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Marketing - are activities of a company associated with buying and selling a

product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to


Market - a regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions,
livestock, and other commodities.

Promotion is any message that includes an incentive to persuade the target

audience to take immediate action, thereby driving some form of brand
interaction that leads to a current or future purchase

Price - the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for


Place - Pricing is the method of determining the value a producer will get in
the exchange of goods and services. Simply, pricing method is used to set
the price of producer’s offerings relevant to both the producer and the



What are the Benefits of Dance in:

Physical Aspect

Cardiovascular: Dancing can raise the heart rate anywhere from 80 to 120 (more for some of
us) beats per minute. That is the equivalent of most strength training or aerobic programs
available. Sustained in 2 minute bursts over a 45-minute period will build not only your
heart’s strength, but its endurance too.

Muscle Tone: Dancing, when danced at an intermediate to advanced level of technique, uses
the perfect blend of isometric and isotonic resistance (the two key ingredients to muscle
building and toning). The blend and use of the muscles is perfect for building beautiful tone in
the muscles without building a lot of muscle mass.

Keep your joints moving: The best way to avoid arthritis, early arthritis and to remedy
current joint discomfort is to continue to use the joints in a controlled manner. The graceful
rise and fall of Modern Waltz demonstrates this perfectly. What could do this more beautifully
and gracefully than Ballroom and Latin Dancing?

The Spinal Column: The frame or posture maintained places the spine in a natural and
correct position, even more correct than when standing or sitting naturally! Dancing also helps
to put all of your organs in alignment, which is now thought by many doctors and
chiropractors to fight sickness, disease, fatigue and more.

Mental Aspect

though dancing is certainly fantastic exercise

for your body physically, did you also know
that it’s fabulous for toning your brain as
well? According to the New England Journal
of Medicine, studies have found that dancing
increases cognitive activity, and
subsequently decreases the risk of
developing dementia. And based on a
reading of these results by Stanford
University, dancing frequently reduces the
risk of dementia by 76% –considerably more
than any other activity studied, including
reading. The reason for this is that dancing requires you to make “split-second, rapid-fire
decisions,” basically with every step you take. These kind of exercises have been shown to
increase and maintain brain function in people of all ages. According to Stanford, “In freestyle
social dancing, both men and women are spontaneously open to the infinite possibilities of the
moment, responding to one’s partner and to the music.”

In addition to aiding in safe-guarding your brain against dementia, dancing also provides other
mental health benefits. Each step toward being a better dancer also often correlates with
an increase in self-esteem. It makes stressful social situations much easier to handle,
provides a medium for self-expression, as well as stress and tension relief, and assists in
providing a forum to meet and form bonds with people who have similar interests (Dancing!).
So, believe it or not, dancing works and improves your body mentally as much as, and
sometimes even more than, it does physically.


1. It helps overcome shyness.

2. Helps develop the art of conversation.
3. Provides a way to meet people and make new friends.
4. Keeps people mentally alert. 5. Most of all it’s fun.

Physical activity has many physical and mental health outcomes. However, physical inactivity
continues to be common. Dance, specifically cultural dance, is a type of physical activity that
may appeal to some who are not otherwise active and may be a form of activity that is more
acceptable than others in certain cultures.
Dance pads have proven useful in tackling obesity in young people and are welcomed in many
schools for that reason.
A report by Professor Tim Watson and Dr Andrew Garrett of the University of
Hertfordshire compared members of the Royal Ballet with a squad of British national and
international swimmers. The dancers scored higher than the swimmers in seven out of ten
areas of fitness.[7] An Italian study in 2006 has shown that dance is a very good exercise for
heart patients compared to other aerobic exercises like cycling. This may be partly because the
patients enjoyed it much more.
A study at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine in 2007 showed Argentine
tango was better at improving the mobility of Parkinson's disease sufferers than an exercise
class[10] (a later study showed similar benefits from Tai chi).[11] Because of the level of interest a
permanent tango class was set up after the study ended. A study by Dr Paul Dougall
at Strathclyde University in 2010 concentrating on older women found that Scottish country
dancers were more agile, have stronger legs and can walk more briskly than people of the same
age who took part in exercises such as swimming, walking, golf and keep-fit classes.
Another gain of dancing is for those who have high cholesterol, plus drugs and adequate food,
dancing can draw. As an aerobic exercise abridged levels of total blood cholesterol, especially
in LDL cholesterol, acknowledged as bad and helps boost levels of HDL or
good cholesterol. Dancing in general increases, muscle strength and flexibility, which in turn,
improves overall range of motion. Dance also increases core strength which can improve
balance, coordination, and posture (which reduces back pain).

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