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Ron Hubbard is known tape-recorded lectures.

L world over as the founder

of the Scientology reli-
gion. A truly international
figure, he reached out to
people in all lands and all cultures
with his philosophy, and
Scientology missions and churches
The universal acclaim for
the man — including thousands
of awards and recognitions and
the unprecedented popularity of
his works among people from all
walks of life — is but one indicator
of the effectiveness of his technolo-
now span five continents. gies. More importantly are the
That international growth millions world over who consider
began at a pivotal time in Mr. they have no better friend.
Hubbard’s life when he called Although long celebrated as an
Europe home. Throughout the author and explorer, it was the
1950s, as the vanguard of the 1950 publication of Dianetics: the
Scientology movement, he would Modern Science of Mental Health
regularly traverse the Atlantic to that initially focused world atten-
Europe, touring the continent, tion on L. Ron Hubbard. That
establishing new centres and book, which marked a turning
delivering lectures. In 1959, when point in history, provided the first
expansion in both Europe and workable approach to solving the
abroad created the need for a problems of the mind, the first
truly international training and hope that something could be
Photographed by L. Ron Hubbard administrative centre, Mr. Hubbard done about the causes of war,
purchased the southern England crime, insanity and other irrational
country estate of Saint Hill. It behaviour. Dianetics is something
In 1959, L. Ron Hubbard made
Saint Hill Manor in Sussex (above) was from here he directed the that anyone can use to help
his home. There he raised his family, worldwide expansion of improve himself and his fellows.
spearheaded local community Scientology and established For just that reason, shortly after
betterment initiatives, established the the Saint Hill College, offering the book was released in the
Saint Hill College and directed the ministerial graduate courses. United States and Great Britain,
international expansion activities Today, the works of L. Ron Williams College Professor of
of the Scientology religion. Hubbard are studied and applied Government, Dr. Frederick L.
around the world — a vast body of Schuman declared in The New
knowledge comprised of more York Times, ”History has become
than 5,000 writings and 3,000 a race between Dianetics and

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catastrophe. Dianetics will win, if youth he exemplified a rare sense

“L. Ron enough people are challenged in of purpose and dedication which,
Hubbard time to understand it.” combined with his adventurous
Although most men might spirit, made him a living legend.
has made have been satisfied with such an His life-long search for answers to
real, positive accomplishment, L. Ron Hubbard the human condition was equally
did not stop at Dianetics. Yes, he adventurous, for unlike other
and had solved the riddle of the human philosophers content to view events
undoubtedly mind, but there still remained ques- from an ivory tower, he knew that to
tions on the nature of the human really understand man, one had to
lasting being himself — puzzles concerning be part of life. One had to rub
that long-sought-after “something” elbows with all kinds and types
contributions.” we call life. From Mr. Hubbard’s of people. And one had to explore
methodical and exacting research the nooks and crannies of all
into just that realm — the spiritual existence. By any measure, it was
— Peter Stoker, Director nature of man — came the applied an immensely full and interesting
National Drug Alliance religion of Scientology. It provided life. The pages that follow attempt
London the means to not only greater to offer some sense of that life, but
happiness, ability and awareness the true value of it lies in the legacy
but practical remedies to such that he left mankind.
seemingly hopeless social problems He said it best himself, when he
as drug abuse, the decline of moral wrote, “I have gone through the
standards and illiteracy. world studying man in order to
How exactly L. Ron Hubbard understand him and he, not my
arrived at the founding of Dianetics adventures in doing so, is the
and Scientology is a vast story and important thing… . My intentions in
actually begins long before the life did not include making a story
publication of his first book on the of myself. I only wanted to know
subject. Indeed, even in his early man and understand him.”

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L. Ron Hubbard in
Paris, 1953.

“I have lived no
cloistered life and hold
in contempt the wise man
who has not lived and the
scholar who will not share.
“There have been
many wiser men than I,
but fewer have travelled
as much road.
“I have seen life from
the top down and the
bottom up. I know how
it looks both ways. And
I know there is wisdom
and that there is hope.”
— L. Ron Hubbard

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L. Ron Hubbard
The early years

“Of all the various on of naval commander at the age of three and a half,
Harry Ross Hubbard he soon faced such dangers,
information which
and Ledora May escaping a pack of coyotes astride
became important to me Hubbard, Lafayette his mare named Nancy Hanks.
... the basis of it was laid Ronald Hubbard was L. Ron Hubbard’s mother was
in scouting. I am very born on March 13, 1911 in a rarity in her time. A thoroughly
Tilden, Nebraska. At the age of educated woman, who had
indebted to a great two, he and his family took up attended teacher’s college prior
many, very fine men residence on a ranch outside to her marriage to Ron’s father,
who gave their time and Kalispell, Montana, and from she was aptly suited to tutor her
attention to a restless, there moved to the state’s young son. Under her guidance,
capital, Helena. Ron was reading and writing at
boisterous and As a young boy he learned an early age, and soon feeding
extremely active boy much about survival in the rugged his insatiable curiosity about life
and teenager, and I must Far West — with what he called with the works of Shakespeare,
“its do-and-dare attitudes, its wry the Greek philosophers and
have tried their patience
humour, cowboy pranks, and other classics.
many times but I never make-nothing of the worst and When his father’s naval
heard of it from them.” most dangerous.” Riding horses career necessitated that the

— L. Ron Hubbard

Young Ron and his father,

Harry Ross Hubbard, fishing
on one of their many treks
from their Montana home to
Harry Ross’ naval station
in California.

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Mastering each survival skill

chronicled in his scout book (below),
Ron at the age 13 became America’s
youngest Eagle Scout.

family leave Montana for a series man, who was, as he wrote, our bestowed on few white men.
of cross-country journeys, Ron’s an “outlaw and interesting, a In early 1923, when Ron was
mother was also on hand to help full-fledged Blackfoot Medicine twelve, he and his family moved to
him make up what he missed Man... a small boy’s dream.” Washington state, where his father
in school. Establishing a unique friendship was stationed at the local naval
It was also through these early with the normally taciturn Indian, base. He joined the Boy Scouts
years Ron first encountered Ron was soon initiated into the and that year proudly achieved
another culture, that of the various secrets of the tribe, their the rank of Boy Scout First Class.
Blackfoot Indians, then still living legends, customs and methods of The next year he became America’s
in isolated settlements on the survival in a harsh environment. At youngest Eagle Scout* ever, an
outskirts of Helena. His particular the age of six, he became a blood early indication that he did not
friend was an elderly medicine brother of the Blackfeet, an hon- plan to live an ordinary life.

*Eagle Scout — highest award in American scouting.

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On the road to discovery
Travels to the Orient

The inquisitive
Ron had his first
introduction to the
principles of Freudian
psychoanalysis through
his friendship with a
U.S. Navy Commander
Thompson, whom he
met aboard ship on a
late 1923 trip to
Washington, D.C.

Late 1923 — Washington, D.C.

t the end of 1923, essentials of Freudian theory

A young Ron travelled to his young friend. “Through

to Washington, D.C. his friendship,” Ron noted, “I
via the Panama attended many lectures given at
Canal, meeting naval hospitals and generally
Commander Joseph C. became conversant with
Thompson of the U.S. Navy psychoanalysis as it had been
Medical Corps. Commander exported from Austria by Freud.”
Thompson was the first officer Although keenly interested in
sent by the U.S. Navy to study the commander’s lessons, Ron
under Sigmund Freud, and took it was also left with many
upon himself to pass on the unanswered questions.

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Finding classrooms too

confining, Ron ventured far
abroad, travelling the Orient aboard
vessels such as the USS Henderson
(below). Among the many photographs
he took were the intriguing temple
of one thousand Buddhas (right) and
the Empress Dowager Cixi’s Summer
Palace (below right), both in Beijing.
Photographed by L. Ron Hubbard

At the age
of sixteen,
young Ron took
the first of
several trips
across the Pacific
to Asia, during
which he
to study
Far Eastern

Photographed by L. Ron Hubbard

In 1927, at the age of sixteen, last of the line of Chinese

Ron took the first of his several magicians from the court of
voyages across the Pacific to Kublai Khan.
Asia. There, both on his own and Although primarily renowned
in the company of an officer as an entertainer, Old Mayo was
attached to the British legation, also well versed in China’s
he took advantage of this unique ancient wisdom that had been
opportunity to study Far Eastern handed down from generation to
culture. Among others he generation. Ron passed many
befriended and learned from was evenings in the company of such
a thoroughly insightful Beijing wise men, eagerly absorbing
magician who represented the their words.

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Ron’s first Pacific crossings took him to the

jungles of Guam, the coastlines of China
and the Hills of the Himalayas. At age 17,
he captured seven turns of the Great Wall
of China in a rare photograph (below) he
shot near Nan-k’ou Pass, west of Beijing.
His Asian photographs were purchased by
the international photography house,
Underwood & Underwood, and by
National Geographic.
1928 — Guam

Through the course

of his Asian travels,
Ron gained access to
rarely seen Buddhist
monasteries in the
Western Hills of
China. His time spent
in the company of
monks and Chinese
elders proved an
invaluable experience
in his quest to find
answers to the
human dilemma.

Photographed by L. Ron Hubbard

1928 — Guam; Photographed by L. Ron Hubbard
It was also through the course he spent much of his time
of these travels that Ron gained investigating and questioning,
access to the much talked-about seeking answers to the human
but rarely seen Buddhist dilemma.
lamaseries in the Western Hills of Beyond the lamasery walls, he
China — temples usually closely examined the surrounding
off-limits to both local peasants culture. In addition to the local
and visiting foreigners. Tartar tribes, he spent time with
Among other wonders, Ron nomadic bandits originally from
told of watching monks meditate Mongolia. He further travelled
for weeks on end, contemplating up and down the China coast
higher truths. Once again then, exploring villages and cities,

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Ron at the Forbidden City

(Beijing, 1928) before returning
to Washington to continue
his formal education.

delving into the fabric of more than the rushing of

the nation. underground water. At the age of
And everywhere he went, there In the South Pacific islands, nineteen, long
was one question uppermost in Ron continued his search by
his mind: “Why?” Why so much venturing deep into the jungles of before the advent
human suffering and misery? Why Guam where he located an of commercial flight,
was man, with all his ancient ancient Polynesian burial ground,
wisdom and knowledge a place steeped in the tradition of Ron had travelled
accumulated in learned texts and heroic warriors and kings. Though more than a quarter
temples, unable to solve such his native friends were fearful for
basic problems as war, insanity him, he explored the sacred area of a million miles,
and unhappiness? — his initiative drawn from an including voyages
In pursuing the answer to unquenchable desire to know more.
these questions, by the age of These sojourns in Asia and the not only to China, but
nineteen, long before the advent Pacific islands had a profound
of commercial airplane or jet effect, giving Ron a subjective
also Japan, Guam,
transportation, he had travelled understanding of Eastern the Philippines and
more than a quarter of a million philosophy.
miles, including voyages not only Yet for all the wonders of these
other points of
to China but also Japan, Guam, lands and all his respect for those interest.
the Philippines and other points whom he encountered, he still
in the Orient. In a very real sense, saw much that concerned him:
the world itself was his classroom, Chinese beggars willing
and he studied in it voraciously, themselves to die above open
recording what he saw and graves in Beijing, children who
learned in his ever-present diaries, wore less than rags, widespread
which he carefully preserved for ignorance and despair. And in the
future reference. end, he came to the inescapable
Everywhere he went, he also conclusion that despite the
took the time to help and teach wisdom of its ancient texts, the
others. On a remote Pacific East did not have the answers to
island, for example, he proved to the miseries of the human
the terrified natives that the condition. This remained evident
groans of a ghost in a supposedly in the degradation and sorrow of
haunted cave were nothing its people.

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Exploring the riddles
of existence
The university years

L. Ron Hubbard (top row, second from right) with fraternity brothers at George Washington University

eturning to the United ethnology, since he was already an matics would serve him well in
States in the autumn of expert in many different cultures — undertaking a scientific approach to
1929, Ron resumed his from the Philippine pygmies to the solving the riddles of existence and
formal education. After Kayan shamans of Borneo to the realising man’s spiritual potential.
attending Swavely Prep Chamorros of Guam. But fate and Theorising that the world of
School in Manassas, Virginia, he his father placed him, fortunately, subatomic particles might possibly
graduated from the Woodward in mathematics and engineering provide a clue to the human
School for Boys in Washington, D.C. instead. With his knowledge of many thought process, he enrolled in one
He enrolled at George cultures and his growing awareness of the first nuclear physics courses
Washington University. His university of the human condition, his back- taught in the United States.
major should probably have been ground in engineering and mathe- Moreover, he was concerned for

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s In addition to studying in
one of America’s first nuclear
physics programmes at George
Washington University, Ron wrote
for The University Hatchet, scripted
radio dramas, performed
ballads and reported for the
Washington Herald.

the safety of the world, recognising Reasoning that questions aris- While attending
that if man were to handle the ing from his experiments would
atom sanely for the greatest best be answered by those who George Washington
benefit, he would first have to learn were paid to know about the mind, University, Ron
to handle himself. His aim, then, Ron took these discoveries to the
was to synthesise and test all psychology department. Rather embarked on a
knowledge for what was observable, than answers, however, he found
workable and could truly help solve that George Washington
personal search
man’s problems. And to that end, University psychologists had no for answers to the
he set out to determine precisely comprehension or understanding
how the mind functioned. of the results — but more impor-
questions about
In one of his first pioneering tantly — they weren’t even inter- man’s spiritual
experiments on the subject, he ested in such things.
employed a sound wave Stunned, he soon came to the potential and
measuring device called a “Koenig realisation that no one knew how existence.
photometer.” Two students read the mind worked. And furthermore,
poetry from extremely different no one in the fields of psychology
languages — Japanese and or psychiatry was about to find out.
English — into the device. He Not only were there no answers
found that the device identified in the East, there were none to
the speech as poetry regardless of be found in any Western centre
language. When haiku was read in of culture.
the original Japanese, the “To be very blunt,” he put it, “it
wavelengths produced by the was very obvious that I was dealing
Koenig photometer were the same with and living in a culture which
as those produced when English knew less about the mind than the
verse was read. lowest primitive tribe I had ever
Here, then, he concluded, was come in contact with. Knowing also
scientific evidence that people that people in the East were not
were not so different as he had able to reach as deeply and
been led to believe, that there was predictably into the riddles of the
indeed a meeting ground, and all mind as I had been led to expect,
minds did in fact respond I knew I would have to do a lot
identically to the same stimuli. of research.”

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Research & revelations
Expeditions and literary fame

“L. Ron Hubbard needs no eciding that formal popular we have published. Several
introduction. From the letters study had nothing more of you have wondered, too, how he
to offer, L. Ron gets the splendid colour which
you [readers] send in, his yarns Hubbard left college in always characterises his stories of
are among the most popular the depths of the the faraway places. The answer is:
we have published.” Depression, again taking his quest He’s been there, brothers. He’s
— Editor,
to learn about life out into the world. been and seen and done. And
Thrilling Adventures He said of this period, “ writing plenty of all three.”
magazine, 1934 financed research and this included While continuing to write for his
expeditions which were conducted in New York editors — as well as pen-
order to investigate primitive peoples ning screenplays for Hollywood,
“The instant his stories to see if I could find a common such as Secret of Treasure Island —
appeared on the newsstands denominator of existence which he never stopped his vital researches
they became part of every fan’s would be workable.” into man.
cultural heritage.” He directed two expeditions, L. Ron Hubbard was searching
the Caribbean Motion Picture for a principle that would lead to the
— Frederik Pohl, Expedition, a two-and-a-half month, unification of knowledge and explain
Renowned author 5,000-mile voyage aboard the four- the meaning of existence —
masted schooner, Doris Hamlin, and something other philosophers had
the West Indies Mineralogical set out to find in the past with
Expedition, which completed the first varying degrees of success. In fact,
mineralogical survey of the island of many Western philosophers had given
Puerto Rico under U.S. rule. Upon up on the idea that different peoples
his return to the United States, and held anything in common and were
with scientific grants few and far no longer even asking questions
between, he began to write his way about the life force or the essence of
to fame and fortune, supporting his life. Man had become just another
research by becoming one of the animal, mere flesh and bones.
most popular writers of the 1930s. Yet Mr. Hubbard saw man in a
The editor of Thrilling very different light. Although he had
Adventures, one of the more than no name for it yet, he felt certain that
30 magazines Ron headlined, life was more than a random series of
wrote in October 1934, “L. Ron chemical reactions, and that some
Hubbard needs no introduction. sort of intelligent urge underlay our
From the letters you send in, his actions. Organising the tremendous
yarns are among the most body of data he had acquired —

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Writing prolifically through

the 1930s for more than 30
different publications — and
screenplays for Hollywood, such
as Secret of Treasure Island —
L. Ron Hubbard also searched
for and isolated the single,
basic common denominator
of existence: SURVIVE.

“Somehow Ron knew

things that twenty-five-
year-olds weren’t
supposed to know —
how men thought, what
was in their hearts and
the goals they fought
for. And he knew the
time when you had to
take a beating if you
were going to win out
in the end.”
— Richard Kyle
Editor, Argosy magazine

from his travels, research and exper- The predominant theory of the written ten thousand words, then I
iments — he embarked upon a new time held that life was simply a knew even more clearly. I
experimental path, this time to chance chain reaction in a sea of destroyed the ten thousand and
determine how cells functioned. ammonia. Disproving this materialistic began to write again.”
And following an elaborate series of belief and forming the basis for all his The response of those who
experiments in early 1938, he made later work, his findings were compiled read this manuscript was
a breakthrough of magnitude — he into a philosophic manuscript, dramatic, and more than a few
isolated the common denominator Excalibur, written during the first publishers eagerly sought to
of existence: SURVIVE. weeks of 1938. publish it. He declined. “Excalibur
That man was surviving was Recalling his work on this first of did not contain a therapy of any
not a new idea. That this was the many manuscripts on the subject of kind but was simply a discussion of
single basic common denominator life, he noted, “I began to hammer the composition of life. I decided
of existence was. out that secret and when I had to go further,” he added.

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Explorer and master m
Further research; war intervenes
“To know life
you’ve got to be
part of life, you must
get down there and
look. You must get into
the nooks and crannies
of existence, and you
must rub elbows with
all kinds and types of
men before you can
finally establish
what man is.”
— L. Ron Hubbard
1940 — British Columbia coast, Alaska bound

r. Hubbard contin- of what came to be known as the himself noted, the expedition
ued to fund his “Golden Age of Science Fiction.” provided an opportunity to examine
research by his ever His expeditions continued as well. the mythological cycles of “the Aleut
more popular fiction Elected a member of the prestigious and Tlingit Indians as well as the
writing. His stories Explorers Club in New York City, Haidas, the last being very close to
and novels spanned every genre he was bestowed custody of its flag, the white race. I was particularly very
from adventure and travel to mys- a high honour in the field of interested in their stories and legends
tery, western, romance, science exploration, for the Alaskan Radio concerning the Great Flood, having
fiction and fantasy. Writing not of Experimental Expedition in May found this legend in almost any
machines and robots but of real 1940. This expedition greatly assisted primitive race I have met.”
people and real adventures, he pio- in the codification of the coastal In December 1940, L. Ron
neered a whole new era of science charts of British Columbia and Hubbard earned his “License to
fiction writing as one of the creators Alaska. Also, as Mr. Hubbard Master of Steam and Motor Vessels”

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The Explorers Club (right),

headquartered in New York,
provided support for some of the
20th century’s most daring
expeditions, including L. Ron Hubbard’s
2,000-mile 1940 voyage to
re-chart the treacherous inland
passage waters off the coast of
British Columbia and Alaska.

“L. Ron Hubbard

is a man whose
contributions are
impossible to
— Pavel Popovich,

from the U.S. Department of When the U.S. entered World vowed to redouble his efforts to
Commerce. Three months later, he War II, Mr. Hubbard was commis- create a saner world. With this same
obtained a second certificate sioned as a lieutenant (junior grade) sense of compassion, he also did all
attesting to his marine skill: “License in the U.S. Navy and served as a he could to safeguard his crews,
to Master of Sail Vessels, Any Ocean.” commander of corvettes. He saw prompting one of his men to write:
Throughout all of this, however, action in both the Atlantic and “I feel I owe you a tremendous
Mr. Hubbard was continuing in his Pacific, and thoroughly distinguished debt of gratitude. First for your
quest to answer the riddles of man. himself in the eyes of those who acquaintance. Secondly because
His writings and explorations had the served beneath him. Yet he was not you have portrayed to me all the
purpose of financing his researches a man who enjoyed war, and having attributes of a ‘story book’ naval
and expanding his knowledge of the seen enough killing to last him a officer. I can see for myself that you
world and life. lifetime — and the effects of that were an officer and a gentleman
Then came the war. bloodshed on men’s sanity — he long before Congress decided so.”

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Developing a science
of the mind

“The most important n 1945, left partially blind with the mind was capable of putting this
injured optic nerves and lame much restraint upon the physical
thing that I would from hip and back injuries, Mr. body then obviously the fact that was
Hubbard was hospitalised at commonly held to be true, that
identify L. Ron Hubbard Oak Knoll Naval Hospital in structure monitors function, would
Oakland, California. Among the be false. I set out to prove this.... I
with is the ability of 5,000 Navy and Marine Corps was not interested in endocrinology
individuals to learn to patients at Oak Knoll were hundreds but in resolving whether or not
of former American prisoners function monitored structure or
live a better life and to liberated from Japanese camps on structure monitored function.”
South Pacific islands. Many were in In case after case, he found that
contribute to making terrible condition from starvation by utilising techniques he had
and other causes, unable to developed, previously unresponsive
the planet Earth a assimilate protein. patients immediately improved with
In an attempt to resolve this medical treatment once the mental
better, healthier place.”
problem, Navy physicians were blocks were removed.
administering the male hormone, In fact, function did monitor
— Irving Sarnoff, President testosterone. This medical treat- structure. As Mr. Hubbard noted at
Friends of the United Nations ment, however, was not getting the time, “Thought was boss.”
effective results on all patients, and This was a revolutionary concept,
Mr. Hubbard utilised the opportunity cutting across misconceptions that
to not only help his fellow service- had plagued Eastern philosophy and
1945 — Oak Knoll Naval Hospital men, but to test a theory he had science for centuries.
developed in application. With peace restored at war’s end,
“All I was trying to establish,” he Mr. Hubbard immediately set out to
wrote, “was whether or not the mind further test the workability of his
regulated the body or the body breakthroughs. This was intensive
regulated the mind. Therefore, if on research. For subjects he selected
some of these patients hormones did people from all walks of life — in
not work and on some of them they Hollywood, where he worked with
did, there might be a mental reason. actors and writers; in Savannah,
If those patients on whom it did not Georgia, where he helped deeply
work had a severe mental block, disturbed inmates in a mental
then it was obvious that regardless hospital; and in Washington, D.C.,
of the amount of hormone or New York City, New Jersey,
medical treatment the person Pasadena, Los Angeles and Seattle.
received, he would not get well. If In all, he personally helped over 400
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Applying the basic

principles of Dianetics he
developed in the post war
years, L. Ron Hubbard not
only aided other injured war
veterans, but by 1949 had also
recovered from his own combat
wounds — and published his
original thesis of Dianetics.

“All I was trying

to establish was
whether or not the
mind regulated the
body or the body
regulated the
mind,” stated
Mr. Hubbard of his
post-war research.
His conclusion:
“Thought was boss.”

individuals before 1950, with spec- not offer it for publication. He gave a Shortly thereafter, he found himself
tacular results. And he used the copy or two to some friends, and they literally deluged with letters requesting
same procedures to overcome the promptly duplicated it and sent it to more information on the application
injuries and wounds he himself had their friends who, in turn, made of his breakthroughs. Hoping to make
received, fully recovering his health copies and sent it to others. In this his discoveries available to the broad
by 1949. way, passed hand to hand, Dianetics public, and at the insistence of those
Returning to Washington, D.C., on its own became known the world working with him at the time, he
Mr. Hubbard compiled his sixteen over. Word spread that he had made offered his findings to the American
years of investigation into the human a revolutionary breakthrough. Medical Association and the
condition, writing the manuscript L. Ron Hubbard had found the American Psychiatric Association. The
Dianetics: The Original Thesis (today source of human aberration and response was most enlightening. Not
published under the title The had developed a technique of the only did the health care establishment
Dynamics of Life), a paper outlining mind that worked. Dianetics claim no interest in his work, they
the principles he was using. He did was born. declined to even examine his results.
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The book that started a
a movement
Dianetics: The Modern Science o
of MentalHealth
“The impact
of Dianetics means
the world will never
be the same again.
History has become
a race between
Dianetics and
catastrophe. Dianetics
will win if enough people
are challenged, in time,
to understand it.”

— Frederick L. Schuman
Professor, Williams
College, USA

An early demonstration by L. Ron Hubbard

Author with first edition of Dianetics techniques

Ron Hubbard’s friends the subject of Dianetics but, January 31, 1950. “A new science
and associates were nonetheless, didn’t want it. which works with the invariability of
aghast at the responses And so the decision was made. physical science in the field of the
from the bastions of L. Ron Hubbard would go directly human mind. From all indications, it
healing. On the one hand to the public with a handbook, will prove to be as revolutionary for
there were hundreds of case histo- detailing his discoveries and the humanity as the first caveman’s
ries with rave testimonials from techniques he had developed. discovery and utilisation of fire.”
those who had studied and used Never before had there been such a Winchell’s prediction proved correct.
Dianetics and thousands of letters text on the mind, a work expressly Dianetics: The Modern Science
from people wanting to know more. written for the man on the street. of Mental Health was published on
On the other hand were the few “There is something new coming May 9, 1950. The response was
“experts,” who had resorted to 220 up in April called Dianetics,” wrote instantaneous and overwhelming.
volts of electricity to cure problems national newspaper and magazine Almost overnight the book became
of the mind, who had never studied columnist Walter Winchell on a bestseller, with 25,000 letters
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Dianetics took the U.S. by

storm in 1950 — witnessed by
capacity lecture audiences,
national headlines and top
bestseller lists.

Almost overnight,
Dianetics became
a nationwide
bestseller, with
25,000 letters and
telegrams pouring
into the publisher.
The book hit The
New York Times
bestseller list and
stayed there month
after month, forever
changing millions
of lives.

and telegrams of congratulation The publication of Dianetics: Thus, instead of exploring

that would pour in to the publisher The Modern Science of Mental islands off Greece, he soon
from not only the United States, Health ushered in a new era of found himself lecturing on
but then also Canada, United hope for mankind, and with it a Dianetics to packed halls
Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy new phase of L. Ron Hubbard’s across America. It was also
and Japan. The book hit The New life. The first indication that he was at this time that the first
York Times bestseller list, where it to be a public figure came Hubbard Dianetics Research
remained week after week, month immediately after the release of Foundation was formed in
after month. Dianetics was then Dianetics. Although Mr. Hubbard Elizabeth, New Jersey, and
published abroad — first in had originally planned yet another people began arriving in
the United Kingdom and Italy expedition following the completion droves from North and South
— forever changing L. Ron of his book, so great was the America and Europe to study
Hubbard’s life and, as we shall popular response to his work that the new techniques and find
see, the lives of millions. he had to change those plans. out more about the subject.
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Founding the
Scientology religion
Rediscovery of the human soul
the goal
of religion
in all man’s
written history,
the freeing
of the soul by
— L. Ron Hubbard

Ron Hubbard’s delineates the emotional scales
research continued, of individuals, and provides
and in March 1951 he precise procedures to bring
completed his next anyone to the highest level and
book, Science of thus ultimate survival.
Survival. In this 500-page work, he In 1951 he wrote a total of six
further explored the nature of books, continuing to research and
thought and life, offering readers perfect the technologies of
an understanding of, and a new Dianetics with which he had
means to predict, human resolved the problems of the
behaviour. The book is oriented human mind. But this still left
around the Hubbard Chart of many unanswered questions,
Human Evaluation, which exactly questions which man had been

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The Hubbard Association

of Scientologists International
(below) soon grew from its founding
membership in the USA and England
to active members on every continent.
Meanwhile, the Founding Church of
Scientology, established in Washington,
D.C. (bottom) in March 1955, was the
site of Mr. Hubbard’s organisational
breakthroughs, many sparking
expansion that has continued
worldwide ever since.

“Words cannot
express my undying
appreciation to
Mr. L. Ron Hubbard
for fulfilling the
prophesies of long
ago and bringing to
man the way to
spiritual freedom.”
— Fumio Sawada,
Eighth holder of the secrets
of Yu-itsu Shinto
(Japan’s oldest religion)

pondering since the beginning of of the human spirit. This track of nature of Mr. Hubbard’s work
recorded history. “The further one research, begun so many years through these years, it was only
investigated,” he wrote, “the earlier as a young man travelling natural that those surrounding
more one came to understand the globe in search of answers to him would come to see them-
that here, in this creature Homo life, was to span the next three selves not only as students of a
sapiens, were entirely too decades. And as breakthrough new philosophy but also as stu-
many unknowns.” after breakthrough was codified, dents of a new religion. And so, in
And so, within a year and a Scientology was born, giving man, 1954, Scientologists in Los
half of the release of Dianetics: for the first time, a route to higher Angeles established the first
The Modern Science of Mental levels of awareness, understand- Church of Scientology. L. Ron
Health, L. Ron Hubbard had ing and ability that anyone Hubbard founded the subject —
embarked upon another journey could travel. early Scientologists began
of discovery — entering the realm Given the inherently religious the Church.

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The worldwide
growth of a religion
As more and more people Scientology. There, in addition
“The trail is discovered his breakthroughs, to his constant writing and
blazed, the routes Scientology churches sprang up lecturing, he began intensively
rapidly around the world — in training Scientologists from
are sufficiently the United States, Canada, around the world so they, in
mapped for you Australia, United Kingdom, turn, might return to their
Europe and South Africa. homelands and teach others.
to voyage in safety Meanwhile, through his writings The mid-1960s saw him
into your own mind and lectures, he continued to develop a step-by-step route
make his discoveries available for anyone to reach states of
and recover there to those who sought answers. higher awareness. He also
your full inherent In 1959, Mr. Hubbard and codified administrative
his family moved to England, principles for the operation of
potential, which is where he purchased Saint Hill Scientology churches — work
Manor in East Grinstead, that brought about the
not, we know, low Sussex. This was to be his expansion of the Scientology
but very, very high.” home for the next seven movement on every continent.
years, and the worldwide On September 1, 1966, with
— L. Ron Hubbard headquarters of the Church of Scientology established as a

Since Mr. Hubbard’s

earliest days on
this continent, European
Scientologists have brought
the practical benefits of the
Scientology religion to
the man on the street.

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At Saint Hill Manor, south of

London, Mr. Hubbard intensively
trained Scientologists not
only from Europe but around
the world so they, in turn,
might return to their
homelands and teach others.

One of L. Ron Hubbard’s 437 Saint Hill lectures

worldwide religion, Mr. Hubbard the highest levels of spiritual

resigned his position as awareness and ability. On the
Executive Director of the Church threshold of breakthroughs that
and stepped down from the had never before been
boards of all Church envisaged, he took to the sea, in
corporations in order to fully part to continue his work in an
devote himself to researches into undistracted environment.

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The lasting legacy
Solutions for a brighter future

“The Scientology
movement is not pushed
by one man, it is pushed
by millions.
“If you champion the
dignity and freedom of
mankind, you are a
Scientologist at heart
if not by name... .
“We believe in
mankind. We can
and are helping man, our
countries and society.
“We‘re not ‘one man.’
We are millions and we
are everywhere.”
— L. Ron Hubbard
Building mutual respect, tolerance and human rights for all

n board ship for the around the world as the most settling in the southern California
next seven years, L. Ron effective in existence. It was also desert community of La Quinta
Hubbard again trav- during this period that he near Palm Springs, his home until
elled extensively, while developed the highest levels of 1979. There, searching for new
devoting his attention Scientology, refinements of applica- ways to make Dianetics and
to ever-worsening problems facing tion, new administrative principles, Scientology more easily accessible,
society through the late 1960s and and advances in the field of logic. he wrote dozens of training films on
early 1970s. Of special note from Returning to shore in 1975, Mr. these subjects to visually demon-
this period is the drug rehabilitation Hubbard continued his travels — strate proper application of technical
programme he developed, recog- first from Florida to Washington, principles. He directed many of
nised today by authoritative studies D.C. and Los Angeles before finally these films himself.

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Long concerned with Returning to his more serious

accelerating social decay, in 1980 work with continued research into
Mr. Hubbard wrote a nonreligious man’s spiritual potentials, Mr.
moral code based on common Hubbard travelled extensively
sense. Published in booklet form, through California in the early
it is entitled The Way to Happiness. 1980s. In 1983, he took up
e In explanation of this work, he
said, “Reading the papers and
residence in the town of Creston,
near San Luis Obispo. Here he
wandering around in the society, it completed his research and
was pretty obvious that honesty finalised the Scientology technical
and truth were not being held up materials he had spent most of his
to the standards they once had. life developing. “[L. Ron
People and even little kids in Today, those materials are Hubbard]
schools have gotten the idea that recorded in the tens of millions of
high moral standards are a thing words on the subject of the human developed a
of the past. Man has in his hands spirit, which comprise Dianetics and spiritual technology
today a lot of violent weapons. He Scientology philosophy. The over 25
doesn’t have the moral standards million words of his lectures — just
which leads to
to go with them.” those that are on tape — are ‘freeing’ the being ...
Loudly applauded by community enough to fill over 100 volumes and returns to him
and civic groups around the world, of text.
The Way to Happiness soon spread In fact, it may well be that his complete
across the planet. An entire L. Ron Hubbard’s works include awareness
grassroots movement formed to more literature, recorded research and his spiritual
disseminate and use the booklet to and materials than any other single
uplift the decency and integrity of subject of philosophy, the spirit or freedom....”
man. To date, more than 62 million religion. All of these materials are
copies have been distributed, with available to anyone who desires an — Urbano Alonso Galan,
millions more being demanded improvement in his life. Well over Theologian-philosopher, former
each year. 150 million of his books are in interfaith advisor to the Vatican
Also in 1980, Mr. Hubbard circulation today.
found time to resume his fiction Having fully completed his
career. Celebrating his 50th anniver- research and seen its broad
sary as a professional writer, he application expand to five conti-
turned his prodigious energy to the nents and over 60 countries,
authoring of Battlefield Earth: A improving the lives of millions of
Saga of the Year 3000. This epic sci- people, L. Ron Hubbard departed
ence fiction novel was followed by this life on January 24, 1986.
the ten-volume Mission Earth opus, Instead of an end, however, it
a satirical romp through the foibles marked the beginning of an
of our civilisation. All eleven books unprecedented expansion of
went on to become New York Times the religion of Scientology
and international bestsellers, a con- around the world, as more
secutive bestseller record unmatched and more people benefit from
by any writer in history. his technologies.

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L. Ron Hubbard
Shaping the 21st century
with effective solutions

s just one indication thousands of professionals in

“I have gone
of Mr. Hubbard’s industry, business and community
through the world continued affairs to bring sanity and
studying man in popularity, fully 38 stability to their workplaces
years after its initial and their groups.
order to understand publication, Dianetics: The Every day, Mr. Hubbard’s
him and he, not my Modern Science of Mental Health discoveries on the subject of
achieved the unheard of, returning ethics help bring new order into
adventures in doing so, to the top of The New York Times people’s lives, into their families,
is the important thing... bestseller list in 1988. It still rides their communities and their
on bestseller lists around the world environment. A long-confused
My intentions in life did to this day and has thus far sold subject, it has been endowed with
not include making a more than 20 million copies. new clarity and workability.
No less dramatic was the Today, millions of people are
story of myself. I only popular acceptance of using his principles and are
wanted to know man Mr. Hubbard’s other discoveries. finding they work. There is the
To date, for example, over a mayor in Hungary who used
and understand him.” quarter of a million people attest Mr. Hubbard’s administrative
to having been freed from the breakthroughs to revive his city;
— L. Ron Hubbard effects of drugs, utilising his reha- there is the Swedish diplomat who
bilitation methods in centres uses Mr. Hubbard’s technology to
across Europe, Asia, Africa and help his friends and associates with
the Americas, including the world’s their daily problems; there is the
largest drug rehabilitation and German professor who uses Mr.
training facility in Oklahoma, USA. Hubbard’s fiction works in literary
For many more throughout the classes; and there is the French
world — two million in South teacher using Mr. Hubbard’s edu-
Africa alone — the name L. Ron cation breakthroughs to help teach
Hubbard means literacy and an her students.
ability to learn any subject, thanks And through this
to his developments in the field application, L. Ron Hubbard’s
of study. dream, a dream that perhaps
His breakthroughs in summarises the hopes of thinking
administration have enabled men throughout the ages —

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L. Ron Hubbard’s
dream, a dream
that perhaps summarises
the hopes of thinking
men throughout the
ages — “a civilisation
without insanity, without
criminals and without
war, where the able can
prosper and honest
beings can have rights,
and where man is
free to rise to greater
heights” — is not only
possible but has
become attainable.

“a civilisation without insanity, cannot understand the man with-

without criminals and without out understanding Scientology —
war, where the able can prosper for it is his work and his work
and honest beings can have alone.
rights, and where man is free to Every few hundred or a
rise to greater heights” — not thousand years, some genius
only is possible but has become rises and man takes a new step
attainable. toward a better life, a better
Although one can enjoy the culture.
benefits of Scientology without Such a man is L. Ron Hubbard,
fully knowing Mr. Hubbard, one the founder of Scientology.

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Discover the facts

Informational brochure series about the Scientology
religion and its activities r

his is the sixth in a
series of publications
relating to the
Scientology religion.
Twelve in all, these
brochures are being widely
distributed, one each month,
throughout the year.
Published by the Church of
Scientology International, this
publication is intended to
answer the growing public
demand for more information
about the founder of the
Scientology religion, L. Ron
Hubbard, who developed
effective helping technologies
and methods which, in the
hands of Scientologists, are
bettering conditions across
the continent.
These solutions, and the
lasting positive results they
bring, have become the
hallmark of this, the fastest
growing religious movement
on Earth.
We trust the information
about L. Ron Hubbard
provided herein will be of
interest — and use.

— Church of Scientology

18412-6 EU Scn Bklt #6 8/6/04 22:24 Page 29

For more
To obtain more copies of this booklet or to receive
other booklets in the series, contact:
Public Affairs Director
Church of Scientology International
European Office for Public Affairs and Human Rights
Rue de la Loi 91
1040 Brussels, Belgium
phone: +32 2231 1596
fax: +32 2280 1540

January 2004: Or contact the Director of Public Association Spirituelle

Providing Tools for Successful Living Affairs at these locations: de l’Église de Scientologie
February 2004: EUROPE d’Île-de-France
Saving Lives from Drugs 7, Rue Jules César
Church of Scientology Europe 75012 Paris, France
March 2004: Store Kongensgade 55
Advancing Literacy and Education 1264 Copenhagen K, Denmark Scientologi Kyrkan
Reimersholmsgatan 9
April 2004: Scientology Kerk S-117 40 Stockholm
Bringing Effective Help to the Community Amsterdam Sweden
May 2004: Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal
116-118 Scientology Kirche Österreich
Teaching Trust, Honesty and Self-Respect
1012 SH Amsterdam, Capistrangasse 4
June 2004: 1070 Vienna, Austria
L. Ron Hubbard: Shaping the 21st
Century with Solutions for a Better World Dianetics & Scientology Centre Scientology Kirche
Patision 200 Freilagerstrasse 11
July 2004: 8047 Zürich, Switzerland
Making Human Rights a Reality 11256 Athens, Greece
Church of Scientology AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND
August 2004: AND OCEANIA
Protecting the Public’s Right to Know of Budapest
Leonardo da Vinci U. 8-14, Church of Scientology of Sydney
September 2004: 1082 Budapest, Hungary 201 Castlereagh Street
Defending Religious Freedom Sydney, New South Wales
Church of Scientology Religious
October 2004: Australia 2000
Education College, Inc.
Investigative Journalism
Saint Hill Manor NORTH AMERICA
in the Public Interest
East Grinstead, West Sussex CANADA
November 2004: England, RH19 4JY
Fighting for the Rights of Others
Church of Scientology of Toronto
Asociación Civil de Dianética 696 Yonge Street
December 2004: Iglesia de Cienciología Toronto, Ontario
The Church of Scientology C/ Montera 20 1º Dcha. M4Y 2A7 Canada
— Looking Ahead 28013 Madrid, V UNITED STATES
Founding Church of Scientology
Chiesa Nazionale of Washington, D.C.
To download copies of this or di Scientology d’Italia 1701 20th Street N.W.
upcoming brochures from the Via Cadorna 61 Washington, D.C. 20009
20090 Vimodrone
Internet, as they are published Milano, Italy LATIN AMERICA
throughout the year, please visit Federación Mexicana de
Church of Scientology of Moscow Dianética Calle Puebla #31
Hubbard Humanitarian Center Colonia Roma, México, D.F.
Borisa Galushkina St. 19A C.P. 06700, México
129301 Moscow, Russia SOUTH AFRICA
Scientology Kirche Church of Scientology
Deutschland e.V. of South Africa
Beichstraße 12 6th Floor Budget House
80802 Munich, Germany 130 Main Street
Scientologikirken Oslo Johannesburg 2001
Storgata 17
0184 Oslo, Norway
© 2004 Church of Scientology International. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard
Library for permission to reproduce a selection from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. SCIENTOLOGY,
DIANETICS and HUBBARD are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used
with its permission. The Way to Happiness and the “Road & Sun” design are trademarks owned by L. Ron Hubbard
Library in the USA and in other countries (trademark registrations issued and other registrations pending) and are used 29
with permission. Item #FLO 18412-6
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