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‘THERMAL ENGINEERING 1530 490°C, ig, Prob. 18.12) ig, Prob. 15.12 (, 3460 Ki/kg, hy = 2370 Kk hy = 3330 KiTkg, hp = 2800 Kikg, he dys (at 0.07 bar) = 1634 Kikg (from steam table) Enthalpy at point 6 is given by Lveoi- Pd) ig = hs + pump work (Wp) = hs T 16d 4 200100 = 0.07) 108 8 465.4 4 9 = 1724 KIM = 163.4 + Tx 1000 163.4 + 9 = 172.4 kikg, : Net work available per kg of steam (hy — ha) + (hs ~ ha) ~ Wp (3330 - 2800) + (3460 — 2370) ~ 9 = 1611 Kise, Power generating capacity of the plant E Wy Xm, “here m, is the mass of steam flow per sec.) 611 x 5 = 8055 KW Heat supplied per kg of steam ha (hy ~ he) + (ty ~ fg) = (3330 — 172.4) + (3460 ~ 2800) = 3817.6 KIMkg Wa __ 161 AOI = 0402 = 42.2% he” 38176 Efficiency of the cycle Problem 18.13. A steam turbine using regenerative feed heating eycle generates 27000 KW through adirecly coupled electric generator. Steam at 60 bar and 450°C is supplied to the tirbine. The condenser caries i 730 num. of Hg The steam is bled from the steam turbine at 3 bar. The heating of the feed water sass in direct contact heater. Assuming the turbine efficiency of each portion of expansion as 87%, find {a) the steam Bled per hg of steam supplied tothe turbine, (2) The steam generated Per Hon cand (c) suming thet 10% of te generator ouput is used to rin the pumps, the overall eficiency ofthe Blatt ¢ ‘he boiler eficieney 18 90% and alternator efficiency is 95% and mechanical efficiency from turbine 10 generator is 98%, Neglect the pump work in calculating the input to the boiler, ‘Sol, The arvaiigement ofthe components is shown in Fig. Prob. 15.13 (a). The conditions of the uid passing through the components are represented'on Ts and fs diagrams as shown in Fig Prob, 15.13 (b) and Fig. Prob. 15.13 (0) ‘The conditions of the in temperature due (0 pump work is neglected. (160-720) gn = 007 br ‘uid entering and leaving the pumip are shown by the same point as the rise ‘The condenser pressure = BASIC STEAM POWER CYCLES kg | © TURBINE [enone PUMP lg, Prob. 15.3 (2 Fig. Prob 15.10 ©. Fig. Prob. 1853 (9. Locate the point ‘1’ on h~ 5 chart as pressure 60 bar and temperature 450°C are known . Jy = 3300 Kilkg ‘Draw vertical line through point ‘I’ tll it cuts the 3 bar pressure Wy = 2610 Ki, Tine and then Yocate the point 2" ‘y= Fa. 987 (given in the problem) a ven in the problem) iW a ® ng = 2700 Kikg 2° on h~s chart as pressure and enthalpy are known and then draw a vertical line sts the 0.07 bar pressure Tine and locate the point 3’, 150 Kilkg Locate the point through point 2 till ite 87 (given in the problem) 1532 THERMAL ENGINEERING 2700 ~ hy "2700 — 2150 : dig = 2221.5 Kk ‘The enthalpies of saturated liquid at points 4 and 5 can be calculated from steam tables as pressires 0.07 bar and 3 bar respectively are known. yg = 6B. leg, ys = 561.4 KI For finding the value of mn (bled steam pier kg of steam) the following equation is used -m (in ~ hig) = (1 = mi) (ys — hi) 1m 2100 ~ 561.4) = (1 ~ m) (561.4 ~ 163.4) 2138.6 m = (1m) x 398 : m= OAST kg ‘The work done per kg of steam in the turbines (hy ~ fa) + (1 ~ m) a =) = (3300°~ 2700) + (1.~ 0.157) (2700 ~ 2221.5) = 600 + 404 = 1004 ki/kg Actual work done by the, turbine = 27000 KW = 27000 ki/sec (given) Steam generated per hour 7000 , 3600 Fre oc FO tnsihr = 968 tonshhe Heat supplied to.the boiler pet hour 96:8 x 10%(h ~ ys) _ 96.8 x 1033300 - 561.4) 08 09) Not energy available from the turbine after deducting the pump work = 27000(1 = 0.1) x 3600 = 87.5 x 106 Khe ‘The overall efficiency of the plant energy available, 875x106 Heat supplied to the boiler 294.5 x 106 Problem 18.14. A reheat cycle operating between 30 and 0,04 bar has a superheat and reheat teniperature of 450°C. The first expansion takes place till the steam is dry saturated and then reheat is given. Neglecting feed punp work and determine the ideal cycle efficiency. = 294.5 x 108 kJfur 100 = 29.1% Fig. Prob. 15.14 1" BASIC STEAM POWER CYCLES Sol, The eycle is represented on 7-5 and h-s diagrams as shown in Fig. Prob. 15.14 Steam chart is used to work out the problem. hs = 121 kik Using =m P2 is found as 2.3 bar from hs chart and then other values are noted I= 2713 kilkg and hy = 3381 ki/kg and 5 = 8.310 ki/kg K Using 53 = 54.24 is found a5-0.98 and. hy = 2505 KU/kg K The total heat supplied = (hy — hs) + (hy ~ I) = 3222 + 668 = 3890 kg hy = 3343 kivkg, sy = 7.082 kitkg K ‘The total work dome = (ly ~ hy) + (iy ~ hy) = 630-+ 876 = 1506 kI/kg 1506 The cycle efficiency = 5356 = 0.387 or 38.796, Problem 15.15. Steam at a pressure of 100 bar and 500°C is supplied to a turbine. lt comes out at 0.07 bar and 85% dryness. One stage of reheating is used. The net power ‘output from the turbine is 1600 kite. Determine the thermal efficiency of the plant, Sol. The processes ate represented onJr— 5 diagrams fas shown in Fig. Prob, 15.15. z Net work done (W,)= (iy fig) + (hy = hig) wn (1) ° = 1600 ki/kg: (given) = Net heat supplied = (hy ~ hyg) + (hig — hy) “ From steam tables fy = 3373 kU/kg t 163 ki/kg (enthalpy of saturated water at 0.07 bar) 163 +-0.85 x 2409 211 Kk, lg. Prob. 15.5, ‘The efficiency of the cycle is given by —> Entropy Wa 4M" Gh) + Ue hy Heat suppliéd in the reheater is given by hs ~ fg = (hy ~ ba) + (hy ~ ha) + (hg ~ ha) 1600 ~ 3373 + 2211 = 438 ki/kg Substituting the values in equation (2) 1600 . TW GSTS — 163) + aE = O44 = 44%. Problem 15.16. Steam with an enthalpy of 3200 kif is supplied to a steam turbine. t comes out af the turbine with an enthalpy of 2200 kifkg: Feed heating is done at a pressure of 3.5 bar with sean «iuhely of 2600 bike, The condensate from a condenser with an enthalpy of 134 kikg enters into the feed heater, The quantity of bled steam is 11350 kg/hr: Find the power developed by the turbine. Ascume rhe ‘woer leaving the feed heater is saturated liquid at 3.5 bar and heater is direct mixing type. Neglect pump work, Sol. Arrangement of the components is shown in Fig. Prob. 15.16 ‘ig (at 35 bar) = 584 ki/kg from steam tables 15:34 ‘THERMAL ENGINEERING 1kg Bled u heater Pump Fig. Prob. 1516. Consider m kg out of 1 kg is taken to the bled-heater os shown in Fig. Prob, 15.16 ‘Writing down the energy balance for the bleed heater. im hg + (1m) yg = 1X hyp 1m x 2600 + (1 =m) xI34 = 1 x 584 ++ m= 0.1825 kg per kg of stcam supplied to the tusbine . steam supplied to the turbine per hour 11350 _ . HERS = 62150 kone Net work developed per kg of steam = (hy ~ hg) + (I~ m) (ha ha) 3200 — 2600) + (1 ~ 0.1825) (2600 - 2200) 2 Powe dtp ye mis = 907 ( 232) = sea aes «180 kW 27 klik Problem 15.17. In.a regenerative cycle, the steam pressure at urbine inlet is 30 bar and the exhaust is at 0.04 bar. The steam is initially saturated. Enough steam is bled off at the optimum pressure to heat the feed water. Determine the cycle eficiency, Neglect pump work eb rumeine “eowoensee lm Pun EATER Pim @ ig. Prob, 157 Sol. The equipment layout and the eyele are shown in Fig. Prob. 15.17, 7 ‘The optimum condition for regenerative heating temperature TAT _ 2338 + 790. 31.4°C, BASIC STEAM POWER CYCLES 1538 ‘The corresponding pressure is 2.8 bar (p). The enthalpies at the various points are determined using hs diagram and steam tables, hig = 121 Kikg, he= S51 Kilkee I. 2200hiig ‘Ay = 2803 kI/kg. hz = 2388’ ki/kg, fig. tmkg hs = 1863 KiIkg bys5Bt "i T21 Considering the enthalpy balance in the heater Wig ad m X fig + (Lm) hy = hg: . m= 01897 kg Pig Prob 18:1 (6D. Turbine work = (2803 ~ 2388) + (2388 ~ 1863) (I ~ 0.1897) = 840 Kk. Heat added = hy ~ hg = 2803 ~ 551 = 2252 Kg : air Cycle efficieney = BIS = 0373 or 373% Compare the efficiency with that of the simple cycle (0:35) Problem 15.18. A binary power plant uses mercury and water as working fluids. Mercury cycle works between the temperature of S56°C and 222°C, The mercury is dry and saturated at higher temperature lini. The steam cycle works between the pressure limit of 17 bar (saturation temperature at 17 bar is 203°C) and 735 mm Hg vacuum in the condenser. The steam is superheated in a separate superheater to 383°C before entering the turbine. The temperature of the feed water is raiséd to 203.4° the economiser and is evaporated to dry steam in the mercury condenser oF steam generator. ‘Assuming isentropic expansion of Hg vapour and steam in the respective turbines, determine (@) Mass of Hg required per kg of steam produced. (&) Work done by the mercury turbine per kg of steam generated in the mercury condenser. (©) Work done by steam turbine per kg of steam flow. (@) The theoretical overall efficiency of cycle. (© Ifthe steam flow through the steam turbine is 20 ke/sec., find the generating capacity of the plant inkW assuming mechanical efficiency of 80%, Transmission efficiency 91.5% and generation efficiency 85% and actual work developed is 50% of theoretical in both the cycles. Neglect the pump work in steam as well as in mercury eye. Use the data extracted from iable of properties for mercury and steam. MERCURY Toyareure Tord beats ig itr in Ee C ee lig ty % in Se 200 | 3656 | oss | asso osm aoe [a6 | oor | 062s | 708 STEAM Pressure “Foal hea in Wg Bniropy ts Ee Z Cf os Ea lig L hy oa % 7 wis] teas | asa | 78 3386 03s 7s [208s | _2ssoa_| aso 3323 1536 ‘THERMAL, ENGINEERING 760 ~ 735 Pressure in the condenser towards steam side 33 = 0.034 bar. P th towards steam side =? °° x 1.033 = 0.034 ba Sol. The working of the binaty cycle is shown on 5 diagram in Fig. Prob, 15.18 “The cycle 1 - 2-3-4 — 1 represents mercury cycle : and cycle a b~¢~d~a represents steam cycle. For finding the work done per kg of mercury, we to frst find out the condition of mercury vapour at point 2", Equating the entropies at point 1 and 2 Sah = 54 082 il 52. 0511-0079 _ ggg T ” 0.605 S42 (a) If rig isthe mass of mercury circulated in the mercury condenser to generate one kg of steam, then. ‘Heat lost by mercury = Heat gained by steam ing «alga = 1X bigs (tent heat of steam at 17 bar) 19215 aoe my So 92; i 69 x 303 = 977 KB Tig. Prob. 15.18, Work done per kg steam generated in mercury turbine = tig (hy ~ fg) = 9.22(365.6 0.69 % 302) = (©).To find the condition of steam at point b, we cai write a= Sb 451 KIVcg Tug 204 + 273 6396 + 2.1 x 0319 = 0.391 + 8.138 x5 6.396 + 0.67 ~ 0391, 8.138 = hg hy=2793.4 + 2.1G83 — 204) ~ (111.8 + 0.82% 2438.5) 169,3 = 2111 = 1058 kykeg (d) Total work done in the complete system ‘Work donte in steam cycle + Work done in Hg cycle 1058 + 1451 = 2509 kJ/kg of steam generated Heat supplied pet kg of steam, generated in the system ; eat given to Hg in combustion chambet + Heat given to feed water'+ Heat supplied to superheat the steain hg (hy — hs) + (tg te) + 1X pp Taup = Ts) = 922(365.6 — 29.2) + (871.8 — 111.8) + 2.1(383 ~ 204) 101.6 + 760 + 375.9 = 4237.5 kJ Work done _ 2509 _ 9 39 _ s9.2% x 0.82, Work done pei kg of steam, Overall efficiency of the eycl Heat supplied — 4237.5 BASIC where efficit entha effici wher per s wher expe ther aw BASIC STEAM PowsR CYCLES 1537 (© Total energy gemerated peér hour (Total work developed per kg of steam) X mig 11 The TH Ny where m, isthe steam generated per second and TM and Ng are mechanical, transmission and generation efficiencies 1 = 0.5 given Total energy generated (Power developed) = 2509 x 20 x (0.5) x 0.8 x 0.95 x 0.85 SOLVED PROBLEMS FROM UNIVERSITY QUESTION PAPERS Problem 15.1. The specific steam consuription ofa Rankine engine was found to be S ke/kW-hr. The enthalpy of steam supplied is 2500 kifkg and condensate is at a temperature of 60°C. What is its thermal efficiency ? (M.U Summer 1988) Sol. The Rankine engine working on Rankine eycle is stiown in Fig. Sol. Prob. 15.1 ‘hy = 2500 Kirke igs = 4.2.x 60 ~0) = 252 Kilkg ‘The thermal efficiency is given by __kW. my (yh) whore and ftys are in KI and m, is steam consumption per second 16208 kW ne nak 3600____KW 3600 oO 3600 my’ (hy = hiya) ~ m, (hy =hys) ig: Sol. Prob. 15. where mig steam consumption per hou. 3600 3600 ‘ y=) eden n= hy Ww (hyhiys) ‘where fi, is the sttam consumption per KW per hour which is known as specific steam, consumption 3600 032 = 32%. = '5 (2500 — 252) Problem 15.2. Steani is supplied to a turbine at a pressure of 32 bar and temperature of 420°C. It expands isentropically to a pressure of 0.08 bar. What is the dryness fraction at the end of expansion and thermal efficiency of the eycle ? Calculate the modified exhaust condition and thermal efficiency, if. > steam is reheated at 6 bar to a temperature of 400°C and then expands isentropically to-a pressure of 0.08 bar. (M.U. Summer 1988) Sol. In both the cases, the steam condition is represented on fs diagram as shown in Fig. Sol. Prob. 15,2. (a) and Fig. Sol. Prob. 15.2 (6). (a), The values sre noted from Fes chart except the values hin case (a) and fin case (b) which are taken from steam table From the chart, y= 0832 and = 0932 @ ih; = 3280 kek, fy = 2180 Kitkg and hp =e _ 3280-2180 1100 _ 455 hha 3280-17386 3104.14 3280, fig = 2840, /hy= 3260, f4g=2410 and ig = 173.86 73.86 kikg AG o ‘THERMAL ENGINEERING Fig. Sol Prob. 152. __fhim he) + (hy hg) © CsI) +0 hig) = M04 850_ * 420 + 3106.14 reer ca 8 generated na boiler at 50 bar and 450°C. Forte purpose of governing, prose segeraed 10 30 bar before it eters the high pressure sage of turbine. Aer conscton t eam emerges just dry saturated and then is reheated ai the same pressure to S00. in the low pressure stage toa pressure of 0.06 bar, when tt emerges ayn jst do inermediate pressure is 2.2 bars, what are the stage efficiencies ? Also calewtane fh, real pele efiioncy and the ratio of work shared by HP stage to that of work shared by LP sea (MU.Winter 1988) = 2840) + 6260 ~ 2410), 840) + (3280 — 173.86) 0, F614 = 0366 = 36.6%. Fig. Sel. Prob 152. ING fe th ” » BASIC STEAM POWER CYCLES 15.39 Sol. The processes are shown on fs diagram as shown in Fig. Prob. 15.3. The point 1 is located as vy then it indicates the condition of Steam at point ‘a” is wet The point ay" (the point represents} gE the same mass of the steam when the steam is dry and g—t Ht ’ saturated) i the intersection ofthe line pay (parallel to OX a axis) and ea (parallel to OY axis). ig. 164 where 00 = Vea X 5 {As the steam expands from the point a to b, the corresponding point by on the saturation line can be represented as described above. Po = 09x S, bar Va = oy x Sy. 16.16 ‘THERMAL ENGINEERING I vg (specific volume of dry-saturated steam at pressure py taken from steam table) is greter than vp then it indicates that the steam at the point ‘b" is also wet. The point b isthe intersection of the line 4b; and fb which represents the same mass of the steam (mass of steam equivalent a point 6) but dry and Saturated Similarly the points c), dy..... can.also be represented using the same procedure as described above. ‘The line joining all these points is known as saturation line because all the points on ths line represent the condition of dry’ and saturated steam. This curve shows the condition of steam during expansion ata glance Missing Quantity : The volume represented by a horizontal distance between the actual expansion curve and saturation curve as shown in Fig, 16.14 (between the cut-off and release) is known as missing quantity. The missing quantity atthe point & = (bby x S,). m?, ‘The missing quantity is mainly due to condensation of steam. The area between the actual expansion curve and saturation curve represents the loss of work duc to this missing quantity. The missing quantity can be reduced by proper steam jacketing of the engine cylinder and reducing the temperature range of the steam during the working stroke, 16.15. ENGINE. INDICATOR ‘An instrument used for measuring and drawing the pressure volume variation ofthe steam in the cylinder during the working of one complefe cycle is known as indicator. The diagratn which shows the actual pressure ‘and volume variations inside the cylinder is known as indicator diagram, The length of the diagram represents the stroke of the piston to a reduced scale and the height at any point represents the pressure acting on the piston at the corresponding point during the stroke to some reduced scale. ‘There are several forms of indicators but only a mechanical type indicator (Double McInnes indicator) is discussed here. A sectional view of a mechanical type indicator is shown in Fig. 16.15. It consists mainly of two parts : MecwanisM to PRODUCE ERTICAL PARALLEL MOTION Tworcaror rum RETURN CORED SPRING | DRUM SPRING | empicaton “CYLINDER, TO ENGWNE crLINOER Fig. 165. Sectional view of Mechaniealtype Engine Indieator, xe an nd he ng. iy she Jer nts the on) RECIPROCATING STEAM ENGINES (1) A cylinder and a small piston working in it (2) A rum for holding an indicator card (a paper on which p-v diagram is drawn) “The indicator cylinder is connected to the engine cylinder as shown in figure through a three way cock. The indicator piston rod is connected to a mechanism to indicate the pressure inthe eylinder. The piston is forced upward agains the spring resistance by the steam pressure in the cylinder when the pressure {S increasing and itis again forced down by the spring when the steam pressure falls. The piston moves tp and down according to the pressure of the steam inside the engine cylinder and the stylus (pencil point) iso moves vp and down on the indicator drum marking of the pressure variation in the cylinder on the paper attached on the indicator drum, The suength ofthe indicator spring determines the extent ofthe movement Of the stylus and hence the vertical scale of the diagram. The links are s0 designed to cause the stylus to rove in a straight line. ‘The indicator drum is caused to rotate in phase with the motion of the piston through the cord connected to the eccentric, thus giving a record of volume in a horizontal direction on an indicator card wrapped on the drum. The indicator drum is actuated by an eccentric driven by the engine shalt ‘Whenever the indicator diagram is to be taken, the indicator eylinder is putin communication with the engine cylinder, the lover carrying the stylus will rise and fall according to the rise and fall of steam pressure in the engine, At the same time, the indicator drum rotates back and forth in some proportion to the engine stroke as it is driven by the engine shaft. Now if the stylus is pressed on the indicator card (a papor fixed on indicator drum), it will trace an indicator diagram on the indicator card “The coiled torsion spring attached to the inside ofthe indicator drum resists the pull of the card on the outward stroke and keeps the cord tight on the return stroke, ‘The mechanical indicator explained here is also used to take the indicator diagram of low speed internal -combisstion engines. 16.16, GOVERNING OF STEAM ENGINES ‘Stationary engines are always designed to run at a particular speed (rated speed) irrespective of the load on the engine. In practice the load on the engine constantly varies according to the requirements. If the load is decreased without changing the quantity of steam supplied, then the engine will ran at a higher speed. On the other hand, if the load is increased then the speed of the engine falls below the rated speed. Tf suitable provision is not made to maintain the speed constant irespective of the load on engine, the engine will run at different speeds according to the load on the engine, and this is not desirable in practice. The automatic variation ofthe steam supply with the variation of load is known as governing ad the equipment cused for this purpose is known as.a governor. 3 ‘The following are the two methods commonly used in practice to govern steam engines. (1) Throttle Governing In this type of governing, the pressure of the steam admitted tothe engine is reduced by throttling befor it passes FULL LOAD PRESSU LL 0 PRESSURE. into the engine. The effect of troting the steam and keeping ¢ the cat-off constant on the power developed per eyele is shown in Fig. 16.16. a The area of the diagram ‘abcde fa’ as shown in | figure represents the work done per cycle when the engine" is running full load and rated speed. Ifthe load on the'engine js decreased, the speed of engine starts increasing and the ‘governor comés into operation and pressure of the steam falls, from p; t0 pz and work done per cycle is given by the area fon p-v diagram as ‘ay by c de f ay’ which is less than the area ‘abcde fa’. The new (less) area of the diagram is — equivalent to the new load on the engine. The area “a; by Fig, 1616, Thetle Governing cod ef ay’ is the area for a still lower load and steam is throttled from pj to ps by the action of the govertior, 16.18 (2) Cut-off Governing. Another method of ‘governing stcam engines is known as cut-off governing, In this’ system of governing, the period of admission of steam entering the engine cylinder isp, decreased by the governor according to the load on engine, as the volume of steam admitted is proportional to the mass, the mass of steam entering the engine cylinder is varied by changing the point of cut-off. The operation is shown on the p-v diagram in Fig. 16.17 ‘The inlet pressure remains constant., The point of cut-off is changed by the governer action as per the Joad on the engine. The area of the diagram ‘a bed e fa’ represents the work per cycle P| when the engine is running at full Joad-and area ‘abs cy de fa’ represents the work done per cycle when the engine is running at no load, ‘Comparison of Governing System ‘The indicated power Versus steam consumption per ‘minute for throttle and cut-off governing are shown in Fig, 16.18. It is obvious from the figure, that the steam consumption per hour at full load is same for both types of governing if used on the same engine, but part load steam ‘consumption of throttle governed engine is hig for a cut-off governed engine, ‘The governer used for throttle governing is simple in 28D) = 013 = 13%. Problem 16. During a trial on a single cylinder double acting non-condensing steam engine running at 250 RPM, the following readings were taken. Cylinder diam. = 26 em, Piston road diameter = 5 em Engine stroke = 36 cm, Cut-off = 1/3 of the stroke Base of indicator diagram = 5.2 em Area of indicated diagram for head end and erank end = 15,625 em? and 14.375 em? Spring strength = 12 N/em*/em Circumference of the brake wheel = 5,3 m Circumference of the brake rope = 6.2 em, Dead load on brake Spring balance reading = 200 N, Pressure of the steam supplied Dryness of sieam supplied = 0.9 Find (a) IP, B.P. and Mechanical efficiency (8) Specific steam consumption on IP and BP basis, (c) Brake thermal efficiency. 2000 N A * 6x 104 SOL.) Pay = Ex § = 28.83 5 12 = 36% Nie? = 36% 104 3.6 har L 5.2, 105 A Pua 2 yg = 14.375 x 12 = 33.2 Niem 32 bar T*S* 3 172100 10 pas D+ pg (0? =) - 36. 250, m. [3.6 x 262 + 3,32(262 = 100 Tg * 60 4 104 = UIE [24336 + 2161.3) = 54.13 kW 10# 250 _ 2m x Gp, (2000 ~ 200) x (S002) 000 Ex? 40.2 kW Mechanical”, 1) 143 = 74.3% + Wot 69 Nem? = ( ‘THERMAL ENGINEERING respectively NG ng. RECIPROCATING STEAM ENGINES (D) ms (steam consumed per hour) ‘Steam consumed per revolution x R.P.M, x 60 = [Steam consumption from cover end per stroke + steam ‘consumption from crank end per stroke)}. x RP.M. x 60 E py, © —pr_ qv FDL |G 2-dyL eB / RPM x 60 where r is cut-off ratio and y, is specific volume of stedm at the point of cut-off [D2 + (D2 ~ ad] x 2OXOO x. Yg 2 {(26.)?_(_5_\?] 25x 60_- too) * {(Z00) ~ (106 09x 0.1945 (where vg = 0.1985 at 10 bar oe steam, tables) 5000 ‘O.1757 = FX 0.12 (0.0676 + (0.0676 ~ 0.0025)] xf y7a7 = 1049.8 kg/hr Specific steam consumption con IP basis 1049.8 ng = "OS — 19.4 kgkWh Specific steam consumption on B.P. basis mig = G28 26.4 kg/kWh Brake thermal efficiency - 3600 imp (Cig + x1hy—1) ~ hl where fq and iy belong to 10 bar pressure and xis dryness fraction and fp is at exhaust pressure (1.03 ba). 3600_ "= 36.1 (C762.6 + 0.9 x 2018.6) — ATS] = Problem 16.6. A single cylinder, double acting, condensing type steam engine delivers 15.6 EW brake power at 200 RPM. The diameter and stroke of the engine are 16 cm and 24 cm respectively. The steam is supplied at 10 bar and cut-off takes place at 50% of the stroke. The condenser vacuum is 56 om of Hg while the barometer reads 76 cm of Hg. Assuming mechanical efficiency of 80%, clearance is 20% of stroke and piston rod diameter 5 cm, determine the actual mean effective pressure and diagram factor. Also determine the specific steam consumption on LP. basis. Neglect the clearance and piston rod ‘area for calculation of the specific steam consumption, Dryness fraction of steam = 0.95. 0536 = $.36% The given data is + =0.5 and a= 16 = 56,5 76 0: 0.27 bar 53 bar 10 [05 +2 +05) og (7 ]-027= 880-027 100 LN pj (2A ~ a)} as it is double acting oe S00 10-55] [x hea 1ot5] «ange uW - = 10x 100, 16.28 ‘THERMAL ENGINEERING iP. i (actual) = FP BS 5, 19.5 kW 195 ++ Pa (actual mean effective pressite) = 8.57 X gy gg = 6.72 bar Poa _ 6.12 =e = gag = 0787 Neglecting clearance and piston rod area, the volume of steam supplied per revoluti Diagram factor of engine at. 10 bar =[2pxx4 -[ % pxt|x2 ¢+ Steam supplied per hour =[Eotxtxt]x2% oreo [F 10 «02x51 220+ 6058 me Steam supplied in kg per hour 58 Where vg = 0.198 m3/kg at 10 bar from steam tables Ve 38 = OOS x OST = 3147 kefhe + Specific steam consumption on IP basis 47 , 19.5 = 16:14 ke/kWh Problem 16.7. The following data refer to a single cylinder double-acting condensing type steam engine. Diameter of the cylinder = 24 cm, speed of engine = 200 RPM. Steam pressure = 10 bar, quality of steam supplied = 0.94 dry, cutoff = 40% of the stroke, vacuum in the condenser = 50 cm of Hg. Barometer reading = He. Steani consumption = 750 kg/hr. Assuming mechanical efficiency 80% and diagram factor 0.9, find LP and. brake thermal efficiency of the engine. Assume that the mean effective pressure for cover and crank end are same and neglect the area of piston rod. Solution. The steam consumption of the engine is given by F v7x+)x2x vx 60) * F (024)*XLx1¢ |x 220060) , 0.94 x 0.194 re 40% given 1381.5 L 750 " : Lage = 0315 m= 318 om IP = (100 Pima LAN) X 2 (a) pL Pm = 2 [1 + loge (OD) - po where p= 859 x 1.033 = 035'bar U1 + loge (9 ~ py = 4g UI + loge @5)] ~ 035 = 7318 bar XG @ RECIPROCATING STEAM ENGINES 1629 Pma = Pr * DR, = 7315 x 09 = 658 bar 100 Pg LAN LP. = x2 200 315m (24)? = 100 x 658 x3 AY? (200) 2 = 625 kW YW * 4 (ite) 100, BP. = LP. x tym = 625 X08 = 50 kW Specific steam consumption on B.P. basis 750 m= 22 215 h sg = 1S kok Brake thermal efficiency is given by ny = 2800 > ng Ui = Fil where hy = hi + aah (10 bar from steam tables) = 762.6 + 0.94 x 2013.6 = 2655.4 Kkg Iq = 304.3 Kifkg.(at-0.35 bar from steam tables) _ 3600 M15 (@655.4 — 304.3) Problem 168. Find the diameter and stroke ofa single cylinder, double acting steam engine developing 50 kW power at 120 RPM with mechanical efficiency of 80%. The steam is supplied at 8 bar pressure and back pressure ofthe engine i 1.2 bar. Cutoff takes place at 40% of the stroke and clearance is 10% of the stroke volume. “Assuming diagram factor 07, and take LID = 1.5 \]-0. 102 = 10.2% came nn [tale tne Lin Gi, @= O11 and py = 1.2 bar 1H OL )|-12= 8:5 bar a=8 [54-0 +06 bee (22 Poa =Pme X DE = 5.15 x 0.17'= 36 bar BP. 50 te BE a Se OS EW = 100 = y yy, 120 P, = 100 = 100 Png LAN = 100 X36 x 15 Dx (D) x E> 7 = 100 x 848 D? eas 8.48 L215 D=15%495 Problem 169. A locomotive is coupled with two double acting steam engines each 40 cm in diameter. and 64 cm in stroke, The pressure of steam supplied to the engine is 10 bar and exhaust takes place in atmosphere (pq = 1.03 bar). The cut-off takes place at 40% of the stroke, Assume that the actual work developed in the cylinder is 90% of theoretical and mechanical efficiency is 85%. Die 1630 ‘THERMAL ENGINEERING The engine is directly coupled to the driving wheel of 2.2 m in diameter and speed of the locomotive is 50 kf, Determine the power developed by the engine and the brake torque required assuming 20% excess over that of engine. Solution, Speed of locomotive = Perimeter of driving wheel x Rotation of driving wheel x 60 Rotation of driving: wheel is same as rotation of engine as itis directly coupled Spel of oeoatve = 2! vie D is a mets EX22K Nx 60 1000 50x 1000 “RX 22 x 60 st = 120.6 RPM 11 + loge (1 ~ Po #32. 1 + loge 2591 ~ 1.03 as 04 (1 ¥0.916) ~ 1.03 = 6.634 bar Pa = 0.9 X Pyy = 0.9 X 6.634 = 5.97 bar EP, of double acting engines (wo in number) = [(100 Pyg LAN) x 2) x 2 2 = Ton 597 x 064 x 3 (HE) x 20 x22 = 384 KW 4 \100) * 60 BP. = LP. X= 384 x O85 = 3265 KW 2 PNT 9 120, T BP = Tay TEX ex Ee i 3065 “ 7 = 226521000 - a5961.5 Nes an Problem 16.10. A locomotive is coupled with two single eylinder double acting steam engines of 40 em diameter and 60 cm stroke. The driving wheels are 2 m in diameter. The dry saturated steam at 12 bar 4 supplied to the engine, The exhaust pressure is 1.2 bar. The cut-off is 82% of the stroke (a) Find the tractive effor® at 10 km/hr speed with this maximum cul-of{-Assume a diagram factor 0.78 and mechanical efficiency of 60%, (©) The resistance to the train is 10 Non at 80 km/hr. Determine the total train load that can be hauled at this speed ifthe cut- ‘Off is 23% of the stroke, Assume the diagram factor at this speed = 0.72 and mechanical efficiency = 85%. The driving wheel is directly coupled to the engine crank-shafe. Solution. (a) At lower speed of 10 km/hr Pm =F + Be (01 ~py= 2 [toe (5)]-12 (az) 10.6 bar = 9.84(1 + 0,198) = 1.2 Pina = Pmt X DLP. = 106 x 0.7 Speed of the twain = SON%6° soype = 10 (Dis the diaieter of driving wheel) 3.26 bar ‘The tractive effort i a force acting 18 asthe diving Whee) ofthe locomotive to pull the locomotive in the Torward Airection. o” al RECIPROCATING STEAM ENGINES 100010 XIX “The speed of the engine = 26.5 RPM as the enging is directly coupled to the diving whee, LP. = [(100 pg LAN) x 2] X 2 for two double acting engines 40 \? 26.5 = 265 RPM \ x =I 06 x (40)? 265 = 110 kW 00 > 8.26 x 06 x (AO)! x 5 x 2x 2 = 110K | BP, =LP.X fy = 110 X 0.6 = 66 kW | (66 = T (Tractive effort in-kN) x Speed in meters/see \ pee 0 21000 peed = LOA 1000 9.78 mse 66 ra 2 230 278 14 KN () At higher speed of 80 knw/hr 7 12 [1 tone toy) = 12 = 802 bar 023 Pmt = {1 + le = Po= (ass Pina = 5:62 x 0.72 = 4 bar a 80 PAM, = 265 x 90 i R 65 x IP png N a8 LA is same at all speeds. IP at new cut-off & new speed is given by 212 Ba Pa No i TP ~ Piwat Ni 4 eto wPa= 110% 8.26 X65 BP, = IP X tga = 426 % 0.85 = 362 KW Tractive effort Speed in meters per secon: 362 activ = 22 = 163 Tractive effort = 5° kN Load that can be hauled 2 1630 tons. Problem 16.11. Steam at 15 bar pressure and dry is supplied to two-locomotive double acting steam engines. The driving wheels are 2 min diameter, The stroke of the engine is 60 cm. The tractive effort at ‘loi speed is 40 EN. The cut-off is at 50% of the stroke at the given speed. Assume mechanical efficiency Of 80% and diagram factor 0.65. The exhaust pressure is 1.2 bar. Find the diameter of the engine cylinder. 40 x 100 Solution, Total B.P. = Tractive effort x Speed in m/sec = 40 x Seno = 444.4 KW BP. of cach engine = “44 - 222.2 KW i Bertie

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