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Collogo of Electrical and Mochanical Engineering

Dcpartmont of Electrical Engineering
Subjoct:EE-330 (Digital Signal Processing)
Date : 27-3-2017 (Sossional-1 Spring 2017) Total Marks : 50
Note : OBE Questions: Q1 and Q3.
Students should score 40% in OBE specific questions to ensure their accumulated scores
towards respective PLOs are above 40%.

Consider a system defined by the difference equation

5 1 1
y[n] - -y[n - 11 +-y[n- 21 = -x[n- lj
6 6 3
Given the initial conditions y[O] = y[l l = l. Is the system causal, linear and time-invariant?
Explain your answer. Find the response of the system to xf nl = o[nl. (3+~ +6)
r,1 t ~

i. Write a difference equation that ch.-racterizes a system whose frequency response is

l - .!. e - Jw + e - /3w
H(el"') = i2
1 + -e-Jw
+ -e-/Zw
2 4


ii. Determine the z-transform of the sequence, specify the ROC

x[nl = {;·, N$n
ai\ (10)


Analyze the following z-transforms. Sketch the pole-zero plot and shade the region of

1 - !I l-1 )
(a) X,(z) = , ROC: lzl < 2
1 + 2 z- 1 /

1- !z- 1
x2(n) causal \
x3[nl absolutely summable.


SuQj: EE-344 Wave Propagation and Antenna Date: 28 Mar 2017

lnsr: Lt Col Dr Muhammad Naveed Time: 1200-1300 Hrs
Total Marks: 50 RV: Trg Blocks I

Note: Attempt all questions

Draw figures wherever necessary

Q-1 . Express:
(a) E = 10 cos (1 o~ t - \Ox -,,..60 ° )3, in phasor form (5)

(b) H a [IT")a, + Io e "" ' ii~ in instantaneous form (5)

0-2. If H(R) of a TEM wave is given as H(R) = H ~e - 1~• . R . Obtain a relation

expressing E(R) in terms of H(R) ( 10)

Q-3. The magnetic field intensity of a linearly polarized uniform plane wave
propagating in the +y-direction in sea water I,: ,= xo . f.' , = I a = 4 ] 1s

H =a ,O . \ sin ( 10 ,TI - ·; ) aty=O

(a) Construct the solution for the attenuation constant. the phase constant,
the intrinsic impedance , the phase velocity and the skin depth ( 10)

(b) Solve to get the location at which the ampli tude of H is 0 0 1 (Nm) (5)

(c) Produce the expression for H(y,t) at y = 0 5 (m) as function of t (5)

Q-4. The electric field of a uniform plane w ave in free space is given by
E = 1o(ay+ Ja, ~?;ak
(a) Solve to find the magnetic phasor (5)

(b) Discover the polarization of the wav~ (5)

Note: Following may be helpful y'
Parameters Lossy Dielectric Good Conductor
Attenuation Constant
: :'. Jt
~ - ~..,
- €
= ,1 :a " 71µcr. I

wJµE[1 + ~ (:(YJ
Phase Constant

Intrinsic Impedance
i( '
!+ -. -
,.- !l
11,.-= • -;;;: ✓ -
I "•

tr !

. .,,,._..._
National University of Sciences and Technology
College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
EE-371 Linear Control Systems
Degree-36 EE Sessional 1 Exam

Time: 1 hour Note: All questions carry equal marks Max Marks: 50

Q#l Find transfer function of the following system considering voltage across the 2
ohm resistor as the output.

Q# 2 Find the range of spring constant k for which the following system is stable.
Also find the time domain impulse response for k=3 . (Applied force is the input
and displacement of the mass is the output)

The End
College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering ,\- r~
n\ \
'(I \

- ..___) Department of Electrical Engineering

1ST Sessional Exam Spring 2017 \ ""'
Degree: DE-36 EE Instructor: Sufyan Hafeez Khan
Subject: EE-383 Instrumentation & Measurements Max Marks: 50
2.~ pa-=-2017 -
- in_u_,ei ) ,Z ')
1. Fig. 1 shows an Ayrton shunt-type,piulti-
range DC ammeter. The meter has ~ I
scale deflection current of 1 mA. The full A
0-100 mA 6
scale ranges when the selector switch is
set to A and Care 0-100 mA and 0-250
mA respectively. Ri is 1 n and the
• o- 1 B
meter' s internal resistance RM is 990 n. R~ 1 H
a. Determine the values of R1 & RJ.
b. Determine the full scale range
when the switch is set to B.
c. At what range is the ammeter' s
loading effect most significant?
Justify your answer.


Fig. 2

College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Final Exam Spring 2017

Deg ree: DE-36 EE

Instructor: Sufyan Hafeez Khan
Subject: EE-383 Instrumentation & Measurements Max Marks: 100
D a te: 19-06-2017 Time Allowed: 180 minutes

I . The power PH, dissipated by the heating (resistive) element (Ru= 15 fl) in Fig la heats a thermocouple
which produces an output Vt. The thermocouple has three thermoelectric junctions Ji, h & h as
illustrated. Ji is placed close to the heating element while h & h are both equidistant and 10 cm apart
from Ji.
• The temperature 11 at junction J1 is given by the following expression.

T1 = T0 + aPH
The standard reference temperature T0 = 28 •c and the thermal resistance a= S •ctw.
• The temperature at any point X can be found using the following relation.

Tx =To+ (T1 - To)e-~d

' d ' is the distance (in meters) from Ji and p = 17.9176; a constant.
• The values of the Seebeck coefficients for each junction are given in Table 1.

Resistive Seebeck Coefficients

Element k1 k2
6VACN RH h +v: h 0.004 0.00004
RMS I - t

1z 0.0005 0.00002 I

h 0.001 0.00003

Fig. 1a Circuit for QI Table 1 Seebeck Coefficients

The thermocouple output Vt is fed to the circuit in Fig. lb. VREF = 1.5 V, R 1 = R 2 = 1 kn, R 3 = R 4 =
200 n & C = 1 JIF. The pulse duration & height of the comparator' s output is 0.25 ms & 5 V
a. It is required that the counter in Fig. 1b should count till 6 when the input to the circuit in Fig.
la is 6 V. For what duration should the counter count?
b. It is also desired that the pulse width/duration of the multivibrator' s output should be 0.2 ms.
Find R6 if Vee= -lOV & C2 = 10.33 JIF.
HINT: The charging equation for capacitor C2 is as follows where Vea is the initial voltage of
the node labelled V c in the circuit.
V c(t) = Vcc+ (Vco - Vcc)eR 6 C2

Page 1 of 2
1{;111111 f~·ni:r;,1111
r-----------1 Vcc=-10 V
rf-W>v-_..--'V Iv---.:
I R1 Ju I

_j_: · .. 1
Comp.1rntl1r n.
-:- I ~

Vt 1"\.-1--"'TVv----.,V\.Jru-----' I
I I VR£Fs 1.5 V - Monostable
______ .JI Multivibrator
Fig. lb Voltage to Frequency Converter (CLO 3 ~ PLO 2) (50)
2. The galvanometer in the circuit of Fig. 2 is calibrated in ·c and has a full scale reading of SO •c. The
dial reads the temperature sensed by an RTD which is made part of an AC bridge. When T =To= 30
•c, RT= Ro= 30 fi. Moreover, R1 = 2.7 k!l, C1 = 33 µF, C2 = 22 µF, RJ = 10 Mfi & R4 = 1~0 Mn.
Find a, the temperature coefficient of the RTD. (Ignore the voltage drop across the diod~.V \"1
\..V\J"..I \:.'"i ~o
'd-~v-~ ~rJ)t;A._c;/, i\•io ~~'
C2 ~ y~

\I,I Vu


Fig. 2 AC Bridge+ Differential Amplifier+ Rectifier (CLO 2 ~ PLO 2) (30)

3 . The current through the photodiode in Fig. 3 is given by the following equation.

IO ~ / e~~L 1) - pP

When the optical power r of the incident light is 20 µW, the diode current 10 is -18 l,LA. Find the
value of the source voltage V if the slope of the load line is -10 l,lAfV. ,----~vv\r---, J_
Parameter Value
Rcsponsivity, p O.SA/W +
Saturation current I 0 8.166862134 µA V-=-
Electron charge Q 1.6 X t0·19 C
Ideality factor, n 2
Boltzmann constant. k 1 J 8 X } 0·23 JfK•l T
Temoerature T 298K Fig. 3 Photodiode (CLO 2 => PLO 2) (20)
Page 2 of2
::::{ >
. n and Antenna Date: 17 Jun 2018
SuQj: EE-344 Wave Propaga t 10 Time: 1300-1600 Hrs
lnsr: Dr Muhammad Naveed RV: Trg Block Ill
Total Marks: !QQ
Note: Attempt all questions
Fonnula Sheet is attached d t
3 x copies of smith chart will be given to each stu en

Q-1 . a. The electric field in free spa.ce is given by E- 50cos{1os t + Px ~ .vV Im

( 1) Find the direction of wave propagation
(2) Calculate ~ and the time it takes to travel a distance of ').}2 . ( 10)
b. Region 1, z < o, and region 2, z > 0, are described by the following
e: = 100 pF / m, µ 1 = 25 µHI m, e{' = 0, e~ = 200 pF Im, µ 2 = 50 µfl Im
and ei' lei= 0 .5 . If£_ •
=600e-a =cos(5xl0 t+P,z~xV / m. Find Cl1 , P1 ,
£ 1-, and E; (10)

Q-2. a. Two characteristics of a certain lossless transmission line are Zo = son and
y = 0 + j0.2nm· at f = 60 MHz.
(1) Find Land C for the line (10)
(2) The open-circuit and short-circuit impedances measured at the input
terminals of a transmission line 4(m) long are, respectively, 250 L - 50 (Q) and °
360 L 20 °(0) . Determine Zo. Cl and p of the line (10)

b. Using smith chart, find the input admittance of an open circuit~ line of
characteristic impedance 300 n
and length 0 .04 J - ')..,o i /JfS (5)
Q-3. a. A 500 transmission line is terminated in an impCd~ e of
Z L = 3 5 + j 47 . 5 n . Using smith chart, find the position and le~ th of the short
circuited stub to match it. (10)
b. A load, Z L = 25 + }75 Q is located at z = 0 on a lossless transmission line
for which Z O = 50 0 and v = c.

(1) If f = 300 MHz, using smith chart, find the shortest distance 'd ' at which the input
admittance has a real part equal to 1/Zo and a negative imaginary part.

(2) What value of capacitance 'C' should be connected across the line at that point to
provide unity standing wave ratio on the remaining portion of the line? (10)

a. A parallel plate waveguide consists of two shells of conductors separated by 1o

cm. Find the propagation constarit at frequencies of 100 MHz and 1O GHz when
operated in TE 1 mode. Does the wave propagate in each case? (5)

b. An air filled rectangular wave guide has dimensions a = 2 cm and b = 1cm.

Determine the range of 'requencies over which the guide will operate single mode
(TE10). Also determine phase velocity for TE1 0mode. (10)
a. Design a c.rcular waveguide filled with a lossless dielectric medium of dielectric
i::onstant 4. The wavegu:de must operate in a single dominant mode over a bandwidth of
1 GrlZ.
(1) Find its radius (in cm).
(2) Determine the lower, center and upper frequencies of the bandwidth. (10)

b. A circular waveguide of radius a = 3 cm that is filled with air is used at a frequency of

2 GHz. For the dominant TE ~n mode, determine the following:
\ Cutoff fre'ltJency /'.?) Phase constant ~z ( 10)
Formula Sheet

Piramettr} ~

[.) c I

l - -
v,: V,~
- -- - . -
I( T jwl,
- = -1- --
" 1,: 1; ·1 G-.-jwC

Allernuuon Open Circuit Line

CONt&a1 •

Zia =: Zo coth }'t.

COG>l&al /l • ..r;; Short Circuit line
w,.. z.
ietria&ic 11. zb = Zo tanh yl.
~ .. /~ " ~ ( l +j)

Waveguide Equations Waveguide Equations Parallel Plate Circular Waveguide

. h
J = ---
Ji = m:;b
,, ~lt ....

. . J•) •: Rectangular (/..} mn

2 C:
= 11 \JII - ( f
Z1L a -· -· -
.J I - (JjJ p Zni Waveguide
' "
(/.) = . Xmn
' '"" 2'1Ta/µi
Zeroes x:... of derhative J,,;(x.;.,,.) = O(n • Zeroes x ...,,. of J.,.(x,.,.) • O(n • I, 2,3, ..
Ill• 0 Ill - l 111•2 111•3 111•4
3.8318 l.8412 3.0542 4.2012 S.317S
"':(J L 2.4049 3.8318 S.l3S7 6.3802 7 .511114
II - l II -

II• 2 7.0156 53315 6.7062 11.015) 9.2824 11 • 2 5.S201 7.01S6 8.4173 9.7610 ll.0647
II•) 10.1735 8.5)63 9.9695 l l.34S9 12.6819 11 • 3 8.6537 10.1735 11.6199 ll.0152 14.3726

11•4 13.3237 11.7060 lJ.1704 14.51159 15.9641 11 • 4 ll.791S 13.3237 14.7%0 16.2235 17.6160

11 • S 14.9309 16.4706 17.9598 19.4094 20.8269

"- s 16.4706 14.11636 16.34,S 17.7888 19. 1960
"'I '
., ., I
:'_ ., '-- J - ·-( - ~

College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering / - ' ,)

Department of Electrical Engineering
Subject:EE-330 (Digital Signal Processing)
Date: 16-6-2017 (Final Exam Spring 2017) Total Marks: 100
N_ote: OBE Question: Q5
S tudents should score 40% in QBE specific questions to ensure their accumulated scores
towards respective PLOs are above 40%.


A comple,?(\ (~lued continuous time signal x,(t)has the Fourier transform shown in Fig-1,
where !12 I- !11 = LHl. The signal is sampled to produce the sequence x[n] = x,(nT).
i, I Tr
a) }'~ l<etch the Fourier transform of x[n] for T = nz· ') (10)
~f,,think carefully and find the lowest frequency that can be used without incurring any
, '/ ·· aliasing distortion. (10)
:""" j ,'. ~ [\
l '.-'',,,;
... ,
--__._/ X,.(j!l)

0 -'~½';n~2
QUESTION-2 ?jfllcz l[I ;,, Fi~-
J?'f,+ I)J > f),_
A discrete time causal LTl sysL1 §°'the system function J) J > _J; 6

f/(z )
(1 + o. zz- )(1- gz- )
=- -- - - 2- -
1 2 ;> ,.,,,,
(1 + 0. Blz- ) "--...i

a) Is the system stable (6)

b) Find and expression for an all pass system Hap (z) and a minimum phase system
llmin(z) such that H(z) = Haµ (z)/Jmin(z) (7+7)

Determine the impulse response for the systems given in Fig-2 and Fig-3 . (10+10)
~- I
lO tl<D
x[11 I


2 3 -I -1

y[,r] _vf11 l

Fig-2 Fig-3
em described by the flow graph in Fig-4, determine the differen
a) For the LTI sySt _ ce 1,

equation relating the input x[n] to the output y[n]. (8) i


x[n] y(n]


b) Bilinear transformation for discrete IIR filter design is described as

2 ( 1 - z- )
s = Td 1 + z- 1 ;

Develop the properties of the algebraic transformation from s-domain to z-domain

~ (12)

QUESTION-5 (CL0-3-----PL0-3)

We wish to use the Kaiser window method to design a filter with generalized linear phase that
meets the following specifications

0.89125 :::: IH(eiw)I ~ 1, o < lwl ~ 0.2rr,

IH(eiw)I ~ 0.17783, 0.3rr ~ lwl ~ Jr.

Determine the minimum length (M+1) of the impulse response a n ~ value of Kaiser window
parameter p for a filter that meets these specifications ~ (20)

The Kaiser window is defined as

lo [.B (1 - [(n - a ) / a ]2) 112 ]

w[n] = fo(/3) , 0 ~ n ~ M,
0, otherwise.

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