal variation in daylight hours.

Samarinda region has about 502 247 inhabitants and the whole area covers 783 km2. It shows that
sparsely populated about 641 persons/km2 and 92% of the people refer to the town (DKPP, 1999).
The amount of family registered are 116 093 which mean average in every family of about 4
persons (BPS, 1999). Growing rate of the population is about 4.7% (DKPP, 2000)

SM is divided in 6 districts and every district divided in several villages. Located in tropical climate
means that humidity in SM is very high. The average humidity registered was about 83.9% in 1996
and 78.25% in 1998. Average temperature in 1998 was 33.2°C and in 1996 were about 31.9°C.
Minimum average temperatures since 1998 recorded 23.8ºC and the maximum average was
33.2°C. Average rainfalls in 2000 were about 215.35 mm and average duration of sunshine was
53.4%. Amount of rainy day in year 2000 is 257 days with average humidity about 83.7%
(Meteorology and Geophysics, 2000). SM rainfall was about the same for the whole year. In 1998
show rain fall was very low from January until March. Such period usually very sensitive for the
forest fires because of warm and dry air (Bappeda Region II, 1998).

0 0

Figure 2. Indonesia , East Kalimantan Province and Samarinda Municipality.

About 30% of the area used for agricultural purposes: rice, cassava, maize, peanuts, soybeans,
vegetables, fruits, sweet potatoes, etc. Plantations e.g. rubber, coconuts, cacao, cloves, coffee
and pepper are covered about 3.35% of the whole area and about 2.5% is covered by traditional
medicine crops plantation (Bappeda region II, 1998).

Study Areas

The industries sectors are divided in small and big scale. Small scale includes home industries like
food industries and manufactures of clothing, leather and handicraft. Big scale of industry is often
forest industry e.g. plywood, ratan, timber and furniture.

Type of soil in Samarinda Municipality base on LREP8 surveys report (1996) determined in five
soils class such as Histosols, Entisols, Inceptisols, Ultisols and Spodosols. Ultisols is the main soil
was founded for most part of the area.

Bruto domestic product per capita is Rp. 9 234 866.95/year9, while product domestic net per capita
is 8 214 994.33/year in 1999 (BPS, 1999).

Welfare statistics in SM shows that about 21.47% of the people more than 10 years old have
education less than elementary school and about 24.87% have elementary school level since the
compulsory basic education national standard is 6 years. Senior high school education level is
27.24% and university level about 5.14% (BPS, 1999).

Welfare statistic in SM shows that about 21.47% of the people more than 10 years old have
education less than elementary school, and about 24.87% have elementary school level since the
obligation basic education national standard is 6 years (elementary level). Senior high school level
education is 27.24% and university level about 5.14% (BPS, 1999).

Land Resources Evaluation and Planning Project
1 USD = 10 000 Rupiah

Present Situation of Waste Management in Falun Municipality


4.1 Waste Production and Composition

The waste production in FM in year 2000 is shows in figure below:

0% Organics



Figure 3. Waste Composition in FM in year 2000 (source: Falu Kommun 2001)

4.2 Waste management Process

4.2.1 Separation, Sorting and Storage

To make handling of household waste efficient there should be co-operation between the
producers, people and the municipality. Nowadays in Sweden, management of waste is not
responsible by municipalities only but also transferred to the people and producers. (Svenska
Renhållningsverksföreningen, 1998).

In Falun Municipality (FM), the separation of the waste is started and responsible in the every
household manually. It means that they should separate hazardous waste, packaging material,
paper and bulky waste, and the remaining household waste. The remaining of household waste is
divided into three different colour plastic bags. Left over food and compostable waste is put in the
black plastic bag. Waste, which can be burned (combustible), is put in the red plastic bag. Other
waste cannot be compost or combustible are put in the other colours than red or red plastic bags.
(Falu Kommun, 1999)

4.2.2 Collection and Transportation

All the plastic bags can mix in the refuse bin, down the refuse chute or in the skips of the house,
depend on the household storing system. The people who live in the apartment usually have own
system to collect the waste from every flat that is organised by the tenant-owners. In one smaller
family house usually have a bins or black small wheels container in the yard with a standard
capacities 140 or 240 litres. On every bin marked with three different stickers, which shown if the
container was ready to be emptied or not and also digital bar code to detect and memorised the bin
every time the truck empties. The red sticker shows that the bin not ready to be emptied and the
green one tells the bin is ready to be emptied. The house owner decides when their bin should be
emptied. The less waste they through, the less money should they paid.

The container is emptied mechanically by using a refuse collector truck. The refuse collector truck
comes regularly in every fourteen days. The truck driver will notice by using a detector in the truck
that can read the digital bar code. A simple computer was completed in the refuse truck stores
Present Situation of Waste Management in Falun Municipality

memory when the bin was emptied. There is also a camera that can monitor if refuse stored in the
plastic bags. During the warm summer season (between 29 of May until 1 of September), it is an
obligation to empty the bin every fourteen days even thought the bin does not full. The Municipality
accepts exception for private house owners who have their own compost box. And the compost
box should fulfill requirement of the Municipality.


a) b).

Figure 4:
a). The Positive trend between landfilling and recycling in FM (source: Falu Kommun, 2000)
b). The dump truck and waste bin

4.2.3 Waste Handling Plant

All refuse, which is collected by the refuse truck, is transported to the waste handling plant. The
advantage of the different coloured bags is that all types can be collected by just one truck. All the
bags mixed in the truck does not mean that sorting at source has been vain. Except sorting is
carried out optically in a sorting unit. Cameras detect the different colours of the refuse bags and
separated into different containers, one for red bags, one for black bags and one for other bags.

Black plastic bags are transported to Borlänge’s and Falun’s shared biogas and composting plant
at Fågelmyra, an area located between those two regions. The leftover food and other
compostable waste are turned into biogas and compost. The red bags with combustible waste are
transported to Borlänge. Here the waste is incinerated and the energy, which is produced, is used
for district heating. Combustible waste can also be burnt in the private heating furnace, stove or
garden bonfire. Those red bags with their contents can only be burned in a special plant designed
for waste incineration. Combustion is carried out under controlled conditions, and furthermore the
flue gases are cleaned before being released into the air.

The other bags with the waste for landfill deposit are transported to the landfill site. At present
there is no other way of dealing with this sort of waste. The alternatives can be help to deal with
this landfill waste is to make more careful sorting by putting small part of waste in the plastic bags
(Falu kommun, 1999).

Present Situation of Waste Management in Falun Municipality Optical sorting of waste

The refuse in black, red and the other colour

plastic bags are transported to the waste
handling plant and sorting processes
continued. The container from the refuse truck
is replaced close to the conveyor and
transported to the optical sorting machine.
This machine sorts and collects all the plastic
bags with the same colour in different
containers and transported them to different
places for the next handling.


Figure 5. Waste Management Process in FM

a). The optical sorting
b). The waste in plastic bags before sorting


Present Situation of Waste Management in Falun Municipality

4.3 Waste Management Methods

4.3.1 Fågelmyra compost and biogas plant (Composting)

The black plastic bags that containing leftover food and compostable are collected in a big
container. The container is connected to a spiral conveyor to continue the process i.e. the opening
to release the waste from the bag, removing metal by using magnet and warmed them up to about
40ºC the waste for decomposing in the biogas tank.

This compost and biogas plant was started in autumn 1997 with a capacity of 9000 ton/year. The
principle operation of the biogas tank is anaerobe process. The tank capacity is about 360 m3, the
decomposition period is 16-18 days within temperatures 55ºC to create a suitable environment for
bacterias. Biogas, the mix gas of carbon dioxide and methane, is developed under the degradation
period without any oxygen. Those gases are pumped out to the gas tube and the rest of the wet
compost and sludge are left in the compost tank.

The sludge left in the biogas tank undergo a containing composting process in a composting box.
The process last about 25 until 30 days. All materials should be mixed to provide the oxygen and
homogenous compost.

4.3.2 Borlänge District Heating Plant (Incineration)

Borlänge’s district heating plant was operated since 30 years ago with more than 90% of multi-
family dwellings and other larger properties and 28% of single-family house use the energy
production. About 25% of the energy production comes from combustible and industrial household
waste that has been separated at sources. By installation the fabric filters the company has
ensured that the future expected EU requirements for the content of dioxins in flue gases would be
fulfilled. In previous years the content of dioxin in the flue gases has been around 2 ng/nm3tg and
the performance test which ere taken after the installation of the fabric filter were 0.01, 0.02 and
0.03 ng/nm3tg (Borlänge Energy, 1999).

4.3.3 Falun Sanitary Landfill

Falun’s sanitary landfill is located at the same area as optical sorting and ‘bring-yourself’ centre, at
waste handling plant in Ingarvet. The whole area is about 22 hectares and this landfill is built up in
1965 with clay as barrier. This sanitary landfill is connected to the pipes and transport the leachate
from the landfill to a magazine with capacity about 7 m3, and the leachate water is continued
pumped to the Främby wastewater treatment plant. The gases, which are coming up from the
landfill, are controlled regularly and pump up to Falu Energy plant and use to warm up the housing
area. Recently Falun Municipality still in discussion to closing down Ingarvet landfill and using the
same landfill as Borlänge’s Municipality in Fågelmyra.

4.3.4 Papers, Bulky Waste and Hazardous Waste (Reuse and Recycling)

There are approximately 40 recycling collection points in Falun municipality (Falu Kommun, 1999).
These are placed close to shops, parking places, housing areas and other natural meeting places.
Everyone can leave the empty packages coloured and transparent glass, metals, batteries, hard
plastic and paper, clothing, shoes as well as newspaper/magazines.

The collected packages are recycled as well as paper are made new packaging and products and
used for newspaper and creed paper tissue. Textiles are often used in different aid projects and
small batteries are sorted and taken charge of.

Present Situation of Waste Management in Falun Municipality

Bulky waste is the larger waste that does not fit into the containers e.g.: furniture, stoves, fridge,
freezers, carpets, vacuum cleaner, TV set, etc. These can be left at the recycling centre in Falun
and Bjursås. To leave the garbage is free of charge. Another alternative for the bulky waste is to
send them to recycling mechanic workshop, where unemployed people can repair the old thing and
sell them again.
Beside papers, metal, clothes and
other bulky waste, hazardous
waste is also included among those
all other household waste. It should
be handled very seriously and
carefully.Hazardous waste includes
different chemicals, poisons and
other damaging substances e.g.
paint, varnish, batteries, waste oil,
insecticide, mercury thermometer,
low energy bulb, etc.

According to USEPA’s, a substance hazardous if it exhibits

one or more of the following characteristics (Kiely, 1997):
Ignitable: the substance causes or enhances fires
Reactive: the substance reacts with others and may explode
Corrosive: the substance destroys tissues or metals
Toxic: the substance is danger to health, water, food and air


Figure 6. Waste Management

In Falun Municipality
a). Environmental Station
b). Batteries (hazardous waste)
c). Bring your-self centre

To handle the hazardous waste, every household in Falun Municipality gets a red environmental
bin, which was distributed by the municipality. This red bin is safe for children touch because of a
security lock completes it. When it is time to empty the red bin, the user carry it to the nearest
environmental station and leave the hazardous waste there. The environmental stations are at
petrol stations and also manned recycling centre. Within year 2005 Falun-Borlänge Municipalities
will focus 100% on hazardous waste handling, which means no hazardous waste will be mix in the
ordinary household waste instead to be handle in special ways.

Present Situation of Household Management in Samarinda Municipality


Based on local regulations, household waste in SM handled by municipality and public. Producers
have to pay the waste transportation and facilities based on their income. There are several
standard rates to pay the retribution fee that is be depending on electricity capacity use in every
household. The payment of the waste service is done together with monthly electricity payment.
The higher consumption of electricity higher waste service fee should be paid.

5.1 Waste Production and Composition

Waste production in SM is about 1 257.1 m3/day or 2.5 litre/person/day, DKPP as organiser can
handle about 980.7 m3/day which means about 78% of the total household waste production
(DKPP, 2000).

Unspecified Papers Rubber/synthetic

2% 8% leather

Organic materials
Glass 5%
2% 1%

Figure 7. Waste Composition in Samarinda Municipality, 2000

Composition and production of waste is depending on people’s living standard. At least 80% of
waste composition from the municipality is organic materials (Harijono, 2000). The last couple of
years there have been changes of composition of the household waste. The changes are result of
in living habits and increase amount of packaging stuff (plastics, glass, polystyrene foam, etc. An
increasing of heavy metals and trace elements in SM cause big problems in the future if there is no
awareness the of impacts of them.

Table 1. Waste production in Samarinda Municipality, 1999/2000

Handled waste Un-handled Average Waste
No. Month Production waste production per
day (m /day)
3 3 3
(m ) m % m %
1. April’99 38 908 30 302 77.88 8 606 22.12 1 255
2. May’99 37 500 29 421 78.72 8 079 21.28 1 250
3. June’99 37 470 39 379 78.40 8 091 21.60 1 249
4. July’99 38 936 30 473 78.26 8 463 21.74 1 256
5. August’99 39 029 30 448 78.01 8 581 21.99 1 259
6. September’99 37 740 29 289 77.60 8 251 22.40 1 258
7. October’99 39 029 30 330 77.71 8 699 22.29 1 259
8. November’99 37 710 29 379 77.90 8 331 22.10 1 257
9. December’99 39 029 30 380 77.83 8 649 22.17 1 259
10. January’00 37 710 29 490 78.20 8 220 21.80 1 257
11. February’00 36 482 28 486 78.08 7 996 21.92 1 258
12. March’00 37 625 29 369 78.06 8 256 22.94 1 254
Source: DKPP, 2000

Present Situation of Household Management in Samarinda Municipality

5.2 Waste Management Process

5.2.1 Separation, Sorting and Storage

There is no separation of household waste in SM except the sorting by manual for reuse or
recycling at the dumping site. Some waste is sorted before the dumping (see recycling part). All
types of waste should be collected in the same plastic bag. The plastic bags then stored in the
unspecified dustbin, temporary waste collection points or only replaced in front of the house before
the dump truck come. There were some ideas to make separation will be intensively done and
come up according to establishment of composting in large scale (see in planning).

There was no standard dustbin use for households in SM. The bin was prepared based on the
need; often a simple water bucket was used. Some people also just prepare a hole in the garden
and burn out their garden trimming and waste (see burning). The other facts about situation in SM
were uncontrolled disposals still common, many of illegal refuses tip in built-up areas and dumps
on riverbanks.

Some people used plastic bags to store their waste but most of them put it in the closest communal
collection points without the bag. The collection points are regularly emptied. Most of the waste
collection points were placed close to the dwelling area and the market. The type and capacities of
those collection points are varies depend on the need. Close to market usually big containers were
used with capacity between 8 to 10 m3. Close to dwelling areas the capacity was used between 2
until 6 m3. Nearby the general hospital and big dwelling area DKPP has prepared big containers
with a capacity of 20 m3.

5.2.2 Collection and Transportation

Primary collection schemes are needed in areas

where conventional collection vehicles could not
reach households due to poor accessibility.
There is also need in low-income areas, where
the population could not afford door-to-door
collection by trucks. The waste might be then
picked up from the communal collection points
by a secondary collection system and
transported to the dumping site.


Figure 8. Waste Management in SM

a). Carts for waste collection
b). Collection point


Present Situation of Household Management in Samarinda Municipality

In 1999/2000, there was about 414 km2 or only 53% of Samarinda town and urban area covered
by DKPP’s collection service of household waste. In dwelling areas usually waste are stored in
specified communal collection points that are emptied twice or three times a week. Collection
system was depending on area dwelling group leader. Some people just can leave their own waste
in the closest communal collection points. In some areas, collection of waste has to be done by
hire one or two person as collector. This person collects the waste manually in every house by
using a moving cart. The payment made of the people living in the service area.

DKPP provides about 871 communal waste collection

points called TPS. The waste transported and disposed
in the final waste-dumping site called TPA. The
communal waste collection points were situated closes
to the traditional markets and dwelling areas and had
different capacities. The collection points should also
possible reached by the dump truck. Another alternative
that the dump trucks picks up the waste directly door to
door as long as the location is reachable by the dump
truck. The loading capacities of the dump trucks are
vary from 4-8 m3 to 8-10 m3.

There are several illegal dump of waste close to the dwelling areas, but usually this is happened in
rural area out of transport service from DKPP. The people do not pay any fee for this illegal
dumping and it was difficult to be controlled.

Office, Hotels, Self-collecting

School service

Waste Collector
Waste From Street

Dwelling Areas DKPP


Home Industry Self-collecting


Hospital Waste Self-collecting


Traditional Market, Self-collecting

Shopping Center service/DKPP

Figure 9. Present Waste Collection System in Samarinda Municipality

a). Collection point

b). Flow chart of collection system in SM

Present Situation of Household Management in Samarinda Municipality

5.3 Waste Management Methods

Lack of experiences and finances made management of waste difficult to be more sophisticated
and developed. For the treatment methods are often very expensive investment to expand
management of waste in SM. Investments are not only needed for the physical investment but also
for human resources development.

5.3.1 Composting

Composting in large scale does not exist yet,

except the farmers used organic material for
their own needs from the garden. The farmers
usually live in the countryside and their compost
is not mixed with organic waste from the
household. However there was corporation with
local government with local foundation (Yayasan
Bina Sumber Daya Indonesia) to produce
compost from local waste production and sell
them in local and national market (See


5.3.2 Dumping

Nowadays open dumping or control-dumping systems (see table 3, Landfill Classification) are the
common waste management system used by municipality in SM and also Indonesia in general.
There is only one active and registered dumpsite, which is used for solid waste in SM. This site
was located about 15 km from downs town and called Bukit Pinang. This location could be reached
by dump truck about 15-30 minutes from the town. This site size was 15 until 30 m deep with 5 ha
wide. Bukit Pinang dumpsite is located
quite high if compared with
surrounding. By using GPS shown
that the altitude about 100 m above sea
level. The closest dwelling area only
about 1 km from the site had altitude
about 40 m above sea level. Dump
truck comes regularly to leave the
waste. After the truck emptied the
waste, the scavengers or waste picker
(pemulung) come and collect valuable
things. Almost at the same time the
tractors mixed the new waste with the
existing waste and soils. There are
four tractors operated on the dumpsite
and 37 dump trucks transported the
waste from SM.

Figure 10. a) and b). The scavenging activities in Bukit Pinang dumpsite

Global Positioning System

Present Situation of Household Management in Samarinda Municipality

There are several unregistered and also old dumpsites within SM. These dumpsites are still
illegally in operation. One of the dumpsite was visited and it situated near to two dwelling areas.
This dumpsite altitude is about 70-75 m and those housing areas with distance about 1 km from
the dumpsite had altitute only 35-40 above the sea level. Illegal waste disposal often also taked
place by uncontrolled dumping on unsuitable spots; e.g. riverbanks, streets, canals, or small and
large rubbish heaps.

Close to Bukit Pinang dumpsite there are several magazines used for the slam from the people
who use vacuum service from DKPP as well as municipality solid waste. There is no active
generator (broken) and makes this magazines non-active and the slam is static in the magazine.
The slam is remaining in the magazines without any mechanic or biologist treatment. The leachate
from the dumpsite is also collect in those magazines. Since the rainfall is quite high in SM makes
big risk for leachate running to this magazines and ground water. And during the dry season risk to
be burn at the dumpsite also is very big since there is no control or pipe to distribute methane gas.
But several times this area has been burn in small scale.

There was no special geological investigation and some

measurements before decide to choose this location. Base
on interview with head of DKPP, this location chose
because of this area was quite reliable and easy to reached
by dump truck and in that time this location was still far
from the dwelling. But in present there are several dwelling
areas where the people live permanently. And this location
has quite high altitude if compared with surrounding. There
are no water pipes facilities installed to this area and the
people mostly used ground water for the daily life. Type of
soil around this area is ultisol. There is no emission control
and no barriers under the dumping site. Soon or later
leachate and other emissions from this dump might
contaminate and cause environmental problems and
effected the people in this area direct or indirect. In present
the people already complain and recommended to close
down because of bad smell produce from this dumpsite
and. The waste dump in this dumpsite comes from
dwelling areas, street cleaning waste, hotel, offices, school,
traditional market, home industries and ash after
incineration process from the hospital.
Figure 11. The cans to be recycled

Two new dumping sites also under construction in Sambutan village and in Samarinda Seberang
areas which is over the Mahakam river area (about 20 km from down town over the bridge) since
Bukit Pinang dumpsite is not reliable any longer. In fact there are several industries through away
their waste to Bukit Pinang dumpsite free of charge event by theoretically they should pay it. Recycling during the dumping

In Indonesia as well as in many other developing countries, recycling of reusable substances is

actively performed by the "informal sector". In present there are about 70 persons registered as
scavengers or waste pickers (pemulung) in Bukit Pinang dumping site who have activity to collect
several reuse and recycle materials. Aluminum cans, plastics and bottles glass are the main target.
Those materials can be sold to local and inter-local producer with reliable prices for local standard.
This way become the main income per month for those unemployed people, the income is depend
on how much they collect per day. Based on interview average income is about Rp.200.000/week
since standard minimal local payment is Rp.300.000/month/person. Demand for those recycling
material are quite high because of the producer can save production cost more than 25%.

Present Situation of Household Management in Samarinda Municipality

In extreme cases, people settle down by or on dumping site in order to live on what they find there.
The health consequences are evident. Skin diseases, intestinal diseases, typhus, cholera, hepatitis
etc. easily spread among people in such areas. In addition it is often children who look for waste at
the landfill or waste dump. Conflicts often arise between municipal waste collectors who take the
most valuable materials themselves and people living on the yields of the dumpsite.

Many of scavengers (pemulung) also settlers live in sheds built of old packaging and metal scraps
in the dumping site. And many gain their livelihood by collecting waste from streets and landfills, for
sorting and sale of objects and materials such as glass, metals, plastics, paper/cardboard and

Table 2. Recycling and Reuse Materials and Prices in Two Different Junk Man (1USD = 10 000

Price paid by first Price paid by

No Materials Purposes Demand junk man second junkman
1 Glass: drink Local and East
bottles, parfume Reuse Jawa Rp.500/pcs Rp.600-1 000/pcs
bottles and
2 Plastics sacks Recycle to be rope East Jawa Rp.250/Kg Rp.350/Kg
3 Synthetic rubber Recycle East Jawa Rp.500/Kg Rp.1 000/Kg
4 Paper: Recycle: Egg Local and East Rp.300/Kg Rp.1 000/Kg
Newspaper packaging Jawa
5 Rubber (e.g. from Recycle East Jawa Rp.300/Kg Rp.400/Kg
6 Plastic carpet Reuse and Recycle East Jawa Rp.400/kg Rp.1 100/Kg
7 Bones Recycle: Ceramic East Jawa Rp.150 Rp.500
8 Accumulator Reuse at reparation Local Rp. - Rp. -
9 Spent oil Reuse at reparation Local Rp. - Rp. -
10 Cans (aluminum) Recycle East Jawa Rp.100/pcs Rp.150/pcs
11 Metal (Iron) Recycle East Jawa Rp.- -
12 Sacks Reuse and Recycle Local and East Rp.400/Kg Rp.500/Kg
To be rope Jawa Recycling Before Dumping

In some towns of Indonesia especially in Jawa, a well organized recycling system i.e. collection,
sorting and reutilisation has developed whereby large amounts of materials are prepared for sale
to e.g. manufacturing and small-scale industries. Such systems can be operated through a number
of contractors and activities. On the ground level, poor people collect waste in barrels, boxes and
baskets. Many women, men even kids walk about the streets with a cart or bicycle, before the
municipal collection vehicles arrive in streets and at storage points. In other cases, collection from
door to door is also offered. The collected materials are sold to dealers who perform a rough
sorting before selling them on to other dealers, who perform a further sorting and cleaning before
the materials are sold on to industry etc. The entire range of recycling activities, some of them
unhygienic, can provide work and income for hundreds of people.

In addition, manufacturing and small-scale industries are offered raw materials at a low price,
which can save the national economy relatively large sums of foreign exchange in connection with
purchase of imported goods. There are also examples of private contractors, e.g. special ethnical
and/or religious groups among the urban population, specializing in waste collection and
dominating this activity over municipal or public measures. This informal, private collection tends to
cover only the upper middle class and the more affluent urban areas, since this is where most of
the recyclable waste materials can be found. It is not difficult to argue against such manual

Present Situation of Household Management in Samarinda Municipality

collection for health and environmental reasons, but it may be hard to find good alternatives
(Oepen, 1993). Scavenging

Scavengers or waste pickers or called in Indonesia as ‘pemulung’ are the poorest of the urban
poor, and their social status is correspondingly low. "Pemulung" or scavengers fulfill an important
role in Indonesian cities, collecting and recycling about a quarter of all solid waste. In Djakarta,
they supply 90% of the waste paper recycled in the city's paper factories. The social standing of
the pemulung is low. They are among the poorest members of the population and are economically
exploited (Oepen, 1993). A program was implemented aims to improve their rights and negotiating
powers, as well as providing training opportunities.

On-site scavenging often disrupts landfill

operations in SM. The waste pickers sorted
through waste from incoming garbage trucks,
before and immediately after unloading.
Waste pickers often prevented the
compactor from leveling and compressing
the newly disposed waste. The majority of
waste pickers, most of them are women and
children, worked without proper protection
and sometimes lacking basic protection such
as shoes. Scavenging in SM generated
support about 200 families, equivalent to
approximately Rp.800 0001 per person per

Scavenger or pemulung serve at least three important and underestimated functions. The work
done by these people, however, generates large-scale savings for many Indonesians and for the
state authorities and prevents extensive environmental pollution. The scavengers' problems lie in
their insecure legal status and low social status, and their stagnant productivity and economic
dependency which make them easy targets for harassment, eviction, corruption and exploitation.
Other constraints like the lack of access to local decision-making; loans, education, public services,
or their short-term consuming pattern etc. result from this situation.

5.3.3 Sanitary Landfill

There is no special planning to build a sanitary

landfill in the short coming term instead of only
plan for the two new dumpsites outside of
Samarinda Municipality. Lack of corporation,
finance, skills and information makes the
sanitary program difficult to be present. (See

Figure 12. Scavenging Activities

a). Scavenger in action

b). Recycling collection center


Present Situation of Household Management in Samarinda Municipality

5.3.4 Burning

Burning is the most common way use in Indonesia generally and especially also in SM to release
the waste. Residents often burn their waste, which contributing significantly to urban air pollution
and lead to respiratory illnesses such as chronic bronchitis. So far there is no awareness on the
impact of burning by the local people. A 1991 emissions inventory prepared by the Indonesian
Environmental Impact Management Agency (BAPEDAL) estimated the share of total air pollutants
attributed to solid waste burning. In Jakarta (Indonesian capital with about 10 million inhabitant)
about 8 % of particulate matter and 8 % of hydrocarbons originated from solid waste. Bandung (the
most density town in Indonesia) experienced even higher levels of 20 and 17 %, respectively
(Kozak and Sudarmo, 1992. Cited in World Bank, 1994).

Incinerator in SM is only used in hospital waste management where organized by them self. This
waste is categorized ash hazardous waste. The ash coming from this incineration process dump in
at the same site (Bukit Pinang dumpsite) as other household waste.

5.4 Legal Aspects

5.4.1 Administration and Role of Municipality

The waste management in Samarinda Municipality controlled by local and provincial level, indirect
in national level. Local activities of waste service and waste disposal controlled, administrated and
act by municipal level. State sanitary and landscape board (DKPP) is carried out under the minister
of internal affair in municipal level. State supervision on environmental impact and protection
carried out by the ministry of environment and natural resources.

The Environmental law consists of an ‘act of the Republic of Indonesia regarding Environmental
Management’ from Environmental Impact management Agency (BAPEDAL) in national level and
BAPEDALDA in provincial and municipal level. The act was established in 1997 by BAPEDAL and
published a year after. BAPEDAL and BAPEDALDA also control authority in all environmental
situations and question. Task of BAPEDALDA region I covered the whole provincial level
meanwhile BAPEDALDA region II covered in municipal level.

5.4.2 Planning

Municipality proposed their own development and management plant by their self since the
program supported by the local authority. The plans should also approve by Municipality Planning
and Development Board (BAPPEDA region II), which is also the board responsible for local
development plans. The Environmental activities coordinated by Municipality Environmental Impact
Management Agency (BAPEDALDA region II).

Local authority approved composting in large scale planning by Bina Sumber Daya Indonesia (a
local foundation). The Major already assigns to finance apart of the whole establishment budget.
The foundation corporate with any others institution e.g.: Mulawarman University, DKPP,
scavengers, NGO, local people and local government.

5.4.3 International Involvement on Environmental Management

There are several environmental projects in local and national scale supported by GTZ11 (German
Board for Technical Corporation) and corporate with the National and Provincial Environmental
Impact Management Agency (BAPEDAL and BAPEDALDA). ProLH12 project or Environmental

Deutche Geselschaft Für Technische Zusammenarbeit
Proyek Lingkungan Hidup (The Environmental Project)

Present Situation of Household Management in Samarinda Municipality

Project is one of the long-term projects, which is concern about all of environmental aspects i.e.:
planning, training, analysing, inventorying, managing, etc. One of the results produced by this
corporation is Local (District) Environmental Management Plan, which is one of the instruments
plans of Spatial Environmental Management System (SEMS). There are four main components of
SEMS that is emphasize on management of environmental planning use in SM, i.e.: Spatial
Environmental Appraisal Procedure, Licensing Assistance Procedure), Compliance monitoring
Procedure and Environmental Quality monitoring Procedure). Solid waste management includes in
one of the training project, which assist municipality level to manage the solid waste, e.g. in
Balikpapan Sanitary Landfill (see Supplement part). In this program, GTZ act as consultant to
assist and give training to three of the municipal level (Balikpapan, Tarakan and Berau) in the

Engineering Aspects of Waste Management-A Literature Overview



6.1 Sanitary Landfill

6.1.1 Site Identification and Assessment

Landfill is the most important mechanism for the disposal of a wide range of domestic and
industrial solids, although open dumps were once common. Sanitary landfill is a method of
disposing of municipal solid waste, which is acceptable and recommended for ultimately disposing.
Landfill system replaces the simple open and burning dumps system to be well-engineered one.
Due to potential negative impact and conflict interest, efficient monitoring programs and other
significance element such as detailed planning, careful design and construction should be

A detailed knowledge of the solid geology and hydrogeology of landfill sites are essential to
prevent pollution. According to Bennet and Doyle (1997), good landfill scheme are developed via a
series of well stages, firstly:
1. Its location with respect to main roads
2. The nature of its geology and permeability
3. The hydro-geological conditions
4. Sustainability of the site particular waste types
5. The volume

It is necessary to ensure that the environmental control of the sanitary landfill is in a proper
operation and maintenance to kept minimum negative impact. Finally after filling, the site must be
properly restored so that it can accept an appropriate after use.

6.1.2 Sanitary Landfill Concept

Sanitary landfill is a repository of solid waste under control. Design of sanitary landfill should be
consider minimizing the hazardous pollution effects in its surroundings. The pre-planning such as
Environmental Impact Assessment and Statement (EIA and EIS) and also Health Impact
Statement (HIS) should be included according to choosing the most suitable location.

There are three basic components for good landfill practice:

1. The identification of the need for landfill operations, usually consider with reference to the
strategic plans of the local authority, particularly in relation to transport infrastructure,
2. The site itself as a suitable repository for waste
3. An assessment of the likely environmental impact of the proposed waste operations.

Ecological, biological, geological, hydrological, historical, and recreational and other planning are
the interests to be accounted in sanitary landfill planning. The landfill should preferably construct
above the ground water level. Constructions in old pits are not recommended since the risk of
uncontrolled inflow of water from the sides is evident (Johansson and Sunnås, 1995).

Furthermore, the site must then be prepared to receive the waste. The waste are disposed of by
spreading them in thin layers, compacting them to the smallest practical volume, and covering
them with earth each day to prevent the invasion of birds and vermin, as well as the spreading
windblown litter. The proper operation and maintenance of the site are necessary to ensure that
the environmental impacts are in a manner that minimizes environmental pollution. And finally after
filling, the site must be properly restored so that it can be accepted in appropriate landfill concept.

Engineering Aspects of Waste Management-A Literature Overview

Table 3. Landfill Classifications (adapted from Johannessen & Boyer, 1999).

Engineering Leachate Landfill Gas Operation Measures

Measures Management Management
Semi-Controlled None Unrestricted None Few, some
Dumps contaminant Release placement of
waste still scavenging
Controlled None Unrestricted None Registration and
Dumps contaminant release placement/
Compaction of
Engineered Infrastructure and Containment and Passive Registration and
Landfill liner in place some level of ventilation or placement/
leachate flaring compaction of waste;
treatment uses daily soil cover
Sanitary Landfill Proper siting, Containment and Flaring Registration and
infrastructure; leachate placement/
liner and leachate treatment (often compaction of waste;
treatment in biological and uses daily soil cover.
place physico-chemical Measures for final top
treatment) cover
Sanitary Landfill Proper siting, Entombment Flaring Registration and
With Top Seal infrastructure; placement/
liner and leachate compaction of waste;
treatment in uses daily soil cover
place. Liner as
top seal
Controlled Proper siting, Controlled Flaring or Registration and
Contaminant infrastructure, release of passive placement!
Release Landfill with low- leachate into the ventilation Compaction of waste;
permeability liner environment, through top uses daily soil cover.
in place. based on cover Measures for final top
Potentially low- assessment and cover
permeability final proper siting
top cover

Solid wastes residues, degrade chemically and biologically to produce solid, liquid and gaseous.
Among them, the main long-term emissions of the landfill are leachate and gas. While the gas
phase can be controlled to a high degree and environmental effect are limited; leachate control is
much more difficult. In order to avoid uncontrolled leachate and gas release into the environment,
impermeable material barrier must cover the bottom as well as the side and top of landfill. The
construction of barrier systems can be natural (e.g. clayey soil, bentonite) or synthetic which is
usually called geo-synthetics (Christensen,, 1994).

6.1.3 Leachate

Leachate is the water-type liquid that seeps out of a landfill from rain infiltration and moisture
fraction of waste. It has a long residence time in predominant anaerobic environment and
contaminated by heavy metal and organic, as such make leachate is highly toxic (Kiely, 1997).
Contaminants carried in leachate are depending on solid waste composition and on the
simultaneously occurring physical, chemical and biological activities within the fill. Industrial waste
is usually has high contaminated of heavy metal and other strong pollutants when municipal waste
has lower. Enrichment of nutrient in leachate water, such as nitrogen, can contribute eutrophication
of the surrounding. Principally leachate from landfill is not allowed infiltrated to the ground and
surface water. It should be collected and treated in special conventional wastewater treatment
plant or by using ecotechnology treatment method.

Landfill in arid environments often produce very little leachate simply because there is little rainfall
to percolate through the waste but in humid environment with high rainfall rates leachate will
always be produced. Leachate is mainly produced from percolating rainwater that comes into
contact with the waste material.

Engineering Aspects of Waste Management-A Literature Overview

The generation of leachate depends on many different parameters such as the kind of waste
deposited in the landfill, the biological process (water can be either produced or consume,
depending on the process involeved), the precipitation and infiltration of surface- or groundwater.
Evapotranpiration is also a factor involve on produce of leachate.

L=P-E-R-∂M where L = Leachate production

P= Precipitation
E= Evapotranspiration
R= Surface runoff
∂M= the change in water content in the landfill

Figure 13. The water balance of a landfill (Welander, 1998)

6.1.4 Leachate Treatment

Leachate quality depends on the characteristic of disposed waste, condition of the site, climate,
duration of infiltrating water, pH, grade of compaction, etc. Choice of technology and scale of
activities related to leachate treatment might vary depending on type and amount of waste in the
landfill, as well as on local environmental, climate, economic, technological, institutional and socio-
cultural conditions. Experience shows that conditions in most developing countries require other
kinds of solutions than practiced than in industrialized countries. Therefore the low cost and easily
managed methods will be suggested.

Ecotechnological solutions are well developed for the treatment of wastewater, and could also
easily be applied to the treatment of leachate as well. The treatment methods can be used are
constructed wetland, irrigate to the energy crops, oxidation ponds, etc. Constructed Wetland

Actually wetland is the way of nature to clean water and they are highly suitable for the removal of
nutrients. The reduction processes take place due to biological activity of the plants and
microorganisms with the sun as an energy source.

Wetlands (natural or constructed) are areas where water stays during a long period of the year
close to the surface and covered with vegetation. These areas are often naturally present, but
where this is not the case, they can be artificially constructed. The advantage of natural wetland is
that it works efficiently immediately after implementation, because the plans are adjusted to the
habitat. In the case of a constructed wetland it takes approximately 3 to 5 years for the plants to
adjust to the new environment and work efficiently. On the other hand it has the advantage that the
fauna to treat the pollutants can be chosen exactly for anticipated reduction processes, depending
on the expected type and amount of contaminants, which eventually can result in a higher

Engineering Aspects of Waste Management-A Literature Overview

The essential parts of a wetland are the plants growing on it, also called macrophytes. A number of
robus wetland plants including cattails (Typha spp), bulrushes (Scirpus spp), and commond reeds
(Phragmites australis). The most important, of course, is the uptake of nutrients such as nitrogen
and phosphorous. Wetland plants take up nutrients and metal with their roots and thus remove
them from the water.

Figure 14. Treatment wetland notation

Nitrogen is removed from the wetland by both nitrification (1) and denitrification (2). The nutrients
are bound in the biomass and can be removed by harvesting in sufficient periods. Plants can be of
the emergent, free-floating or submerged type (internet, 2001). Stems and leaves of wetland plants
contain airways (aerenchyma) that transport oxygen to the root and vent waster vapor, methane,
and carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. There may also be transport of other gaseous constituents,
such as dinitrogen and nitrogen oxides and volatile hydrocarbon (Sorrel and Boon in Kadlec,

NH4+ + 2O2 NO3- + 2H+ + H2O (1)

2NO3- + Organics N2 +CO2 + OH- + H2O (2)

Several component wetland processes combine to provide the observed overall treatments.
Sedimentation and filtration remove solids. Chemical precipitation, ion exchange, and plant uptake
remove metals. Nutrients are utilized by plants and algae, and cycled to newly formed sediments.
Volatile substances are gasified. Many materials undergo microbial transformations. These
process all lead to the transformation and transfer of a “removed” pollutant either to the
atmosphere or to the wetland sediment and soils. The vegetation is extremely important for
nutrient transformation and transfer, because it plays a key role in the cycling and temporary
storage of many substances. This technology requires land instead of mechanical devices to
accomplish treatment. The detention time becomes the key design variable because of removal
proceeds over the time waster held in this system. Irrigation of Energy Forest

Trees can be used as vegetation filters from the leachate water as well as wastewater by irrigation
system. The trees used are fast growing and tolerant of high salt concentrations in the root zone.
Choosing of the crops should be considered to the purposes and local conditions. Easily harvest
and resistance to pests/diseases and to climate stress is essential since a plantation is expected to
be used in long period and will also constitute for the energy production. The crops are popular and
widely use in Sweden is Willow (Salix spp). Using of Willows plantations in effective and cost
efficient biological purification systems, however the leaching of leachate or wastewater into
groundwater could be avoided.

Engineering Aspects of Waste Management-A Literature Overview Oxidation Ponds

The oxidation ponds are easy to manage and operational and maintenance cost is low compared
to the other kinds of treatment units. The ponds should be constructed and steeper slopes must
also be avoided. The land area requirements are large and impermeable soils such as clay can be
use to avoid effluent water to the ground water aquifers. Usually an oxidation pond system is
constructed as a multi-stage unit with two or more oxidation ponds to give advantages for
operation and result (Lönnemyr and Rantanen, 1992).

The principle of the process in oxidation pond is the same as the in natural water such as lake. The
process can be summarized as nitrogen removal by nitrification, phosphorus removal by uptake
and adsorption to the sludge, biological decomposition by oxygen demanding bacteria, pathogens
is disappear due to natural die-off, predation, sedimentation and absorption. The process in an
oxidation pond is depending mainly on temperature, pH and detention time. A normal retention
time is about 20 days, with the depth of the pond varying between 0.8 and 1.2 meters (Johansson
and Sunnås, 1995).

The oxygen needed for the biological activity is supplied in three ways i.e.: surface re-aeration,
photosynthetic oxygenation of algae and oxygen surplus in incoming sewage water. Phosphorous
and nitrogen are removed by alga growth, biological decomposition, and sedimentation and
floating. The bacteria reduction rate ranges between 90 and 99% (Lönnemyr and Rantanen, 1992).

6.1.5 Landfill Gases

The decomposition of organic materials within wastes leads to the production of a variety of gases
collectively known as landfill gasses. These gasses can pose considerable hazards to human
health, particularly as they are usually explosive and constitute a significant danger to areas
surrounding active or completed landfill operation. The primary gases produced from landfill
decomposition are methane, which typically makes up around 55 to 70% of the landfill
decomposition, and carbon dioxide that comprises around 30 to 40% of landfill gas. Other gas
produces from the landfill in minor concentration are hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide and ethane.
Methane is a particular hazardous by product as it can explode when its concentration reaches
between 5 and 15% of air (Bennet and Doyle, 1997). There are many other gasses too (more than
120 have been identified) as products of microbial, chemical or simple waste evolution processes,
for example, from aerosol cans (Rae and Campbell, 1991).

6.1.6 Climatic Effects

Wind, rain and temperature directly affect sanitary landfill design and operation. Windy sites need
to have litter fences at the operating area and the personnel to clean up the area at the end of the
day. When the soil is dry, the dust may also irritate people living or working nearby. Trees planted
on the perimeter of a sanitary landfill could help keep the dust and litter within the site.

Rain infiltrates the sanitary landfill and influences solid waste decomposition. It can also cause
operational problems; many wet soils are difficult to spread and compact, and traffic over such
soils is impeded.

Freezing temperatures may also cause the problems. If the frost line is more than 6 inch below the
ground surface, cover material may be difficult to obtain. A crawler dozer equipped with a ripper
may be required, or it may be necessary to stockpile cover soil and protect it from freezing. A well-
drained soil is more easily worked in freezing weather than one that is poorly drained (Weiss,

Engineering Aspects of Waste Management-A Literature Overview

6.1.7 Monitoring

Environmental control is an important aspect of waste site operation. The potential hazards and
adverse effects on environment need to be assessed. This would include plans for environmental
monitoring and containment of leachate and landfill gasses. Control nuisance (such as odor, fire,
litter, birds and pest control), mitigation of adverse traffic loads from the coming and going waste
lorries and the protection of nature conservation, heritage and amenity areas from damage or
disadvantages. Monitoring is particularly important for the mitigation of leachate and landfill gas
hazards, and it is usually a requirement of any landfill operation planning application.

Aerobic bacteria Anaerobic bacteria Methane forming bacteria


Organic acids

Breakdown of large
Waste Organic molecules Carbon dioxide
(carbohydrates, proteins & Hydrogen
& lipids)


Phase I Phase II (Acetogenic) Phase III (Methanogenic)

Figure 15. The decomposition of domestic waste (Modified from:Attewell (1993) Ground pollution.
E&F Spon, fig. 10.2. p.88), Environmental Geology, Doyle and Bennett, 1997.

6.2 Recycling

Recycling became a big business due to saving energy and cost of production. Materials that can
be recycled include newspapers, mixed waste papers, glass, ferrous (carbon, steels, stainless
steel, alloy steel) and nonferrous scrap metal (aluminum, copper, lead, zinc), and plastics. Other
benefit from recycling are showed that energy savings of 20-75% been documented in US when
aluminum cans, glass and plastics are made from recycled materials rather than from virgin
materials (Cheremisinoff, 1992).

The pressure of decreasing dumping capacity, environmental impacts, improving markets,

economical incentives and political support are contributing to the trend toward increased

Source sorting and central sorting of domestic refuse are important links in the recycling of waste
components. Industry and various businesses often produce large amounts of relatively
homogeneous waste. Such waste can often be used as raw material for other industries and/or be
utilized in other ways. For example, waste from fisheries, aquaculture, slaughterhouses, etc. can
be used as animal feed. After e.g. heat treatment, sterilizing and/or grinding; sewage, sludge and
agricultural waste can be used for fertilization of aquaculture plants and agriculture. Wood waste
from forestry and wood industries is useable as fuel. Dust and slag from smelting works can be
used for road construction. Iron and other metals can be recycled from rehabilitation of buildings
and plants. Chemical residuals and by-products from one factory can be used as raw material in

Engineering Aspects of Waste Management-A Literature Overview

another. In some industrialized countries, waste exchanges have been established at which waste
for sale and demands for particular waste products can be announced.

6.2.1 Before dumping Source sorting

The purpose of source sorting is to keep waste components separate from each other at the
source, or where the waste arises, so that one or more of them can be reutilize or recycled.
Usually, cardboard and paper are sorted, but food scraps, glass, metal, plastics, combustible and
compostable matter can also be sorted. Such sorting requires that the waste producers are
enabled to store waste components separately, and that special collection and transport systems
for the various components exist. In developing countries such as Indonesia, source sorting is still
uncommon. Central sorting

Central sorting takes place by sorting out valuable components from mixed waste. In some
industrialized countries such as Sweden, mechanized sorting plants exist. It have been tried out to
a small degree in developing countries, like in SM, at least as far as mixed domestic waste is
concerned. Manual sorting, however, is quite common, and large amounts of valuable materials
are sorted out for reuse. The ratio between the economic value of materials such as plastics,
paper, glass, metals, textiles etc. and hourly payment for labor is generally much higher in
developing countries than in industrialized countries, so that manual sorting can be cost efficient.
Attempts have also been made to establish recycling centers that pay for recyclable waste. For
these to work, relatively high prices must be paid for pure and sorted materials.

6.2.2 Meanwhile dumping

Sorting meanwhile dumping is more common in developing country like Indonesia. In SM,
scavenger or waste picker is the main subject as informal sector to sort all the reuse and recycle
materials (see Scavenger part).

6.3 Biological Solid Waste Treatment (Organic Waste Recycling)

Biological treatment is utilized of biodegradable material from unsorted collection of waste. There
are three at least three options exist for biological MSW treatment i.e. aerobic or composting,
anaerobic or biogas and combined anaerobic and aerobic (Kiely, 1997). This paper will mention
briefly those first two (aerobic and aerobic) different biological treatments.

6.3.1 Aerobic or Composting

Composting is essentially a traditional waste biological treatment method that is remarkable revival
of interest in recent years. Both government and private agencies in the world today try to find
method enable use of waste. Among numerous methods suggested, composting has been singled
out as a simple and useful process that has given certain definite advantages. It involves the
natural breakdown of the higher plant polymers present in organic waste by a succession of
aerobic, thermophilic microorganisms, which occur naturally in substrate. These organisms
include bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes that ultimately convert the substrate into nutrient-rich and
stable humus, suitable for crop production (Thambirajah, 1992).

Over the year, several definitions have been proposed for the term ‘composting’. These have
generally encompassed the concept of the decomposition or incomplete degradation of organic
waste material by a mixed microbial population that is usually supported by warm, moist and

Engineering Aspects of Waste Management-A Literature Overview

aerobic conditions. Although in recent years a new composting process by anaerobic process has
been referred as well (Anderson and Smith, 1987).

According to Kiely (1997), composting is describe as an aerobic process where micro-organisms,

in an oxygen environment, decompose the organic food waste as follows:

Aerobic bacteria
Organic matter + O2 new cells + CO2 + H2O + NH3 + SO4

This process shows that the main part of the degradation is carried out in the presence of oxygen.
The key inorganic nutrients required are nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, magnesium,
calcium and sodium. Nutrients are typically present using the correct mix of waste fractions. The
final product compost consists of minerals and humus (complex organic material).

6.3.2 Process Requirements

Substrate: Substrate characteristics are an important consideration for good compost preparation.
The substrates can consist of agricultural or urban waste or a combination of both. Homogenous
substrate would enable good airflow and wetting of all part of the compost heap (Thambirajah,

Temperature: The composting process is exothermic and goes through temperature variations
throughout its development: Psychrophilic (15 to 20°C), Mesophilic (25 to 35°C) and Thermophilic
(50 to 60°C)(Kiely, 1997). Most microorganisms grow best between 200 and 35°C. Excreted
pathogens thrive at body temperature (37°C). Temperatures above 50°C achieved during
thermophilic composting should be high enough to destroy pathogens if maintained for a sufficient
period of time. This, however, is only possible if the temperature is maintained above 50°C
throughout the composting mass and there are no pockets of low temperature during that time.

Moisture Content: Water is an essential part of all forms of life and the microorganisms.
Composting mixture moist should be much greater than the lowest level at which bacterial activity
will occur, which is about 12-15 percent (Kiely, 1997). Composting process may be slower than
desired if water is not added. Moisture content of 50 to 60 percent of total weight is considered
ideal (Obeng & Wright, 1987).

Aeration (Oxygen): As composting is strictly an aerobic process, it is essential to aerate the

heaps to activate the indigenous microorganism present in substrate (Thambirajah, 1992). Less
than 10 percent oxygen by volume, composting is inhibited. The optimum oxygen level is 15 to 20
percent (Kiely, 1997).

C/N ratio: Carbon and Nitrogen are basic requirements for the growth and metabolism of
microorganisms (Thambirajah, 1992). The ratio must be established on the basis of available
carbon rather than total carbon. In general, an initial ratio of 30:1 carbon:nitrogen is considered
ideal or simply called as optimum biochemical condition (Usepa, 1995). This ensures adequate
nitrogen for cell synthesis and carbon as the energy source. This ratio of 30 is not so high that N
escapes as NH3. Composting operates down to ratio C/N of 20 (Kiely, 1997).

pH: Change of pH of the substrate are convenient measure of microbial activity in a biological
process (Thambirajah, 1992). The optimum pH is 6 to 8. In the initial days the pH reduces to about
5 as organic acids are formed. Then the pH rises as these acids are consumed in the thermophilic
stage (Kiely, 1997).

Engineering Aspects of Waste Management-A Literature Overview

Biochemical composition and texture: The composition of the waste influences the process
rate. Some materials are easily degradable, like plants, manure, primary wastewater sludge and
food wastes. Straw, wood, leaves, yard wastes and paper with high lignin are slowly
biodegradable. The texture influences the process in its variable surface areas as habitats for the
microorganism and in its ability to retain moisture or oxygen (Kiely, 1997).

Microorganism: Microorganism role cannot be overemphasized. The physical and chemical

changes that occur during the process are essentially the result of microbial succession occurring
in the substrate, although the rate of decomposition may be affected by a number of other factors.
Those microorganism are bacteria (e.g. Pseudomonadaceae, Enterobactericeae, Bacillaceae,etc),
fungi (e.g. Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium, Alternaria, Humicola, Chaetomium, Mucor,
Talaromyces, Malbranchia), and achinomycetes (Tambirajah, 1992).

Particle Size: The particle size of the material being composted is critical. As composting
progresses, there is a natural process of size reduction. Because smaller particles usually have
more surfaces per unit of weight, they facilitate more microbial activity on their surfaces and also
enough void space to allow air to circulate for microbial respiration, which leads to rapid
decomposition (Usepa, 1995).

6.3.3 Composting Technologies

There is no simple answer as to which of the various technology offers the best solution to
conversion of the solid waste to a useful stabilized compost material. In order to decide on the
precise technology to be employed that a functional analysis was carried out, which addressed
various cost, process control and environmental impact factors. Windrow

A windrow is a pile up in the long row, triangular in cross section, whose length exceeds its width
and height. The width is usually about twice the height. Piles may be placed under a roof or out-of-
doors. Placing the piles out-of-doors, however, exposes them to precipitation, which can result in
runoff or leachate (USEPA, 1995). The piles are regularly turned mechanically to oxygenate the
entire materials. Aerated Static-pile

The piles are placed over a network of pipes connected to a blower, which supplies the air for
composting in regular time. Air can be supplied under positive or negative pressure. The air
supplies blower either force air into the pile or draws air out of it. Forcing air into the pile generates
a positive pressure system, while drawing air out of the pile creates negative pressure. To reduce
odor, stabilize compost placed to cover the piles. Decomposition occurs in 4 to 6 weeks by
compare with 12 weeks for the traditional windrow. Better control and the land requirements for this
method are the advantages of this method than windrow composting (Kiely, 1997). It is important
to have a precise control of the temperature, to ensure proper pathogen destruction (Sunnås &
Johansson, 1995). Aerated static pile composting systems have been used successfully for MSW,
yard trimmings, bio-solids, and industrial composting (USEPA, 1995). In-vessel Composting System

In-vessel composting systems enclose the feedstock in a chamber or vessel that provides
adequate mixing, aeration, and moisture. There are several types of in-vessel systems available;
most are proprietary. In-vessel systems vary in their requirements for preprocessing materials:
some require minimal preprocessing, while others require extensive MSW preprocessing.
A major advantage of in-vessel systems is that all environmental conditions can be carefully
controlled to allow rapid composting. The material to be com-posted is frequently turned and mixed
to homogenize the compost and promote rapid oxygen transfer. Retention times range from less

Engineering Aspects of Waste Management-A Literature Overview

than one week to as long as four weeks. The vessels are usually placed in a building. These
systems, if properly operated, produce minimal odors and little or no leachate. In addition the air
supply can be precisely controlled. Some units are equipped with oxygen sensors, and air is
preferentially supplied to the oxygen deficient portion of the vessel. In-vessel systems enable
exhaust gases from the vessel to be captured and subjected to odor control and treatment. All
environmental conditions can be carefully controlled in an in-vessel system (USEPA, 1995).

6.3.4 Types and Quality of Compost Product

Good quality compost should have a rich brown color, be visually generous and emanate a
pleasant, earthy odor. Simply opinions about a good compost quality standard are:
1. Compost should contain low level of toxic component (such as heavy metal and pesticides)
and non biodegradable materials (such as glass and plastics)
2. There should be an absence or acceptably low levels of human and plant pathogens in the final
3. Compost should represent an organically stabilized (mature) product with chemical and
physical properties beneficial to soil and growing crops (Anderson and Smith, 1987).

Table 4. Concentration (mg/kg dried matter) of heavy metals in different composts

Source separated Source separated Non-source separated Proposed Standards

Heavy metal MSW composts in MSW compost in MSW compost in separated MSW in
Europe and North Java, Indonesia Netherlands developing countries

Arsenic - 0.5 - 10
Cadmium 1.2 0.9 7.3 3
Chromium 27.0 20.0 164.0 50
Copper 59.0 54.0 608.0 80
Lead 86.0 99.0 835.0 150
Mercury 0.9 0.9 2.9 1
Nickel 17.0 50.0 173.0 50
Zinc 287.0 236.0 1567.0 300

Source: Hoornweg, (2000), cited from World Bank (1997a).

The compost standards in table 4 were recommended by the World Bank (1997a) for Indonesia
and could be applied to other developing countries.

6.3.5 Utilization of Compost

Knowing the many potential uses of compost is an important prerequisite for targeting appropriate
markets. Composting is a very important way of recycling organic matter particularly nitrogenous
materials for use as fertilizer. An assessment of their potential for use should be made as a
function of various compost specification and quality, market requirements and economics
(Ferranti, 1992). Compost, with high humus content, can be used to break up heavy clay soils or to
bind the larger particles of sandy soil together. Compost can be added particularly to reserve the
damage that caused by over-farming and soil erosion. (Anderson & Smith, 1987). Occasionally,
compost can be used also as daily landfill cover material (Henry, J.G., 1996).
Further more, compost utilization also mention in USEPA’s guidelines in 1995: compost is the
leading market in agriculture, silviculture (trees grown for harvest) and sod production. Some of
these major markets have several different potential compost applications. In agriculture, for
example, compost can be used as a soil conditioner, fertilizer, and for erosion control and plant
disease suppression. In the residential retail market, compost can be used as potting soil, topsoil,
and mulch and soil amendments. Compost is also used as a soil amendment to establish
vegetation on disturbed lands (for example at mining sites). In evaluating potential uses, however,
marketers should also recognize the practical limitations of some applications. Traditionally, the
role of compost as a soil additive/soil conditioner has been widely recognized.

Engineering Aspects of Waste Management-A Literature Overview

6.3.6 Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic processes have been used extensively for biologically stabilizing bio-solids from
municipal sewage treatment plants for many years. In anaerobic processes, facultative bacteria
break down organic materials in the absence of oxygen and produce methane and carbon dioxide.
Anaerobic systems, if configured efficiently, will generate sufficient energy in the form of methane
to operate the process and have enough surpluses to either market as gas or convert to electricity
(USEPA, 1995).

Anaerobic digestion is described by Kiely, 1997:

Anaerobic bacteria
Organic matter + H2O new cells + CO2 + CH4 + NH3 + H2S + Heat

The process of anaerobic digestion can be describe in three phases:

Hydrolysis: the breakdown of high molecular compounds to low molecular compounds (lipid to fatty
acid, polysaccharides to monosaccharides, proteins to amino acid, etc).
Acidogenis: where the lower monocular compounds of fatty acids, amino acids and
monosaccharides are converted to lower molecular intermediate compounds such as propionate,
butyrate, formate, methanol and acetate.
Methanogenesis: where the intermediate compounds are converted to the final products of
methane and carbon dioxide.

Table 5. Advantages and Disadvantages with anaerobic digestion (Polprasert, 1989)

Advantages Disadvantages
Provides a sanitary way for disposal of human and animal Maintenance and controlled are required
Produce large amounts of methane gas Proper operating conditions must be maintained in the
digester for the maximum gas production
Digested slurry has goo fertilizer value and can be used as Liquid slurry presents a potential water pollution problem if
soil conditioner handled incorrectly
Digested slurry is almost odorless, and the odor is not High capital cost depending on the design of the digester
disagreeable but, maintained and operated properly, the system may pay
it self
Reduces organic content of waste materials by 30 to 50 per Possibility of explosion requires more or less costly safety
cent measures
Weed seed are destroyed are either pathogens either May develop a volume of waste material much larger than
destroyed or greatly reduced in number the organic material, since water is added to the substrate.
This may not be of the disadvantage in the rural areas of
developing countries where farm fields are located close to
the village, thus permitting the liquid slurry to be applied
directly to the land, serving both for irrigation and
fertilization purposes
Rodents and flies are not attracted the end product of the To use biogas efficiently as fuel require removal of
process; access of pests and vermin to waste is limited impurities such as CO2 and H2S, particularly when the gas
is to be used in internal-combustion engines
Helps conserve scarce local energy resources such as
Reduction of metals in the organic waste is possible in a
two-staged digester

6.4 Incineration (Energetic Recycling)

Incineration is a volume and weight reduction process where solid, and gaseous wastes are
converted through controlled combustion to an ash residue. Principal by-products of the process
include gases, water vapor, ash noncombustible, and heat energy. As volume/weight reduction

Engineering Aspects of Waste Management-A Literature Overview

method applied to the processing of municipal solid waste (MSW), the incineration process can
generally accept about 80% of the total stream, can reduce the weight of incoming waste by 60-
80%, and can reduce the volume by 90% (Cheremisinoff, 1992).

Beside the heat, incineration process will also released contaminated ash, contaminated
wastewater, and pollutant emissions to the atmosphere. The air pollutant emission is most concern
to total particulate or dust, acidic gases such as hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, and sulfur
dioxide, carbon monoxide, dioxins, and heavy metal such as mercury, cadmium, and lead. Volatile
organic compounds such as polycrilic aromatic hydrocarbons, dioxins, and furans, tar and soot
particles (Williams, P.T, 1992). Definition of Process and Principle

Thermal degradation with excess oxygen is called combustion. When the fuel is waste this called
incineration. Incineration is chemical oxidation at high temperatures, where the organic material is
converted into energy (heat), flue gas and slag. Incineration of waste, in principle, similar to
combustion of other solid fuels likes coal or wood. In practice, waste differs from other solid fuels in
being non-homogeneous and having a high content of water than coal or wood. This has, in some
cases, been solved by turning waste into pellets, named RDF (refuse-derived fuel). Combustion
processes can be divided into three phases: drying, gas pyrolysis and gas combustion, and
combustion of carbon residue (Kiely, 1997).

According to USEPA (1995), many communities face is determining whether a Waste-To-Energy

(WTE) system, such as incineration, might be a feasible component of their integrated solid waste
management program. A number of demonstrated technology approaches available for WTE are
(1) modular incinerators, (2) mass-burning systems, and (3) refuse derived fuel (RDF) systems.
The technology selection process begins with evaluating all plausible options, considering the
quantity and quality of waste, the energy market options available, local environmental
considerations, or other local factors that can affect selection decisions. Many incinerators are
designed to operate in the combustion zone at 1 800° F to 2 000° F. This temperature is selected
to ensure good combustion, complete elimination of odors, and protection of the walls of the
incinerator. A minimum of 1 500° F is required to eliminate odor. Temperature up to 3000° F would
reduce volume by 97% and convert metal and glass to ash. As more excess air is supplied to the
incinerator, the operating temperature is lowered. Design Principles for Waste Incinerators

As mention in Kiely, 1997 the incineration units have several important basic units as mention
Unloading and storage of waste: Where the delivered waste recorded and unloaded into a
storage pit.
Crane: To supply the waste and remove the items that is unsuitable for incineration.
Hopper and feeding system: To receive the waste from the crane before released to the furnace
chamber. The design of the receiving hopper should enable a build up a high column of waste
whiteouts blocking.
Grates:The grates move forward the waste and turn in away that ensures an optimal contact
between the waste and the burning gasses.
Furnace:A chamber where the combustion occurs. The furnace divided into two zones: the
primary combustion chamber (PCC), which is normally be designed for a capacity of 0.5 to 0.7
GJ/M3h. The secondary combustion chamber (SCC) designed for appropriate gas retention.
Air Supply:The primary air is injected from beneath the grates with control for each section and
the secondary air is injected in the top of the furnace before the secondary combustion chamber.
Boiler system:Energy produced in incinerators can be utilized in boilers positioned after
secondary combustion chamber. It may be steam for generating electricity or hot water for district

Engineering Aspects of Waste Management-A Literature Overview

Slag and Ash Removal:To remove the residues continuously. Environmental and Pollution Control

As mention above that the incineration process produces pollutant emission to the atmosphere,
contaminated wastewater and contaminated ash, which must be controlled. As mention in USEPA
(1995) guidelines for decision makers, the pollution control are including:

Residue Control
Ash handling is an important design element and advanced acid gas and particulate emission
controls. The products of combustion include the combustor bottom ash and fly ash. The bottom
ash includes the heavy noncombustible materials (i.e., ferrous and nonferrous metals, glass,
ceramics, etc.), and ash residues from the combustible material. Bottom ash is normally cooled by
quenching in water and then moved by a conveyor system to a temporary storage and truck load-
out area. The lighter products of combustion and products collected in the emission control
equipment are collected and transported in totally enclosed conveyors to a water-conditioning area
to moisten the fly ash residue products and then discharged onto the bottom ash conveyor for truck
load-out. Depending on the facility’s size and other economic factors, the ferrous metals in the
bottom ash can are removed for recycling by magnetic separation. Some new systems can recover
nonferrous metals as well.

Emission Controls
In the past, incinerator emission control was achieved with electrostatic precipitators to collect
particulate. Today acid gas, organic and nitrous oxide (NOx) controls are anticipated. These new
controls have resulted from a better understanding of the potential environmental impacts of waste
combustor emissions; municipal solid waste composition; and the effects of uncontrolled emissions
of acid gas constituents (i.e., sulfides and chlorides), organic and heavy metals.

Volatile Organic Controls

Volatile organic can be controlled with good combustion practices (i.e., controlling combustion air,
municipal solid waste feed rate, and combustion temperature and residence time). The
advancements in interactive control instrumentation have made it possible to more closely monitor
the combustion process and adjust the municipal solid waste feed rate and combustion air to
ensure volatile organic containment (VOC) destruction.

Nitrous Oxides (NOx) Controls

NOx (gaseous oxides of nitrogen) can be controlled in the combustion process or by adding
additional controls. Selective Non-catalytic Reduction (SNCR) is now the most common method for
controlling NOx from waste combustors. With SNCR, ammonia is injected into the combustor’s
boiler bank above the fire zone. The ammonia reacts with the nitrogen in the combustion gases to
form nitrogen dioxide and water. Another method of controlling NOx is with staged combustion, in
which the combustion temperatures are controlled to minimize thermal NOx generation. Either or
both of these options may be appropriate depending on the combustion technology to be used.

Acid Gas Controls

Acid gas emissions can be controlled by scrubbing acidic gases from the combustor exhaust gas.
The products of scrubbing can be recovered either as a dry powder residue or as a liquid. The
most common acid gas scrubber technology used in the U.S. is the spray-dry scrubber. The flue
gas from the combustor is ducted into a reactor vessel, where the incoming flue gas is sprayed
with lime slurry. The lime particle react with the acid gases to form calcium precipitate. The slurry
water-cools the incoming combustor exhaust and the water is vaporized; the lime is chemically
combined with the chlorides and sulfates and condensed. Lower temperatures are used to promote
the chemical reaction with the lime, to promote condensation of most heavy materials in the gas
stream, and to control the flue gas temperature in the particulate control device.

Particulate Controls

Engineering Aspects of Waste Management-A Literature Overview

Using fabric filters or baghouses has become the most common method of controlling particulate.
Baghouses control particulate emissions by channeling flue gases through a series of tubular fabric
filter bags. The bags are set together in an array through which particulate are directed then
rapped. Due to the fineness of the fabric mesh and the resulting build up of fine particulate on the
bag, the recovered particulate act as an additional medium to further filter out particulate. The
collected particulate with the precipitated end products from the scrubber are removed from the
bag by various mechanical methods, including reversing the gas flow of cleaned flue gas through
the bags by shaking or pulsing the bags.Controls for particulate and acid gas are requiring. Heavy
metal controls may be required in the future. Air emission controls are an integral system element.

An inherent advantage of the baghouse systems is that the filtering process also acts as a
secondary acid gas scrubber. The collected particles include the unreacted calcium from the
scrubber, which also builds up on the bags and will react with any untreated acid gases.

Secondary Volatile Organic and Mercury Control

A developing control technology is the use of activated carbon as an additive to the scrubber
process. The carbon is injected into the flue gas before it enters the baghouse to provide additional
control of volatile organic and for controlling mercury. Another option is the addition of a carbon
filter after the baghouse.

Emission Monitoring
To assist the operator in the proper operation of the combustion process and the emission control
equipment, Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) equipment has become a requirement for any
new or existing waste combustor. CEM systems typically monitor stack emissions of NOx, carbon
monoxide, oxygen, particulate via opacity meters, and acid gases via monitoring sulfur dioxide.
Gas temperatures are also monitored to control the scrubber process and to ensure baghouse

Socio-Economical, Cultural and Natural Aspects of Waste


7.1 Social Economical and Cultural Aspects

Municipal wastes, which can also called municipal solid waste, is difficult to characterise because
of diversity of its components. In general terms, solid waste (refuse) can be defined as moveable
objects which the owner whishes to dispose of (BMZ, 1995). For municipal solid waste more
specific term is applied to the putrecible (biodegradable) food waste, called garbage, and the non-
putrecible solid waste referred to as rubbish. Rubbish can include a variety of materials, which may
be combustible (paper, plastic, textiles, etc) or noncombustible (glass, metal, masonry, etc).

Two main causes for increasing urgency of solid waste problems are urbanisation and
industrialisation. Urbanisation (influx of people to metropolitan areas) affects living habits and
consequently waste characterisations. Also, with more people, the areas requiring solid waste
collection have expanded and sites for waste disposal are farther away. Industrialisation, because
it generates inexpensive, laborsaving products, has created a ‘throwaway’ society. Cans, bottles,
plastic containers, appliances, and tires many other items were considered to be cheaper to throw
away than to reclaim.

Regarding to Glynn and Heinke (1996), factors influencing the composition of municipal solid
waste including:

• Per capita income: Low income areas produce less total waste but with a higher food content
• Social customs: Some ethnic areas use few convenience foods, so less paper and more
waste result
• Climate: In wet areas the moisture content of solid waste is typically about 50%
• Frequency of collection: More frequent collections tend to increase the annual amount
collected. Since the amount organic is relatively constant, perhaps with more pickup there is a
tendency for residents to discard more paper and rubbish.
• Degree of urbanization and industrialization of the area. Because of composting, recycling,
and recovery possible in rural areas and areas with single family dwelling, solid waste from
such sources may be less in quantity and of different constituents than that from industrialized
metropolitan areas with multi-family housing.
• Acceptability of packaged and convenience foods. Wide use of packaging has increased
the paper of solid waste
• Prevalence of home garbage grinders. Grinders reduce, but do not eliminate, food waste

The amounts of municipal waste are usually smaller in developing countries because of lower
production and consumption and extensive sorting and recycling of a series of waste components
among poor population groups (see Scavenger part). These conditions lead to a higher waste
density because of the absence of paper, plastics, glass, packaging etc. In return, the share of
easily decay-able organic matter is greater.

Prior to the planning of waste management measures, the composition of the municipal waste
should be thoroughly examined. This is of great importance with regard to choice of technology
and system of waste management.

Introduction of an efficient and modern collection system presupposes changes in household

habits. This may be difficult to achieve. A poor family living in a limited space has no room for a
dustbin. Besides, it is likely to be used for another purpose if someone gives it. Among some
population groups, religious taboos can also prevent storage of garbage in the house or backyard.
Among other groups, e.g. Muslims, the backyard is a prohibited area to others, e.g. waste
collectors. Female secularisation and the holiness of the home can completely prohibit the
intrusion of strangers. Religion and socio-cultural conditions may, in various connections, play an
important part in the way waste is handled. Castes and taboos involve that some population

Socio-Economical, Cultural and Natural Aspects of Waste

groups will not touch garbage, so that others must carry out work connected with it. Sale of
recycled material can also be problematic if the receiver knows it has been in contact with waste.
Use of domestic waste, as fodder will be limited in areas where pigs are regarded as unclean and
inedible, as pigs are the most suitable domestic animals for such use of food waste. In some
cultures, one must not come into contact with feces, which creates problems with regard to
processing methods involving handling of sludge in addition to garbage (Norad, 1992).

7.2 Natural Aspects: Climate, soils, water and air

Climatic conditions have great importance for the handling of waste. A hot climate in most
developing countries makes decay of organic matter start quickly. Refuse should consequently be
collected at short intervals if smell and large amounts of flies and rodents are to be avoided.
Wherever there are rain seasons, roads without tarmac get muddy and difficult to use for collection
and transport of waste. A tropical climate often makes the soil poor in humus, and therefore
exposed to erosion if put under stress by deforestation and agriculture. This may have indirect
relevance for the disposal of waste due to changes in land use and the need for composting.

There are examples of considerable pollution of soil, surface water and ground water sources in
developing countries as a consequence of improper waste management, especially in connection
with uncontrolled landfills. The air in big cities in developing countries is often badly polluted
because of coal burning and the use of other organic fuels, old industry with inadequate processes
and minimal purification of fumes. Waste management should not contribute to this, which means
that e.g. incinerators should have flue gas cleaning equipment in accordance with the standards of
the industrialized countries.

Improvement of Household Waste Management for Samarinda Municipality Base on Swedish Experiences and Local Situation



8.1 Concept

Waste management in SM must be practically oriented towards an integrated waste management

concept. Existing activities such as collection, transportation, recycling, composting and dumping
should be improved and developed in a proper way. To achieve optimal results, based on the local
and national economical situation in SM, the processes needed for waste management would take
quite a long period of time.

Entire aspects such as social, economical, cultural cannot be avoided nor managerial and
engineering aspects. Merely publishing surveys, discusions, theoretical studies and similar
activities will not do justice to the pending problems. To start with small actions immediately rather
than to carrying out extended studies investigate for too long time will indicate as starting point for
the waste management in this municipality.

A series of activities should refer to an integrated waste management in SM. One should
distinguish between traditional and/or existing practice and activities to improve and make waste
management more efficient. A good waste management should focus on a "cradle to grave"
approach (Norad, 1992). This involves however an active surveying and monitoring of refuse all
the way from generation to disposal. Such systems presuppose adequate legislation and strong
organisational and institutional conditions.

8.2 Strategy

Learning from Falun Municipality in Sweden is that in order to achieve better and integrated waste
management, an intensive and integrated coorporation between local authorities and local people
must be estabilished. The activities should start in every house/family no matter whether in the way
of collection or in way sorting process. Intensive and more detailed information concerning this
activities is required as basic knowledge by local people.

To make management of waste intensive and useful, the process should start in small unit of the
society, e.g. in every household, continuing to groups of households and dwelling areas until
regional management levels are reached. The idea of the process management of waste is very
significant in making the handling of waste easier, more efficient and useful.

A strategy toward sustainable and integrated waste management should be developed in SM are:
Improvement of control over present waste management forms
Development of waste minimisation programs
Development of sorting, reuse and recycling activities
Development of ecotechnology treatment methods for leachate water
Establishment of sanitary landfill replace dumping systems
Energy and cost recovery oriented due to optimisation utility of waste

8.3 Approach

8.3.1 Social, Cultural and Educational Approach

Improvement of communal ability:

Solid waste management is a public good and waste management is a service that Samarinda
Municipality is responsible for. Facilities, services and information should be recognized in the local

Improvement of Household Waste Management for Samarinda Municipality Base on Swedish Experiences and Local Situation

government act. Better education and knowledge of the communal employees will probably lead to
better service and better trust and motivation by the local people.

Waste management in SM requires a significant educational effort by the community. The people
should have a motivation, better mentality, and awareness to have better quality of environment,
which is supported by a good basic education. Effective education program can build the people’s
awareness, interest, and then continue to adopt the integrated waste management concept.
Ineffective or half-hearted education programs may confuse the public, reduce public confidence,
or elicit hostility toward the program. Successful education programs must be consistent and
ongoing since education is crucial in order to reach a successfully integrated waste management.

Public education stimulates interest in how waste management decisions are made. And, when
citizens become interested in the community's waste management programs, they frequently
demand to be involved in the decision-making process. Communities should anticipate such
interest and develop procedures for involving the public. When the public is involved in program
design processes, it helps to ensure that these programs run smoothly.

8.3.2 Institutional Approach

Strengthening of legal aspects such as law and regulations on environmental policy is significant in
SM. National and local policy on waste management should be gained and being transparent to
the people. Improvement of national and local laws and regulations will influence practically to
control the whole aspects of waste management. Long and short programs on municipal solid
waste management should be also improved.

Using of mediator both electronic and visual is a good example to send the waste management
information program to the people due to participation. Information can transferred in the schools,
churches, mosque, and other places where the people come to be together. Development
programs on solid waste management in SM and the implementation on large scale will require a
high level of institutional organisation and a political commitment, which is uncommon in SM. It is
to be hoped that politician, planners and designers will become better informed on the
management of municipal waste development system.

Research programs and corporation with educational institutions i.e. local and national universities,
media, and international environmental programs can be developed. Participation from
local/International NGOs, foreign and national development agencies may give many benefits
regarding development of solid waste management programs in SM.

8.3.3 Economical Approach

Financing is an important factor in order to have a good management of waste. Like the situation in
FM, waste management in SM can only be sustained if operating costs are recovered. It will be
financially sustainable if the cost of the service will be kept at very low levels, because of the fact
that public and private budgets are limited. Arguments that public goods should be paid for by
public funds and delivered by public agencies should be considered. To recover the balancing fee,
the rich people can pay more than the poor people can. Hence the people and environment will
take the benefit of the services in large scale.

Institutional development in waste management can be successful in the long run only, if it is
based on a concept of cost reduction. An acceptable rate of cost recovery can be achieved only if
all possibilities of cost reduction are exploited (Spreen, 1993). Quite often the potentials of cost
reduction are higher than improvement in fee collection. International founding and financing is
strongly suggested.

Improvement of Household Waste Management for Samarinda Municipality Base on Swedish Experiences and Local Situation

Management tools for cost reduction should be considered such as unit cost systems. Waste
collection and waste transport need different types of equipment and vehicles depending upon
specific tasks such as short distance or long distance transport. Simple tool, as choice for waste
collection and waste transport equipment should be prioritised. A properly managed small
container system and using of human resource is cheaper than the street cleaning system with
tractor and trailers for primary waste collection and waste transport. Waste management
institutions should build up a well-organised administration. Proper debtor control is imperative,
and the management should give high priority to this task. Decisions regarding the choice of a
transport fleet must be based on proper economic assessment.

8.4 Improvement

8.4.1 Waste Management Process Separation

Improvement of solid waste in SM will be suggested and started with separation at the sources i.e.
in every household. Every household should have at least two different alternatives for sorting
waste i.e. organic and hazardous waste. This step is very important for the next waste handling
process such as transportation and recycling. Separation process can be started in every
household and small dwelling area. The inhabitants or local government could hire persons to
collect the waste by using simple devices such as carts. By using cart all of the waste will easily
be collected and stored at the closest collection points. Some people can also leave the waste
directly at the collection point or prepare a bin in front of the house that can be reached by the
dump truck directly.

Table 6. Waste fraction example and handling in SM

Fraction Examples Handling Category

Left over food: egg shells, fruit peels, tea, vegetables,
ones, rice, etc. Composting Compostable
Organic Wet paper, tissues, paper towels, etc.
Garden waste as leaves, weeds, soil and potted plants.
Paper: writing paper, newspaper, wrapping paper,
Paper cartons, packaging cartons without wax or plastics, Recycling Combustible
Styrofoam, napkins, diapers
Plastics Bottles, plastics bags, wrapping and packaging plastics Recycling Combustible

Glass Glass bottles, whole and broken glass, porcelains, etc Recycling, Reuse, Noncombustible
Metal Aluminum cans, aluminum foils, scraps metal, etc Recycling Non
Wood All wood products, bamboo, straw, coconuts shells, Reuse, Combustible
ratan, etc. Incineration, Dumping
Textiles Clothes, fabrics Reuse/ Combustible
Hazard Batteries, pharmaceuticals, spent oil, chemicals
compound, cosmetics, paint and solvent, pesticide, Specials care, Special Hazardous
fireworks, automotive product, mercury, glue, low energy Dump, Incineration Waste
bulbs, insecticide, fungicide, herbicide, etc.
Infectious Needles, syringes, compresses, razor, etc Specials care or Infectious
Special Dump Waste
Bulky Miscellaneous items such as furniture, empty oils tanks Reuse Bulky waste
(drum), pumps, etc
Rest Rubber, synthetics leather, electric cords, tubes, lids and Recycling, Non
caps, etc Incineration, Dumping Combustible

Improvement of Household Waste Management for Samarinda Municipality Base on Swedish Experiences and Local Situation Collection, Transportation and Storage

There are three alternatives for collection in SM. People can by themselves transport the waste
directly to the closest waste collection points, by putting the waste in front of the house in the
plastic bags and a bin then collected by waste collector service.

In separation and collection processes, the scavenging activities possibly start in this stage
considers minimise the health risk in the landfill. The scavengers can also be hired as the waste
collector in dwelling areas, which can make scavenging activities safer. By separation of the waste
into two different fractions the remaining waste hopefully will be cleaner and easier to be handled
both for crews of collection service and the scavengers. Even though the remaining waste already
cleaner and safer for them should have better protection such as mask and cloves to minimise the
risk of infectious and hazardous waste.

The organic waste (wet waste) should be collected and protected at the collection point lid to
protect from animals and rain as well as odours and aesthetic problems. Using of plastic bags and
hanging them on trees or sticks will protect the waste from animals, while remaining waste (dry
waste) will be stored in different plastic bags.

8.4.2 Waste Reduction

Waste reduction can be started in two different ways. First, the producers can reduce the waste by
using low cost and recyclable materials. It can be reach if the producers would like to sell the
product by using low energy and cost production. If packaging is necessary then choosing recycle
materials such as paper and glass in favour of e.g. Styrofoam, aluminium and composite materials.
Secondly, better information and education should increase the pattern of life and awareness
among people to choose environmentally friendly products. Through better information and
education the people in Indonesia generally and in SM especially can influence the producers to
use reusable and recyclable materials for their products. This will reduce the waste generation to
the final disposal. Avoiding unnecessarily packaging and using of cotton shopping bags instead of
using plastic bags will also be one action to reduce the waste. Charging for the plastic bags in the
shops and groceries is another alternative to reduce plastic consumption instead of free providing

8.4.3 Waste Treatment Composting

Composting is the most potential alternative method in SM. High contents of organic material (up
to 60%) and high demands of compost make this method most effective treatment alternative
compared with incineration. Composting has to be regarded as a contribution to the protection of
the environment. Composting is one of the simplest ways to prevent emissions of methane
because the organic fraction of the waste stream is diverted from landfill. Compost is an important
mean of improving tropical soils. In other hand the unwanted pollution caused by the dumping and
burning of organic material can be reduced. Indonesian climatic conditions have great importance
for the handling of waste. The hot climate in Indonesia, like mostly in developing countries, makes
decay of organic matter start quickly. High demand of compost because of agricultural activities to
recover the deforestation problem (critical and dry lands) and ex mining activities in this province
makes need of composting in large scale probable. Sanitary Landfill

Use of sanitary landfill in SM should replace the unwanted open uncontrolled dumping system. Re-
evaluation and deeper consideration of two new open dumping planning (see planning part) should
be done as soon as possible. Establishment of at least one sanitary landfill should be done soon.

Improvement of Household Waste Management for Samarinda Municipality Base on Swedish Experiences and Local Situation

Knowledge improvement of the sanitary service in SM (DKPP) should be improve by taking a

parallel education according to the improvement of management of waste in SM. Leachate Treatment

Choosing of low cost and more practical method for the leachate treatment and biogas control at
the sanitary landfill should be developed. Using of ecotechnology is one of the best alternative
solutions for the leachate treatment in SM according to sustainability of the climate and economical
situation. Recycling and Scavenging Activities

Scavenging activities will be more efficient if the organic and hazardous waste is successfully
separated at the sources. The scavengers will earn more if they can also sell the organic waste to
compost producers. Their job will be optimal and the risk will be minimised if the scavenger work
at the source or in the collection points instead of waiting in the landfill in front of the dump truck
when they unload the waste.

The local government should also give attention the social aspect of scavenging activities by
helping them i.e. improvement their rights and negotiating powers, as well as providing training
opportunities. Scavenger Development Programs that have been done in Jakarta (Oepen, 1993)
should be implemented in SM. The program were about: lobbying for policy changes of their legal
status, improving their public image and social status, increasing their productivity and the value-
added of recycled products, increasing their bargaining power, fostering their participation in local
decision-making processes, developing appropriate low technologies for waste processing.

Improvement of Household Waste Management for Samarinda Municipality Base on Swedish Experiences and Local Situation

Table 7. Waste Management Method Alternatives in SM

Handling Potential Consideration Potential Constraints Status

• Available potential labour as manual collectors and as new income • High risk diseases from the disposal to scavenger in
REUSE source for the people the site and need the new methods of collection
• Quite high demand from local and national producers system Priority
• There is no special skill and tools need for the collectors
RECYCLING • Potential as informal income

• Suitable climate and situation support composting process • Lack of professional skills
• Adequate organic waste production is about more than 60% • Unclear market event there is a potential
• Short transport distance 20 km from the sources and infrastructure • Lack of Management experience
system already established (road, bridge, communication facilities, etc) • Still difficult to collect the organic waste as long as
• Sufficient manual system for sorting and collection of the organic waste separation programs are nor implemented Priority
LARGE SCALE can be develop in sufficient approach due to cheap standard labour and • Quality of the waste it self
COMPOSTING there are many unemployed which can paid by the people who live in the • Still need subsidies
housing area
• Available simple process and suitable climate make the process possible
to attain low cost solution
• Potential economy revenue since quite high demand of compost for local
and national needs
• Reduction of the waste volume and potential energy source • Low calorific value of household waste within area due
• Low price of oil and gas make need and demand of alternative energy to a high organic content (about 60 %)
sources still low • Irregular and low combustible waste production
• High investment cost and there is no standard control for air pollution • To much plastics and hazardous waste (10 %) mixed Rejected
together with the waste make incineration system
should build with very sophisticated system to release
dioxin and other poisons gas
• Relatively lower establishment cost compare with incineration • Lack of professional skills
• Technical process is not sensitive for local condition and climate instead • Lack of Management experience
of uncontrolled open dumping system • Need support from international agencies (consultant)
• Energy extraction potential through utilization of landfill gas as concept for • Need deeper investigation according to handle the
CONTROL gas production landfill
LANDFILLING • Potential economic revenue from gas production as energy source in the Priority
• Low cost for leachate treatment by using ecotechnology is very potential
solution due to climate situation and environment and purification process
can be done in the whole year
















Figure 16. The Alternative of Household Waste Management in SM



Sweden has a long tradition of well-organised waste management. It had to be adapted to the
economic and climatic conditions as well as to settlement patterns and to religious and cultural
traditions prevailing. The climatic situation in Sweden makes energy demand much higher than in
Indonesia. Cold winter seasons bring high needs of energy to warm the houses. The expensive
fuel and big amount of combustible waste created the situation where Falun Municipality can utilize
the waste as energy source. This is a cheap alternative with consequently using a sophisticated
cleaning system due to regional regulation of air quality.

Because of the climatic situation in Indonesia, refuse should consequently be collected at short
intervals. Smell and large amounts of flies and rodents have to be avoided. Whenever there are
rain seasons, roads without tarmac get muddy and difficult to be used for collection and transport
of waste. Tropical climate often makes the soil poor in humus, and therefore exposed to erosion if
put under stress by deforestation and agriculture. This may have indirect relevance for the disposal
of waste due to changes in land use and the need for composting.

The economical and cultural situation is a very important factor, which influences a good waste
management. A stabile economical situation makes the situation easier in many aspects. The
economical situation in Indonesia in general is not as stabile as in Sweden. In some places the
people still hold their traditional way of life, culture, and religions. On the other hand the dense of
populated in SM with low education level influences the respect of the environment. Also frequency
of educated people in Sweden is higher than in Indonesia. It probably makes Swedish people
easier to participate in the waste management activities.

Establishment of sanitary landfill is definitively needed instead of opening two new uncontrolled
dumping systems, which are already planned by the local municipality. Detailed investigation is
absolutely needed for the establishment of the landfill to keep good procedures in the long run.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) should be implemented before the establishment. Range
of technology should be developed and adapted by the DKPP which directly responsible for the
landfill. Corporation between institutions and people is strongly suggested. Echotechnology is the
best solution to purification of leachate because of the local situation and climate.

Using of incinerators in SM still unnecessary in accordance with the standards of the industrialised
countries as Sweden. Air pollution during waste incineration will occur in various ways and should
be handled in sophisticated cleaning methods to avoid air pollution. It leads a big investment and
high operational and maintenance cost. As long as the energy source is available and
reasonable, the cheapest alternative should be a main consideration in this province.



• There is no definitive solution to enhance sustainable financing on treatment of solid waste

management in SM. There is not even any definitive concept for minimising waste
generation either. The decision, which method to be chosen must be based on local
conditions. All aspects such as climate, socio-cultural and economical, geological and
hydro-geological condition, type of waste, amount of inhabitants, which are connected with
integrated waste management concept, must be considered.

• The technologies of waste disposal and treatment that have meanwhile been tried and
tested in developed countries, as Sweden, cannot be immediately transposed to a
developing country as Indonesia.

• A technology must be developed and applied that is appropriate to Indonesians economic

and social potential. Furthermore, it must be emphasised that waste management is not
solely a technical task; meanwhile minimising of the production is always a top priority.

• To the problems of public knowledge and acceptance, of the responsibility and the role of
the individual, and the willingness of industry and private households to finance non-
polluting systems and of the implementation of regulations must be given increasingly more

• Process orientation can be established only if SM follows an integrated waste management

concept, which means the whole aspect of waste management will be improved even only
in small stages.

• The change must not focus only on ambitious goals. To enhance financial sustainability, top
priority must be given to reduce costs for an appropriate service. Where sufficient fees
cannot be collected directly, indirect fee collection (e.g. collecting of fee together with
electricity fee) must be improved. Alternatively using of 100 % of the fee service for waste
management system is the last alternative in SM.

• Enhancing recycling by improving quality and amount of scavenging activities and

facilitating proper waste management will be great solution. To recycle and reuse the
waste as much as possible is a solution to minimise the waste generation.

• Biological treatment method such as composting can be used and regarded as recycling
process, where the result could be used in many different purposes.

• Incineration (energetic recycling) is not priority even this method potential to reduce volume
of the waste and give high-energy output. The smoke content toxic gas substances and
hazardous component in the residue (ash) is the problem that remains. High operational
and maintenance cost also big reason and makes this method does not priority yet in this
province. A sophisticated cleaning method is needed to clean the toxic gas before release
to the air, while the hazardous residue will be released to the sanitary landfill.

• Sanitary landfill is the best solution and strongly recommended since some of the waste
fractions can neither be recycled nor biologically degraded or incinerated. To keep sanitary
landfill in a right operational concept, adequate control of emissions should absolutely be
implemented. Meanwhile the skilled of the personals should be improving paralel.


• Using of potential natural capability such as ecotechnology to minimise the emission from
the landfill is strongly recommended. Besides of practical and climatic potential, economical
condition is also the reason for the situation suitability. Potential energy- and cost recovery
is the most important consideration in choosing of waste management methods. Energy
can be used or recovered in many alternative methods besides it can also be one potential
solution for the demand of fossil fuel.


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Solid Waste Management In Balikpapan Municipality

Open Dumping changes to Sanitary Landfill System


Balikpapan Municipality (BM) is situated close to the coast and located about 125 km to the
southwest east of Samarinda Municipality. Present waste management is on the way to change
from simple open dumping system, which is unacceptable from an environmental point of view, to
be used as a sanitary landfill.

The right operational procedures in the Manggar Sanitary Landfill (MSL) are a very strong
concentration according to effect of it to the environment such as eutrophication and groundwater
contamination as well as gas emission (CO2 and CH4) from the waste. Local, national and
international donators have approved the concept by support the construction of the landfill site.
The right operational experiences are however not yet available and should be recovered as soon
as possible base on local needs.

The main idea of the implementation of sanitary landfill in BM is to have better management of
municipality solid waste at the same time reducing the environmental effects caused by the landfill
such as leachate and gas. Ideally this landfill will be used in the future for deposition of the inert
fraction of waste. The gas controlled mainly to be controlled because of the prevent action
according to avoid explosion in the site by present of methane gas, which is produced by the
landfill. The treatment of leachate according to minimize eutrophication risk as well as prevent
groundwater contamination by using geo-membrane as a barrier.

So far there already exist sorting of waste, the organic and an-organic one that can be use for the
further process. Waste utilisation information and range of treatment technology should at least
recognize by the state sanitary service personals (DKPP) as the main board.

Facts of Manggar Sanitary Landfill (MSL)

The Manggar disposal site (Manggar Sanitary Landfill/MSL) in BM has about 22,5 ha. It is used for
the Sanitary Landfill Method. The overall construction cost of MSL, which is financed by a World
Bank loan, was Rp. 2.322.824.000. These costs do not cover already three-time process of repair
and reconstruction of the main operational access road to the site. This site is located about 10 km
from down town in Kalurahan Teritip, Balikpapan Timur.

Since today MSL is not in operation yet, even the opening was scheduled to be at 01-01-01. This is
because of the main operational road that not in a proper, useable status yet.

Numbers of employees who will be involved in the whole waste management activities are about
773 persons. This includes scavengers, road cleaning service, drivers, operators, etc. (DKPP
Balikpapan, 2000)


Monitoring of all instruments during the operation activities and monitoring of the site is
already planned. Implemented control procedures in MSL to keep on the principle of the
sanitary landfill are as follows:
Control of daily operational (procedure of dump truck operation at the site, weigh of
incoming waste, cleaning of equipment and operational road, maintenance of facilities, etc),
leachate control, maintenance of barrier, controlled dumping based on cell management
plan (different dumping locations regarding to whether conditions) including procedures of
disposal process within the site, stock (fill) pile as a cover for the solid waste, and control of
the vent which is used to release landfill gasses.

• Treatment of leachate will obviously done by an arrangement of three collecting basins
in which solids may gravitationally be separated and precipitated. No special description
on further treatment will be available. No information on biological or chemical
treatment. No information on following up on water quality released to the tributary.
• Gasses released control by using vent is already exist in the operational procedures.

• Approx. time of processing the site not mentioned, (info: 15 years)
• Equipment,
1. Trucks 16 Units
2. Dump Trucks 16 Units
3. Arm roll Trucks 5 Units
4. Compactor Trucks 1 Unit
5. Mini Trucks 6 Units
6. Pick up 2 Units
7. Sweeper 1 Unit
8. Loader 1 Unit
9. Beg hoe 1 Unit
10. Container 46 Units
• Recycling processes already existed
• Water treatment station already exist (kind of treatment)
• Operational Standard procedures for the whole management activities do already exist

Observations on the site

• The basement of the site is prepared with barrier of HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) as
geo-membrane according to prevent ground water contamination by waste leachate. On
top of this membrane about 15-20 cm of soil is covered to avoid operational and mechanic
membrane damages during the operation.
• There is a kind of controlled off releasing of gas and smell. Pipes are installed to support
the gas release. No installations for the control of the quality, type and amount of gas.
• The site is drained with a connecting drainage system to a central collecting basin. There
are actually three concrete basins that are interconnected and will serve for a gravitational
sedimentation process for solid material in the leachate. After the wastewater passed these
basins, the water will flow without any further treatment into the connected tributary.
• Scavengers are normally at the site to differentiate the waste they can use themselves. No
control of the scavengers and no control on the accuracy of the recycling process and


Information from the future site management programs

• Future improving of the recycling quality was proposed, but no further
comments on how to do it only control of the activities.
• Future waste handling will include recycling products out of the waste.
Example: Composting activities improvement as one of the waste
management programs.
• Necessary training will be held according to improve the personal ability in
management of this sanitary landfill.
• Improvement of the scavenger activities is already discussed in operational
standards of the MSL due to recycling processes.


• Infrastructures facilities are still the biggest problem because of bad

conditions on access roads to the site and operational roads within the site,
which are very important for the dump trucks to dispose the waste in a safe
way. Roads are damaged because insufficient prediction in Environmental
Impact Assessment ahead of construction. The geological aspects on
landslide possibilities seem uncounted according to establishment of the
roads facilities.
• Cost Recovery as utilisation of municipality solid waste due to recover the
operational expense and maintenance to keep on with the right procedures
on the sanitary landfill concepts.
• Further environmental problems will occur if the control of leachate and
sanitary landfill gasses are not proper set up.
• All people involved within the dumping process at the MSL do have a further
need on education and training in proper waste disposal site management
and working procedures to avoid environmental problems.
• A public information program is needed to explain the new processes at the
sanitary landfill and the need of the participation of all local people as waste
producers to improve and maintain the sanitary landfill according to the
necessary standards.
• As part of the above-mentioned information program there should be special
information on composting and differentiating of wastes to minimize the waste
volume and to maximise the usage of the waste disposal site.
• Bio-hazardous and chemicals coming from household wastes are not planned
to be separated. This brings the problem that any usage of this waste may
raise unsolvable problems and will produce leachate that can only be treated
in a very specialised treatment plant.

Conclusions and Personal impression:

• Access operational road to the disposal site should be finish before

operations of the site start.
• Environmental Impact Statement should be implemented to re-evaluate the
Environmental Impact Assessment. This could help to find out, why the main
operational access road has already been repaired and reconstructed for
three times without any operational use yet.
• Improvement of the leachate treatment using a processing according to the
composition of the leachate with clean water as the water released to the
• Quality measurements of the treated water from the basins before the water
is released to the river should be installed according to the risk releasing of
toxicities and other eutrophication impacts.


• Using of simple and cheap treatment method should be considered to prevent

water contamination of leachate. Ecotechnology should be known as one
reasonable alternative for the treatment to minimise eutrophication risk of the
• Gas control on the released gas should be included in a regular control
activity due to emissions and explosives risk. For the future, gas usage as an
energy alternative coming out of the landfill, should be considered and
recognized as a further energy source.
• Improvements on human resources should continuously follow up due to the
development of national and international environmental quality standards.
• Retribution fee should be an alternative for cost recovery of the operational,
maintenance and management of the landfill.
• Utilisation of waste as recycling and composting could be a new source to
recover operational, maintenance and management cost of MSL due to the
back payment of the loan to the World Bank.
• Study on large scale composting can be also placed as main alternative for
waste management in BM as long as the demand on composting exists.

General outline on proper management procedures for MSL

Principally, the main different between open dumping system and well-engineered
landfilling are practices of monitoring programs for incoming waste, gas, leachate,
etc. to control pollution of surrounding environments, particularly groundwater,
surface water and air, since simple open dumping just dump the waste without any
engineering practice and control.

Sanitary landfill is the last resort between alternatives to dispose the solid waste
according to European Union (EU), United State Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) and World Health Organisation (WHO) which are promote the integrated
solid waste management hierarchy as: waste prevention and minimisation, recycling
and reuse, transformation (energy extraction) and landfill.

Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategy

The strategy of suggested for solid waste management in BM: Development of

controlled present waste management forms: development of waste minimisation
program; development of sorting, reuse and recycling activities; development of
ecotechnology treatment methods for leachate water; development of sanitary landfill
to replace simple open dumping; energy and cost recovery oriented due to
optimisation utility of waste

Landfill Operation and Process (Kiely, 1997)

1. Landfill design:
Landfill design
Liner design
Leachate collection and gas collection
Drainage design
Filling design
Runoff collection
Closure design
2. Landfill Operation:
Waste inventory, loads, types, etc.
Cell layout


Cell for hazardous waste

Cell for non-hazardous waste
3. Biochemical reaction in landfill
Biological decay rates
Slowly biodegradable
Rapidly biodegradable
4. Leachate Management
Treatment: Ecotechnology
5. Landfill gas Management
Flaring or using
Quantity and quality
6. Environmental Monitoring
Air quality and odour monitoring
CH4, H2S, VOCs, etc
Groundwater monitoring
Pests and litter
7. Planning for ex-dumping site in the future
Environmental Control
Restoration of terminated landfill/disposal site


DKPP Balikpapan. 2000. Pengelohan Limbah Padat Kawasan Perkotaan di Kota

Balikpapan. Kalimantan Timur. Indonesia.

Kiely, G. 1997. Environmental Engineering. McGraw-Hill. UK.

Municipal Solid Waste Management Questioner Checklist. 2000. Bapedalda Kota

Balikpapan. Kalimantan Timur. Indonesia


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