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Dominic Felice


A) Theme: For the guide of the all world leaders

B) Passage: “Better to take refuge in the LORD THAN to put one’s trust in princes.”
(Ps. 118:9, NABRE)

C) Reflection:
All nations have leaders, some are great, some are poor. We pray to the Lord, our God,
in hopes that he will give all leaders, great and poor, the strength and the courage to do
what is right for all the people they look over, and to follow the word of God. We ask
that God may guide all leaders in the right direction, and that he helps the make
decisions that are right and just. We ask not just this, but that the people who pick the
leaders are able to see who God sees as best fit for being a leader and choose these
D) Prayer:
Oh God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Leader of leaders. Today we come before You to
ask for the guidance of all world leaders.

We pray to You, all knowing God, that You may guide all world leaders, both great and
poor. That You may show them what is best for their people. We pray that You give
them the faith and courage to make the right decisions, even in the face of adversity.
But above all, we pray that You will give them the power to be able to follow Your will.

Oh, loving God, we ask that You give all the world’s leaders, both great and poor, the
power to bring world peace. So, that the murder of Your people may cease.

Finally, we pray to You that You may give the people the power to choose who is best fit
to lead. That we may choose who is best for Your people, and for Your will. We ask of
you, oh Lord, that you give us the strength to follow the leaders that you choose, and to
do Your will.

We ask all of this in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit.

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