1 Unit Dynamics

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Unit I

1. The vertical motion of mass A is defined by the relation x = 10 sin 2t + 15 cos 2t + 100, where x
and t are expressed in millimeters and seconds, respectively. Determine
(a) The position, velocity, and acceleration of A when t = 1 s, and
(b) The maximum velocity and acceleration of A

2. A loaded railroad car is rolling at a constant velocity when it couples with a spring and dashpot
bumper system. After the coupling, the motion of the car is defined by the relation x = 60 e -4.8t sin
16t, where x and t are expressed in millimeters and seconds, respectively. Determine the position,
the velocity, and the acceleration of the railroad car when (a) t = 0 s, (b) t = 0.3 s.

3. The brakes of a car are applied, causing it to slow down at a rate of 3 m/s2. Knowing that the car
stops in 100 m, determine
(a) How fast the car was traveling immediately before the brakes were applied, and
(b) The time required for the car to stop.
Rectilinear motion of particles:

4. A stone is thrown vertically upward from a point on a bridge located 40 m above the water.
Knowing that it strikes the water 4 sec after release, determine
(a) The speed with which the stone was thrown upward, and
(b) The speed with which the stone strikes the water

5. A motorist is traveling at 54 km/h when he observes that a traffic light 240 m ahead of her turns
red. The traffic light is timed to stay red for 24 sec. If the motorist wishes to pass the light without
stopping just as it turns green again, determine
(a) The required uniform deceleration of the car, and
(b) The speed of the car as it passes the light.

6. A sprinter in a 100 m race accelerates uniformly for the first 35 m and then runs with constant
velocity. If the sprinter’s time for the first 35 m is 5.4 sec, determine
(a) His acceleration,
(b) His final velocity, and
(c) His time for the race.

7. Automobiles A and B are traveling in adjacent highway lanes and at t = 0 have the positions and
speeds shown. Knowing that automobile A has a constant acceleration of 1.8 m/s2 and that B has
a constant deceleration of 1.2 m/s2, determine
(a) When and where A will overtake B, and
(b) The speed of each automobile at that time.

8. A stone is dropped from the top of a tower 50 m high. At the same time another stone is thrown
up from the foot of the tower with a velocity of 25 m/s. At what distance from the top and after
how much time the two stones cross each other?

9. A body A is projected vertically upwards from the top of a tower with a velocity of 40 m/s, the
tower being 180 m high. After‘t’ sec, another body B is allowed to fall from the same point. Both
the bodies reach the ground simultaneously. Calculate‘t’ and the velocities of A and B on
reaching the ground.
Curvilinear motion of particles:

10. The x and y coordinates of the position of a particle moving in curvilinear motion are defined by
x = 2 + 3t2 and y = 3 + t3. Determine the particles position, velocity and acceleration at t = 3 sec.

11. The motion of a particle is specified by the equations x = 5t + 0.75t2 and y = 4t + 0.6t2. Where x
and y are in meters and seconds. Determine the path of the particle.

12. The motion of a particle is described by the following equations

x = 2(t + 1)2 and y = 2(t + 1)-2. Show that the path travelled by the particle is a rectangular

13. The motion of a particle along a curved path is given by the equations. x = t2 + 8t + 4 and y = t3 +
3t2 + 4. Determine (a) Initial velocity of the particle (b) Velocity of the particle at t = 2 sec (c)
Acceleration of the particle at t = 0 sec, and (d) Acceleration of the particle at t = 2 sec

Curvilinear motion of particles - Projectile Motion:

14. A ball is thrown from the ground with a velocity of 20 m/s at an angle of 30 0 to the horizontal.
Determine (i) The velocity of the ball at t = 0.5 sec and t = 1.5 sec (ii) Total time of flight of the
ball (iii) Maximum height is reached (iv) Range of the ball, and (v) Maximum range.

15. A projectile is fired with an initial velocity of 800 m/s at a target B located 2000 m above the gun
A and at horizontal distance of 12000 m. Neglecting air resistance, determines the value of the
firing angle.

16. A projectile is fired from the edge of a 150-m cliff with an initial velocity of 180 m/s at an angle
of 30° with the horizontal. Neglecting air resistance, find (a) The horizontal distance from the gun
to the point where the projectile strikes the ground, and (b) The greatest elevation above the
ground reached by the projectile.

Curvilinear motion of particles - Normal and Tangential:

17. An outdoor track is 125 m in diameter. A runner increases her speed at a constant rate from 4 m/s
to 7 m/s over a distance of 30 m. Determine the magnitude of the total acceleration of the runner
2 sec after she begins to increase her speed.

18. A monorail train starts from rest on a curve of radius 400 m and accelerates at the constant rate a t.
If the maximum total acceleration of the train must not exceed 1.5 m/s2, determine
a. The shortest distance in which the train can reach a speed of 72 km/h, and
b. The corresponding constant rate of acceleration at.

19. A motorist starts from rest at point A on a circular entrance ramp when t = 0, increases the speed
of her automobile at a constant rate and enters the highway at point B. Knowing that her speed
continues to increase at the same rate until it reaches 100 km/h at point C, determine (a) The
speed at point B, and (b) The magnitude of the total acceleration when t = 20 s.

20. A robot arm moves so that P travels in a circle about point B, which is not moving. Knowing that
P starts from rest, and its speed increases at a constant rate of 10 mm/s 2, determine (a) the
magnitude of the acceleration when t = 4 sec, (b) the time for the magnitude of the acceleration to
be 80 mm/s2.

Curvilinear motion of particles - Cylindrical coordinates:

21. The rotation of the 0.9 m arm OA about O is defined by the relation ϴ = 0.15t2, where ϴ
is expressed in radians and t in seconds. Collar B slides along the arm in such a way that its
distance from O is r = 0.9 - 0.12t2, where r is expressed in meters and t in seconds.
After the arm OA has rotated through 300, determine (a) The total velocity of the collar,
(b) The total acceleration of the collar, and (c) The relative acceleration of the collar with respect
to the arm.

22. The rod OA in Fig. rotates in the horizontal plane such that ϴ = (t)3 rad. At the same time, the
collar B is sliding outward along OA so that r = (100t2) mm. If in both cases t is in seconds,
determine the velocity and acceleration of the collar when t = 1 s.

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