Proposal Specification Form PSF Sample

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• Project Title

“System Health Monitoring ” - A Mobile Application

• Brief description on project background. (i.e. problem context, rationale,

description problem area, nature of challenge)

Problem Context

Integrating a new application into an existing system is the troublesome part for most device and
ser. It is because each application is developed under different platform, techniques and by
different personnel. The users are being stressed with the device that they can not being able to
know their own deice status and also could not find the problem and also could not refresh the
device to the normal performing condition.

Health Monitoring Application could be newly in the market. People and organizations were
facing with not having monitoring system. This application is for the quick problem finding and
detect that to solve. But there is no that types of notify device and system in the workplace, that
shows the performing status of the device and show Either the devices and system is working
properly or not. Because of not having this type of health monitoring technology, the people are
facing many problems with their work. System failing or device failing untimely, Time
consuming working system, it’s hard to find problems and fix it and its costly, In the lack of that
this system there may declines in productivity, this application is made for the problem solvation
of less effective work, less productivity, chance of accidents, task error, safe workplace and so
on. (Omura, 2016)


In this application, it shows the performing status. If there is low battery backup power it alerts
for low power and notify to plugh the power shocket. If the ram and memory space is going to be
full or overloaded it shows the status and notify on the fornt interface of device to cean up the
data. accordingly If the CPU or System is overheated it alert to the user that shows the
temperature of the system. If the device is connected with the network that shows the network
flow and uses in the device and so on.


• If the device is showing all the performing status and alert then user can reduce the
problem and mangae their device uses that can make them easy and comfortable to use
the device and feel happy.

• Cost saving, money and resources can be saved due to the elimination on the usage power
and data.

• shows the status and help to reduce workload of user.

• Reduce the heating and slow performing problem of device by viewing of performance
status and alert system.

Nature of Challenge

First of all, I need to fulfill the user browsing experience. Different users might view the mobile
application in different screen and interface. Besides that, implementing a micro site on smart
phone like iPhone and android will be part of the challenge on my project. While developing the
mobile application, security of the application will definitely be taken into consideration and the
concepts of different existing encryption algorithm in order to choose the suitable one. The last
but not least, PHP JavaScript and NodeJs object-oriented programming will be the most
challenging part on how to structure my project.

• Brief description of project objectives. (i.e. scope of proposal and deliverables)


• System Health Monitoring application allows user to offers detailed information about an
Android device's hardware, including battery status and remaining charge cycles,
wireless networking hardware and status, used and available internal and SD storage,
CPU and memory utilization, system settings, and other hardware components

• Allows users to change system settings (brightness, timeout, volume, ringer, networking,
etc,) and manage installed applications from the information screen inside the app

• Offers home screen widgets that can be customized to fit on any home screen and provide
direct access to often-used system settings or simply display system performance and
resource utilization

Besides that, the additional features of the system are as follows.

• Allow to view the temperature of the device and CPU and allow to reduce it by
downlifting the workload.

• Get notification on front interface if the uses and power level is cross the limit up
or down.

• Brief description of the resources needed by the proposal. (i.e. hardware, software,
access to information / expertise, user involvement etc.)

The minimum requirements for hardware for the personal computer to successfully carry out and
meet the objectives of the system are as follows:

• An Andriod Smart Device

• Processor – Pentium 4 2.66A (2.66 GHz)

• Random Access Memory (RAM) – 512MB

• Wireless network and hardwares


The minimum software requirements for the development and execution of the project are as

• JavaScript, NodeJs
• Java
• Android Studio

Documentation and Planning

• Microsoft Project
• Microsoft Word

Access to information / expertise

The development of the system will require consultation from IT experts who are experienced in
developing mobile applications and security field. Apart from that, information may be gathered
from interviews and surveys done from the User of technology field worldwide.
User Involvement

The people who are involved are students, Teachers, IT experties, Computer technicians,
Different levels users like novice user, casual user and expert user will be involve. All the users
from above 15. Thw all mobile users are involve in this system.

• Academic research being carried out and other information, techniques being
learnt. (i.e. what are the names of books you are going to read / data sets you are
going to use)

In order to carry out the deliverables, the preliminary list of books and web pages I will study are
as follows.


• Name: Hybrid Mobile Application Development

Author: Mahesh Panhale

Edition: 1st

•Name: Mobile Apps Made Simple: The Ultimate Guide to Quickly Creating, Designing
and Utilizing Mobile Apps for Your Business

Author: Jonathan McCallister

Edition : 2nd
• Name: JavaScript, A Beginner's Guide, Third Edition (Beginner's Guide
(Osborne Mcgraw Hill))

Author: John Pollock

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media

• Name: CSS: The Missing Manual

Author: David Sawyer McFarland

Publisher: O’Reilly Media

• Name: Stunning CSS3: A project-based guide to the latest in CSS (Voices

That Matter)

Author: Zoe Mickley Gillenwater

Publisher: New Riders Press

• Name: HTML5: Up and Running

Author: Mark Pilgrim

Publisher: O'Reilly Media

Online Resources

• Avoid excess data usage charges on your smartphone or tablet. Updated February
04, 2018
• The Best System Monitor for Android Alan Henry 10/06/11 1:30pm

Mobile Application Development

• Posted on July 12, 2016 by Nathaniel Lewis in Best Practices, Featured

• What is Agile model – advantages, disadvantages and when to use it?


A system development methodology refers to the framework that is used to structure, plan, and
control the process of developing an information system.

for this app development the Agile system methodology is best.

Agile development model is also a type of Incremental model. Software is developed in

incremental, rapid cycles. This results in small incremental releases with each release building on
previous functionality. Each release is thoroughly tested to ensure software quality is maintained.
It is used for time critical applications. Extreme Programming (XP) is currently one of the most
well known agile development life cycle model.

Its benefits:

• Customer satisfaction by rapid, continuous delivery of useful software.

• People and interactions are emphasized rather than process and tools. Customers,
developers and testers constantly interact with each other.

• Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months).

• Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication.

• Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers.

• Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design.

• Regular adaptation to changing circumstances.

• Even late changes in requirements are welcomed

• Brief description of the evaluation and test plan for the proposed project. (i.e. what
is the success criteria and how will be evaluated and implementation will be tested,
indicate the estimated size of the demonstration / test database)

Success Criteria

Health Monitoring system is the application that shows the performing status. If there is low
battery backup power it alerts for low power and notify to plugh the power shocket. If the ram
and memory space is going to be full or overloaded it shows the status and notify on the fornt
interface of device to cean up the data. accordingly If the CPU or System is overheated it alert to
the user that shows the temperature of the system. If the device is connected with the network
that shows the network flow and uses in the device and so on. In order to make sure the system is
functioning well before delivering we conduct the testing as follows.

Unit Testing
In unit testing, a small part of a testable unit will be taken from the application, and tested to see
whether it behaves exactly with the deliverables. Each unit will be tested separately and this
would include messaging and real-time notifications.

Integration Testing

In integration testing, two tested units are combined into a component. For the further testing it
needs to be tested either any two components performance testing is being work or not.

Usability Testing

In usability testing, the satisfaction level of the end-users must be carried out. Participants of this
testing phase will apply actual input on how real users use the system. Besides that, they will
evaluate the system based on few aspects such as the graphical user interface (GUI), feedback
message and the response time of the system. For example, the graphical user interface of the
system needs to refine it if it is not user-friendly for a novice user and casual user.


the main objectives of the project is to provide and fullfill the customers and users requirements
and demand in thei daily llife activities and business field.

• Survey of the field related to the technology and mobile users

• Make a sequensive plan and shedule

• Make a fair and formative documentation

• Allow to view the temperature of the device and CPU and allow to reduce it by
downlifting the workload.
• Get notification on front interface if the uses and power level is cross the limit up or

• System Health Monitoring application allows user to offers detailed information about an
Android device's hardware, including battery status and remaining charge cycles,
wireless networking hardware and status, used and available internal and SD storage,
CPU and memory utilization, system settings, and other hardware components

Literature review

Smartphones (and related mobile technologies) have the potential to affect a wide range of cognitive
domains, but empirical research on the cognitive impacts of smartphone technology is still quite
limited. This is understandable, given that the relevant technology itself is still young and constantly
evolving. However, with each passing year, smartphones become more omnipresent in our lives.
Rather than applying to only a niche group of individuals, the research conducted in this domain will
soon be relevant to the majority of the world’s population Therefore, it is crucial to understand how
smartphone technology affects us so that we can take the steps necessary to mitigate the potential
negative consequences.

Although the research concerning the potential cognitive impacts of smartphone technology is
growing, the results remain contradictory and inconclusive. The at times contradictory findings
suggest that not all smartphone use is created equal; certain apps, approaches to multitasking, or
notification settings may moderate the relation between overall smartphone use and various cognitive
skills. Despite the inconclusive nature of the literature, media headlines encourage a public perception
that the findings are conclusive and that smartphones have a definite and negative impact on
cognitive functioning.

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