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Emily Carpino

Dr. Sells

Classroom Management

February 25, 2017

My Classroom Management Plan

I am very glad that we had to create a classroom management plan because it will

become truly useful when the time comes to implement it into my own classroom. The rules I

included in my plan were listed 1-5. They were listen, follow directions, raise your hand before

speaking, respect your classmates and your teacher, and keep your hands, feet, and objects to

yourself. I didn’t want to include any more than 5 rules because I want them to be able to

remember the rules by memory. I have a list of 8 procedures included in my classroom

management plan. The list is please turn in math homework into the green tray, reading goes into

red tray, and other papers go into yellow tray. If you are the first student finished with work, grab

a worksheet from the “I’m done, now what?” folder on the wall by where you turned in your

paper. Call on tables/desks one by one per whether the area is clean and they are being quiet,

allow 3 minutes of time to line students up. Sharpening pencils should be done by the classroom

assistant at the end of the day. The classroom assistant only needs to sharpen the pencils that are

in the pencil jail. Ask three, then ask me. If you have a question on an assignment or problem,

ask three of your classmates about it. If they cannot answer your question, then ask me. Taking

roll and lunch count: There are two choices for lunch, depending on what you want to eat, you

will either put a sparkly or a polka dot chip on your classroom number. The sparkly clip is choice

1, the polka dot chip is choice 2, the plain chip is if you brought your own lunch. If there is no

clip on a number, this means the student is absent for the day. You should enter the classroom
quietly and sit at your desk. If I am busy working on something at my desk, silently read. if you

need to use the restroom, grab the bathroom pass and place it on your desk. Only one person can

use the restroom at once. If I am teaching a lesson, wait until after I’m done to use the restroom,

if it is an emergency, go ahead and go. Those are the 8 list of things for my procedures, even

though there will be more than just 8 procedures that my students need to learn in my classroom.

My introduction letter to parents is two pages long.

Teaching is a passion of mine! I am so excited to work with you and

your child! The year is going to be full of fun, learning, adventure,
and I can’t wait to see what else it will have in store for us! I thought you
might like to know a little bit about me.

I am currently a Senior at Pittsburg State University majoring in

Elementary Education. Some hobbies I enjoy are cooking, crafting,
reading and hiking. I currently live in Pittsburg, Kansas but my
hometown is Columbus, Kansas, where I graduated in 2013. I have three
nieces and one nephew that I love to spend time with
and spoil as much as I can! I love spending time with
friends and family.

Making learning fun is a top priority in my classroom.

Your child can look forward to reading the book
“Wonder” by Raquel J. Palacio as a class and watching
the movie. We will be incorporating various projects to
compare and contrast the similarities and
differences. Wonder is a great book that teaches an
important life lesson that I know your child will

I have a few policies that I would like for you to be aware of. Every
week night your child will be sent home with reading and math
homework. There will be a homework log sent home for you to sign
after your child has completed both things for the night. The reading
required is your child reading for 30 minutes a night. The math will be
math facts that are provided on the back of the homework log.
You will be able to track your child’s progress through PowerSchool.
You will be given your child’s PowerSchool login and password
during the first week of school. I have also created a classroom
Facebook page that I will be posting pictures of fun projects we do in
class and field trips we go on. If you would not like your child to be
in the pictures posted on the page, please contact me.

TARDY POLICY: If your child arrives after 8:00, this will result in a
tardy. Students arriving after 8:00 will need to report to the office to
get a tardy pass.
1st tardy: Verbal warning
2nd tardy: Letter sent to parent/guardian outlining the policy
3rd tardy: Parent/student conference with teacher resolving the issue
4th tardy: Letter mailed home regarding consequence with next tardy.
5th tardy: Consequence appropriate for student

ABSENSE POLICY: Poor attendance disrupts the continuity of vital

learning that must take place. If your child must be absent, please
contact the office at (enter number here). If office is not contacted, we
will contact parents regarding the absence.

This will be my first year teaching third

grade at George Nettles Elementary. It is
my mission to instill a love for
learning in my students. I will teach
with a passion for my subject so that my
students develop a desire to become
life-long learners. Please let me
know if you have any questions or
concerns. It is so important to keep
communication open between us. I
would love to talk to you whenever you
feel the need. I look forward to a great
year together!
A Few of my favorites:
Color: PINK
Season: Summer
Food: Ice Cream
Drink: Large Sonic Lemon Berry Water
Book: The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
Song: I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann Womack

I have learned many things from my student teaching semester as far as classroom

management goes. My cooperating teacher has quite a few classroom management strategies that

I included into my own classroom management plan. As I have gotten more comfortable in the

classroom, I’ve tweaked a few of these strategies and implemented a few of my own things as


As far as turning in papers goes. I still tell them to turn their papers into the different

color of trays. I noticed many students were not putting their names on their papers. Now I

tweaked it to where I have everyone turn in their papers to a certain person at their table, instruct

that person to make sure everyone’s names are on it, then after they make sure everyone has their

name on it, they may turn it into the correct tray. I have started implementing the procedure that

requires the students to clean off their table before they can line up. I feel like if the students

leave their table a mess, it will take them that much more time to get their stuff reorganized

before starting the next lesson when they get back. Also, a tidy classroom just makes me feel

better. Even though I know there’s no possible way my future classroom will ALWAYS be tidy

and neat. My cooperating teacher currently does not have a “I’m done, now what?” folder, but I

have experienced many opportunities where one would be useful.

Something I learned from Dr. Dockers in our last Friday meeting was our classroom

arrangement. I like how she had us look at two different classrooms set ups and discuss what was

wrong with the two classrooms. I learned quite a bit on what to do and what not to do when

setting up my future classroom. Something I learned was that a trashcan needs to be under the

pencil sharpener. I also realized that even if I only have desks to use in my room, I would like 4

desks to be put together for cooperative learning opportunities. Another thing I realized was

some tables/desks may have to be turned various ways to make sure everyone can see the board

as best as they can. You also must consider pathways throughout your classroom. You need to

make sure everyone can get through without bumping into various objects or each other.

Dr. Dockers also shared with us her Top 13 things to know about classroom management.

Every single one of these things on this list were of equal importance to involve in classroom

management. Number 13 was “know yourself”. I thought this was important because you need to

know yourself and be aware of your limits. If you’re feeling super frustrated with a student, take

a step away and take a breather before you do something you might regret. I have already had

experience with this this year in my student teaching semester. Number twelve was “know your

students”. Each student is different. It is important to know how each one of them works to be

able to teach them effectively. It’s also important to know your students interests to be able to

motivate them to want to participate in your classroom activities/lessons. Eleven was “know your

space”. This goes along with the classroom organization and how the classroom will be set up. It

also must do with knowing how much space you have such as storage and other materials

available to you. One of the tips she gave us was to listen, or eavesdrop, on your students. I catch

myself already doing this. It’s good to be aware of what your students are talking about whether

it’s about another student, their home life, or whatever might be going on in their life at the time.
Another one of the tips that stuck with me was number two which was “pick your battles”. This

stuck with me because you can’t expect your students to be perfect all the time, because no one

is perfect and they’re still kids.

I think that the main thing for classroom management to be successful is consistency.

Being consistent with your rules, procedures, and everything else in your classroom will set your

classroom and your students up for a successful year. I can’t wait to see what else I learn

throughout my student teaching semester. It seems like I pick up something new every day I’m

in the classroom. Throughout my future years as a teacher I will still be constantly learning new

ways to make my classroom management more successful.

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