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Mearline kyle

English 4
20 September 2017
(T) ​Same sex marriage hasn’t been accepted in years. (​B​) Same sex couples have tried to fight
for years to have the same rights as heterosexuals. (​H​) Years ago if they were seen doing
sexual things same sex they would be called an abomination. Same sex couples could also be
lynched. The fourteenth amendment did not help them receive the same right as everyone else.
(​S1​) More important things are happening in this country at what cost you not allow marriage
and service to same sex couples. (​S2​) The fourteenth amendment is not in play, when will same
sex marriage be allowed. (​S3​) What will allowing same sex marriage do to the community? Why
couples that have children are denied the right to be married. (​TH​) People of the same sex
should have the right to marry because they should they should have the same right as
everyone else and people move to America to be free and equal but not everyone is treated
equal/same rights.

(​ST​) Things in America are happening that people should be concerned about not what people
are doing in their lives. (​TE​) There's people threatening America and they are more worried
about who's gonna marry who, when that should not matter. (​C​) They need to worry about
keeping this country safe and not about who's gonna sleep/marry who. (E1) Some believe that
people that are different should be respected. One of Kirsanow main concerns the overhead of
principles of nondiscrimination over principals of liberty. Kirsanow say we should be more
coercion than we are about others coercion. Both might be bad but one is worse than the other.
One is why we fought for a revolution. (​Slade​ ) (​O1​) They should focus on the matter at hand
not individuals. (​E2​) Some believe in Oregon the proprietors of the sweet cakes by melissa were
fined $135,000 and had to close their store. ( ​Slade​) (​O2​) People should not be allowed to deny
service to same sex couples. (​E3​) Some believe the first amendment says the government shall
make no law respecting an establishment or religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
(​Slade​) (​CS​) The government should not be allowed to determine who marries who.

(​ST​) The fourteenth amendment is not being used. When will same sex couples be allowed to
marry. (​TE​) The fourteenth amendment is to have equal right under the law. When will they
allow same sex couples to marry as everyone else. (​E1​) Additionally under the fourteenth
amendment substantive due process guarantees state action that infringes upon a fundamental
right such as the right to marry is subject to high level of judicial scrutiny. (​Perry​) (​O1​) They
need to start using the fourteenth amendment because they have the same right under the law.
(​E2​) On June 26, 2015 the supreme issued its decision in Obergefell V. Hodges legalizing same
sex marriage throughout the country by requiring to same sex couples and to recognize same
sex marriages that were legally formed in other states. (​Perry​) (​O2​) People are happy that
same sex marriage is legal but other are not. People should or never had to fight to marry
someone they love. (​E3​) The court thus held that the fundamental right to marry extends to
same sex couples and that state same sex marriage bans unconstitutionally interfere with this
right. (​Perry​) (​CS​) They finally allowed same sex couples to marry America is slightly becoming

(​ST​) What would allowing same sex marriage do to others and why people of the same sex with
children not allowed to marry. (​TE​) People of the same sex should of had the option to marry
before they have children. (​C​) Same sex couple should have the right to marry and have kids.
(​E1​) They will no longer be denied this liberty. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wort in court's
opinion declaring that gays and lesbian deserve equal respect under the due process and equal
protection clauses of the fourteenth amendment. ( ​Savage & Phelps​ ) (​O1​) People that are not
gay are so happy they are now allowing them to marry. (​E2​) Allowing same sex couples can
strengthen the communities by extending the full promise of America to all Americans, this
reminded Americans that when all are equal all are free. (​Savage & Phelps ​). (​O2​) that's what
people come to America to be free but how can they be free if they weren't equal. (​E3​) When
asked to defend their laws state attorneys were unable to offer a convincing reason why
committed couple with children were not allowed to mary. (​Savage & Phelps​) (​O3​) TTA made
no sense as to why they could not get married and they have children. (​CS​) Same sex marriage
is finally legal and Americans are becoming more equal so they can become more free.

(​CTS​) In conclusion many same sex married couples still face discrimination. Although they now
have the right to marry. (​CH​) Moral of the story is that same sex couples should not of had to
fight for their right to marry. The law knows the fourteenth amendment and should've never let it
happen. (​S1​) More important things were happening in America than same sex marriage. (​S2​)
They were acting as if the fourteenth amendment did not exist because they were not using it.
(​S3​) Would allowing same sex marriage really affect anyone not getting married. (​RTH​) Some
people says same sex marriage is not a sin, it’s love. (​BFT​) “ I believe that marriage isn’t
between a man and women; but between love and love”. (Frank Ocean)

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