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End term Project is one of the important components of the MBA program and in this context
some guidelines regarding project work have been established to ensure that the project by the
student is authentic and is of high quality. For the benefit of the students, the guideline as
appeared in the MBA Regulation 2016 is given below

3.12 Project Work / Thesis / Dissertation

3.12.1 Project work / Thesis / Dissertation shall be carried out under the joint
supervision of a faculty member and an officer of the organization. The
project can also be done unattached to an organization under the
supervision of a faculty member.
3.12.2 Project work / Thesis / Dissertation shall be pursued for a minimum of 12
weeks during the final trimester.
3.12.3 The project report duly signed by the supervisors and the Head of the
Department is to be submitted to the Department within two weeks from the
last working day.

One of the important stipulations regarding project for MBA is that the candidate is to undertake
a project in the chosen specialization. The projects will be reviewed, monitored and tracked by
the Project Supervisor and the Review Committee Member.

 Introduction letters for the students is available with Mr. Isreal

 The reviews and the evaluation are compulsory
 Project Supervisor for each student has been allotted and displayed in the notice board.
Students shall meet the concerned supervisor on or before 28th February 2018 to finalize
with the tentative project topic.
 There will be a Project Review Committee for each student who will be conducting the Final
viva-voce. All the faculty members are review committee members. The review schedule is
given for your reference.
 Each student is expected to submit two hard copy of full report, one hard copy of synopsis &
one soft copy (CD) of the Project Report at the end.
 The format and contents of the report should be strictly followed.
Review Schedule:

Review Date Criteria (for mark allocation)

First Review (10 marks) March 8th and Approval of Project Topic by the company and
9th 2018 Supervisor.
Report on - Objectives of the study
- Hypothesis
- Review of Literature
Mid Review (30 marks) April 5th and 6th Report on - Methodology
2018 - Questionnaire
- Data Collection and Analysis
Reporting back to Dept. May 5th 2018 Soft copy of the final report for plagiarism check
Final Review (60 marks) May 11th 2018 - Viva Voce (30 marks)
- Project Report (30 marks)

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The project can either be a
1. Research Project
2. Department Project
3. Work Report

The project shall be submitted in the form of

- 1 hard copy with company’s certificate (will be returned back to the students after
supervisor signature)
- 1 hard copy for supervisor
- 1 soft copy (CD) of project (to be kept in central library)
- 1 hard copy of synopsis (to be kept in the department library)

General Format for the Report

- The Main Heading – Size 14 (Bold)
- The Sub Headings – Size 12 (Bold)
- The content should be of Times New Roman – Size 12
- Line spacing – 1.5
- Margin all sides - 1.5
- Front page format

Project Report
The Research Project / Department Project shall have a minimum of 30 pages and a maximum
of 100 pages. The soft copy of the project report shall be check for plagiarism using Turnitin
software by the respective supervisor before the final viva voce. Project report with 75%
originality shall be accepted for submission.
The following should be the contents of the Research Project / Department Project report

Title Sheet
Bonafide Certificate duly signed by the Project Guide (DOMS) and Project Guide (Company)
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations

Chapter 1 – Introduction
 Research Background – Description of specific / general scenario of the topic under
 Identified Problem
 Objectives of the study

Chapter 2 – Literature Survey

 Review of Literature

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 Research Gap

Chapter 3 - Methodology
 Project design
 Assumptions, Constraints and Limitations
 Proposed data collection
 Data & Processing
 Tools for Analysis

Chapter 4 – Data Analysis and Interpretation

 Descriptive analysis
 Analysis using Statistical Tools and tabulation of results
 Interpretation thereof
 Diagrammatic Representation

Chapter 5 – Conclusions
 Summary of Findings
 Suggestions & Recommendations
 Conclusions
 Directions for Future Research

 Copy of Questionnaire/Interview Schedule
 Data source
 Bibliography
 Any Other reference material

Work report

The work report shall have a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 20 pages. The following
shall be the contents of the Work report.

Industry Profile
Company Profile
Organization chart
Job Description
Daily/ weekly/monthly/ Quarterly reports format.

Dr.N.Anuradha ,
Associate Professor, DOMS
Project Coordinator
Copy to:

(i). HoD (DOMS)

(ii) Examination Coordinator (DOMS)
(iii) Concerned Guides

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