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Idiomatic Phrases Meanings

To build castles in the air To day-dream

The apple of one’s eye A favored person
To receive with open arms To welcome cordially
To take up arms To go to war
To keep a person at arm’s length To avoid being too familiar with a person
to have an axe to grind to have something to gain by an action
To back out To withdraw from an agreement
To have no backbone To have no will of one’s own
A bad egg A worthless person
To keep the ball rolling To keep things going
Like a bear with a sore head Very bad-tempered
To beat about the bush To talk in a roundabout way
To have a bee in one’s bonnet To have a crazy idea
To talk behind one’s back To talk without one’s knowing
To bell the cat To do something which is very dangerous
To hit bellow to belt To act unfairly towards an opponent
To be in black and white To write it down on paper
In cold blood Deliberately
Blood is thicker than water One usually takes the side of one’s relation
In the same boat In the same circumstances
To have a bone to pick To have something to say which may lead
to a quarrel
A book worm A person who always read
One’s bread and butter One’s livelihood
To make a clean breast of To confess all
To kick the bucket To die
To nip in the bud To stop something before it can develop
A red rag to a bull Something which angers a person
A bull in a china shop A very clumsy person or a person who is
very angry and destructive

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