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1. The psychoanalytic perspective vs.

functionalism- Psychoanalytic perspective is the study

of behavior and functions. Functionalism is the study that every mental process is used to
help us get better with the surroundings.
2. Gestalt psychology-Someone who takes out pieces of information that they understand,
and put it into one statement that they understand better.
3. Behaviorism/the behavioral perspective- The study based on a person’s behavior without
the limitation of a mental disorder or other limitations.
4. Freud/psychoanalysis/the psychoanalytic perspective- A neurologist who started the
study of psychoanalysis which treated many mental disorders.
5. Introspection- Is the examination of your own inner thoughts and desires.
6. The “eclectic” perspective-
7. Determinism vs. free will-Determination is when you are set to achieve one particular
object. Free will is when you are free to make different choice.
8. Nature vs. nurture. Nature is your genes, things that have been passed on to you. Nurture,
is your surroundings.
9. The neuroscience perspective- The overall study of the brain and nervous system.
10. The social perspective (social psychology)-The study of people’s feelings and thoughts
when they are encountered with different people.
11. Hindsight bias- The thought of you predicting it would’ve happened after it happened.
12. Confirmation bias- When someone chooses to believe what they think is right, even if it
13. Validity and reliability-Validity is a valid truth a proven theory. Reliability is a hope that
you have for something to be true, not proven.
14. Independent and dependent variables-Independent variable is what is tested and changed
in the experiment. Dependent variable is what is measured in an experiment.
15. Laboratory vs. field studies
16. Control and test groups- Two experimental groups, one in which is control is not changed
throughout the experiment, the test group however is what you are testing to get different
17. Single and double-blind studies- In an experiment certain information is left unknown or
you are “Blinded” to know the subjects or the experiment.
18. The ‘Hawthorne’ effect- This happens when a person that knows that they are being
studied change how they really are for a different outcome at the end of the experiment.
19. Correlation coefficient/correlation studies- A study to reveal whether a relationship
between two things exists.
20. Survey- Something that finds out things in a less depth matter.
21. Case study- The study in which a person thoroughly looks deep into someone to reveal
the true inner being.
22. Naturalistic observation- To examine a behavior which in which it occurs, not changing
the situation.
23. Central tendency (mean, median, mode) - Process in which the information gathered
collects in the middle between high and low.
24. Outliers-At the end of the observed statistics the outlier is the extreme difference in the
25. Z scores/standard deviation- A way to measure the difference of scores.
26. Inferential vs. descriptive statistics- Inferential is conclusions based on data or other
inferences. Descriptive statistics is used to describe main points of information.
27. P-value- Is the probability that the null- hypothesis is true.
28. Ethics in psychology
29. Human and animal studies in psychology
30. Specific topics in ethics (consent, confidentiality, debriefing) –Consent is having
permission and authorization to do things. Confidentiality is being discrete with
information you are given. Debriefing is when you have to have a conversation with
someone who has just gone threw something traumatic.

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