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Weekly Market Report As on 08.03.

International Highlights

Date US Cotton Index (Cents/ Pound) ZCE (Rmb/Tonne) Indian Cotton (Rs/ Maund)
1-Mar-18 81.72 15235 4230
2-Mar-18 82.15 15170 4230
5-Mar-18 84.86 15305 4240
6-Mar-18 85.17 15400 4310
7-Mar-18 83.03 15310 4270
8-Mar-18 83.33 4250
Market Roundup

US Cotton is hovering at 83.34 cents/pound level. Expected increases in exports would help to trim ending stocks for the US 500,000 to 5.5 million bales. In
India, There is good demand for Indian cotton from overseas markets this season. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Vietnam, Indonesia and various other countries are
buying cotton from India heavily this season. Around 40 lakh bales of cotton have been exported from the country so far and another 15-20 lakh bales are
expected to be exported by the end of this season. In North India, ready delivery new crop cotton traded at Rs 4,240-4,260 a maund. Gujarat Sankar-6, A-Grade
new crop (29 mm, 3.8 mic) cotton traded at Rs 41500-42000 per candy. while B-Grade crop cotton traded (28 mm) flat at Rs 39500-40000 per candy.

Forex Trend Summary

Date 1-Mar-18 2-Mar-18 5-Mar-18 6-Mar-18 7-Mar-18 8-Mar-18 % Change
US Dollar / INR 65.22 65.19 65 65 64.91 64.94 -0.43

USD Exchange today

Country Currency Rate
Australia Dollar 1.26
China RMB 6.66
Brazil Real 3.15
Europe Euro 0.85
UK Pound 0.78
Hong Kong HKD Dollar 7.82
Peru Peruvian Nuevo Sol 3.24
Pakistan Rupee 105.38
Bangladesh Taka 81.16

International Yarn Sales Trend

Market Count Price Demand Remarks
China Ne 32/1 CH 3.20- 3.25 USD/Kg Good Demand is good.
Ne 30/1 CH 3.25- 3.30 USD/Kg
Ne 30/1 Org 3.35-3.40 USD/Kg
Bangladesh Good Demand is good.
Ne 30/1 BCI 3.30-3.35 USD/Kg

Korea Ne 30/1 CH 3.25 USD/Kg Average Demand is average.

Europe Ne 30/1 CH 3.25-3.30 USD/Kg Average Demand is average.
Peru Ne 30/1 CH 3.25-3.30 USD/Kg Average Demand is average.
Brazil Ne 30/1 CH 3.25-3.30 USD/Kg Average Demand is average.
Egypt Ne 30/1 CH 3.30 USD/Kg Good Demand is good.
Domestic Indian Market Ne 30/1 CH Rs 215/Kg Average Demand is average.


Most of the A Grade mills are offering from Mid-May onwards shipments, while few Gujarat mills have end April Shipments for specific counts.

Technical Anaylsis and Forecasting

While the US Index is fluctuating in the range of 82-85 levels. It is affecting the overall buying sentiments of various buyers and also the
Physical Indian Cotton is increasing gradually and already crossed 42300 levels and availability is still a question, as International Traders
are actively procuring cotton at these levels. Majority of the mills in North India have cotton uncovered for at least 4 months and are unable
to do any procurement at these levels. Most of the Industry analysts feel that index won't breach 80-81 level and physical cotton won’t go
below 41000 bales level which would mean 30 combed not going below $ 3.2/kg levels in near future. The demand level in various active
markets like China, Bangladesh and Egypt seems to be good and Chinese traders are comfortably booking yarn for May delivery. We would
recommend our buyers to make some buying decision at current levels as we feel market has already hit the bottom 3 weeks back and seems
to stabilize at current levels only.
326-C BRS Nagar Ludhiana
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