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Information Letter to students and parents/or guardian

Dear student and parent/or guardian,

My name is Luke Trenorden and I am undertaking my Masters of Teaching at the

University of South Australia, specialising in Physical Education. I am about to undergo
my final teaching placement at your child’s school and this letter is to request your
permission to conduct my action research with your child during his/her physical
education class.

The objective of my research is to understand how different types of feedback impact

student performance and learning in physical education, as well as to improve my own
ability to deliver effective teacher feedback in different situations. Initially the students
will be asked to undertake a small questionnaire in the form of a survey (these
questions are also enclosed in this letter). Once the questionnaire is completed I will
undergo a four-week unit of basketball. The first week will involve undertaking
observations and seeking baseline levels of student performance. The second and third
week will be where my action research takes place, analysing student performance in a
pre/post test on different basketball techniques and comparing how different forms of
teacher feedback impacts the student performance. While this action research is taking
place both my mentor teacher and myself will be taking observations of your child and
taking notes on how their performance is changing as a result of the feedback I provide.
Additionally, since this action research is to benefit myself on a personal level, I will be
audio recording what I say during the lesson. I have chosen audio recording as a way of
collecting data as this will only record what I am saying and the students will remain
anonymous throughout the study. In week 4, I will collate all the data I have collected
and undertake another questionnaire survey with the students to see what their
perceptions of feedback are now that the study has finished. The questionnaires and
skill performance pre/post test will not affect their physical education grade in any way.

If yourself, or your child, do not wish to grant my permission, simply ignore this letter
and consent form. If you do grant permission, it is assured that all information will be
anonymous and your child may withdraw without penalty at any time. Participation in
this study will not interfere with students’ regular physical education class but rather
enhance and supplement the skills they are already expected to learn. I thank you for
the opportunity that your permission offers and appreciate your contribution to the
success of future educators. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to
contact me via email.


Luke Trenorden
The University of South Australia
Parent Informed Consent Form
Title of Research: How does teacher feedback impact student performance in physical education

This project has been approved by the University of South Australia’s Human Research Ethics Committee. If you have any
ethical concerns about the project or questions about your rights as a participant please contact
the Executive Officer of this Committee, Tel: +61 8 8302 3118; Email:
Researcher’s Full Name:
Contact Details:
Supervisor’s Full Name:
Contact Details:
Protocol Number:
Project Title:
Participant Certification

In signing this form, I confirm that:

 I have read the Participant Information Sheet and the nature and purpose of the research project has been explained to
me. I understand and agree to take part.
 I understand the purpose of the research project and my involvement in it.
 I understand that I may withdraw from the research project at any stage and that this will not affect my status now or
in the future.
 I understand that while information gained during the study may be published, I will not be identified and my personal
results will remain confidential, unless required by law. [If other arrangements have been agreed in relation to
identification of research participants, this point will require amendment to accurately reflect those arrangements.]
 I understand that I will be audiotaped / videotaped during the interview. [Delete this point if the interview will not be
 I understand that the tape will be [if tape is to be retained following the completion of the project, insert details of how
and where the tape will be stored, who will have access to it and what limits will be placed on that access]
 I understand the statement in the information sheet concerning payment to me for taking part in the study. [Omit this
point if no payment will be made.]
[NOTE: Participants under the age of 18 normally require parental consent to be involved in research. If appropriate, the
consent form should allow for those under the age of 18 to agree to their involvement and for a parent to give consent.]

Participant Signature Printed Name Date

Parental Consent

Parent/ Legal Guardian Signature Printed Name Date

Researcher Certification
I have explained the study to subject and consider that he/she understands what is involved.

Researcher Signature Printed Name Date

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