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ww Backoff Basics Before the driller and pipe recovery speciali they need one key piece of information: where is the free point? Mare Cline Aberdeen, Scotland The fee point of a stuck pipe isthe deepest point at which the pipe can be recovered. It ‘can be estimated using surface manipulation ‘of the pipe and measured more accurately downhole using wireline tools, ‘An approximate measure of free pipe, developed in the mid-1930s and sill used today, is based on how much the string stretches when pulled. The amount of stretch is propodional to the length of pipe that is fee, This is calculated by first ensuring thatthe dillpipe is in tension and marking its posi- tion relative to the dil floor. Then a known. coverpull is applied and the amount of stretch measured. The length of stretch, divided by the length of fee pipe is equal to the weight of overpull, divided by the nomi- nal weight per unit length of the string mul- tiplied by a coefficient derived from the modulus of elasticity ofthe sting. Ina related technique, two averpulls, of say 10 and 20 tons, are made. The cilfer- tence between the two pulls and the two stretches is then used in the calculation. Elasticity coetficients can be found in a ‘number of charts or nomographs. The larger 48 Gone Granger Lafayette, Louisiana, USA the nominal weight of the string, the lesser the elasticity of the string The accuracy of such calculations is affected by friction, hole deviation and the mount of twist in the string. However, Ef reports that a result within 5 to 10% can be rapidly oblained and used as a starting point for more accurate measurements “To find the free point with greater accu- racy, the industry has for many years ‘employed wireline tools run inside the pipe The simplest fee point indicators have been ‘around since the 1930s. They consist of a mandrel incorpozating a single low-voltage strain gauge or microcell. At the top and bottom ofthe mandrel are fiction springs oF ‘magnets, usually 52 in, [132 centimeters {cin apart, designed to hold the tool rigily against the pipe during measurements When an upward pull or right-hand torque is applied at the suriace, pipe above the stuck point twits or stretches, The strain gauge element measures the movement in the 52-in. section of pipe between the anchors or magnets. This movement induces a change in current that is mea- sured at surface, When the tool is located in suck pipe, surface manipulation induces no movement in the tool and therefore no cchange in current. Successive measure ments at different depths can therefore be used to locate the depth ofthe free pipe 10 within about Tf [30 em) Prior to use, the tool has to be zeroed, This is achieved by taking a number of read ings whete the pipe is certainly free. This, Jean-Michel Hache Sugar Land, Texas, USA ean free stuck pipe, Jack Lands, Rosharon, Texas, USA provides an average reading for free pi Values for stuck or partially stuck pipe dif from this average. Sonic tools have also been used to indi- rectly measure the tree point in a manner similar to a cement bond log. The tool employs a single transmitter and receiver. The time-amplitude measuring system is designed to give preference to the signal ‘conveyed by the pipe rather than the forma tion, Ata stuck point, the received signal amplitude is reduced, giving a measure of pipe binding. This offers information on stuck intervals rather than stuck points Since the mid-1980s, a more accurate method for finding whore the pipe is stuck has been available. The Free Point Indicator ‘Too! (FPIT) is un from a standard logging tunit using seven-conductor cable (next pagel. Ic enables independent and simulta- neous measurement of stretch and torque, ‘monitoring transfer of torque (to the lft of Fight) from the surface down the sting (see “How the FPIT Tool Measures the Free Point,” page 50). Measurement of both left and right torque allows testing the ability of 2 sting to convey torque needed for back- off, the controlled unscrewing of a pipe joint, In some cases, a string can take right hand torque deeper than left-hand torque, which can hamper a backort. ‘The exact point chosen as the free point can vary according to what action is planned! once the free point has been found, Oilfield Review Surface logging unit i 1 1 z ! | ee | Hopracatie heed Free point ‘rdeator una Free point incicntor Casing colar housing iecator — Toot anchor Free pont ineieatoe —fo sonde Shot bar ‘assomoly tne ne Pot nate le Rustam mare SE eT Cae Seas ceil enna aren” iebbeleset akira Boeacabere we ecaat site aa ‘oxplosive bdck-of string. It can folate ip to 380-F (177-CL A coll locating function is Incorporated into the tol, which can offen be run in combing tion with an explosive backoff sting or ‘with some types of oxplosive culters. For example, ifthe torque and stretch read- Ings fll at cliferent depths and the pipe is be backed off, the usual practice is 10 choose the uppermost as the free point. This is because backoff requites both the ability to transmit torque and pull downhole. How- ‘exer, ithe pipe is to be cut, the stretch read ings, which are deeper, predominate because no torque transmission is required. The fist backorfs were performed by sim- ply turning the pipe in reverse direction Until it unscrewed. A version of this process ‘may still be applied i the pipe fs completely plugged-—termed blind backoft. In the early 1940s, explosive cord was run on electric line forthe first time, Initially this was eto- October 1991 nated prior to torquing the dillpipe with the aim of jarring the appropriate pipe joint “The process was found to be more success ful if the pipe was reverse torqued before the explosive was detonated. Thus sting shot came into existence, There are thice deverminants of a success: ful backoff: a string shot blast sufficient to permit unscrewing of the pipe, distibution of string weight so that the joint to be unscrewed is neutsal (oF just slightly in ten sion) and adequate left torque atthe backotf point prio to fring the string shot String shot consists of an appropriate ‘umber and length of high-explosive deto- nating cords, such as Primacord, attached 10 ‘8 metal bar about 3 f¢ [1 m] long. This is positioned next to the tool connection to be unscrewed. Reverse torque is applied to the pipe and the explosive detonated. The pres- sure shock waves produced by the explo- sion loosen the joint causing it to unscrew. Shot sizes vary depending, on the pipe 0 be backed of, the mud weight and backoff depth. As a rule, 100 grains [0-22 ounces) ff explosive are required per inch of pipe ‘outside ciameter. Charts offer more accurate iuidelines to determine shot size. Up 10 about seven strings each with 50 grains [0.11 ounces} of charge can be run below the FPIT tool. Beyond ths, the blast imposes too severe a shack on the tool. In these ceases, after the free point is identified, the tool is pulled out of the hole prior to tun ning only the string shot and collar locator. The weight that must be pulled during backoff can be calculated trom the weight and buoyancy of the pipe that is to be recovered, Pulling this weight puts al joints above the backoff point in tension and the joint wo be unscrewed in neutral. Joints in tension are less likely to unscrew acciden- tally, The common practice is then to add from 5000 lb to about 10% of the st ‘weight to the pull, Some experts claim this, additional weight makes up for friction losses between the pipe and the hole wall and for the small amount of loss that occurs when weight i transfered from elevators 10 slips. Another theory holds that extra pull ‘must be applied that is equal to the hydeo- static pressure multiplied by the seal surface area of the joint 10 be unscrewed. A further practice sets the overpull at the weight of the free pipe in air—based on the logic that ‘buoyancy is not effective in the stuck pipe In any case, the end result is usually a pipe in some degree of tension, Ing a ‘lSchlmber and Pinacod ea mado Eg ‘ion Compas. 1. kenp G: Ose Fishing Operations: Yala Technics Houston, Won USA. Gel Publishing 2. Acute Fohing Manu, 1987 3. Wei VC =n Over Foe it Tol” ve SPLANDC 16154, peer athe 1987 SPH cnfsunce New Ove Lousans, USA, March 15.18 1987 49 How the FPIT Tool Measures the Free Point ‘With an outside dlametor of 1, (Sem), the Free Point Indicator tool design pert it tobe vod in plpe with an inside dlameter upto [12 eml, A recent moditicaion has extended 107 in, (18cm) for timid ea ‘The to! uses two sels of arms that canbe ened inside the pipe to give posite anchor- ‘sel to lease the arms at 1000 and 2000 Ib of vecpull onthe wireline. ‘ml spacing. Upper and lower subassemblies within that space then become axially and angu Fanly mobile wit respect t one ‘etormations transmitted tothe tol are m plpe between tol anchors, reported as 10 x 4108 inchas per inch. Measurement of such small distances is based on citterentia mutual induc tion between cols ofa Kelvin transformer. ‘The transite cll are part of assembly (attached to recover cols aro part {attaches tote bottom ante ‘when the string is stretched or torqued and mea- ‘sure the change in magnetic fel hat occurs (above, ria). 50 Stretch Sensor Torque Sensor Transmiting coll allached to {op anchor P=) > attached to fone anchor attached to loner anchor FPIT stretch sensor Getty and torque sensor cight). Free inch stretch ci he FPIT log. A is heavyweight drilipipo, B is dil collar and C Is stabilizer, ‘An important feature ofthe FPIT tol is its sot- ‘ware, Drilsting deta are loaded onto the com- puter, including the diameters, depths and ‘weights of the tubulars along with he Hole devia tion. With ths information, the software eal lates virtually every parameter required both for tion and backot. This ineludes the | woight o pul forthe ree pipe the weight ané turns reguired fo the FPIT measurements, te numberof et turns and the sizeof explosive needed for baat, To measure the ree point, the software eal lates the numberof micostrains that represent stretch and torque in unstuck pipe. When FPIT readings are taken, the software compares them ‘ith the ree values and produces a “percentage ‘noeness” that is displayed onthe log. A the end of the ob, sisting and PIT the baekot proces (previous page, bottom) With the buoyant weight of the entire sting tho tool readings ae zroe ‘The dil then applies the overpull and torque recommended bythe computer. The rte at which the weights picked up ean affect he read particulary whon there is aot of frtion rom the ‘tring. But since most measurements ae cared ‘out twice at each station, this fect can be judged by puling the sting at diferent rates for each test. Setting he tool end making a mea- ‘surement fake about § minutes. The frst mea- ‘surement is made in a pat of he pipe that is det- Inioly tre and serves as a tol check October 1991 How much backoff torque to apply depends on the type of pipe in the hole, piipe depth and hole deviation. Key consid erations are the pipe's grade and condition and the weight to be pulled. For steel diillpipe, recommendations range from one half to three-quarters of a turn per thousand feet up to 4000 ft (1220 m} depth, rising t0 a ful rotation per thousand feet at a depth of ‘over 9000 ft [2740 ml Belore reverse torque is applied, tighten: ing of the joints is recommended to avoid accidentally backing off the wrong joint. This is caried out using 30% more torque to the right than will later be applied to the left. By imparting a known number of right- hand turns, working the pipe and then counting the number of turns that are con- veyed back to the drill floor, the effective- ‘ess of the tightening process can be moni- tored and continued until all turns come back, At this point the string is fully tight- ened. The FPIT tool can also be used to ‘monitor the transmission of torque. Left-hand tuens, made before firing the string shot, also need 10 be worked down: hole. Toraue is applied in increments to avoid exceeding the limit of safe torque at surface. The pipe Is worked between the ‘maximum safe pull and the backoff pull Keeping weight below the backoff pull min- imizes the chance of unscrewing a joint her up the hole. With all the torque worked down, the string shot i ited and the tool moved some 30 ft up the hole, Ifthe threaded connection hhas only partially unscrewed, the backof is completed using the rotary table or tongs. To check that the pipe has backed off at the intended joint, a casing collar locator tool cean be used to measure the depth ofa collar ‘one joint above the intended backoff point Aiier pulling the string 10 ft [3 m] out of hole, the depth of the same collar can be rechecked. IF has moved, the planned backoff has been achieved. ‘When the tool joints are weak or espe

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