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• TABLE 12.

1 -I Grades of Exercise

rate i rnit •
Beats./ consumption k`',, of nia\ (1,
min 1/min
level I
100 0.8

Nioclerate 0.8-i .6
- f -
lit I Heti \

exercise, which differ both in quantity and quality in trained I It .1 WI I .' I I

and untrained individuals.
Effects of training. The term 'effect of training is used
to describe long-term adjustments (adaptations) to chronic  ) . \ III MI I /111111 111i1 111;1 Il,lilll,ll
exercise. ;11111L•(t. 1I may h t . limn
 Vt )
. ,I► It► I► ; 11► I~ Ill t • 1►11y,1411,r1, ill 11111111111i,

t►1 ;1 t•;111:1, 1I\' It, t 4,111111114' \\ilia., 1
lICIt•1.111111e,-; OW 11E1\ 111111111 , l • h i r b i t
 VO, m:1\ r•►li•m•iw:. the low 4,1;I,-„,
Exercise, basically, is a period of enhanced energy expenditure.
hie inetal,oliail (1111'111)' pet 'n1111;111,1.
The energy for muscular exercise is provided by the increased
fuel consumption, which is reflected as greater 0, eansamp- lar wt irk lit• ',111,Irti W1111111 111111111
 \/() ! Max Illt •It •; 1,t•'- ', till ' C1111(1114,1)4I ;11111 Iroclii...„1
lion and CO, production. The increased 0, delivery to the tis-
tillF11►r, l•;11'1\ ;1111111111,4,(1, ;111t•1 111;11 ;1 r1;14111;11 ;11111
sues and removal of CO, from the tissues is achieved by:
1:11■• 1)1;It'l* W1111 1111• ;1)1.1'.

 Cardiovascular responses to exercise,  V( 111;IX ;111111.111;11 individual Imul•d Icy

 Respiratory responses to exercise and III which carthae 1)1111)111 can and by Ili,
 Changes at tissue levels during exercise. capa(fily t►xyrt•Ii 411111v,i,►l 4';11;;I•ily

The ability ul Ilie achy,. rx1r,i(1

In addition, endocrine responses to exercise occur and ()) delivered by
play a regulatory role by regulating the water loss and avail- de mass) may he the olliet lit 1.1H(41
ability of fuel during exercise.
VG) max.

Oxygen Oxygen
Deficit. and
Consumption O, I )(4)1
The period of muscular exercise call In (11V1iI•t1 11110111w'
during Exercise Oxygen Consumption
phases (Fig. 12.1-2):
Oxygen consumption during exercise. The energy for
muscular work during exercise is provided by increased 1. Adaptation Phase refers Io the herilaiiny
fuel consumption, which is reflected in greater 0 2 con-
the oxygen demand: thus an oxygen delicil J50)1001
sumption and CO, production. maxiniolU,cotr aiip non
Oxygen consumption (V0 2 ) during rest is about c oironpon
250 ml/min, which increases linearly with severity of exercise (first 2--/1 inin) during which oxyren
increases linearly and reaches the
exercise up to a certain limit, beyond which a plateau is
reached (Fig. 12.1-1). (V02 max). The V0 2 max al Ihis stage is wadi IcYyinlit

Maximal oxygen consumption (V0 2 max) is the term at the beginning of exercise which coniiiiiics 011'00°
used to define the level of oxygen consumption beyond the period of exercise. So, the cilerpy
which no further increase in 0 2 consumption occurs with
further increase in the severity of exercise.
and above the limits of 0;) comilino fun WO 1'Y

 Thus VO, max refers to the maximum amount of oxy- anaerobic pathway.
gen that can be consumed by a person while performing
severe exercise (irrespective of the demand). 2. Steady Phase of exercise
mum 02 consumption (V() 1 . -
,eau phase of 02 consumption and work dont:.
During this phase also, as mentioned dbov t:' the

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