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Haul Road Stabilisation With

Cost Effective - Simple To Use - Environmentally Sound

The Issue

Road Surface - Damaged by over watering


High Maintenance, Excess Tyre Wear, Dust, Wasted Resources

Problems Results

!  Tyres - Reduced tyre life, frequent damage, excessive wear

!  Productivity - Productivity loses due to rough road conditions, poor

visibility and wet weather

!  Maintenance - High road repair costs, extra vehicle costs (water

carts and road plant)

!  Dust - Risk of vehicle interaction, Eco considerations

!  Water - Excess water use (dust control), over watering causing

unsafe conditions, excess water damaging road surfaces

!  Other Costs - Repair cost of engine dust ingestion, premature road


Top Quality

DustChek Stabilised Surface


Same Surface 24 Hours on – NO WATERING!

Rip and Re-compact with DustChek

A simple rip and re-compact using current on site machinery

will deliver a same day result.

The process provides increased surface course strength and

flexibility and is water proof and re-workable at all times.

Leading technology water soluble polymer is simple to use

and will not crack like old style stabilisers.

Inexpensive to apply and ongoing maintenance is negligible.

Case Study

Minerva Mine - Haul Road Stabilisation Programme

Before stabilisation -
Haul roads are prone to general
loosening of the surface course
leading to dust and eventually,
total destruction of the running
A common scenario for most mines
and previously the best answer
available to haul road maintainers
was continual watering to control
the dust and constant maintenance
to repair ongoing damage to road
Case Study

Minerva Mine - Haul Road Stabilisation Programme

Typical pitted surface

requiring more and
more water to settle the
dust and more and
more maintenance to
repair structural and
water damage.
Case Study

Minerva Mine - Haul Road Stabilisation Programme

Stabilised surface is
tight with no loose
areas, this haul road is
now low maintenance,
offers all the obvious
benefits and requires
water only once daily.
This road has become
an asset… not a liability
Case Study

Minerva Mine - Haul Road Stabilisation Programme

Realised Benefits of DustChek Stabilisation to Minerva Mine –

1.  Increase in tyre life (at least 30% according to a senior Bridgestone

2.  Increase in road life (80% less maintenance required)

3.  Haul road watering reduced by 90% (watering is now once only per day)

4.  Surface is waterproof, no grading required after rain events. (This surface
is trafficable in the wet)

5.  No visible dust is emitted from these haul roads.

6.  Improvement in fuel consumption.

7.  Measurable reduction in green house gas emissions.

Case Study

Minerva Mine - Haul Road Stabilisation Programme

What mining people are saying about DustChek

“We are extremely happy with the result and plan to stabilise more areas as we progress
with new sections.
Our tyre supplier says these are the best haul roads he has seen and this process will go
a long way toward our goal of 8000 hrs tyre life”.
Darren Cuthbertson – Production Manager, Minerva Mine.

“With haul roads this good there will be substantial increases in tyre life.
These are probably the best haul roads I have seen”.

Darren Drake - Bridgestone Area Representative.

Minerva Mine - Haul Road Stabilisation Programme
No water here in the past 24 Hrs.
This result is cost effective, simple to
maintain and highlights what can be
achieved with a simple change of
operational procedures.
The shown example delivers savings in

!  TYRE wear and damage

!  Haul Fleet fuel costs
!  Water for dust control (approx 90%)
!  GHG emissions
!  Maintenance machinery and
!  Water cart use.
Other obvious flow on effects from this
process are,
!  All weather haul roads and
!  Increases in tonnage per hour rates.

Stabilising with DustChek is

not a cost… it’s a saving.

"  Save Money

"  Improve Safety
"  Increase Productivity
"  Eco Friendly
"  GHG Reductions - Politically Correct
"  Easy To Apply And Maintain
The Issue

High maintenance haul roads

Excess tyre wear - Dust - Productivity loss - A thing of the past!!

DustChek Stabilised Surface


Same Surface 24 Hours on – NO WATER!

The Complete Solution
Haul Road Stabilisation With

Cost Effective - Simple To Use - Environmentally Sound

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