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Audit Number: 148

Date: 11/03/2018 Time: 16:08

Fireball Report
Workspace: Fireball
Study: Study
Standalone Set: Standalones
Material PROPANE
East 0m
North 0m

Fireball Scenario: Fireball

Weather: Category 1.5/F
Wind s 5
PasquillF stable - night with moderate clouds and light/moderate wind
Atmosph 25
Relativ 0.4
Solar r 0.5

Input Data
Released 4E+05 kg
Vapour m 1 fraction
Supply bNo
Calculat Yes
Use shapYes

Fireball Parameters
Number of 3
Intensity37,5 kW/m2
Mass modi 3
Fireball 20 s
Fireball TNO (yellow book) model
TNO mode1726.9 degC
Output Data
Fireball 214.4 m
Flame du 24.377 s
Flame em349.98 kW/m2
Fireball l 428.79 m
Actual f 400000 kg

Flame Coordinates
X [m] Z [m] R [m] Phi [deg]
0 214.4 0 0
0 227.33 73.327 0
0 264.55 137.81 0
0 321.59 185.67 0
0 391.56 211.14 0
0 466.02 211.14 0
0 535.99 185.67 0
0 593.03 137.81 0
0 630.26 73.327 0
0 643.19 0 0

Radiation v Distance Results

Input Data
Maximum 800 m
Angle fr 0 deg
Observer 0m
Observervariable deg
Observervariable deg

Output Data
X CoordY CoordZ CoordView FaIncidenLethality Levels [%]
0 0 0 0.1572 55.001 99.98
16.327 0 0 0.1569 54.912 99.98
32.653 0 0 0.1561 54.645 99.979
48.98 0 0 0.1549 54.206 99.976
65.306 0 0 0.1532 53.602 99.973
81.633 0 0 0.151 52.845 99.967
97.959 0 0 0.1484 51.947 99.96
114.29 0 0 0.1455 50.923 99.949
130.61 0 0 0.1423 49.788 99.933
146.94 0 0 0.1387 48.559 99.91
163.27 0 0 0.135 47.253 99.876
179.59 0 0 0.1311 45.885 99.829
195.92 0 0 0.1281 44.815 99.779
212.25 0 0 0.1239 43.35 99.686
228.57 0 0 0.1196 41.867 99.552
244.9 0 0 0.1154 40.379 99.362
261.22 0 0 0.1111 38.896 99.092
277.55 0 0 0.1069 37.428 98.717
293.88 0 0 0.1028 35.983 98.199
310.2 0 0 0.0982 34.354 97.373
326.53 0 0 0.0943 32.988 96.408
342.86 0 0 0.0905 31.659 95.153
359.18 0 0 0.0868 30.372 93.55
375.51 0 0 0.0832 29.127 91.548
391.84 0 0 0.0798 27.927 89.097
408.16 0 0 0.0765 26.773 86.161
424.49 0 0 0.0733 25.664 82.723
440.82 0 0 0.0703 24.601 78.783
457.14 0 0 0.0674 23.584 74.369
473.47 0 0 0.0646 22.611 69.531
489.8 0 0 0.062 21.681 64.344
506.12 0 0 0.0594 20.794 58.902
522.45 0 0 0.057 19.947 53.314
538.78 0 0 0.0547 19.14 47.694
555.1 0 0 0.0525 18.371 42.158
571.43 0 0 0.0504 17.638 36.813
587.76 0 0 0.0484 16.94 31.751
604.08 0 0 0.0465 16.275 27.048
620.41 0 0 0.0447 15.642 22.758
636.74 0 0 0.043 15.039 18.915
653.06 0 0 0.0413 14.464 15.53
669.39 0 0 0.0398 13.917 12.598
685.71 0 0 0.0383 13.396 10.1
702.04 0 0 0.0369 12.899 8.0038
718.37 0 0 0.0355 12.426 6.2712
734.69 0 0 0.0342 11.975 4.8596
751.02 0 0 0.033 11.545 3.7253
767.35 0 0 0.0318 11.134 2.8261
783.67 0 0 0.0307 10.743 2.1222
800 0 0 0.0296 10.37 1.5781
0 99.98
16.327 99.98
32.653 99.979
48.98 99.976
65.306 99.973
81.633 99.967
97.959 99.96
114.29 99.949
130.61 99.933
146.94 99.91
163.27 99.876
179.59 99.829
195.92 99.779
212.25 99.686
228.57 99.552
244.9 99.362
261.22 99.092
277.55 98.717
293.88 98.199
310.2 97.373
326.53 96.408
342.86 95.153
359.18 93.55
375.51 91.548
391.84 89.097
408.16 86.161
424.49 82.723
440.82 78.783
457.14 74.369
473.47 69.531
489.8 64.344
506.12 58.902
522.45 53.314
538.78 47.694
555.1 42.158
571.43 36.813
587.76 31.751
604.08 27.048
620.41 22.758
636.74 18.915
653.06 15.53
669.39 12.598
685.71 10.1
702.04 8.0038
718.37 6.2712
734.69 4.8596
751.02 3.7253
767.35 2.8261
783.67 2.1222
800 1.5781

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