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8 Examples 149

(a) Since

the vector A is parallel to j and parallel to e,. The Poisson equation is AA = - p j , j = joe,B(R -
p), j o = Z/rR2, with cylindrical coordinates p, p, z . In view of the cylindrical symmetry we have
A = A,(p) and the Poisson equation is

In case (i) we have

A,(p) = c I n R + A , o .

In case (ii) we have

and hence
~ , ( p=
) -@p2+cllnp+cz.
We choose c 2 = 0. Regularity at p = 0 requires c1 = 0. Continuity at p = R implies:

1 . 2.
cInR+A,o = --pjoR

We obtain therefore:
-+pjoR2 for p 5 R,
- cln$-$pj0R2forpLR.

(b) Considering the magnetic field strength, we have

pH = V x A = pH,(p)e, =

l a
:. H,(p) = ---A,(p)
P aP
= { -_kjop for p 5 R,
PP for p R.

Continuity at p = R implies:

j 0 p for P 5 R,
:. H,(p) =
+ for p 2 R.

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