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Business Ethics

Assignment 1
(TMA1 – 15%)

Submission Date:
27 Aug 2010
BBM208/05 Business Ethics

Tutor-marked Assignment 1


1. TMA 1 covers Unit 1.

2. TMA 1 contains 4 application questions

3. TMA 1 carries 15% of your final total marks

4. The assignment should be typed using Times New Roman, font size 12
and double spaced, approximately 2,000 words.

5. The deadline for the submission of TMA is 27 Aug 2010. A softcopy should
be submitted via Online Assignment Submission System


1. In the context of a business organisation, differentiate between ‘right’, ‘wrong’

and ‘dilemma’. Please provide reasoning for your justification.
(30 marks)

2. Both ethics and the law strive towards determining what is right in human
interaction in a business organisation. In a business context, identify and explain
actions taken by the business manager / organisation which are:
a. ethical & legal;
b. ethical but illegal;
c. unethical but legal and
d. unethical and illegal.
Please provide reasoning for your justification.
(40 marks)

3. How do you differentiate between “doing what is right” and “doing the right
(20 marks)

4. What is likely to be the role of ‘ethics” in tomorrow’s society?

(10 marks)

Sem: July 2010 Page 2 of 2

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