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Makovei, Osyp

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Makovei, Osyp [Маковей, Осип; Makovej]

(pseuds: Yevmen, M., M*, Mak, Om.,
Omikron, Sokolyk, O. Stepanovych, Stefan,
Spektator, Yaroshenko), b 23 August 1867 in
Yavoriv, Galicia, d 21 August 1925 in
Zalishchyky. Writer, journalist, and teacher.
He attended Lviv University, from which he
graduated in 1893. Varied work as an

editorial assistant and a contributor to Dilo

(1891), Narodna chasopys’ (1892), and other
newspapers prepared him for the position of
editor of Bukovyna (1895–7). He was also one
of the editors of Literaturno-naukovyi
vistnyk (1897–9). He was awarded a
scholarship to Vienna University in 1899, from which he graduated with a
doctorate in 1901. He taught Ukrainian language and literature at the

teachers' seminaries in Chernivtsi (1899–1910) and Lviv (1910–13). From 1913

until his death he was director of the teachers' seminary in Zalishchyky.
Makovei began his literary career with translations from H. Heine, which were
published in Zoria (Lviv) (1885). Although he wrote several longer poems and

even published a collection of poetry in 1894, Makovei was primarily a writer

of short prose, feuilletons, and literary sketches marked by good-natured and
at times poignant observation of human life. Besides two longer novelettes—
one of village life, Zalissia (1897), and one historical novelette, Iaroshenko (1905)
—and numerous works scattered through contemporary newspapers, his
literary output primarily consists of collections of stories, Nashi znakomi (Our
Acquaintances, 1901), Opovidannia (Stories, 1904), Krovave pole (A Bloody Field,
1921), and the satiric and humorous Pryzhmurenym okom (Through a Squinting
Eye, 1923). His output in literary criticism consists of numerous critical
articles, introductions to the works of various authors, and three major studies:
on Panteleimon Kulish, Pan’ko Kulish: Ohliad ioho diial’nosti (Pan’ko Kulish: A Survey of His[2/11/2018 3:48:36 PM]

Makovei, Osyp

Activities, 1900); on philology, Try halyts’ki hramatyky (Three Galician Grammars, 1903); and
on Yurii Fedkovych, Zhyttia Osypa Yuria Fed’kovycha (The Life of Osyp Yurii Fedkovych,
1911). A selection of his works appeared in 1930, 1954, 1961, and 1979, and a full, two-volume
edition appeared in 1990. His poetry collection of 1894 was republished in 1967.

Kushch, O. Osyp Makovei: Bibliohrafichnyi pokazhchyk (Lviv 1958)
Pohrebennyk, F. Osyp Makovei: Krytyko-biohrafichnyi narys (Kyiv 1960)
Zasenko, O. Osyp Makovei (Kyiv 1968)

Danylo Husar Struk

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

List of related links from Encyclopedia of Ukraine pointing to Makovei, Osyp entry:

1 Bahattia
2 Bukovyna
3 Feuilleton
4 Hromads’ka dumka
5 Khortytsia
6 Kobylianska, Olha

7 Literaturno-naukovyi vistnyk
8 Maniava Hermitage
9 Pravda, journal
10 Promin’ (Chernivtsi)

11 Recruits' and soldiers' songs

12 Ruslan
13 Satire
14 Ukrainian Radical party

A referral to this page is found in 14 entries.

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